Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Night

Been out for the past couple days. Late thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks, Steve:) hope you had a good weekend.

MITS said...

thanks, Megan and Steve

floralgirl said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, Helen.

MITS said...

we have come along way in the past 2 years:)

Costume Lady said...

Hi, everyone...had a great trip. Have I missed anything important? Haven't had time to read back.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening Friends!

I guess soldier boy is happy with the Skin's win. Here's to the Ravens tomorrow night to do the same!

I'm just working in my emails
Let me hear from some of you & if you have a guest - order on their behalf......... Just trying to get dinner menu for 10/18 finalized....

Snake in my bed.... that is too
funny... to us ... not to Wanda

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven & Megan

Yes Skins Won...good game!!!

magpie said...

Sounds like a good Sunday for many of you..Especially the REDSKINS fans....




hedgie said...

Jo, do you want us to pre-order our dinners?

MITS said...

glad you are back Wanda, did you have fun, did GeeGee?

magpie said...

Thought of you this morning as I drove home in a driving rain! So glad to hear the walk and the birthday party went well!

DEB Glad your walk went well is for such a Good Cause...

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Deer and racoon having their evening snacks at Pix PA...

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie In a way yes! I am about to select from everything on that dinner menu the items that get the highest vote from those attending. Then I will publish what the majority chose.... That evening you will actually order your meals.

I said I needed a snack and Hubby handed me an apple... I really meant
a Sweet Snack.. I guess I'll settle for a Crunchy Snack......

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

I think I'll watch Cold Case in a little while.......

Madeleine! said...

What? I'm confused, will we just order from the menu on Saturday nite? Or we have to decide now....

hedgie said...

Hey, Maddie!!! How are you, kiddo??!!

MITS said...

yep, I am too, Jo

Madeleine! said...

Ooops, someone hijacked my identity...

MITS said...

Hello, Maddie, how are you?

hedgie said...

Me, too, Jo...Cold Case and The Unit, and tape Brothers and Sisters!

hedgie said...

Glad to see all the travelers home safe and sound.

floralgirl said...

No, that was me, my kid was just using my computer, she must've logged into google- I didn't realize.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, it was a wonderful weekend. GeeGee hasn't been anywhere in the Motor Home for over a year, maybe two. She was delighted to see the trees begining to change colors and seeing her nephew (my cousin) was very touching. He is the last member left on my Dad's side of family. He was recently married to a sweet young thing, 20 years his junior. We all just love her. Hope they stay happy. Mom ate well all weekend. We even did a little shopping.

Mema Jo said...

Mattie - look at the dinner menu and tell me what you think you would like to order for your dinner when you are here in October.
I can only have so many items from the menu because the group is reaching 40 people. I need to know what everyone thinks they will want..
I am hoping it all adds up to what everyone would want.
So maybe pick a soup, an appetizer, a salad, and a main dish. Do you think Justin will come?

MITS said...

thought it was our little lady from Bluefield.....:)

MITS said...

glad you had a nice time Wanda:)

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I know, sorry, they share a name, her computer is acting up, she got on mine and logged me out.

floralgirl said...

Aahhh... Mattie is not here- that was me.. So we need to pick something from the menu now.

Mema Jo said...

Hope to hear from Paula soon - I didn't miss her did I.
Don't know when Lollie & Jack are pulling in.. don't think they had any time line. Retirement at its fullest!

hedgie said...

That's who I thought it was, too, Helen and Megan!! Then realized the spelling was different...LOL!
Glad GeeGee had a good time and ATE, Wanda! is all most probably about the company!

magpie said...

Sounds like she has computer skills like her Ma, Megan!

magpie said...

JO - I send you my choices, hope I did it right....but majority rules, I didn't see anything on the Menu that I wouldn't like!

xoxox Thanks for all your hard work !

magpie said...

Sounds like a glorious week-end WANDA !

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I noticed (on reading back) that you are fighting Stink Bugs. We are battleing them at our house too, and the Motor Home was full of them. We got a platic cup and put water and dish detergent in it. Mixed it up and caught the bugs with a tissue and plopped them into the mixture and that works wonderfully.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, you are most likely right, but I hope those prednisone pills are kicking in so she won't need company to make her eat. I would go there and cook every day (I have done it before), but she won't hear of it.

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...


Costume Lady said...

Photos are posted on Wanda's Wishes of weekend trip. I tried to put them in order, but turned out all screwed up. Check out how pretty the foliage is already.

magpie said...


