Friday, September 26, 2008


New thread.


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normabyrd said...

Will bring the crew over!!!

Red said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Thank you Norma for the heads up.

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
Yes, Helen, she is nothing but skin and weak bones. Don't know what to do if these pills don't work. I guess I'll have to force feed her. LOL....No, I promised her I would never do anything she didn't want.

Friday, September 26, 2008 12:52:00 PM

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Norma for calling us over to
our new thread from Steve!
Wanda, hopefully GeeGee is steady on her feet. Does she fix her own meals through the week?

MITS said...

Thanks, Norma and Steve.....well, Wanda, she does like her crab legs, doesn't she:)?

Mema Jo said...

Need to leave for a few
Duaghter is soon arriving and I
need to get my red shirt on!! :)


Costume Lady said...

Not much in cooking now, Helen. I buy her frozen meals, and sometimes she eats part of one, but most of the time she has an Ensure (drink) and baby food. I took her a stuffed pepper the other day (which she loves) and only ate a bite or two. It was still in the fridge yesterday. She doesn't want to come stay with me and doesn't want me to move in there. Well, see. I'm not going to let her fade away.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Norma she loves crab legs. Don't think she would eat them at home. It's worth a try.
Going to take Mom to Uniontown, Pa. tomorrow for the weekend. We have a relative there that she hasn't seen in along time. Won't be on here for a few days...Margy, don't look for me, I'm with GeeGee.

hedgie said...

Hi all. Been a busy morning...lots of emails and blogs to catch up on, plus some chores.
Got the email, Mits....ty...I forwarded it back to the perosn it sent it to me.
Wanda, sorry GeeGee isn't up to it just her age, or is she ill?
Paula, will keep my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be "moving" day for your mom.
My sisters' scan didn't show if no relief from acupuncture, surgeon plans to scope her abdomen.
Margy, thought I heard you a little while ago, and thought it was just my imagination! Now I know it wasn't! Too bad you had to go in on your day off!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Norma for the heads up and Steven for putting up a new thread.

Megan I see you were in and gone now. You said everybody was making you hungry...maybe she went to get something to eat lol

Lynn you made it in during your busy day. Margy seen a groundhog on the deer cam this morning. I've got a picture but it is in bmp not jpg. (however that is) I sent it around but it can't be opened.

hedgie said...

No, Dana, for some reason I can never open bmp's either.

hedgie said...

Had sweet danish for breakfast so normally wouldn't eat lunch, butr after reading all the food blogs, now I'm hungry, so guess I'll grab a little bite of something.

floralgirl said...

Yes, I was there, now I'm here... really, had to get some soup, you guys were making me hungry. Had to run to Dr this am, daughter is home sick with ear infection of all things..

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I was lost over there all by myself!! I am so glad I found you guys!! Wanda, send your mom down here, I'll fatten her up. I have done a really good job at that with us.

Red said...

Norma, email me the Bmp file and I'll convert it to .Jpg and return it.

movin said...




wvgal_dana said...

Red check your email I sent it through eaglet_momsters mail. The pic of the groundhog. Send it back to me please I want to send it to Margy. Or you can send it to Margy..ty

wvgal_dana said...

Close up of baby Luney on his back oh Sissy what a pic

movin said...

Hmm. It seems that while I slept last night my bank, Washington Mutual, failed and the assets were sold to Chase!

I need more coffee... later, folks.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

look at that baby!! OMG!! I can't live!!

MITS said...

little luney is on his back

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy you have it on FULL SCREEN????

MITS said...

Friday, September 26
Since the cub has passed the 800 gram mark we are switching to once a day weight checks. The plan is to have these checks sometime in the mid-morning. Now that Lun Lun regularly leaves the cub to eat, we use this time to see how much weight the little one had put on. Lun Lun remains calm while the cub is away. Sometimes, I don’t think she even notices because she is so focused on eating.

The cub’s weight today is 883.4 grams.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II

wvgal_dana said...

Now that's a picture!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now that, my dear friends, is how I would like to live my life!!

movin said...

