Monday, March 03, 2008


New thread. Hopefully the site will be up soon.


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glo said...

Good morning everyone. Hope today brings you something special. Eagle things are happening and I think this is the beginning of a very big week.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the Monday thread, Steven. I hope the cam comes up this morning!
Morning, Glo. Should have a BW baby soon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. I am watching for the site to pop back up.

WCEHP!! Hanky panky must be involved! :)

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----HELLO! GLO---SUZANNE & SHARON!!---Let's hope the cam is back soon!!----It took me forever to get on will pray--I CAN STAY!!---Thanks STEVEN for new thread!!---Well at least the SUN is shining on this COLD WINTER day here in WV--"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"--temp is 29°--looking forward great happenings this day!!!---ENJOY!!---LIFE WILL GET BETTER!!!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Norma. There were a lot of flamingos out earlier this morning, but now there is just one lone flamingo walking around.

normabyrd said...

Guess what!!----My COFFEE doesn't taste as good this a.m.!! ho!---and SUZANNE---I guess you arrived home safely Fri. evening!!

glo said...

You all might want to keep an eye on Cape Coral 1 this week too. I htink there will be a fledging there any day now. We know it ususally happens in the morning.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I have had a hard time this a.m. figuring out TAI & MEI!!! ho!---I think the 'LITTLE PRINCE' is eating bamboo with both hands---as fast as he can get it to his mouth!!!---

normabyrd said...

THANKS GLO!---I thought sure BWE would have hatched by now!!!---LISA thought that Saturday!!

Suzanne said...

Turkeys in PA.

Donnie said...

Good Morning,

I'm having eagle withdrawl... What happened to the web site? It was a wonderful day yesterday and i hear it's going to be even bette today. I have lots to do, but I'll be done by 2:30 this afternoon and then I'm off to the woods with the camera again.

Suzanne said...

Made it home at 1930 Friday night, Norma. Only took 2 1/2 hours to do a normal hour and 45 to 55 minutes. Though it was a parking lot, 495 took the brunt of it at the 270/495 split. Glad of that! Made for a very long day, 11 3/4 hours at work! Will NOT do that again!

Donnie said...

I really need to find these other cams you all are watching. No... I just changed my mind. I would sit here all day and look at everyone of them.

Suzanne said...

Hey, Donnie! The FWS web is down. Steve said they're working on it. Enjoy your afternoon taking pics.

Suzanne said...

Donnie, BW eagle is gonna hatch any day now. This is day 37 for her first egg, so it's due to hatch like any minute. Hopefully!

normabyrd said...

In the CORALI silhouette it appears the eaglet is getting some instructions from a parent!!!

Lisa said...

Keep your fingers crossed guys. I don't think we've had a first egg this late. It really needs to hatch today.

If not, we might need that second egg. :-)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DONNIE!----Did you win any BINGO games over the weekend??

Donnie said...

Thanks Suzanne,
Are you out in the country or right down town Mt Alto? I've lived up that way before. On the Waynsboro MD state line, Fayetteville, and Chambersburg, Smithsburg MD, I've been all around. You have some great places to go and watch for the birds.

Donnie said...

Noooo Bingooooo

I never win.

normabyrd said...

LISA!!---I will cross my eyes too!!---Thinking of your BWE eggs!!

floralgirl said...

Hello all:)beautiful sunny day today. Got my fingers and toes crossed, Lisa, waiting patiently for that first egg to hatch.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---I see you are planting inside now!!---Supposed to be a beautiful day today!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Lisa, I was thinking the same thing when I saw egg number 1 hadn't hatched yet this morning! Second egg is due to hatch 5 or 6 Mar, right? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Donnie I live on 997, and that's as close as I care to say on this VERY PUBLIC BLOG. But yes, lots of birdwatching places near me! Not many eagles, though!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Check the PINK FLAMINGOS now!!----They are 'almost' dancing---heads are held high & they are moving back & forth!!---(don't see any duckies either)

Donnie said...

I loved it up there, I was to young to really appreicate it though. I just wondered if you were in town.Ther ewas a Ice Cream place with a couple of white deer. Is it still there?

floralgirl said...

