Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Sorry for the back-up. New week thread.


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floralgirl said...

No problem! Thanks! Morning all!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steve and Megan.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!! Thanks Steve!

ceil said...

Good morning, Margy, Megan Sharon & Sissy. Where is Thelma lately? Thanks Steve. No problem. Remember when we did not get a new thread every day. We survived. But it is nice to have a new one. Thanks.

ceil said...

Off to get some breakfast.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mits, Mei and Tian are rasslin'!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


normabyrd said...

LUN LUN-----You are our "EAGLE MOM" today & every day!!!---MORNIN'--MAGPIE--FLORAL GIRL--SHARON--SISSY & CEIL!----It is a GLORIOUS am here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA!!---sun is shining through the--fog-- this--cool morning --- temp is 52° here in WV----the "HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE---PARENTS OF THE 3 SOARING MOUNTAINEERS"!!!---Just watched MOMMA DEER & FAWN empty a bird feeder (I filled yesterday)!!----LIFE IS GOOD on this SEPTEMBER morning!!!!!----SMELL OF FALL IN THE AIR!!!-----hummers darting --MEGAN'S flowers blooming!!------LET'S DANCE -- SING-- SHOUT & GIVE THANKS for this WONDERFUL WORLD!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!----STEVE--"LIVE" IS GOOD TOO!!!!-----ENJOY!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY!!!----Which PANDA do you watch first???---DECISIONS!!--DECISIONS!!!---ho!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Right Norma, too hard to pick, so I have all 3 panda cams on the screen. Anxiously waiting for news this morning about Baby Lun!! Said there would be an update around 10 this morning.

Red said...

Good morning Megan, Sharon, Sissy, Ceil, and Norma. Glad everyone is having a good morning. North Alabama is warm and humid today thanks to Gustav. No rain yet but we need some.

normabyrd said...

SISSY!!---I hope they keep LUN LUN & LITTLE LUN on all the time!!---They did that with BUTA BUTA!---We watched them most of the time!!---When she learns to crawl---she will be on often!!---Of course BUTA BUTA didn't have any competition!!----Now BUTA BUTA is still there!!---She is adorable too!!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Right Norma. I hope the baby can get out of that incubator very soon so we can watch him/her grow up.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED EAGLE!!---You should come NORTH!---We have been blessed with wonderful weather----August felt like Sept.!!---We are expecting 90s tomorrow!!---It was dry in our area too---but we received rain this past week!----

floralgirl said...

More rain coming here when Hanna heads our way this weekend....

Red said...

There's a slight chance that I might make the reunion in October. I'm hoping but not getting my expectations too high yet. Will know soon.

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL OSPREY--standing on a fish--in the CONN nest!---Appears to be scanning the sky for another OSPREY???

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!!----How does your daughter like school?---
Bet she loves it!!!---lots of school activities!!---

normabyrd said...

HEY RED EAGLE!!---It would be GREAT if you could come!!---ANNE MARIE & I think DEB might come!----VICKY hasn't missed one---but haven't heard from her!----Guess she is still around?---ho!-----KIDDIN'!

normabyrd said...

CEIL!!---I haven't heard about your vacation!!!----(You probably didn't get to see TED---he spoke at the DEMOCRAT convention!)----ho!----I bet you all had a GREAT time--hope you ate a lot of sea food!!----Perfect weather!!!--

floralgirl said...

So far so good, Norma. Got her Japanese and drama classes this semester so she's happy.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE remember it is Tuesday....Mason, here is your wake-up call:)

MITS said...

Sissy, I don't really turn on any cams till I have caught up on blog posts and e-mails...so missed them again

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Don't know if I missed Wanda or not, or if she's already hit the road...HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Been awhile since we went over 600!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---That's wonderful!!--I remembered the Japanese classes---but didn't remember the DRAMA!!------sounds as if she is a happy camper!!---COOL!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN & PAULA!!---I didn't remember going over 600---remembered we did go over 500 a few times??

MITS said...

