Saturday, April 05, 2008


New thread.


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Oh ekk,,,, am I the first on this thread ????

I've been Osprey watching for some of the afternoon and poping in and out of all the other cams,,I'm getting so confused now as there are so many to look in on now,,I'm getting dizzy.

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

THANK YOU for the new page Steve

hope all is well with you.


Costume Lady said...

CHRISSY...I feel the same way. Too many things to keep track of. So I just watch my favorites.

MITS said...

I been watching and waiting for new thread, thanks Steven and Chrissy

Chrissy Beahan said...

Same here to pet,

but I still have to have my darling Mei and gobbo on..I can't be without my Pandas.
And my computer gives up the ghost if I put on more than 4 webcams.

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Helen,

I think you all have been so involved in chatting that its sometimes difficult to notice a new page,
I only noticed because my computer locked me out and I had to re-load AGAIN !!!
love and hugs

MITS said...

parent is eating at BWE, chicks look like they want to

MITS said...

BWO MT now.

MITS said...

chicks alone in our nest.

NatureNut said...

New Thread! Thank you Steven & Chrissy for heads up.
Looks like afternoon nap our nest.
Most of you probably saw Lisa's BW update. I just saw it today. She has some videos attached. One explains the "tidiness" of bathroom habits.I've also seen our baby ospreys go to the edge of nest for same activity.Must be instinct.

movin said...

Thanks for the new thread for a Saturday, Steven.

Thanks, Mits, for the update on the Kent nest.

And thanks, Dana, for relaying the latest observations from BWO.



Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Dana,
Don't worry too much about our Scotish Lady,, she may have a big mouth,, but she is far from innocent,, she arrived on the 30th and brought a young blood with her and had her evil way with him,, then hubby arrived the next morning and sent him packing,, but WHO knows if the chicks will be daddies ????
She is an old bird but a cleaver one I think..

love and hugs

MITS said...

She is one smart bird, Chrissy;)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the heads up Wanda. I wanted to bring over Bob Quinns new reports he is emailing me while he is at Blackwater.

Bob's different reports:
2:11pm Eaglle just flew over BWO. Headed in direction of BWE

2:24pm Third osprey was flying high above then went to other side of road from BWO and dove for a fish. It missed. Don't see it now. There's a northern harrier buzzing the field behind BWO.

2:36pm One of the BWO osprey just flew off and caught a fish. Its sitting on top of the camera now and the one in the platform is yelling at it.

Saturday, April 05, 2008 2:58:00 PM

Costume Lady said...

I wonder why Pearl is all by herself...She was doing something weird with her panting or throwing up. Do birds throw up? Maybe she had too much to eat.

wvgal_dana said...

These comments have been emailed to Lisa also.

MITS said...

I guess they can, Wanda...

MITS said...

parent eating rest of the fish at BWE

Mema Jo said...

Back in for a minute to see what all is going on.... Hi Chrissy...
Cool that Bob is emailing you Dana with what he is seeing right on the spot reporting!
Getting ready to go out - be back early evening.
Naturenut - you have a lot of pics in your Nook blog! They are great.
Hi Wanda & Hi Mits! Headed for Mass


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

OH DEAR,,,, I think little tatty tit-bit has got wind, he/she keeps jumping, pity mum or dad can't put him/her over their shoulder and pat.

The Scotish Lady is still shouting,, I think it's because we are expecting very bad weather tonight.
The temp is dropping quite a lot and we are supposed to be having heavy snow falls," Country Wide"..

Do you know if we have even a slight covering in the country the whole place grounds to a stand still,, silly isn't it !!!

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Jo,,
Hope your keeping well pet.

Say a prayer for me please pet.

speak soon

love anf hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

What are those chicks being fed ????
The way they are moving I would say a few shots of Brandy in with the fish !!!

love and hugs

MITS said...

osprey at BWO

MITS said...

CHRISSY, same thing happens here if snow is even mentioned...

glo said...

OK Now I too am worried about Pearl. Is she OK. She is panting or something. Oh my :(

wvgal_dana said...

Chicks at BWE being fed fish

wvgal_dana said...

