Thursday, March 13, 2008


New thread.


Here's a minute by minute for the first eaglet sent to me this AM by Dana:

Jim, Nilla, Jill and AJ saw cracking in one of the eggs around 12:something.
2:27 Nilla said I see only 2 eggs.
2:27 Jill says I see a bobble head.
2:39 Nilla says is she picking egg shell out.
Dion on with them been watching for years.
2:39 AJ says think one chick hatched i saw it move she covered it.
2:39 Jill says Definitely only half
shell hard to see but she is moving something that blends in with the nest.
2:40 Dion says I see a chick!!!!!!
I want to thank our early morning watch group for these special comments.

We could hear the little eaglet chirping a few minutes ago.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


floralgirl said...

Thanks, Steven!!! This is the new chick thread!!

glo said...

A video to start the day

Welcome Little Bobblehead

glo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve Thanks for a beautiful way to start the day Lib and Belle.

carolinabeachmom said...

Finally got to school AND got on the blog, if you can believe that. No live feed tho. Can't have everything. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread. Steven it is hard taking pictures from refresh cam when it is set at 2 1/2 minutes. Can we/plus people that have dial up get the 30 sec. refresh back?

Brought over from other thread:
Jim, Nilla, Jill and AJ saw cracking in one of the eggs around 12:something.
2:27 Nilla said I see only 2 eggs.

2:27 Jill says I see a bobble head.
2:39 Nilla says is she picking egg shell out.
Dion on with them been watching for years.
2:39 AJ says think one chick hatched i saw it move she covered it.
2:39Jill says Definitely only half
shell hard to see but she is moving somthing that blends in with the nest.
2:40 Dion says I see a chick!!!!!!
I want to thank our early morning watch group for these special comments. ( : ( : ( : ( : ( : ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I think Jill said she has a film of it off the "live feed". She might need help with it. As to how to make a movie. Glo maybe you can help Jill with that. Since it is the "early version".

Suzanne said...

Found the new thread, didn't want to be AWOL today.

glo said...

I am sure either of us would be happy to help Jill with her recording. Not sure if its just on her Real Player if we can pull it off til she downloads a capture program. MTBR All of you with record buttons on you Real Players thtough can with the latest Real Player version record some video and download to your computer. Be Careful. Don't load up your hard drive too quickly...there's lots of filming ahead. Its figuring out how to get it shared is the nest item on the list :)

floralgirl said...

Heeeeeeeeere's Daddy!!!

floralgirl said...

He's perched on the back of the nest,there he goes...

floralgirl said...

Something must be flying near the nest , he left and she's really looking around...

movin said...

Good morning, everyone.

Two eagles our nest.



wvgal_dana said...

She didn't give him a peek....maybe she told him "more hatching taking place"...bring more food fresh food... lol

wvgal_dana said...

Jim Read above comment of mine at 7:42am

paula eagleholic said...

Guess he thought we needed more fish!

Morning all!

Happy Happy Day!

Suzanne said...

Awwwwww. BW eaglet have the sun on their heads. They're adorable.

movin said...

Excellent video, Glo. Do any of you have pics or vids with more light.

When I went to bed, we thought maybe two had hatched. But it's less confusing this way.

Has Belle fed the chick yet?



glo said...

LOL You would Never Guess by reading this BLOG How cherished these birds are!!!!

floralgirl said...

Howdy Paula and Jim! SHe's looked at it a couple of times, it's moving around, no food yet, they don't need food immediately though.

floralgirl said...

She's up again!!

floralgirl said...

You can see the chick moving..

Suzanne said...

I just get her part way up with this refresh!! What's she doing?

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING WORLD!!!!---& EAGLE BUDDIES!!----What a GLORIOUS morning it is here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PLUS ONE"----It's a SUNNY COLD 27° here today!!---but who cares!!!!----LOTS of HAPPY---HAPPY--FOLKS!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!!----ENJOY!!

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

Lurking and fighting the flu....but had to join in the celebration!

WE HAVE A BABY!!!! WoooooHoooooo

look, look....she's off the eggs!

OH I SAW IT!!!!!

floralgirl said...

She's perched just above the nest cup on the nest edge, Suzanne.

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

little bugger is wobbling all over

floralgirl said...

Chick is really moving around.

movin said...

Belle is out of the egg cup looking at the eggs and the one wriggling chick (could say bobbling chick).



Donnie said...

Good Morning,

How great is that.... I see the little one

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

viewings over.........

