Monday, April 07, 2008


More rain thread.


Bird Girl said...

NO WAY!!!! I'v NEVER been first before! WOOHOOO!

Bird Girl said...

how many years have i been watching this cam, and today was the first time i've been #1?? LOL

floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve! Any chance someone can explain the issues people are having with FWS sites or the live feed? Well hello there Bird Girl:)

Bird Girl said...

I can't get the live feed up, either... must be down?

We still have three chicks, right?

carolinabeachmom said...

CONGRATULATIONS BIRD BIRL on being # l on our new blog today. NUMBER 1! It took me a few tries, but I finally got on here at school. Megan, while I was home this am, I was getting the live feed. Can't get it here at school tho.

floralgirl said...

The live feed is running, just some people cannot get to it for some unknown reason. Did you try going to your real player and finding the link there to open the feed?

carolinabeachmom said...

Holding the door open for SUZANNE and CHRISSy. Hope WANDA joined the group, as it is after 7am :)

floralgirl said...

Hi Candy, I missed you earlier, I think I called you Wanda- I'll blame that on early morning grogginess...

Suzanne said...

Well, hey, Megan, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and the heads up, Megan.
Morning, Delphia! Loved your link on Momsters with the doves, they are beautiful!
Yes, we still have 3 healthy babies. Had breakfast a while ago. Belle is now sleeping, she didn't sleep very well this morning. Chicks are in front of her.

carolinabeachmom said...

Megan, here at school, I don't think they allow the live to come on, so I have to look at the 30 sec cam all day. Bud I did have live on this am.

carolinabeachmom said...


Suzanne said...

Hi again, Candy! Blog at school again today? That's wonderful. I sent you an email with the Finland address.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, I wondered wondered how you knew to say hello to me when I hadn't signed on here yet! LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

That is OK Megan, I knew who you meant, and you must have been surprised to see me, as I haven't gotten on here much last week. I really missed all the happenings and blogging with you all.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, some of the kids will be in soon. Still have to pass their work out so I guess it is Later Gators. Have a good day. LG

Costume Lady said...

CANDY, I took some photos of FREEMONT STREET for you. Will get them to you as soon as Capt. Eagle gets the pics transferred from the camera to the puter.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Good morning. Welcome back, but have to roll now. Maybe will be on later, if I don't fall asleep when I get home. :) Good seeing you on again! Say Hi to Gene too please.

floralgirl said...

Wanda- what have you tried to open the live feed? Does it just say loading.... on the real player??

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Suzanne,,

Thanks for the heads-up.

Thank you Steve pet.

Only about 4 inches pet,, not much just a light dusting.

My Lady is the same, nothing worries her she is fearless and comes to sit on my garage roof in the afternoons singing but Opera Singer she ain't,, sits there with a full tummy telling everybody about it,, but I love her,, can't say the same for my cats though.

Sparrows are rare now over here, [I think you have all ours,,SEND THEM BACK ] laughing...

I have a couple of pairs nesting in my trees and its nice to have them back.

My Lady likes Starlings, we are over-run with them, they do the fan-dango every morning a 3am in the eves of my house, you just can't sleep for them, so in a way I'm glad of my Sparrow Hawk.

Right going now,, must get dressed and eat.

Speak later I hope

love and hugs

Bird Girl said...

glad we still have three chicks! with Patrick/Patricia hatching so late, and being so much smaller, i was worried that the first chick would bully him/her too much!

and i just went and checked on my outdoor birds -- my Diamond doves are sitting on two eggs, too!! :) Dad is named Nemo, because he was born without the lower part of his left wing -- like Nemo and his small fin :)

Costume Lady said...

Megan, it says "loading....nctc eagle cam" and blinks back and forth and the circle in the middle of the screen never completes it's full circle.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry I missed you Delphia...Thought of looking you up when we went through Phoenix, but didn't have an address or phone number. Hope you are doing better now with the use of Lyrica.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

LOL, Chrissy, I would LOVE to send your sparrows back! And we have European starlings, do you want them back also? I HATE those things, and would love to return them!!! Gonna have to get your lady to tell my red tailed how to get starlings. Really don't mind the sparrows, but they do take over everything! I put up a bird house last year, and had 2 sparrow families fighting over it in the first half hour or so. Brother! Wanted to have gold-finches nest, but they didn't stand a chance with the sparrows. Least it wasn't starlings, entrance hole was too small for them! I also have starlings nesting in my house, one pair on each side. When one isn't dancing, the other is! Drives my indoor cats nuts!!
Delphia, that is so cool about your Diamond doves. Love doves, love to listen to them coo! Cute name for Nemo, BTW.

