Saturday, March 21, 2009


Saturday thread.


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Bob Quinn said...

Good morning!

Mits said...

thanks, Bob and Steve:)

Mits said...

OK eagle sleeping

deb said...

Thanks, Steve and Bob! I am off to finish packing up. TTUL

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BOB!!! & CONGRATS!!---You are our #1 EAGLE DAD---today & every day!!!---COOL----

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, again!

Mits said...

eagle in nest at LW

normabyrd said...

ENJOY your day DEB!!----don't get a sun burn!!!!----

paula eagleholic said...

NOrfolk is antsy for sure, hope a chick is on its way.

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

osprey gone at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun Deb!

Thanks for the pics, Bob!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---JIM & I AGREE!!----I was watching this am----I had forgotten all the falcons they have at that site!!---

Mits said...


normabyrd said...

BWO---LISA acknowledges that a MALE OSPREY is & has been there!!-----(wondering where all the sticks went)

paula eagleholic said...

OK eagle wouldn't budge

Eagle up our nest

movin said...

I was over on the earlier thread merrily commenting. Think I'll drag one or two over here:

Kayaking, Deb! That must be great.

I remember when I was a boy, one of the older kids had access to a folding wood-framed kayak with a waterproofed canvas cover.

I was allowed to operate it a few times, and I'll always remember how fast and quiet it was in the water.

You can take a long stroke in the direction of a duck or a mud hen and nearly run them down before they know you are there. Fabulous compared to the clunky old row boats we had otherwise ... or the homemade rafts we had.

Actually, I was forbidden to play in the slough (closed-off estuary), but I was ordered to go play with the local kids, who were all 2-3 years older than I was, and who invariably headed for the slough to play! A conflict that was never really resolved, and I received some 'corporal punishment' and was (what's the term) ... not allowed to leave the yard for a two week period on several occasions.

I just remembered the term for the incarceration within my yard:


Some others were "grounded" but I was restricted. But when the two weeks were up, I had to go out and play with the same kids, and we were down at the slough again very shortly......


Anyway, I think kayaking is one of the best, fastest and most fun modes of transportation upon the waters.

Have a great time.



Mits said...


Mits said...

I love the way the one eagle got right in to the face of the other eagle and it would not budge, after a few minutes it squawked at it and it left.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All

How about our little eaglet being warm enough to be on its own.

Restriction was a good word to use, Jim.

Mits said...

sounds like Jim was "grounded" to me:):).

Mema Jo said...

Adult eagle has returned
Put my still cam up with records first actions

Mema Jo said...

Adult eagle up on side of nest at 2:00 position - Live feed just doesn't catch it!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to earlier thread
Should be some photos over there......

Mema Jo said...

WHoo Hoo! Just got good look at the OKLA eaglet! It is right up under the adults' breast. Fuzzy little grey one!

paula eagleholic said...

That will be nice to see the OK eaglet being fed close up!

Our eaglet is soaking up the Vitamin D.

paula eagleholic said...

I missed the OK chicklet view....will wait for another!

Cool, just got a tiny peek!

hedgie said...

Good late morning all.
Hey, Jim, we were "on restriction", too!! Somehow my kids got grounded....different terms for different generations!
Where did you grow up, Jim, and where was the estuary?
Got a good nights' rest...feeling better today.
Was surprised to see our baby untended a little while ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Had to run son up to get his car...we walked home last night!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup Hedgie, same here..parents restricted me, I grounded my kids.

paula eagleholic said...

It's chilly here today, still only 38°, but the sun feels warm.

Mema Jo said...

OK Paula - how long of a walk was it??

paula eagleholic said...

NBG eagle taking a panda nap

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to break away & relax for a few.


paula eagleholic said...

Nice fresh fluff in our nest

NatureNut said...

