Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Up in New York City this week. New thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 362 of 362
deb said...

Finally here, bbl

wvgal_dana said...

Good evening Eagleland. Have to catch up on this thread of comments.

glo said...

well I am up and enjoying a cup of tea. Doesn't look like I mised anything while I was sleeping. Time or some more littl eones to be cuteing up their nest. Ours is "prescious". I agree there are some advantages to being an only chick at least for the worry warts. We can spoil it rotten well cheer the spoilin on I guess. I do always wonder about the only ones too as they don't face that survival challenge quite as young as those with siblings doing the pecking order. Maybe they fledge with huge egos though that loudly proclaim "Its all about me" Hope so. Ours has great parents I am sure they will teach the life lessons it needs eagle style...:)

paula eagleholic said...

2 our nest again

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO with a whale of a fish!!

T-Bird said...

hello everyone

T-Bird said...

How are our eagles and eaglet doing today?

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding again our nest....
Boy did they did out the bowl? Look at that hunk of stuff to the left of the bowl...

paula eagleholic said...

Duh, did they Clean out the bowl...

Howdy Tbird

T-Bird said...

Hello Paula, beautiful eaglet eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home,, c ya later...

wvgal_dana said...

Good idea there Ceil...Headlines read "Eaglet_Momster/Dadsters Hits Lottery"

I'm in what state we playing and how and who do we get our $1.00 too each week?

im I don't know where on screen I'm going to put it but thanks for letting us
know it will be on March 20th Friday....Oh yes birthday present for SISSY !!

YES Lynn they are TWINS the POLAR BEARS.

That was a 39 day hatch for Caltrans. Thanks Vicky! Wish they would move cam in closer.I do see another egg there; should actually be two more.
Thanks Glo for the video and Paula for the link to youtube on from Maine Forum.

Sharon congratulations on not smoking !!!

Thanks Mema Jo for update on Mason still continued prayers there.

JIM somewhere I did read where Buddy would have to become an educational eagle. Due to where he is at people come around and he is getting to use to them plus to the feedings. Will try to find that article. I remember it because I wanted "him to be free to fly and soar"...I was so sad when I read it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi Dana, you seem to be caught up on all the news that is fit to print! :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening friends. Got back from the bank and the DMV a while ago. I actually had a pleasant experience at the DMV. They didn't send me for anything else, had everything on the first try. I must say I don't think that has ever happened to me before. Ah, the wisdom of an almost 50-year-old woman!!

T-Bird said...

Hello Bev, Sharon and Dana. Is wisdom what it is called Beverly? : )

Mits said...


Nest Update

The bucket truck has been to the platform and we've finished the maintenance.

Although we hear the truck slipped off the dike and almost ended up in the water. A dump truck pulled him out. Seems the ground around the refuge is still soft and wet from our weather.

Mits said...


Nest Update

Some cam watchers were worried that both parents were not around, but here is a photo showing both parents on the nest Wed. afternoon.

We've posted three videos in our Eagle Cam Web Log that show our two young eaglets in action.

T-Bird said...

feeding time

paula eagleholic said...

Missed the bucket truck....too bad they couldn't adjust the cam remotely to broadcast the event :)

Looks like Belle just covered up our chick...heading outside for a nice to miss.

Mits said...

EAGLE eating at Caltrans

Mits said...

now feeding wobbly chick

Mits said...

some FAG about Caltran...

• The eagle camera does not have zoom capabilities. It will be difficult to see the eaglets once they hatch, until they are larger. You will notice different behavior on the part of the adults that will indicate that an egg has hatched.

• The video viewing screen cannot be enlarged.

• Daylight hours for viewing are variable and based on U.S. Naval Observatory official sunrise/sunset for Redding, CA

Mits said...

more facts from Caltran.....

What's happening in the eagle nest?
The first egg hatched a little after 4 p.m. on March 17! The first egg was laid on February 6th, the second on February 9th and the third on February 13th. All the eggs were laid in the early evening. The eagles will continue to incubate the two remaining eggs until they hatch after about 35 days.

Pay attention when the eagles switch places during incubation. Their talons are very sharp and can easily damage the egg shell, so they carefully ball up their feet when they sit down on the eggs.

Mits said...

3 eggs in view at OK

Mits said...


Mits said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just ventured outside for a few minutes to clean up around the yard a little bit. Couldn't stay in with the weather this beautiful!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so enjoying watching our little Hidey get fed!

paula eagleholic said...

If you zoom in, you can see the black spot n the end of the remaining egg in our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, it's good even in slo mo

paula eagleholic said...

