Monday, March 17, 2008


New Third Eaglet thread.


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floralgirl said...

YAY!!! NEW CHICK THREAD!!!Thank you Steve!! sent you a pic of the new chcik!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven!! We have our 3rd chick!!! Thanks for the heads up, Megan. And LOL, I sent Steven some pics too!!!

Congrats, we're all new grandmom's and grandpop's again this morning. Ain't life grand???

Donnie said...

what a wonderful little chick. I was a little bit worried about the last one.

Suzanne said...

Hey, Donnie, a new granddad saw it too! This is just too exciting, how am I supposed to work now???

Suzanne said...

I was too, Donnie. Sure glad to see it hatch today!!

floralgirl said...

Hello Donnie! keep watching, Gotta run to the bus stop.

Donnie said...

i had just made the rp go to full screen and then it moved. I was looking at all the fish laying around... oh oh oh "let me see"

floralgirl said...

Both parents in nest!!!

Suzanne said...

Belle just arrived.

Donnie said...

Both in the nest... I really can't tell the apart.

floralgirl said...

Looks like she wants to push him off the egg cup!!lol...or they're just snuggling..

Donnie said...

I wish I could tell...

floralgirl said...

SHe's bigger, I have a hard time telling them apart myself.

Donnie said...

make that nest a little bit higher... Need to keep everyone inside the bowl.

floralgirl said...

Breakfast again!!

Donnie said...

I see two. Thied must be asleep. RPlayer getting jumpy again. it was playing real smooth.

Donnie said...

ther it is.... all three

Donnie said...

and now back on to warm up...

Donnie said...

boy thats a lot to get all tucked under there. I love the wiggle wiggle..

Suzanne said...

Guess Mom wanted her turn to keep the new chick warm! She does have a bit more "blanket" to cover them all!

NillaWafer said...

Brought over from the last page i was so alone n cryin.. Steven that was bad!!! lol It is so tiny compared to the other 2 and really are strong... those other 2 have days of growing ahead of it and they already peck at each other.. Maybe Scrapy and Fiesty names for 1st 2 and Irish for last The Luck Of The Irish poor baby will need all the luck it can get to Oops Good Morning Suz & Megan & Donnie..

Monday, March 17, 2008 7:19:00 AM

NillaWafer said...
That last eaglet popped out at about 7am we could call it 7UP...LOL Oh i need sleep...

Monday, March 17, 2008 7:24:00 AM

NillaWafer said...
Now it was hatched around 7am and born on St Patties Day thats alota luck right there!!! Both eagles in nest!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008 7:25:00 AM

NillaWafer said...
OK get up someone wants to see the newest arrival.. Isnt that sweet both of them together.. Oh i wish we had sound!!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008 7:27:00 AM

NillaWafer said...
Gettin uppp...Take the nasty fish with you!!! Off babies feeding again...The newest is there see it closer to the camera head bobbin around...Saw bigger 1 already peck at it ...grrrrr

Monday, March 17, 2008 7:32:00 AM

Donnie said...

So sorry you got left behind.
I was so excited I did not go back and check one everyone.
I do wish we had sound also. I have a monitor I can hear the bird at the feeders. It helps in the winter, when you can't get outside much

NillaWafer said...

When i put the picture of the nest on Theater mode the screen is black around the window and can see more clearly... #1 name Starry born at night... #2 Dewey born early morning when dew is on nest and #3 Irish born on St Patricks Day or 7UP born at just havent had any sleep .. Going to lay down.. BBL

Donnie said...

OK.... let the dayshift take over for awhile... Good night..

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS! MEGAN--#1 EAGLE MOMMA today & every day!!!---It's a SUNNY COOL a.m. here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PLUS 3!!--temp. 28°----no one is noticing!!---TIS' A GLORIOUS MORNING!!!----We are TRULY BLESSED!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!----CELEBRATE STEVEN!!!---"YOU ARE THE GREATEST"!!!---ENJOY!!!!!

MITS said...