I think I remember long ago, going over 800.

normabyrd said...

DANA----There is a pace of DONKEYS this am!!----Haven't seen that many for a while!!!-----(hope it is the year of the donkeys)---ho!

normabyrd said...

HELEN!---You have an older memory that I do!!------(devil made me type that)------KIDDIN'---KIDDIN'

normabyrd said...

JO!----I think the OWLS are sleeping in this am!!---

MITS said...

Think it was the first summer we had the blog.

MITS said...

Atlanta panda cam is on.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sharon just got our reservations for the open house!! Yeah!! We will be at the Comfort Inn! I am so excited.

MITS said...


NatureNut said...

Good Eagle Morning Everyone! Haven't seen any here at the Park, but a GBH was in the osprey nest.
Gotta check Atlanta...

MITS said...

NO UPDATES FROM ATLANTA YET...I'm on their e-mail list and nothing has come thru

normabyrd said...

HELEN!---Do you think that is BUTA BUTA in the hammock?----She usually sleeps on the logs at the top?----

MITS said...

looks kinda of big for Buta...maybe Lun

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' NATURENUT----I hope we get to see LUN LUN soon!!!----

MITS said...

or Yang??

normabyrd said...

Didn't think LUN LUN would leave her cub yet!!---(unless???)---But I AGREE it looks too big to be BUTA BUTA!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am thinking Lun is probably way more agitated that this bear seems to be. I think it is Yang.

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. It is a cool, rainy day here today. We need the rain, but it isn't supposed to amount to much in southeast SD. Some areas got 3-4 inches of much needed rain.

NatureNut said...

Boo! Didn't see a panda update yet at Atlanta. Oh well, know they're busy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I have come up with my name for the new cub - Bonnie Blue! Not to be confused with Blue Bonnett, however!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I am not quite sure what I will call it if it turns out to be a boy, though!

NatureNut said...

Can't get any live cam feeds on these "regulated" 'puters. Said they didn't have it on, but see by your comments something is happening out in the yard. Bet poor Lun is waiting at the door to see baby.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deb said...

My houseguest arrived last night and being the college senior she is, met her friends downtown at 11 o'clock last night. Oh to be young and carefree again!

We are going to attempt catching one of the radio birds today. The transmitter on her (A02) doesn't work so it is best that it comes off. We'll see, it could be a good comedy show. :) Jane is going to "hide" in the tower and try to net her.

glo said...

Good morning all. Hope to be seeing some update on Baby Squirms and Lun Lun as well. really soon. Sound slike you all are getting ready for a big party in Oct. Folks traveling from near and far. Hope someone is letting lLberty and Belle know to prepare for many a loving traveler to happen by.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I sure do wish you were coming!

normabyrd said...

I am almost certain that is BUTA BUTA --- She is sitting with her back to the window eating her bamboo!!---She does that most every day!!---& did you all notice how the little BEAUTY had her nose glued to the window to see what was going on!---????

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hooo for Sharon and Sissy!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Steve said they are checking on the 30 second cam!!

deb said...

It would be great if everyone could come, wouldn't it? Glo, Iris, Red, Jim and Lolly, it would be so nice to meet everyone. (Hope I didn't leave any long distance travelers out)

Mema Jo said...

Bonnie Blue is really feminine - I sorta think we have a boy!!! Then what do we call him. B-B ? Well we had ZZ! Did anyone email Suzanne?

Good Morning
Please Mason WAKE UP
Hope you all lit some candles
The light is getting low!

Mema Jo said...

Shepherdstown Comfort Inn is
going to be rockin'


Mema Jo said...

Anne Marie also has Comfort Inn - I hope it is the Shepherdstown one & I think it is!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If it is a boy, I will change it to Benny Blue!

Mema Jo said...

Well I remember the day when we had over 1000 comments published! It was during the 1st season.

Thanks Steve and I hope your long weekend was relaxing!

Mema Jo said...

DEB Anyway it isn't too late to switch to the Comfort Inn in Shepherdstown from your reservation in Martinsburg?

