Wednesday, September 12, 2007


New thread.


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Robyn said...

YAY new thread, thank you Steven

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Candy!
Brought this over...
Suzanne said...
And poof, eagles gone, osprey in nest!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 7:29:00 AM
Well, darn, osprey just left.

Suzanne said...

Robyn, you're #1 today! Way to go, gal!!

Suzanne said...

Osprey back!

Robyn said...

ok brb getting a little breakfast

Suzanne said...

Osprey still in BW, Bai and Squiggles sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Osprey left and back again. Maybe just flying around temporarily claiming the nest. Wonder if the eagles are flying around, and the osprey is chasing them???

Costume Lady said...

Did you hear me? I was singing.
Sent you a present in your email.

Robyn said...

Maybe that is what the eagles were yelling at

Robyn said...

Good morning Wanda and Capt

Costume Lady said...

Love to hear about Tori smiling and being happy. Tell her to smile often, she has a beautiful smile.

Robyn said...

She should she has been often lately, she has a pouty mouth which makes her look sad even when she isn't

Suzanne said...

Wonderful singing voice, Wanda! Thank you. And LOL, yes I got my email. That made me laugh! I remember that well....
Robyn, you're probably right, that's what the eagle were screaming at. And the osprey leaves and comes back next refresh, so he's not going far.
Bai and Squiggles still sleeping. Osprey left, but he may be back shortly.

Costume Lady said...

OK Robyn----I just realized what you ment about the eagles yelling.
Yes, my singing does make the birds and animals unhappy. I guess it hurts their ears.

Lisa said...

Yeah, I suspect the visiting ospreys and eagles are playing "king of the platform." :-)

I always thought it was interesting that the eagles would never directly challenge the osprey parents that lived at the nest. They'd steal their fish and harass them while they were flying around, but the eagles wouldn't come to the platform until the residents left for good. Maybe two angry osprey parents are too much to handle.

But with the visiting ospreys, the eagles aren't as intimidated. Maybe they sense that these ospreys are strangers and not the platform's true owners.

Costume Lady said...

We have been talking about Tori being so much happier----But I have noticed Mom is happier too.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Wanda, don't think that's what Robyn was talking about! The pair of eagles was in the ospry nest, and they were squawking at something. Then one refresh they left, next refresh osprey was there. Too funny! I enjoyed your singing!
Bai looks like she's holding a little stuffed toy the way they're sleeping! Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Hey, morning, Lisa! Busy platform this morning!

glo said...

Good Morning all. Thanks fo rthe new thread Steve and especially this morning a

Very Happy Birthday to Suzanne,





Happy Birthday! We are all so very glad for the day you were born. You add osmething very special here every morning!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
Is it cake time yet - what's that bright glow I see?

Once again to you, Suzanne
Happy Birthday

Could not resist checking out your morning and I can see you are in GREAT company!

Robyn said...

Mom will be happier once the pain is gone and she can start on the home again.

My two younger kitties are behaving like 2 yr olds, driving me nut

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Glo

Suzanne said...

LOL, morning Glo and Jo. Yup, looks like Glo baked us a cake, Jo you're right ontime. Yup, lots of early birds this morning! Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Suzanne. Yesterday afternoon/evening Bai left Squiggles alone for quite a while 15 minutes that I know of. Squiggles should be opening her eyes very soon, if she hasn't already.

I thought Robyn meant the Eagles were wishing you a Happy Birthday and singing along with Wanda.

Suzanne said...

LOL, thanks, Jill. Maybe they were, that would be cool.
It surprised me this morning because at that hour of the day, I have never seen Squiggles alone, it's 1 AM something their time. And she was alone for over half an hour, so I was getting worried! But then mom came back, and all is right with the world. Maybe Bai is leaving Squiggles alone for longer periods now.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' TO OUR BIRTHDAY GIRL!!-----"BEAUTIFUL SUZANNE"---HAPPY---HAPPY BIRTHDAY & HOPE YOU ENJOY MANY MANY MORE!!!---I thought I heard "FINNY" singing 'happy birthday' early this morning!!!----ho!---THANKS ROBYN----#1 GAL THIS MORNING!!---HELLO WANDA--LISA--GLO & MEMA JO!!!!---GORGEOUS SUNNY DAY in WV---Can you believe it's 64°----LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Capt. Eagle said...