Donnie said...

What a great shoot their>>

Suzanne said...

Horrayyyyy, I can almost see the chick. I can see some little grey on left side of 2 eggs. Belle back on them, bt had 1 1/2 minutes to look at the chick.

floralgirl said...

hello Norma, Sandy, Donnie:)

Suzanne said...

Morning, all. Thanks guys, for the play by play. Good grief, this isn't going to work all season! Steve, we need the 2 1/2 minute refresh to be shortened back to the 30 seconds!!! Too much happening now to wait for a refresh that long.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sandy, Donnie, Norma and Paula. ( : It is a great day at OUR NEST ( :

On extreme bird there are deer and squirrel eating.

Lisa said...

Big congrats, guys!!

movin said...

She's back on the brood with grasses pulled in around her.



floralgirl said...

Hello Lisa:)

normabyrd said...

Aren't we the PROUD EAGLE MOMMAS & DADS!!-----STEVEN---I think it's champagne time!!---ho!!!---

movin said...

Morning, Suzanne.

If you notice the 30 sec cam doesn't go down now when the solar power is seems to refresh less often.

As the day warms up, the cam returns to the 30 sec. schedule.

I don't like it either, but it's better than it going down all the time.



Suzanne said...

Thanks, Lisa! Top o' the morning to you! Exciting... our very first of the year!!!

Suzanne said...

Well, "our" being NCTC, of course. You guys had the first local babies of the season! Which by the way, are adorable!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS LISA!!---Yeah!!---LIFE IS GOOD---here in WV!!---Isn't "HE" HANDSOME!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lisa ( : We are proud parent just like you are ( :

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Is that what it is? I really hadn't noticed it actually refreshing in 30 seconds for a while. Used to be about 60, then went to 90 seconds, now today it's 2 1/2 minutes! I hope you're right, and it goes back to 30 seconds!

Morning, Norma! Very exciting for our Lib and Belle today!

Robyn said...

Good morning again...

Prayer requests greatly appreciated. My dad went to have his arteries checked all were fine but on is 90% blocked, they are bringing dad up to the OR as I type this. He will be having an angioplasty.

Mom is alone tonight as they will keep him overnght please pray for mom also, she is very worried.

I know God is looking over him.

Thank you

Robyn said...

Good morning Norma and Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Well when I moved my date no one else was on the 13th. Of course I didn't go back and check after all started asking "can we move our date"....13 or 13th Friday has always been my lucky number or my lucky day....guess it was lucky for today lol lol lol

Happy Happy Happy Camper ( :
Happy for everyone !!!

It is so chick-citing hee hee

Robyn said...

Candy I didn't see you, hugs to you

movin said...

Belle is more alert than on 30 sec. cam. Looking around, pulling more grasses in, preening some wayward feathers.

I guess she's not going to feed the chick the catfish and is waiting for Liberty to bring a fresh breakfast.

Has anyone seen the ritual of Belle showing Liberty the new youngster?



wvgal_dana said...

Robyn you your Dad and Mom and family are in my PRAYERS

normabyrd said...

WOW!---THANKS--GLO for the video!!----WONDERFUL!!---When BELLE gives the 'LITTLE JUMP'---"SURPRISE--MOM--I HAVE ARRIVED"!!!

Robyn said...

Thank you Dana

Suzanne said...

Jim, reading back Lib was there, but I didn't even see him arrive and then leave. Don't think Belle showed him the baby, though. AT least they didn't say on the blog.

floralgirl said...

Oh, Robyn, hang in there, hope everything goes fine, keeping both your parents in my thoughts...

floralgirl said...

No, when Lib came in a little while ago, he just sat up on the back of nest for a minute or so, then flew, she never got up.

Robyn said...

Thank you Megan

Now if I can only get the live cam running, all I get is the 30 sec cam

floralgirl said...

Robyn, do you have real player?

Robyn said...

just dl'd it

movin said...

BW feeding chicks.



normabyrd said...

MORNING ROBYN---I will have you & your family in my thoughts & prayers today!!---Give your MOM my love!!!---GOD BLESS!!

movin said...

Thanks, Suzanne. I thought a lot more was observed between dawn and when I got on this morning.



floralgirl said...

Is it working, Robyn. Jo sent some info around for people who were having problems with live feed.

movin said...

You know the bobblehead has been between the eggs and the cam both times I've seen it this morning. Makes it a lot easier to see at this age.



movin said...

God be with your father today, Robyn.