The Y lake is pretty, couldn't even try to spell it on here!

Brenda is a the rest of your family!

I like the reflection of GENE in the front door plate glass!


magpie said...

Bubbles and Shampoo time, catch you all later before heading in to work tonight..

TTFN xox

Red said...

Good evening. I just want to thank everyone for my birthday wishes. They are all very much appreciated. I've been gone most of the day to a funeral. Not mine thankfully. I'll see y'all tomorrow. Again THANKS for all the wishes.

Costume Lady said...

RED, I've been gone most of the weekend,so I will wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY now and by the way, I just happen to know that you are 39, just like the rest of us!

floralgirl said...

Nice pictures, Wanda.
Better make sure to include the #1 Jimmy in that appetizer list, Jo. Suzanne will want it for sure..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening again, friends!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Excuse me Wanda, but I am 29!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I forgot, thank you Mits!

Mema Jo said...

Still watching Cold Case...

Megan - I could take the #1 with a salad and be in heaven!

Welcome home Wanda......
They found a show for you called
Snake in my bed

Love that pic Sharon


NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone who's back home. Wanted to mention, especially Megan would like this,---I sent an email to E.M.Yahoo group called "Brussels in Bloom" It has 3lge. pics & I see that some of you saw them. I can never view pics on there. Went to the first one that was posted & I get blank frames w/tiny x in top left corner.If others can't view, I will put them on blog.
Wanda, understand you went to Uniontown!!!!Glad GeeGee enjoyed trip! My Mother's whole family was from little nearby town called Republic. My Polish grandfather was in the coal mines. Best times of my life as a child was going there for holidays, summer vacation & had aunt, uncle & 2 cousins next door & lots o0f other relatives nearby. Penny candy at 2 small groceries!

floralgirl said...

Ok- I'm curious, this snake in my bed show- was it an actual reptilian snake or was the snake a dude??

MITS said...

your welcome, Sharon:)

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I can't ever view pics on that Yahoo site either.

MITS said...

Wanda, the pictures are wonderful, and Brenda is very pretty:)

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, I am so sorry, I forgot that you are 29, you did tell me that once before...I'll try to remember next time.

JO, what on earth is SNAKE IN MY BED?? Must be my nightmare!

Yes, Brenda is a real cutie pie and the most wonderful personality. Her cooking skills are out of this world.

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, I know Republic very well. I was raised in Brownsville, Pa. until I moved here when I was 13. My Dad worked in the coal mines for many years as did my cousin, Leornard.

NatureNut said...

Hooray, they loaded!!! Has some small print, so double click. Megan, will you plan something like this for next spring?? LOL

NatureNut said...

My last comment was about putting the Brussels pics on blog.

Earlier today Norma annouced that Animal Planet was having a show called, "Snake in My Bed" & that she probably wasn't going to watch it. I asked if it was shot at Wanda's house??!!

Brownsville, huh? We went there many times. When I was real little, sometimes my Mom & I would take train from DC & Browsville is where it stopped, I think. Then my uncle would pick us up. Grandparents' street was "red dog"
& cousins and I would climb some slate piles like they were mountains!!

magpie said...

So Wanda and Loretta: You must remember the old pot-holey Pennsylvanie Turnkpike!!

RE: Yahoo'w with attachments and pics: sometimes I have to go to "My attachments" and then click on the sender and sometimes I can get them that way, sometimes not!
LORETTA: I got Brussells fine!

MEGAN: I want to know how you make your pictures show up LARGE when you send one!

magpie said...

Sharon: I'm playing YOUR Randy Travis CDs - guess I better send them soon!

magpie said...

I'd like to ask everyone to remember in prayer the victims and the families of the Maryland State Police Medevac accident in Maryland early this morning.
A truly tragic accident.
Many loved ones affected by this sad event, death in the face of a selfless act of providing care to the injured....

NatureNut said...

You're so right. Margy, terrible trajedy. Don't know if you were on here around noonish, but I told about the park being about 2 miles from my home.

BTW, we never used the turnpike. Going from DC(MD) to Uniontown was either up good old Rte. 40, thru Cumberland, etc. or you could go Rte. 50 thru VA & turn off at Romney.

magpie said...

MEMA: You have HOT MAIL!

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, this is so mind boggeling. I think my Aunt and Uncle lived on Red Dog!! I'll have to ask my Mom. SEKULA was their names. You were probably too young to remember. I'll let you know what my Mom says. SMALL WORLD!