Can't get a picture on the Tesoro cam. anyone else having that issue?

Suzanne said...

They are pretty, Norma.
Good morning, Megan.
Donnie, you have been around that area, sounds like. What made you decide to move where you are now? The wildlife? I have skunks, possums (even babies, which are almost cute), and deer occassionally. I see the tracks in the snow, but have never seen the deer. Also have rabbits and chimpmunks, and they are too cute to watch. Sure can make a dent in bird seed in a feeder, though!

Suzanne said...

Donnie, Twin Kiss! Yup, they just opened for the season last week! Megan, Tesoro went down earlier this morning! Been down a while!

Suzanne said...


normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Never mind! In and out in 1 refresh. But whoever came in didn't bring any food, and same eagle is still on eggs.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow! What a pretty picture at Norfolk, both in nest! Anyone know if there is an egg yet?

normabyrd said...

Must not have lingered SUZ!!---I missed him!

Donnie said...

I found 4 acres of woods with a little cabin on it. I call it a cabin but it is really a dump. I froze my --- the first year. I was looking at the place and right outside the kitchen windows 6 deer walked out of the wood and I was sold. I had to have it. It's warm in here now and the deer are still outside the window. Coons, opossums, fox, squirrls, no rabbits or chipmunks (To many cats).

floralgirl said...

NO egg at Norfolk yet. Lot of avticity in the nest with both birds, so maybe they will try agin this week.

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---The VA SITE---is AWESOME!!---Don' they make a beautiful pair!!!!

Suzanne said...

Both eagles at NBG! They finally came up.

Donnie said...

I use to have goats and chickens rabbits, caged birds, guinea pigs, pheasants, quail, all kinda things. Had to give all that up. Now I have one dog and 5 very old cats.

normabyrd said...


Donnie said...

everyone have a great day. I'm outa here..

Unknown said...

Anyone heard from Bob lately? He's been kind of quiet.

Suzanne said...

AS ususal, didn't read back far enough. Guess you all knew the NBG site was up and both eagles were there. Yup, sure is a pretty nest!
Donnie, I have a stray cat that has been hanging around for about 6 or 7 years now, but he comes every morning for breakfast, and meets my car in the afternoon for pets and dinner. I get other strays every once in a while, but still have the little critters. He used to catch the birds (bad cat), but he's also a very good mouser (good cat)! He doesn't seem to bother the birds much anymore, but I also have a RedTailed Hawk that has taken it upon himself to keep the sparrow population down a bit. He doesn't get excessive, but sure know when he's around...the little birds have a fit! Sounds like you have an awesome place, Donnie!! Love to watch wildlife, and outside my windows?? That would be so cool.

floralgirl said...

oh, good grief- avebiufwz-too early in the morning for all these letters... too nice outside, can't stay by computer any longer. Hope that BW egg hatches soon. Norfolk pair is really hanging around nest this morning. Have a great day everybody, going out to take advantage of the sunshine and warm temps.

Suzanne said...

Lisa, haven't heard from Bob in quite a while! Think the last time was the last pics YOU posted on your BW site. That's been what, a month or so??? Hope he's alright!

normabyrd said...

LISA---I think of BOB most often when I am viewing EAGLE PICS!!---I wondered where he has been too!---Thought maybe his job at BW was part-time!!---Miss him!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Eagle at BWO. Eagle at BWE yelling at someone in the trees above her. "I'm HUNGRY!"

normabyrd said...

EAGLE ON NEST!!---CO Site!!-----

The GREAT HORNED OWL "known as the TIGER of the sky"---is on the nest-----2 eggs!!

Suzanne said...

Just looking at a spreadsheet I was keeping this year... our first egg could hatch as early as Friday! For dates on this thing, I used the date the cam came back up, after being down from 1-4 Feb, so used 4 Feb as laying date for egg #1. We'll see.

deb said...

Good Morning, everyone. I have all the cams open and need to catch up on the blog.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suz, the first egg will hatch on Thursday! My b-day!

floralgirl said...

