Sunday, September 14, 2008


Fresh thread.


NatureNut said...

Good, Good Sunday AM to Everyone.

Thx Steve for new thread! ;>)

I'll holler at the others..HOOOOOOO

movin said...

That's weird, Mits. I looked earlier, no Sunday update; I looked after your last comment and refreshed it twice more, still no report.

But just as I was going to comment to you that they must have a slow pony in the express system this morning, and on the 3rd refresh, the Sunday comments suddenly showed up.

Must be a transmission thing between the coasts....



movin said...

That last one was from yesterday's thread.

Thanks much for our brand new, Sunday thread, Steve.



Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread &
thanks Loretta - I wouldn't be here without your help! lol

A HOT ONE OUT THERE! I shall rest inside on this Sabbath

I would like to see that CUB!

NatureNut said...

Hello to all--looks like Left & Right Coasts are doing pretty good---it's the middle in trouble. Blessings to all impacted by Ike.
(Many should have gotten out of town when warned.Now they & rescuers could be in danger.)

That's my Sermon! Yes, due to heat, it might be good to stay in most of the day. They predicted rain for here Sat., but not a drop & now my flowers are drooping!!Will have to feed them!
Since Babylanta is not on Live, maybe that's why they have been prompt w/daily updates & some pics. He looks great.
Sorry so long---happens when you can't get on for a couple!!!!

ceil said...

Loretta, People were started to ask where you were.

Morning Jim.

Mema Jo said...

Helen is LOST !

Mema Jo said...

Helen is out in cyberspace where Jim was a while ago when he was looking for the Sunday Cub update and couldn't find it. Mits can't find the new Sunday thread......

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - while you are on here...
Are you & hubby coming up on the 18th of Oct for the Open House? I hope you don't need to work!

MITS said...

ok don't know how I got in but made it........thanks for new thread, Steve, and Loretta for headsup.....and glad I am on the "right" coast:)...JMHO:)

Mema Jo said...

Great! You're BACK!

I need to do one or two things around here (Probably one) and then
I'll be back!

MITS said...

as I was trying to get on the sea eagles paid a visit to the nest, but last time I looked they were gone

MITS said...

Jo, once I was lost, but now have been found:)

NatureNut said...

Jo, yes I am planning to come up in Oct. Sure hubby will come too.(Don't think he likes me taking trips alone--that's prob. why I couldn't come in June--his sone was in town.However, I have map, will travel!!!) We have good friends in Paw Paw. so will probably visit them Sat. night.Am trying to hatch a plan that 4 of us go on Sun. train, but haven't discussed it yet w/all.

ceil said...

Just saw a video on our local tv channel that a panda in Japan gave birth to twins. The one was very loud. Almost fell out of mom's paws. She had to grab it with the other paw. Sent it to Helen. Hope she got it.

floralgirl said...

Oh my gosh--I'm melting..I'm melting...Just wanted to say hey- and tell you I saw Sandra and Tom today, they walked down to the market and were looking good.. Jo- maybe you will call Sandra about Oct. 18- she might be able to join us for dinner..later- I gotta find a shower and a cold drink!!

NatureNut said...

REDSKINS 3, Saints 0!!!!!!

movin said...

hERE'S an update for the Loch Garten eyasses.

"Posted on Sunday, 14 Sep 2008 at 6.12 pm

Still no significant movement. I thought I would leave it a little while longer today before downloading the data - 7pm to be exact - BUT, it didn't help. There is one piece of good news - Nethy's battery has charged up, so when she does move we should get hourly updates of her progress.

I will write again tomorrow when ....well, it goes without saying. Enjoy the rest of the weekend."

Catch you later, I've got to take care of some business.



movin said...

I was looking for something to watch this season....

Tried the Grizzly cam, but they put in a new system at another Alaskan park, and the tech probs and bad weather have meant that there won't be a Grizzly cam this season.

So I took a look at their African site... It is up (Night hours now) and has a new site and look.

It looks and sounds exactly like Pete's Pond on the camera though, so I opened that....

Sure is the same, but Petes has the original look, except now there is a National Geo. box on screen.



movin said...

Looks like F & F were back on the ledge together in the morning (there) today.

Froona, the Dutch viewer with the blog, has some pics of the event.

F & F together



movin said...

Oops. It was yesterday, the 14th, that the pair appeared together on their ledge.



ceil said...

