Wednesday, April 16, 2008


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

JIM...I saw Paula's video and loved seeing the chicks. It was my first glimps in a week.

movin said...

From the old thread:

Paula's flicks

Did you folks see Paula's videos from yesterday? Pretty interesting stuff.



floralgirl said...

Adult just arrived in the nest

floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve- hello Wanda, can you get the live feed to work this morning?

movin said...

Doesn't work if you copy-paste it as a whole comment..

Paula's flicks


Costume Lady said...

It is 31° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown. I'll bet the triplets are huddled together to keep warm.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Wanda. Good morning to both of you.
Egg turning again in Scotland, definately 2 eggs. So wonder if Wonder Woman will give us a third egg today?

Costume Lady said...

No Live Feed, Megan.
Jim, what do you mean about the copy, paste comment? I am desperate to try anything.

floralgirl said...

Suzanne, I left one of my Christmas wreaths hanging on the shed door by my front door too long...a carolina wren has built one heck of a nest in the center and it has 3 eggs in it. Hubby is losing it cause you can't get into the shed or shut the door...

floralgirl said...

Ok, Wanda, how are you trying to open your live feed? You still can't open any FWS sites right?

movin said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and for the live feed still working.

Hope your early American home is still serving your needs and repairs are soon to come.

Think I'll try to get more shut-eye. Have a good morning, everyone.



Costume Lady said...

Megan, I click on the blue square at the bottom left corner. Sometimes I click on File and open, then OK. Nothing works.

Suzanne said...

They are showing clips on the Scotland osprey cam of funny things leading up to the two eggs. A short clip per day. Don't know how you select them, so far they are randomely selecting, but they're hilarious! Just watched one where Wonder Woman took a fish from hubby, and it wouldn't come off his talons! Then the male had a stick stuck in his bill and he couldn't get it out. He was careful around the one egg, tho! And did you know if you double click on the pic, you get a full screen? I didn't till I tried to select the clip from yesterday. He bonked her on the head and took her fish and wouldn't give it back.

movin said...

Don't worry, Wanda,
It didn't relate to the live feed.

My live feed is working well, just no sound, this morning.

I notice they raised the connection speed in the last day or so from 45 Kbs to 80 Kbs. But if you have cable or DSL, it shouldn't bother you. If you still have dial-up, it will likely give you troubles.



Costume Lady said...

Megan, I had to smile at your wren building a nest in your wreath; reminded me of a few years ago when we had a wren building a nest in the sun shades we have at our patio window. We couldn't allow the nest there as we unrolled it every afternoon and back up in the evening. Gene got a plastic coffee can and naild it to the side of the window, near the blind, and she immediately began building her nest in there. Raised 4 babies and we could watch from the comfort of our Living Room. That was a fun 2 months!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for that info. I noticed the speed had changed too, and wondered why.

krs said...

Good Morning everyone,
Just wanted to say thanks again for the comments and help yesterday. My RP 11 is working great now and I am getting a feed of NCTC again today. Sunny and warmer here north of Green Bay almost 42 at 6:40 CDT. Have a joyous day.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE What a surprise, my live feed is up this a.m.

MITS said...

doing something different this a.m., now I'm off to finish reading post and e-mails and get some coffee....KRS, I love Bret Favre, is he really going to stay retired???? Have you had alot of snow this wiinter??? BBL off to posts and coffee..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning again everyone. I have been going through health issues and go back to the doc this morning. Nothing serious, just aggravating!

floralgirl said...

Sorry Wanda, just not sure why you can't open the live feed. I can't access the connection page so I am clicking on the link in my real player. Does it just say loading.. when you try to open it? I would have relocated that wren nest if they didn't already have eggs. They always build right around the front door area. Then they complain noisily when there is too much activity around their nest. Hello Mits:) and krs:)

floralgirl said...

Oh, Sharon, you changed your pic. I had a towhee in the yard on Monday, haven't seen him since. LAst year we had a female and male around all winter.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have had 3 males and 1 female towhee so far. The males do not play well with others. Besides an eagle, of course, the towhee is my favorite bird.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Then next in line is the white-throated sparrow (love it song) and then the rose-breasted grosbeak. Of course, I do love all birds (except starlings)! :)

MITS said...