The baby Panda is 'squiggling' on his back in the hay........



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now, how do you like by avatar?

wvgal_dana said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww SISSY your a baby panda cub laying on its back...( : ( :

Red said...

Dana, I did not get your email. Might want to try it again.

MITS said...

yikes, baby panda cam going psycho

MITS said...

ok, better now:)

wvgal_dana said...

My Atlanta panda cam is fine..nothing wrong..

Ok Red I will email you.

wvgal_dana said...

Red it is on its way to you "groundhog pic"...

Red said...

Or if you know how to reference it, MS Paint or MS Photo Editor will open .BMP files.

Red said...

OK Dana. I got this one. Will send it back shortly.

MITS said...

Mei Xiang is having a snack on her back:)

MITS said...

eagles singing up in Maine:)

Red said...

Dana, You have mail.

MITS said...


MITS said...

fish and eagle at BWO

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Thank you very much Red...your my hero for changing bmp to jpeg pics lol

MITS said...

eagle gone at still there:)

movin said...

I see there is a new update on Buddy's condition...




wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jim for update on Buddy. Still sounds as if he could later be set free. Hoping, figures crossed and toes.

movin said...

Yes, I'm also hoping it will be possible to release Buddy into the wild. The sooner the better.

But I suppose they should try to make sure he can feed himself first.



hedgie said...

Thanks, Jim, for heads up on Buddy. If they are talking another 6 mos. to a year, do you think he would still be able to learn to fend for himself? At least it appears that they aren't going to have to mess w/ the device again, which is good.

wvgal_dana said...

We can only hope and pray Lynn.

I think if they knew for sure he couldn't be released. They would have put it in the update. Wouldn't you think so?

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Turkeys on deer cam

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - sounds like we are fighting the same battle with our the egg salad and some fruit...heading down the road...see ya'll later....

wvgal_dana said...

Good luck Paula I'm praying she eats for you.

Wanda praying your Mother will also eat better.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There!
Little Luney was just picked up by his mother and rolled around and the
camera didn't follow them at the time
Now they are on cam.
SISSY Thank you for the picture and yes I love your avatar. How did you do that? lol

Mema Jo said...

BWO eagle & fish still there! Maybe waiting for a dinner date?

Jim - thanks so much for posting Buddy's recent update. I would make
the assumption that Buddy is going to be there at least a year before release.. I don't think they can pin down just when and I think they still have hopes of releasing him.
When I think back to when he was just sitting there in the nest up until now - Progress has certainly been made!

MITS said...

I guess that fish is stale at BWO, no one seems to want it...maybe the ewwiieess will come.

Mema Jo said...

I had a very nice visit and SOUP with daughter this afternoon - took a short panda nap and I am wondering where all that rain is that we were promised!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mema Jo, your rain is down here. Come and get it or I will send it to you. Took a panda nap myself. Now gonna try to work a minute or two and then nap again. This rainy, dreary weather makes me want to pile up on the couch for sure!!

MITS said...

yeah, Jo, I was hoping for more:)

Mema Jo said...

HO! Ho! The eagle is eating that stale fish at BWO...

Mema Jo said...

Guess I better start thinking of dinner - but then it is Friday nite & our specialty stays at grilled cheese no matter what the season!

Mema Jo said...

He ate the whole thing, Helen!

MITS said...

I was wondering what happened to it

MITS said...

eagle back at BWO

Mema Jo said...

Sissy When you said that you
wanted to pile up on the couch for sure That sounds just like what a Panda would say!

Mema Jo said...

I will return soon

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Maybe if I wish long enough and hard enough it will happen. I do have alot of the behavior down to a science! HAHAHA!

hedgie said...

Baby by himself for at least 5 mins. Can see bamboo moving in the doorway...don't know whether Lun is eating or attempting to bring it into den!!

NatureNut said...

