Monday, September 17, 2007


New thread.


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning and thank you Steve.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suz, Wanda, Capt., Jim and Candy.

Wanda when you have time I would like to know where your shop is I would love to stop by with Tori, Candy I hope it is much warmer there then here. Jim glad to hear you had an enjoyable time at your reunion, which year was yours? Suz be careful driving into work, rutting season starts soon, and we all know how males get when they seek a mate.

Tori said she was COLD this am so I had her chariot heatedd when I got her this morn.

I'm hoping our cam goes online today :)

Robyn said...

2 eagles at BW one looks to be eating breakfast

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Wanda.
Morning, Robyn.
This is this pairs second visit this morning, but the one in the nest has brought something to eat this time.
Bai is still rolling squiggles.
Robyn, they turned on the wreck cam! Cool pics.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Robyn--
Give me a week to finish setting the shop. We bought some shelves and racks from Jill and are still trying to find the best place to set them. Our shop is only 36ft X 14ft, and we have to take advantage of every inch that we can. Also, havn't gotten all Costumes yet that I ordered in March. We are 5miles down Shepherdstown Rd.--pass Altos Club and turn right on Gosling Marsh Rd.--3rd on left.

Robyn said...

Wanda if you need some volunteers to help out setting up do not hesitate to ask :)only restriction is I can't lift anything heavy yet.

Suz thanks I'll check it out :)

Costume Lady said...

The photo that I have of the first pair of eagles that we saw at BW is not the pair that is there now. The photo I have is of a young eagle just getting some white feathers.

Suzanne said...

Mom is washing Squiggles.
Both eagles in BW.

Costume Lady said...

Aren't you sweet Robyn---thanks.

Robyn said...

Suz from the pics I saw of the wreck cam there seems to be an octopus who resides there or visits...

Costume Lady said...

BBL--Oh, no CANDY---No Eagle Talons this morning.

Suzanne said...

Oh, haven't seen an octupus, but lots of different fish I haven't seen. Very colorful. And very busy! and the donkeys are getting up, getting ready for breakfast.
Bai is finally finished washing Squiggles, and both are sacked out napping!
the eagle that was eating, is now grooming, and the other one is watching.
These may be different eagles, that's cool. Means we have several visitors to the nest! But I think these 2 are the same ones that were there earlier this morning. Not sure about the other day.
Look at Bai's pose, and Squiggles snoozing on her shoulder. Too cute.
Geesh, both eagles gone in same refresh. Maybe when they return, the other one will have a fish.
Robyn, I had my heat on all the way down here this morning!
Eagle back already!

Robyn said...

MT nest at BW

Who is going to the BW open house?

Robyn said...

solo eagle at BW

Robyn said...

2 at BW, they are such beautiful birds

Suzanne said...

They sure are, Robyn. Checked our cam this morning, blue screen but correct date and time. So we're getting there.
Squiggles is nursing again.
Neither reef cam is updating, darn.

Suzanne said...

I'd like to go, Robyn, but don't want to drive there by myself. Don't like that bridge, and not sure I could find it. If someone wants to go with me and be a naviagtor, I don't mind driving.

Robyn said...

I don't mind driving and as of now have no plans. I use to drive the Bay bridge when I date a guy on Kent Island after my divorce for a year. I loved it there.

Suzanne said...

Do you want to go? Maybe some others would like to go also, but not drive. We could carpool.

Suzanne said...

Look at Bai just snuggling Squiggles. Too cute.
Both eagles sitll hanging out in BW.

Robyn said...

I can hold 5 comfortably if Tori decides not to go I have room for 4 otherwise 3. I would like to weather permitting of course and make sure there is nothing planned that I may have overlooked.

MITS said...

GOOD MONDAY EVERYONE Where are we going:)? I have a zoo shift from 10 til1 this a.m. Have a good day.

Robyn said...

Morning Helen, thinking about going to BW's open house.

Suzanne said...

