Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Video Footage

One of our crack videographers, Brett, shot this late last week.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVEN!!---Thanks to BRETT for the video!!----What a way to star the day!!----Will get the other over!!---ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS MORNING!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh WOW!!!! That was so beautiful and so serene! Thanks Normabyrd, Steve, and Brett!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Great video! Thanks Brett and Steve. Thanks for coming and getting us Norma!!

normabyrd said...

Left the message!----ATLANTA PANDA----is the STAR of the show on the blog this am!!---He is a HANDSOME CUB!!---Has many names!---Most are calling him LUNEY--I call him RHETT LUN---what ever he is called---HE HAS STOLEN OUR HEARTS!!---MOMMA BEAR--LUN LUN---wins the MOMMA BEAR of the year!!!

deb said...

Eagle at BWO!

deb said...

Thanks, Norma, Steve and Brett. The video was wonderful! It is a cloudy morning here today, might get some more rain.

normabyrd said...

HEY KIDS!!---Don't you think BRETT'S video WINS the AWARD---It is #1!!!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Steve, please express our appreciation to Brett for the Video!!

normabyrd said...

LOOK NOW!!---LUN LUN & SON!---What a proud MOM she is just admiring him!!---LITTLE IMP has certainly stolen the show!!!----

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wish I was a panda!

normabyrd said...


DEB!---it is CLOUDY & COOL here in WV too!--temp is 62° & may have some showers!!---(WE NEED SHOWERS)---So time to start the dance!!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY---Have used to say that I wish I were an EAGLE!---(they mate for life)------ho!!----

Red said...

I'm getting ready to mow my little bitty yard as soon as the dew drys. Hoping I won't have to mow many more times.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I am delighted to read your MOTHER is doing better!!---Maybe you can start breathing again---I will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers---GOD BLESS--

MITS said...


MITS said...

finally have gone thru most e-mails and blog posts...going for more coffee..

MITS said...

Steve and Brett.....thanks a whole bunch for the video:) PAULA LOOOOOOVE YOUR AVATAR!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

HEY RED!!---I still have hummers!!----I have certainly enjoyed them!--you must give me your recipe before next season!!!----

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!---I enjoy your AVATAR---That's the only time I am sure that I am watching the 'LITTLE PRINCE'---since the others have been in & out of his place----never sure---& his rear isn't "white" anymore!---ho!

MITS said...

No, Norma, but his rear is a lot bigger now.

normabyrd said...

An EAGLE---BWO nest!

normabyrd said...

The EAGLE landed in the OSPREY box & poof----left!!----

(is lisa playing games again?)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. WOW thank you Brett for the wonderful video of our eagle and the nest and tree. Thank you Steven for posting for us to see. ( :

Red said...

Norma, I just mix 1 part sugar to 3 parts tap water. No boiling. Keep it simple. Most people use 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Don't go any stronger than 1 sugar to 3 water. Too strong is not good for the hummers.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Mits, Deb, and everyone!! Good to see ya.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

panda dancing in DC.

normabyrd said...

Thanks RED!---Sounds GREAT!---Like that not boiling water!

MITS said...

One of the sloth bears is already waiting for the demo that begins at 11:30a.m.om cam 1a

MITS said...

eagle at BWO

MITS said...

Nest Update

Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania is reporting that between Aug. 6 and Sept. 21, 266 ospreys migrated over the mountains.

If you've never been to Hawk Mountain to see fall migration, you should really plan a visit.

from LISA

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

are ya'll seeing that baby. total comfort and relaxation.

Mema Jo said...

Just saying Good Morning...

I have been watching the Eagle at BWO

That is one large beautiful Eagle!!

MITS said...

YES, it is huge!

MITS said...

Tiger cam at NZ is showing a beautiful sleeping tiger:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Gosh, that is a huge eagle!!

Costume Lady said...

Steve, thank you for taking the time to post Brett's video. FOLKS, THIS IS WHAT WE ARE GOING TO SEE OCT. 18! It is truly breathtaking to walk up to that area and see Lib or Belle (or both) in that tree.

Costume Lady said...

After not seeing a hummer for 3-4 days...just saw one. I am most sure it is a migrating one, because it has more green on it than ours. Glad I kept the feeder full.

Costume Lady said...

GeeGee appointments today. BBL
Have a good day.

MITS said...

eagle gone at BWO, now the black birds are coming in

MITS said...


Tuesday, September 23
It barely seems possible that in less than a week the cub will be one month old!

In these past 24 days the cub has made phenomenal developmental gains. Since entering the world as a pink, virtually bald, somewhat nascent form, he has developed the quintessential features of a giant panda with tiny black tufted ears, arms, legs, shoulder saddle, and black encircled eyes. He has grown from an estimated birth weight of 125 grams to this morning’s weight of 764.3 grams.

The opportunities to watch these changes are improving as the natural progression of maturation and mothering allows for longer and more frequent periods of time when the cub can be viewed unimpeded.
Debbie Forde
Curatorial Assistant

Mema Jo said...

