Friday, March 07, 2008


New thread.


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MITS said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING EVERYONE Have to be out and about today, have a good one...I can't get onto the live-feed:(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I have have the live feed up since yesterday. It is still working for me.

floralgirl said...

OK, I can't get the live feed to work either:(!

glo said...

Good morning folks. I have my live feed running too. I won't be shutting it off at this point I am sure. I surely hope it keeps on keeping on.

Hope you all have a great day ahead.

floralgirl said...

What is going on, why are only some of us having live feed isuues??

glo said...

Gosh gal I'm not sure. Try closing Real Player all the way down and bringing it up again. Or maybe do a full reboot. Did you clean your cachet last night that might help.

floralgirl said...

I am so frustrated, I cleared all my cookies, browsing history, etc. I keep getting an error message when I go to the live feed page. If I can't get it to work soon, I'm gonna have to camp out at NCTC.

Suzanne said...

Phew, lots of hitting the back button to get here this time!
Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Mits.
Both parents in BWE now. Dang, and have to sign in again! Grrrr

Suzanne said...

Helen, enjoy your day out and about. Don't try to do too much, take it easy, and have a good one. Morning, Glo, you have a great day too!

MITS said...

Well, I'm not leaving the puter on all night even in standby, I have read articles, that is an easy way for things to go wrong, and undesirables to latch onto your info.

Bird Girl said...

hellloooooo everyone

lurking again today...

glo said...

Digging in the nestbowl. Taking great care of the eggs. Last eggroll was no more than 5 minutes ago.

Suzanne said...

Lady BW sure is bringing in a lot of fluff! Think maybe she's getting ready to use it to help keed the kids dry during this next rain storm?

Suzanne said...

Hey, BirdGirl, good morning!

glo said...

Belle has a little blckbird that keeps visiting. she does not seem to want the company this morning.

Joanne said...

Good morn' y'all! I d/l'd a new copy of Real Player and still cannot get anything but error message or yesterday "no software for this program"! I wanna closer look and see if I saw 2 lil eyes today!???

Suzanne said...

Wow, gazillions of colorful turkeys in PA.

floralgirl said...

ok, rebooted computer, etc. This is all I can get-We're Sorry! An error has occurred.
The request that you are trying to process could not be completed.
The details of this error have been emailed to the web site administrator.

Bird Girl said...

when i try to go to the live feed i get an error from the website itself, not real player. steve did mention something about the live feed not working overnight?

Suzanne said...

Oh, parent falcon on bar with food waiting in PA.

floralgirl said...

Hey bird girl, joanne. I'm getting a message from the website, not media player.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning ; mits,eagle-eyed
sharon,floralgirl,glo,and suzzane.
The weather this morning isn't to
bad yet.The weather says that we
might get 2 to 4 in. of snow this
afternoon,so will see.
Just a note to( carol in wv )I
got on the hatchery web site and
now i know how to spell the
chickens i have they are a large
breed. Black-Australorps i just
wanted to let you i got your
Now for some new news--Our eagles
here are doing ok even with the
not-so-good weather,I say a prayer
every night for them.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

MITS said...

Megan, I just copied and pasted the address and got right in.

floralgirl said...

Hello Dave, looked up your chickens on that website Carol posted. Pretty birds. Hoping to get chickens myself someday soon..

IrisF said...

Good Morning Helen, Sharon, Megan, Glo, Suzanne, Delphia, Joanne, It looks like a nice day at out nest!

Is that a lot of pine needles or fluff I see there?

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Joann, and welcome. Haven't talked to you before. We still have 3 intact eggs in our nest, saw them this morning.

floralgirl said...

Oh-thanks you wise Mits-I tried everything but that! It worked immediately:)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Iris! LOL, lots of fluff in both our nest and BW. Think they're getting ready for the rain that's coming this afternoon.

Suzanne said...

Oh, good morning, Dave. Didn't mean to miss you! Did you see my message the other day about Twin Kiss opening last week? That's the ice cream place you were talking about.

