Thursday, September 20, 2007


New thread.


You have noticed that the cam continues to struggle in the mornings, getting better as the sun charges things up again. An integral part of the new cam is a fuel cell system, that will ensure constant power, despite the temperature and available light. We do not have that fuel cell yet, but soon.


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Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve--Thanks for the new thread.

Costume Lady said...

Steve, we love our night vision on the nest! This is going to be awsome when Belle & Lib start nesting!

Costume Lady said...

We are anxiously awaiting the Audio. It is coming isn't it?

Costume Lady said...

Ladies------I'm over here all alone. Come on over.
Hello, Hello. I guess I will have to come back and get you.

Robyn said...

Morning again Wanda

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robyn. Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Wanda.

One of our security guards just collapsed, geez. She's only 32 for crying out loud! But think the EMS said she would be alright. She had chest pains, shortness of breath, then collapsed. They've taken her in the ambulance now, so hope she's gonna be alright.

Eagle up close to cam, how cool!

Costume Lady said...

Remember the time you saw a yellow warbler in your yard? I saw a bird yesterday that I had never seen before and thought that it might be of the warbler family. Did the one you saw have a yellow head and gray-brown body?

Suzanne said...

Whatever the eagle was watching must be gone, she's gone back to eating. Well, no, she's gone back to glaring at the cam. Wonder if it's the other eagle flying around. Oh, now we've abandoned the fish totally...Wonder if we're gonna give chase?

Robyn said...

Wanda I saw so many birds visit here this year that I hadn't seen before. I believe they turned out to be yellow finches. I saw the grosbeak the other day and a towhee over the spring. I have not seen a grosbeak here in maybe 2 years. I do miss my eastrn bluebirds. When I took a walk thru of this house 10 years ago I saw a very bright little blue bird, then another. They have been sporadic the last few years.

Costume Lady said...

We see bluebirds here just a few times during the year, but have never had them nest here. Each Spring, I vow to work harder to make a habitat more Bluebird Friendly, but somehow there is always more pressing matters to attend to.

Suzanne said...

Eagle gone, fish still there. Now wonder who is gonna get that leftover fish, another eagle or an ewwwwiiiieeee.
That was quick. Another eagle back with their own fish.

Suzanne said...

This guy has moved over to the abandoned fish, and now has a fish in each talon.

Costume Lady said...

My Mother has 7 bluebird houses and always some nesting bluebirds in one of them during the Summer. She also has Tree Swallows, which is a beautiful bird. (I think I showed you one of their nests in THE EAGLE EXPRESS)

Suzanne said...

2nd eagle just left, and looks like he may also have left his fish. It looks like 2 fish side by side in the nest. What's the deal with that?????
Bai and Squiggles still sleeping, too cute.

Robyn said...

I don't recall Wanda.

Are those eagles at BW resident eagles?

Suzanne said...

Wanda, I remember you brought one of the nests, but I didn't get to see it.
An eagle is back.
Bai is waking up.
If our cam comes up, can someone post it? I closed it, was hurting my eyes every time I went to check it.

Suzanne said...

Think they may be, Robyn. Look at the dirty feet on this one! I've never seen eagle's feet so dirty and muddy.

glo said...

mystery at Blackwater, now thats funreading too. Good morning everyone. Didn't get up as early is what it is and I rolled over for another nap.

Off for coffee and dog treats LOL...everyone have a great day....Eagle fixes coming your way.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. Enjoy the coffee with your friends!

Costume Lady said...

Cruise tonight?? Time?

Costume Lady said...

I am sorry you didn't get to see the nest. It was a nest just like the one we watched this Summer on the "Bluebird" cam. Remember all the feathers placed around and lined inside the nest? Duck feathers were used.

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. has an appointment this morning, so I have to get him fed and outta here. Later....

Suzanne said...

I remember hearing about it, Wanda, someone said it was beautiful. I remember the "community" nest cam we watched this year.

Tell the Capt good morning for us, and have a great day.

Eagle still hanging out in BW.
Squiggles has been fed, now it's nap time.