Happy TGIF----work day about OVER, YEA! (but gotta work Sat--Boo)
Had to check before shutting down 'puter AND have to ask
RED, how he got so lucky to have little woody land in his hand???? I might try the seed holding on my deck, but that is where their suet is, so doubt if they'd visit me. I can get real close to them, tho!
Only got to read 'til 1 PM, so will catch up at home.

ceil said...

BWO eagle is back

MITS said...

amazing how those BW eagles hang out at that osprey nest for so long.

ceil said...

I thought the same thing. Is the cam stuck?

MITS said...

no he is moving his head..

ceil said...

I know that but he has not moved for almost an hour.

MITS said...

the big one yesterday, sat there in a take-off position til I got tired of watching...

MITS said...

our cam has those squiggly looking lines at the top of the screen

ceil said...

I saw those lines and thought the cam was going to go out.

MITS said...

eagle at BWO gone....:)

MITS said...

I'm not so sure it isn't working,even though the time is correct, Ceil

MITS said...

pizzas here, don't like Dominoes, but at least I don't have to cook

ceil said...

I had to go answer the door. It was your sister dropping off chrusicki's for tomorrow.

Red said...

I'm calling it a day. Going out to dinner soon. Everyone have a nice weekend.

MITS said...

I don't think the cam is working???? Should be getting dark. She is coming tomorrow isn't she, Ceil?

MITS said...

ok, sunset at Sheperdstown was 7:03p.m.

MITS said...

guess we will have no cam for the weekend:(

ceil said...

Cam is stuck

MITS said...

I know:)

ceil said...

Yep she is coming. Just dropped them off. Never know if the cat will eat them because they are only covered with plastic wrap.

MITS said...

I'd smack that cat if he ate them:)

MITS said...

Luney all alone

MITS said...

Lun is nearby eating bamboo

MITS said...

feeding time at Atlanta

Costume Lady said...

It's almost time for the Presidential Debate. Just wanted to let you know that GeeGee ate VERY well. I think her pills must be kicking in. Take a look at what she ate on JUST FOR FUN. bbl

MITS said...

Good job, Gee Gee:) love the lipstick pictures:)

MITS said...

fatty racoon at PA

hedgie said...

Okay, Ceil and Mits, I'll bite.....what is crusicki's???

hedgie said...

Wanda, I would say that GeeGee did very well...I bet that being with you all makes all the difference in her appetite. Not at all an uncommon thing with the elders.

MITS said...

Lynn it is a light very flaky pastry, shaped into a bowtie, with powdered sugar on it,commonly called "polish bowties", they melt in your mouth.

MITS said...

Luney is by himself again

Mema Jo said...

Tell Mary Margaret to bring a plate full to our dessert table at Clarion.

I was just lurking...........

MITS said...

I was thinking the same thing, Jo

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I agree with what you say about eating with others.... When I am alone I don't even keep a schedule for my meals.... My Mom was like that also. We would buy her groceries so we could tell how much she had eaten that week...

Mema Jo said...

That Little Luney sure is alone, Mits

Mema Jo said...

Ceil Put them into a container
I don't want Helen smacking any cats

MITS said...

Think he needs a blanket

Mema Jo said...

There's the momma......

Sorta startles me when Lun Lun pops
into the pic........

MITS said...

I know, it is like bam, she's there

Mema Jo said...

I watched TV from 8-9:00
I liked the new show The Mentalist..
Detective story.
With my hearing - I sat in one room with the TV muted so I could read it and hubby went to the other room & watched it with the sound. LOL

Older then Dirt and it's starting to show........

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening ladies!! I see pandas all over the country are sleeping like babies tonight. Think I might join them. Not even a coon on the PA cam. I reckon our eagle cam is down for the weekend. :( Bummer. Got the kitchen cleaned up, finally. We are going to Burkes Garden tomorrow for the Fall Festival. It is in Tazwell County VA. God's thumbprint is what it is called. Looks like a giant thumbprint on the top of a mountain. All farms.

Mema Jo said...

The debate is like I did this and you did that -- argumentative back & forth talk
I'm sorta watching...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tazewell County, I mean. It is a beautiful place. Even have camels and llama over there. Watched one spit in a woman's beehive hairdo the last time we went. That was a hoot!!