Wow, morning, Mits. You're early! Dress warmly, it's nippy out there!
We're talking about the BW open house on 9 Oct.

MITS said...

On the itinerary I have of Anne's, her ship is supposed to be back in SF tomorrow at 7, SF time, but they left Ketchikan earlier then expected on Sat., so not sure when it will be there.

MITS said...


Robyn said...

The 9th? I flipped the number upside down I had the 6th on my mind lol

MITS said...

Oh I would love to go, but it looks like condo meeting that day, and if Baby is here or not here yet, will probably miss it again this year.

MITS said...

BW EAGLES are sooooo pretty...BTW having trouble with my e-mail, better look out, might have to switch to verizon fios.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Off to coffee and dog treats here very soon. I had a ownderful day on Fri and want to share it here on the BLOG but decided monday morning was the time to be doing it.The most important news will mean something to anyone who has had a loved one ripped out of their lives for whatever reason and have prayed for their return. After 6 1/2 years my first grandchild and grandaughter named Jenni is now 14. She is old enough and smart enough to use computers and get the info she wants and needs. She did manage to look me up and I received a long awaited andmuch prayed for phone call on Friday. I hope it is the first of many phone calls to come. She lives in Maine so the visits are gonna be a little harder to pull off til sh eis 18. Anyway I do not have the words to actually begin to say what this call means. Lots happens in a young life in 6 1/2 years and as she trusts me perhps more of the story of who she is will be shared. All I know is I love her dearly and knew on the day she left that there was a special bond in place. What a courageous and spirited little gal. Those who believe in prayer and I know exist on this BLOG could you please hold up Jenni as she works her way through brokenness over which she had no control.

About an hour later I went to my email and there waiting for me is an email from Peter Sharpe. I can not believe my eyes. I knew it was the second week of drawings for the Nest Adoption packages. I had sent in Memorial Money for Limuw duirng their Nest Adoption Challenge. Congratulations etc.....was the start of my email. I have chosen to take the Pre-fostering Tour to see the eggs/young baby eaglets in the incubator/brooder etc come this spring. I am so very excited. Still working out the logistics, especially how to get form the mainland to the island ...I might decide it is safest to swim. Most of you a very well aware of Dr Sharpe's work at IWS. New folks if you want to know more and see video info on last years work at the incubator etc. I did put a rather lengthy entry on my For the Love of Eagles Blog for today as well. The quickest and easiest way to get their is to click on glo here and then click on that blog.

OK dogs are waiting to go. literally :)

Suzanne said...

Crap, you're right, Robyn, it's the 6th! Where did I get the 9th? Hummm, memory, I'll bet. Wrote 9th and didn't even look. Sorry, you're right!
Morning, Glo. Have to go read your post.

Robyn said...

Glo that is wonderful, you both have much to catch up on. Losing touch with family is rather painful regardless the reason. I love hearing good news, thanks for sharing

Suzanne said...

Wow, Glo, sounds like wonderful news for you ALL around! That's wonderful that your granddaughter contacted you! I'm sure that is the first of many phone calls. And Dr Sharpe news is also wonderful! Congratulations to you, Miss Glo!!! Start saving your pennies now, you can fly out. You also know early enough that you can make arrangements and the flight this early out will not be expensive.

CONGRATS again, Glo, wonderful news for you all around! Yup, today is a good day for Glo!

MITS said...

eagles still at BW....NZ pandas still inside....

Costume Lady said...

No wonder you were so excited and kept us in suspense. I know how important a first Grandchild/Grandaughter is. I have been there and done that. She is 22 now and the love of my life (next to you know who and who).
Congratulations on being by Dr.
Sharpe to go on the tour. A chance of a lifetime.

floralgirl said...

Howdy all! Great news, Glo, sounds like a wonderful prize. And I can olny imagine how welcome the contact from your granddaughter was. Hope it will be the first of many conversations you have with her. Robyn, my daughter was so cold this morning, she was coming up the stairs to eat breakfast with the comforter from her bed wrapped around her, which of course was a little too large to be wearing around. She was literally knocking pictures off the wall as she came up the steps, luckily their fall was cushioned by the blanket. Funniest sight of my morning.