Another report from Bob Quinn:
3:11pm While one osprey was in the platform, a second on top of the camera, a third caught a fish across the road and tried to land on the platform. It thought better of it at the last second. Now there's none on the platform and two in the field behind the platform.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,,

It's gone 8.30p.m. here and I havn't eaten yet today,,so I better go and do so.

I'll speak tomorrow after Church I hope..

Take care all..keep your eyes peeled and keep me up-dated on all the goings on please.

Have fun watching.

love and hugs

wvgal_dana said...

Female parent at SR is feeding chick again.

Mema Jo said...

Peeking in before I leave -
Parent eagle at BWE

What did Bob put on the osprey platform cam? lol
Beautiful pair on the platform.

Bob Quinn said...

Back from BW. So it looks like things are still not settled. From what I saw there appears to be a couple but they don't seem relaxed. I did not see them adding any nesting material. They appeared to be on alert the whole time. The third one definitely wanted to land with its fish but it wasn't welcome. I did not see any evidence of a fourth that would indicate two pair competing for the platform. I hope things shake out but so far it does not look encouraging. I look at the pictures later to see if I can determine gender of all three.

Bob Quinn said...

Off to dinner. Will check in later.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everyone, taking a break. boy I wish I could get some energy back. That cold really knocked me on my hiney.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like a Poop-Shoot on the BW Osprey Cam. What do you think, Bob?

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Bob for your "birds eye" view.

Costume Lady said...

Anne-Marie, I wish I could get some energy back too. Being on a vacation for a month makes it hard to get back into the swing of things. Maybe I need a vacation to get over my vacation. LOL

NatureNut said...

Wow, Tiny just took a shot and almost got Middy! He/she must not know the aiming rules yet.

NatureNut said...

Parent back feeding 2 youngest. Pearl is starting to stir.

Anne-Marie said...

A vacation from your vacation? Sound great....

Anne-Marie said...

Worked outside this morning and washing and changing bedding inside. Its time to take the winter bedding off and put something brighter and lighter.

Anne-Marie said...

What in the world is on the cam at BWO?

Costume Lady said...

Anne, still having cold nights here. 30s and 40s so, winter bedding will stay on for a while yet.

Costume Lady said...

N'Nut, I don't think Pearl feel very well. She just did a Poop-Shoot on my desk; maybe that will make her feel better.

NatureNut said...

Tiny's up front & looked liked he/she was pecking at food between parent's bites!

Costume Lady said...

Ok, she is up and eating now, so the Shoot must have done the trick!

NatureNut said...

Hi, Costume Lady. I didn't see Pearl do that but read that she was acting strange. She has gone to the food bunch, so maybe she's OK.Hope so.

NatureNut said...

There's another Shoot to our desktops! Glad it missed the cam.

Costume Lady said...

She slept apart from her two siblings and also, was panting. Seems to be OK now. I was a BIG Poop-Shoot, so maybe that is what was wrong. Hope so.

Anne-Marie said...

Nap time for the kids.

Anne-Marie said...

Have any of you been watching BWO and know what is in the front of the camera?

Anne-Marie said...

I think that where they got the saying of sleeping spread eagle.

glo said...

OK Pecky pearl is just fine now...thats good and she's bad!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Feeding time for SR tiny

wvgal_dana said...

Feeding time at BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Annie I have been watching BWO but I have no idea what is on the cam.

wvgal_dana said...

I got a message from Lisa BW. She is away in NC until Tuesday. She ask me to let the NCTC blog know.

Anne-Marie said...

Two osprey at BW

Anne-Marie said...

Two birds in nest and one up on camera....

MITS said...

Boy, Kathy you are close to Sharon.....I bet you might actually know each other.....

MITS said...

looks like Bob left the eagle cane, hanging from the cam at the BWO NEST

MITS said...

more food at our nest...both parents there.

Kathy in WV said...

19:09EDT Both adults are at the nest. One is feeding the young but I can't figure out what it has.

MITS said...

think it is fish, Kathy

MITS said...

parent just took off our nest.

MITS said...

parent just came back....

MITS said...

both parents there again

MITS said...

good luck Belle, trying to get them back in the egg cup

MITS said...

chicks are pecking at a piece of fish by themselves under the watchful eye of parent

MITS said...

lib just left

NatureNut said...

Wow, somebody's trying to fly!