Suzanne said...

Bai just left, Squiggles is alone. Eagle still in BW.

Suzanne said...

Eagle in BW all gone...

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all of you who are eagerly waiting for the cam to clear.
Suzanne, I keep expecting all those pics each morning I open the emails!
Hope you liked the ones from last evening's visit. I think it was Lib.
Hi Robyn and Wanda!

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, Suz!

MITS said...

GOOD THURSDAY MORNING off to read e-mails and blog. Sure the cam will clear when the sun gets higher.

paula eagleholic said...

And good morning, Mits and Jo. I sent Steve a cam pic late last night...that's when it started acting up. Also, I wasn't sure if that's what it was doing yesterday morning or not. Plenty of time to get things worked out!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo, Mits, and Paula. Jo, both yesterday and today not much other than those psycho lines, so couldn't see the eagles if they did show up. They'll get it fixed one day, and you'll have pics! I'm getting my eagle fix from BW, had 2 in there this morning, different times. The fish are still in the nest, sorta (EAGLE BACK) the grey things about between 5 and 6. Eagle is looking at them.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Mits and Paula.....
Watching the BW eagle with Suzanne

MITS said...

ROBYN BW has alot of resident eagles there that stay the winter, because of their close proximity to water that does not freeze

Suzanne said...

Oh, checking out those fish!

Suzanne said...

Ok, there go the leftovers...

MITS said...

cam is clearing up...

Mema Jo said...

Now there is a half decent image from our cam.... It is going to improve as the morning sun rises (?)

Mema Jo said...

Eagle at BW is really beautiful

I think that I think all eagles are beautiful - majestic - regal and more!

But Liberty & Belle are REALLY REALLY BEAUTIFUL....Mainly because we know them so well!

glo said...

Yes Wanda
join us here for cruise tonight at 8 pm Eastern time. Couple of cute animal info stories for these two stops, Know anyone who enjoys animals LOL?

paula eagleholic said...

Cam looking better!

glo said...

Busy day here as always. I am glad to see the cam has cleared, will of course be watching as I can and I know I won't be alone. Come on in Lib and Belle....your fans are waiting. Maybe a picnic lunch would be in order today.

Suzanne said...

I agree, Jo. Was very close to cam there for a sec, beautiful.
Squiggles is alone.
Is our cam back? I'll have to go open it, then. But if it totally depends on sunlight, what's the use of infrared if it's gonna be psycho during darkness? Whatever it is, hope they can get it fixed.

Costume Lady said...

Do you have and itenerary yet for the 20th. We are so excited that so many are coming and Anne-Marie, all the way from California that we may make arrangements for someone to watch the shop so that The Capt. can bring the Eagle Express if needed.
Maybe we can even get BOBBI to come from Florida and TRACY to come from Colorado. Wouldn't that be fun?

Suzanne said...

Wow, pic is a whole lot better than it was!!!!

MITS said...

An excellent question, Suzanne!!!!!

Suzanne said...

What an awesome idea, Wanda!

Suzanne said...

Mom's back...

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---It's going to be a GREAT day!----Warmer today in WV 59° now!----The cam was "MUTICOLORED" this a.m.---but we have seen that many times before----NO PROBLEM---We have a pic of the nest & that's a BEAUTIFUL thing!!---Isn't it GREAT to see an EAGLE---even if it is at BW---LET'S REJOICE & ENJOY!!

normabyrd said...

HELEN---No need to boil water???

Costume Lady said...

JIM--Now that you are retired, why not be advertursome and join us on the Open House at NCTC on 0ct. 20th? You have to loosen up and enjoy your retirement. You will be happier and live longer!

Costume Lady said...

WOW!---What did I just say? I sound like a commercial for a Travel Agency. Silly me!

normabyrd said...

WOW---Just READ our ALASKAN TRAVELER IS BACK!!!!!---ANNE---We thought about you ever now & then!!!!---ho!---(we thought of you every moment you were gone)!!!----We are all ready to hear the DETAILS!!!!

MITS said...