Ok, walking outside beautiful out there. Robins everywhere, pileated woodpecker eating holly berries. Mockingbird is attacking everyone, until I open window and yell at him and throw him a piece of banana. He goes right to it as soon as it hits the ground. Off to get some work done. oh please, really...mtlikxfx

normabyrd said...

OK EAGLE is on the nest!!---This site is new to me---HELEN gave it to me SAT.---before the CAM went down!!----4 EGGS!!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

GOOD MONDAY A.M. EVERYONE....little concerned about the egg at BW, hope it hatches soon

MITS said...

both eagles BWE

MITS said...

just one now...

Suzanne said...

FSV eagle has a fish or something in the nest with her. Wish somebody would feed our BW eagle!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends ( :

Have to read comments although I do see BWE has had a hatch yet. Here little chicky Here little chicky Come on out were waiting to see you ( :

Oh I see we still have those dear words...........

Suzanne said...

Morning, Helen! Hope you're feeling good this morning. Going to be a beautiful day. Norma, are you talking about the Lake Washington eagle nest? WildWatch? I can't get it this morning, just dark.
Owl hotel eagle turning her eggs. Well that was quick. One quick turn on a couple eggs and right back down.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dana.
Word Verification is a pain in the butt, but it has stopped the spammers!

MITS said...

its only 6:20a.m. at LW

Suzanne said...

Dawn in Kent, and I guess dawn at Lake Washington too.

deb said...

Two eggs at BC!

IrisF said...

Good Morning Glo, Suzanne, Sharon, Norma, Donnie, Lisa, Megan, Lolly, Deb, Helen and Dana...

Lisa, we sure hope that first egg hatches today!

IrisF said...

OK, will go catch up on reading and will come back..

Sure hope we get OUR cam back today!

MITS said...

anyone know what time they are banding the chicks at Tesoro today??

normabyrd said...


(sharon--that should take care of that)!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' IRIS & LOLLY!!---It truly is a GLORIOUS day here in WV!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Monday morning, friends. Looks like a nice spring day out there!

deb said...

Here are the two eggs at Barton Cove.

Barton Cove eggs

wvgal_dana said...

No Mits I was wondering also about the banding time. I don't think we will get to see it like with Dr. Sharpie. Would like to though.

I see our friends had some traveling wind problems. She'll see he sees a dr. if necessary. They been together too long. Glad it hasn't dull their fun time. Got on their way I see and made it further down. In my prayers.

Morning Iris that just came in.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, is Tesoro down?

normabyrd said...

OREGON NEST----Less snow on trees ----BUT STILL LOTS OF SNOW ON NEST!!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Lynda said she was going to post the info on the website, but I have yet to see it.

wvgal_dana said...

Jill might travel this way. Trying to get to see the eagle I saw yesterday. Hubby was really nice about his sandwich being cold. Good old microwave ( : I wished ours were banded so I would have known without a doubt it was Liberty. It was a fully grown big adult. I feel I've been kissed by the angels above ( :

MITS said...

yes Paula, it is:(

Suzanne said...

Morning, Iris, Paula, and Lolly! And welcome, Lolly, haven't talked to you before. Paula, Tesoro has been down since early this morning. Bummer!! I'm wondering if they turned off the cam to prepare for the banding. They have to get up to the nest to get the eaglets and bring them down for blood tests and banding. At least that's what I'm hoping! There was lots of wing flaps before it got really daylight.

normabyrd said...

HERON CAMS #1 & #2 are open!---#3 is open--foggy!!

normabyrd said...

BET you are right SUZANNE!!---But haven't seen time of banding!!!

normabyrd said...

SHARON----Still waiting for POPS!

paula eagleholic said...

I've been wondering where has Bob been also! C'mon out and play, Bob.

Suzanne said...

WHAO, check out the herons on cam 2 in WDF!!! Awesome. And the eagle nest is now showing on LW, but nobody's home. So Norma, where did you see a nest with 4 eggs????

paula eagleholic said...

Hee Hee -

Anyone notice something different about the blog???

YAY, Thanks Steve!

MITS said...