I just love watching how careful and gentle the adults are.

T-Bird said...

Yes it is amazing Paula.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits for information on Caltrans. Funny I had that at full page reading some. Came in and here you had it and more lol

I do think it is nice at Caltrans we can see the eagles flying in and around nest. I would rather they zoom the cam in more to the nest. That way we can see chick and eggs. See feedings and etc.

hedgie said...

Hello all. Had a nice afternoon out with a good lunch. Came home and promptly took a panda nap...and woke up with a sore throat! Can't win some days!
Beautiful out today, but weather report for the fiswt day of spring is saying maybe snowflakes...doesn't that figure?
Hey, Sissy, my last trip to DMV was the window
and was done in under 5 mins. They really have improved a lot in the last few years. Drivers' license renewal coming up in May....we'll see how that goes!
Probably just forgot but the American University team is called the EAGLES!!!! They play tomorrow night on the road to the Final Four.

Mits said...

from what I read the only reason the cam is on is because the animal rights people wanted to keep any eye on the eagles while the construction was going on , so that is why there is no attempt to make it better, there was no extra money in the budget...

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn you never believe this---my drivers license renewal in coming up in May lol Wanted to do it on May 9th but that is on aSaturday guess I'll have to pick another day. Although May 9th was the last day I could do it....yours too sharing with you....( :

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We are going to have one fat little eaglet. Eating again it looks like.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our little porklet!

magpie said...

Owl is on the platform, BWO

Mema Jo said...

This sad news just came across:
Actress Natasha Richardson Dies
Film, Stage Star Injured In Ski Accident

magpie said...


magpie said...

I'm sorry, my "was" comment goes with the owl at the platform post..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I was reading about Natasha Richardson. She had a skiing accident in Canada, on the beginner's slope, took her down off the mountain, doctor's deemed her okay. Her ski instructor went to the hotel room with her and then an hour later she said she was feeling funny. Ended up in a hospital in Canada on life support. They flew her to NYC and then had to stop life support. You just never ever know!! She was Vanessa Redgrave's daughter, Liam Neeson's wife, had 2 teenage boys. She was in the movie Nell with Jodie Foster. Such a tragedy!

Mema Jo said...

No problem, Margy - We know that 'replys' to comments are usually 2 comments afterwards......

Mema Jo said...

Don't think Dr's deemed her ok...
She didn't see a DR at the encouragement of the ski instructor and ski patrol.. They call ambulance for her when she was in her room...

Truth to that statement, Sharon.
You just never know what the big plan is for you.

Mits said...

A spokeswoman released a statement earlier saying, "Natasha Richardson fell in a beginners trail while taking a ski lesson at Station Mont Tremblant. She was accompanied by an experienced ski instructor who immediately called the ski patrol. She did not show any visible sign of injury but the ski patrol followed strict procedures and brought her back to the bottom of the slope and insisted she should see a doctor."

The release said that as additional precautionary measure, the ski instructor as well as the ski patrol accompanied Richardson to her hotel.

"They again recommended she should be seen by a doctor," the press release said. "The ski instructor stayed with her at her hotel. Approximately an hour after the incident Mrs. Richardson was not feeling good. An ambulance was called and Mrs. Richardson was brought to the Centre Hospitalier Laurentien in Ste-Agathe and was later transferred to Hopital du Sacre-Coeur."

hedgie said...

Too bad...had heard this am that she was "brain dead" so knew that it was just a matter of time before they pronounced her. One of those freak accidents....why helmets are always a good idea, even if they don't always prevent tragedy.

Mits said...

I think even if she saw a doctor, it would not have helped, probably an unseen catrosphic injury to the brain, that did not show up right away. Maybe the only thing that may have given her a chance of survival would have been if this happen in the states...

Mema Jo said...

I am now going to retire to my favorite
recliner! I've been up/about since early afternoon. I'll try to return
at the end of this day....

I had sent out notice that Patrick has returned home to Germany from Iraq. The girls were asleep so it is going to be CHRISTMAS TIME IN MARCH in the morning!


Mits said...

that was a good movie, Nell, it was where she and Liam met and fell in love...

Mits said...

would love to see the look on their faces in the morning.

T-Bird said...

Well gang I'll catch ya later. Make a good night.

magpie said...

Christmas at Springtime, that's wonderful Mema! xo Rest Welll..

magpie said...

Bye Bye T-Bird.....

Mits said...

Paula, MSMU is playing in a tournament at JMU tonight, son and friend drove to the game. Jubby is listening to it on radio, very close game.

