Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Night

First eaglet thread, late night.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve, I'll go get the gang!

magpie said...

Oh Great, Steve

Thanks so much for helping us to watch this miracle !

Thanks Sissy for the Alert ☺

floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve:) thanks for the heads up, Sissy.
Any news on the live feed steve?

Mema Jo said...

Happy to know that you know what went on today! We got ONE! WHoo Hoo!!!!

Thanks everyone for such good coverage on today's events. Headed back to my recliner! Catch you all tomorrow.

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((((hugs)))) ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Nighty Night Mema Jo xo

Lolly said...

I really think someone should call Paula now. It has been officially declared from the powers that be!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well my wonderful friends, I am heading to bed. Will catch up in the morning. Sleep tight all!!

Bob Quinn said...

Good night all!

Lolly said...

Good nite Sissy and Bob.

normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVE!!---You are with the program tonight!!!---

Mits said...

took me awile to find the new thread, I don't think I will call her this late at night, she is probably still up, but no one likes to get these late night calls, and she will ask me did you actually see a feeding?

Mits said...

wonder why Comcast has not figured out the problem with live feed yet?

hedgie said...

Bob, I don't have another email address for you, either. Please email to me, ok?
Goodnight Jo, Bob and Sissy. I'm heading for the tub. Will check back before I go to bed.

normabyrd said...

LATE EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---Thanks SISSY!---I read your message---but it didn't sink in!---ho! CONGRATS! SISSY---you are our #1 EAGLE MOM---tonight & every night!!----EVENIN' MARGY---MEGAN--JO---LOLLY & BOB!!!---

Close game!!--

normabyrd said...


magpie said...

Our Bird is awake, I think

magpie said...

Sooner or later I guess she will have to shake off the raindrops and maybe get a bite to eat...
Maybe Liberty will drop in for some tenting

magpie said...

And just where is Costume Lady ??

Mits said...

I'm not leaving, Norma:):)

deb said...

There are so many geese flying over, I can hear them with the house shut and over the noise of the TV.

magpie said...

Oh yeah, work went fast..Everyone was calling in controlled burns, and one guy decided to burn couches, vinyl, all kinds of junks.
He has been reported to the DNR...
people saw all the smoke and reported it as possible house fire -

normabyrd said...

MARGY--I'm still watching the playoffs---LOUISVILE is way ahead of the ORANGE team!!---

magpie said...

Another possible house fire, was actually people cooking on outdoor grill on their deck ! Honest Mistake as they say....

magpie said...

Wish I could hear that Deb, sounds magical !

magpie said...

Hope the team you are rooting for wins, Norma

Mits said...

current nest weather.......

Currently At 10:48PM[ More ] 39°F
Winds: SSE
at 3mph
Humidity: 95%
Dew Point: 38° F Pressure: 30.22 in
Visibility: 7 Miles Tomorrow[ More ]
High: 45°F
RealFeel®: 46°F
Sunrise: 7:23 AM Tonight[ More }
Low: 34°F
RealFeel®: 39°F
Sunset: 7:19 PM

Mits said...

just put her head up

normabyrd said...

No favorites tonight---WVU lost last nite in overtime!!----I usually go with the underdog!!

Mits said...

my screen has gone black several times today...eagle head now down again

magpie said...

Okay Mits - I think the most important news on the nest weather, is the time for Sunrise!


Norma, your rooting for the Underdog, makes them the UpperDog ! ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Belle is not tenting so much, so maybe the rain is over for a bit at least ☺

deb said...

There seem to be more than usual this year, Margy, maybe because the weather has been so cold and lakes further north are still frozen.

magpie said...

Time to drown some bubbles...
back later...

magpie said...

Seems like we did not have much of a winter at all here, Deb...
But we are all surely ready for Spring anyway!

normabyrd said...

You are HOT tonight MARGY!! ho!

normabyrd said...

DEB!---We have have more geese this year than I can remember!---They wake me up most mornings!!---
I wondered why there were so many more this year!!---

normabyrd said...

I think CANDY'S team was beaten today!!!!---so sorry!

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Eagle up in our nest.

deb said...

And back down,

normabyrd said...

nite KIDS!!

deb said...

Nite, Norma.

I am off, too. Night all.

hedgie said...

Rain stopped here, so maybe at nest, too. Can't wait for daylight! Goodnight, fowl friends. Prayers and pesce.

Costume Lady said...

Miss Norma, what are you doing up so late? Watching the game?

Costume Lady said...

Time to hit the hay.


magpie said...

She's thinking about something....

Lolly said...