MITS said...

have a good time, Sissy

deb said...

Wow, I bet you had to roll GG out of the restaurant tonight!! I am glad she ate so well, and am hoping Paula's mom ate today, also.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We will, will buy our pumpkins there tomorrow. No one in my family will eat pumpkin out of a can. Has to be fresh, so we buy it and freeze for the holidays. Ya'll have a good night. See you in the morning lite.

MITS said...

my mind is made up, so I don't want to watch the bickering

floralgirl said...

Yep, he said this, no I didn't yes, you did, I did this, you weren't there, you were here, he was right, I am right, you are wrong.. blah- blah- blah- blah- blah....

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - I hope the rain holds off for you tomorrow. We are having
Heritage Days here but it is calling for rain again.... They just finished
the fire works display down at the park. I really thought it was too
windy for them but the booming started right at 9:00

MITS said...

send one of the pies up to me Sissy please...I love pumkin pie

MITS said...

lights out in ATlanta

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I will do that Mits. If I can pry them out of Andrew's hands. I forgot about the rain tomorrow. Hope it don't but bet it does. I think they are calling for it all weekend. Oh well, will still go over there. Beautiful ride even in the rain.

Mema Jo said...

I don't think anything they discuss would change my mind..... It really is bickering....


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am with Mits. I already know who I am voting for and that is all just bickering. I am watching Sweet Home Alabama AGAIN! Better than those two going at it all evening. I am leaving now, have a wonderful evening.

floralgirl said...

Howdy- I can't not watch- my future rests in one of these politicians hands...scary...

Mema Jo said...

Light More candles for Mason, Please!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the reminder Mema Jo. Mine is lit!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nite all!

hedgie said...

The pastries sound yummy, girls. Yes, please have Mary Margaret make them for our dessert table!
Right you all are...yadda,yadda,yadda....same ol' stuff over and over again. It's a shame when grown men can't make their points w/o blaming others and repeating the same litany ad nauseum!
Hope you Bluefield gals have fun at Tazewell County. Isn't there a Tazewell off of I-95 near Richmond? Didn't remember it being on a mountain...???? Am I confused?

MITS said...

I was thinking the same thing of 95

hedgie said...

Maybe Kings Dominion is at Tazewell??? Been a long time since I tromped that territory!!
I'll never forget that when I was on my way back from Richmond after taking my state boards, the engine in my Cougar blew up near the exit for Ladysmith. That was a long tow home, but thankfullly a cheap one as a friend had a towtruck and came and did it for just the cost of gas!

Costume Lady said...

I can't watch those two dudes any longer. Saying nothing that we haven't heard before. Promises, Promises, promises.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome to the group, Wanda!

Loved the pics and the progress of
Gee Gee!

floralgirl said...

Oh, the best news so far..the debacle(I mean debate)is over...

hedgie said...

Thank goodness, the debate is over!

MITS said...

we are getting a nice hard rain shower now:)

MITS said...

here comes the ferry

hedgie said...

Now the biased media will have their say. Argh! When I took all my journalism classes, we were taught that journalists are NOT supposed to express opinions!

Costume Lady said...

I was blown away with the amount she ate!
I think that what you all were talking about earlier, is so very true. Elderly people sometimes eat better when they are with someone else.

MITS said...

well the journalists of today must have missed that part, Lynn

Mema Jo said...

There goes that ferry and something else maybe.......?

MITS said...

I know when I am at the diet is not very good.

MITS said...

yeah Jo, looked like 2 boats...

Mema Jo said...

Sometimes you can honestly forget
to eat! :)

MITS said...

ya think I would lose weight

magpie said...

Helllllloooooooooo Eagle Buds
I finally made it back to civilization, just caught up on the Posts and some emails...

I Loved seeing the pics of all the Chow, Wanda! Unbelievable! I know I Eat Better with company, usually have to unbutton my pants! I think I will wear elastic band duds for the Open House and Dinner.


magpie said...