Robyn said...

Suz the reef cams are updated

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. It was very cold this morning!
Thanks, Robyn. Man, they have some VERY yellow fish, and beautiful fish there on the wreck cam!
Eagles still in BW, and Bai and Squiggles still sleeping.

floralgirl said...

Ok, what is the wreck cam?

Robyn said...

Morning Meagan, lol good thing for the comforter, tori has done that on many occassions as i love the house cool when I go to sleep. how is yur daughter feeling. Tori fell asleep with the window open above her, said she didn't think it was going to get cold, little goofball.

My sis in law is fom the Philippeans and was freezing this morning too, anything below 80 is cold to her, besides being 4'10 and around 95lbs doesn't help much.

Robyn said...

Suz did you know angel fish nip people and can draw blood, saw that when I went to Martinique.

Robyn said...

One of the Bonaire sites Meagan

of course all one line

Suzanne said...

Oh, no, Robyn, didn't know they could draw blood. I've been swimming in the ocean, and gotten a little nip, but they never drew blood! Interesting.
Man, did you guys see that? Bai just yawned, and man does she have a lot of teeth! Missed the first one, she accommodated me by yawning again...thank you, Bai. Wow.
Eagles still at BW. Reef cams not updating very often, donkey breakfast over and they're socializing.
Eagle moving around in BW.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, hadn't seen those cams. Have you ever been to BW, Robyn?

Suzanne said...

OMG, looked like Bai was gonna lay on Squiggles, but she didn't. She did leave however, and Squiggles is holding onto a piece of bamboo Bai brought in last time. Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Wow, den just got brighter!
Squiggles holding onto the bamboo. Well, darn. Must be a door that opened and then closed, cause it's darker again.

Suzanne said...

Mom's back...

MITS said...

off to zoo...BBL:)

Suzanne said...

Enjoy, Mits! Talk to you tomorrow. Stay warm.

Robyn said...

No Megan I hven't been there yet.

Suz when I was in Martinique a man came out of the water, his nipple slightly bleeding, the angel fish saw it as food lol. There was no topless swimming for me lol.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---WOW!!!!! WHAT A WAY TO START THE DAY------2 EAGLES AT BW!!!---It's "right" cool here in WV--40°--now 42°---PBS says "FROST IN MTS"-----This weather seems to agree with us---We are all up early & ready to roll!!!!---WANDA IS #1 AGAIN!!--CONGRATS!!---HELLO SUZANNE--WANDA---ROBYN---CAPT.--JIM (class of 2000)---CANDY---(still in school)---GLO & BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!!!----FORGOT MY FAVORITE PERSON----STEVEN!!---WHO KEEPS US HAPPY----

floralgirl said...

Good morning, Norma:) Still chilly here, too. Went to 37° last night. Poor hummers have got to tbe freezing. They are getting so big, I know they are fattening up for their journey. Always hate when they leave, it's so quiet in the garden. So far I still have my regulars, but it looks like we have 2 more cold nghts and they may split.

Mema Jo said...

Glad to see everyone is in agreement about the Chilly weather.
Glo That is very special news about Jenni contacting you - there is a bond, I can tell! Wonderful feelings and many prayers will be said for you both!
Dr Peter!!! Wouldn't miss the trip for the world even if I did have to see those hatchlings! WHoo HOoo! You Go Glo!!! Congratulations.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Sure is ok you sleep till your noon time. Very glad to have heard from you this early am hr and that you really enjoyed yourself at the reunion.

Mema Jo said...

Can't go anywhere Oct 6th - Soldier grandson coming on leave to MD before deployment the end of Oct to Iraq for 2nd tour.......

glo said...

well not trying to get anyone's hopes up but am trying to be sure folks are keeping an eye on the cam screen. When I first logged in this morning the cam screen ahd last nights date and like 10 something pm. It is now the right time and date. Does this mean anything? MTBR

Thanks to those who responded to my info on both Jenni and the IWS tour. MTBR there too .