Ole Suzanne, every morning first out of the NEST
Ole Suzanne, your just one of the BEST
Ole Suzanne, I just want to say

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JILL!!---Are you just coming home?------or are you up early baking a cake for SUZANNE????

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CAPT!!----COOL poem for the BIRTHDAY GAL!!!

Jill said...

Trust me, Suzanne does not want me to bake her a cake. I don't go back to work until tonight so I will be on before Suzanne tomorrow and the next couple of days. Going to Balt. to see the O's play and meet up with a long lost relative. Strange, she emailed me yesterday to correct me on something I posted on a genealogy site, turns out she misread it. Then we started talking and are both going to the game tonight. Haven't seen her in 18 years and who knows how long before that.

Suzanne said...

LOL, you guys are too funny! good morning, Norma and Capt Eagle. Thanks for the birthday wishes Norma and Capt Eagle. BTW, Capt, your singing is beautiful! You're right in tune with Finny, how cool was that that he was singing too! Wow, cake all around for everybody, how cool is that.

Suzanne said...

Well, our visiting osprey left, and hasn't returned, but neither have the eagles. Darn.
Bai and Squiggles snoozing, donkeys in Bonaire have finished breakfast, now it's time to play let's spill the water! BIG shadow of a fish coming in view on the Bonaire reef cam, and not many fishies on the other Bonaire cam.

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is really giving us a SHOW---On the log & pretending it's a HORSE---Then up the log---attempting to stand on his head---HE CERTAINLY TOOK HIS VITAMINS THIS A.M.----LOVE THAT LITTLE IMP!!!-

Suzanne said...

LOL, Jill, I'm like you, I don't bake. If I can't buy it already finished from the store, I obviously don't want it!
I'll look for you tomorrow early AM. See if we can't get somthing started on here....

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Well, darn, that was a quick visit!

Robyn said...

Eagle at BW!!

Robyn said...

Morning Jill, Norma

Robyn said...

eagle gone

Suzanne said...

Look at Bai and Squiggles, nose to nose. Or nose to butt, I guess. But still too cute.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---When I went to lunch yesterday---you were attempting to get a pic of the handsome diver?---Did he pose for you!!!--ho!!---Yesterday---I checked out our ALASKAN BEARS----Would you believe he is still standing in the water & it's rushing up around him---SAME WAY IT WAS DOING LAST MO.???
ho!!----Guess he was still waiting for us!!!!

Suzanne said...

Did get one quick pic, Norma, of a very VERY closeup! Those guys came right up to the cam. Were doing hand signals, diver speak I call it, and was hoping Robyn was on so she could tell us what they were saying, but she wasn't here at the time. But think they introduced themselves to the cam watchers. Kinda cool.
Grizzlies still in the water? Are they still fishing?

floralgirl said...

WOw! Hello again:) full house for the birthday party! What on earth was Jo doing in here this early? I know she was up late. I'm ready for cake.

Suzanne said...

Megan, Glo baked one, it's up a few posts...

normabyrd said...

BAI & SQUIGGLES are really hugging-----She is such a little 'LOVE BUG'-------Will say it again---I WOULD LOVE TO HOLD HER---JUST ONCE!!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - I was looking for that
Coffee Cake! lol

Suzanne said...

Bai is waking Squiggles!

Mema Jo said...

Grizzly bears - I bet your watching a video. Thought they closed it earlier in August..... ??

Suzanne said...

OH look, she has squiggles upside down and rolling her!

Suzanne said...

Oop, ok, done, flopped back over on side and gonna go back to sleep. That was cute!

Suzanne said...

HUmmm, Jo, coffee cake would be good about now!

Costume Lady said...

Do you think Bai rolls Squiggs around to exercise and stimulate her/him? It is so cute.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---The same GRIZZLY is standing in the same spot, with the same water gushing around him as it was a month ago!!!---ho!