Costume Lady said...

We also took Rt.40....Pennsylvania Turnpike was still full of potholes the last time we went to Chicago. Really hard on the Motor Home. Gene always had to tighten up all the nuts, bolts and screws when we got back home.

magpie said...

Loretta, Yes, thanks, I did read your posts about the location of the accident. I am so sad about this. We have those Maryland State Trooper medevacs in our county often, not sure if Trooper 2 has ever been here, but 5 and 3 have. I see them fly over near the apartment on the way to and from our City Hospital fairly often.

Regarding the turnpike, I am not ever sure where my family was going when we were on it: Probably to Michigan. I remember when the "first" four lane highways were built, for me, near Frederick MD. And then Frederick Coounty, VA, had the crazy "third lane" for passing....Route 50 to Romney: Been on it a bunch!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, indeed, Margy...Prayers for all those involved in that tragic accident.

magpie said...

Baby Luney all alone in the Pen !

NatureNut said...

Wanda, that was not the name of the street, that's what it was made of! Old reddish tan shards of something left over from mining. They finally put in asphalt.

magpie said...

A Zoom would be nice right about now on the Pandlet !

Costume Lady said...

I think their area was called Red Dog Patch, for the same reason...the red stones that covered the road. There was also a creek nearby, but I can't remember the name.

glo said...

Its OK Wanda Sharon doesn't look her age so its a very understandable mistake.

And we all know you have a little stress and hopefully you are not watching that program!!!

NatureNut said...

In Republic, PA, my Mom and her 5 brothers and sisters all went to Redstone High School.The youngest, my Uncle Johnny, (from Pittsburgh) just passed in April. He was 80.Think there was a HS Reuion he & my aunt attended not too long ago!
The family name was Kuzniar. Haven't been to Republic for 15-20 yrs, as no family left there.

Costume Lady said...

GLO, I was never very good with numbers. LOL
I wouldn't dream of watching a show with the words Bed and Snake in the same sentence! I wonder what my snake did while I was away? There is never any food lying around...maybe he will starve to death!

magpie said...


Momn is with the Pandlet now..

magpie said...

Baby Lovin' going on in Atlanta !

Mema Jo said...

Full coverage on MSP Chopper crash
with photos

NatureNut said...

Got Panda cam up---Whole Lota Scratchin' Goin' On"!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Thx Jo. Gonna watch News---

deb said...

Hi, everyone. I am glad everyone is home safe from their travels. It is raining and thundering here. I wish it would rain all night, but that isn't going to happen.

NatureNut said...

Just saw on news that Chopper was planning to land at Andrews due to the poor visibilty, but evidently couldn't see the runway lights. I would guess the crash site is about 4-5 miles from AFB.
Super tragic. I know if we're driving on Suitland Parkway, some of the runways end there and you see little blue lights.Not real bright, but rest of runways are probably brighter.

magpie said...

Mema - Thank you for the MSP link.

magpie said...

Good Night, all.
Time to pack it in for work tonight.
Catch you sometime in the Morning light.

Take Care, and Prayers.


Costume Lady said...

Good Night, Margy. Have A GOOD ONE.

NatureNut said...

Night to all leaving....

Just checked Jo's link and there is map of area. If the bottom of that map extended 1/4 to 1/2 inch, my street would show. Mine is D'Arcy off of Ritchie Rd. Kipling is on left of map and on right is Steve Dr., which is right behind me.I didn't even know park property extended to Ritchie RD. We only see trees there.

hedgie said...

SO much blogging going on!!!
Hi everyone. Red, SO glad it wasn't your funeral!! You know that old joke about "I can't start my day until I read the obituaries and make sure my name isn't listed"??? On the serious side, sympathy for the loss of your friend or relative.
Wanda, don't you dare watch Norma's show! Yuck!! Your pics were great!
Margie, I know my daughter is wondering the same thing..if either of those guys were ones she's met before. Hope your night goes okay.
That crazy PA Turnpike is ALWAYS under construction. And I can't believe that they've never bypassed that Breezewood mess in all these years. I take 68W and then get back on 70 north of Morgantown and avoid that entirely.
Well, time for the tub. Good night and God bless. See you all tomorrow. Rah rah Skins!

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

P.S. I didn't have any trouble opening the pretty Brussels pics!

Costume Lady said...


NatureNut said...

