Sunday, September 16, 2007


New thread. 41 degrees here.


Costume Lady said...

A new thread for a Beautiful Sunday Morning---Thanks Steve.

Costume Lady said...

No new word on our cam, but I am sure they are working on it. Patience, Patience.

Costume Lady said...

It is almost time for Church.
Have a Blessed Sunday, and remember: YOU WILL NOT STUMBLE WHILE ON YOUR KNEES.

Costume Lady said...

Almost forgot---Nothing going on at SD Zoo or BW and it is still dark at the Princess "Anne" site.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Dawn has arrived at Anne's ship, on her way home to California.

MITS said...

Bai just left the den and I think she took Squiggles with her.

Mema Jo said...

Good Chilly Sunday Morning

Thanks for taking care of us with the new thread, Steve.
Hi Mits, Wanda and I see that Megan was here before Market. Yep-Sure hope my hummer is somewhere protected. Going back to emails & cams.. BW has a MT nest now.

Mema Jo said...

I think you're right aout Bai taking Squiggles for a Sunday morning stroll.
Mei and Tian outside wrestling around the tree trunk
Tai is up at the building
Great looking play yard in view at the Memphis Zoo - no panda in sight

Mema Jo said...

Anne has a clear sky this am hour
Iris' ship looks to be headed into a port but the headline doesn't give the name.

MITS said...

NCTC's time is stuck, but got the correct date.

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful Sunday Morning to all!

Lisa said...

I saw elephants at the Pete's Pond Cam last night. Several mothers and babies together.

There was even a lioness drinking nearby while they were there.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool pic, Lisa.

paula eagleholic said...

Are you going to the open house at BW this year?

Mema Jo said...

When I just opened DC Panda Cam 1 - I thought it was a photograph! lol Until the tongue stuck out.. lol

Of course Tai has his bamboo - eating on his back again

Mema Jo said...

I see also that our cam time has stopped even though the date is correct - Here's to Monday Morning!

MITS said...

Love the Elephants, Lisa

paula eagleholic said...

Maine cam is still down, but the 15 second update pic is still working.

Lisa said...

No, I won't be able to make the Open House. I'm in the middle of moving, and I'll be finishing it up that weekend.

Mema Jo said...

And... we know you will miss the NCTC open house due to being in FL celebrating your birthday!
Lisa, Did your move take you closer to Cambridge or is that where you are now........?

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---THANKS STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD---It's a "Wee" cooler here in WV this a.m. too----CONGRATS WANDA!!!---You are #1 on the blog today & everyday to the CAPT.---HELLO HELEN---JO---PAULA & LISA!!!---Last nite on TRAVEL channel---"A CRUISE TO ALASKA---It was great--1st stop JUNEAU---RED DOG SALOON a must----AWESOME!!---I had forgotten about your free food & drinks!!!!----ho!---almost follows ANNE--RED DRESS--MARIE'S itinerary (wasn't a Princess)---I felt I was right there on the ship---WOW JO---
saved 16 pennies yesterday---ho!---tomorrow I start with the 100 DOLLAR BILLS!!!----Must get there before I pass on--or out!!!

Mema Jo said...

We just might make it, Norma LOL I have a few nickels in my pocket!

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Mits, Wanda, Lisa, Paula and Megan. It sure got cold last night.

Lisa I saw the elephants lst night also, there were quite a few.

Mema Jo said...

I think that today I should have gone to market & gotten some potted mums!
Need to take down the geraniums..they certainly last all summer. Scarecrow kids need to be put up! And then off to find the pumpkins! One of the patches locally has opened. Would love to find Megan's patch!

Robyn said...

Morning Norma. I would love to go to Alaska. After I saw the pics and videos of mom and dads trip I knew one day I would have to go.

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is roamin' over his "estate" & MOM & DAD are on the other side "PEACEFULLY" eating their BAMBOO together---Love watching them together!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning, Robyn
You and Lisa could have chatted last night had you known you were both watching the elephants!!

JIM didn't come on last night! Hopefully at the HS reunion he found some old school buddies and enjoyed his evening

Mema Jo said...

ROBYN Turn that oven on, peel those apples and BAKE THAT PIE!

normabyrd said...

HEY HELEN---How is s the "little MOM to be" this a.m.??-----I thought about you all last night!!---Waiting for your phone call asking me to start boiling water!!---ho!----Will keep you all in my thoughts!!!---

Robyn said...