MITS said...

you know I was thinking there was a thousand one in there.....

normabyrd said...

Maybe she is still in the incubator?----Guess I am acting like an anxious AUNTIE!!---ho!---BOY! -- this birthin' babies is hard!!

NatureNut said...

Jo, I sent Suzanne some emails at time of birth w/Zoo link and the 2 pics I took. Don't know if she is able to go on that site, tho.
Also sent her the juvie Sea Eagle that was in Finny nest.

MITS said...

Panda Cub Update Tuesday 2 September 2008, 10:00 AMThe giant panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta on Saturday, 30 September remains in an incubator in the Zoo’s panda facility. Zoo Atlanta Veterinarian Dr. Sam Rivera described the cub’s condition this morning as “guarded”. The cub is accepting feedings from a panda nursery specialist from China, including milk from its mother Lun Lun and formula. The cub weighs about 121 grams, a normal weight for a three-day-old cub. The cub’s respiration and heartbeat appear to be within normal ranges for a cub this age. As a precaution, Chinese and American veterinarians have decided to administer a broad spectrum anti-biotic to the cub.

Staff are concerned that eleven year old giant panda Lun Lun had some reduction in milk production that may have led to the cub’s unusual behavior on Monday afternoon. However, keepers have collected some milk from Lun Lun overnight. Lun Lun’s milk is being tested for signs of bacteria. As with her cub, Chinese and American veterinarians have decided to administer a broad spectrum anti-biotic to Lun Lun.

Zoo staff hope to reintroduce the recently born cub back to Lun Lun as soon as possible; however, the staff hopes to better determine the reasons for the sudden decline on Monday before any reintroduction. Until then, the cub will continue to be hand-raised with formula, and hopefully milk obtained from Lun Lun.

As a reminder, giant panda cubs are born at a very early state of development, and the first days and weeks are a very vulnerable time. This is why we monitor mother and cub continuously during this time.

Zoo Atlanta’s Panda Cam will focus on giant pandas Yang Yang and Mei Lang from 10 AM to 5 PM until further notice. Zoo officials will provide regular updates several times a day on the status of Lun Lun and her cub, including, when available, photos and video clips. Thank you to everyone for their concern.
Dwight Lawson
Senior Vice President, Collections, Education and Conservation

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ok, deleted mine! Thanks Mits.

Mema Jo said...

You got us covered, Sharon!

Photos from Zoo Atlanta of Visitors

AJC 9/2/08 Article

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Okay, that update sounds promising. Maybe this is not as ominous as I thought!! Did you see the video!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It appears to be active. That is a great sign.

normabyrd said...

I like 'LITTLE LUN'----rhymes with BONNIE BLUE----(gone with the wind name)

normabyrd said...

HELEN!---See you were on the blog before I was!---I was a lurker for a while!!!----So that is why I suggested you were an older blogger me----

glo said...

Well I shall surley miss all of you and the chance to meet some new folks. It is very very hard for me to get away and with both of my kids long distance as well it makes it even tougher. I have to time my travels carefully and space them out. I yearn to see Elia and yet my next trip when it does happen will be to Georgia to see my son and his family.

Enjoy your time together and take pictures. Having said that I do hope some time in the future Deb and I can plan a day trip and meet each other half way or something. I think that is doable I am just not sure when or where.

Mema Jo said...

That is Yang Yang on center stage!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, my mother went to see Gone With The Wind and stayed for 2 shows that day. Got in a lot of trouble because her Mother and Daddy didn't know where she was. She loved Clark Gable and my daddy was quite jealous of that. Clark Gable died on Mommy and Daddy's anniversary.

deb said...