Hope you feel better soon, Sharon:)

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---It is a COOL -- SUNNY GLORIOUS a.m. here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY--PLUS 3"!!!----temp. is 29°& moving up!!!---THANKS STEVE & JOHN!!!---I can see the "3 MUSKETEERS" this a.m.----The #1 EAGLET loves to show off by flapping his WINGS!!---He is so COOL!----LIFE IS GOOD!!!----MORNIN' WANDA!!--#1 EAGLE MOM today & every day!!---HELLO! WANDA----MOVIN'JIM--MEGAN--SUZANNE---KRS--BLUEFIELD SHARON & HELEN!! ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!

MITS said...

ok, all caught up, off for more coffee and open up more cams:)

Costume Lady said...

Helen, did you watch NCIS last night? We taped it and haven't had a chance to watch it yet. So many other good shows on at the same time.

Costume Lady said...


floralgirl said...

Hello Norma:) Wanda, so sorry you can't get the live feed, wish I had time and computer skills, I would ride over to try to help you figure it out. Hmm... I don't know if I can pick a favorite bird..too many to choose from. Gotta get to work, sun is shining, this time of the year I feel I am always about 2 weeks behind. I'm already dragging this morning, too much digging yesterday. Later- have a great day everybody, going to be a beautiful one here.

normabyrd said...

SORRY-- SHARON!--I didn't know you weren't feeling well!!-----Will keep you in my thoughts today--Dr. appt.-----You read my mind---I have had a couple towhees at my kitchen window the past few mornings!!---Had forgotten how beautiful they are!!!---& I thought must tell SHARON!!---TAKE CARE!!

floralgirl said...

Deadliest Catch was new last night, they did show several bald eagles during the show when they were at dock.

floralgirl said...

Yestarday morning I counted 103 cedar waxwings in my walnut tree. they perch there and then fly into the holly trees that are nearby. Then the mockingbirds go crazy flying at them to get them out of "their" trees. There are plenty of berries for all, but the mockers do not believe in sharing. C U later

MITS said...

Yes, I did Wanda, it was a good one...loved it. Last night was also the season opener of one of my favs...The Deadliest watching the king crab fisherman on the Bering Sea, and then it was Boston Legal...

MITS said...

Yes, Megan, you do see the Bald Eagles on that show. They dock in Dutch Harbor

glo said...

Good morning everyone.

Wanda Please try this today and see what happens.

Click here to get to Real Player Feed

Once on that page under OLD type says the link below will take you to. etc....Just click on that lue link. Don't even open Real Player first just try to get there from scratch. Hopefully Real Player will hear you and open to the page for you. Don't know but its worth a try.

normabyrd said...

TX WOOD DUCK---20 eggs---HATCHING HAS BEGUN!!!----Her beautiful wings are spread wide!!---Beautiful Duck!!

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Glo, trying to figure out why only Wanda can't get the live feed going today. That link may not work for her though, I can't open it, cause it is a FWS site. so strange.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning Everyone;Yesterday
was a great day and today is also
going to be a great day.I took
some photos of the three young
eaglets yesterday after work but
the sun was in the weatern sky and
made it hard to get some clear
photos of them,but i did get some
fair photos and you can see all
three chicks at once.I will go
through the photos and pick out
the good ones and post them.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

MITS said...

feeding time in CO

normabyrd said...

MEGAN & HELEN---I always watch that show--have seen "reruns" too!----Some times watching that show makes me nervous---but fascinating at the same time!!----Those are BRAVE FOLKS!!---

MITS said...

I don't know how they do it, Norma

MITS said...

Yep, I can't access that site either, Glo, if it has the letters FWS, I'm not getting in, wish someone could give me a reason....

MITS said...

something weird and green in the Conn osprey nest

Suzanne said...

Morning, everybody. Got busy. Megan, love the story about your wrens. I told you they were excellent wreaths for birds! LOL. I don't have any nests, but the birds sure do like the peanut butter in the pine cones. I'm gonna have to move them soon, have them on a plant stand with clemantis and peonies, and they're both coming up strong right now. Kinda pushing my wreaths out. Saw that last night. Now to find a place for the wreaths.
Welcome krs, enjoy the viewing and the blog!

Suzanne said...

Finland ospreys are in the house doing their thang....

MITS said...

looking forward to seeing your new pics Dave

MITS said...

osprey just arrived in Finland

Suzanne said...

After saying that, the male took off immediately.