IrisF said...

Sorry Indiana Dave, missed seeing you here somehow!!

floralgirl said...

morning Iris:)We are expecting a lot of rain, at least it ain't snow.

Suzanne said...

Oops. My bad. Wasn't talking about ice cream to Indiana Dave. So Dave, you're not confused when you read that, I am. Course, I stay that way most of the time, so no biggie!!

Bird Girl said...

yes if i use the link from the website, and not my bookmark, it works :)


Bird Girl said...

that URL ends in ".rm" by the way LOL

floralgirl said...

I don't get that, cause it's the exact same address as my bookmark. But I don't care as long as I got the live feed up. wierd-thanks again, MIts.

MITS said...

Someone, I think Jo and Paula mentioned to that yesterday, was getting ready to e-mail my bud StevEn anD say, : whAt the $#$^ is going on here, but NEVERMIND:):):)

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

That's ok suzanne,I like ice cream

Indiana Dave

floralgirl said...

Norfolk cam is back up- no eagles in sight.

floralgirl said...

eaglets showing at BWE

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---If I keep trying to get 'live feed'--it will probably be bed time!! ho!----HELLO!! HELEN---SHARON--MEGAN--GLO---SUZANNE--BIRD GIRL---JOANNE---INDIANA DAVE---& IRIS!!---It's a cloudy dark a.m. here in WV---'HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY'---temp. 33°--may reach 40s---today is RAIN--RAIN & MORE RAIN!!!----wait & see what WONDERS this day will bring!!!----Any BIRTHDAY CAKE left SHARON?----ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS DAY!!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, yeah, Dave a weakness of mine! I could live on the stuff!

normabyrd said...

HELEN is feeling much better this a.m.----WHOA!---'SHE IS A CUSSIN' AGAIN'!!---ho!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma. Your flamingos are out and about in the water.

floralgirl said...

Have you seen the story about some moron named Tripp Isenhour, a pga golfer. Purposely killed a red shouldered hawk who was making noise while he was trying to make a shot. He hit a ball at it and killed it, then buried the bird on the golf course to hide the evidence. Luckily someone turned him in. What a jerk.

Suzanne said...

Awwww, Norma, hadn't heard that! You're right, what a jerk!!! But glad someone saw him do it and turned him in! Idiot! (The golfer, not the guy who turned him in!)

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

OK, I can't get on either. Grrrrrr
Megan, what did you do to make it work??

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Time to stop SUZ from drinking so early in the a.m.!! ho!

MITS said...

I read that about the golfer, he was making some video and the bird would not shut up...I say tie him up and let the hawks have at him.....what a COWARD!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CANDY!!---Have missed seeing you!!---Are you at school this a.m.?

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

Whew, I'm in. Morning everyone! I'm on. what's up with the link I wonder???

I'm home today with kids, teacher work day. Oh joy!!

Did someone say ice cream....Suzanne????

floralgirl said...

lol- I'll have whatever she's drinking. SNady- go to the live feed page- copy and paste the live feed address into your browser, see if that doesn't open it for you-tha's how several of had to get there this am.

floralgirl said...

good grief, not sNday-sandy. Is it too early for ice cream?

MITS said...

I'd like to have a bloody mary or mimosa right now...

MITS said...

so happy the osprey are on they way back

normabyrd said...


OWL left eggs during the night -- 2 eggs---then back on the eggs!!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, you guys are a hoot this morning. Seems I'm not the only one drinking with my ice cream this morning! Hey, works for me!
Ok, now I'm really confused. Who is Carolina Girl Sandy? Is that our old girl Sandy, or did Candy come up with a new name? I don't mean OLD, Sandy, don't EVEN want to imply that! You know what I mean, the Sandy that was on last year. Good grief, more I say, deeper I'm gettin' in the hole I'm digging!

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

NEVER to early for ice cream Megan!!!

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

Hey Suzanne , it's me!!! OLD Sandy LOL. I pop in on weekends some, but can't play at work. I need my job. LOL

better post, my laptop battery is draining fast.

floralgirl said...