Jim,Today is Sunday the 14th

Congrats.Loretta the Redskins pulled it out. Last time I looked they were losing. Where is Thelma? I know she will be happy.

movin said...

Hahaha, Ceil. Yes, but I later noticed that the current picture on the cam is dated 9/15, so that's what I meant by 'today' ... down under day.



movin said...

Boy, there is not a lot of action this time of year. Usually, F & F would be fairly well along in the egg hatching process by now; but we are still wondering if they are going to do it at all this year.



magpie said...

Nice shadow play at Wildwatch Osprey and a little boat in the lake....
one bird in the nest...

Hello Everyone....

magpie said...

BWO has Eagle on the platform and check out the picture link with an Eagle bringing a fish to the nest...

magpie said...

Moon 100% full Megan said, the Harvest Moon...should be a Looker !

movin said...

Is that white piece, which wasn't there earlier, some food the B. E. brought in??



magpie said...

JIM - I don't REMEMBER seeing it earlier in the morning, things looked all clean and empty at BWO before I sacked out this morning...

magpie said...

Back in a little while,

MEGAN - Hope you are cooled down now.....


magpie said...



movin said...

Lisa has posted new picture(s) and a descriptive note at BWO.



magpie said...

JIM -that's the picture link I was referring to earlier..Nice Shot isn't it ???

movin said...

Yeah, very nice shot, Magpie. Did you see the second pic she added?



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening everyone. We had a family reunion thing at the lake today, drug the family up and down the lake in our tube, Big Bertha. Had a great time, so good to see everyone. Just not a lot of us anymore:(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mattie has got the mongolian body rot, looks like no school for her tomorrow. Sitting here beside me barking like a seal.

ceil said...

Did somebody say Ceil? Feel better Mattie.

ceil said...

Sissy, twin pandas born in Japan.

magpie said...

WHOA JIM - ref BWO -
I hadn't but I DO NOW ! THANKS FOR THE TIP !

Good Sunday Evening everyone...

So Sorry to hear Mattie is not well...Get Well Wishes to her...


magpie said...

I must have an aversion to soap: last week I ran the dishwasher and forgot to add the soap, tonight I run a nice load of clothes, and forgot to add the soap! Worse thing about it is the waste of good water !



magpie said...

Empty nest at Wildwatch Osprey right now except for the egg and a nice sunset...burrowing owls having a sun party !

Mema Jo said...

They say that the mongolian body rot can be cured by eating Brussel Sprouts! Get Sissy to fix you some Mattie!

floralgirl said...

OMG- I thought the mongolian body rot was caused by eating brussel sprouts...

magpie said...


Hey - I would take a case of mongolian body rot for a mess of Brussels Sprouts !!

deb said...

I'll take neither, thank you very much, though. I have a sore throat, but it is my darn allergies. My eyes hurt, too. Fall and I don't get along the best, especially when the wind blows.

NatureNut said...

Margy, got the pics of Finney "wren". It is really cute.
Now we'll have to research overseas birds!
Hadda Panda nap before ballgame ended, but fubby said Skins won!!!!Amazing!
Jim, falcon pics are lovely.
How is Lolly doing? Last I saw, think she said Dallas area got 3-4 inches of rain. Wonder if they got more.?

NatureNut said...

Never heard of Mong. Body Rot. But I love brussel sprouts!

Costume Lady said...

I smell brussel sprouts...who's stinking up the Blog? Is that you, MATTIE?

Costume Lady said...

You know what, Mattie...I had Mongolian Body Rot once and chicken soup and spinach cured me. I never got it again.

magpie said...


I think we just GO to Europe and study the birds !


deb said...

Osprey at Wildwatch!

NatureNut said...

I made that up from the Jubby name awhile back. My hubby is Frank!

Europe would be a nice place to go, or WV for me!! I'd like to go anywhere! Getting a little boring at the Park--think all the ospreys are gone. But when the leaves start leaving, hope to see some eagles in the trees. We have had a great blue heron perching in the osprey nest!

NatureNut said...

Thx Deb. Gotta look at him. Lovely w/sun going down.

magpie said...

Oh, Yes, NatureNut - Nice Osprey at Wildwatch, thanks for the tip!

Understand Fubby now...musta missed it the first go round.

DEB - Hope you feel better soon!
And everyone else that is not feeling to great these days..

NatureNut said...