Maybe I will just wear a big Tent Dress....keep thinking of all those desserts coming this way....

magpie said...

At least I didn't miss any EAGLE sighting in our nest today..Will open up Maine link in the morning and maybe hear some Eagle Chatter.

Sounds like it was a real soupy day today for everyone...

MITS said...

Hubby wanted to know what you all thought about the debate...I told him and he said that is what a debate is all about....nothing of substance, that is why it is called a debate:):)

MITS said...

they were doing a lot of chattering up in Maine today, Margy, but no sightings

magpie said...

I got late notice that I need to go to work at 8 pm Saturday for a 12-hour stint...messes up my Panda Nap time after Church, that's for sure, plus a workshop from 9 to 3 on, this BIRD is heading for the ROOST very soon!

Nice to "See" Everyone...will sign off after getting all the go-to-bed things done...


magpie said...

MITS - I loved the squawking Eagle picture from BWO !

This computer is so FULL of birds it's gonna start chirping soon...

MITS said...

Time to delete, Margy:)

magpie said...

Wow - it sure was good to hear from Chrissy today...she put up a picture of her son Matt and his gal pal on her Bits and Bobs album in the Momsters album pages....

Back in a little bit....birdie clock is chirping 11...

magpie said...

But I can't part with any of them, MITS -

MITS said...

but your computer will run so much better:)

hedgie said...

Guess the only good part of this being called to pull extra duty is the overtime money, Margy! We all know how handy that comes in!

hedgie said...

Mits, regardless of how I personally feel about any candidate, I absolutely hate when anchors like Charlie Gibson and Katey Couric grill them as if they are on trial. Their own biases show so terribly and it's as if they are on a mission, with guns loaded, to make the candidates look stupid.

hedgie said...

I think that interviews and debates should be conducted by political scholars/professors...that would be more politically correct.

Costume Lady said...

I am beat and have to get up early for our little trip with my Mom. The good thing about taking her in the Motor Home is that she can lie down is she doesn't feel well or is tired. My Dad use to do that. He nearly slept his way across the United States. Mom had to fight him to get dressed. He thought he belonged to the PJ Club. LOL

MITS said...

I agree, my Dad always taught me to respect the office, not matter what party it is....there is no need to be so disrespectful of a person, most of those anchors don't even know those candidates, but that is JMHO.

MITS said...

That is a good idea, just heard some thunder.

magpie said...

Yes, MITS - I know you right, I just have to commit myself and some time to do it!

HEDGIE - You're right on that overtime will come in handy....I am ordering up Crab Cakes or Steak or both at our dinner!

Costume Lady said...


MITS said...

Good Night, Wanda, have a good trip

magpie said...

DANA - If you are still around, you have Groundhog Mail! I was able to export some bitmap pics to jpeg, wasn't too bad...

Well, time for me to say "Sigh-oh- Naura..too bad I don't know how to spell that right..

Take Care and Big Prayers, All.
Love you, Eagle Buds. I treasure your friendship.

xoxox z z z z z z z

MITS said...

Margy, I read, forward and delete:) the end of the day my trash is MT, if there is anything I want to keep, I have a file set up for saved things, once I day I'll go into it, and usually if it is not as important as I thought it was than bam...delete it

MITS said...

wish I could do that to my closets.....

hedgie said...

YEs, Wanda, have a good trip! And if GeeGee wants to wear pj's, what the hey!!!
Sayonara, Magpie. Sleep tight. Try to get some're gonna need it.
Thunder? Oh my...hope all the HS games are over. It is raining a litte here again. Topper Shutt just said that thunderstorms are expected tonight...and in Bethesda now!

hedgie said...

Tub time. Sleep well all. God bless us every one.

MITS said...

yep, raining here, and a few claps of thunder

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Wanda and Margy
I'm not far behind

So the rain storm is a coming up the road. At least it was not so bad today.

Mema Jo said...

Mits - is this the weekend for the b-day party? and then the walk?

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it a GOOD day.

Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all our needs and also those of friends & family
Restful sleep & pleasant dreams..


paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Hard to get rid of the old clothes, Mits. Me too.