Suzanne said...

I don't know, Wanda, but it sure is cute to watch! Bai even gets her hind legs involved sometimes. There she goes, see? Too funny!

Costume Lady said...

I heard you talking last night after you were supposed to have gone to bed. I told you that you couldn't hide from me. Oh, well, You were having fun and that is important.

Suzanne said...

Poor Squiggles is gonna get dizzy! Up, down, roll over, do it again, and washing between every roll.Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Bai has the moves down pat. After the rolling, she just kinda rolls to sit up, then it's time to nurse. Well, and maybe roll some more first...

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, I get it. DUH, little slow today. That poor grizzly is gonna get REALLY PRUNY wrinkles!!! Guess he's gonna be water logged.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---MAMA PANDA begins (licking) cleaning the young panda the minute it is born---this stimulates the little one---to urinate, etc. & mama continues this process, which includes cleaning the cub afterwards!!---PANDAS are great MAMAS as we have

Jill said...

Jo-you need to get a second ID to come in after hours so Wanda won't catch you.

normabyrd said...

LATER!----Study Group this a.m. & lunch!!!----

Costume Lady said...

Yes NORMA, Pandas are great MOMS. I never had much of an interest in pandas until I joined this group, but now, I can't seem to get enough of watching Bai & Squiggs. I am like you...would love to hold the little darling.

Costume Lady said...

JILL---I don't think that would work. I would know JO if she signed on as a man.

Mema Jo said...

Well, Jill that is a good idea but I guess it is hardly worth the effort - everyone recognizes my gruff voice tone! lol

Jill said...

Jo you could sign on under my name, they never know when I might show up. LOL

Suzanne said...

See ya later, Norma. Enjoy.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your Wed study group & lunch, Normabyrd!


Anne should be on that ship sleeping and headed toward Sitka. Correct me if I am wrong but the GMT says it is 5:24am AK time (Mits gave me a good GMT converter) It is dark with just a few lights on of course on the port cams - there are 2 cams. Her schedule shows 10am -6pm being at Sitka for today.
Hoping for Sunshine and Eagles.

Costume Lady said...

I think Glo said we would be cruising tonight and Thursday night. Is that at 8pm?

Costume Lady said...

JO---How do I get on the cruising site without going back into the blog and finding Glo's name and clicking on that?

Jill said...

You got it Jo. 5:41 now in Alaska. Maybe Tori could help you with the math. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lord only knows I was never an Honor student in math - BUT I can keep a balanced checking account! lol

Mema Jo said...

Starting to get light out at Sea from Anne's ship....

Suzanne said...

Ahhh, Bai rolled into a ball, so did Squiggles, then mom sat up and is now eating bamboo! well, maybe not, looks like she's gonna play with Squiggles for a sec. She was really flipping that bamboo!

Suzanne said...

Oh good grief, Bai covering Squiggles with the bamboo now. Too funny.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN, SUZANNE Jo don't look at the GMT time...just go back 4 hours, dawn is breaking .

Mema Jo said...

Do you see what Anne sees?

Mema Jo said...

Mits 6:06 am AK time

What you gave me the other day is
great though - I remember about the 4 hrs

Do you have ZOO today?

Mema Jo said...

Be sure to click on


Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits, thanks for the birthday greetings.
Kinda cool to watch dawn breaking, isn't it? Glanced at the blog from yesterday or this weekend, whenever it was, think you said we may see some dolphins or whales? That would be so cool!

Mema Jo said...

On Friday there is Scenic Cruising at Glacier Bay Nat'l Park 6am to 4pm

Maybe we will see more then just glaciers.........

paula eagleholic said...

75+ comments....My oh My! I'll never catch up!

Good Morning!

MITS said...

Jo, I can't convert, terrible in math, I just follow the sun....ZOO TODAY, haven't see the little buggers in a month. I will miss Anne docking in Sitka:(.

paula eagleholic said...

