Monday, March 30, 2009


New week, fresh thread.


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normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thanks STEVE for the new thread on this dark windy am----will bring the crew over!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Norma. Thanks for coming to get us!!

Thanks Steve!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN'---MARGIE---SISSY & WANDA!!---It has been a COLD WINDY night & am----here in the MT. STATE!!---still dark -- but temp at 39°---Didn't get a glance at the 'lil one'---BIG FREEZE!---I thought those days were over---maybe soon!!---MISSED you BLUEFIELD FOLKS yesterday!!---Looking forward to a HAPPY---WONDERFUL---GLORIOUS DAY TODAY!----LET US REJOICE & BE THANKFUL------Sending good thoughts & prayers to BETTY--DAN--& DEB'S FRIEND!!----

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Both adults in our nest now!

normabyrd said...

SISSY---What kind of 'thing is he standing on?---Maybe I am seeing things---ho!

normabyrd said...

It isn't a fish?

ceil said...

Good morning Sissy and Norma and everyone coming on. My friend Betty is doing much better. Thank you all for your prayers. She is still a sick lady and it is going to take awhile to get her better.
Margy I would love to do the 5K walk. I do about 4 or 5 a year. Betty usually does them with me. Not this year for her. Start in May with the March of Dimes, then dibetis(sp) and Komen and the small Down Syndrome. Have a wonderful day I better get started.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is shaped kind of funny for a fish but I reckon it probably is.

ceil said...

Looks windy our nest

normabyrd said...

I can't see the NORFOLK site!!

Costume Lady said...

I thought it looked like a naked bird. Hard to tell without it's clothes on:)

normabyrd said...

CEIL it's WINDY---WINDY & MORE WINDY here---daughter called---no electric----thanks for the update on BETTY----

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Ceil, it is windy here and it's 41°. Ceil, while I have your attention; would you want the photo back of Margy's Floor Show at the train station?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like panda treats at NZ. My NBG cam is down too, been down about 45 minutes or so I guess.

Costume Lady said...

Gone for coffee. BBL

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I think that's what it is too!---but I haven't seen many 'naked birds'----ho!

ceil said...

Hi Wanda. I have a copy. If you want to keep it that will be fine.
Love you all and thanks for being such great friends. Yesterday at the hospital the nurse had to ask Betty a personal question and asked if Jim and I were family and Betty said yes. That is how I feel about all of you. Thank you God for these terrific people. BBL

normabyrd said...

BOB has some 'COOL' photos on the BWE site----As usual---HARD TO PIC A FAVORITE!!----I like the EAGLE with the wing down---(HECK!---I LIKE THEM ALL)

normabyrd said...

CEIL & SEAL!----LOVE you too!--You are such a 'caring person'---Any one who has you as a friend---is a very LUCKY person-----take care!

normabyrd said...

FINNEY WATER SITE---A DARK BIRD just flew away????!---

normabyrd said...

LADY NORFOLK---so serene on her nest---Read---both parents have been feeding the EAGLETS---making sure all 3 get fed!---ho!---MALE EAGLE feeds the FEMALE---which helps to bond the pair-----

normabyrd said...

PA SITE----TURKEYS!---TURKEYS!---read yesterday 4 wks from today---SPRING GOBBLER SEASON COMES IN!!--MD & WV---

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone!
Our fuzzball is getting breakfast. So sweet!
Gotta Reunion meeting this morning, so BBL.....

Ceil, glad your friend is getting better, prayers for her & Lolly's BIL & everyone else.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' NATURE NUT!!----Good luck with your meeting this am-----I was reading LISA'S note --- check out the EAGLET'S 'large yellow talons' COOL-----

normabyrd said...

Should say a prayer for the folks in the FARGO area---forecasting a BLIZZARD in that area this am----

hedgie said...

Good morning fowl friends! Slept in a bit this cloudy, windy am. Keep remembering more critters from yesterday.....a kookaburra, a 4 mo. old joey, that they didn't take out of the pouch that the handler was wearing, a macaw, and a parrot. Hanna said that he has taped an episode of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader--says it probably won't air because he only got 2 questions right, and that the kids aren't really 5ht graders...they are miniature MIT grads!! LOL.

hedgie said... of Mattie ready??????

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE!!---Sounds as if you had a GREAT time yesterday!!---I bet it was fun!---Did he have his daughter with him?---!!

hedgie said...