NatureNut said...

Good P Shoot---right out the back of the nest.

MITS said...

parent back at BWE, it is eating.

MITS said...

if Belle keeps digging in that egg cup, they are going to drop down thru the hole

Costume Lady said...

Belle looks absolutly exhausted...getting some shut eye before babes wake up.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like a speaker on the left side of Belle. Does anyone know if that is what it is? I am willing to buy a new speaker if that will give us audio. (within limits...) Maybe we can all go together and have a yard sale. Whoooah! Sounds like fun to me!

Costume Lady said...

Belle says "I knew it wouldn't last". Nap is over.

Lolly said...

Hi Wanda! I'm Lolly. Started watching while you were gone. Just came in from working in the yard. Could not make out what I could see on the feed. Finally saw Belle move!

NatureNut said...

Just saw Spidey crawling up that big equip. piece in lower left corner!! EEK!! At least he was small!

Lolly said...

Spidey can walk all over equipment, but he can not walk over the cam. I forbid it!!!!

Lolly said...

Looks like all is peaceful. Need to clean up from working in the yard. BBL

MITS said...

BWE chicks alone in the nest

Costume Lady said...

Hi Lolly. Nice to meet you. We were near you on our trip. We have been in Texas a few times before, but this time we crossed the whole state from east to west. What a BIG STATE! It took us three days to get through it and into New Mexico. Of course, we stopped a lot along the way. Some beautiful places and some miles of not much of anything. We love Galveston and the Ferry Ride over.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like Poop-Shoot on BWO cam. I wonder how it will ever get off there if that is what it is. EEEWWWIE!

MITS said...

I think it is some kinda stick, Wanda, it is showing up white now that the infra-red light kicked in

Costume Lady said...

I hope that it is a stick and not poo, but how will they get it off the cam. Maybe one of the Ospreys will use it for the new nest.

MITS said...

that is what I'm hoping

MITS said...

although it could be a lose wire...maybe Bob will know, although I think this showed up after he was there.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There! around 4:12pm this afternoon when Bob was over at BW I asked:
What did Bob put on the osprey platform cam? lol

What you see was right down the center of the cam's pic & it had moved since I first saw it. Must be a stick or something - Like Mits said you can't see it now due to night light. Sure looks as though some more nesting materials have been added to the osprey box.

MITS said...

I remember you saying that, Jo, how is your evening going?

MITS said...

wooo, Belle is awake and she is yelling.

MITS said...

too bad we don't have sound

MITS said...

she is alert

MITS said...

blinking eyes...

MITS said...

she is still awake, wonder what it was?

MITS said...

not only do I miss the eagle sounds, but at night you can always hear the "spring peepers" and I miss that too.

Lolly said...

I see Belle is very alert. Mr. Owl must be flying around!

Mema Jo said...

I was over looking at some of the other cams. I missed the disturbance.
Around this time on other evenings she would do this - also wing flapping. We 'supposed' it could have been an owl. She really looks serious doesn't she.

Lolly said...

Our three eaglets just look like a blob in the nest!

MITS said...

I'll say, would not want to cross paths with her right now

MITS said...

she had been sleeping so peacefully

Mema Jo said...

Mits - doing pretty good this evening.

Was looking at WildWatch cams.
The osprey cam is crystal clear but of course there are no osprey in the nest!

MITS said...

they didn't even move when she awoke and started to yell

Lolly said...

Last night we got home from babysitting our grandson around one (two est.)in the morning. Belle was really alert and the first night she slept beside the eaglets. It really started me!

MITS said...

I'm wondering how it got so clean, thought I had sent you a pic when the osprey was there.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder where Candy is? I know right now that NC is not winning.

MITS said...

they are getting so big, Lolly and they are much more able to sleep next to her, but if it got too cold or wet, she would have them under her as best she could.

Mema Jo said...

The eaglets are too large to get them all underneath! Unless it rains - then those wings expand!

Lolly said...

Ahhh! She is going back to sleep!

Mema Jo said...

You did send me the pic of the ospreys- but it even looks cleaner tonight!

Lolly how far away are the grandkids.

MITS said...