Mits said...

looking around for Easter recipes....think everyone is tired of the ones that i have been bringing, and quite frankly, so am I.

magpie said...

2 eagles at Caltrans and feeding one chick

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Is JMU in Harrisonburg? I heard they got an invite to the new tournament down there...sorry, forgot to mention it. Glad Jubby and son found out.

Is jubby listening on-line or radio?

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I see you said radio...

magpie said...

Both Caltran parents up and eating again, I think the one in front has a mammal, is it dark colored

Mits said...

Yes, Paula that is where, it is, but they lost...:(

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, shucks.

magpie said...

Two Eagles at Lake Washington, their usual time to show up I guess

hedgie said...

Criminal Minds was gory and scary...and obviously not the end of the storyline!

Mits said...

lol...Lynn I said the same thing to hubby, he said you mean a 2-parter, I said no, he will pop up during a sweeps period....knew it was him when they interviewd him the fist time....BAU getting a little slow.

Mema Jo said...

I hope they continued that story line and catch him on Criminal Minds - That was like Bones when the Grave Digger wasn't caught or even mentioned for a month or so before the theme came back & she was caught!

Mema Jo said...

Little raccoon off to the right of the feeder at Saline River....

Mema Jo said...

Lots of rotten nasty food on the animal feeder tonight but raccoons usually eat anything!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Have been really busy today. Tomorrow is going to even busier. We have the trailer and have to load it with food and clothes tomorrow. Also having out of town nephews family for dinner tomorrow night as well as Laurel and boys. It will be busy and I won't be on much. We leave Friday morning and will be back Sunday. No computer this trip. Going to state park with no Wifi.

So, you are going to need to take good notes and pictures of OK and NBG. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Are the BWEaglets sleeping out from under the adult?

magpie said...

Lady LW looks so pensive....

magpie said...

and night light JUST came on there

Lolly said...

I see the BW eaglets, but what is that at the top of the nest?

Mema Jo said...

Top of the nest was FOOD FOR THE DAY

Lolly said...

Does not look appetizing! :)

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is a busy day on the home front!
am - Ocupational Therapy
pm - Physical Therapy
pm - Home Health Aid

I think I'll make it through all those!
Going to be learning how to go up/down steps (only 3 outside steps). Hubby put up handrail earlier today. I do get to try to put my jeans on to go outside!
WHoo Hoo.

Mema Jo said...

Magpie if you get a chance - send me
the critterzoom link for LW & Kent.
I can't get mine up...
Hubby upgraded my hard drive and I think I am missing something.....

magpie said...

Okay Mema - sometimes it opens to the page but the live view does not open up, and sometimes, it does...there are other ways to access I think (Deb will comment probably) but here is what I use:

Lake Washington Eagles

Mema Jo said...

Whatever you are baking - smells goo, Margy

Lolly - You will be busy but I love that kind of "busyness" Enjoy and have fun!
We'll hear from you when you return!!

magpie said...

Both adults there now, one was gone for awhile

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Margy - like you say - sometimes it comes up and sometimes it just doesn't. It is the link I've been using I need to have more patience!

magpie said...

Ha Ha, Jo - it's a mix:

Krusteaz Raspberry bars...

I think somewhere on my give up for Lent list was Sweets, but I tossed that one overboard...
no chocolate though (most of the time) ☺

magpie said...

Then I am going to make Cheese Salad (with olives of course ) ☺

Mema Jo said...

All right - gimpy here is going to bed down for the night!

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((((hugs)))) ♥

magpie said...

I love the way Lady Lake Washington wags that tail !

magpie said...

I wonder if Sissy has started partying hardy early !

magpie said...

If you recheck messages, JO, - I want to know that when you were in the hospital I could NOT get it to open....

magpie said...

Jo left us and so did the LW Eagles...

Lolly said...

Have been watching LW, come back to the blog and see you have as well. I liked it with both in the nest whith their eyes glowing in the dark.

magpie said...

I think I see that there is an Eagle on the branch still, Lolly ☺


I'm going to say Good Night to those that the Pillows and Blankies are going to grab up soon,
Peace, Love and Prayers for all

(but I will be up for awhile yet) xo

hedgie said...

I'm taking my sore throat and bad tooth off to bed. See you in the morning. Prayers for all.

Mits said...

Atlanta update from today...