HAPPY ST. PATRICKS'S DAY EVERYONE....Thanks for the new chick thread, Steven!

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma and Mits:) chilly 27°ouside, but the sun is shining. Must go get birdseed, feeders are empty, just ran out of seed, birds are angry, BBL.

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma and Helen! We have a complete clutch!!! How cool is that!!
Donnie, you said you have a baby monitor out by your birdfeeders? That's a really good idea, I may get one too. It'll drive my cats nuts! But I love to hear the birds. I'm getting all my "junk" birds back now, saw them all this weekend. I call them junk birds, I'm talking about the starlings and cow birds, and of course blue jays! Ones that take over, and I can really do without. Just don't know how to feed where I only get the little birds, finches, titmouse, etc. Always get the big ones too.

normabyrd said...

WOW! DONNIE!!---You were there at the right time!!!---The others had seen this before!!-----That's the LUCK OF THE IRISH!!----

Donnie said...

I saw a feeder with a monitor built inside. They wanted 250.00 for it. All you need it a $20.00 Fisher Price Baby monitor from K-Mart. really works great.
I was so suprised what I missed outside in the winter. Lots of noise out there...

Suzanne said...

Phew, yea, think I'll go the Fisher Price route, Donnie. I don't need anything fancy, but would like to hear the birds better.

Donnie said...

I was really trying to find the egg. I did not see the crack or anything, But then there was a big stretch and a reach across to the right, and the third head was right there.. Oh oh oh dads back.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---NOTHING IS MORE EXCITING THAN 3 HEALTHY---SPUNKY EAGLETS!!-----we know who will be the "BOSS"-----1st BORN!!---That has been on the news all week--(in re: presidents)----I am 1st born!!--Don't think I was every boss!!--ho!

Donnie said...

got the 20.00 route then If it get wet you don't have to worry about it so much.

Suzanne said...

BW kids are getting fed again. They're really growing!

deb said...

Good Morning, everyone. Happy third eaglet day and Happy St. Pat's Day!

We have snow, oh joy! :(

Mauley said...

I too, saw Big Un peck at Lit Lun, be nice bib brother, don't peck at baby. JOY JOY JOY JOY comes in the morning. Isn't the creation of God a miracle. A third chick. You da man, Steve. Suzanne, thanks so much for the pics. Wish we had color, but I'm not complaining, # 3 chick is here. "God's in His Heaven and all's right with the world." Pippa Passes - Robert Browning.

Mauley said...

Mits, you are our Irish Rose. Thanks for sharing that Norma. donna

Suzanne said...

One of the parents is on the BWO platform. I sure like where the truck moved the cam!!! Will be able to see lots of birds flying in and out!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---How long had you been at work before the lil' one arrived?
SO EXCITING!!----& hard to believe at the same time!!!!

glo said...

Good morning all. Glad to know the hatching are over. Lots and lots of big strong spunky kind of wishes going out for little bit. I have been called into work so won't be on today. Hopefully will catch the cams though.

normabyrd said...

Isn't it an EXCITING DAY!!!

normabyrd said...

Are you feeling up to going to work?----Don't over do!!---Take SUZANNE'S advice!!---"chicken soup"---- ho!

Suzanne said...

Norma, I got here at 3:59 this morning, and had the cam on about 20 after 4. Chick hatched (from what I could see on refreshes) from 0651 to 0656. AT 6:51, parent jumped up and sorta waited and watched and fed the other two. By 6:56, chick was totally out of shell. Absolutely awesome to watch!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Have you had time to check BOB QUINN'S new photos?---AWESOME!!!---(at LISA'S site)

Suzanne said...

Norma, I saw them this morning. They are awesome, as always! He takes wonderful pictures!!! I wish I lived nearer to BW, I'd probably be out there every weekend too. It would be just cool to see all that wildlife!

normabyrd said...

WONDERFUL SUZANNE!!---#3 waited until you were here before he made his debut!!!!----(bless his lil' heart)!!

Suzanne said...

About a gazillion turkeys on PA cam!

Suzanne said...