That's a very useful procedure, and many people feel way better after they've received the treatment.



normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---So FUNNY!!---BELLE was 'birthin' a LITTLE PRINCE---She didn't have time to serve LIBERTY his coffee!!----He is probably out bragging about the new mouth to feed!!!---I am so happy---I can't stand it!!!!

Suzanne said...

Robyn, your parents are in my prayers!

Sunny said...

Y I P P E E ! ! ! ! ! When I went to bed at about 10:30 last night, Belle was very 'antsy' so I though something might be happening! Can't wait to see her!

Sunny said...

Hi Everyone! Sorry, I was rude earlier. A happy day for all in Eagleland!! Robyn, prayers for your dad.

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Tai has treats, and he's up close and personal! Enjoying whatever it is!

movin said...

Liberty's probably visiting with his friends, handing out cigars and drinks, right now.



Unknown said...

This morning I got on and showed my girls before we left for school (almost was late. They were so excited about seeing the new baby! They were telling everyone the saw on the way to school about the new baby eagle and we are waiting for 2 more. I love watching their excitment. They are almost 6 years and 4 years old.

Suzanne said...

LOL, the Zoomers are running the cams today at NZ! Look at Mei, she's a trip! Treats allllll gone for Tai, so he's gonna eat a bamboo tree.

normabyrd said...

REMEMBER!!!!----We told SUNNY & DANELLE---We would sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to them when the 'little one' arrives!!---Well HE is here!---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU---HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SUNNY & DANELLE----HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!---ENJOY!!!

floralgirl said...

Morning Sunny!!! you were not rude, you were excited.. Hello Tawnya!

movin said...

One eagle (prob. female) is perched just to the right of the nest at NBG this morning.



Suzanne said...

Morning, all!

Oh, don't know who's who in NZ. Panda on cam 1 just had someone peek through the screen at her/him. So that may be Mei and Tai on the other side, and Tian on cam 2. don't have a clue! 2 Pandas peeking at each other through the screen on cam 1.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' TAWNYA!!---So very HAPPY your girls got to see the new EAGLET!!!----We are a bit excited!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sunny and Tawyna (aww cute age of daughters), Hello again Candy...( :

No Jim as they said Liberty was in and out pretty fast. Wanted to announce he is a "DADDY"...

And there is our wiggling wobbling chick awwww.

I hate grrrr and feel badly for those that have to watch the refresh cam. It needs to work right!! grrrr

Unknown said...

We began watching Lib and Belle 3 years ago, and watched the 3 grow and my girls thought it was neat, then last year. So now this year it is more exciting(at least for me) to see how they react to these new birds, and I can explain to them way it is so important now that they can understand better.

movin said...

Good morning, Norma ... Sunny, Megan, Sharon.

Yes, Belle was antsy earlier, but she went totally hyper once the hatching started...up and down, rolling eggs and chick, digging deep into egg cup, removing wet parts of the egg shells.

Then she would do it all over again a short time later.

Us viewers were all charged up too.



normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I am 'almost' sure that is the 'LITTLE PRINCE' lost in the bamboo patch!!-----I have seen MEI do that most every a.m.---Some times she stands on hind legs!!---One time I saw them stick a long stick through the screen & she sat back down!!!

KarenInCali said...

Happy birthday to youuuuu
Happy birthday to youuuuu
Happy birthday little bobblehead!
Happy birthday to youuuuu!

Wooooohooooo! Congrats to Lib and Belle!!

Robyn said...

Thank you all for praying for my dad.

Megan I need to redownload it again it gave me Mozilla and I do not want that, bbs

Suzanne said...

If you say so, Norma, but there are 2 pandas on cam 1. One on each side of the screens, and I thought that was Tai in the back, the way he's rolling around trying to get his one in the front's attention. The one in the front seems to be hiding, laying down in the corner where the other probably can't see too well. Or just laying down on tummy now. And there is the one eating bamboo, so I don't know who is who. Doesn't matter, all 3 are on cam. Could be Tian on this side of the wire window too.

normabyrd said...

DANA!!---This a.m. it took me at least 15 mins. or so to log on!!---I was so upset!!---Then I saw one had hatched!!---All at once it didn't matter to me about waiting so long---then the world became a beautiful place!!---- ho!

Suzanne said...

Look how long the BW chicks are getting... already!

Suzanne said...

Norma, panda cam 1. That's Mei, she's doing her Ray Charles dance!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---You are right!!----You know those PANDAS all look alike --ho!----It is HARD for me to keep them straight when they are separated!!!----

wvgal_dana said...