Jo I like to pick my own apples when I bake my pies. Sometime in Oct we will go to one of the farms and pick apples and grab a few pumpkins from the pumpkin patch :)

MITS said...

Norma, I waited last night also...I keep dreaming the phone is ringing, then I can't get back to sleep, shoulda got up and watched the elephants. APB....where is Jim, see they are having some fires out in California?

Mema Jo said...

Need my Brunch! BBL

normabyrd said...

Must visit my friend---LATER!!

MITS said...

off to church...BBL.

MITS said...

they are feeding the sloth bears on cam #1A

Lisa said...

No, my move won't take me closer to Cambridge unfortunately. It's more of a local move.

MITS said...

Panda wrestling at the NZ, and Tai is up a tree.

bobbi said...

Hi mits, it's boobi! Missed that yesterday but had a good laugh. Tryiing to get some ironing done and cooking pot roast so will bbl. Have a great day

bobbi said...

what a nice day anne is having at sea. Too bad it wasn't like that the whole trip but sure she still had a great time.

MITS said...

Hello, BOBBI Going out TTUL:).

normabyrd said...

HEY JIM!!!!----Hope you went to your reunion & you are still celebrating!!!!----Don't want you to miss the DALLAS GAME!!!---I know how much you like them!!!! KIDDIN'----

Mema Jo said...

HEY NORMA if you're still here
Yesterday at family reunion I had an eye-opener! Cousins (younger generation ones) were arriving at family reunion - we have relatives up in LaVale & Cumberland. Young lad jumped out of the car with his MOUNTINEER Jersey on! I had forgotten that he had graduated from WVU as had his wife! His wife had marched in the band for 4 yrs. I hollered 'eeeerrrrrrrr's Go! They were so excited about there 3-0 record. Don't think they miss many games.

Mema Jo said...

Cam Check: Squiggles sleeping alongside of Bai.
Little Prince beating & shaking with both paws the ball trying to get his biscuit treats out of it! Too funny!
Frieda on clutch - early am tomorrow down under.
Ms Owl still using the Motel
No one around at Kent

Eagle Alert BW Platform

Mema Jo said...

Well! My Tiger Woods is doing it again t the Fed Ex classic.
The Ravens are now 17 to 3 -
I can hear Mits cheering them on!
She will have a happy home!

Mema Jo said...

The Memphis Panda is pulling the bamboo off to the left of the camera BUT you can't see the panda. I have been checking this site but have yet to see the pandas. I'll catch them one of these times I turn it on....

Memphis Zoo Panda Site

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Cool names: Ya Ya and Le Le

Jill said...

Hey folks, just came in from a motorcycle ride. We were up near Pen-Mar Park at High Rock and guess what? Saw an eagle. Young, just few white feathers. I was standing there watching it and said I think that is a young eagle. Another guy stopped and looked up and said "What is it" I said "I think it's an bald eagle" Hubby said "She thinks everything is a bald eagle" 3rd guy says "Hey that is a young eagle" NA NA NA. First time I had seen one that young out and about. It soared just above the guy that took off from the rock on his hang glider.

Mema Jo said...

Good for you Jill! Just so you didn't get on that Hang Glider and go after that eagle!

Slow day on blog - Really stayed home-so glad most of you Momsters were out and about!

Son & Daughter had successfully safe ride home from OC bikers' week. They had a great time!

Mema Jo said...

Watching the Golden Eagle on the WETA channel........Norma had mentioned she saw it and was really good! BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Awesome Jill! That isn't too far from me.

Jo, thanks for the link to Memphis. I didn't even know they had pandas until Mits mentioned it the other day.

Spent the day working on the deck. Body is letting me know it!

carolinabeachmom said...

HI JO, JILL, AND PAULA. I am finally checking in, but still have to read yesterday's blog. Had a hard time getting in tonight. I finally asked for the blog and got in. Haven't been on all weekend, as our monitor quit on us on Friday.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Candy, how are ya?

paula eagleholic said...

Egg turning and a switch I think in Brisbane.

carolinabeachmom said...

Went to Walmart after church and got a new monitor and now am all set to get at it again.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear that, Candy. I hate it when my computer is broken!

carolinabeachmom said...

Have either of you seen the eggs in Brisbane lately? The 20th is getting closer. Isn't that the due date?

paula eagleholic said...