Here's today's Atlanta Cub upgate;

Sunday, September 14
This morning the cub weighed 383.8 grams. Lun Lun got up several times last night. Most of the time, she wanted to eat (she's getting quite hungry!), but she also had to eliminate once. She is usually very careful to leave the cub in the nest box on a bit of hay and he seems content while she is gone. He vocalizes loudly when she first puts him down and picks him up, but then softly grunts or remains quiet once she has walked away. Lun Lun is not away from the cub for very long, but it is normal for her to leave the cub occasionally and for longer periods of time now that he is getting bigger. By day 15, Lun Lun was regularly leaving Mei Lan for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Heather Baker Roberts
Keeper I

NatureNut said...

Sorry for repeat--just saw Helen posted this in AM. He's really gaining a lot of weight daily!

Mema Jo said...

There goes the Ferry at Finny on the Water.... Can see its lights.

deb said...

Yes, it is lovely, I wonder if they will ever try a live cam there?

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I just hope they soon get LunLun and cub back on the cam. I sure don't know their intentions.

Mema Jo said...

Deb Thanks for the sea eagles close up pic - that was awesome.

deb said...

Off to store, need milk. BBL

deb said...

They are beautiful birds, aren't they, Jo?

MITS said...

Well, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE....friend here til Thursday...windy on the beach today......but it was nice....met with another friend for dinner tonight...lobster pasta.....yummo!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Mits - Enjoy your company & have a good time. Weather should be good this week.

Mema Jo said...

I wish those sea eagle in the Finny nest on the water would inhabit it next season!

Loretta - I saw your comment that you and Frank will come up for Open House. It will be great to meet you.

Megan Saw your comment about Tom and Sandra. I sure will be calling them to try to join us sometime during that day!

Costume Lady said...

Helen, you surely do eat well. I want to live at the beach when I grow up.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I can't believe that we haven't met Loretta. She did dine with us, you know.

Mema Jo said...

News flash out was about
Bank of America to buy Merrill Lynch‏.
These actions bog my mind as I am not a financier!

NatureNut said...

Gotta clean up kitchen===be back next year!!

Nighty-nite to all those hitting the hay. I have Mondays off, but Dr. appt. of course!

Mema Jo said...

See you whenever, Loretta! I'll be thinking about you! Let us hear from you tomorrow! Here's for an excellent report! ((hugs))

NatureNut said...

You're right, Wanda!! I think I was there!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - your catching me off guard...
When did Loretta dine with us?????

Now give me a straight answer, gal!

Mema Jo said...


You mean on a stick in a beer bottle!

With Deb and Lolly!

And I thought I was losing it!

Costume Lady said...

I'm glad you remembered that, Loretta. You sat in a bottle of beer for 2 hours!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - just think we will meet Deb
Lolly & Loretta.......
I don't think they liked being stuck in a beer bottle where they couldn't order steak

magpie said...

Good Night Everyone before you disappear!
Gonna take a Panda Power Nap for 30 mins before heading out to work


Costume Lady said...

OK, Jo, you remembered that too. They were all well marinated by evening's end!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe we can stick JIM in the beer bottle at this dinner and at the
next dinner he will show up

And of course that is where we are
putting Bob Quinn if he stands us up
again at dinner!

Costume Lady said...

I am so looking forward to meeting all three of them. They are wonderful ladies and I think we all feel as if we know them already!

Mema Jo said...


Costume Lady said...

We might even put a beer bottle in his mouth if he shows up. CHEERS!

Mema Jo said...

I'm ordering a private dinning room this year, Wanda. We can stay longer then 2 hours...

Costume Lady said...

JIM, we need a photo of you so we can place it on our table and pretend you are with us. OK?

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping that Donna Cox (Mauley) and hubby could come in. Remember they went to Atlanta to see Buta Buta.

Costume Lady said...

A private dining room? Lord have mercy! We surely will party. Is it in the Rumsey?

Costume Lady said...

Mauley hasn't blogged with us in quite some time....hope she is well. Probably tied up with some of her numerous grandchildren.

Mema Jo said...

Mauley should be back in full force with teaching.

Private room should be right outside the Rumsey Tavern. Did it because when the live entertainment started in the Tavern, we couldn't hear ourselves talking to each other.

Costume Lady said...

Maybe Diane "luv2napp" will come and feel better this time. I'd love to talk to her. She lives in Ashburn, Va. and my Grandaughter has put in an application and has been interviewed for a job as Massage Therapist at the Inova...something there.

Costume Lady said...

How do we pay for that, Jo?

Costume Lady said...