Are an advertisement for AARP!!!! boiling water yet, Norma, but hubby and I were both having sleeping issues last night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the info about the cam. I was wondering what was up. Not possible to see a morning visit if there is one.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I meant to tell you yesterday that yes, I see the horse on the tree bark. It is beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

WOW Look at that clear CAM image

MITS said...

Well that explains everything Steven, but you are going to get it, correct?:):):)!

Costume Lady said...

MITS--You are absolutly right--an advertisment for AARP. Maybe I can get a job with them.I am old enough!

MITS said...

Thank you eagle-eye, Sharon....

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----Haven't gotten to see SQUIGGLES this a.m.---Just BAI'S back!!!!-----Wish we could put a lite over her!!!---'LITTLE IMP'----

MITS said...

Do you all remember when we were young, and, used to lay on our backs in the grass and look at the cloud shapes and figure out what they looked am I old!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Steve's update is out on the main page- Thanks, Steve for the info.
Glad you read us well!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma and Sharon. Sharon, thanks for pointing out the update. Steven, thanks for the update. Was wondering about the solar panels and infrared, when cam appeared to go down when it got dark.
Hopefully, you'll get the fuel cells soon??
Norma, Bai is nursing now, and they've gone back to the regular cam.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Mits, I still look at the clouds and decide what they could be! You're in a lot of company!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!!---Who does CONCORD play this weekend?---GREAT to have you back---early in the a.m.!!!!!----

MITS said...

Glad I'm not alone, Suzanne, I still do too.

Costume Lady said...

SHARON--How about you....will you be able to come to the Open House? It would surely be nice if we could give you the HUGS that you need in person!

MITS said...

Frieda, sleeping soundly.

Suzanne said...

Norma, Squiggles is alone.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - I have never stopped looking at clouds and seeing their images. I might not lie on my back in the grass much - but I sure do look upward

Suzanne said...

Geesh, never mind, Bai just this second came back. That was a short trip!
Well, no, she left again and Squiggles is still alone.

normabyrd said...

HEY STEVEN----Does that mean we are going to be watching a "GREEN" NEST?---COOL---

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

Costume Lady said...

NORMA--Does Jo still have the cane? Whoever has it, be sure to bring it. We need to put it in a very special photo.

If Anne-Marie does come, I think we should all wear RED DRESSES. Tee Hee

paula eagleholic said...

Aha! Thank you for the information, Steve! We like to learn about the cam!

Costume Lady said...

LOOK quickly at Seneca Rocks---

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula.
That's an awesome pic, Wanda!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Little "SQUIGGLE" has to be the cleanest PANDA in the zoo!!----BAI seems to be cleaning her constantly & sometimes I think the little "LOVE BUG" just wants explore!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Norma - I think the nest has always been green!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, I am going to do my best to get there for the Open House. I could really use those hugs too!

Normabyrd, not sure who Concord plays this weekend but it is at home, so I will be going to watch the band. The band is also doing an exhibition show at a band competition in Tazewell on Saturday afternoon. Plan on going to that also!

Costume Lady said...
Beautiful picture--Hurry!

bobbi said...

good morning, everyone. Mits, had the same bird at my feeder during the spring. Yellow head and brown body. It was small and didn't know what kind it was. Would love to come up in october but we are going to be in Las Vegas for the week. Maybe next time in spring when you all have it again. As for the clouds in the sky, ted and I were just talking about it the other day. We do the same thing. Guess we all had the same childhood. lol

MITS said...

with a splash of whitewash.....if you get my drift...

normabyrd said...

WANDA---What did you want us to see at Sceneca Rocks?

Jill said...

Seneca is beautiful. I am told if we try to catch as the sun goes down around 6-7 it is really nice. I caught it one time last week, looked like sun reflecting off of gold. Really beautiful.

Jill said...

Does anybody know of a way to keep mice out????????? I hate to keep setting traps, would like it if the just stayed away.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BOBBI!!---I have a GREAT idea----You & husband go on to LAS VEGAS & We, EAGLEMOMSTERS will join you all----We'll bring sleeping bags---so we can all enjoy our "TOGETHER TIME"----

bobbi said...