Oh thank you Steven:):):

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Deb. Think I missed you earlier! Sorry! Oh, no word verification.

MITS said...

Karla, thank you for the update on Wanda and Gene

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Still waiting on that pop, Normabyrd.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey everyone. Sorry I've been invisible the last few weeks. My Dad passed away last weekend. He would have turned 85 this past Thursday. He had been in the hospital in NY for about five weeks as a result of a gallbladder attack. He had been fine before that. He went downhill pretty quickly and in the end it was best he didn't continue to suffer. I made a couple of trips up including for the services. I got to see him before he passed although I don't know if he saw me. I think he did.

I made it out to BW yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. Unfortunately I was in a bit of a fog and didn't realize I had the camera set at 800 ISO so everything came out pretty grainy. I'll see what I can salvage.

I'm off to a long meeting. I'll check back in this afternoon.

MITS said...

Suzanne just sent you the link to the 4 eggs cam

MITS said...

Bob, so sorry for your Dad's passing, will keep you in my prayers

paula eagleholic said...

Bob - So Sorry to hear about your Dad. My sympathies to you and your family. I'm glad you were able to see him. I'm sure he knew you were there.

deb said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Dad, Bob. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sunny said...

Bob-so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. It's not easy to lose a parent at any age.

I might be going to BW this weekend for my birthday. Any tips on the best places to get some good pics? We'll probably be there mid-day, when the lighting isn't the greatest.

Hello to everyone else!

floralgirl said...

OH, Bob, so sorry to hear that. So difficult to deal with the loss of a parent. My sympathies to you and your family.

Sunny said...

Darn, no word verification!

Suzanne said...

Bob, so very sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. I'm sure he knew you were there! You're in my prayers.

Suzanne said...

Got it, thanks, Helen!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...

Oh look at Tai. He's trying to kill a tree branch... that's still attached. Oh, he just let it go and it boinged back up. Now he's trying to stand on his head. He's a hoot right now.

MITS said...


Joanne said...

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the heads up, Sharon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And the pic is frozen!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Sunny!

Welcome Joanne!

Yay Cam is on!! Life is good!!

deb said...

Thanks, Sharon for the heads up! Isn't it wonderful to see the nest again. Welcome, Joanne!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad Bob. I am glad you got to see him and sure he saw you. Prayers for you and your family. We love your pictures. Your fog will lift with time.

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

Tai is surely a hoot....Hello Joanne:)

normabyrd said...

MORNING JOANNE!!---Where are you from?---

paula eagleholic said...

It's a little slow, but the pic is updating here.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Do you have the OK SITE NOW?---Noted HELEN was going to send it to you!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---56° here in WV now---just beeped---going to 60s today!!!---Hope your temp goes up to DEB!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Steven wrote me back. He said our eagles flying time is only 10 minutes to here. I knew it wasn't long. Since we moved here I have always been watching the skies around here. Didn't think though I good sit in my car and watch an eagle right through my windshield. No looking up ... still an experience I'll never forget thank you Liberty (or Belle still feel it was Liberty). ( :

Sorry welcome Joanne

KarenInCali said...

Good morning all you critter lovers! Beautiful morning in sunny So. Cali!

Ok, someone mentioned a nest with 4 eggs!! May I ask where that is?? Tried bring the PH nest up here at work but gives me a page error. Don't know if its the site or this computer because of all the blocked sites from the school district :-( A neccessary evil unfortunately. Well, hope to check back occassionally here at work but sometimes gets busy.

deb said...

Thanks, Sharon for the heads up! Isn't it wonderful to see the nest again. Welcome, Joanne!

I hope my temp goes up, too, Norma. It is 16, headed for 28.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle just flew into Maine went to nest then up into tree. humm

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Karen

Today is suppose to be beautiful, tomorrow might get some lightening eekkk

Suzanne said...

Our poor BW eagle has not eaten all day. Where is that lazy bum with some food? She's got to be starving. Wonder if we can get a chopper and drop off a bunch of fish for her...

paula eagleholic said...

Karen - some people are getting into PH - others are not.

BWE up and looking

wvgal_dana said...