Interesting facts learned from Jungle Jacks' slideshow:

A group of RAVENS is called a MURDER.
A blue whales' tongue is as long as an elephant; it's aorta is so big that a man could crawl in it, and the heart is the size of VW Beetle!! An elephants' trunk has 40,000tendons and muscles!! Amazing nature!

hedgie said...

No, Norma, Kathleen wasn't with him. He actually has 3 daughters, and there was a video of him and the three of them in Rwanda viewing the lowland gorillas behind their home there. He also has a home in Montana. He was born outside Knoxville, and apparently stills calls Columbus area home, even though he is usually on the road 260 days a year.

Mema Jo said...


Early for me - but glad you all are still here!

hedgie said...

Bob's pics are so good! Make sure you take a look-see!

hedgie said...

Time for a bite to eat, and read the papers. BBL.

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---I'll try to remember that a group of RAVENS is called a MURDER! I enjoy learning those things!!--A group of DONKEYS is a PACE!---ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO!----Are you all having this WINDY weather??--temp feels much colder with this WIND!!

hedgie said...

Still remembering....a cheetah and a penquin also!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Osprey at BWO!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Working on that video right now, Lynn!!

normabyrd said...

That so FUNNY!----Yesterday -- I told NATURENUT that she should go see JACK HANNA----mentioned that he might have a PENQUIN!----ho!---You must tell her----

normabyrd said...

I knew we could count on you SISSY!!----Bet she won!!!

Mema Jo said...

I got kicked out of here!

Was mentioning the new sprig of pine in the BWE nest
the snow again in the CO nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Looks like our eaglet is being kept toasty warm!!

Mits said...

Good Monday a.m. everyone

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Wow look at those BWE eaglets!! So big...

normabyrd said...

The 'ORIGINAL' SCOTLAND MALE OSPREY has returned to the nest & the OSPREYS have mated---expecting an egg in 10 days---(way to go!!)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN! PAULA & HELEN!---Wondered where you folks were----have missed you--

normabyrd said...

SNOW in both the FINNEY WATER NEST & FINLAND NEST still has snow!!

Mits said...

Bob's pics from BWE and O are as usual wonderful

normabyrd said...

JO---LISA also pointed out the size of the EAGLETS' YELLOW TALONS!!----so cute!!

Mema Jo said...

As you said - Bob's pics are quite a variety and are superb captures!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to emails -

Will return later.....

Fishing cat is in view at NZ...

Mits said...

My brother-in-laws' Mom passed away Saturday, please keep him and his family in your prayers, Thanks:)

Mits said...

eaglets are cuddling with parent at BWE

Mits said...

update on Mei Xiang...

Subject: MX still going up

Hi all: Her progestagens continue to rise, so there is little doubt
she is in the secondary phase. Just waiting to see when it peaks now.

So it is a wait and see mode now...

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Ceil, glad your friend is doing better. Prayers for Helen's BIL and family.

hedgie said...

The bird who flew across the theatre was an African Crowned Crane...if you get a chance, look it up! A real beauty!

deb said...

That is exciting about MX, Mits.

deb said...

I have been through Bob's pictures and they are so beautiful. I need to go through one more time.

Mits said...

I think we are still hoping for pregnancy watch to start sometime middle of April....but miss Mei will let us know...

normabyrd said...

HELEN---Good thoughts & prayers for your brother-in-law & his family----

hedgie said...

Mits, sorry to hear about the death in your extended family....prayers, of course!
Norma, no snow in nest at Finney over water....and almost completely gone on shoreline, but yes, there's still alot at Saaksi.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---Have missed you too!----Morning news---BLIZZARD forecast for FARGO!---Certainly need prayers for those folks----

deb said...

Yes, it is still bad in Fargo. Already blizzarding in the Black Hills, everything is closing down.

both osprey, BWO

Mits said...

2 osprey at BWO

deb said...

Still two chicks and one egg at CO.

Mits said...

looks like they are having a no'easter up in Maine...very windy

movin said...

** GooD MoRNING **


One Hummingbird has fledged, and from the way the other one is acting, it must have just happened. And the second one is perched on the side of the nest looking ready itself.


normabyrd said...

WOW!!--HEDGIE---I goggled your AFRICAN CROWNED CRANE----very true----It is a BEAUTIFUL BIRD!!!

Mits said...

update from OK.....