Mason's update

Mema Jo said...

My thanks to Steve & Brett for posting the video! If there are anymore videos to view - bring them on!

Paula, I am so happy for you that your mom is getting better. Thoughts & prayers still coming your family's way.

Loretta - where's the kitten now?

Jim - thanks for the info on F & F
Don't think we'll be fortunate enough to see them this season.

Mema Jo said...

Little Luney is up under Lun Lun's chin. I think the cameraman wants us to see just how long that tail is!

floralgirl said...

Cool video-thanks Steve and Brett!!
Paula- great news!!

Hello everybody!

Wanda- we always keep our feeders out until November, sometimes we will get a straggler, hummers all migrate at different times, some of ours here are still very small.

Back to work, up to my eyeballs in field trip paperwork....

hedgie said...

Great video, Brett. Thanks and to you, too, Steve for posting!
Partly cloudy morning here in the panhandle...but not as cool as the last few am's.
Thanks for F&F notes, Jim....hmmmm.....

normabyrd said...

CHECK LUN LUN & BOY CUB!!---I think he is nursing!!!!---what a handsome cub!!---Who wouldn't love that face!!!!

(giving up on RHETT--no one likes it)---ho!

normabyrd said...

NEED to fill bird feeders & pay bills!!----later--

MITS said...

need to unpack.....haven't had a chance since I came home Friday:)

Mema Jo said...

I need lunch as I have also been
paying bills!


Hedgie - You're on you own for a while. You can do it! Red is mowing, Sissy & Sharon are working, Mits is unpacking, Norma is filling bird feeders and paying her bills!
Megan is doing paperwork for the field trips in hopes of NOT losing any kids!!! Loretta, Paula & Margy are working & Lolly is vacationing!
I bet Dana is panda napping! I don't know where Deb is - maybe you can find her. Lynn - good day for staining decks!

movin said...


Interesting video of Belle on the blog this morning, Steve. Thanks.



hedgie said...

As a matter of fact, Jo, as soon as the sun (out full now) moves around the corner, I WILL be hitting the railing painting...only have a little left to do; that should be all for a couple of years, I hope!!
I imagine Deb is still catching up on all of her chores after her b-u-s-y summer!!!
Have a good afternoon, everyone.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sun setting over the Finney nest. Absolutely beautiful.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Baby alert!! That is so precious. If I could I would squeeze him!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I wish they had sound so bad!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Getting ready to take Mattie for her ballgame. She is a cheerleader for the Giants! Go Giants!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh, I can tell he is justa hollerin!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Where is my momma?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Somebody go get Lun!! Luney needs her.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There she is, whew. I was getting in a wad!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Buta is showing herself good!!

Mema Jo said...

Going down to see Grandson in Catonsville......... BBL

MITS said...

have fun, Jo...ttul.

MITS said...

2 ewwiieess at BWO:)

ceil said...

Great video Brett. Thanks.

Red said...

My 4 acres are mowed. Now I can relax

MITS said...

Beautiful close-up of Lun and Luney

hedgie said...

Beautiful sight at Atlanta...baby and momma snoozing..close-up view!
Oh, Sissy!!! Alert!

hedgie said...

Really too bad that we can't take a snapshot off that cam!

wvgal_dana said...

Red you have mail

MITS said...

Yes, Lynn, and it is too bad no audio, but that is the way they do it down there.

wvgal_dana said...

Awwww look at our little chubby baby panda ( :

floralgirl said...

Dana- you have mail.

magpie said...

Eagle Alert !

Helooooooooo !

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Hi Margy ( :

magpie said...

Thanks for the Panda Alert DANA !

magpie said...

Oh, the Pair is Spectacular !

magpie said...

Man oh Man - that was a quick vision of Heaven !

Hope they come back !

magpie said...

Sent the Pic, Glorious Couple..
Deer at the Salt Lick

paula eagleholic said...

WOW - just missed them...was chatting w/ the college kid!

Off to walk the dogs...home for tonight...brothers visited Mom today...we are waiting for her to be moved out of the ICU - YAY!!

MITS said...

you have the magic touch, Margy

MITS said...

great news, Paula:)

magpie said...

Not really - MITS - I sent a pic from this morning!
Now just sent one evening shot of one along...can't find the one of the couple...going to look for it now.

magpie said...

Okay - NOW I have the correct DOUBLE GLORY PHOTO out.
Just call me an amateur !
Boy there were there for just a couple of refreshes..


magpie said...

Okay, all done, there is one pic of a lone eagle this evening, and one CORRECT pic of The Pair.

magpie said...

PAULA Great News about your Mother...must have seemed like an endless wait for this next step forward !

magpie said...

Deer at Both Cams in Pix PA

magpie said...

DANA - You disappeared ! Just like the Eagles !

MITS said...

off to watch NCIS;)...bbl

MITS said...

hugs and kisses for Little Luney:)

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, are you talking to yourself, again? I think most of us are getting ready to watch TV. A lot of shows are starting their new season this week. NCIS is new tonight (I think). Love that show. Also, dancing with the Stars. Going to have to tape something! Dont't you just love the video Steve posted for us?

magpie said...