Good Sat. Morning Everyone in Eagletland!! Sunny but crisp here.
Thank you Megan & Jo for BWO osprey pic! Our cam was down TU at Park (what else is new) so couldn't watch osprey's up close. Seemed only one was in the nest at a time during day, but several others flying around. Saw one w/fish being chased by another.
Our 'puter at Chelsea office was STILL not hooking up w/server, so couldn't see Little Luney or anything else!It's been off all week & some of the other 'puters the ladies use to work on are networked & need server too. DUH

normabyrd said...

Every time I get near our nest -- It FREEZES!---drives me nuts---

paula eagleholic said...

Only half a mile, Jo - maybe a tad more. Went out w/ both sons and DIL and college kids GF - she left early. Went to the Ott house for dinner, stayed for Freddie Long Band and drinks! We all walked home! Son and DIL stayed the night.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Norma, hope we get to see some real time action at some point instead of slo mo.

hedgie said...

Paula, not even going to ask WHY you walked home...LOL!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO!!---SORRY!---I just missed you!!-----I hope each day---you get better & better!!---ho!-----(get well soon)---

paula eagleholic said...

Tee hee!

paula eagleholic said...

We had a great time!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' NATURENUT!!---It's a beautiful day here too!---our temp is up to 40° & climbing---

hedgie said...

Still only up to 35 here...was only 23 at 8am....winter wants to continue it's spring tease dance--doesn't it know that it's time is over? But many bird songs, so they don't mind!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE---I was off for phone--& I missed you----Just read--you slept well & are feeling better!!---GOD BLESS!!---hope this will be another GOOD DAY for you!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE---I was off for phone--& I missed you----Just read--you slept well & are feeling better!!---GOD BLESS!!---hope this will be another GOOD DAY for you!!

hedgie said...

Paula, tee hee! Glad you all made the wise, responsible choice!!! And that you had a good time!

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

The "Ott House", that brings back memories....we congregated there 2 nights before son's wedding, a fav hangout for MSMU people:)

normabyrd said...

WELL PAULA----You don't have to go the the GYM this am!!---ho!---'you go out walking after midnight...' ho!----

Mits said...

eagle awake NBG, cam froze

normabyrd said...

JO---I can see at least 1 'juvie flamingo'---so cool---standing on 1leg---

Mits said...

eagle back down NBG

floralgirl said...

Hello all:)
It's 75° and sunny in the GH:)
My kid is 14 and has never had to be grounded yet...let's hope it continues.......

paula eagleholic said...

Youngest was 15 when he got grounded...only happened once...maybe twice

Mits said...

can I come to the GH, Megan:)?

paula eagleholic said...

NBG starting to freeze here too

floralgirl said...

Bring your lawn chair and snacks:) oh, and it's BYOB........

Mits said...

she went back to sleep..NBG

Mits said...


paula eagleholic said...

I'll bring the suntan lotion, Mits!

floralgirl said...

Fly in at our nest

Mits said...

here come the sloth bears for their 11:30a.m. demostration.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle up our nest, but such a white out I can't see fluffy

paula eagleholic said...

Aha I see fluffy now

normabyrd said...

The NORFOLK LADY was calling out---but she seems to have settled down again!!---This 'birth-in' chicks is bad for one's nerves!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Eewwiie at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

2 eewwiies

normabyrd said...

MEGAN--your are a 'GOOD MOM'!!!----When I was growing up----I never had to 'STAY HOME'---I remember MOTHER used to take credit for my obeying the rules!! ----ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like our Baby Baldie is gonna get covered up...

Mits said...

I'll bring the portable TV, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, not yet....

Looks like BB is trying to climb out of the egg cup...

floralgirl said...

Well, thanks, Norma, I take some credit, but give a lot to her, she has made good choices so far, we like her friends, -two years into high school, so far so good, think we are right in the middle of the 'difficult' years.

floralgirl said...

Cool I never have TV out there in the Gh, just radio. Can you bring lunch, too, I'm getting hungry.

paula eagleholic said...

We'll need a laptop too, Mits.

Mits said...