Bird Girl said...

costume lady

You should have emailed me that you were coming through! I'm so sorry I didn't get to meet you in person :(

I feel like the only Momster who hasn't gone to the Open House (I know that's not true)!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Had a typo so had to delete!

I had the live feed but don't now. Froze up and now won't come back up. Haven't been able to get into a FWS site since 3/28. ARRGGHH.

I have a yellow throated warbler at my suet feeder and he is gorgeous. First time I have had one of those.

Bird Girl said...

Oh -- and the starlings are the 'indicator' birds my rescue group uses to gauge when the first babies will begin to arrive. male starlings' beaks turn from black to bright yellow during breeding season, and typically are the first to show signs of the season :)

i happen to like starlings because they are actually quite pretty if you look at them up close, and they are smart too. My friend has a pet starling named Fidget who talks and does little tricks :)

Suzanne said...

Looks like Belle is getting ready to feed the kids again. She's up and picking at something, can't tell what. She's standing in the middle of the nest, facing 4ish, but head down.
Alright, she saw me type that. Flew to back of nest, or else there was a switch. Big babies are facing back of nest. Almost looks like the bigges one is standing!! She middle on the right, big on the left, and can't see baby, so he must be in "front" facing adult. I believe that is Lib who came in, and Belle left.

Suzanne said...

Ok, baby was in the middle. They are now all lined up in a row facing Lib. Oldest, baby, middle, facing back of nest. Lib getting a bite ready for them.

Costume Lady said...

Delphia, I didn't prepare for this trip very well....My Mom was not doing real well and I didn't think we would be able to take the trip. (I am her caregiver)

Suzanne said...

Guess Lib must be finished feeding, all 3 kids are now laying down, and he's standing on his perch watching them. Don't know who got what, just know he was feeding them.
Turkeys are arriving in PA, and lady falcon on her 5 eggs.
Oh, Lib just took off, babies are alone. BW babies have been alone for quite a while! Wish they would get even a third to eat of what our kids got to eat!!!

floralgirl said...

Okay, I am shipping Bird girl all my starlings, and Chrissy my sparrows...

Suzanne said...

Delphie, starlings are pretty, they just take over everything. They push the smaller birds out of the feeders so they can eat. And yes, they are very smart, little toots! I can try to scare them from my kitchen window and they just look at me... haha, can't get me. But if I go outside, they know I'm serious, and will fly away. At least till I get back in the house! Yeah, they're not dumb! And right now, their beaks are VERY yellow!

Wanda, how is your mother?

Suzanne said...

LOL, you ane me both, Megan!!!!! That's gonna be some BIG crates!!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks for the reorts of what you see on the still cam Suzanne Gives some of us an idea of what has happened so far this morning. Hope its a good day with stills and live cam watching as time goes by.

Remember to send your special still capture WITH caption to me for inclusion in our Memory Booklet for this year.

Your capture/caption will make it special for all of us.

Yes its true ...very true!!!

Bird Girl said...


I just let the dogs out for their morning ritual... no one is on my nest, and the eggs are cold.

Cross your fingers that the mother (Girl Rusty) comes for her shift on the eggs......

Suzanne said...

All 3 of our babies sleeping on top of each other, BW chicks on top of each other too. Must be chilly out. There were 2 osprey in BWO, one took off, one still there. Finland MT, Maine MT, and wind is really blowing there! Nobody on cam in Tesoro, eagle on egg in NBG, and the CO owl is and has been, sitting on something that is dead and has legs up in the air. Osprey MT, Kestral dark. Almost looks like BW chicks are chasing each other around the nest. One moves closer to one, that one moves away. Ok, these guys can see me type! Now they're snuggling. Back in a few.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My live feed is back.

Mauley said...

Good Morning, dear ones, Megan, Delphia, Candy, Suzanne, Wanda, Chrissy, and
Sister Sharon, what a beautiful day it is here. Have a glorious eagle eaglet watching day today. Paula, Mits, Glo, Norma, watch Tiny today and count his bites for me and Jill. Have a blessed one. Paula, I loved watching your videos on UTube, but blogger wouldn't let mauley leave you a message. donna

Costume Lady said...

Suz, my Mom has not found relief for her hip pain yet. She is having an MRI Wed. and then, I believe they are going to try the epidural thingy on her back or hip.
She has lost so much weight that we are all concerned. Doctor gave her something for her appetite; hope it works.

Costume Lady said...