Hi Costume Lady!

Loved the Video from Brett...gets the excitement going for October 18

You all enjoy your shows...I'll catch you before bedtime !


magpie said...

Sweeeeet Mothering going on at Atlanta Cam...

Mema Jo said...

I have return to an MT blog I think.
Great dinner at Olive Garden down in Columbia.
Paula! Great for you mom to be getting out of ICU!
Going over to emails as I think some great pictures are awaiting me....

paula eagleholic said...

I am going to watch Dancing w/ the Stars now! I heard last night was the first night...

MITS said...

another great shot of Lun and Luney

magpie said...

That looks like some heavy duty snoozin' going on at Atlanta..

Welcome Back MEMA -


NatureNut said...

Evening All. What a Beautiful video from Brett & Steve.
Couldn't get on IE all day & when trying to post pics, old AOL tries to pop on top of window...AARRGGH!
Saw great egerets at Park today---got some faraway pics--put on Blog.
Called Jug Bay Visitors.
Had a tiny nibble of dinner---need more food & maybe watch some TV....Later maybe.

MITS said...

love the pics, Loretta

NatureNut said...


NatureNut said...

Thx, Helen! Just when you think there's nothing interesting around anymore, something comes along!

Food break ;>)

magpie said...

Mother and Baby cuddling at Atlanta...
I think the baby was alone there for a minute but I hit continue and they were both together again.
My timing...is POOR...

magpie said...

Loretta, Once again, your photos are AWESOME

I'm not posting a link just emphasizing in BLUE...!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Loved the egrets and just how did that Hummer Monarch get in there? lol

Military Card Senders
Sgt Patrick said THANK YOU! He has
gotten the cards you are sending & it certainly brightens his day!

magpie said...

Great, MEMA - I mailed his birthday card out on Friday Sept 19 ...meant to send it sooner, but I put the date on the back of the envelope like you said to..so maybe we can see how long it takes for mail to get there.
And I bought me a new pretty red blouse last night at the Second Hand Store...I'm gearing up for Fridays every week ! xoxox

magpie said...

Well it wasn't NEW, It was, we say in my family "New Old"...

AND I got two New Old pairs of Bib Overalls! About wore my other ones out !

Mema Jo said...

As long as it is new to you - that's what makes the difference.

Mema Jo said...

Too dark in the den to see Little Luney......

Nothing on the F&F ledge and from Jim's link I don't expect to see any falcons down under this season...
I know we have the other site but I got attached to F&F...

magpie said...

YEAH! And you should see the pile of greeting cards I got! I finally found ONE FROG !

magpie said...

..You'll never guess who's gonna get that FROG !

magpie said...

BabyLanta all alone and squirming and wiggling...

magpie said...

That IS the Baby isn't it? Or a far off view of the Momma?

magpie said...

There's my answer..Mom is back...almost looks like she SAT on Luney but now she is loving him up !

I miss all this during the daytime...

magpie said...

Baby in full view, Luney on top of Lun Lun.

You all can tell what kind of TV I am watching...

Time for Bed,
Good Night Everyone.
Take Care, and Big Prayers.

Mema Jo said...

I think that Paula and Wanda danced right out of here up to the stars!!!
I was thinking that for sure Margy would come back in here - ribbit!!!!
Mits and I were looking at OC boardwalk cam - sand's blowing!!!

Going to say Good Night
Another beautiful day tomorrow I Bet!
Prayers and Positive thoughts for all

I did light a candle for Mason..

Costume Lady said...

I'm still here, Jo. Catching up on the blog and my emails. This was a beautiful day, yes. Hope tomorrow is the same.


NatureNut said...

Margy, Glad you liked the pics--- they are only Fair. Bob's are GREAT!!!
BTW, My boss brought over a butterfly net when we saw the monarch. They are tagging them now. Of course it kept flying over the roof. And they collected several caterpillars which did change to chrysalises.Some didn't
emerge due to being parasitized.

Good Night to all---;>)

Good Night All! Pleasant feather dreams!

NatureNut said...

How did that space happen???? DUH

MITS said...

guess you were saying a long goodnight, Loretta:)

MITS said...

sunrise at Finland

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - I danced into sleepland...fell asleep after the show...see ya'll in the a.m.

movin said...


lOOKING at Frodocam, still no nesting visible, but Greg has not confirmed or denied the report that the birds had moved their nest site this year.


Butterfly Mama said...

Good Morning to all. Wherever you are......... Just checking in and no one is around... here or the nest. Maybe everyone will wake up in a bit. Gotta go to work. Have a wonderful day!!

magpie said...

Butterfly Mama: Sorry we missed you....

Always nice to see those Beautiful words and that Avatar on here !

Good Sparkly Day to You !


Butterfly Mama said...

Really leaving now - BUT...
45 degrees here in Linden and 2 Hummingbirds at my roses!! See ya' BYE!!

Red said...

Good morning early birds. Steve has a new thread up already.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...