Wanda, About ten years ago, Robyn and the family and ted and I rented a log cabin around seneca falls. It was really pretty there right by a stream.Still remember it. We also took the train ride you all are talking about and got to see eagles. Wish we could be there with you all when you take the trip. Know you will enjoy it.

Costume Lady said...

NORMA--The sun's rays shining on the Rock looks like a verticle rainbow---Don't doubt me this time. You from Missouri.LOL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Bobbi and Jill. Bobbi read on the blog the other day that you and Ted had an anniversary! Happy Anniversary! Sorry it's a bit late, but I'm usually a couple days or more late!
Jill, I can lend you my outdoor kitty! He's a stray that brought me a mouse, so I fed him to keep him around, and that was 6 years ago. He still brings me mice, and he gets breakfast and dinner every day.

bobbi said...

Not a bad idea, norma. We have a time share there and have extra bedrooms. So all welcome

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the link Wanda. Pretty rainbow reflection is what I saw.

MITS said...

beautiful at Seneca Rocks....Jill, how about a cat????

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Bobbi, it is beautiful country around the Seneca Rock area. So much of nature to see there. Haven't been there for many years. Need to refresh myself with it's beauty.

MITS said...

Paula and I watched a pretty vertical rainbow yesterday at Tesoro, looked like it was coming right out of the eagles nest there.

Suzanne said...

Eagle still hanging out in BW, and Squiggles is alone yet again.

Costume Lady said...

AHHHH, Las Vegas, One of my favorite places to visit. We are going there in March. Halloween Costume Show and Convention will be held there. So looking forward to that trip.

Costume Lady said...

I don't hav Tesoro bookmarked. Where is that?

bobbi said...

Thank you, suzanne for the anniversary wishes. Glad to see there are other cat lovers out here. We had two but only have one now. Did you ever try to get the stray to come in house or he wants no part of it.

bobbi said...

Wanda, we get lots of rainbows here sometimes two at once. We try to get to vegas at least twice a year.Go with my sister and brother in law. They also have timeshare so it makes it really nice. So many conventions there never a quiet time. Like the fall and spring best weather is nice.

MITS said...

Wanda that is the nest in FLA, near Bobbi.

Suzanne said...

Oh Bobbi! I think he would come in in a heartbeat! But I have 5 indoor cats, and not sure how they would take to him. He's so mellow, don't think he'd mind, and had one of mine when they were little outside to meet him. Kitten just went over and started eating his food, and he just looked at her. But no, haven't tried to get him in, but I think I may before it gets cold this winter...

Suzanne said...


Mema Jo said...

The 20th should be a VERY eventful day for the Momsters. Anne is booking her flight - Sharon is doing her best to get here - Candy is checking it out with her Winchester son - Iris should be there - Vicky will be driving in and is GLO will making her 1st time visit to OUR nest!
We need to get after Jim!!!! ALL THE LOCALS will try to be there when the gates open! We'll plan to have lunch in the cafe together. Won't have news of dinner at the Rumsey until further into October. Trip to the Potomac Eagle train in Romney on Sunday is planned by by Glo, Iris and Vicky. They are hoping that others will join them! MTBR

Suzanne said...

Wow, check out Squiggles!!! Too cool.

Costume Lady said...

We have only been to Vega in June and July. Don't know what to expect weatherwise or what to wear. Do you know about March weather there, Bobbi?

MITS said...


MITS said...

WOW, how cute is that Squiggles?

Jill said...

I have a cat. It refuses to come downstairs since we got the dachshund. Used to sleep with the big dog but now is afraid of the little one. And besides, cat never caught a mouse when he was downstairs. Russell, the dachshund would love to get at the mice, just stands and stares at the place the mouse was last. But he also spends most of the night whining and chasing the mice, hence the problem. This happens every fall as the weather gets colder. And it is impossible to fill all the holes in this house.

I am going to sleep now, since the dogs, mice and kids have all gotten settled.

bobbi said...