Good Idea, Glo. My time through January is pretty packed, but a day trip would be possible. I really want to find a way to go to Idaho, too. Janie just warns us that it won't be a relaxing trip, she plans to put us to work when we visit. I really want to meet Beauty someday, that would be so amazing.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB--& GLO!----DEB---sounds like you have a FUN day planned---ENJOY!---------GLO - is VICKY coming?---Wish you would come with her!!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS HELEN!---They didn't have the update when I last checked in!!----That probably is LUN LUN---when the PANDA---- that was sleeping woke up----She stared out the window for a while before she began to eat the bamboo!!---We need to paint a #---like they do the EAGLES!!---ho!!

MITS said...

they only have the cams on Yang and Mei today Norma, look at info right under cam

glo said...

Hi Norma I honestly do not know what Vicky's plans are at this point. For me though its much more than arranging the transportation to get there. I did however absolutley love my chance to meet you and so many others last year. Someday perhaps I will get there again but rember when I retired LOL..Not retired anymore. Perhaps once I retire again LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Hope you were watching Yang Yang -
lol - He isn't as agile as Buta Buta when it comes to climbing up and then sliding down the tripod

glo said...

Ha Ha Deb and I plan a trip to Hoo Haven this Fall. I am already collecting things to donate to their rehab center. I also have plans to work when I arrive not just vist. I love hands on with animals most any animals except well maybe they don't have any of those at the rehab center.

Ya know Deb I do have eagles by the hundreds here from late November til late Feb if you want to focus that great cam of yours on a multitude in one spot. However I am sure there are some gorgoeus places to visit and enjoy at some half way point as well.

normabyrd said...

SHARON!---I can't tell you how many times I have seen 'GONE WITH THE WIND'----It was the 1st movie I had ever seen that had an intermission!!----It lasts about 4 hours I think!!------Also---I remember we waited & waited to hear CLARK GABLE say--"Frankly--my dear---I don't give a DAMN---------(1st cuss words too)----good memories SHARON!!----

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now, I think that is Buta on the Atlanta cam. Sitting like Buta.

Mema Jo said...

Last Open House was so special because of those friends you knew so well but had never met. Now again this year it will be the same experience. I really wish ALL of us could be together at once one of these days. Glo we will keep you there in Spirit!

Steve Chase said...

Hi Folks,

John knows what the problem is on the 30 second cam. It is not an NCTC thing. He has requested that it be fixed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you so much for letting us know that Steve!

MITS said...

thanks, Steve and John:)

normabyrd said...

SORRY---HELEN!---The update wasn't there when I was posting!!---GUESS I SHOULD HAVE WAITED---I WAS TOO EXCITED!!!---SORRY---

Mema Jo said...

Back to the Panda Cub

Video of the cub nursing - even being burped!

Click on the thumbnail pic.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the heads up Steve - It will be good to see the nest and any visitors again!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Steve and John!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks so much Steve and John!! I check every so often just to be sure.

MITS said...

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 01, 2008 07:35 PM, CDT
Subscribe to journal update notification

Mason seems to like his new suite just fine. Melissa has put up new art work of her around his room to help Mason and us to settle in.

Mr. Polonchak came up and played for Mason. Some exercises out of the Weissenbourne Bassoon book and the infamous exercise #21 that Mason did'nt want to do in his lessons.Grandma Betty is on her way back to Florida, she has been here for 2 1/2 weeks. Melissa has gone back to Williamson and Bridget is back to New York tomorrow as well.

Mason's loved the attention I'm sure. They think his elevated temp might be a reaction to some medication, his face had that "redman" syndrome look he had a few weeks back. He is looking good and we are waiting for the next step which is putting his bone flap back in place. He is still in a coma , but he looks bright and with rosy cheeks and big poofy lips.

We you all. Keep all the good prayers, energy and light that you have.

Love Brian and Sylvia

MITS said...

off to beach...later:)

normabyrd said...

WOW!--Working on GUSTAV'S damage---Seems other STORMS are just lined up waiting to hit---HANNAH has weakened!---power is out!!!---Has anyone heard from NILLA?----These folks really need our prayers!!

Mema Jo said...

Would love to hear from Candy with Hana headed her way.


normabyrd said...