Contragulations on the birth guess of first hatch: Megan, Sandy B., Jo, Deb, Candy, Glo and me ( :

normabyrd said...

BWE EAGLETS are alone in nest!!---

movin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Me too, Norma!
Feeding time, BWE.

Lolly said...

Good morning everyone! Yea! Saw the little bobble head a minute ago. Yea!!! Guess I went to bed a couple hour too soon! Have been reading the middle of the nite blog. Sounds very exciting. Now let's have another!

I have the information Jo sent to me to get the live feed going.

floralgirl said...

Belle is up, you can see the eaglet when it tries to sit up.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi little chick aww Belle is looking we are ...going back on soon ...

wvgal_dana said...

Letting the chick dry out some

NatureNut said...

Hooray!!! What a wonderful day. Thx for video, Glo! I had fallen asleep & missed it. What a JOLT Belle seemed to get. Maybe Baby Bobblehead pecked at her too.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the heads up, Megan! Got a good look at the little chick!

Lolly said...

Wasn't that exciting! Time to get the magnifying glass out!

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Lolly I have my fingers crossed that it works for you. The live feed it truly wonderful. ( :

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' NATURENUT!!---I thought that was COOL too---The way the lil' chick announced----ARRIVAL TIME!!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, it is working!!!!!! I have the new media player as of Tuesday nite. Jo's grandson is wonderful! I can pass the info on to others.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' KARENINCALI & LOLLY!!!---Just think---we have two more to look forward too!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, PA falcon is laying IN the nest box!!

Suzanne said...

Well, and here comes the mate. She's laying down, and dad just arrived. (I think, in any case, both are in nest box.)

Jill said...

Hey everyone. See we still have one. Thought for sure the other would be here by now, must have been the shadows of the night. Isn't the first one soooo cute. I will talk to Glo later about the video. Too tired to do it now. Just came down to turn my phone off.

floralgirl said...

Dad's Back they are talking- he is gonna poke an eye out with that stick!

floralgirl said...

Switch, Belle flew out, Lib is in the nest now. Here he goes to see the new baby.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That looked like Belle that came into the nest with a tree. Did you see the tug of war? May be Lib but looked like Belle to me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, might be Liberty, I don't know!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Karen and Naturenut ( :

Good Morning again Jill....up late lol ty for early comments.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I saw one yesterday or day before!!---LYNNE (GRANNYBLT) mentioned to me she had begun seeing them--

glo said...

Hmmm Sharon I tend to agree with you but the cam is so deceiving it gets tricky to tell. Headline does appear to be Belle, and Lib did in fact tend the eggs many anight and backed off the nest in the am. Its Mom and Dad tending their new little one and caring for 2 more eggs quite we...except they better be careful with the crib rails goodness me!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JILL!!----Read you had been 'birthin' during the night!!------Hey---Is that your 'FAVORITE' son in the pic!!---ho!!----HANDSOME YOUNG MAN!!!!

Lolly said...

Wiggle wiggle wiggle. Don't squish that baby!

normabyrd said...

ME---MT NEST---Sunny beautiful day there!!!

deb said...

HAPPY BOBBLEHEAD DAY! Good Morning, everyone.

What fun it has been reading the blog. It took forever to just read today, I still have to go back and read last night and early am.

deb said...

You need to check out the main Blog page, Steven has updated it!

normabyrd said...

JAMES RIVER BRIDGE (falcon on nest in box)& RICHMOND HIGH RISE (mt nest now) are opening up ---- now that the VA SITE is open---VA GENTLEMAN is on the limb of the tree at NORFOLK!!!

Mema Jo said...


Congratulations to all of you
out in Eagleland!

Somehow I just knew there would be a full house here today. Our count is
1 down & 2 to go. Thanks for the
video,Glo. That really started my day

Lolly said...

I keep thinking we are going to get another peek. Belle backs up, but then wiggles wiggles back down.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Deb. Thanks Steven-but please don't Tell us you are listening the chick peeping! You may have a riot on your hands as people head to NCTC to hear that!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!----Isn't it exciting to see the new EAGLET!!!---It just blows your mind---doesn't it!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, that stick really needs to go.

Jill said...

Thanks Norma, that is the oldest son. He didn't like the picture with his brother so I switched it. LOL

Trying to go back to sleep but apparently if turning your phone off doesn't work if you live in town and they can just drive over. I swear I am charging them extra hours this pay period.