Have been lurking for a while. Nothing seems to be happening. Hope Belle gets plenty of sleep tonight. She did not sleep much last night. She must have been listening to the eaglet inside the egg!

Going to go shower. Will check back in before bed.

magpie said...

Belle is awake...

magpie said...

And fussing at the nest cup ....

magpie said...

I guess just getting settled in with something soft and warm underneath her tonight...
wonder if Liberty will pay a visit.

Unknown said...

Hey everyone, Bird Girl here! I saw the great news on Ann-Marie's FB post!


magpie said...

Hey Birdie....
How are the new digs?
You will notice we have NO live feed, haven't for a couple of days...
How are the finchlettes?


Unknown said...

The still will have to do I guess -- though she's either statue-still or the picture is frozen, too.

My finchlettes are quite well! They and their parents are spending their first night outside tonight! I've updated the blog recently...

Hope to see a chick here soon! Or more!

magpie said...

It's might still at the nest tonight, but you might have to reboot, she was just moving around a little about ten mins ago.
It's supposed to refresh every 30 seconds and usually does...
Yay about the Finch Family - will check things out shortly

Lots of groovy food in our nest, wait until daylight ☺

Lolly said...

Nite Magpie! I am going to leave it with you. Hope Belle will at least give us a little glimpse in the morning.

What a day! I am tired from sitting here ALL DAY! LOL

(((hugs))) for all! Sweet Dreams!

magpie said...

Okay Lolly - It has been a Great Day....Sleep Sweetly

Bird Girl
Great Pictorial and story, was just "over there" reading and looking. Congratulations!


Unknown said...

Thanks magpie, I'm very happy about having the finch chicks, I can't wait to see what their colorations will be.

magpie said...

Finney Water Nest has new snow, and Finney's Land Nest is bright and snowy also

magpie said...

I had Zebra Finches quite a few years ago, and also a Society Finch...they were great little companions...I miss them yet!

xo Got to head for the pillows - Lots to see when morning breaks at OUR Nest.

Great to see you, Bird Girl !

Good Night All
Peace, Love and Prayers xo ♥

magpie said...

Hey Birdie, you probably remember this but if you click on the Blue Link it will open up those sites...

Bonnie said...

I have been eagerly watching and waiting to see the new babies... why can I not access the cam now? I try every day and again in the evenings. Please advise. Thanks.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Bonnie, If you're still there----Live cam has been down for a few days. Comcast problem they think.
The Still cam is what we're using. It works!

magpie said...

belle is awake

magpie said...

...and asleep..

NatureNut said...

Had a Panda nap & got up to check cam & post the one picture I got Sat. eve. Pretty sure it is Babylu. Too dark to be an egg & has eyespots!

Back to bed..zzzzz
Pleasant Eaglet Feather Dreams Everyone ☺

movin said...

Did we ever decide or find evidence that more than one chick hatched this afternoon??

I looked back at the last page of the old thread, but I didn't find anything on that subject. She sure was busy jumping up and looking under her even after she had fed the first hatchling.

She's all tucked under her wing and blowing zzzzzzzz's now, and the glare zone is covering most of the nest, so I probably couldn't see much if she did get up now.



movin said...

**GooD NIGHT**




wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagleland

Bob so glad you stopped in. Pictures were great..I do love the pelicans and at BW at that. Must have made a wrong turn. Glad they did and you got their picture. The snowy pic is awesome.

We've had new people stopping in along the way of the blog. Hi Susan and Bonnie. I might have forgotten one.

Wow NORMA you are going to be sleeping in today if you didn't set an alarm. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Our eagle has been awake several times. Then back to sleep.

Mits said...

Good Sunday a.m. everyone. Have a good day.

hedgie said...

Morning has broken and Belle looks alert.

hedgie said...

Looks like she's feeding.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it is a good morning Mits and Hedgie-Lynn. YES SHE JUST FED THE CHICK!!!!

Mits said...

if that is the chick, looks like a couple of days old, not newly hatched....jmho

Mits said...


wvgal_dana said...

Pictures on my blog

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I want FRESH FOOD thank you--now go get it.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Looks like we may have a fairly good picture of our new life on the nest. this am.

Its a good day :).

Mits said...

brought fluff in to cover the meat.

glo said...

Ha Ha Dana You now have a total nut following your blog. I am hoping or a therapeutic cure very soon though.

hedgie said...

Sent out a couple of pics.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---No! DANA----I have been up----looking & watching---watching---

Mits said...

eagle at New Maine cam

wvgal_dana said...

Look down maybe another egg is hatching????

hedgie said...

Glad to see some of the gore covered!!

normabyrd said...



floralgirl said...