JO!---Thanks for info about the burping----such a tender picture---

REMEMBER Sept. 6, MEI--(BUTA BUTA) will celebrate her 2nd BIRTHDAY with a PARTY!!------Little BEAUTY!!---BET you folks already know that!---I'll never catch up!!

normabyrd said...

I thought of CANDY too!---Her son moved from Winchester!!----Haven't heard much from her lately!---School has started for her!!!!

movin said...


It's bright, it's beautiful, it's got to be great today in So Cal!

How are you all doing today??



movin said...

Down under the P. Falcons still have not gotten serious, and some people have been asking Greg if it's possible they have moved their nesting site.

Here's a link to his answers....



is there a new nest?

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just typed a book and then the electricity blinked. AAAHHHH!!! Anyway, good morning! (Still morning here!)

Just watched the video of the baby panda nursing. So sweet! So tiny!

Have been reading every one's comments about Oct. I so want to be there, and we HAD planned on it, right now we just don't know. If we do decide to go, we will pull our trailer. So, can anyone tell me of the closest nice RV park?

Watching the weather radar now. We are hoping the remnants of the hurricane reach us. We need the rain.

We are heading back to the beach on the 15th, hope another hurricane or tropical storm does not develop. I seem to attract them! LOL

Cleaning house today and then heading to Dallas to see youngest grandson, Zach. Have a great day!

normabyrd said...

I just saw GREAT PICS of LUN LUN & LITTLE LUN on Channel 7 -Wash. Station!----She has a set of lungs!!!----ADORABLE SKINNY LITTLE THING!!----ho!

Mema Jo said...

I had forgotten about Buta Buta's b-day! With all this other cub commotion going on! I still remember so well her birth!

I forgot to tell you all that I was going to CVS - but since I have already returned and no one missed me I'm not even going to mention it!

Mema Jo said...

We'll all put our heads together about the RV park and let you know.
Really want you & Jack to come east!

NOW JIM-When are you coming EAST?

floralgirl said...

Jellystone RV park near Williamsport,MD- about 35 minutes from SHepherdstown, WV

floralgirl said...

ALSO-KOA campsite at Harpers Ferry, WV ,about 30 minutes form Shepherdstown

Mema Jo said...

Megan - do you think any State Parks would still be open......
Gambrill, Green Brier, Washington Monument.... ?

Mema Jo said...

Late lunch time here!
Beautiful day out there.........


Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, I am being lazy and it feels good.

Anne-Marie said...

guess I missed you. BBL

floralgirl said...

Greenbrier State Park-Normally Open: Mid-April through End of October (NOTE: October through April, call for facility availability.) no camping at Washington Monument park.

ceil said...

Just looked at the video of the cub nursing and being burped. It looked good. Hope it will be okay.

ceil said...

Hi Anne-marie. I think the record for messages on the blog is 1267 on 9/3/06. I was a lurker then.

ceil said...

Norma, my son thinks he saw Kennedy's plane coming back to Hyannis on Tuesday. We ate lots of lobster, fish,clams and desserts.

ceil said...

BBL. Things to do.

Lolly said...

Jo and Megan...thanks for the info.

Mema Jo said...

Harpers Ferry would be the closest one that Megan found so far.

Mema Jo said...

MEGAN - When does the Sunday Shepherdstown Market stop for you.........?

floralgirl said...

Not sure yet.. I'll try to go til the end of Sept. then start again Thanksgiving weekend..

Mema Jo said...

That's the schedule I thought you had. The corn maze is coming!!!

Jenny & I want to go up to the
Last Chance Wildlife Center towards Thurmont later this week. I think they have the eagle... I thought I had kept the article about the gal that had bird rehab near you but I can't find it..... Do you remember?

Mema Jo said...

I dug deeper and found the article..
Keedysville - Trego Mountain Sanctuary. Dina Spanomanolis....

Mema Jo said...

Son is visiting


Mema Jo said...

Maine Forum - Aline has some great captures of LunLun and Little LunLun just before the camera went off ..

LunLun prior to cub being taken

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Jim for the F&F link....