Belle must have had the 2nd egg covered good last night cause I swear I saw only on egg when I looked last. Little bobblehead just barely visible, probably wouldn't have seen him on 30 feed. I could see him moving that is how I knew he was there.

normabyrd said...

CAPT. MEGAN!!---Where do you want the TROOPS to GATHER????!!----I think you have a GOOD IDEA!!!---Where shall we gather????----I'M READY!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We need to call in Bill Gates or somebody to fix the sound on this live feed!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - What time should I meet you at NCTC --- CHIRPING --- Like Donna says - Be Still My Heart!

floralgirl said...

Hello Jo!! don't you just love this live feed?!

Mema Jo said...

You just know that



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---Just too exciting for words!!---Isn't 'HE' a HANDSOME EAGLET???

floralgirl said...

Well alright, then! fall in line then ..we march to NCTC... HUT... 2,3,4 (well maybe we should drive)

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

WOW!!!! How great

normabyrd said...

JO---Where is HELEN?---Is she helping to care for her little BEAUTIES---MATTIE & MOLLY??

paula eagleholic said...

Lib readjusting...yes I see the big stick...maybe he thought more crib rails were needed!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Mits is watching her grandbabies today and tomorrow...

Hope Belle is out catching a little shut eye!

paula eagleholic said...

Steve - we really want to hear the chirps, too!

Lolly said...

Oh, bad mistake! He should never told us he could hear it!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!---Such EXCITEMENT this morning!!---Did you watch GLO'S video?----COOL!!

floralgirl said...

yes, I've turned my speakers up

Mema Jo said...

Ho! Ho! Karen Maybe we should sing
To You

I saw your Happy b-day message & thought for a minute I had forgotten
to mention someone! lol

Robyn, Tori & Bobbie - My thoughts & prayers are for you today.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - prayers for your Dad

paula eagleholic said...

And welcome to all our new bloggers this morning!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---(drive to the foot of the hill)------THEN WE WILL MARCH INTO "FORT NCTC"---Then VICTORY will be ours!!!----(oh yeah & i am the queen of england) ho!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Yes i did see glos video and it
is so cooooooooool


floralgirl said...

Hello Dave, ain't it great? Alright Norma, maybe not victory, but sound will be ours...

normabyrd said...

JO---We were singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SUNNY & DANELLE!!---On their birthdays we were sure the little eaglet would hatch!!---So it was said we would sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY when it was hatched!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA---The temp is up to 42° from 27° here this a.m.---GREAT DAY???

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma! I am thinking that MITS looked in on the site and knew about the hatching before she left to go up to Kevin & Annies this early am. She
is the #1 nanny for 2 days for Maggie & Mollie! You know - like
7th Heaven! Her sisters are in on the action also!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---That's all we want!!--SOUND!!!!

Sunny said...

wow, I just got a peek at the BW babies. My, how they've grown in a week!

Mema Jo said...

Candy - sorry to see you say you have flu symptoms.
I will go over to read late night comments to see all the excitement when you knew you had seen the eaglet. If anyone get a good pic off the 30sec cam - send me a copy or place in our Momsters' album.. whoops I guess I need a new album started - I best look!

Norma - what time you getting to NCTC

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Megan what time are we pulling into NCTC for "sound to hear peeks"???

normabyrd said...

CO EAGLE CAM---(BLANK)--was blank yesterday!

OWL CAM---Pixes show she left the nest about 3 times!!

Mema Jo said...

I just extended the cut off date of the present album to run up to 3/15.
So if you have any pics - please post.

Carol_in_WV said...

Whoopee!!! What a wonderful event - especially after last year! I guess we now know the answer to the question "do chicks hatch at night?" I love these creatures. I am so admiring of their patience and dedication. I'm getting goose pimples thinking of all the accomplishments and tribulations we will share with them for the next 4 months. Conratulations on your first of the season, Liberty and Belle!

IrisF said...


Just got to the computer. Very, very happy to see our first Eaglet has arrived!!!

Will catch up - at least a little!

floralgirl said...

Well, guys will have to sort that out, and then let me know!! We can pretend we are there for the open house..what we got the date wrong?? oh, no..well as long as we're here..It's a beautiful sunny day, 42° already, and I have finished my inside work, time to go play in the dirt for a while. Have a great day everybody! BBL

IrisF said...