I think right now Candy needs smelling salt, still plenty of time left, but guess NC feels a little out of its element, because 1st time in Tournament it is not playing in NC, they have had home field advantage til now.

MITS said...

yes, resting at last, she has her own built-in awning when it rains.

Lolly said...

Our daughter has two and they are an hour north of us. Our son has one, the youngest and they are an hour away in Dallas. I would love to have them closer, but at the same time it is good that we can all live our own lives.

Mema Jo said...

I haven't heard anyone else say so BUT my live feed will go into psychedelic colors every once in awhile. I don't close it down - I click on Stop and then I wait a moment & click on Play. Takes a sec but it starts buffering and then comes on.

Lolly said...

I guess there was not another hatching in CO or I would have read about it, nor at BC. Right?

Lolly said...

Jo, that has not happened for me and, as you know, I have the media player like you.

Lolly said...

Whoops! Belle is awake again.

Mema Jo said...

I haven't been to some of the cams or the forums to see if CO or Barton's Cove had a hatch.
I just might go there now.......

Mema Jo said...

CO as of 7pm still looked like just 1

Bartons' Cove still looks as though all 3 eggs are there

movin said...

Mema Jo, I saw that ugly streak down the middle of the BWO cam earlier.

I think it was either a spider leg or an Osprey moved while I was watching it, and it's gone now.

My cable was down for half the afternoon, so I called them 'was them', repairing a problem. Well, I asked them about the increase of $10/mo., which earlier calls had revealed to be bogus. ...Apparently in wasn't bogus, they don't have the @24.95 Basic now. (Basic is 1.5 Mbs download).

She looked for some promotions, or whatever, and for the next 12 mos., I am getting the standard speed broadband (4X faster than what I had) for the same $34.95/mo they now charge for Basic!!

Now, I've got to look around for a promotion that types a lot faster .... :~)



paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. My first peek at our cam since this morning. Belle was awake for a little while, but she is back sleeping now.

Worked all day and went to my GF's house for dinner. Have to go to work for awhile tomorrow yet...

Sounds like things are well here..:)

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is up again.

Practice Jim, Practice!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are trying to get comfy...I am really surprised how much they actually stay in the cup...they are still so clumsy :)

MITS said...

chicks awake, Belle is awake..

MITS said...

shook her head and is now back down.....GOODNIGHT EVERYONE.

paula eagleholic said...

I saw mention of the eldest chick panting was warm out...

belle's head is tucked back in...

please fogive any typos...long day!

Lots of action at BW..hope it settles down soon...

glad to hear about the SR chick...saw it cracking last night before the cam went off

Anyone heard from Nilla?

MITS said...

YES, Paula, it was warm in the sun, even though temp was on the cool side...

Mema Jo said...

It just looked like panting to me.

I remember 2 seasons ago when the eaglets were getting to be this size that they would sprawl out & look dead but were just sleeping. Being first time eagle watchers we were very concerned about them Just like the new watchers are this season.

Mema Jo said...

Paula you are having a very long work week! Glad you had some free time this evening.

No words from Nilla recently.

movin said...


Got to go get some El Pollo Loco for dinner, and I need to take care of one or two other things along the way.

Happy birding.


Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the day.......

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for all needs being said

Lolly said...

Nite Jo! Sweet dreams!

deb said...

Just got home a bit ago, Belle is awake and looking around. Long day today, but had a good time in Omaha.

Costume Lady said...


deb said...

Sea eagle just arrived in finland nest. Looks like another foggy morning.

deb said...

Good night, everyone, talk to you tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Fuuny you should mention that about how the eaglets were laying the nest. I remember that and wondered if they were OK also....seems like such a long time's nice to look at their actions now and realise they are normal...just have to remember to help the first timers along when they see such things.

I had a comment on one of my PH videos, some guy didn't think the chicks would survive because of the pecking in the I tried to explain and educate on the ways of the's nice to be able to share that information with others.

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula, appreciate all info! I have really learned a lot the last few weeks and I am addictied!! Nite! Time to hit the sack!

Lolly said...

Make that "addicted"! Nite!

floralgirl said...

At least the second feeding of the day that I've seen. Poor tiny was squeezed between the other two, but he used his small size to his advantage and pushed to the front. Two oldest are really using those wings to balance themselves now.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...