LOL, I thought that was very considerate of him, Norma!

deb said...

Darn, I thought she was going to get up and show us those eaglets.

MITS said...

the nest used to look big, but now with all the fluff and fish, getting crowded looking..

deb said...

There they are!

normabyrd said...

WHOA DEB!!---She is tired!!---She has been 'a'birthin' a chick!!--ho!---Have you seen this before?---You have so many EAGLES in your area?-----Wonder where INDIANA DAVE has been!!----He wasn't here yesterday!!

Suzanne said...

I see the chicks getting fed, but I don't see our newest baby. Anybody see him on live feed????

deb said...

No, Norma, this year is the first for me.

Suzanne said...

Ok, think I saw the 3rd chick in front (for cam) of the other 2 when they just ate. Enlarged pic and think that was grey fluff on the other chick's backs.

Suzanne said...

Both parents in BWE!

Lisa said...

One last congrats, guys! You all run out of eggs yet? haha

deb said...

I am pretty sure I got him on a clip, I am loading it now, Suzanne.

Suzanne said...

Wow, we have liftoff at Tesoro! Those eaglets are having a ball getting up off the nest with their wings!

normabyrd said...

That #1 chick---is so aggressive in taking turns eating!!--ho!---Oh that last lil' chick needs to be a fighter!!----Had forgotten some of that!!----Little SPUNKY had to fight too!!---ho!---What wonderful creatures these EAGLE are!!---so tender with their young!!

deb said...

Isn't it great, Lisa!

Looks like food deliveries were getting better at Blackwater yesterday.

normabyrd said...

I thought the new chick didn't get fed the 1st day?---correct me!

Suzanne said...

Yeah, remember Norma, they finally fed Big Boy (who is probably Big Girl) till she was full, then they could feed the other two. It's the only way the other 2 got anything to eat.
Love the way the BW parents are doing, they alternate each single bite with the chicks. And the one not getting a bite that time is just so patient waiting his/her turn. Wonder how long that will last? But the chicks are almost exactly the same size. Well, ok, only about 37 hours between hatching, but still they're awfully close!

MITS said...

Thanks, Lisa....

Suzanne said...

Norma, didn't see the new chick get a bite last time. They absorb the egg yolk, so aren't hungry the minute they hatch.

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Ok, my short clip is up of the last feeding on my page. You can see the chick on the right side of nest. Suzanne, you should be able to watch it.

Third eaglet

normabyrd said...

Thanks SUZ!---That's what I thought & BELLE eats the left over shell?----That's what our 'TEACHER' BELLE told me where she was active in our group!!

MITS said...

thanks, Deb:)

deb said...

Nap time!

normabyrd said...

DEB---That is such a COOL clip!!--Thanks!!!!!!-------

MITS said...

nap time over!!!!

MITS said...

nope, head back down

deb said...

I can only load little ones this way. I save the big ones for Paula and Glo. They are nice little glimpses of the eagles.

Mauley said...

I can't keep my eyes off the cam. I can't pull up live feed at work, puter too old, but I am in heaven at home. Somebody please tape and post for grantonine. Thanks donna

normabyrd said...

DEB!!---I like these clips!!---Easier to see up close--- what you wished to see!!!

MITS said...

short, sweet and to the point, Deb:)

normabyrd said...

The VA LADY is on the NEST swaying back & forth!!---Beautiful!!

MITS said...

So, STEVEN is everyone hanging around the TV at NCTC this a.m. celebrating?????:)

normabyrd said...

BC EAGLE in NEST!----(snow is gone)

deb said...

I haven't even opened other cams this morning. I better get going.

normabyrd said...

WHOA MAULEY!!---You forgot!!---you now have '3' new grand kids!! ho!

floralgirl said...

Yipee- three:) did everyone get a glimpse at it during that feeding? I had to go get bird seed, boy has the price gone up-like everything else.

Suzanne said...

Deb, that clip is adorable! It looked like mom (or dad) was also trying to give the new baby some food too! That's good. But I did see the little head pop up, and that's just precious! Thanks so much, Deb, loved the clip!!!

normabyrd said...




deb said...