Can't plan the exact timing until eagles have laid eggs on nests where there is a planned fostering. But am looking into todays prices and choices of how to get from point A to point B. Then when a date is known I guess I just pull out the Visa and start booking some stuff online LOL...sounds easy enough.

Once in a lifetime opportunity; with memories for a lifetime to go with it. I don't care how much it costs but you bet I am already thinking Do I need this or should I be saving this money for eagle trips There are 2 for me coming soon enough. See You all at Open House too. Oh I am so excited.

Cruise tonight at 8 pm. Eastern. Ephesus....the place Iris was most excited to go to see.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!---GLO----What EXCITING NEWS YOU HAVE----WONDERFUL to be contacted by your granddaughter---AWESOME!---Then---you get to SWIM to see DR. SHARPE in action!!!---Now how COOL is that----Bet you feel totally BLESSED---GOOD THOUGHTS FOR YOU!!!

Mema Jo said...

My hummer was not here yesterday I hope she already took off for the warmer climate.

Norma I made a special post to you on yesterday's blog about some relatives at my reunion. You will find it very interesting - let me know if you can't find the comment.

Out of here: I'm off to see the surgeon. BBL

Jill said...

I would love to go to BW but I think I am working. I wish they would hire somebody so we could get out lives back to normal.

WANDA-I am going to be in the area Mon, Tues, and Thurs, if you need help at the shop. Will be taking Joseph to school and have to do something to waste time while he is there for 2-3 hours, kind of silly to drive home and then turn around and go back.

Robyn said...

good morning Jo

Robyn said...

Good luck Jo :)

Jill if you have or get the day off carpool with us if we go.

floralgirl said...

Sounds like a road trip in the making. Who is planning on going to BW? I know Jo has important plans already.

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, Jo and Jill and Norma!
And Robyn, OUCH! That had to be painful. LOL, Yup, no topless for this kid either. Too funny.
Both eagles hanging out in BW looking regal, Squiggles nursed again, and now Bai is holding her in her arms and they're both sleeping, precious.
Glo, getting excited for you going to see the eagles!
Darn, both of the BW eagles just took off.
Jo, good luck with the surgeon appointment! Hope he gives you a wonderful clean bill of health!

Mema Jo said...

** Princess Dawn's skyline is starting to show light! Headed Home!

Norwegian Jewel is headed into Port

bobbi said...

Morning, suzanne, wanda, Capt. Jim, candy and my darling daughter robyn. lol. Just checking the blog and talking to Liane now. Jealous of your cool weather it is still hot here.

normabyrd said...

JO---I knew you had a really nice family---then I read a few showed up at your reunion wearing---BLUE & GOLD MOUNTAINEER shirts---I hope you yelled----GOOOO EEEEEEEEEEERS! ho!----How COOL!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS----Time for me to "BOIL WATER"???------Keep me informed---LOVE TO the "LITTLE PRINCE"!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BOBBI!!!---This is one of the few times---life is better in WV---ho!---47°---

floralgirl said...

Eagle back at BW.

Robyn said...

Morning mom :)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Bobbi. I was just outside, and yes, it's still very cool! Wind is now blowing, so that's not helping. Haven't taken my jacket off yet today, I'm freezing in here. Kind of went outside to warm up, but that was a big bust!

normabyrd said...

1 EAGLE still at BW!!!---

Suzanne said...

Wow, Peggy's Cove is packed today!
Bai holding Squiggles and both sound asleep. Adorable!

floralgirl said...

Hello Bobbi. I can't seem to get qarm this morning, either, Suzanne. Just put on jeans from the dryer. aahh..

floralgirl said...

I meant warm, see, my fingers are frozen..

bobbi said...