MITS said...

both in Finland

MITS said...

kids in our nest are not playing nice

normabyrd said...

CO NEST---Little ones huddled close to MOM---
(I'm anxious for them to hatch)

Suzanne said...

GE stork looks like she has 3 eggs. Can't really tell. cool.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---You should have a tour of your gardens---everyone would enjoy seeing your many--many birds!!---I have huge holly bushes (trees)--I know I have cedar waxwings---but like you do!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE--(Think we watching same stork)----Read the nest was attacked 2 or so times by an alien stork yesterday!---Things are okay this am.--& this isn't unusual!!!

normabyrd said...

PA SITE---a couple 'fat' squirrels!
Might not see many turkeys---I read spring season comes in a couple of weeks or so?----

MITS said...

bath time for the elephants at the zoo:)

Costume Lady said...

GLO...You are a sweetheart for trying to help me, but that didn't work either. Clicked on your link and it would not open. Just sat there and looked at me.

Costume Lady said...

I'm hoping to get one of my daughters over here to help me. That is difficult because they both are sooooooooo busy.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!!---Great to hear you brag on you new EAGLETS!!----Just a typical EAGLE DAD!!---Looking forward to seeing your new pics!!!!

Costume Lady said...

SUZ...THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending the photos of the eggs and babies from our nest while we were away! I keep forgetting to thank you and let you know how much I appreciated you thinking of me. I had 500 emails and it took a long time to look at all of them inbetween unloading the Motor Home and washing a month's worth of dirty clothes and checking in on my Mom; reading a ton of mail and paying bills; raking leaves and mowing grass, etc...etc.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Don't worry---Every one on the blog knows more about the computer than I EVER WILL!!---I just go along---ask DUMB questions & all the kids are so nice to help me!!----DANA called me & talked me through the RP a few weeks ago!!
Everyone is so nice---and want to help!

Costume Lady said...

We saw a HUGE turkey in our woods yesterday morning. Gene went outside to take a photo and it took off flying. I had no idea a big turkey like that could fly so high. It was like watching a 747 take off!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Norma... you will NEVER meet a nicer group of people than the ones on this blog. I truly missed all of you while we were away.

Costume Lady said...

I am hoping we will get to see the turkeys bring their babies to the feeding station on the Pa. site. That would be cool!

Costume Lady said...

rtsp:// This is the URL I have for the Real Player. Is this correct?

glo said...

yes Wanda that is the link I have put into my Real Player. I am sure you have done this too but maybe Open Real Player and under File go to Open Menu and put that url you have here in there one more time...hit OK and see what happens.

Does yours not respond at all or just say like some of us at times..Loading Loading etc etc.
Maybe since it isn't working for you anyway. Remove Real Player and then re install it.

I sure hope someone gets over there to help you soon.

normabyrd said...

BC---Feeding the little EAGLET---She looks so 'tiny' next to our big "EAGLETS"!!!----so many shadows on the nest--sometimes appears to be 2 EAGLES feeding!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO---I think I missed you earlier!---ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY!!

Suzanne said...

Hi again. Busy day today. Norma, I think we are watching the same stork nest. I went and read what you were talking about earlier. The intruder stork. She does have 3 eggs, and they think the intruder may be the original female (Luna) who returned to the nest late this year. So hubby, Cico, decided she wasn't coming back and found a new female. Looks like Luna is outta luck for this nest now. But makes interesting reading. I had forgotten they had English posted too.

Suzanne said...

You're welcome, Wanda. I had a whole file folder and thought better of it. I knew you were away and was really trying to limit my emails to you. At least you got to see some of the babies while they were babies.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning all!

Wanda is #1 again!

Here's another video from yesterday you might enjoy! From Barton's Cove -

Stuck in the cup!

normabyrd said...

HEY HELEN---Are you watching?

MITS said...

am I watching what, Norma???

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE feeding chicks

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA & THANKS---You video on the "STUCK EAGLET"--is so COOL!!

normabyrd said...


indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good morning everyone again;
I posted some of the photos i
took yesterday afternoon and the
light was not to good with lots of
shadows,but at least you can see
the young.I will have to get there
in the morning so the sun will be
at my back and not behind the nest.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

MITS said...

darn, can't Norma, getting ready for ZOO!!!, will see him tomorrow:):)

Suzanne said...