Mom ate, but not near as much as I wanted her too - but it was more than she would have eaten. Can't blame her for not eating the hospital food, some of it is downright tasteless. Made some all bran muffins tonight, will take in tomorrow, along with some more fruit and some fresh tomatoes :)

It's a real issue for the elderly...for the reasons ya'll stated and more...really opened my eyes up to it.

Mom does eat better with others around, too.

paula eagleholic said...

We had some thunder about an hour ago....thought we would get more rain as well.

paula eagleholic said...

LOl...and there some more!!

MITS said...

glad she ate some, Paula...yes, Jo the party tomorrow and the walk on Sunday.

MITS said...

dawn breaking in Finland

paula eagleholic said...

Finally gonna call it a night, see ya'll in the morning...

movin said...




deb said...

Two beautiful sea eagles at Finny on the Water!
Eagle at BWO!

magpie said...

I see those, DEB - and a crowd of turkeys at PIX PA

Good Morning !

deb said...

Good Morning, Margie. I couldn't sleep, so i got up to see if we had any eagle visits. So far no Belle and Lib.

magpie said...

DEB - NCTC cam looks like it is working but it seems to be stuck...think it is a carryover from yesterday morning sometime..

I am up and running this morning...but am sure glad to SEE you !


magpie said...

I don't see any beards at PIX {A = Must be a HEN PARTY !

magpie said...

Might be some Jakes thrown in....

magpie said...

And it must be Sailboat Day at Finland !

deb said...

No wonder it was so light, thought it should be darker there at 7 o'clock your time.

deb said...

Sea eagles are gone, eagle at BWO is drying its wings off. I am going back to bed for awhile, headache is mostly gone. TTYL

magpie said...

Sayonara, DEB - Hope the headache goes away !!

Blitz-Blogging and Camming - but gotta tear myself away from it now.

Gotta head out -
Loretta: Have a good Work Day - and anyone else having to work today.

Good Day to All, Catch you Sunday morning, I have a full schedule until then...


magpie said...

Oh, Turkeys are Back..


movin said...




movin said...

It appears the Loch Garten youngsters are alive and moving, but they are sticking in the 'happy fishing waters' in S England.

Panda baby snoring away with mama down in Atlanta. No update this morning yet though.



movin said...

Mama Panda is sitting up now, perhaps about to go eat something; and the baby is squiggling to one side ... right next to mom really.



movin said...

Now, he's by himself altogether.

I bet he weighs at least 2 lbs., 907 g., this morning.



normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----DEB---MAGPIE & MOVIN'JIM!!!----CONGRATS!!---DEB!---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM today & everyday!!---

Still a little foggy here in WONDERFUL WILD WV---HOME THE WV MOUNTAINEERS!!!----MARSHALL U v. WVU ---3:30 --- WHOA!---this is a must win!!----

HELEN---Hope you all have GREAT weather for your walk today!!!---It's a warm 65° here this am!!---WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST!!

I REALLY MISSED OUT LAST NITE!!---(Can't talk politics on blog)---& you all did!!----& I missed it!!!--WOE IS ME!!---ho!---

Can't wait to get a close-up of BOY CUB this am----Bet he will start growing in leaps & bounds!---Such a HANDSOME DUDE!!!----


paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all.

Finally got some good rain after midnight here!

BWO is MT, our cam is stuck.

Have fun whatever you are doing this weekend!

Heading down the road shortly...will see ya'll Sunday!

MITS said...


MITS said...

NORMA I don't think we were talking politics, just stuff in general like bad know we are not going to talk politics or religion....not being judgemental...JMHO:):):) I know you want to, have you every considered opening up a Norma Blog????

MITS said...

Paul Newman dead at age 83....:(

normabyrd said...

HELEN----I know when you are talking politics---YOU ALL WERE TALKING POLITICS!!!!----

deb said...

That is too bad about Paul Newman, I had heard he was sick. It was just a little politics, Norma, how much we aren't impressed!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...