30 March: We are investigating camera or transmission problems, perhaps weather related.
We hope to have it working again soon.

An extraordinary number of fans are now viewing the eagle cam daily, resulting in some
delays and connection problems with the video. Please bear with us as we try to remedy this situation.

Cam is on now, very windy there too.

Mits said...

feeding NBG

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!---I haven't seen your humming birds----

movin said...

Mother H.B. feeds the second chick, and about a second later is up at the flight line running its wings at full speed for brief periods, and now it's going through the rest of its preflight checklist.


hedgie said...

Mits, excitement building re: Mei...fingers and toes all crossed!
Jim, cool hummer news!

normabyrd said...

The GUSTY WIND has slowed down---& some of the older folks in Romney would say 'the wind has laid'!

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I received the same message at OK earlier!--

movin said...

I think the second Allen's Hummingbird is practicing the wing beats so frequently that it might fledge any second now.


movin said...

Really beautiful Black Water photos this week also, Bob.

We get a much better view of what's going on around there than with just the narrow nestcam shots.

I think there has been more material added at BWO this morning, although I haven't seen the Ospreys there.

deb said...

Both osprey have been to the nest this morning.

Mits said...

still 2 eggs at HI

Mits said...

looks like a fish and coot at OK nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Our eaglet is getting some fresh air and sunshine...

paula eagleholic said...

HA - parent covering up eaglet now!

movin said...

I believe it, Deb. As I said it looked like material had been added.

Unfortunately, when I next looked, there appeared to be less material...that root ball which had been on or near the right hand edge is not visible now.

Could be the wind today blowing the stuff around..or some dirty bird is stealing the stuff! Hahaha.

I'm glad there could be a pair getting ready to nest on the box. The last pic I saw of the female looked familiar, but I wouldn't swear without comparing to last year's pictures that it was 2008's female.


deb said...

There is a small spot on the egg at CO, can't tell if it is dirt or the beginning of a pip hole.

Mits said...

scottish osprey has something red in her nest.

paula eagleholic said...


deb said...

Jim, I think that in 45 seconds we are probably missing some in and out visits of the osprey. A lot can happen in the time it takes to refresh. The wind could be blowing, too

paula eagleholic said...

Now just one...hard to tell who came and went w/ the freezing...

Kinda looks like Belle there now, tho.

Mits said...


This Afternoon
Partly sunny and windy. Highs around 60. Northwest winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Clear. Lows in the mid 30s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 25 mph...decreasing to around 5 mph after midnight.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like something furry for lunch

deb said...

Osprey,, BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, our eaglet looks huge...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon everybody. I have been lurking with the cam this weekend but haven't been on the blog at all! Been lazy I reckon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And yes, our eaglet does look huge!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't know if this has been reported or not, but I did see both the other eggs in the nest either yesterday or the day before.

paula eagleholic said...

Is our chicklet 3 weeks old???

normabyrd said...

BIRD GIRL----said her DIAMOND DOVE did not live 24 hours---doesn't know what was wrong & may try to get another one!!---so sad!

Mits said...

2 weeks old this past weekend, I think?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHARON!---we have missed you----

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Finally, there is the link to Mattie's Talent Show!

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot to mark the calender...I think chicklet hatched on the 7th???

hedgie said...

Still very windy here... a few intermittant rays of weak sun...brrr!
Deb, are you included in the blizzard warning area??? Sure hope not!

Mits said...

blogger cop knocked me off-line....grrrrr

paula eagleholic said...

Nope...had to be the 14th....

I'll go mark the calendar now...

hedgie said...

Yep, 2 weeks old...hatched on the 14th!

paula eagleholic said...

So...happy 2nd week for our eaglet....this past Saturday...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Hedgie...

deb said...

Very cute, Sissy. Mattie and her friend did a great job!

hedgie said...

Way to go, Mattie!!!! Looks like it was lots of fun! Thanks, Sissy...we've been waiting!! She's a doll!

deb said...

No, Hedgie, I am in a Winter Weather Advisory starting at 7 tonight.

movin said...

I just saw the remaining Hummer chick, which was belly down in the nest again, wind up its wings and hover over the nest at low altitude and then alight on the far edge of the nest. So it's actually flying now, and it may leave the nest very soon.

Everything accelerated as soon as the first one fledged.

hedgie said...

Just saw a first---mourning dove sitting on and pecking at the salt lick/block!

hedgie said...