Hi to the Midwest people I saw aboard, Glo & Deb! You can have our rain now. I think we got enough---not heavy, but off and on since Wed.
Guess it would be worse if we were in Maine! Nor'easter Kyle!

deb said...

Glad your teams all won, the Vikings lost again. I think they are going to be bad this year, already 1-3. Twins won and now must wait to see what the White Sox do tomorrow against Detroit. Go Detroit!! If Sox win, play-off on Tuesday.

I have had a long day, the walk early this morning, then I mowed. I am tired and ready for bed. It will be nice to have my house back after this week, college girl starts student teaching on the third!


movin said...



Mema Jo said...

Guess I best get in here before everyone leaves. Wanda your pics on your blog sites are really good!
Deb Hope your legs don't cramp tonight! I am sure you're looking forward to have things back to normal soon within your home.

Mema Jo said...

Oh No! Jim you beat me off of here!

Good Night Everyone whether you are here or there!

Peace to you & yours
Prayers for everyone's needs being said


Loretta - are you still here? Nite

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters

T-Bird said...

Hope to see our eagles today

T-Bird said...

hope we can get unfroze-is that even a word? :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all my wonderful eagle friends. Been a busy weekend, ain't even had a chance to catch up on the blog. Have I missed anything?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thelma Lou, you out there?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Panda eating and sleeping happening. Baby all alone. What a little butterball he is!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Gosh, where is everyone this morning?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Early Thelma and Sissy ( :

Missed a few comments from last night. SharonI love you pic!

floralgirl said...

Hello- I was watching the news and simultaneously hurling into a bucket.....the news is depressing...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Megan ( :

Do you need anymore rain for your beautiful flowers?

MITS said...


MITS said...

my outlook express is giving me problems this a.m., so off to try to fix it...makes reading the posts so much easier when it is delivered straight to my mail:)

floralgirl said...

Rain is always essential, though I realize it gets tiresome for people after a while. We really didn't get that much rain this weekend. But now I hope for not too many rainy days during October, due to field trips starting soon. Glad to see the sun this morning. I still have several hummers here.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have alot of hummers still here too Megan. They better get on down the road or they will freeze their little hummingbutts off.

floralgirl said...

I told mine they could come into the house for the winter..

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Luney is stretched out on Lun Lun's face!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lol Megan love that comment lol

Red said...

Good morning everbody. Thanks for all the happy birthday greetings yesterday.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!--T-BIRD---SISSY---DANA---MEGAN & HELEN!!!-----GLORIOUS DAY in the WV HILLS---patchy fog is gone & the SUN is BRIGHT & BEAUTIFUL!!---& hope there are NO SNAKES in any one's bed!--ho!---The setting was in INDIA (i think)------Enjoyed reading the coal mining stories in PA!!----guess I thought all the mining was done in WV---Sat. game -- WVU v. MARSHALL U was the COAL BOWL!!----Our MOUNTAINEERS did much better they my beloved COWBOYS!---WOE IS ME!--
ho!---Would love to see JUST 1 EAGLE---ho!---2 would be better---but one would suffice!!----prayers for the CHOPPER CREW!!!---ENJOY this WONDERFUL day!!!---FILL YOUR DAY WITH LAUGHTER!--LOVE!---& SHARE YOUR JOY WITH OTHERS!!---(no tree hugs this am)!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!

MITS said...

your welcome, Red:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday Dear Red!!
Happy Birthday to you!!

Sorry, didn't get a chance to be on the blog yesterday. Hope you had a great day!!

Good morning all!! Glad to see you sleepy heads up and about this morning.

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---SISSY!---Good pic of BOY CUB!---ALL ALONE!---LITTLE IMP!--OH!--is he not the most handsome little CUB you have ever seen???---(NEXT TO THE 'LITTLE PRINCE')

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Birthday BOY is here ( :

Morning Norma and Everyone on blog ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Nethy takes off Deshar Update

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Eagle at BWO!

wvgal_dana said...

Nice fly in to the blog there Deb ( : good morning

normabyrd said...

HELEN---Have you had time to check's BWO!!---LISA has temporarily replaced the cam feed with shots from a DVD---guess that's why the EAGLES stayed so long!!!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sure is, thanks Deb! At least I got an eagle fix this morning. Not quite as good as ours but better than none at all.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---BWO is a DVD!!--Read LISA'S note!---I read it yesterday---

normabyrd said...

HEY LOVELY DANA!!---Our DONKEYS are back to about a 'BAKER'S DOZEN'
Some small one there too!!

deb said...