Hi Anne! Bye Anne!

Bob Quinn said...

Sorry I disappeared last night after posting the photos. Boy, that was one long blog with all the splits. I've seen some references to the Open House. Refresh my memory - what's the date and time?

This Friday is the announcement of the winners of the Easton Plein Air photo contest. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

MITS said...

thought you were still walking on the treadmill, Bob...open house is October 18th....DINNER AT THE CLARION AT 5...FINGERS CROSSED:)

MITS said...


ceil said...

NCTC Open house October 18th. Dinner at the Ramsey in the Clarion. Fingers crossed Bob. Loved the eagle pictures especially.

NatureNut said...

Bob, Xing fingers & eyes (they're already like that from 'puter LOL)
for your contest.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob - XXX-ing those fingers for your contest and that you'll be able to join us again and not miss dinner!!! (Hee Hee)

hedgie said...

Hello! Been lurking off and on while doing chores and errands. Guest list is getting bigger...yippee!! Can't wait to see our gang! 6 weeks will drag-g-g-g!
Poor little panda...sure hope it will be alright.

hedgie said...

There is also the Lazy A campground in Ganotown area, but haven't seen what it's like... going there this weekend, tho', for the "Pickin' in the Panhandle" BBQ and Bluegrass Festival. It was such a success last year that they extended it to 2 days this year. And the campground was already booked back in Feb.!!

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey Dad at CT with a fish!

Bob Quinn said...

Ramsey in the Clarion...
Ramsey in the Clarion...
Ramsey in the Clarion...
Ramsey in the Clarion...
Ramsey in the Clarion...
Ramsey in the Clarion...

Maybe I should write it down.

Mema Jo said...

Robert Quinn

It is the

Shepherdstown, WV

No wonder we missed you last time!
Don't worry about this time - we are escorting you from NCTC over to the Tavern!


Bob Quinn said...

Uh... Romney at the Clarence,
Rupperet at the Klondike...

What was that again???

ceil said...

Jo I called it the Ramsey Tavern in the Clarion. Poor Bob. Hope you can come Bob. We will not let you out of our sight.

Mema Jo said...

Ceil you are appointed to be the one to get Bob Quinn to dinner!

There is also lunch at NCTC
in the Commons building!

ceil said...

I think Bob knows where the NCTC cafe is but I will make sure he gets to the RUMSEY TAVERN. Thanks Jo.

Mema Jo said...


Link to Panda Cub Update

Mema Jo said...

IT IS A BOY!!!!!

Mei has a little brother!!!


ceil said...

I just saw that Jo. IT'S A BOY He is doing okay right now. Back with Lun Lun. Great news.

floralgirl said...

Ok- follow me to the Rimsey Tavrn at the Claeriun in beautiful Sheptown, WV-sounds like we may take up the whole dining room....

Mema Jo said...

Ceil, they said they would really keep an eye on him! As long as he hollers they know he is ok! I bet that was their first clue. Didn't you and Helen mention about how noisy TAI was! Now I am happy - I sure was hoping that they would say something before 5:00....

floralgirl said...

Well, I don't see an update where it says the baby is back with mom- just the 10 am update where it's in an incubator. What am I missing?? be kind please...

Mema Jo said...

CEIL We are both going batty! I can't find it now either Megan! Something strange going on

Mema Jo said...

I still can't find that update - Maybe they are waiting until 5:00 -
Perhaps Ceil & I just got a sneak
preview! BUT It Was There In Black & White!!!! :(

Megan - I'm going to inquire about a private dinning room........

Anne-Marie said...

Hi family, I have white paint all over me but I need a rest. Painting my new plate rack. Its fits perfect.

Anne-Marie said...

Jo have you done a head count. ? Remember we will be three for dinner..LOL

Mema Jo said...

They are cleaning up Yang Yang's mess in the hammock room.
I hope tomorrow they turn the cam back on Lun Lun and BB.(Sharon says Benny Blue) Didn't take the guys/gals long to get that day room
all ready for tomorrow.