Can't wait until I can open windows and put long pants on. Have another two months before that happens. Love this time of year up north. Send some cool air down here.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----Your "friend" is in the "BIG HOUSE"---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning, all :)

In case anyone is interested in buying a Limuw memorial T-shirt, I am posting the link the for IWS cafepress shop. There are 3 designs available, and probably more to come. You can also find the link at the IWS forum, under the daily chat thread. There is a pinned discussion called "Links"

IWS Cafepress shop

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is eating something that is so "GOOD"---he lifts his nose straight up to swallow!!!----LOVE EM!!!

Robyn said...

Morning Paula, I love the hoodie they have shown, mom did you see that? hint hint lol

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I just threw my "sweats" in the dryer----FEELS SO GOOD!---I do that in the evening with PJS too!------

Suzanne said...

Norma, what friend and what big house? Guess it's still too early for me to figure things out...

normabyrd said...

DOWN SOUTH---BUTA BUTA is asleep on the top logs &----LUN LUN asleep on the lower level!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

If you need a coupon, let me know :)

(hint, hint)

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Hi Paula:) Norma, I know, love that warm dryer feeling. Raelly the dog has the right idea, he's laying in front of the sliding glass door in the sun. He looks irritated when I walk by and block his warm rays.

floralgirl said...

No Norma, he's totally innocent of course...LOL

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, GROSS! Yeah, heard on the news this morning he was arrested. Don't think there are any gloves involved this time.

Bai is playing roll the Squiggles, and there is an eagle in BW.

Suzanne said...

Well, I'll be darned. Bai rolls Squiggles till she's totally dizzy, then keeps her in her paws and out they go. An outing. Hope Squiggles can see straight! Too funny. Oh, we're back already. That was quick. No, back out. Seems these girls can't make up their mind, in or out!

Suzanne said...

Well, never mind, Bai is out, Squiggles is in. No, Bai is also in. Never mind, can't type as fast as they're changing!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, Bai back and gonna roll poor Squigs again!

normabyrd said...

I wish SD had just a wee bit more lite----I swear sometimes, it seems little SQUIGGLES is trying to get away from BAI!!!---ENOUGH--ENOUGH---ho!--She is just too much!!!

Suzanne said...

Well, now we have Mei Sheng on cam. Mei Sheng and a LOT of bamboo.

normabyrd said...

CNN---Had just shown the police putting him in the POLICE CRUISER!!---Think the COP enjoyed pushing OJ'S head down to get him in the car!!!----MIGHT BE REAL TIME IN THE "BIG HOUSE"---

Suzanne said...

Su Lin is on cam now, Squiggles big sister.

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANTA BEAUTY" loves to have LUN LUN chase her---She hid under the logs---LUN LUN came by---BUTA BUTA jumped up & they are 'ROCKIN & ROLLIN'----BUTA is a strong little thing---I love to see those "little black legs" fly around!!!!---TOO COOL!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS SUZ!---How did you know that?

normabyrd said...

She is ADORABLE too!----Have never seen a PANDA that I didn't think was a CUTIE!!---

Suzanne said...

Norma, Bai Yun has had 4 babies, Squiggles is number 4. Su Lin is number 3. Both parents were Bai Yun and Gao Gao. Info is on the Panda profiles, click on the panda pics to get details.
I believe (unfortunately) Su Lin is moving to China later this year, or next Spring.

Suzanne said...

Ok, nobody wants 100. Su Lin still on SD cam, I want to see her new baby sister!
BW MT. They still do not have the flag up on the mast on Anne's ship. There are the most colorful fish on the wreck cam, that's an awesome cam, and Peggy's Cove still has lots of people. Checked the 2nd Fin cam a little while ago, the only one of the 4 that is actually working is the marina. Nice day, and choppers flying overhead, but that's it.
Su Lin exploring, she's off cam somewhere.
Hum, wonder if we're getting another exam to check to see if the eyes are open part way?
Here comes Su Lin.

Jill said...