Sure hope the forecast doesn't get worse for you, Deb!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whole family at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

I see 2 fish at BWE

normabyrd said...

COOL MATTIE!---You & your friend were great!!----I thoroughly enjoyed watching you all with your PEACE signs!!!----Thanks SISSY!
MATTIE has always been a favorite of mine---1st time I met her--she came up & took my hand & asked me to share a seat with her on the bus!!!----She is COOL!!!

movin said...

i checked on the status of Nethy, the Loch Garten chick... they have a satellite problem (temp.), and there is no current report on her.

BUT!! The guy had just posted that info when somebody phoned to say there was an Osprey near the Loch Garten nest.

It turned out to be EJ, the female from the past seven year, returned. She had caught a nice trout and was feeding on it in the tree next to the nest when Richard saw her.

You might read the recent entries in their blog to get a feel of how the new season is developing there.



movin said...

I see the two fish, the right of the chicks. But there is a third, which the family has been feeding on, to the left of the chicks.



movin said...

Osprey in nest at BWO.



movin said...

Well, the Osprey female sat in the center of the nest for 3 or 4 refreshes, and then she flew off.

I think she's there to stay, and the missing material might be due to wind gusts. They are experiencing high winds today at Blackwater.



Mits said...

cute video, Sissy, thanks...Mattie did good:)

Mits said...

update from BWO....
Nest Update

Despite having ospreys bring sticks to the cam nest, it now appears they're removing them. Possibly to inhabit another nearby nest.

not the wind,.

hedgie said...

Not sure whether BWO sticks are gone, or just scattered about the box from the wind or possibly a visitor who did some kicking.

Mits said...

the osprey are moving the sticks out of the nest, per: Lisa

hedgie said... they saw them carrying them out, huh? they have other boxes erected? I guess with no cams, right?

Bob Quinn said...

I see Lisa beat me to the punch and posted a link to this weekend's photos. I finished them up last night after midnight and figured no one would be on the blog.

There was surprising very little osprey activity at BW this weekend. I was there both Saturday and Sunday. Some of the platforms seemed to have had no activity at all. I looked through last year's photos and it was much busier by this time.

The eagle sitting on the ground in the photos grew tired of me and flew off and landed on the BWO cam platform. It was there quite awhile before an osprey eventually chased it off. But afterwards that osprey just disappeared. Not exactly sure what is going on.

deb said...

I hope another pair decides to use the platform!

paula eagleholic said...

Loved that ground eagle photo, Bob.

hedgie said...

Left comment on your pic page his am, Bob....great shots!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Jim, saw that 3rd fish too...

Bob Quinn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deb said...

3 Whooping Cranes joined the Sandhill Cranes somewhere in NE this past week. Here is a video of them:

Migrating Whooping Cranes

paula eagleholic said...

Cutest pic in our nest...parent w/ chicks head out from under adorable.

deb said...

Thanks, Bob, for the information. I loved the picture where it looked like the eagle was peeking over the hill to check you out!

Bob Quinn said...

There are three other osprey platforms along the BW drive that are easily visible from the wildlife drive (there's a lot more but off the beaten path or too far to see what's going on). I've only seen regular activity at one of them.

Bob Quinn said...

The peeking eagle was a differnt angle of the one that was on the ground with the turtle in the foreground.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Deb, you might enjoy this one also....

Dancing for Joy

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Bob, were those diamond back terrapins?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a big ol fat fish in our nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Lecture coming up at NCTC

Jim Malone
"Adventures with Birds of Prey"
Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 7:00 pm

paula eagleholic said...

And Mark Your Calendars!

NCTC Annual Open House
Animals, programs, games, environmental education for families
Saturday October 17, 2009 from 10:00 to 4:00 pm

paula eagleholic said...

And one more...

Film Screening: A Sense of Wonder:
Rachel Carson's Love of the Natural World and Her Fight to Defend It
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 7:00 pm
Co-sponsored by PVAS

cierra said...

good evning eagle buddies

paula eagleholic said...

BWE eaglet has a fish pillow :)

paula eagleholic said...

Hello ciera!!

deb said...

Thanks, Paula, I did enjoy it! Yesterday we saw a pick-up with a tracking antenna on it and we guessed they were tracking the Whoopers. When I watched the video, I noticed no bands, telemetry equipment. I e-mailed the man who made the video and none of the birds in the western flock are tracked. So much for our guess.

deb said...