March 18
Yesterday, Heather and I were able to collect current measurements on the ever-growing Xi Lan. Keep in mind that these results may be slightly off due to the wiggle factor, as it is hard to get exact measurements when the subject is in constant motion. His body length (from tip of nose to tail base) is 89 cm. (35 in.), tail length is 11 cm. (4.3 in.), neck girth is 41 cm. (16.1 in.), chest girth is 53 cm. (20.9 in.), belly is girth 62 cm. (24.4 in.) and nose pad width is 5 cm. (2 in.). He currently weighs 12.2 kg. (26.9 lbs.).

All of this growth is a result of him consuming Lun Lun’s milk, as this is still Xi Lan’s main source of food. We have, however, seen him chewing on leafeater biscuits during the past week or so. We can’t tell if he is actually eating the biscuits or just chewing on them. But I do know that yesterday he found one of Lun Lun’s banana pieces, which he proceeded to eat and just like Mei Lan; he sucked it down, since he does not yet have the chewing concept figured out.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II

Mits said...

good night everyone.

deb said...

My sister is gone, we got a lot done, but have more to do. Working on a wedding week scrapbook for my niece.

That is so sad about Natasha Richardson. I was hoping there was a chance she could recover.

magpie said...

Eagle with glowing eye on the branch at Lake Washington.

I agree, so very sad about Natasha Richardson. Such a tremendous loss for her family.


Glad you had a nice visit with your sister, Deb

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all.

Hugs to all ♥

deb said...

Our eagle is awake.

deb said...

I am really tired, so headed to bed early tonight. Night all!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Okay, Deb. It is official...I am moving to S.Dakota!!! News just said pythons are going to become common in the south. Well, if they are going to be here, I am NOT.,

Lolly said...

I need to go pack my bags, heading north. May not stop when I reach S.Dakota, may make it to Alaska!! Eagles pythons!

Nite all!

magpie said...

Hey ! It's Thursday, March 19


Happy 50th Birthday, Sissy! Hope it is your Best One Ever, filled to the Brim with All your favorite things! xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Whoo Boy, just got called in to work to try to go fix one of the computer systems, the police teletype network...
I will be watching for any late night playmates when I get home

magpie said...

Well, I couldn't fix the problem either, backup agencies can run police things for the the violators don't get a break tonight in this county, where was I...?

movin said...

I'm kind of surprised that the third egg hasn't hatched by this evening.... Technically, it could still hatch, but I'm not too sure what the chances are................ Hope it does.





magpie said...

Oh dear, Spidey is threading his way across the view of our nest...

and now it is out of sight...and now back IN sight again


It was rather fascinating though, I think he was singing
Happy Birthday Sissy ♪ ♫

magpie said...

It really IS pretty cool, he does not look so big when his body isn't plastered across the cam itself....I wish someone was awake to see it also..

magpie said...

and Belle is awake, would like to watch her snatch him ...

magpie said...

I will put a picture on my Roost link...

magpie said...

I can tell you this, his web strings are criss-crossing in front of our view now....

magpie said...

You are Definitely going to notice the difference....I put some before and after pictures up...

magpie said...

Right now it resembles a rib cage...
don't ask me why I am up, but watching this is really pretty neat !

magpie said...

Wow, the Robins are up early, I better hit the sack.
Hope I gave you plenty of notice about Spidey...
because anyone watching in the dark is surely going to notice!

See you all later in the morning
z z z z z z

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, good morning my friends. Been looking at some pretty cool cards this morning. Thank you all so much!! It is so hard to believe I have reached this milestone. I remember when I thought I would never seen 40! My life is a neverending miracle and having you guys in it is part of that miracle!!

floralgirl said...

SAw that, Margy-My internet went down for a while this morning, the cam pic was frozen on spidey and his web.
Rain showers passing over the nest right now.

floralgirl said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I have been attempting to find out where I am on this blog?????----WHOA-!!!--I guess I will follow the EAGLE BRICK ROAD!!---

hedgie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.....and many more!!

hedgie said...

Any special plans for your special day, Sis? Or are you saving it for the party? Hope you don't have to cook!

normabyrd said...


Mauley said...

Happy Birthday, dear Beverly, our own dear Sissy. Hope your day is filled with blessings and sweet memories of birthdays past and the promise of many many more. I loved seeing the lovely photo as your avator. It is like a breath of fresh air. Have I missed the identites of that beautiful portrait? I have had to do a lot of lurking lately. I am sure the photo is precious or you would not have posted it and I think you and Little Sis, Sharon are in there. I loved reading your post this morning. You certainly enrich our lives, and we love you and look forward to reading your posts. You are a blessing today on your birthday and everyday for us. You were born on my dear Mother's birthday, so we have one more family connection, don't we? Your big Sis, donna.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Happy Birthday Sissy

Don't even have a cam up yet but it is next ont he list of things to do.