I prefer the pic of OJ in handcuffs leaving the police station. HE HE. And his timing was perfect. Goldmans will sell more books and get more money cause OJ put himself back in the spotlight. Although I disagree wtih them publishing the book, its funny that his actions will cause more books to be sold.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I knew that---but had forgotten----SU LIN is a treat to watch too!!---Thanks for reminding me----That is interesting 4 PANDAS from the same parents!!---Do you suppose they try for 5???---


normabyrd said...

JILL---I loved it when the OFFICER put his hand on OJ'S head & a "PUSH" down to get in the cruiser!!!!

Robyn said...

Norma sometimes the head can make contact with the door which is such a shame *grin*

Suzanne said...

I don't know, Norma, Bay is 16 now. I don't know how long Panda's live, but I'm thinking to about 20 years. I think another one would be hard for her now. She's gonna be 18 when this one is 2, but who knows.
Yeah, Robyn, grin, such a shame when the head hits the car. Specially with someone like him! Maybe he'll write another book..if I robbed them...

Suzanne said...

Look at the way Su Lin is sleeping. Very cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Maine cam is back up

paula eagleholic said...

Cape Coral cam is still OK. They had tornados there over the weekend.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. Hope we get Squiggles back, soon!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---SAFE TRIP HOME ON THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!---Love & Kisses to GYPSY & friends!!!----

Jill said...

And sometimes the steps are really slippery and the criminal falls. And my favorite is when the officer has an animal run out in front of them and they have to slam on brakes. WHOOPS. Not sure what happened to the guy in Berkeley last week after he cause the officer to wreck but his face slammed into something somewhere. DARN.

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA!!----Are you tracking ANNE'S ship?-----I was reading some info regarding an ALASKA cruise?----I am looking forward to hearing all the details from ANNE---I hope she gets a day off before she has to go back to work!!!----She probably won't come back to earth for a week!!!---ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

WOW!---JILL---You are one "CRUEL" MAGISTRATE!!----I thought you would be "EASY"!!!!---KIDDIN'

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - I am watching. Anne is still at sea!


normabyrd said...

JILL----Whats's ROFLMAO?----PAULA won't tell me---ONLY you!!!!---

(just figured it out--NILLA used to use it all the time)

normabyrd said...


Jill said...

Easy? Norma you know better. Did you know Duke McDaniel? His son-in-law was in a pretty bad wreck yesterday morning. Was in the Journal this morning. No names mentioned tho. One of the Lowe boys from Shep.

Jill said...

Rolling on Floor, Laughing my a** off

Jill said...

What's up with SD? Su Lin is cute but I want to see Squiggles. They haven't been on for an hour or more.

Mema Jo said...

Norma Start making the veggie soup - the weather is 'right' for it!

Released from the Surgeon
WHOO HOO! Said it could be 1 more month of some discomfort in the chest area! I have no restrictions from him as far as the surgery goes. Now on Wed I am off to see the Pulmonary Dr

floralgirl said...

YAY JO!! Wait, no restrictions? yikes... we might need the cane.

Bob Quinn said...

Congrats Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Megan & Bob for all your concerns! Surgery doesn't impose any restriction; however, lung Dr just might put some on me!! BUT I can live with those!

Bob Sound like a group from here will come down to Open House at BW on Oct 6th. Do you plan to attend?

Robyn said...

Great news Jo :)

I just had a rose-breasted grosbeak at my feeder the past 15 min, I have not seen one all summer. What a pretty bird

Mema Jo said...

Hope he returns - keep that feeder full, Robyn.

The night is surrounding Iris
Late morning is surrounding Anne

Checked all the DC Zoo cams on the Asia Trail but could NOT find Mits!

floralgirl said...

Hi Bo:) Oh, cool, Robyn. Haven't seen my grosbeaks since spring either. Fall is definitely coming, birds are all over seed feeder today. 2 Mockingbirds are fighting over who will get to live in the holly tree right by the birdbath. It's an annual fall event here. Whoever wins will have 2 holly trees and live right beside the water. The loser will have to move to the front yard.

floralgirl said...