Suzanne, sure your house cats might give him a hard time for awhile but being you have five bet they will accept him easier then if you only had one. Had same problem here had our baby (cat) for nine years before sheba adopted us one night by jumping up on our window sill outside. That was ll years ago. Don't know where people get idea cats are not loveable because they sure are(on their terms, lol)

bobbi said...

Wanda, march is great weather. If you feel the cold easy bring some warm clothes. Need Jacket,long pants, long sleeve shirts and maybe sweater. Cool at night and not too bad during day. We were there in march two years ago and had all of the above. Since from Florida feel the cold much more.

MITS said...

Money shot of Squiggles....

MITS said...

big eagle at BW

MITS said...

2 ealges now at BW

MITS said...

I mean eagles....

Suzanne said...

Awwwww, she is SUCH a cutie!

Jill, I may let you know. Bought him a doghouse (told him it was a cat house), for when it gets cold, but he doesn't use it much. I've been thinking about it for a while, just don't know. All my cats are either straws or from the Animal Shelter. I have a Sheba too! She's my Shelter cat. Brought her home, she saw my Pharaoh, spit at him, he just looked at her (another very mellow cat, you could see him shrug), and she was the queen from that moment on. She still is.

Suzanne said...

LOL, no the cats aren't straws, they're strays! Good grief!

bobbi said...

lol suzanne, thought that was a new breed of cat.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks BOBBI--That helps a lot to know what clothes to take along.

Mema Jo said...

lol Suzanne - was going to question you on that one.
I have a Stray turned House Cat. He is a big old Tom and has turned into the most loveable loving guy! Also have an 18 yrs old who still thinks she is the Queen!

Suzanne said...

Crap! They just changed the SD cam!

Mema Jo said...

BW Eagles are sure enjoying the sunshine -

MITS said...

those eagles at BW are awesome.

bobbi said...

Love the way our cats train us to do what they want. Sometimes swear she is human.

bobbi said...

your welcome, wanda. Where are you staying in Vegas?

Suzanne said...

OMG, look at Peggy's Cove. Must be a gazillion people visiting today!

Suzanne said...

Bobbi, dogs have masters, cats have staff...

bobbi said...

eagles at BW seemt to be mad at something.

bobbi said...

Don"t I know it, suzanne. We operate on her time.

Mema Jo said...

At least a gazillion people visiting today at Peggy's Cove. Looks like beautiful weather up there....

paula eagleholic said...

LOL and both cats and dogs have our numbers, Suz!

normabyrd said...

I just got off the phone----Friend who never quits talking---So--Will need a few min. to catch up!!---One thing that will keep mice out of your house---Stuff any openings with "steel wool"----or BUY A SNAKE!!---I chose the steel wool!!!

SUSANNE---One shouldn't advertise that they have a "CAT-HOUSE"!!!! ho!---(you know the best little____ house in TEXAS)!!!

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO Norma you are so refreshing!

Hubby & Son are up in Romney - maybe in 2 weeks I'll get to go along & stop by for a short visit.

normabyrd said...

The ATLANA BEAUTY is now "SLEEPING BEAUTY"----asleep on the top logs!!!

bobbi said...

Bye, all. Have to clean the pool and patio before we go out. Take care and have a great day.

normabyrd said...

NO pics of SQUIGGLES!!----Pic of SISTER PANDA outside!!!!

MITS said...

Norma, you are too funny.

Suzanne said...

Ain't that the truth, Paula!

normabyrd said...

EAGLE & "FEATHERED FRIEND" at BW---Can only see the DARK FEATHERS of the other bird!!

Mema Jo said...

It is another eagle, Norma. Keeps moving over to far too see him well.

normabyrd said...

(I THINK) The 'LITTLE PRINCE" is outside propped head upon a log---ADORABLE!!-----One of the parents scratching on a log in another picture!!!

Suzanne said...

Man, they just had a closeup of Squiggles face, and couldn't get a pic. Darn!
Nice to see both eagles standing together.

Suzanne said...

Well mom left, and Squiggles is alone. Now would be a good time to zoom....