Don't forget that the Eagle Express can be used to shuttle us around anywhere we wish to go.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, that's not a blog subject.

Costume Lady said...

I think I will get off of here before I put my foot in my mouth. I need to send emails instead of asking some questions on here. I forget about Big Brother.

Lolly said...

LOL Marinating in a bottle of beer, huh? Yeah....I am coming to defend myself!!!

I really am excited about meeting everyone. Can't wait!

Had a cool front come through today. We are really enjoying beautiful weather.

Had our dessert auction at church today. Would you believe my Pecan Praline Cheesecake sold for $105?! It went the highest of anything. I was so excited! We have so much fun at that. The guys really get into the bidding...all for a good cause.

Going to mow tomorrow and work in the yard. It is the week we were to be at the coast and now that is next week. Have a whole week ahead of me with nothing planned. Whoopee!

paula eagleholic said...

Poor Mattie!

Yuck to the brussel sprouts!

I don't remember who ordered the steak! I know someone did! I had crabcakes....yummy!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly, you marinated well! At least you'll be able to taste it this time - that is if you like beer!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jim and Red, we need pics so we can marinate you too!

paula eagleholic said...

Megan and Deb - hope you feel better! Allergies play havoc with the sinuses!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - You know something will come up for you to do this week. Looking forward to our change in the weather It has been unbearably HOT last couple days.

Wanda - I'll wait for your email!

PAULA you have been heavy on everyone's minds today. We have really been sending you & family prayers and positive thoughts. Thank you so much for coming on tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Diane (luv2nap) cannot make it for open house but will be at next season's Nest Visit and plans to spend the whole day with us! She is ok - just extremely busy.

Mema Jo said...

Since Red isn't able to come - Lolly
we need to sample your Pecan Praline Cheesecake! We don't want Paula's to be the only cheescake there! lol

Mema Jo said...


I bet Mits is looking out over the
ocean at it's beams. Lucky Duck!
Once you have seen that scene, you can just close your eyes and it is right there in front of you! Even hear the sound of the surf!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, I would love it if Lolly could bring a cheescake too! Sounds delicious!

I made my brother get me a piece of chocolate cake from the cafeteria today...was pretty good!

Thank you Jo. I know everyone here is praying for Mom.

Today's report it she is a tiny bit improved on her respirator settings. They changed her BP medicine and this one seems to be better for her. She is enjoying her nutritious milkshake! So, no setbacks over the last 2 days.

paula eagleholic said...

I go to work for the first full day tomorrow since Mom has been in the ICU, then am going to be doing half days the rest of the week, so I'll be in and out.

Thanks for all your prayers and love and support!

deb said...

I am happy to hear your mom is starting to mend, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

And YAY for the Skins!

I saw the moon last night...almost full, was pretty then too!

paula eagleholic said...

It's going to be a slow process. Just hoping for stable or improvement each day vs a setback, although I'm sure there will be some...just hope they aren't too serious.

paula eagleholic said...

Sun starting to come up on Finney water nest...may watch that for a few minutes, then hit the hay. Pretty beat!

deb said...

Take care of yourself, too, Paula. I am off to bed, also. Night, everyone!

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Deb and well.
I am right behind you.


Mema Jo said...

Take care of yourself Paula like Deb said. Sounds like half days work is a good decision. Can you stay and travel from your mom's home instead of going back & forth from Emmitsburg
Oh Yes! I forgot all about the doggies. Hope you have a good friend as a caretaker near your home.

Don't know why none of the SKINS fans have come on tonight! I guess they are still out celebrating! I bet we hear about it tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Margy I hope you are headed in to

I am off to bed........

Peace to all!
Restful sleep & pleasant dreams!
Prayers for all our many needs being said!

Hope the concert for Mason was a huge money making success & fun for
all who attended!


hedgie said...

Good evening and good night all!
How 'bout them SKINS?????? Great day! Busy before and after game w/ a few projects, so made myself stay away from the blog! Did emails in spurts.
Glad to hear that Paula's mom is improving. Megan, are you better?
Margy, your shift just started! Have a good one.
Thanks for all other interesting info. Jo, private room arrangement is great--we can laugh as loud as we want! Wanda.....didn't know there was an Inova facility in Ashburn!
Sleep well. Prayers for all.

movin said...


hAVE an interesting, productive week coming up.

not sure, but from the F & F pictures of yesterday (d u t ... down under time), it looks like they are attempting to start the pre-nesting cycle again. So, maybe ............



ceil said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...