I meant to say, Hi Bob:)

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - Yes, I'll be at the Open House. Maggie from the Visitor Center graciously invited me to sell some of my photos. It will be the first time I've done anything like that.

I was up in Southport, Maine the last few days. Surprisingly I saw both osprey and hummingbirds. I would have thought they would already have left Maine by now. Last time I was at BW most of the osprey had already left.

I also got to see Rachel Carson's (Silent Spring) house in Southport. I'm embarrassed to say I had never heard of her. I'm told some consider her the founder of the environmentalist movement. When Lisa saw my note on this blog that I was going to Southport she sent me an email telling me that she had rented the Rachel Carson house as a college graduation gift from her parents. The house itself din't seem much to speak of (although I didn't get to go inside) but the location and views were a piece of heaven. I noticed on the the announcement for the Open House that there will be a Rachel Carson display. This year is the 100th anniversary of her birth.

Mema Jo said...

NCTC Open House
Saturday, October 20, 2007 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Perhaps you should come on up to Shepherdstown for a visit, Bob. I think they are also having Rachel Carson events. That is interesting that you saw her home place. Did you take pics of it? If so, you may have a market at Open House since it is the 100th year celebration.

Mema Jo said...

Open this link & bookmark with your other panda sites.....

Memphis Panda Cam

There is a panda but out of range - I can see the bamboo shakin'!

Robyn said...

OK before I head out a question as to what I can do...

The builders are out with their big toys and the closer they get to the woods (hawks nest there) the hawks are making a very aggitated sounds which means they are still there, anyone have any ideas? I am not sure if they are going to drop anymore woods but I would hate to see them homeless.

As if we need more homes that wont be sold!!

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta trying to get a very long piece of bamboo up to her perch above the hammock........

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - Look to see what Co. is doing the work..... Try to call them for any info. The Hawks don't need to be harassed! You may need to call up a Momster Mission!

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - Ah, NCTC Open House! That would be nice. A reasonable drive from Alexandria, VA.

I did take pics of her house and the adjacent salt pond. I'll let you know when I post them.

Lisa said...

Yes, the Rachel Carson cottage was built by Carson in the 50s, so it's a bit dated.

But the river view out of the living room window (and from the deck) is truly beautiful.

Carson had her own little beach, and you could walk down and look for periwinkle shells (which there were a lot of). You could even take a lunch down and picnic on the beach.

The NCTC has a very nice Carson display at their museum. Carson was a biologist with the Service and also their first female chief editor before she left to become a full-time writer.

Mema Jo said...

You and your wife get an early start from down there in VA...... you can have lunch with all of us in a 'so beautiful cafe' you won't believe your eyes! And the food is just as great! Then you can tour Shepherdstown shops and such AFTER seeing our nest and we expect Liberty and Belle to be there waiting for you to photograph!

Robyn said...

I thought they ran out of money Jo, looks like they may have picked up a few more building loans or whatever they give builders. It looks like I may hve neighbos within the year, how dreadful.

Bob Quinn said...

Did anyone read the Washington Post article on climate change today. It features Blackwater. It's here:

Climate Change

Mema Jo said...

The display for her is quite elaborate in the museum. I enjoyed looking and learning.

Bob Lisa definitely cannot make our NCTC Open House - b-day plans in FL...Lucky gal!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - that idea is 'for the birds' in more ways then one!

Robyn said...

doing nestorations too :)

Mema Jo said...

That article was very well written. The examples are very clearly stated so that even I can understand what is happening.........

Mema Jo said...

Atlanta Panda fight-play

Jill said...

GEEZ More houses is just what this county needs. And very few are being sold. Find out what company it is Robyn, we may have a few builder friends who will understand the hawks.

Jill said...

Robyn, I am going to try to take off for BW. No way I can take off for NCTC but will probably go anyway since it isn't far. I will probably follow you to BW and then go on over to my aunts house for a visit. Have to see how long I can take off tho.

Robyn said...

Cool Jill let me just make sure tori has no plans, not that she does but I never know with her today.