Got a partial peek in OZ, still 3 eggs.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like the beautiful little squiggles is all by herself tonight. She is sooo cute and cuddly.

carolinabeachmom said...

I read where Jim was going to his high school reunion. I hope he had a good time. I have never been to one of mine yet.

paula eagleholic said...

I went to my 10 year. I was out of town for my 25 year, but not sure I would have gone. Only 30 people there anyhow.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well I just never cared to go back to New York for it. Maybe by my 50th :) there will only be a few people left! No, I still don't think that I will go back. I was never part of the groups, as my parents were pretty strict when I was growing up. I'm glad for it, tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

Bai's back to see what Squiggles has been up to.

Jill said...

Don't worry Jo. I had a hard enough time looking over the rock. Wouldn't even get up on the rock itself. But still had a good view. No way am I getting on anything that high up with out a motor. (And takes a lot of persuasion to get me in the ones with motors)

Paula-are you in Emmittsburg? I forget. Sorry. Megan is in Sharpsburg right? Where does Suzanne live? Geez I am confused.

paula eagleholic said...

You are OK so far Jill. Suz is in Mont Alto, I believe.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, think I will go over to Saturday's blog to catch up. If I don't get back, I hope you all have a good night. Tomorrow is a new day.

Mema Jo said...

Jill-Suzanne is from Mont Alto, PA...

Hello Candy - Glad you got the new monitor up and running! Missed you this past week. My 50th HS was just days after release from the surgery - so I was a No Show! Mine is very local (20 min up the road) so I did attend them..only a few really good friends that I wanted to see but I was thankful I had gone! We are on the look out for JIM - looking for his return!

Mema Jo said...

Just perhaps Anne is getting ready for dinner at the Capt's table this evening! Pretty smooth cruising so far today. Beautiful skies!

paula eagleholic said...

I hope that cold hasn't gotten the best of Jim...

Mema Jo said...

Was wondering about that also, Paula.

glo said...

End of a long and very busy day here for me. I did just now finish a new Feed Blitz that will go out otmorrow at some point but in case youare still awake and unable to sleep :) you could head on over there now. Might be some info you have been wondering about.

Hope all had a wonderful Sunday. Very chilly here but crisp blue sky early Fall day. Oh and tomorrow is Monday. I remember looking forward to see if Monday would bring anything new here on the NCTC Blog. Check in ealry in am just in case ya know!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, fellow eagle friends, I am hitting it early tonight. Have a great evening!

Jill said...

Hey I think I was in Mont Alto too. LOL. I don't know where the heck I was but it was pretty. HE HE.

Costume Lady said...

It was a beautiful day--hope everone enjoyed it.

J000000---I know you can hear me.
Pleasant dreams (like maybe the cam will be ready tomorrow).

Mema Jo said...

Like I really hope so....

Mema Jo said...

Good night all
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all

JIM please come on and say you're ok!

Good MONDAY morning all you early birds

movin said...


As I believe I told you, the "Union High School," which I attended and which served 5 or 6 small communities along the coast, had a combined class Reunion for '37-'65 this weekend.

This is the first reunion I have attended (thanks to several old friends' strong suggestion), and it was a good one in the opinion of all, who attended. Most seemed in good fettle, and some of the earliest alumni seemed in the best spirits of all.

I was scheduled to go down to my sister's and b-i-law's place on Friday, and then go to my Class Mixer that night, but this cold I've been nursing for some time came to a head on Friday, so I couldn't make it. But Saturday I woke up feeling much better and was able to drive down for the Reunion itself. Then this morning we all went to a brunch catered at a local park ... everything generally went very well, and I met quite a few old friends and people I just knew. It was a relatively small graduating class, and everybody knew everybody else on some level or other.

The whole affair was a good success, and I enjoyed it a lot.

Sorry some of you were worried and wondering what happened to me.