Haaaappy Biiiiirthday to Yoooou
Haaaappy Biiiirthday to Yoooou
Haaaappy Biiiirthday to Yoooou!!!!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Wow, thanks, Paula, Beautiful voice! Good morning.
Been busy this morning, both eagle and osprey visitors to BW, and Bai is rolling little Squiggles all over.
Mits, when you go to the zoo, they're all gonna look like they've grown, even if they are all adults now. I mean both the sloth and panda bears.
They have finally zoomed in on Bai, and she's curled up in a ball sleeping. Can't even see the cub!

MITS said...

Foggy in Sitka right now, but the weather is supposed to be good, temp in the 60's

Mema Jo said...

I hope it is only the morning haze over the water

paula eagleholic said...

Sitka looks foggy but pretty this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - better than in person, believe me! LOL

Suzanne said...

LOL, yeah, Paula, that's why when I do it, I'm glad nobody is up yet! I know what you mean.
Gotta go check out Sitka. Wish I could be there with her! Hope she has lots of eagles to greet her, won't that be cool?

Mema Jo said...

Sound like a great place to visit
With views of island-studded waters and stately spruce forests reaching to the water’s edge, Sitka is considered Alaska’s most beautiful seaside town. Wildlife adds to Sitka's natural beauty. Our mild climate,rich habitat and relatively low human population make Sitka one of the best places to view wildlife. Nearby waters are a popular feeding ground for humpback whales in the late fall and early spring. Summertime provides a wonderful opportunity to view tufted puffins and other sea birds at St. Lazaria National Wildlife Refuge. While out on the ocean, you may also spot sea otters, sea lions, whales and other marine wildlife.

Mema Jo said...

Be Back Shortly..........

Suzanne said...

Wow, Jo, when are we going? Sounds beautiful! I got on Paula's link, and there is a ship out there now. What time does Anne dock?
Closeup of Bai eating bamboo, can't see the little one.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Bai is rearranging the bamboo, maybe Squiggles is under it somewhere. Well, Bai just left.

Suzanne said...

Washing and rolling time for Squiggles, I'm guessing prior to nursing. They pulled the cam back, darn.

movin said...



I hope you get your card this morn.


Suzanne said...

Bai put Squiggles down, and is looking out her entrance. Wonder if they're giving her more bamboo, since she seems to be bringing it all in the birthing den. Wow, look at it all! Too funny.

MITS said...

I just saw that ship, Suzanne.If I am reading the itineray correctly her ship is there at 10 a.m. there time, soooo that should be 2 p.m. our time. I will miss her arrival, but will see her departure tonight......just heard the eagles on the MAINE cam:):):).

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jim, yes I did, thank you. That was very thoughtful.
Bai is sorta playing with Squiggles and the bamboo. Squiggles is holding her head up, how cool! Oh, Bai just left, Squiggles is looking around trying to scoot with those little legs! She's gonna be mobile soon, then look out world! Look at that high head.

Suzanne said...

Oh, turning in circles using her legs. OH THERE SHE GOES~!!!! Look at her scooting with her legs!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, cool, Mits! Nice to know they're hanging around!
Watch Squiggles, she can motivate! Look at her go, this is so cool!
Have fun at the zoo this afternoon!

Just Vicky said...

A balanced checking account Mema Jo? WONDERFUL! That's a subject that some of these folks know is a "touchy" subject with me.

MITS said...

And it is a beautiful day up in Maine, Suz.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky... We've been watching the Princess Dawn - Anne's cruise ship which should be arriving in Sitka, AK within a few hr. That is where the Eagle Rehab is that she wants to visit.
Yes, I don't like being a penny short! You know how Libra's think!

Suzanne Squiggles is going to live up to the name you've chosen.
Going all over that den..... lol

Costume Lady said...

HI VICKY--Me too.
I think I recall you are a Banker?
I was too for 7 years and my primary job was balancing checkbooks.

Suzanne said...

Darn, I used to get that cam, and can't anymore. That nest is absolutely beautiful, and I miss seeing it. Be glad when our cam comes online!

Suzanne said...