I'm getting hungry too.....

paula eagleholic said...

We can pick up some subs on the way...

Mits said...

we have this cute little flat screen we use on the kitchen table....had to get one of those hook-ups for it, it is not on cable:(

Mits said...


floralgirl said...

Look at our nest, eagle is fanned out

paula eagleholic said...

Look at that pretty wingspread

Mits said...


Mits said...


Mits said...

digging in hole NBG

normabyrd said...

OMG---OMG---I just found my FINLAND NEST!!----(i must be dreaming)---Thank you---Thank you!!

floralgirl said...

Eagle is up at OK and there is a chick and two eggs!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

OK nest just gave another peek...chick looking fluffy!

floralgirl said...

Darn, she sat right back down, but I did see the chick Deb mentioned earlier.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - I was refering to our chicklet at Baby baldie...

paula eagleholic said...

Yay, Norma!

Megan- we've gotten a couple of peeks so far this morning! Will be really neat to see a feeding!

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Cool, I hadn't seen the chick yet, when did it hatch? I gave up on NBG cam, and switched to OK, NBG just keeps freezing, and makes me seasick...

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Norma, same time I'll be clearer!!

paula eagleholic said...

OK hatched overnight or early, before dawn this morning...

paula eagleholic said...

Had to turn off NBG too, cause of the freezing...

floralgirl said...

Cool, OK has a great view of the nest. Gonna go see if seedlings in Gh need watering.. hold the onions on my sub, please...

paula eagleholic said...

No problem Megan. Don't like the onions either.

paula eagleholic said...

Takin a break...

floralgirl said...

Waalked to back in to get hot water- both eagles at OK

normabyrd said...

I FREEZE EVERY TIME I attempt to see our nest!!----Still was lost in your alls excitment!!---guess I need a break too!----

Mits said...

eagle up in OK

Mits said...

both eagles NBG

Mits said...

got to see the eaglet at OK

Mits said...

really can see the yellow feeties at BWE

movin said...

Hedgie, the 'slough' was the estuary fed by a couple of streams just north of Torrey Pines Park in Northern San Diego ('County' then, 'City' now). They used to allow it to close off to the ocean because they feared the bridge on Highway 101 ("the" major highway before freeways in the area) would be undermined. And the 'sloughs' along this stretch of 101 would get very rank and, according to mothers, poisonous.

However, about every 5 years or so we would have so much rain it would flood everything, even over the County road to the north; so they would run a bulldozer under the bridge and hightail it out of the way. All those flood waters and mud and pollution would turn the Pacific brown for at least a mile to sea. [The bridge did not seem to be in danger of falling.]

Well, now 101 is Pacific Coast Highway with far less heavy traffic, and they keep the estuary open all the time.



movin said...

The Osprey is no longer visible at BWO, but I'm not sure he has left.

Have you seen anything??



Mits said...

awesome fly in from OK , eagle brought a brand new stick

floralgirl said...

Look at the chick at OK, sooo cute.

hedgie said...

Very interesting, Jim. Never heard about that before. I know that all of us who grew up in the cities have seen lots of changes through the years, but I bet your area especially has "grown up" so to speak. At least in DC, there is so much that thankfully can't change!
Belle sure has been tending in the egg cup for quite some time.

NatureNut said...

Checking cams & read SOME of old Comments. Sad about the IN eagle. I caught part of a story on early news last night that showed a healed eagle being released. Don't know where, but it had been shot in the leg & was OK now.Hope they catch those idiots & throw away the key!
If I see OK chick, I might take pic to post if that's not illegal. I don't have the program to capture live shots & 'puter is too full for much else.

Mits said...

BRS has a beautiful you tube presentation on his blog

Mits said...

both eagles OK

hedgie said...

Hidey aloney again!

hedgie said...

But not for long!!

normabyrd said...

AFTERNOON EAGLE FOLKS---Just checked & I still have FINLAND NEST is still there----of course it is a little dark now!---ho!

normabyrd said...