Looking for a special day with lots of cute little "pop ups" if you get my drift :).

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MAGPIE---SISSY---MEGAN & HEDGIE----on this grey dark morning here in WILD and WONDERFUL WV ---It is 52°---afternoon showers!!!---

hedgie said...

Lolly, know you probably aren't up yet, but wanted to ask...where are the pythons coming from?? South America????

hedgie said...

Radar shows rain over Shepherdstown now...just cloudy here.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'---SANITY RESTORED---also know as NUTTY -- also know as GLO!!-----"i get your drift"!--

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mauley, that pic is Sharon, our cousins Teddy and Yvonne, and me in about 1970 or so. We just got new "maxi dresses" and Teddy got a new shirt. He was mad because he didn't get a maxi dress. It was one of those good memories, ya know.

I bet alot of ya'll don't remember maxi dresses do ya?

I am staying with Tom's mother this morning and then will go home. Nothing planned for today, will party Sunday. I am feeling really nostalgic today. 50 is certainly not what I thought it would be when I was 20. Life turned a sharp turn and here I am!!

glo said...

LOL Oh and I am over my identity crises for now. Off to pull up cams. Stopped by a Roost on the way. Thanks Magpie Good ole spidey hmmmm

normabyrd said...

FINNEY looks beautiful this am---blue skies & blue water!!!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE----Hope the BIRTHDAY GIRL listens to you & DOESN'T COOK! ho!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---The pythons are taking over in FL area!!----reproducing like rabbits---I am terrified of snakes too!---

normabyrd said...

This am I found RACOON 'foot prints' on my kitchen window!!!---Remember 3 little ones were there last year--peeking in!!!----

ceil said...

Good morning all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SISSY.
Everyone have a good day. BBL

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!---Enjoy your day----

normabyrd said...

No chick yet at the NORFOLK nest--nice video --- posted 3/18

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There is a very restless bear at NZ, up the tree, down the tree, here and there and everywhere!!

Mits said...

Good Morning Everyone...Happy Birthday, Sissy....and Happy Feast of St. Joseph's Day.

normabyrd said...

Starting GUARD from SC was killed last night in WV--after he had played a game----He was on his way home to OH!!--(NPR news)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagleland
Margy, Jim, Sissy-birthday girl, Megan, Norma, Lynn, Glo, and Ceil (baby seal, and Mits.


normabyrd said...


movin said...





***TO SISSY***

Mits said...

Tian Tian is the restless bear this a.m., they have him back in the yard next to Mei again.

Mits said...


Showers. Highs in the lower 50s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain showers in the evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows around 30. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 40s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Friday Night
Mostly clear. Lows in the mid 20s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--MOVIN'JIM!!---WHOA!!---You are movin' early this am!!

Mits said...

Finland calm, and Finney's nest still covered in snow.

normabyrd said...

AWESOME 'TOM' TURKEYS at PA site!!------Their FEATHERS are all fanned out & WOW!---are they strutting!!!!

normabyrd said...

HELEN!---I am seeing blue waters & no snow at the FINNEY site!!----Am I not looking at the right site?

Mits said...

Finney's site is the nest with the snow.....Finland site is the one over the water.

Mits said...

Finney's site had an osprey that we named remember??? Finland has the sea eagles, osprey, hoodies, ravens. Never have had any young since we have been watching.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I have been watch the site with the sea eagles!!---thanks--

normabyrd said...

I am getting dressed while I am watching----work-out this am!!

Mits said...

can you get Finney's site this year, last year you had problems, I think.?

Mits said...

can't get into OK this a.m.

wvgal_dana said...

Amen to the weather forcaster....but I do need to say I don't like that 20° coming. Of course; not forcasters fault.

wvgal_dana said...

Remember who is on cam tomorrow Friday 20th.......which is Sissy's birthday present... ( :

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Have to catch up on blog.

movin said...

Well, at the feeding it appears to be one large, healthy chick and one intact egg in our nest.

Anybody see any pips or cracks or anything??


normabyrd said...

You are right!!---That was always my favorite!!-Then all of a sudden last season---I COULD NOT GET IT!!-----so disappointing----SUZANNE gets it too!!!

Mits said...


movin said...

As Mits says,





normabyrd said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 362 of 362   Newer› Newest»

9/20/24 am Both/2nd visit solo fish/cam maintenance

  646 arrives to lop 646 down from the lop 647 up to the lop 652 Bella arrives 654 up to the lop 659,  7 o'clock  poof  Scout returns a ...