If anyone finds the update - give a yell!

I'm going to fix dinner........ BBL

Mema Jo said...


Tuesday, September 2, 5:00 PM
After almost nineteen hours of separation from mom, the giant panda cub born on Saturday at Zoo Atlanta was successfully reintroduced to Lun Lun at approximately 1:10 this afternoon. The reintroduction coincided with the cub’s scheduled feeding, and was chosen so that the cub would show the strongest possible nursing response. Lun Lun showed immediate interest in the cub when it was presented just outside the den, and was very focused on the cub as it vocalized. Based on these positive signs, the cub was placed in the den and Lun Lun picked it up and cradled it. The cub has continued to periodically give strong vocalizations indicating that it is doing well. Keepers briefly examined the cub again at 4:30 PM and noted he had gained a little weight, which is a very good indication. Furthermore, there are no signs of abnormalities or bacteria in the panda cub, due to the hand rearing process.
image-Lun Lun and cub

Lun Lun cradling cub

We are encouraged by Lun Lun’s positive response to the reintroductions and their first few hours back together. However, given the sudden decline experienced on Monday, Zoo Staff will remain extra vigilant, and may periodically separate the cub from Lun Lun for brief assessments of its condition.

During the nineteen hours that the cub was being hand-raised, the giant panda nursery expert from China who is here assisting Zoo Atlanta staff was able to examine the cub closely. We are very happy to report that Mei Lan has a little brother!

Many thanks to all those who have expressed their support and best wishes to Lun Lun, the young cub and the Staff here at Zoo Atlanta. Support from Members, Guests and Panda fans around the World has meant a great deal to everyone here at Zoo Atlanta. We will provide another update Wednesday morning.
Dwight Lawson, PhD
Senior Vice President, Collections, Education & Conservation

Anne-Marie said...

Hurray, everything is going to be just fine. Now if we can just get Bob to dinner all will be well. Poor Bob we do pick on him but with that much talent we are just jealous.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just read the update on the panda baby!! Yeah!!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the cub update, Jo. It's still not showing on the web site!
Private dining room at the Rumsey sounds like a good idea!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is a boy!!

magpie said...

Just got home and popped on the Panda Cam site...read the good news about Atlanta Baby being returned to Mom with positive results! Wow, what great news !!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Bonnie Blue is not going to work for our new little feller! Have to come up with something else. I will have to ponder on that! I am so glad he is back with his Mommy but I am sure Lun Lun is elated!

paula eagleholic said...

ROFLMAO - Where's Bob????

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, I thought the cub was too young to tell!

Must have some sort of positive proof!! HA HA

paula eagleholic said...

And I am very happy to hear Mom and Baby Boy are back together!

hedgie said...

Ok, Jo, found it thru' your e-mail link. TY!
Missed saying goodbye to Wanda and Gene last night...hoping that they don't get run off the beach by Hanna, or Ike, or whoever the brewing J-name is!

hedgie said...

Margy, did you get the lights fixed? I hate to think of you sneaking around in back alleys!!!

magpie said...


And Best Wishes for Success in the Photography Judging...
I don't think there is ANY CHANCE that you will miss Dinner this year !


magpie said...

HEDGIE: Brake lights fixed, it was a TURN SIGNAL PROBLEM! Got that replaced, and it took care of a few other thorny electrical problems, have the rear defroster to deal with next, and then try to get rid of the Beast!
But at least I am driving legally again!

So good to "See" everyone again...

xo xo

MITS said...

We ought to get Bob, a shirt, maybe something along the line of TELL ME WHERE TO GO, and directions to the Clarion on the back of the shirt:)

ceil said...

Have we lost Bob already? Helen I thought you were watching Bob. Jo sorry I went off to eat. The updates come up on the right hand side that says updates before it is under the cam. Does that make sense?

MITS said...

you said you were going to watch him!!!!!!!:):):)

ceil said...

Did you hear about the 3 year old who was bitten by a copperhead snake at Greenbrier State park?

ceil said...