The NORFOLK EAGLE appears to be closer---but she certainly is STARING BACK!!----(evil eye)

wvgal_dana said...

Just arriving for the day. Hope ALL in Eagleland are having a good day.

normabyrd said...

check OK fast!!---'little one' is stretching his head up ---DAD keeps give him a look ---(who is that)---while MOM is doing some moving or eating---can't tell!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

2 BLUE HERONS----in Kent area--

wvgal_dana said...

Have Sound TURNED UP and READY:


normabyrd said...

Thanks DANA!!----I love stories with happy endings!----Particularly EAGLE STORIES!!

Also watched FREEDOM & SWIMMER!!--
too cute!----

hedgie said...

Sure is windy in OK. Can't get cam on Norfolk. Nobody home in Maine. BWE chicks look comfortable alone together!!! LOL!

normabyrd said...

Have been watching UCLA get beat by VILLANOVA-----I like UCLA!!

wvgal_dana said...

Our eagle up and there is our chick.

OK is putting a cat tail over the eagle on the chick and eggs. lol

wvgal_dana said...


normabyrd said...

DANA---They have been moving sticks around & they have a 'little one'!!----Aren't they funny?

wvgal_dana said...

At OK nest if you click on picture you can go to "FULLSCREEN"

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

WOW!---HEDGIE---I just supposed you would be doing the PANDA NAP thing---Are you feeling better???

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn sure hope you are feeling better.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!!---VILL is running up the score----80---UCLA 59!!!

hedgie said...

Our fluff ball is going to get sunburned!!

hedgie said...

Yes, gals, feeling better. Getting ready to go to eldest daughters' for one of her home show party things....just went to one of the same at other daughters back in Jan. Not really too interested in buying...but will enjoy snacks and seeing my grandgirls!
So will leave viewing to y'all, and check back in later this evening. TTFN!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma hubby is watching the Vill and UCLA game also

normabyrd said...

MARYLAND ---MEMPHIS----playing now!

normabyrd said...

I had the NORFOLK LADY on full screen---thought sure it was happening---But it was a NO-GO!---Kept hunting something in the nest?

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---Maybe you will win some of the games!!---Enjoy the afternoon!!

NatureNut said...

Thx for story link, Dana. Fubby told me about that yesterday & that they stopped all traffic to rescue bird. He didn't look like full adult--little brown speckles on head.
Glad Hedgie is better & going out ☺
Gotta watch MD===Go Terps!!!!

normabyrd said...

YEP! NATURENUT----MD is moving up!

Mits said...

both at OK nest

Mits said...

little chick still can't see, but his mouth is open

Mits said...

that is so cool, one eagle is breaking off the food, giving it to the other, and then that one it gives it to the eaglet

Mits said...

both are feeding the chick

normabyrd said...

EGG at PA FALCON site!!---WHOA--- they have certainly changed that site!!!

normabyrd said...

Thanks HELEN---Will check that out!

Mits said...


Mits said...

looks like a chick at NBG, and one egg with a pip,

floralgirl said...

NBG has a chick!

normabyrd said...

GO MD!!!!

Mits said...

thought I saw one, Megan...

floralgirl said...

They say they first spotted chick at NBG around 3:06 today.

Mits said...

my NBG is down now:(

Mits said...

back up again..

Mits said...

c'mon momma get back up

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!!! NORFOLK!!!! I had that site on FULL SCREEN & she kept looking down & digging!!!---We have 1 'LITTLE REBEL'--expecting 2 more REBELS!!---THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!! ho!-----
'kiddin' you all!!

Mits said...

awww, was this from NBG, or the "forum that never sleeps">

floralgirl said...

Check this out- video of NBG chick

normabyrd said...

TX A&M -- UCONN--playing now!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Bob the additional pictures you added are great. The race was on between the eagle and osprey.

I like both the hawk pictures. I know the one is a red tail. I would like to know what the other one is?