Suzanne said...

Must have heard me. Zoomed in on Squiggles, but it's dark.

Suzanne said...

Norma, just saw your comment about the snake. You are too funny! Maybe Jill could get some rubber snakes and put them near the holes.

No, don't advertise that I have a cat house outside, that's for sure! But you know how touchy cats can be, wouldn't dare tell him it's a dog house!

Carol_in_WV said...

Tracy - Just read your post about hawks and cats. Now I'm worried again! After watching all the eagle "tragedies" on the various webcams, I should be resolved to letting nature take its course - but I have a hard time with the thought of a hawk getting my kittens! It's good to see that there are so many cat and dog lovers on this blog - but then, I think we are a group of real animal lovers. My Norwegian Elkhound has caught and killed 4 baby mice in the house within the past week. I once had a Siberian husky that killed mice in the house. My cats are always outside cats. Having a few around the house seems to keep the mice out of the house, but sometimes 1 will get in. That's when the dogs get them.

I have a question about the camera. Do we have live feed? I am only getting the 30 second re-fresh feed right now.

Suzanne said...

What in the world happend to the cam at BW? Never saw that before.

Suzanne said...

Hi Carol. No live feed up yet, just the 30 sec refresh.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Everyone lots are in today. Just got back from groomer trying to finish up our 16 yr old doggie. She started grooming her last week. Had to give up she was just too out of it. So tried today. Groomer did her best. Our gal is just getting too old and the Cushing Disease is making her to unsettled when she is away from home.

That will be a nice group for the Open House. ( :

normabyrd said...

YEP!---It's dark SUZANNE!!!---Yesterday--on CNN----They interviewed this --young man--who had a "PET" RATTLESNAKE---It was crawling all over him, etc.---& the "DUMB" young man---put the snake in his MOUTH!!---WHAM---instant pass out---FRIEND W/him called 911----The kid survived---but could have easily died----He said the min. snake went into his mouth----black out!!!! He had the snake a long time & he didn't think it would bite him!!!!---THAT'S A GREAT STORY SUZANNE TO TELL YOU----BEFORE I TELL YOU TO HAVE A SAFE JOURNEY HOME & LOV TO YOUR FURRY FRIENDS!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. Hope Lib and Belle show up for you later, take pics!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

Yikes BW must have caught a virus from NCTC cam.

MITS said...

ok....all better

Suzanne said...

wow, look at the fog rolling in at Peggy's Cove. Unreal.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I enjoyed your words about the cat house lol

He put a snake in his mouth. Now how DUMB is that.

Suzanne I haven't had a chance lately to say drive careful so I am now.

MITS said...

clear one minute, fog the to you tomorrow Suzanne.

normabyrd said...

MORNING CAROL & DANA!--I haven't caught up with the BLOG yet---Wasn't on here much yesterday---BW still has an EAGLE---(wonderful sight)---CAROL--How many CATS do you have?----DANA--Don't you have DOGS?----CAROL---You haven't ever heard of an EAGLE or HAWK taking a cat or dog---Have you?----I haven't & we have EAGLES & HAWKS here for a few years here as you have!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana - good to see ya! It will be good at open house. Of course when I said the "locals" I meant everyone in WV, MD and PA!!

normabyrd said...

DANA--"DUM-DUM" put his pet RATTLESNAKE in his mouth----

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, that stupid kid! Just went back real quick to see what I missed, and that snake story was a trip. Did he think it was a PET????? Good grief, a rattler, yeah, they make just real good pets, I'm sure...NOT. I can't imagine.
Ok, outta here this time. I'll pet the kids for ya, Norma, thanks.

Suzanne said...

Oops, hi Dana! Bye Dana!

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for awhile....
Safe journey Suzanne - Iris still on the high sea from what her bridge cam projects.
OUR nest is beautiful but MT.....

Tune in for this evening's visit
Could be both at one time.....

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, BW eagles still monopolizing the right side of the platform.

paula eagleholic said...

And BW eagles are gone.

Suz, thanks for tracking down Tracy in Colorado. I don't who I thought made that comment...