LOL, JO, she squiggled when she was born (found out later it was due to nerves being formed and such, totally normal), but now we're gonna have to call her Scooter! Won't Bai be surprised when she comes back in and Squiggles isn't where she left her/him? But napping now, all that exercise made her/him very tired.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne - can you think ahead of our hearing Liberty & Belle and then the eaglets.....EXCITING!

When are you going to Boonsboro for your haircut.... I get one today in Jefferson!

Just Vicky said...

Helloooooooo to ALL of you! Yes I am in the banking business for over 9 years now. Need to find a real life! It's a beautiful day here in Commode Town IL.

Can't wait for new cam to come on! Bring it on boys!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh so now it is Scooter! lol

I wish someone (VET) would grab her and tell us it is a HER. or HIM.

I think tomorrow will be exam day.
It will have been 1 week from the last one......

glo said...

Wanda You have mail

Mema Jo said...

WHoo HOo. For the very 1st time, I betcha, I got one step ahead of you Glo and Wanda is going to be the most well-informed Cruiser that will be on tonight LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread and the info on the cable happy happy ty.

There is a Birthday gal out there who BIRTHDAY IS TODAY......

Costume Lady said...

JO--Thanks for the info on the cruise & chat. I copied your email and bookmarked the site. Now I think I am good to go.

movin said...

I seem to miss the morning action on the box in BW.

The SC or PH or SC/PH cam seems to be working a lot better this morning, but there's not much going on there either.

[As I learned in the "Questions" section of the IWS blog yesterday, Dr. Sharpe anticipates more nestcams on Santa Cruz, so he has renamed the original "Pelican Harbor" (PH). But somebody pointed out it is named Pelican Bay on the map, so we'll see...]

Have a beautiful day. I may be busy for a while. In addition to the retirement jive and a H.S. Reunion this weekend, the apartment management has decided to set aside the next three days for another mandatory inspection! 3rd in less than 6 mos. ... think they're training new people at our inconvenience!


Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Glo has sent you some more..Go see.......

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Jim I missed my 50th HS reunion due to this biopsy surgery
<:( Are you going to tell us which HS reunion this is for you...?
Do you have to travel any distance to attend? Mine is only 20 minutes away. I had sent word as to why I wasn't going to be there and I finally got a call from a classmate giving me all the news of my classmates. I like reminiscing! They were good days.

Suzanne said...

Jo, haircut is Sat @ 1030, and man, can't wait! Just getting too shaggy to do anything with it but wear about a half can of hairspray everyday! Ugh!
Can't wait for sound for our kids either! Too cool.

Morning, Dana, and thank you. 29 yet again!!! One of these days I'm gonna have to start saying 39, but as long as I get my monthly hair dye job, I'm good to go! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Squiggles aka Scooter is still alone.

Costume Lady said...

I thought you were a natural blonde.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana... Didn't You-know-who gave Suzanne the bestest gift for her b-day

I am certainly enjoying her gift!
Doors and windows opened wide!

Costume Lady said...

I love the name SCOOTER......shall we call him/her that now?

Costume Lady said...

Come on--confess. I'll bet it is the same as mine and Jo's.

Costume Lady said...

I think Jim left town.

Suzanne said...

LOL, it is a beautiful day outside, MemaJo. Can't wait to get home and open my windows!
Thank you, God!
We can call Squiggles Scooter if you like. Seems she/he did her scooting, and she's been napping ever since! Totally wore her out, she hasn't scooted an inch. Bai is still gone, been gone a good half hour! Leaving her/him longer and longer. Jo, hope they can figure out on the next exam if we have a boy or a girl!

Mema Jo said...

I think he is starting to clean for that inspection...... I am soooooo
glad that I own my home... I set the rules and I don't allow Inspections!

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your special day, Suzanne..
Stop and smell the roses.. Who knows, you may see an eagle on the way home.

Have a special rest of the day and we are all very happy to have been a part of it ((((HUGS ))))

wvgal_dana said...

Yep today's a day Suzanne can go home and open all the windows.

I think squiggles/scooter is wore out. lol

I still can't believe with all those eagles in Alaska. I can't find a live webcam. :(

Suzanne said...