But I had to go get supper and left you to watch him.

MITS said...

yikes, that had to hurt:(

MITS said...

oh my bad...thought you were talking about open house.....sorry, lost him:(...going to take shower...somebody go look for Bob:)

ceil said...

They had to fly her to Children's Hospital in Washington.

magpie said...

Hope it wasn't a hungry snake! that's when they have the most venom!

MITS said...

A Maryland Park Service spokesman says a 3-year-old girl was bitten on the hand by a venomous snake while camping with her family at Greenbrier State Park.

The girl encountered the copperhead snake about 8 p.m. Saturday at the park near Boonsboro.

The little girl's name has not been released, but ABC 7 News has learned that she and her family are from Potomac, Md. and that her condition has improved significantly.

The girl was inside her family's tent when in the darkness, she accidentally put her hand on a foot-long northern copperhead snake.

"The snake mistook her as a threat and went ahead and bit her out of self defense," said park ranger Robert Bailey.

Copperheads are venomous, but their bites are rarely fatal to humans. Still, the girl was raced by ambulance to a local hospital, then airlifted to Children's Hospital in D.C.

"They inject their victim with a toxin that destroys their red blood cells. In the case of a small rodent, which is their typical food, it would render the animal incapacitated very quickly," said Bailey.

When northern copperheads are found in the campground or picnic area, rangers generally try to move them to another part of the park.

Snakes bites are still fairly uncommon. And only 2 of the 27 types of snakes found in Maryland are venomous: the northern copperhead and the timber rattlesnake.

magpie said...

I had great time last night looking at the Album of the NCTC Open House visit photos from 2007 - it is on the Eaglet Momsters page with all the photo albums....

ceil said...

They didn't say Margy but they took her to Washington County hospital first and then flew her to Children's in Washington DC.

MITS said...

hmm the snake mistook her for a threat....how does he know that did he interview the snake....did the snake yell, not guilty, did they arrest the snake, did he get bail...just questions????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Great questions Mits, and quite relevant, I believe!

MITS said...

where is Geraldo Rivera when you need him:)?

floralgirl said...

The snake has lawyered up and is no longer speaking to the media..

magpie said...

Gives me the Willies--snakes in the dark....doubt I'd camp out in a tent again after that!

Two Osprey in the nest at WildWatch

MITS said...

ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can't breathe I laughing so hatrd!!!!

ceil said...

Smart snake Megan.

MITS said...

where are DEPENDS when you need them:):)

floralgirl said...

Sorry, I'll pass you a bucket..

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

laughing so HARD is what I meant to say.......spelling queen, Ceil pointed that out to me, she must be related to Sharon

hedgie said...

The Hagerstown paper said the little girl was scheduled to be released today.
Anyone ever watch that show...think it was called Venom ER...about the Loma Linda, CA hospital ER that specialized in venomous bites?...Dr. Shawn somebody...cute and nice...who was an expert, and owned alot of venomous snakes...until he had a baby and his wife made him get rid of the snakes!

ceil said...

We knew what you meant to say.

Anne-Marie said...

You gals are a kick. Do I want to be in the same motel as you. This could be a vacation to remember.

hedgie said...

Helen, you are a great speller until you start laughing!!

ceil said...

We had a neighbor who would walk around with a python around his neck. He caused a few auto accidents.

Anne-Marie said...

My brother and sister in law are coming with me. Maybe I should warn them.....

Anne-Marie said...

I got bit by a rattler when I was 12. I was one sick little gal. No snakes for me. Robyns nephew had one crawling all over him at last years open house and it scared me to death.

ceil said...

We will have to tell you the story of when we were in West Virginia and found out that Conway Twitty was in the parking garage. We were peeping through the door. Helen stepped on my sore foot I screamed we started running when we saw the security guard WE go into a bathroom not our room. I think we stood on the toilet in case the guard came in. No problem Anne-marie. I work for a good criminal lawyer. Only kidding.

ceil said...

Split is coming.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...