Man, Tai is having a blast climbing! Oh, down he comes, and off he goes running! Wonder if Pandas have crazy hour like cats! Look at him go! Oh, we've caught a red ball, now gonna kill it. Nope, it's dead, gonna go chase something else....only he can see.

normabyrd said...

WOW----The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is truly showing everyone an EXCITING TIME!!----He has climbed up a tree & is truly doing somersaults on the limbs-----He is a born SHOWMAN!!---the little IMP!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just arrived in our nest...I think with some fresh fluff

MITS said...

Well, damn, the little hoot will be asleep by the time I get there and 200 people will ask me....WHEN IS HE GOING TO WAKE UP???????

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Mom gone off the back of the nest

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----TAI does that running around his estate every morning & also at times in the afternoon!!---(he does need a playmate---but I know he can't have one)----ENTERTAINING isn't he?????

Suzanne said...

Too funny, Helen, but he was just having a blast! And yup, he'll be all tuckered out. Tell them he just finished climbing a tree, doing somersaults in the branches, then getting down and taking off like his pants were on fire! Found a red ball, killed that dead, and went after his next conquest. But it was an alien only he could see, but I'm sure he killed that dead too. What a hoot!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, he was hilarious!!! Just too funny. Loved his upside down in the tree branch trick, which turned into his somersaults. Tooooo funny!

normabyrd said...

WOE IS ME!!---Just lost RP!!!!

MITS said...

yep, that's a volunteer basic, you shoulda been here this!

MITS said...

mine is gone too!!!!!!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

POPE---crowd sang--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!---KATHLEEN BATTLE singing "Lord's Prayer" as only she can sing it!!----She is GREAT!!

normabyrd said...

POPE truly enjoyed the HAPPY BIRTHDAY tribute---He was all smiles!!----

normabyrd said...

"THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC" being sung for POPE by the ARMY CHOROUS!!---makes one get 'goose bumps'--- and want to march--just too--beautiful-----crowd is waving flags--- (photos now)---POPE & PRES. left scene---

paula eagleholic said...

Live feed is back on!

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. I have had a busy morning here today. I had the cam open and would check in, but have lost it now.

Suzanne said...


deb said...

Thanks, Paula, that wasn't out too long.

Suzanne said...

Those ospreys in the BWO nest have been there most of the morning. Looks like more sticks have been added, too. Maybe we'll get a nesting pair yet!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning NBG. This is the first day in a long time I've been able to keep that cam up for more than 5 minutes without it going black. Finally.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, look at those wing flaps!

MITS said...

darn missed the ferry:(

deb said...

Dave, great pictures, you can really see all three eaglets!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Late Morning To You All!

I've been busy this am & just now got to read the morning news from your comments.
Live Feed is up now for me but not until just recently. I couldn't get it to come up & when I finally clicked on the link Glo posted - it started. Funny because I have the same page & same link but it just didn't work. Life can get complicated some times.

Sharon touch base with all of us who love you when you get some news about your aggravation!

Beautiful day for the Zoo, Helen.

Norma - are you without a car for now? Remember to take your cane with you when you go walking! It gives you an elegant look!

Suzanne said...

Scotland ospreys off the eggs! Look quick,

Suzanne said...

Never mind, he's on them now. Switch

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I have seen the BWO crew ---mating--mating a zillion times!!---Think they are nesting--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---No they won't take car for a few days---then will have it about 4 days---W/rent!!---Thanks!

Mema Jo said...

Watched some of the clips, Suzanne on the Scotland osprey. They are from last year & looked great. I like reading the daily news items. Chrissy had told us about him pecking her on the head deliberately when she was nagging him. Too funny...

normabyrd said...



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!---How's your weather?---OREGON still has a snowy nest---But appeared the EAGLES had been there!!

paula eagleholic said...

Look at our eaglets, all lined up in a row at this end of the nest!

Suzanne said...

Oh Jo, missed Chrissy's telling us. I'm so far behind on the blogs I may never catch up! That was hilarious. Didn't know you read their daily diary! Too funny.

Time for me to hit the road. Helen, have fun at the zoo this afternoon! It's beautiful out there now.
Norma, I'll pet the kids for ya!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

deb said...

It is 54 and cloudy here today, Norma. Thank goodness the winds quite during the night. I lost some limbs yesterday, so have to clean up the back yard today.