Oh, they have the ship's flag up on the mast now.
Uh oh, we're watching C2 on SD now. But they changed the home page, moved my cheat sheet, so not sure who C2 is.

Costume Lady said...

Hope the rest of your day is as much fun as we have had this morning sharing you birthday with you. Drive carefully.
Wanda & Gene

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone think like me that LAND ahead may have been spotted from the ship's bridge cam......

Land Ahoy?

OR could that be Princess Dawn
approaching the dock.....

What ship is that?

Suzanne said...

Thanks everybody, I am also very glad you are all a part of my day! You have all given me a wonderful day, and I thank you all. Love you all.
Time for me to hit the road. The sooner I get home, the sooner I can open windows, and the sooner the cats can race to those open windows. Geesh, only time they run REALLY fast, to see who can get on the cat perch first! Then whoever makes it looks very smugly at the others. Too funny.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Don't forget to waive to Anne when she docks! Too cool, hope there are lots of eagles waiting for her.

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

WOW ButaButa is up and moving

Mema Jo said...

Wanda --- you did click on those 2 blue printed lines - right? I bet it is the Princess Who did you say it was, Norma lol

Costume Lady said...

Panda at the DC zoo is sleeping and look hysterical.

Mema Jo said...

I just noticed on the port cam that there is only ONE bus for 3 ships!
Maybe one of the ships is departing for Juneau....... Hope Anne gets a seat on the bus!!

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Looks just like my Panda Naps! lol

Costume Lady said...

One of the cams was St. Maartin. The Capt. and I renewed our Wedding Vows there. Beautiful place.

Mema Jo said...


Last night on the blog, Mits pointed something out about ID'ing those 2 as to which one was on the clutch..
...There must have been a switch, I have the pop-up on tonight, and, the smaller ones has a white dot on its back...

Smaller one meaning Frodo..Frieda is larger...Helpful info to save the guessing! Thanks to Mits

Mema Jo said...

Here is another Panda site... Memphis Zoo. I have not had much time to
view - but will try to later.

wvgal_dana said...

The Dawn Princess is still out in the open seas.

Mema Jo said...

8:17am in Alaska........

Costume Lady said...

Have to get back out to the garden. Fall beans need picking.

Costume Lady said...


wvgal_dana said...

Hi Wanda

Mema Jo said...

Sitka is a pretty popular place to visit... Lots of ships...

Here is a link for Sitka info
Same cam as the cruise line has for ports.....

wvgal_dana said...

I have the port up but that nice picture that was sent around in email that said "here is what Anne will see". Well in my port that is updating NO SNOW.....

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Are you reading us, Bobbi?

How long before they come into dock?

paula eagleholic said...

check out the raven on the sitka west cam!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, he's gone!

paula eagleholic said...

2 ships in view now.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bobbi said...

good morning, everyone, happy birthday suzanne. Hi rob,if you are on. Just noticed anne's ship in Sitka. nice picture. Is anne going right to the rehabilitation center? She can walk around town not very big. Also, there are no buses going to juneau. Only way into there is by ship or plane. No roads.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, I see about 3 ships in the harbor... and lots of buses lined up like ready to load and go.
I am on the Cruise Addicts 2nd cam for Ports cruisecams/viewcam-ports-usa.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bobbi - For sure I think that Anne is going to the bird rehab....
When I mentioned Juneau I was referring to one of the ships maybe leaving and heading for Juneau - that is where she will be tomorrow morning. I think she is in Sitka 10am - 6 this evening.

bobbi said...

Jo, can't dock. no port have to take tender into dock.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jo, we are at the same place. But you can click on west cam or south cam here....

paula eagleholic said...

So a tender is a smaller boat, Bobbi?

bobbi said...

you all can go to Sitka,alaska live cam and pick up ship and other information.

bobbi said...

yup, they have a few on the ship. motorized. short trip into port. That is where she should see eagles sitting on top of masts of boats. although, it is overcast but shouldn't bother the eagles

Mema Jo said...