Norma, the DVD is at They had the actual nest open until this past week. BWO is live.

normabyrd said...

HELEN---Any pics of the M&M ANGELS?
Anxious to see how much they have grown!!----give them an extra hug from me----wish mine were closer---miss them so very much!!----talk with them often!---youngest always screams in the phone---(she thinks I am older than my 40 years) ho!

MITS said...

that's what I thought too, Deb...blackbirds are there now, thanks for clearing that up:)
No new pics yet, Norma.

MITS said...

ok, think I have found my problem with OUTLOOK EXPRESS, something was wrong with my password....gremlins or snakes must have gotten into the puter....all seems fine now....:)

floralgirl said...

oh good, now come fix my kid's laptop- I don't know what she has done this time- nothing will open...and now I gotta run to MVA- should be lots of fun..later.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!---When do you start your 'PUMPKIN PATCH RIDES'----Bet the little ones LOVE you!!

MITS said...

just saved myself $60 bucks, didn't want to have to call Microsofts' IT people, Megan....have fun at the DMV

MITS said...

I hate bothering him, but did e-mail, Steve about the eagle cam.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma yes not as many. Some black ones though.


normabyrd said...

DEB & HELEN!!---I was trying to say what you folks said---I just got it "backwards"!!---saw the blackbirds there this am!!!---Thanks for getting it straight!!!!

floralgirl said...

Start in a week, Norma.
This one has me pondered, Helen, can't get anything to open, not even the taskbar- she did something.. will take me hours to figure it out- if I even can.
Off to buy me an expensive sticker from the MVA..

MITS said...

wish I could come up and help with my limited knowledge.....e-mail Jo, maybe her Aaron can help:)

MITS said...

eagle at BWO

deb said...

How bad are your stickers for vehicles? My pick-up only cost $46.00, if I lived in NE, it would cost me 10 times that much, IA it would be about $150.

MITS said...

looks like he is laughing:)

normabyrd said...

THANKS DANA!!---for the NETHY--DESHAR update!----JIM gave it to me yesterday---

deb said...

The wind is blowing at BWO.

MITS said...

I don't remember, Deb, it is one of the neccesary things,you have to do:)

MITS said...

sounds like someone is at the Maine nest doing work...lots of noise and people talking

normabyrd said...

DEB!---Just renewed mine this week---our prices are about the same as yours!!----buy 2 yr one cheaper---told the lady I never buy any thing over a year in advance!!---She was young!!---ho!---

MITS said...

I don't buy green bananas:)

MITS said...

hoodie at Finland water nest

MITS said...

never mind he flew the coop.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Little fat panda baby all alone.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love that little bear so good!! (wish I was a panda)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ya'll are just too funny with this old stuff. Ain't none of us that old!! (YOUNG AT HEART!

MITS said...

I took the test, Sissy....I'm older than dirt:)

paula eagleholic said...

Good Monday Morning!!

Think someone is working on our cam? Pretty green screen!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
I just saw Jim! Deb - I couldn't get the last line either but I am working on it!
Thanks Jim for your puzzle.
I really love putting a face with the name & Jim you're looking good!

Go to your Momsters' mail & do Jim's puzzle.

I haven't read all this mornings' comments - was in email & still am.
You all may have already done the puzzle.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Red

Mema Jo said...

Hey Sissy - Tell my body that! lol

Hi There Paula. I think we just got Jim's pic for the beer bottle! lol

MITS said...

How is everything going, PAULA?

paula eagleholic said...

Things are moving along, Mits. Finally got Mom into the nursing/rehab center last night.

Mema Jo said...

BREAKING NEWS: FDIC: Citigroup To Acquire Wachovia‏

Mema Jo said...

Paula it is such a hard thing to do but I am sure you now rest a little easy as far as Mom not being alone and getting the care she needs.
Some of us have already been there with our loved ones so our prayers and positive thoughts will keep being there for you & the family.

deb said...

Eagle back at BWO, jackdaw back at Finny on the water!

MITS said...

its not easy being green:(

T-Bird said...

Yeah, I'm here now Bev. Sorry I missed your birthday wishes yesterday Red. Happy, happy birthday.

MITS said...

sloth bear demo time at the zoo

normabyrd said...

Has everyone worked JIM'S puzzle??
(guess we will never know who this handsome man is?)

Mema Jo said...