Have a great Monday.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. What good news from Steven on the Friday update blog page! Super! Waiting for the shot of the nest, now, hopefully with Lib and Belle in it!
Uh oh, just looking at the last few comments from yesterday, looks like Jim has been AWOL. Will have to go read back. Jim, hope you're sleeping, but if not, come on in and join me.
Nice night out, but brrrrr! Good grief, wasn't ready for this. 48° at my house, and only 52° here! Needless to say, no crickets or locusts this morning! Saw only a few deer too, everybody is hunkered down to keep warm. Had my windows open all weekend, it was beautiful, but tad nippy this morning when I got up! Think it's supposed to warm up, so didn't turn on the heat. Just took a VERY hot shower!
Will try to go back and see the panda/eagle and cruise news I've missed.
Just saw the update on the BW osprey cam, about the open house at BW on 6 Oct. Will have to think about that! Bai and Princess Squiggles are sleeping, Bai has Squiggles on the straw, between her paws, one arm up, one arm down and the baby in the middle. Of course the little one is squiggling. Oh my, BIG yawn! Oh too cute! She's waking up, but mom isn't moving. Cute little face, she just looked up at cam. They are zoomed in on her, and cam looks focused. Cool.
All have a great eagle/panda/cruise day. Oh, there go the hind legs. No, gonna go back to sleep.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Haven't read the blogs, but saw the last couple comments when I logged on. Evidentally everyone thought you were AWOL. They must have forgotten about your reunion! But glad you're alright!
Did you see that? Mom and baby woke up, and mom moved over to hug Squiggles. She's such a lovey mom! Precious pics!

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne....

I am about to hit the rack again ... I got a couple of hours in the evening ... but I noticed it was almost time for you to arrive.

I had a great weekend once it got started right. Hope you did too.


movin said...

It's about 65 deg right now, but it's supposed to go down to 59 tonight.


movin said...

You people back East were supposed to include So Cal in your rain dances, but I see you are getting rain and we aren't! You must have forgotten a step.


Suzanne said...

Uh oh, who is getting rain here? Not us, anyway.
Glad you had a good time, Jim. I have never been to a reunion, and every 5 years I say I'm gonna go, and never do. Maybe one of these days.
Did you just watch Bai and Squiggles? Too funny. Bai picked Squigs up, rolled her around and then positioned her to sleep. Looks like they're both gonna sleep now, Bai with her head right next to Squiggles. Ah yes, but the little Squiggles squiggling!
Looks like they're settled down, now.
Hope you can get some sleep, Jim.

Suzanne said...

Bai rolled over on her tummy, Squiggles is by her arm on her back, and just kicking and squiggling. Wonder if she's hungry. if so, Bai is totally ignoring her! Uh oh, Squiggles is now on her side, thought she, uh oh, she is now on tummy, maybe getting ready to start scooting. She made that move rather quickly from back to tummy just now. We're getting big..can move better. Mom is still asleep.

Suzanne said...

Looks like Squiggles just wanted to sleep on her tummy like mom.

carolinabeachmom said...


JIM Glad to see you are among the living and that you had a wonderful time at your reunion. You had everyone worrying about you. They will be glad to see you are ok.

SUZANNE I am just looking at Bai and Squiggles both sprawled out sleeping. Like mother, like daughter. They look like they are in the same position.

carolinabeachmom said...

Our web cam is still blue, but both timers working great. Will today be the day it opens once Jim gets himself and his crew up. It would be nice if it was, so we can watch Liberty and Belle if they are coming to the nest now. The suspense is killing me.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Yeah, Squiggles rolled onto her tummy right after Bai did. Aren't they too cute? Love watching them!

carolinabeachmom said...

NILLA So very sorry to hear about your latest family troubles. I will surely include you and your family in my prayers.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE That little Squiggles is just sooooo precious. I had a monitor quit on Friday night, but new one is working fine late last night. So now I can see that cutie pie again. I just love watching her too.

Costume Lady said...

Hope you two had a nice weekend. It was beautiful here. I would have loved to go to the mountains and look for eagles and wildflowers for my garden, but I am really busy getting the shop ready for Halloween.
Looks like "Princess Anne" was having some rough seas last night---cam is black now.
Iris should be sailing by now (I think she was supposed to take off on Sat.)

carolinabeachmom said...

I can barely see the parent sitting on the three eggs in Australia. Cracks should be starting soon and then we will have another nest to watch. I thought that maybe I would catch sight of an eagle at BW, but none on osprey nest yet.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, always bad when the monitor quits! But glad you have another one, so you can watch our precious baby.
Will have to go back and see what happened to Nilla, haven't read the blogs. Hope everything is alright, or will be soon.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning WANDA! Good to finally be able to say hello to you.

carolinabeachmom said...

Anne-Marie should be back home sometime today, shouldn't she?

Costume Lady said...