Welcome, Tracy!

Carol - Only the 30 second cam is up.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma we are now down to 2 dogs; 12 yrs Chiuahua and 16yr old part Lhasa mix. Ms. Tabitha went to sleep land in May she was our tabby cat indoors.

wvgal_dana said...

My Internet Explorer has decided it doesn't want me looking at our nest. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

It might take me awhile but I'll get our nest back.....ya hear that Internet Explorer !!

Carol_in_WV said...

Norma - Hi! I have a 10 year old tomcat, who is getting lazy (ie - doesn't do much hunting anymore)and 2 kittens, each of which was found along the road when it was about 4 weeks old. One is about 10 weeks old now and the other is about 8 weeks old. I posed the question yesterday on the blog as to whether a hawk would take a kitten because a hawk swooped down in my yard yesterday and went after a rabbit (I didn't see whether it got the rabbit). That made me worry about my kittens. Several people responded. Some said a hawk would take a kitten and others sait it wouldn't.

Jill said...

Well dachshunds are bred to hunt badgers but Russell doesn't catch many, just lets you know they are there. Of course he chooses to do this at night or early morning.

Norma-I will choose the steel wool too. Hubby says it doesnt' work. I got $10 bucks that says he won't come of from Lowes tonight with out it. (Mainly cause he won't be let in the house without it)

Today is my son's 21st birthday.

paula eagleholic said...

Party At Jill's tonight!

Jill said...

Yeah Paula. Surprised he isn't planning something. Or maybe he has and I don't know it yet. That has never happened before. LOL

Several months ago somebody mentioned a place in PA (I think) where a lot of birds pass through when migrating, can somebody tell me where it is? OR what the name is?

Carol_in_WV said...

Jill - I have also heard of the steel wool solution to keep the mice out. But, I never can find where thay are coming in. One thing someone did tell me is to get stalinless steel wool ( if there is such a thing) because the regular steel wool will eventually rust and disintegrate.

Carol_in_WV said...

That would be "stainless steel wool" not "stalinless steel wool" (which you might have to go to Russia to get). ;-)

paula eagleholic said...

Here you go, Jill.

movin said...



It's coolish, overcast with a fair amount of wet on the ground, but it's supposed to develop into a pretty good storm ... flash flooding in the mountains and deserts.


MITS said...

believe that is Hawk's Mountain Pass, or something like that, Jo would know, Jill. I get their newsletter every week with the number of migrations.

MITS said...

just sent you the site, Jill think that is what you wanted, it is a raptor migration site.

MITS said...

You are fast, Paula:):)

movin said...

Reading some comments on Squiggles, I was watching that cam after midnight (while awaiting the sandman). It looks like Mai is sleeping outside the den more now, and squiggles was out in the middle of the floor on her back, and she was flailing around like crazy trying to turn over onto her belly...finally made it and dropped off to sleep again immediately.


movin said...

I meant "Bai", not "Mai."

paula eagleholic said...

Carol -

Mauley/Donna replied about the hawks the other day. I didn't see a post from "Tracy"

From donna: cats are the bottom of the totem pole or (food chain). Birds of prey would rather have anything than a cat for a snack. There have been cases of cats and dogs being attacked by birds of prey. Cats are not tasty it seems. Most instances are mistaken identity. Rabbits and squirrels mice and voles much better for birds of prey than cats. Also, cats put up such a good fight, that raptors rather not deal with it I imagine. There have been cases when kittens and small dogs have been attacked by raptors, and sometimes if a small animal gets close to a nest, they will attack. Makes you think, though, my cats are my furbabies. and my kids call me Cat Momma. Hope this helps. Anyone have the actual data on this. mauley

Jill said...

Thanks folks. Trying to find something to do next weekend. Hubby wants to go to some kind of motorcycle thing near York PA. on Sunday but I want to do something on Saturday. Don't think Hawk Mountain is going to be close enough. Oh Well. any other suggestions would be welcome.

Carol_in_WV said...