Thank goodness it's Friday, Suzanne:)

normabyrd said...

TURKEY TIME--PA!!---Those TURKEYS look like BALLOONS!!---

floralgirl said...

cool, I haven't seen the turkeys in my yard for a while now.

MITS said...

yes Suzanne, this is your 1st full week in ages....

floralgirl said...

I was just reading, apparently this incident with the moron golfer happened in Dec. 2007, and they've kept it quiet since. He said it was an accident, witnesses say different. Of course, doesn't help his case that he buried the hawk immediately on the golf course...

MITS said...

why I'd like to beat the #$$%# out of that MO-ron

MITS said...

wish we could bombard him with mail

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I remember this SANDY---Sister worked with the horse that won the KENTUCKY DERBY??!---(exercised the horse before the race)!----

floralgirl said...

I sent an email to the PGA tour, hard to find a contact address, tho. Unfortunately he has no web site.

normabyrd said...

SANDY---Am I close?---think I have the wrong race??---Educate me!!!

MITS said...

good idea, Meagan

Carolina Girl Sandy said...


You're right! My niece exercised the Kentucky Derby winner. She works at Churchill Downs

floralgirl said... feel free to send them an email concerning Tripp Isenhour and his deliberate killing of a protected bird.

MITS said...

off to see the grandbabies, yea, TTUAL!

normabyrd said...

SANDY---That's so COOL!!---daughter is horse person & she was impressed!!---

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

VA NEST---MT---but the cam is up!

Suzanne said...

Oh, one of the turkeys in PA has his tail fanned. Looks cool.

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

Yep, very cool.

Got to go get some stuff done. I'll check back in later. Keep an eye on the nest for me....

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is enjoying a TREAT!!----He is so tender handling it!---see how intense he is when eating!!!----"LITTLE IMP"---Who wouldn't love that face?????

Carolina Girl Sandy said...


Carolina Girl Sandy said...

waddle, left and 3 beautiful eggs

Suzanne said...

Our eggs visible.

floralgirl said...

When they try to get comfy like that-reminds me of that old commercial-weebles wobble, but they don't fall down.

normabyrd said...

TX BARN OWL---8 EGGS---copulation will continue through incubation & rearing of owlets!!

CA BARN OWL---STILL MATING--(they were doing that yesterday)

Lolly said...

Good morning! I got the error message too. Remembered someone said something about copy and paste yesterday. It worked!

Looks like nothing new at the nest. Another day of staring at the screen and analizing every move! :)

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!---I remember that commerical too!!----(guess we are just kids at heart)

floralgirl said...

Morning, lolly- yep stare and wait... but at least we can see every movement with this live feed.

Suzanne said...

Ok, reading back. WELCOME BACK, SANDY!!! Helen, maybe that's what's wrong this morning... my first full week in a long time. Knew I was specially tired this morning! That's right, Norma, that's what I was thinking when I saw Sandy and North Carolina. Sandy, see where you told Norma it was your neice. That is still just too cool!
Oh Delphia, thanks for the link. Think I will send a nasty email to them! Hope they fine the dickens outta him.
Helen, love to the M&M girls!!
Ok, may be caught up now. Till I post, then be behind again.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. Just checking in before I head out the door. Yard work this weekend. I may grab a kid and head out to the hills with my camera after chores are done.

Suzanne said...

Mom is moving fluff over the babies at BW. How cute is that!

floralgirl said...

Morning Anne:)

Suzanne said...

BW kids are being fed.

jjmops3 said...

hi, I'm jjmops3 from Kansas City and I've been lurking around here for a while. Thanks for all your information and hints on how to get the live feed working. We're getting TONS of huge wet snow flakes here today. Enjoy your eagle watching day.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Anne!! Have a great weekend.

Suzanne said...

Hi jjmops3, and welcome. You're supposed to get snow out that way, and we're getting about an inch of rain! Least it's not snow here.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ANNE!!----I have missed your morning good byes---hair curlers & boiled egg!!---ENJOY your day!!-- I would suggest that taking a camera & a kid to the woods sounds GREAT!!----ENJOY YOUR DAY!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Jill said...