I am not sure, Candy. I think she started for home Saturday, so I guess that would put her in SF today. A sad day when you get home from a cruise. You know it is all over and you may never get to do it again.

Suzanne said...

Ahhhh, Wanda and Candy did you see Squiggles and Bai? Bai stretched, then rolled over and snuggled Squiggles. They are adorable!
Wanda, I bet you are getting busy with Halloween. That should be a fun time of year for you, huh?

Costume Lady said...

Wow! I really sound morbid this morning. I need to have and attitude adjustment.

Suzanne said...

Wow, check out the sunrise at Peggy's Cove. Beautiful!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Suz, it is a fun time. Once we get the shop in order and I get all the costumes steamed and priced, then we enjoy it so much!

Costume Lady said...

Beautiful sunrise--looks like a post card.

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. just got up. Time for COFFEE. (He is up really early)BBILW

carolinabeachmom said...

WAND Say hello for the Capt. for us and make that coffee and not eagle talons this early. :)

Suzanne said...

Tell the Capt I said good morning, Wanda.
That sunrise is beautiful!
Bai and Squiggles still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Bai just left, Squiggles is sleeping alone.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is getting late for me. Have to get going and gulp down breakfast and throw on clothes to get to school. It was nice to be able to talk to you two this morning. You and all of the bloggers have a wonderful Monday. It is still dark on Dawn Princess. Says Anne-Marie is still heading for San Francisco. I thought that she might dock at 7am her time from what I was on an earlier blog. I can't wait to read all about her adventures.

Checking out now. BBL

Suzanne said...

Candy, have a great day at school! Maybe talk to you when you get there.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is still alone, but she's still sleeping. She may not even know mom left her alone...

Suzanne said...

Squiggles still alone, and sound asleep.

Suzanne said...

Oh, where's Robyn???? Robyn, they have turned on the wreck reef cam in Bonaire! Cool!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Both still there, so guess that's the 2 that have been coming to visit.

Suzanne said...

Almost forgot, this is our first Constitution Day.

The date of Sept. 17 has been designated as Constitution Day to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787. Congressional Appropriations Bill H.R. 4818, P.L. 108-477, requires federal agencies to provide employees with education/training materials on the Constitution annually on Sept. 17.

They are having a celebration this afternoon here, think from 1 to 2. Won't make it, will be on the road...

Both eagles still in BW, and our little princess is still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Wow, both gone on same refresh. Maybe they are going fishing!
Squiggles is waking up, and moving her little hind legs and head. She's by the time, so can't tell if mouth is open or not.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is laying on her side, stretching. Yup, mouth is opening and closing, so guess Mom will be here shortly to give her breakfast.

Suzanne said...

Oh, rolling up into a ball, that's cute. On her back/side now, kinda stretching and rolling up. Guess she can't make up her mind. No Bai yet. Hind legs are just a going! She'd be scooting all over if she was on her tummy, she is now on her back. She gets on her back, and tries to get back on tummy. Too cute. Oh, no, try rolling on other side. Ok, now we're on our right side, mouth is opening a lot. My, now on our other side. Ok, back into a ball. on the back. Man, she's just squiggling all over, mouth wide open. So where is Mom?????

Suzanne said...

OH, she just flipped onto her other side, that was cute!
Here comes mom dragging bamboo!
Oh, too funny! Mom is trying to cover Squiggles with the bamboo!
No, ok, picked up Squigs, time for breakfast. No, first we have to play roll the squiggles, then we can eat!

Suzanne said...

Well, that was a quick game of roll the Squiggles. Nursing time now.

Suzanne said...

Eagle back at BW.

Robyn said...

Suz there is a new thread hurry and yu can be no. 1 today :)

Suzanne said...

2nd eagle just arrived back in BW. First one still standing where he landed on left side of nestbox.
Squiggles still nursing.

Suzanne said...

Breakfast must be finished, rolling Squiggles again. That must be the equivalent to humans burping the baby.
Both eagles still in BW, they were squawking at something.

Costume Lady said...

I was watching the antics of Bai and Squiggles and made a comment, but it wouldn't publish. Never had that problem before. Could it be because Steve was posting a new thread at the same time I was trying to post? Seems to be OK now.

Costume Lady said...

Come on over------

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is being rolled again, and Bai keeps looking up at cam. Guess she's showing us her cutiepie!
One eagle eating something she brought in.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...