Hi Cierra!

hedgie said...

Hi, Ciera.
Thanks for info, Paula.
Looks like suggestions for NOT having Open House on Apple Harvest weekend fell on deaf ears.

hedgie said...

Short notice conference call scheduled for retiree group leaders w/ GM corporate at 4--see if there's another ax aimed at our necks...MTBR. Argh!

deb said...

Redoubt is spewing ash, but not higher than 20,000 feet. You can see it today on the webcam:


hedgie said...

Wow, Deb, lovely image at Redoubt today!

Mits said...

wow, Deb

Mits said...

thanks, Deb and Paula for the wonderful whooping crane videos:)

paula eagleholic said...

Can see the dud egg the far upper left of the egg cup..eagle on far right bottom

paula eagleholic said...

More eating at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back,,,,my Gosh, Bell looks Ginormous!

Mits said...

probably putting on a few lbs, not as busy as if she had 3 to take care of

Mits said...

Paula, did you get my answer to you email from several hours ago:)?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was thinking the same thing. That is a BIG BIRD!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, I did, Mits :)

Mits said...


Mits said...


T-Bird said...

Hello all my eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

How is eagle land today?

deb said...

Our eaglet is enjoying the sun. Pretty quiet at the nests and on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Feeding at our nest

Mema Jo said...

Getting a message that Hornby IS 2 wide angle cam's broadcast does not exist anymore - just the close up

deb said...

I haven't checked in on the hawks lately, they are both incubating. I saw the two eggs in Tulsa, no egg roll yet in Portland.

deb said...

NM Owl cam is down.

magpie said...

Colorado Chicks are Visible...and wiggly ☺

magpie said...

Kentucky One Osprey, Puleston also.

Going to do my nightly reading, and see what I missed.

Hello Everyone ☺

magpie said...

Bird Action Our Nest ☺

magpie said...

Eagle Din-Din

magpie said...

Wow that's a big fish ! Bet Baby is drooling.....

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, that's a nice one...sure bet eaglet would drool if he could!

Mema Jo said...

WOW Margy! Our eagles came to see you!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta feed the dogs...bbialw

magpie said...

Sure is nice, seeing the happy hungry family all together !

Hi Gals !

Mits said...

looks like Miss Belle feeding her fack again.

magpie said...

She is tearing that fish up !

magpie said...

And I did not see the Baby get a nibble !

magpie said...

Night light is going to come on soon...

Beautiful Crescent Moon tonight, pretty high....

and Venus has sunk pretty much out of our nightly sight now...but I think it is back out in the very early morning...will check on that and repost. Also, ISS tonight, pretty sure, got to check those times too..

magpie said...

Both parents at BWE -

magpie said...

And a feeding coming up at our nest it appears....☺

magpie said...

That baby just might scootch over and get some on its own..

Hey! Where is Megan ??

magpie said...

Feeding at Okla

magpie said...


I am sorry to hear of the death in the's is that, can you fill me on which brother in law that would be ?

Prayers for the family...

magpie said...

Very encouraging news about Ceil's friend Betty.....

magpie said...

Oh cute, baby wiggling our from under in Colorado

magpie said...

ISS out tonight and the nest few nights ☺

Got to hit a few of the blue links that were posted earlier and check out Mattie's Performance!

Back in a little while xoxox

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of nestovers for tomorrow!

Fed the doggies and time for a walk....bbialw...again!

And I spy spidey's nest...Hidey is hiding under Mama!

Mits said...

Margy, it is my husband's sisters' mother in law, but we are real close to our brother in law whose mom it was, everything seems to be under control, viewing on Wed night funeral Thursday to watch house

magpie said...

I can understand, Mits is so precious...wonderful how "sisters and brothers" are added through Marriage: "Instant Relatives"

xo God Bless All.....

magpie said...

..... Wow ....

Deb's New Photos......

Wait until you see those "Common Loons..." - -

... Sigh....

Great Job, Deb ! xoxo

magpie said...

Yep - Venus is pretty much all but gone in the evening sky and working its way around to the Twilight in the East....will be some good views as April progresses, also Jupiter is big and bright in the east before sunrise as well now... ☺

Mits said...

yes Margy, I am blessed, love my sister-in-laws, and brother-in-laws:)

magpie said...

Two adults at Colorado....

magpie said...

...With fresh food....

Time to Split.....

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...