Belle was rather restless last night. Check the eggs several times.

Copy and paste does see to be the way to go. Steve needs to check that link. Seems like it was overloaded or something. (can't imagine how that would happen). LOL

floralgirl said...

Hello Paula:)happy friday

normabyrd said...

WELCOME JJMOPS3!!---ENJOY watching our EAGLE nest!!---But WHOA!!---Keep those beautiful snowflakes in KANSAS!! ho!---

Joanne said...

I finally took the url and used it in IE 7 and I got a video, but not a very clear picture like Norfolk eagles. It won't work in Fire Fox for me!

Anne-Marie said...

Had a rough night last night and didnt get much sleep. I think I hurt the feelings of my guy by not excepting his proposal. its like trying to slow down a freight train.OK, curlers out, egg done , Heidi fed and I'm out of here. Hugs to all.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA & JILL!!---Do you have day off JILL?---ENJOY!!

normabyrd said...

ANNE---Good thoughts coming your way!!!!

Suzanne said...

Awww, babies are snuggling and sound asleep, dad just left. How cute is that!

floralgirl said...

whoops, hello Jill, misssed you there. hello jjmops3. Joanne, the cam pic you're seeing is what we are all watching. It's black and white, I've never seen a cam with a pic as clear and colorful as Norfolk. But this cam is still the best...

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula and Jill. Happy Friday.

normabyrd said...

Has anyone heard from WANDA & GENE?---I miss WANDA--especially in the early a.m.---- How could they not be ENJOYING their trip!!

Anne-Marie said...

Welcome jjmops3. Now I'm out of here.. Honest.

normabyrd said...

IRIS---Are you folks near any of the STORMS they are having now in FL??-----pray that you are not!!--

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

normabyrd said...

SUZ---Check FLAMINGOS!!---They are doing the 'HEADS UP' & strut dance!!---BEAUTIFUL!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, they are beautiful, Norma! Haven't seen them do that before.

normabyrd said...

The ATLANTA CAM is up!!----showing an MT playroom!!!!

normabyrd said...

OREGON NEST is slowing coming in to view!!---STILL lots of SNOW in nest---But it's looking better every day!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

SEVERAL DIVERS---2 UP CLOSE TO WINDOW!!---They have been working down there all a.m.!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Egg truning our nest

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning to everyone in eagleland! I made it it Winchester yesterday in time to take Josh out to dinner for his birthday. Now I just discovered that he left his computer set for this blog. Yea.

Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Friday Morning
I am also on Firefox trying to get my Live Feed up/running.. Should have left it on last night!

I want to return to early am comments & email... Hold in there -
I'll return.

paula eagleholic said...

Hay Candy - good to hear from ya. I was thinking about ya, couldn't remember if you were heading out yesterday or today.

floralgirl said...

well hello Candy:) glad you made it to Josh's safely. Hey Jo:) many of us could not get the live feed up this morning, had to cut and paste the address into browser. Not sure why, I've been using my old link all along, but nothing would work this time.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA When we got off 81 at exit 310, to come in the bak way to Josh's house last night, I saw a sign that pointed our way for Romney. Isn't that where you said you were. How far is that from Winchester?

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful Lake Washington eagle in nest

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi again Paula and Megan. I was so glad that Josh left his puter on, as I don't know how to work his. He is working today, so swa the puter was on and hopped on for a bit.

carolinabeachmom said...

I see we still don't have any babies in our nest yet, but I did get to see the chicks in BWE before I left. Of course, ours will be a lot cuter than those. :)

Mema Jo said...

I finally got the live feed up..
Copied & pasted.. not through the site.

Lolly said...

Norma, what site are you going to for the divers?

carolinabeachmom said...