DONNA, I have been out of town for a month, so I missed the report on your daughter. How is she and has she had her baby?

Mauley said...

Wanda, my husband had the epidural shots in his back three years after back surgery, and they kept him from having more surgery. He jogs 3-4 miles a day, now. I will pray for your Mom. donna

glo said...

Thanks for the heads up on the live feed Sharon. That is always a great post to read!!!

Mauley said...

Wanda and Capt. I know you have been gone and so glad to have you back. Even if I can't post I lurk. To get away from your eagle momster and dadster friend, Wanda, you and the Capt. would have to go so far undercover the FBI couldn't find you. Isn't it something that we know where our eagle family friends are all the time. Dear Daughter and baby fine. She now has 3 girls and 3 boys and she has finally said she is finished. Latest baby is Dannie Michael. Thanks for asking. donna

Costume Lady said...

Bless you, Donna, that is good to hear about your husband. I will tell Mom. That will give her hope. She told me yesterday, with tears in her eyes that she has lost hope. You know that you cannot go on without HOPE! Prayers are appreciated.

Mauley said...

Good Morning, dear Glo. donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pearl and Middy seem to be playing and Baby Littley is sleeping away.

floralgirl said...

Hello Glo and Donna:) Wanda- ((hugs))- hang in there, sorry your mom is so discouraged, it is so hard when you are suffering so much and can't find a way to alleviate the pain.

Suzanne said...

Oh Wanda, I'm so sorry to hear your mom is still in such pain! I thought that last medication was going to help her. Sure hope the MRI shows something the doctors can fix, and hope her appetitie picks up! I will pray for her for a quick recovery!

Delphia, so sorry to hear your eggs are getting cold. That's not a good thing. Let us know when mom returns!!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning again.Suzanne it was
to funny seeing them poop-shoot.I
took about 176 photos of them and
i have them downloaded in my file,
as soon as i check them out i will
post them.


Suzanne said...

LOL!!!!!!!! OMG, Dave, only 176 photos????? That's too funny! You take pics like I do... every second, don't want to miss anything. I think that is so cool. Can't wait to see your pics.

Suzanne said...

OH, Geula, if you are still here, the Scottish Osprey cam is up, and one osprey is doing nestorations in the nest! How cool!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Well darn, they can see me type too, little toots! Osprey just flew off, and they are ZOOMING in on the nest! Man, we'll be able to see eggs when they are laid! Got right IN the nest. How cool is that!!!

Suzanne said...

Ok, osprey back in with a big stick! Put that stick down, and now gonna move another stick. So guess they're working on the nest and in and out today.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Just a very quick pop in before I get down to do some housework.

Just to let you all know the Osprey site is back up in The Loch of Lowes Scotland, and at the mo Madam is looking rather confused ???

Sorry Delphia,,I know you like Starlings pet,, so do I too, but I have hundreds and hundreds here, yesterday I counted 300 sitting on our overhead phone lines and thats just a few of them.
I call my cats in the house at night by whistling for them, and low and bwhold some of the starling have adopted the call, cheeky beggers, talk about confusing my babies.

Suzanne pet you can keep your starling just where they are pet,, I can't handle anymore, my roof space is bowing enough.

Right back to work,, speak later all.

I hope you are all as well as can be today !!!

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Good grief, didn't mean Geula, meant CHRISSY!!!! Guess your email worked, Chrissy!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Chrissy, thought I had a lot of starlings! No where NEAR that many...THANK GOD!!!! I cannnot imagine that many starlings around my house! Bet you wear ear plugs, don't you?

Suzanne said...

Believe it or not, there is a real osprey on the osprey nest in MN. No geese, an osprey!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Don't worry Suzanne pet,, good init,, all back and running, something worked Suzanne pet, perhaps they were still in the shower and needed privacy before it was turned on ?????

So sorry to hear about your mum Wanda, I hope she find relief very soon.

OMG,OMG,,, little tit-bit has lost his/her head.
Do you think daddy had been read them bedtime stories ???

Maybee the tail of "Icabod Crane".
sorry,couldn't resisit that one.

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Jackdaws are home too, cam 2 Finland nest.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of noise around the house, reminds me of Karla (Butterfly Mama); she has a pond in her back yard whick is full of Bull Frogs and a mountain full of Greenies or Tree frogs....the noise in late Spring and Summer is deafening. I can hear them very loudly when she phones me. Hard to sleep to...they do their thing all night.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Suzanne,,

I'm thinking of hiring one of the bird scarers from the airport to help out.
Yesyerday I put our 2 large sliced loaves and a large sack of bird food and you had to see it to believe it,, my garden was a sea of starlings, and within 3 mins it was all gone, nothing left for the other birds at all,
I'll have to win the lottery if things carry on like this.