I also like the osprey with his catch in the tree. Like "woo I got away finally". lol

floralgirl said...

I'm in the chat room, they say the people at NBG think the chick hatched around 12:00-12:30, and that the next egg is likely to hatch today also.

Mits said...

from the looks of this chart, this may be #2 egg that hatched today...

Feb 10
4:25 pm

Feb 13
5:05 pm

Feb 17
12:08 am
35 days
from Feb 10 is
Mar 17

if this is 1st again it is 39 days today, but my counting stinks, so who knows.

Mits said...

it is funny, Megan I thought I saw 2 eaglets and one egg with a pip,

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---The NORFOLK LADY was so tender with the 'little one'---
I watched your video twice---thank you!!!!!

floralgirl said...

Isn't that neat, Norma, I found that link for video in the NBG chat room, I think it was DJ that put up the video.

Mits said...

what a cutie, thanks, Megan

floralgirl said...

I just caught the tail end of view, was walking by computer, they are saying they saw a hole in one of the eggs like you said you saw.

Mits said...

she really tires easily, when she laid one of her eggs , she conked out right away.

Mits said...

nice when you have a cam that you can see things on.

normabyrd said...

YES---I thought the NORFOLK chick was due 2 days ago---would be great if the other one HATCHED today too!!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I've beconme attached to the OK cam, cause you can see movement.. love watching the chick interact with the parents.

Mits said...

well that last feeding at OK, was the best I have ever seen of an eagles I have ever watched, reminded me of the Conn. osprey, who seem so good at parenting and taking care of each other

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Megan for begining the link for the NBG chick over here. WOW that was a "quickie"...needed to look fast to see little bobble head.

No Mits your counting don't stink...I also have if that was the 1st egg laid that it is 39 days if it hatched today.

bbl going out to eat

normabyrd said...

Wish CONN OSPREY would get fixed--SOON!!--

Mits said...

wooo, that is a huge fish at OK

Mits said...

chick in view at OK

floralgirl said...

Yep, getting fed some of that fish. Eaglet our nest is eating too, but it is so frozen today-super slo mo..sigh...

Mits said...

mmmmmm sushi at OK

Mits said...

ok that is enough for now at OK.

Mits said...

man that NBG chat room is a hoppin, don't know how they remember each other....

floralgirl said...

I can't keep up either, but a lot of them are regulars, just like we have here, and if you want info, that's the place to go, cause they are in touch with the people at NBG and some of them live by NBG.

floralgirl said...

Both -our nest

Mits said...

so one of them took the great pic there yesterday?

normabyrd said...

UCONN leads TX-AM----51-33 (HALF)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon eagle and panda buds!! We are at Granny Riffe's and I am working. Tom has gone shopping for stuff for my birthday party. Bless his heart, he don't have a clue. I had to make him a list!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi All - came out to computer after a restful afternoon. Planning to eat around 6 - hubby went to locally pick up one son to visit.

See new fluff in our nest
Glad for all the news about OKLA & NBG

Falcons at Harrisburg have laid their first egg - the falcon eggs are really pretty & colorful.....

floralgirl said...

Yeah, one of them was at NBG yesterday at closing time and snapped that great eagle fish pic.
Howdy Sissy!

floralgirl said...

Hello Jo- what's for dinner?

Mits said...

eaglets at BWO, have moved over to the left of the nest now

Mema Jo said...

SISSY I hope tomorrow's party is just spectacular! Yes - I wish I could be there! You just celebrate to the fullest!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - whatever it is will be low in carbs! It's not so bad - Meat and fresh veggies don't count so I will just chow down!

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

feeding again at OK

Mema Jo said...

Norma - you having a basketball day?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the heads up Mits

Mema Jo said...

I had just put OKLA down
Might miss the feeding as it takes a while for it to come up

normabyrd said...

AFTERNOON JO!---I think I'll come to dinner----That's what I eat--but SALMON--ho!!!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...