I have seen some small craft headed in .. no dock.. how else would you do it.. lol

What site Bobbi........

I have that one too Paula..

I bet that someone has big butterflies in her tummy.....

bobbi said...

Have to go out. have a great day. Know Anne will be for sure.

Mema Jo said...

The West view cam on the Cruise Addicts - I can also see the parking lot. It is a larger pic then on the Sitka AK live cam......

Mema Jo said...

Weather conditions at Sitka AK

Temp: 51 °F
Humidity: 96%
Wind: 4 mph from the NNE
Visibility: 5.0 miles kilometers
Clouds: Overcast 100 ft

Mema Jo said...

Man oh Man! If Anne only knew about the West facing cam over by the small ships..... we could see her perfectly

That is where the Eagles perch on the ships' masts.........

floralgirl said...

How cool, JO. On the South cam, if you click on panoramic view(you have to allow pop ups to view it,I did that temporarily)it gives you a great picture of what the whole area loks like right around there.

paula eagleholic said...

They look exactly the same on my screen!

paula eagleholic said...

You can do that for both cams, too.

floralgirl said...

There's a little boat cruising right beside the cruse ship. Looking at the ship cam.

Mema Jo said...

Has a good pic of the Tender out at the ship

Mema Jo said...

On the Cruise Addicts, there was a person standing looking right at the West cam ........ small car came by, stopped and picked them up...

Mema Jo said...

More people walking on the West Facing Cam by the docks..small ships

I do need to leave for a few.....
Hope I can pull myself away from Sitka! lol

Mema Jo said...

Looking for Anne with an eagle t-shirt on


Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

I'm looking, I'm Looking! Too bad Anne probably doesn't know where the cams are...Note for next trip! Check out the web cams before I go so I can wave at everyone!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I've been looking and looking for her or eagles and have seen neither.

wvgal_dana said...

There are more people now

wvgal_dana said...

Ok bbl I can't find her or an eagle hummmmm

paula eagleholic said...

If you look at the panoramic view on the west cam, and pan to the right, you can see that Anne's ship is pointing towards Harbor Mountain, Gavin Hill and the Three Sisters peaks.

Mema Jo said...

DUH! I am lost when you talk about the panoramic view..... I have the West cam up on the Sitka,AK Live site
Now what.....?

MITS said...

I'm lost with you, Jo, not seeing where to make it panoramic?

Bob Quinn said...

Boy, I'd love to go to Alaska one day. I'd really like to see the eagles at Homer, Alaska:


Mema Jo said...

lol I think they all went home on us, Mits! I am really ok with what I have - I guess you don't always need the 'big' picture!

I bet Anne is in 7th heaven - at least Eagle Heaven! She has had a beautiful day for eagle sighting.
I wonder where she ate lunch?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bob,
In our dreams this November we all want to be up at the Eagle Festival in Haines, AK! Go see:

Bob Quinn said...

Very cool Jo! No BW photos this weekend. I'll be in Southport Maine visiting my wife's Aunt and Uncle and chomping down on wicked good lobsta rolls.

MITS said...

I LOVE LOBSTA ROLLS:):):).........Yes, Jo, I'm ok with what I have:).

MITS said...

HOLY QUCAMOLE BOB.....look at all those eagles....awesome:).

Mema Jo said...

Lisa put your last photos up on her page the other day. She has been popping in and out chatting with us - just like you are now. I can say that all of us really enjoy it when you do have the time to come in.

MITS said...

looks a little breezy at Friedas' place today.

Bob Quinn said...

Mits - Check out some his other pix from Homer. Some very cool food fights in the air.

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - Yes, whenever Lisa posts a link the hits on my website go way up. I get a kick that so many people get to see my stuff.

Bob Quinn said...

Off to brave the DC rush hour. Shouldn't be too bad now since the Virginia HOV lanes open up for everbody at 6:00 PM.

paula eagleholic said...

It says - for a panoramic view, click here. On the left side

paula eagleholic said...

It says "panoramic view from this camera."

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, if you can't find it let me know, I'll send you a pic.

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