Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday PM

New thread.

These young eaglets are really starting to get around the nest and are beginning to assert a little independence.

They were alone in the nest about an hour ago. Be assured, an adult was perched ten feet above them.


New thread.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hppy Easter thread. My internet access has been bad for several days, glad I was able to get through to start this new one.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

New thread. Here's a video we recently took off of our closed circuit. Lots of good sound.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Eaglet Video w/ audio Test

This video was done late last week. The picture isn't the greatest, but you can hear the eaglets. The sounds we heard yesterday were different as they are growing quickly.


Wet windy night thread.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday PM

Another rainy day here in WV. The female eagle took the brunt of the rain and tented for several hours. When finally relieved by the male, who also brought in a fresh fish from the river, she was completely soaked.

At the same time on the closed circuit feed, we noticed that there was a change in vocalizations from the eaglets, I would guess from the oldest one. It has gone to more of a whistle than a peep. The male now has umbrella duty as the day wraps up.

We are very hopeful thus far that all three young eaglets are doing well, but only time will tell, and some luck!


New thread.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday PM

It's been a raw day today with a brisk wind. Warm temps expected tomorrow. We got a chance to view two feedings today, and it's good to see the littlest eaglet being taken care of by these diligent parents.

New thread.


Fresh thread.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday PM

Two fish, one eaglet in the nest thread.


New thread.


Here's a minute by minute for the first eaglet sent to me this AM by Dana:

Jim, Nilla, Jill and AJ saw cracking in one of the eggs around 12:something.
2:27 Nilla said I see only 2 eggs.
2:27 Jill says I see a bobble head.
2:39 Nilla says is she picking egg shell out.
Dion on with them been watching for years.
2:39 AJ says think one chick hatched i saw it move she covered it.
2:39 Jill says Definitely only half
shell hard to see but she is moving something that blends in with the nest.
2:40 Dion says I see a chick!!!!!!
I want to thank our early morning watch group for these special comments.

We could hear the little eaglet chirping a few minutes ago.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday Reminder

For folks new to the blog:

To access the Live Feed, click the link down the right side that says "Video Feed Info" or click here.


New thread.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


New thread. Looks like the video is not stable enough yet to go overnight without hanging. Working on it.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Live Video

The live video is online. Go to the eaglecam page and click on the live video link. Note were are still struggling with the audio, so you'll not hear anything yet.
Update: You can access the video link from this blog by clicking "video feed info" in the link list below on the right hand link column.


New thread. News on the live cam later today.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Saturday, March 01, 2008


New thread for the weekend.

Here's the latest Beakspeak rankings:

Thanks for your support.

2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...