She was just up at BWE but couldn't see anything. darn

wvgal_dana said...

Our cam is off more than usual from my clock. I refreshed and it is still off more than usual. Waiting to see if our eagle moves.

paula eagleholic said...

Banding of the eaglets is scheduled for March 3rd, depending on the weather. The youngsters will be handled gently and returned to the nest as soon as possible. The parents will return and all will be back to normal. Birds live in the moment, and since these eaglets have spent weeks with their parents, there is no chance this brief encounter with humans will have an adverse effect on their ability to survive in the wild.

Found this info on the Tesoro updates page....

wvgal_dana said...

Whipppee our eagle just turned its head !!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE seems to be looking under again

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for the update on Tesoro.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, I'm missing everybody. Let me just say good morning, all, AND welcome all you new folks! Glad to have you.

paula eagleholic said...

Pics seem a little sticky...but better than No Pic!

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA!---I was reading all of that too!!---but isn't it interesting that they aren't giving a time---at least let us know if it is in the a.m. or afternoon!!

normabyrd said...

DANA!!---i think maybe your are hooked!!!!!!----ho!---STAY COOL!!

Lolly said...

Go away to read the paper, come back and no cam at VA but cam working here. I can not keep up!

Bird Girl said...

Bob, I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing, but I hope that at the end he was relieved. I know for sure he is at peace now....

I count our first egg's 35th day as March still a week to go for ours, perhaps?

Would someone please send me the address for the heron cams?? Puhleeeze??

Lurking today, might post again later :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - all kinds of news on here this morning. I still can't get myself to post first & then read.
Thank you Steve for the new thread without the word verification!

MITS said...

Tai is in his pond

Lolly said...

Karen, the Oklahoma nest has four eggs.

MITS said...

turning eggs at BWE

normabyrd said...

HELEN!!!---That 'LITTLE IMP' loves the water!!!----

Mema Jo said...

Did Glo or anyone mention anything about Tesoro banding NOT being on the cam?

MITS said...


deb said...

NBG is back up for now.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---EVERYONE has noticed the time is not posted anywhere!!-----

Suzanne said...

Morning, BirdGirl. I'm thinking Belle laid her first egg morning of 4 Feb, when the cam came back. Her first egg should hatch somewhere between 7-11 Mar! Figuring 32-36 days, so yes, you're right on the money for 35 days. Getting exciting now, isn't it?????
Just wish egg #1 would hatch for our Lady BW!!

normabyrd said...

bridge today--

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the heads up there Mits he is a rascal lol

Seeing 2 eggs at SR both eagles in the nest. They just let the sun hit the eggs for a time. Then get back on them.

Oh my you all that know my husband will get a kick out of this. I told him that Steven said only 10 minutes flying time to here. Hubby said you should be glad it (eagle) didn't take a dump on the car. You see I am always after him to get it washed! I told him if the eagle had. I would have told him he better hadn't go wash it now. I'd have to scrap some off onto a stick and put a clear glaze to harden over it lol DON'T WASH THE CAR LOL

Suzanne said...

Delphia, the herons are on same cam as eagles and owls at WildWatch.

Open that and then you can see all the other cams available.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - Lynda didn't say it wouldn't...

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. I gave them lots of pats Friday. They went nuts when I finally got home! Whenever I'm really late (not too often!), and finally get home, they run all over the house, all excited. Then they want very quick pets, then dinner!! After all, I can pet them after they've had food put in the ol' tummy!!! Gonna try to sneak out early, too. Like any minute now. Not sure that will be possible, but we'll see.

Mema Jo said...

BW head's down under

MITS said...

Tai is trying to get Mei's attention, but she is going to take a panda nap

Mema Jo said...

Back up and looking outward
Was hoping she/he would get up


Bird Girl said...

<{urp}> that webcam stirs up motion sickness -- the one on the water

paula eagleholic said...

Is that an eggshell or a feather to the fight of the eagles head at BWE

Mema Jo said...

Tesoro cam is down so I am thinking that the NBC Nightly News that comes on at 6:30pm EST and is when Brian Williams will show a short video clip of the banding....... :(

Lynda White has made no announcements on the home page yet.

