Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Afternoon/Evening

New thread


Costume Lady said...

Well, look here...we have a new thread. THANKS STEVE.

Costume Lady said...

Belle is still stuck in the nest. Hope Keith can get her out of there, soon!

MITS said...

Why thank you Miss Wanda.....and you too to dinner..BBL

Costume Lady said...

Baby Lun Lun update:
Saturday, September 13
Today the cub is 2 weeks (15 days) old! We continue to weigh the cub every 12 hours to make sure he is thriving under Lun Lun's care, which he is. This morning he weighed 352.1 grams. That is a 35.5 gram increase from yesterday. He's really growing fast! Since the cub is getting bigger and is now able to stay warm without Lun Lun constantly covering him, we are able to see him more often. Not only is Lun Lun putting him down for short periods (less than 5 minutes at a time), but sometimes she leaves him uncovered when they are sleeping. This is helpful in confirming nursing bouts, because we can see as well as hear the cub suckling. In fact, last night I saw the cub nursing on two separate occasions!
Heather Baker Roberts
Keeper I


Costume Lady said...

I, and others have e-mailed the zoo asking if they would consider putting the cam back on their new baby, but, they haven't had the courtesy to respond. The world is watching and I feel they should at least tell us SOMETHING! (LIKE yes, no or maybe)
OK, RED...that was VENTING! LOL

Costume Lady said...

OOOOHHH...I just thought of something; they may have responded and I didn't see it. My Mom always told me to not Holler Before I'm Hurt! LOL

Lolly said...

Hi Wanda! So, I find you on here talking to yourself. I am a little concerned. :)

ceil said...

I e-mailed them Wanda and have not gotten a response. Two years ago they did not response to often.

magpie said...

Beautiful sky, Wonderful Clouds, and a Spectacular Moon, just about 2 % shy of full...

I'm sure not everyone can see the same thing, but in Wild Wonderful Berkeley County, WV , this is what we have..

Hope all are well and safe tonight - I realize that may not be the off to bed I go with a handful of prayers. Make that two handfuls.

Working midnight shift tonight.


Costume Lady said...

OOH, NOO, Margy. Thought you were done with that midnight thing for a while. I think I need to get you a uniform from my shop. It is black velvet with flowers and it is called "Midnight Fairy". LOL

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I do talk to myself on here quite often. When nobody joins me, I read e-mails.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Wanda - I should be back on my "regular schedule" now - two midnights, and three days..
We'll see how wellness at the office works out this week, that causes the changes.
I LIKE the Midnight Fairy idea!

Lots of Love...xo

Costume Lady said...

I wonder where Naturenut (Loretta) has been...Unless I missed her, it has been awhile.
Margy, do you know if it is Diane "Luv2nap" that is from Ashburn, Va? I know you and Paula spoke with her when we had our last visit to the nest.

magpie said...

Yes, Wanda that is correct..

I think Loretta must be working, she had a day off during the week earlier and mentioned a switch...
I had sent her an email earlier today with no response yet, want to send her the picture of the Wren I saw in the Finney Land Nest...

I guess I am a fibber, said I was going to bed, but now, for sure, really !

I just can't help myself !


Costume Lady said...

Sleep Well.

Costume Lady said...

Well, now that Margy is going to bed and nobody else is chatting right now, I will get off of here. I don't want Lolly to think we West Virginians are CRAZY! SHHHH!

MITS said...

deer and racoon at PA

MITS said...

Back from dinner and food shopping, fantastic moon tonight:)

floralgirl said...

That's right- moon is full tomorrow- the harvest moon...

MITS said...

you are correct, Megan....where did the summer go????

floralgirl said...

Not sure, but it has gone fast..although today felt like summer again-hot and humid.

MITS said...

good golly Miss Molly...those racoons are so fat......

MITS said...

it was humid here in the a.m., then we got a nice breeze off the ocean...and the water temp is perfect

floralgirl said...

I'll bet- always loved the beach in Sept.-

MITS said...

it is my fav month to be here:)

floralgirl said...

Before daughter was in school- we would always go to the beach for a week in Sept.

MITS said...

we did the same with our son too, it was always so nice..we have a favorite pizza place the we have always gone....our son got his first taste of pizza there...we have taken the M&M girls there, but they don't eat pizza yet...and when the owner came to visit our table the night we where there, Maggie gave him a big smile and Molly let out a hollowing scream...

floralgirl said...

Had to get clothes out of the dryer.. I'm outa here, gotta get some sleep- it'll be hard enough to get up in the morning..I need sleep..

Mema Jo said...

Popping in here to say it has been a long day...... Picnic, Mass and then keeping GreatGranddaughter for a few hours this evening. Frederick Fair is this week - Her dad had a grandstand show ticket.