Well Norma from what the email says
I am assuming that is our
Movin' Grovin' JIM!
I remember when we were encouraging him to attend the HS reunion last year...
Did you get the entire puzzle figured out - I didn't quite master the bottom line.....

Mema Jo said...

Mits - I missed the bears..

MITS said...

I keep waiting for a human to pop up on the MAINE NEST;)

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---The hardest part is over!!(finding a place)---I bet you will be surprised how fast she adjusts to her new environment!!---Visit. my friend last wk in Winchester!---I was so uptight, etc.---so surprised---she looks so much better--healthier--& relaxed!----wasn't complaining!! someone is helping her dress, etc.--thoughts will be with you & your brother----only complaints---were in re: food!!---ho!---friend would only eat certain things---says she explains this to chef---& they listen!!--- ho!---just take her some special foods---GOD BLESS---

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Norma...we are all planning the menu...what we can take that she will eat...

normabyrd said...

JO!---How can we be sure that HANDSOME DUDE in the puzzle is JIM!!----Could be a brother or a good looking friend!----ho!

Red said...

I have Jim's photo now for everyone to see.


normabyrd said...

1 BURROWING OWL -- count him! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Red!
?? What's the bottom line ??

Mema Jo said...

Norma - we'll just have to wait until Jim 'fesses up to that pic!

Costume Lady said...

JO, will the Rumsey menu be the same on Saturday as all other days?

RED, thanks for finally putting a face with our JIM. YOU ARE DA MAN!

Red said...

Jim says thats him in the puzzle. I just worked the puzzle and saved it and then cropped it a bit.

Costume Lady said...

Jim, you handsome've been hiding under a bushel. Glad you are a face to us now.

Mema Jo said...

Mason's Most Recent Update


Costume Lady said...

Back to work...

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I am going over Friday
I will ask - good question cause
there could be a special we would want to know about. If you think of any thing else - email me.
I would assume but will need to ask if there are any special food needs.
I know of one vegetarian......

normabyrd said...

KIDS!---I am trying---honestly---I was COOL yesterday when the COWBOYS lost to the REDSKINS!!---But here in this area---they replay the game every hour with the news!---(now--isn't that nice of them---bet they thought we couldn't remember what happened yesterday) ho!---I'M GOOD!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the quick response to the candles ((hugs))

NatureNut said...

Good PM to Everyone! What a bright shade of green! Just like our grass now after all the rain!Today we have seen sun!!!!

Wanda, forgot to tell you that your pics are great!
Should be busy, busy around here---Later

MITS said...

well they have packed up at the MAINE NEST, all quiet except for the ocean...wonder if they were working on the cam

MITS said...

Jo, The otters are out

Mema Jo said...

Mits - are they playing or fighting?

MITS said...

ah, hope they are playing:)

floralgirl said...

Whoa- so that is Jim- huh?

Mema Jo said...

They sure were being active - fun to watch them.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Megan..

Going to the clarion Fri to set up menu.. I'll see if the have a Mason jar already set up...

Email me your and your mom's menu selections...

Get your tags? What about the laptop?

floralgirl said...

Yep- put in my time at the MVA- hour and 15 minutes on hard bench- 3 minutes at the window..
The laptop is another issue altogether- al I get is black screen- I can get her documents open, but can't get to anything else.
I'll get you that order-

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


Where are you Sissy


Mema Jo said...

The view sure puts his size in perspective

MITS said...

Monday, September 29
The difference in the cub is astonishing! Because my shifts are a week apart, the developmental changes are blatantly obvious at first glance.

From the date of my last entry, when he weighed 764.3 grams to this morning’s weight of 1023.3 grams, the cub has gained more than double the amount of his estimated birth weight in just one week.

The difference in Lun Lun’s mothering is also evident. She is taking more time to eat, and in turn, the cub is nursing more. She is able to leave the cub for longer periods of time – on average, approximately 20 minutes. These separations come with almost no objection from him, which is an indication that he is relying much less on his mother for body heat.

And finally, the following is for those of you who have been asking for conversion information for centimeters and grams:

Centimeters to inches / feet Grams to ounces / pounds

2.54 cm = 1 inch 453.59 grams = 16 ounces (1 pound)

30.48 cm = 12 inch (1 foot) 1000 grams (1 kilogram) = 35.2 ounces (2.2 pounds)

Debbie Forde
Coordinator, Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program
Curatorial Assistant

floralgirl said...

I despsie these stink bugs- I would like to send them all back to Asia where they came from. My window screens are covered with them.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love stink bugs!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...