MITS said...

we were watching that yesterday Paula

wvgal_dana said...

Great blopper cop ate my comment.
Mits what is that round thing Tai (if it's him) keep look through?

paula eagleholic said...

Eggs were just turned our nest...couple minutes ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Mits, thanks. First time I have really noticed it today.

MITS said...

just a part of the fence that looks into the other yard, Dana

Mema Jo said...

I love the way BWE looks down towards her/his breast as though a little bobble head could be there.

I sure wish it would be.........

MITS said...

my 30 second cam is reloading every 60 to 90, sometimes longer seconds:(

MITS said...

Mei is awake, let's see if she comes over to say hello to Tai

MITS said...

off to take a shower....BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro is up, but has a funky picture

MITS said...

Mei is barking and growling at TAI

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Does anybody else think the backside of our eagle looks a little strange?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha , yes it does Sharon!

MITS said...

yes, Sharon looks like fins from a 57 Chevy:)

Mema Jo said...

Maybe that is what happens when you only have 'fish' in your diet. lol

Suzanne said...

Helen, was that her on the other side of the screen window? Or was that Tian? Tai was sure trying to get their attention, then the parent walked away. Poor baby!!!

Suzanne said...

NBG cam is still down, but they have some new pics from yesterday! Eagles mated twice, how cool.

Suzanne said...

Heading out the door on tiptoes! All have a great eagle/panda day. Let me know and send pics if our BW egg hatches.. Sure hope it does!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

Isn't it time for a switch at BWE!
I so wish that their camera could have been tilted just a smidgen so we could see the edge of the nest.

It is great about BC having 2 eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro working!!

MITS said...

thanks, Paula

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our eagle hasn't gotten up since the cam came back on.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just passed nest with food or something in talons...almost landed, then took off again at Tesoro

MITS said...

Suzanne, know you have left, but that was Mei Xiang barking at Tai Shan

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Sharon there was an egg roll earlier

paula eagleholic said...

Hope they will do the banding at Tesoro - weather looks decent...

deb said...

They apparently blocked the banding at Tesoro on purpose. I just went to the Maine forum and found that much out. They are a mad group there from being blocked. I haven't read why yet.

Jill said...

No Word Verification YAY. Now if we just had a little bobble head the day would be perfect. Think Steve can fix that too. LOL

Hello Everybody

MITS said...

too bad, Deb....Hello Jill.

Mema Jo said...

BlackWater eagle moving around

paula eagleholic said...

Your kidding. Well that really sucks.

MITS said...

sure does:(:(

Lolly said...

Two eagles at BC. Dad just checking in to ask if all is okay!

deb said...

Sounds like they didn't want to scare school kids, but am still reading backwards to find out more.

floralgirl said...

From what I read Glo got an email explaining they were not going to show it for fear of scaring students or others who might be watching that might not understand what was happening and be scared?? But the fact that NBC is going to show it on the mews, sounds like they got the exclusive rights to show it first:( Such a great learning opportunity to watch these things happen live.. 84° in the GH:)

MITS said...

now why would that scare school children, they see much worse on TV, just watch the news.

deb said...

Thanks, Megan. I can stop looking for answer.

paula eagleholic said...

Apparently the information that the banding would be blocked was circulating as of last night, but I never read it until just now. Thanks Deb.

Mema Jo said...

Glo had info on the blocking of the banding on her FTLOE. It was transferred over to the Maine Forum. I mentioned earlier that the NBC Nightly News that comes on at 6:30pm EST and is when Brian Williams will show a short video clip of the banding.....

Maybe the Audubon Society will have a special video for us....

paula eagleholic said...

Duh - this is an opportunity to educate people.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought you were joking Jo, I didn't know you were serious.

floralgirl said...

sounds like $$$ talks- can't imagine they didn't realize how upset devoted cam fans would be. Back outside

MITS said...

jmho, but lame excuse, don't they think the kids will watch it tonight....glad Dr.Sharpe doesn't have that opinion

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...