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Oh Wanda, I'll bet that is loud. Noise level picks up outside in the Spring! Kinda nice after the quiet winter.

Chrissy Beahan said...

OK outta here Take care all and keep watching..

loves yah


Suzanne said...

Yeah, Chrissy, that's what I mean. They are vultures, and eat everything in sight! I want my little birds to get some too, but I don't have that many, so probably shouldn't complain! And they do eat the seed that has fallen on the ground, so that's a good thing. They also like cat food, not such a good thing, but guess it won't hurt them no more than they eat.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Suz, it is nice to hear the sounds of spring. We live near the Rocky Marsh stream and can hear the frogs and greenies in the trees and it is a pleasant sound; but Karla's frogs must number in the gazillions and is very LOUD!

floralgirl said...

Wanda- did you get the live feed to come up??

Suzanne said...

Wanda, I don't have any in my area, but don't think I'd want to listen to a gazillion! They can be very loud, and when they all get going at once, I imagine that is deafening!

Costume Lady said...

No, Megan, I keep trying and hoping I will hit the jackpot soon.

Suzanne said...

OH, sea eagle is back and sitting on egg cup. Can't see legs, so don't know if this is the male or female. They were both there this morning at different times! Let's hope the mate shows up and we see them together again.

floralgirl said...

Well, that makes no sense at all. I did send Steve an email detailing the problems many of us are having with FWS sites and the live feed. Maybe when he gets time he will pass it along to the tech guys so we csn figure this out. Gotta go back outside, still misting rain here, chilly and damp. I need sun!!! later everyone-

Suzanne said...

Switch, NBG!!

Suzanne said...

Yup, that's mom. She's standing now and not banded.

floralgirl said...

Steve answered my email, he is passing along info, hang in there, they will try to figure this out.

Suzanne said...

Good luck, Megan. Maybe they will get it fixed and there won't be any more problems! In the meantime, all 3 kids are just sleeping or snoozing. Looks like the 2 oldest are half out of the egg cup, but the little 'un is in the egg cup. Oldest are facing 11, baby is facing 1ish, but in the cup.
Both ospreys are in BWO, wish they would start bringing in more stuff to nest.
Sea eagle still hanging out, standing on side of nest, and Scotland osprey in and out with sticks and rearranging.
Our BW chicks have been up and what looks like playing, and then sleeping some more. Seems to have more energy today than they have for a long time. They must have eaten fairly well this weekend.

Suzanne said...

WOW, both Liberty and Belle flew in nest. Whole family is there now. Not sure if either has food, but I'm guessing they do.

floralgirl said...


Suzanne said...

Next refresh, one adult gone, one feeding chicks from the back. All 3 chicks are sitting up very tall, looks like oldest in front, middle in back next to what I think is Lib, and baby is on the right, facing 3, not even looking at dad.

carolinabeachmom said...


Suzanne said...

Hahaha, look who's peeking, miss Candy!

Suzanne said...

All 3 kids are sitting VERY TALL. Baby is closest to dad with the food, oldest in back, and middle on left side of baby.

floralgirl said...

Ha ha, she's as bad as me, I need to figure out how to get the live feed into the GH- do they make a waterproof computer?? OK, walking away from email and the live feed.....bbl

Suzanne said...

Unless the kids changed positions, Lib is giving a bite to baby.

Suzanne said...

Haven't read the weekend's blogs yet, but does anybody know why one adult at NBG has so many white feathers showing on his/her back? Eagle looks soaked by feathers on head, and lots and lots of white feathers showing on back. Several "clumps" of black feathers seem to be missing. Were they in another dispute over the nest???

Suzanne said...

Wow, zooming in on Scotland osprey! You can count her individual feathers. Never saw a cam that close. Look at those beautiful eyes, and her feathers are blowing.
Sea eagle still in nest. Our kids still getting fed as best I can tell. BW kids alone, what's new there?

Suzanne said...

Dang, sea eagle just took off. wow beautiful face on the osprey!

Suzanne said...

Hoodie in Finland.

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. I had live feed for about 2 minutes and lost it. Darn thing!

deb said...

Yea, it just came back!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hey all!!! come on over to the
new post and family photo


Suzanne said...

COOL!!!!!!!! Hoodie gone, female eagle back on nest and laying on egg cup!!! Awesome.

movin said...




Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They way the eaglets are laying, it looks like one eaglet with all kinds of wings!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...