Paula - I saw Donna' reply to my hawk/kitten question yesterday. I had originally (mistakenly) posted my question at the end of Tuesday's blog. When I realized that - I copied it and posted it on yesterday's (Wed) blog. Tracy replied to my question on Tuesday's blog. Hers is the last entry on Tuesday.

movin said...

We used steel wool in the holes around pipes passing through walls and floor when we lived in the "outback" in Del Mar.

It did keep various kinds of vermin from entering by that route, but there are many routes to the inside of a warm house in the Fall, and we would have to run a "trap line" every year to hold the field mouse population down.


paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Here is the post by Tracy in regards to the hawks.

Carol_in_ WV
I am an eagle watching lurker here, but wanted to post to your question about a hawk taking kittens. I am sorry to say that yes, they will, from personal experience. Mine escaped with nasty talon cuts on her back, though she was full grown, larger than a kitten. Owls are a bigger issue where I live in SW Colorado. Kittens are perfect dusk time owl prey. Sorry for the bad news!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:49:00 PM

movin said...

New questions and answers today in Aussie Land.


wvgal_dana said...

Well I see in comments while I was gone no one seen Belle or Liberty at nest.

Boy don't go looking into rescue dogs/'ll want them all. Even if your just there to see what they have.

Carol_in_WV said...

Dana - I know what you mean about the rescue cats and dogs. It always breaks my heart to see them. My dog came from an SPCA shelter. He had had 3 owners before me.

MITS said...

Well 4th time was the charm, Carol

MITS said...

starting to get light in Brisbane, and Frieda is sound asleep.

MITS said...

there is the horsey

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

MITS said...

ahh, the skinny eagle.

MITS said...

Frieda in color now.

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda in color now. I think it is coming earlier and earlier each day!

Duh - well of course it is, we are losing daylight, they are gaining it!

MITS said...

as the world turns, Paula

Bob Quinn said...

Dana/Carol - All of our cats have been "rescues". The last one, Bridget , my wife found on the curb near death. She was about six weeks old. She's now a full grown terror and only 5 /12/lbs. She mercileesly tortues our 15 year old, sedate cat, Bonnie . Katie used to keep the peace between them but she passed from a heart condition a few months ago. My wife coaxed Katie out a sewer with an apple. We are waiting for our next cat to find us. It just happens that way. We brought an injured rabbit to the Humane Society and couldn't help but visit with the cats. It was hard leaving empty handed.

Bob Quinn said...

BTW, I don't remember if I posted the link to the pictures of Rachel Carson's Maine house and tidal pool (if anyone is interested):

Rachel Carson House

Jill said...

Well if the strays in my neighborhood weren't so well fed, maybe the would bother to take care of the mice. We have at least 3 neighborhood cats. And one that comes back to visit every 2 months or so.

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon whata wonderful sight to be able to bring up the nest again!!! All this chit chattin is so good to but then again we are never at a loss for words on here... I have sent a picture of my Brutus the chiwahwah puppy... Aint he a hand My cat is a pedigree Himalayian with an attitude to Picky eater but wait til his playmate Brutus comes home to play with Jill and like your cat Sugahhh has been back in my bedroom since other people are in the house...

Carol_in_WV said...

I got a big black tomcat at a shelter once. He was rather thin. He hung around for a couple of months - til he got back in good shape - then he left. Every couple of weeks or so, I'd see him in the field behind my house. Over 3 or 4 years he came back to the house twice. Both times he was thin and looked like he had been in a fight with something. Both times he hung around til he got back in good shape, then left again. Last time I saw him was about 10 years ago, so I'm sure he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

wvgal_dana said...

Bob I love the tongue sticking out of Katie's mouth have to say it made me chuckle ( : ...

Bob one of my dogs had 3 legs well 4 but she wouldn't always put the 4th down to walk or run. Sometimes she did. Gone 8 yrs and I still have on calendar each year "Goodnite with her name". A person popped her large femor and vet said better not to pin leave be and she will walk on it. She did fine. Lived 18 yrs old..

Wow Nilla I'll have to go see if I got a picture of that chihuahua.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...