I see you are in for TGOF SUZANNE! :) I haven't been able to get on at school anyore for some reason. Sooooo unless I get up real early, I can't get into the blog until I get home at night; that is if I don't sit down and fall asleep first. :)

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...


carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA, you aren't flirting with those divers still, are you? Any more signs lately?

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

That did not work.

floralgirl said...

yeah, I know- I can't get itot work-copy and paste this-

Lolly said...

Still no luck. lol

carolinabeachmom said...

Has anyone heard how Sandra is doing recently? I see no one has heard from Wanda and Gene yet since their last stop. I do hope Gene's hand is doing better with Nurse Wanda's help. :)

Suzanne said...

Hey, hi Candy! Glad you're on now, I've missed you! Morning, Jo, see you when you catch up on the old blogs.

Mema Jo said...

Atlanta Panda Cam: I think it is Buta Buta lying there in the day room with closed doors.. They say the separation from LunLun is going very well.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda logged on for a couple of minutes the other day...she is still playing nurse, but Gene is fine.

Suzanne said...

Candy, Karla hasn't come back and said anything, so maybe Wanda and Gene are having too much fun to keep us posted. That could be a good thing!!! Hope they have a blast!

floralgirl said...

Eagle back in nest at Norfolk, cam is really zoomed in.

carolinabeachmom said...


Suzanne said...

Our BW babies are alone. They're so cute and tiny!!

floralgirl said...

eaglets showing at BWE!!

paula eagleholic said...

Both our nest...

floralgirl said...

both our nest!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful flyin from Belle
She's getting those sticks out of the way


floralgirl said...


paula eagleholic said...


Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks, Paula! Glad they're doing alright, didn't see where Wanda had logged on.

Mema Jo said...

Waddle Waddle
Didn't get to see the eggs

I anyone else's live feed full
of psychedelic colors or just mind?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle brought in a small stick...

paula eagleholic said...

Just love that wiggle....

Mema Jo said...

Tuck the Fluff

floralgirl said...

Eagle at Norfolk appears to be eating in nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

When you all said switch, I'm looking all over for the new blog page. :) I don't know where his refresh button is on his puter, so I put on the smiley faces.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, don't you know, waddles are for ducks...wiggles are for eagles? :)

floralgirl said...

No psychedelic colors here...not on my cam pic anyway.

carolinabeachmom said...

Paula, I love your eagle chicklet; Sooooo cute.

Suzanne said...

The BW babies are so patient waiting for a bite. They're adorable!

Mema Jo said...

I gotcha Paula - Bad Mema
I got rid of my live feed colors...
I am now good to go!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Candy!
Switch if for eagles as is

Split is for bloggers! lol

I bet you did think we were all leaving you! I think it was sooooooo
nice of Josh to leave his computer up but moreso that he left it on our blog site! You have a very loving son!

Suzanne said...

Getting ready to hit the road. Before I go, I want to say...

I have a special announcement for a special Momster!


Hope you have a wonderful day, Geula, and all your wishes come true!! Happy Birthday, and many more!!!

Geula, have to say Happy Birthday to you today, cause I won't be on the blog this weekend. So hae a great day, and a wonderful weekend.

Suzanne said...

Heading out. All have a great eagle/panda day. Blog at ya Monday. Have a wonderful weekend, and stay warm and dry! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

carolinabeachmom said...

Those smiles were for him JO. He is a pretty nice guy, but don't want to mess up his computer. I still hae three days to go here, and I want to be able to see all the excitement when the first one of you sees our first hatch in OUR NEST! Maybe when he comes home from work tonight, I can get him to se if he can bring up our eagle site for me, so I can watch too.

JO glad you are doing so much better. AND HELEN too. All the flu people seem to have recovered too. It is also great to see so many new bloggers joining the group. Why now? You are all such a great bunch of people on here.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE you have a safe trip home. Hope you get ahead of the rain tocome. Have a great weekend and give hugs to Gypsy and her kitty friends!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---I don't know where I am or what I am doing now!!---Someone stopped in!!---SUZANNE---Have I missed your leaving!!!!----


normabyrd said...