Want those follow up emails....
See you all soon!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Carol - I thought about that too. Chick do hatch at night!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CAROL & IRIS!!---WONDERFUL isn't it!!----Did you watch GLO'S VIDEO!!---It shows how the EAGLET lets MOM know---He has arrived!!--

Mema Jo said...

Looks like some snow at LakeWA nest and on Scarface in UT.

Suzanne said...

Morning, all.
Moose on cam getting snowed on.

normabyrd said...

BC SITE----Can't get in this a.m.!!----Tells me -- 3 eggs--1st should hatch 4/4---but the site is busy--busy!!!

glo said...

For those just getting here.

Highlights of the last 8 hours

Suzanne said...

LOl, morning, Jo. Just saw Scarface and wanted to post it, didn't even refresh. See you already did that, sorry!

Mema Jo said...

If we had sound we would know whether that was a squawk or a yawn. lol

normabyrd said...

MEGAN----Maybe we could 'borrow' a fire truck?---(ho)

glo said...

OK Who is gonna go get that stick out of there geesh.

floralgirl said...

Oh, I can fit 5 more people in my van......c u later:)

normabyrd said...

FLAMINGOS site is back!!---Not a good pic now---they are on the other side of the pool!!

normabyrd said...

OH NO!!----OREGON NEST is piled high with SNOW again!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Carol,and Iris ( :

Yes there was other people on the blog. I got the comments from those closest to hatching. Thank you everyone ( :

Donnie said...

Hi all,
My sister just left. Now I can get down to business around here. She likes to look at everything, but does not have the "time to watch all day" like I do. I sent out all my birth announcements to everyone I know.
Yes Jo
I love the Live Feed> : )

Geula said...

Oh MY Goodness! The little BOID CHOIPS! YAY!!! We're grandparents again!

paula eagleholic said...

Man, Lib is not giving out any peeks at all! He has resettle on the eggs and chick several times....keeping them nice and warm! :):) What a good Dad!

Mema Jo said...

After watching Glo's video, I'd say we have one frisky little bobblehead.
Should be a female - but we'll never know for certain. I hope the other 2 hatch soon and can keep up with her.

Danelle said...

Good morning ya'll! Thanks NORMA! Boy, it sure makes a difference to read the blog. I checked out the eagle cam this morning, and didn't see anything. I thought, still no action. WRONG! Hallelujah! We havea chick!!!! ANd guess what, I have an appointment with Sandy this afternoon in outpt. so I can tell her!!! :):):)

glo said...

LOL Donnie Glad you have osunded the word. :)

Suzanne said...

Hi all. Here comes ZZ, head first down the pole. Adorable! She made it!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is Back!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GEULA!!---Isn't it a WONDERFUL MORNING?---Lots of excitement!!---2 more to go!!----Beautiful sunny day too!!---I never seem to recognize you until I see your "FRIEND" with you!!!---KIDDIN'---

paula eagleholic said...

She's gonna have some breakfast after that long night...working on eating one of those nice fish that Lib brought in....and Lib is up off the eggs...and off the back of the nest.

normabyrd said...

Thanks SUZANNE----I have been trying to see her for days!!---She's the 'LITTLE IMP'!!!!

Geula said...

For some reason, at this time of day, my RP goes on and off! every time a dear eagle gets up to turn the eggs my RP acts up!did that silly eagle move that stick back?

Sunny said...

Since the first hatch is typically a female, I think we should name her Sunshine! LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Females chick about 63% of the time, so it could be a male, also.

Belle quickly finished eating and settle back down on the chick and eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Same here Geula - think they are shaking that tree? :)

Suzanne said...

Morning, everyone. Geula, is that Eeyore? He's so cute!!

KarenInCali said...

Parents off the egg cup but can't get the video here at work :( So can't see the eaglet...not close enough picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Hard to see the chick in the bright sunlight....couple of clouds passing over whenever she get up would be might convenient!

IrisF said...

Hi All, wow I have way too many emails to read about all of the eggcitement!!! I will take a long time, but thanks to all of you for the play by play. I went to be at 2am so just missed the big event!!!

Chicks alone at BW.

Danelle - good to hear Sandra will be at outpatient therapy today! Say HI from all of us please!

NatureNut said...

Just checked BW nest. Chicks are alone. Boy, are they becoming big fuzzies!

IrisF said...

Hmmmmmm how come I had to sign in again???

paula eagleholic said...

I like Mountie, myself!

normabyrd said...

MISSED PRECIOUS again!!!---I always have a hard time getting out of that site!---DO YOU ALL?

paula eagleholic said...


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...