Wow, I knew we had snow, but I didn't think it looked bad enough to call off school. Quite a few late starts and about 10 no schools this morning. The wind is kind of bad, must be bad on the country roads.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I had been picking up bird seed at the market with my groceries!!---WOW!---the price has really shot up!!----LISE (daughter)--teased & said now-- MOM---you or the birds!!!---(she thinks she is so clever--ho!--do love her)

normabyrd said...

DEB---That reminds me---read yesterday you wanted to know why elections on Sat.---Because we have to close school when we have elections!---So 'special levy' elections are held on Sat---STATE OR NAT. are on Tues.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

feeding time our nest

MITS said...

that 1st born is a piggy

deb said...

Dang, they found us again. We will have to start watching for the spammers again.

Lolly said...

Top o' the mornin,every one! Happy St. Pats Day! See we have a new lil "Paddy" in the nest!

Yippeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Gettin a little concerned about this last egg.

Oh, and I just got my first sight of her. Yea!!!!!!!!!

Those first two are really rowdy! lol So funny how they go at each other.

deb said...

I reported the spammer to Blogger, can someone e-mail Steven to remove it?

floralgirl said...

OK- so ignore SMARTPHONE evrybody! I hear ya, Norma, I gave up other extras so I could afford to keep buying seed.

Suzanne said...

Our kids are eating again. That's a good thing!!!

floralgirl said...

oh, there's the 3rd chick, wobbly, but up!

Suzanne said...

Deb, I emailed him to delete it. Looked different than the others, and sounded different, but hadn't checked it out.

MITS said...

I e-mailed Steven posts open up in my e-mail so I reported it as spam too.

MITS said...

going to go get dressed so I can go to store to get my corned beef and cabbage and Baileys Irish Cream......yummy

normabyrd said...

ON WV-NPR Program this a.m.---Stated to be aware of all these SPAMS that are being put out by many different phone companies!!!

floralgirl said...

Well, I checked, and she does have a blogger acct., but her blog is just a promo for phones.

normabyrd said...

ME SITE--GOOD NEWS!!----Lots of folks have seen THEIR EAGLES in the nest at night!!---Several folks have seen them copulating at 6:51 this a.m.--& GREAT VIDEO on site showing same!!!

Mema Jo said...

Is it OK for a retired person to be sooo HAPPY on a Monday morning? WHoo HOo !!!

Good Morning All My Eagle Buddies!

normabyrd said...

TOP OF THE MORNIN' LOLLY!!--- Wait until they fight for FOOD!!---#1 ALWAYS WINS---So we are always watching out for the 'baby'---doesn't help---but we feel better just yelling about it to MOM!!! ho!

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

How exciting to get up this morning and read Floral's and Nilla's description of the chick hatching! A St Paddy's day chick, how lucky! :)

normabyrd said...

HELEN---DEAR FRIEND! you sharing your BAILEYS with your friends???--I enjoy it with coffee!!---I am IRISH!!---- ho!!---GRANDMA CAMPBELL!!

Mema Jo said...

Just got the FtStVrain CO site up and Eagle's nest is full of snow - Eagle is there incubating their eggs. Going to check some of the daily pics to see who or when a small branch was placed on the eagle's back. Like for protection....

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa already has a note at BWE about our 3rd chick and the new egg at Norfolk.

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Well, I am not Irish at all, but I've got my cup ready for some of that Bailey's...Hello Jo, Deb and Paula:)

MITS said...

Norma, I drink my BAILEYS' straight up, don't like diluting it.

MITS said...

Where is Miss Sharon this a.m.???

Suzanne said...

Wow, guess dinner is at Helen's tonight! And if I don't make it in tomorrow, you all will know I had too much Bailey's!!!

Mema Jo said...

WOW CO has had snow in their nest since yesterday. I have not been checking other cams very much since our excitement started

MITS said...

I'm half Irish Rose and half Polish Sweetie:)

normabyrd said...