HEY CANDY!!!---"GREAT MINDS" think alike!!! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

both parents at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll our nest

Mema Jo said...

Checking those eggs.......

paula eagleholic said...

Pulling in some of that nice new fluff

Mema Jo said...

She was really giving them a talking to.... Lots of fluff

normabyrd said...

LOLLY this is for the aren't always there---So you have to wait or keep checking on them!!

Mema Jo said...

Belle is certainly getting the fluff all around her. I wonder if birds have an instinct when it is about to rain?

I Love The Live Feed! Baby!

Mema Jo said...

Moose isn't on cam right now BUT
has anyone tried the Pop Up Cam that Pook put on. Top of the home page is where you find it.

Mema Jo said...

Another egg roll Big Time
What is down there in that egg well?
Then a wiggle wiggle wiggle lol

Belle needs to get comfy!

floralgirl said...

It is highly suspected that birds are able to detect air pressure
changes and can sense weather changes.At the back of the throat birds have a cleft which is by the inner ear
opening. This cleft helps to regulate the pressure changes! Scientists
think that the inner ear may play a huge part in helping birds to
migrate and detecting storms.

normabyrd said...

NZOO----CLOUDED LEOPARD is chewing a large bone!----FISHING CAT is roaming as always----Cam is in wrong position to see the OTTERS!!---I can see the tail of one sunning on the rocks!!!---must check on the bears again!!!

Mema Jo said...

Noon time prayers said.
Check out Sandra's candles.

Candles for Sandra Link

Mema Jo said...

Megan Thank you for answering the question! That is good to know - so she really may be getting prepared!

I knew we had a pair of Smart Birds!

Norma Click on the monkey at the bottom of the page - go over to the left and click on Think Tank..Mits said this is a good one

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

I always notice right before a snow storm the birds are frantic to get food, they sense the storm coming. Changes in barometric pressure, etc. Rain is bearing down on us now, looks like some heavy showers. They've really got that nest cup built up.

Mema Jo said...

BBILW Need to get out of my
PJ Club attire......... lol

Belle is still pulling in the fluff

Mema Jo said...

Horrors! It is almost a year to the very day when the snow came.........

Every Momster do Megan's Rain Dance!

carolinabeachmom said...

Belle must know it is going to be a dwonpour. Hopefully rain and not snow or ice for our nest.

floralgirl said...

NO worries, it's rain coming at us this time:)

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I have noticed the same scurrying around with the birds---- before a rain storm too!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh gosh, it couldn't happen to our birds again JO. Prayers said on this end for our birds successful hatching and fledging.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, remember the tsunami a few yrs ago, the animals started running toward higher ground. Animals live by their instincts.

floralgirl said...

This Afternoon
Rain. Highs in the lower 40s. East winds around 10 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
Rain. Lows in the upper 30s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain near 100percent. Saturday
Rain. Highs in the mid 40s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming northwest 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 90 percent.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I ask you again, how close is Romney to Winchester. I saw a road sign on the way into Josh's house that siad Romney on the road I was on. I got off 81 at exit 310 and headed west until told to get off for Winchester.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---It's forecasting 100% rain in EASTERN PANHANDLE---VA--MD AREAS too -- today & tomorrow!!---So maybe you should take BELLE an umbrella!! ho!---She can handle rain---no problem!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD NEWS MEGAN, GOOD NEWS. tHANKS I know it is getting overcast here in Winchester. This morning the sun was brightly shining, but not now.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is funny you should say that NORMA. On the way up, I was thinking of asking my husband to take a trip to Shepehrdstown and do some scouting around to see where things were, but we slept in. This afternoon we have to ho to Morgan Stanly about finances. So that did that plan in. I don't think I could find where togo anyway. I was on the Eagle Espress the last time.

paula eagleholic said...


normabyrd said...

CANDY---It's about 45 miles or so!!---Rt. #50---coming to Romney from Winchester---take Hospital cut off----old winding road--the latter part of the drive!!--Many people from our area work there & drive it daily!!! ---

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...