I hear the hawks screaming at them every now and then. So far they are just rooting around the area they dropped over the winter. think it is sean lokum or lokam something like that

Costume Lady said...

Just stopped in for a break from Costuming and read Bob's comments about Rachael Carson. I read her book so many years ago (Silelnt Spring) that I forget what it was all about. I do remember that it was the first book that I read that opened my eyes to what can happen to our wonderful wildlife if it is left Willy Nilly to uncaring humans. I believe she was a staunch activist against pesticides.
BOB--I saw a program on TV (not sure what station) about BW and the problem they are having with a rodent called Nutrea (sp) that is eating the grasses and causing major erosion along the Chesapeake Bay area. I didn't get to watch the whole program, so I am wondering what they are doing to control this pest. Know anything about this?
Love your photos---come to NCTC and we will all probably buy some of your work.

Jill said...

HUMMM Never heard of that one. Maybe they are just there looking around, thinking of selling the land maybe.

Robyn said...

NO Jill they cleared the land over the winter and are back, he use to work with S&A but don't quote me on that. S&A is building here too but he is still far from my house.

Jill said...

Wanda, I know there are signs throughout BW about the Nutrea. If you see one you are supposed to contact officials. I believe they are trapping them and moving them back to whereever they come from.

Jill said...

S&A sells more affordable homes so there is a chance they have buyers. Not good for you tho. Don't know anyboyd that works for them.

Lisa said...

I can offer details on the nutria. The local wildlife officials have now eliminated pretty much all the nutria from Blackwater Refuge, which was an important step in protecting the marsh.

The non-native nutria were introduced many years ago for fur farms, they then got into the local ecosystem and did a lot of damage since they eat the root balls on the marsh plants. They also reproduce very rapidly. Eventually all the marsh turns to mud and gets swallowed by the bay.

Right now we have to spend about $1 million a year just to make sure the nutria do not return, since they are in other areas of the Eastern Shore. But as long as the money holds out, we should be able to keep them away.

If you happen to see one (kind of hard since they're secretive) you should alert someone at the Refuge, but I think the main danger now is from nutria on the surrounding lands around the refuge.

Robyn said...

These houses start at 250k Jill. How affordable is that for this area.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for that information on the Nutria. After watching just a portion of that program, I was left wondering if there was a solution to the problem. From what you just wrote, it sounds lik they have the problem under control, at least in the BW area.There are so many problems out ther affecting our wildlife and so little time and money to control it all. We all need to do what we can, when we can--like ROBYN checking into the builders possibly destroying the Nesting area of the Hawks near her.

Mema Jo said...


Tai is up in a tree on Panda cam 1

Jill said...

HUmmm. S&A used to sell 100-150 homes. Still alot of the homes around here are posted at 300+ which is beyond ridiculous. Might try sending them a letter about your concerns for the hawks. Maybe they will leave the remaining trees. You never know.

Mema Jo said...

Tai shimmies down the tree in Fireman fashion. lol

Mema Jo said...

Need more Magistrates if you get more houses - Right Jill!

Mema Jo said...

Oh my - The bear in the tree!
Was it really Tian?

MITS said...

HELLO, see that "our NCTC cam" has the correct date, but my time says 10:17 a.m......pandas were a busy bunch this a.m. Tai was rolling around and looking over at Mei and Tian, Norma, Tai was eating a frozen pear when you were watching him this a.m., as were Mei and Tian.

MITS said...

FRIEDA in color.

Mema Jo said...



I can't find a port cam for San Francisco CA when Anne docks in the
morning. Probably will still be dark out there.... Tried all the links..I thought we had one when she pulled out! HELP

MITS said...

just keep watching the ship, Jo, it will pull into dock, that's how I watched her leaving..if she arrives at 7 like her itinerary says, it will be 10 our time.

Steve Chase said...

few more photos up on a new thread.

paula eagleholic said...


Jill said...

And more schools, police, fire depts, roads, etc. What we really need is to stop building houses.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...