TOP OF THE MORNIN' JO & PAULA!!---LISA has been over & congratulated us!!----


MITS said...

I can just hear my sister choking on that last remark:)

floralgirl said...

lol...I have Scottish heritage,as kids we were not allowed to celebrate St Pats., my grandmother was old school.. but..pass the Bailey's anyway please!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL kids are up and fighting already!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm half Polish sweetie, too, Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to know there is PLENTY of food for all 3 chicks

paula eagleholic said...

A regular buffet

paula eagleholic said...

A regular buffet

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, all that fighting and eating, they are tuckered out already!

paula eagleholic said...

She just pulled that egg shell out of there

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and great clip, Deb. I did back up the player this morning and tape the hatching and the feeding at 7:25

floralgirl said...

Both our nest!!

normabyrd said...

THE PA FALCON (RACHEL CARSON) SITE will open 3/21/08----EXPECTING 1st egg---3/25/08-------------

FALCON in BOX now!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Lib is checking to see if Belle needs a break.

floralgirl said...

ok, no switch, she's not budging.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess that was a no, coz he just left to the left!

Oh, he brought more fluff! Good Daddy!

floralgirl said...

Hard to walk away, gotta get some work done..BBL-

deb said...

Thanks, Paula. It looked like the littlest one got fed that time.

I am not a little bit Irish, but I would take some Bailey's, too. I can do without the corned beef and cabbage, though.


MITS said...

just what they need more FLUFF...

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

DEB---Notice I didn't mention CORNED BEEF OR CABBAGE!!---I do like 'raw' cabbage!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning all eagle watchers
WOW that's the best news(3 chicks)
It won't be too long here,our
eagles have been on eggs sense the
21 of Feb. Does any one now about
how long that it takes,I have read
it somewhere but i have forgot.
I hope that everyone has a great
St.patricks day.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

deb said...

I forgot I had rewound to watch the last feeding, so I was way behind the live action. Flying in on my video, already gone on yours. I am back to live now. :)

movin said...





Mema Jo said...

I suspect that if they keep digging in the egg well - they are going to come out the other end....

Wiggle Wiggle

Mema Jo said...

OK Chicks Quiet down in there!!

I think we need to change to
Rockin' Rollin'
instead of wiggle wiggle

Great Blue Heron Cam 2 - I just saw another egg.

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA SITE OPEN!!----Little MEI is all "alone" sitting on the log day bed---chewing bamboo!!---She looks SO BIG!!---would love to see her with LUN LUN---JUST 1 MORE TIME!!!----They are a RIOT!!

Mema Jo said...

Indiana Dave - Guess it would be sometime during the week right after Easter...... The week of the 24th would put the eggs in the 30+ day incubation range.....

movin said...

BW chicks can be seen snoozing away next to each other this morning.



paula eagleholic said...

Dave - 35 days is average for incubation.

Feb 21 should be around March 27th

normabyrd said...

TOP OF THE MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!--We are so proud of the 3 EAGLETS we are all about to pop!---ho!!---Takes 32--36 DAYS!!---If they argue---I googled that ans. from BLACKWATER!!

MITS said...

switch our nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Boy she really has the fluff built up!

paula eagleholic said...

Oops, he!

deb said...

All the food that was at BWE yesterday is gone already. Hopefully the male will deliver more today.

paula eagleholic said...

I was wondering why Belle looked smaller - thought it was the fluff!

Mema Jo said...

Need to go over into emails...
will return ...

normabyrd said...


Lolly said...

Please pass the Bailey's west to Texas, please! :) I'll be waiting.
Going to my daughter's to paint. Will be checking in on her computer. I hope! Least were not waiting for another hatching!
Have a GREAT day, everyone!

Suzanne said...

Little BW chicks are getting to be big BW chicks. They're snuggling in the sun.

Suzanne said...

Eagle in LW.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Do you still check in on the CORNELL BIRD SITE?---They have 1 OWL--TX--1 CA & ---1 FLICKER---1 WOOD DUCK!---BOXES---

normabyrd said...