Howdy all:) That shot was interesting just now, saw two eggs, one looked really broken open with grey... hard to tell- let me see...30..29...28..27...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Mits, Lynn, Glo, Norma and Megan.

This is especially exciting to see chick fed. LIFE IS GOOD...THANK YOU GOD.

Yes Glo you must come out of "the nutty stage" lol

Mits said...

eagles must have heard us complaining about it, so they covered it up

wvgal_dana said...

Take my picture of my blog of Nest Of Liberty and Belle. Blow it up and you will see the chick.

wvgal_dana said...

Wet eagles at BWE and NBG

glo said...

I'm still a little frightened..Doc says its paranoia which is easier to deal with that being totally delusional hopefully very soon I will be as well as I have ever been once again.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN---The proud parents are still not allowing many
peeks!!!---please BELLE!---JUST ONE PEEK!!

hedgie said...

Heading to CharlesTown this am for church w/ daughter and then birthday cake/ice cream with her grandma-in-law. Then a little shopping and early dinner. Will be back this evening. Will try to check in at her house! Have a good day!

normabyrd said...

NATURENUT!---ABC is going to show animals----I think a friend of your PENQUIN is going to be shown!!
Showed him waddling down the hall!----LOVE TO WATCH THEM!

wvgal_dana said...

Have fun Lynn enjoy your day out.

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Good morning one of the eggs in OK has a hole started!

deb said...

Shoot, I tried to post it fast enough for everyone to look, but eagle is back on the eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

Deb I am watching it started the hole yesterday. Been watching for a hatch there.

Mits said...

I looked to early, it was still dark out there.

normabyrd said...

Hope NATURENUT saw the PENQUIN on ABC---This breed can't stand the cold---He likes at least 30° or warmer!!

normabyrd said...

Mornin' DEB!---Thanks--

T-Bird said...

good morning eagleland

T-Bird said...

how is everyone this morning?

Mits said...

morning Thelma.

wvgal_dana said...

A Good Eagleland Morning to you Deb and Thelma.

wvgal_dana said...

Must have stopped raining at BWE parent has left chicks uncovered for awhile probably to dry.

NBG eagle still getting rained on.

Costume Lady said...

Babylu or whoever, is still a blurr to me. I wonder if it would show up better if our live feed was working. STEVE, IF YOU GIVE US A NEW THREAD TODAY...CAN YOU SEE THE CHICK CLEARLY ON YOUR CLOSED CIRCUIT TV? IF SO, COULD YOU POST A PHOTO OF IT FOR US?

movin said...





Costume Lady said...


Mits said...

eagle up

grannyblt said...

I was so happy to read last night that we have a hatching. I still haven't seen it "live". Belle's long hours have paid off. Hope another one hatches today or tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Jim. It is a rainy, cold 37° here, near the nest. Better weather coming soon.

movin said...

Thank you, Wanda. I have yet to see a definite picture of the chick also. I've seen pictures of Belle looking at a space I knew had to contain a chick yesterday afternoon, but I have not been able to I.D. a chick.

Anybody have a good baby picture they want to show us??



wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagleland Morning to you Jim and Wanda.

Ok did roll their eggs.

We had a switch our nest

glo said...

I magnified that picture...I see one distinguishable egg...and everythig else of course you need to see for yourself.

wvgal_dana said...

JIM I sent around a pic this morning enlarge it or click on my blog go to Nest Of Liberty and Belle save pic and enlarge.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

STEVE----gave us a new thread last night!!----When we really needed it!!

glo said...

Will try to post magnified version on FTLOE after I finish feedign the local birds.

Mits said...

I really don't know what I saw in the last pic I took, enlarging it only made it more blurry for me.

sunny said...

Good Morning! when I just logged on, Belle (?) was not on the eggcup, but I coudln't see anything there! Is it fluff? I got really worried..........

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING GRANNYBLT!!---Have you seen our little PRINCE?---Isn't it exciting?---Hard to get a look!!

NatureNut said...

Posted some pics of the 7:30 AM feeding. Need the Hubble telescope.

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER*****************

movin said...

We are at 54° and still dropping this A.M. in So Cal... it will rise to 64° or so this afternoon.

We were due for some light rain in this period, but it's been downgraded to 'mostly cloudy.' But we are getting close to Spring, and I had better replenish the Hummingbird feeder today.

The little mamas have either started or about to start their broods for this Spring.



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUNNY!----It has been very difficult to get a good look at the new one!!---DEB has GREAT PICS---as does LOLLY---DANA---& TOTALLY NUTTY--(formerly know as GLO)---

movin said...


i SEE. Let's go over there.



Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD...COME ON OVER********************************

sunny said...

just checking in!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...