Everything was GREAT today!
Glad we got a new thread - Thanks!

My niece's son stationed in HI with the Coast Guard was sent to TX for search & rescue. It's like Lolly said about those staying that it puts others in harm's way.
I know his mom is concerned for his safety.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Peace to all
Prayers for all our needs

Mason is getting some exercise it sounds like!

MITS said...

you bet your booties his Mom should be worried....the head of FEMA, thanked the people of Texas who listened and followed the MADATORY EVAC... and reminded those selfish people who stayed , that they are putting these men and women in harm's way....I said that last week and was told that I judged people....I don't judge people, just state the facts, and it is JMHO;)...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE:)!

MITS said...


magpie said...

'Night all..out the door....eight hours of unknown action coming up...

Love to all...
God Bless Us, EVERY ONE -


movin said...

Well, I'm glad we got the new thread. I'm glad also that H. Ike apparently did not take many lives.

God help the survivors of Ike and all recent disasters around our world.

God bless the sick, such as Mason and such as Paula's Mom.


cATCH you in the morn. Have a great Sunday.



Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

This has been another long day, with much being accomplished. Thank You, Thank You!


hedgie said...

Mits, I was ranting about the people who didn't evacuate! Lots of criticism today about them, too, on the news.
Sept. has always been my favorite beach time, too...and after the girls started school had to change that schedule! But that's when we'vw gone the last few times.
Jim, unless search and rescue turns up more, I would dare say that the death toll from the train wreck will be worse than from Ike. Too bad...amazing that MetroLink officials stated that engineer admitted fault!
Good night, all! Sleep well. Peace and prayers.

MITS said...


magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning to Every One too...
Sea Eagle at Finney Water Nest.

magpie said...

NPR said Cormorants flying along I-45 in Galveston area in the wind, seemed to be flying backwards..

magpie said...

Sweet little bird - WREN? in Finney Land nest...

magpie said...

OMG - There was just a brown and white CAT? at Pix Pa...

could it be?

magpie said...

Cat, Sea Eagle and Little Bird already bye-bye..

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING MARGY...I could hear you talking to yourself and thought I'd see what you were saying. I think your little wren in Finland must be trying to take over that nest. He's saying, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN!

Costume Lady said...

We saw those birds on the news last night and they were being blown backwards. Didn't know what they were.

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Think I will take today off. I will literally spend this as a Sabbath rest. Whatever your plans for today spend it wisely. You only get to spend it once. Lord bless.

magpie said...

HI Wanda - I would have rather SEEN it than Heard about it...but that's what the reporter said, standing in the middle of I-45 in the midst of refrigerators and all kinds of other debris...and boats being towed for rescue..

I put five pics up on the Sea Eagle Album page. I have the little wren but it is going to be hard to view...I might play around with it after Panda Nap and see if I can make it bigger....then send it on...

Got to hit the Feather Pillows...
You folks take care !


magpie said...

Hi GLO - Sounds like a WISE Plan indeed ! Afraid I have to spend some of it sleeping...returning for another midnight shift tonight.


Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING, GLO...I have found, over the years, that the Lord commanded us to rest on the Sabbeth, for our own good. We NEED to rest our minds and bodies and reflect on the week behind us and the week ahead.

Costume Lady said...

Sleep well, Margy. TTUL

Costume Lady said...


ceil said...

Good morning all. I was coming on to say that I have a busy day ahead working, but after the reminder I think I will also take the day off. Thanks. Some times the days run together and I forget it is Sunday.

movin said...


i HOPE it's a good one for you so far.



MITS said...

Sunday, September 14
This morning the cub weighed 383.8 grams. Lun Lun got up several times last night. Most of the time, she wanted to eat (she's getting quite hungry!), but she also had to eliminate once. She is usually very careful to leave the cub in the nest box on a bit of hay and he seems content while she is gone. He vocalizes loudly when she first puts him down and picks him up, but then softly grunts or remains quiet once she has walked away. Lun Lun is not away from the cub for very long, but it is normal for her to leave the cub occasionally and for longer periods of time now that he is getting bigger. By day 15, Lun Lun was regularly leaving Mei Lan for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Heather Baker Roberts
Keeper I

movin said...

Mits, great update on the new Panda at Atlanta, but where did you find the Sunday report??

It still shows Saturday on my Panda page.



MITS said...

Lun-Lun and cub updates, right above the Sat update.

MITS said...



NatureNut said...

New Sunday Thread Eagle Buddies!!!!

Mema Jo said...

A HOT ONE OUT THERE! I shall rest inside on this Sabbath

I would like to see that CUB!

movin said...




2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...