Has anyone see SHARON!!---Checked the BLUEFIELD SITE----It's BLANK!!

DANA is usually one too!!! (must be sleeping in) ho!

normabyrd said...


IrisF said...

Good Morning everyone!!! WOW, I'm so happy it is St. Patrick's Day - did I tell you my last name is REILY?

But - I'm even happier to see our third chick is HERE! WHOO HOOOO!!!

IrisF said...

Going to ask for emails now...lots to catch up on is on the way I hear...

Suzanne said...

Norma, haven't checked that site this year so far. Will have to find the URL, it's probably in my favorites.

normabyrd said...

SAFE JOURNEY HOME SUZANNE---LOVE PATS TO "GYPSY" & ALL HER HOUSE MATES!!!----Hope they can't read your mind!!----EAGLET---EAGLET & EAGLET!!----ho!

normabyrd said...


NatureNut said...

Hooray!! Hooray!! #3 is here!! Hello and Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone. What a great B'day to have. I konked out at 3AM, so wouldn't have seen bobble 3 anyway.

Suzanne said...

Can't find it, Norma, do you have the address?

Suzanne said...

LOl, yup, Norma, that little eaglet this morning was an answer to prayers!!! Sure am glad he finally got here to join the rest of the family!
Heading out shortly, have a dental appt this afternoon. No biggie, 6 month cleaning. I can deal with that, that's easy!

movin said...

Oh WOW!! She's feeding them, and I saw the third one in the group for the first time.



deb said...

Fly-in, both tending to the eaglets.

NatureNut said...

Feeding time, but sun seems to only shine on one bobble!

Carol_in_WV said...

Congratulations, Belle & Liberty! Your little family is now complete.

NatureNut said...

Parents moved out of the way & can see all 3. Think third is behind others-can see when it moves.

Suzanne said...

Awwwwwwwwww, aren't they adorable? BW chicks are alone, darn.

Suzanne said...

OMG, egg turning in NBG, how cool is that!!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding time!

deb said...

Eagle was just at BW a few minutes ago, Suzanne, it must have left while I was watching our nest.

Suzanne said...

Darn, hate to do it, but have to. Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. Take lots of pics of our new baby, they're adorable!
NBG stuffing grasses in by her.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

floralgirl said...

Wow! I have good timing today, I love watching them at feeding time. Up to 38° now,and you can see the sun is shining:) ANd I don't know if anyone has mentioned it lately, but this live feed is great!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks, Deb. Didn't see the parent, and had to go down the hall. Glad they returned. So nice to see our kids eating!
Ok, outta here. Blog tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

That's right Belle, stuff em full so they can't move!

paula eagleholic said...

Aww they are trying to peek out this side of the egg cup

floralgirl said...

Yeah, the one furthest left was really stretching to see:)

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----Will be thinking of you while you are in dental chair-----

normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

All covered up!

floralgirl said...

Oh, yikes, didn't know she was headed to the dentist- I will give her my share of Bailey's.. Love that, chicks fed, then that's it chicks, everyone is napping now. Back outisde- later

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is back! With a fish, I think!

Mema Jo said...

Another fly in
Is that something in those talons?

Mema Jo said...

Well Let's see what you brought!

Look at that movement towards the nest!

Yes Megan
I Love The Live Feed

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, it was wiggling in the nest, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

One of these times a parent is really going to lose their footing and fall right down into that egg cup.

Make 'em stretch for it!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle gets up, grabs the new fish (tripping on the old carp along the way), then takes the new fish to the back of the nest on the right. Lib is on the left, checking out the chicks!

normabyrd said...

TOP OF THE MORNIN' CAROL!!---I just read your name!!---ISN'T THIS EXCITING!!!---3 healthy -- but aggressive EAGLETS!!---Time for separate rooms!!---TOO AWESOME!!

paula eagleholic said...

Do you think that is the newest chick with the real bobbly head...well now they both are bobble heads!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is eating the old carp now

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 258   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...