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I think SPUNKY knew something about that spot that we didn't know!!---They all seem to want to stand there too!!!!----And they ain't movin' back!!---Aren't they growing faster than I remembered!!

deb said...

Both eagles in OR.

paula eagleholic said...

Big fish delivery~!

normabyrd said...

DEB---My place is a mess!---I have lost more limbs & TREES than I have in the last few years!!--Beautiful here too--temp 62°--but are night are cold!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I swear he's bringing in Pike!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle got there first this time and waited for Lib to land. It took her 2 seconds to snatch up that fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Lunch is served!

normabyrd said...

DEB--Thanks---I haven't seen them there before---DAD flew away---Do you think they will nest with that much snow?---I think ME has done it---& they have such strong winds too!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Jim, Sharon, Megan, Wanda, Mits, Krs, Paula, Norma, Glo, Dave, Deb, Jo, and Watchers.

Need to retry my RP lose live feed.

wvgal_dana said...

Awww now that's a beautiful sight our eaglet chicks getting fed ( :

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA!---Hope you are feeling better!----How can we entice our EAGLETS to move down to this end!!---ho!---They are growing by the hour!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Norma I don't know I guess when food is at this end. The eaglet chicks will come running to this end then lol

wvgal_dana said...

Feeding chick at BC and still one egg. Don't know if it will hatch?

Our parent at 12 o'clock position laying at feet is #3 born then at 10 o'clock is #1 born looking out sitting up and #2 born laying down at 9 o'clock.

movin said...


How goes the birding this morn??



paula eagleholic said...


normabyrd said...

DANA---You have mail!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!----Everything is wonderful when RP is working!!---I have been a HAPPY CAMPER today!!----Remember--I'm easy!

movin said...

All the chicks are getting a good feed now.

Everybody thinks #1 is female and
#3 is male, but #2 is kind of a mystery to me. For a long time I thought it was female, but lately it's been looking more male.

What do you think?



paula eagleholic said...

Belle was feeding a few more bites to 2 of the chicks, then she took off to the back right, upwards.

Mema Jo said...

Jim - I feel that #1 & #3 are females
I think that #2 has the characteristics of a Male.

I know that everyone thought of little Spunky as a male - but I felt she was a female.

JMHO........ lol
as long as they all fledge successfully I guess we'll never know

Now off for my panda nap.....

Incidentally, I think Helen turned off all of the sloth bear cams at the zoo!!!!!

normabyrd said...

JIM----I think #1 is male---& #3 female----

normabyrd said...

WHOA JO-!!---I was CERTAIN SPUNKY was female---but everyone else was sure she was male!!---She was very independent---did things completely different than the other 2!!! I was sure she was a WOMAN!!!

deb said...

I don't know what any of them are, but will go with #1 female, so bossy; #2 male, very laid back; # 3 female, sticks up for herself, being the youngest. Too bad we won't ever find out.

deb said...

I called to have the tree removed in my backyard about 45 minutes ago and they are here already. Yesterday's wind did it in and they agreed that it is best to take it out.

glo said...

Ahh the old male female debate.
I think 1 and 3 are female and 2 is male. The first year I watched I too thought Spunky to be a male at first but now as I watch females longer I do infact think Spunky was a Female.

The tape with Spunky's Great Steal taking food from oldest then Named Big Boy I think we actaully lucked out on and even though the odds are against it, I do think Big Boy was a male. Just had an overall mellower personality than Ms In Between or Spunky.

Spunky was very very well named and I hope and pray that Spunk has that wonderful eaglet still soaring free with all our hearts on "her" wings.

normabyrd said...

GLO----I was sure SPUNKY was female---& just supposed the other two were male----I only doted on SPUNKY---My motto for her was-----SHE IS WOMAN--HEAR HER ROAR!!---She was always alone & the other two had each other!! ho!---I--TOO--PRAY SHE IS SOARING HIGH----"WE ALL LOVED HER"---Will never forget how much we loved her!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, there is now a female for sure in the's Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

I think she brought back her own lunch.

Mema Jo said...

Flamingo's are napping out in the sun
Su Lin on SD cam
Atlanta Panda Cutie not to be seen

deb said...

That has to be the fastest tree removal in history. They have to come back and do the stump removal after the city marks the underground stuff, but they are already cleaned up and gone. I will miss the shade, but won't miss the worry about the wind anymore.

Mema Jo said...

You may want to send them to my back yard & then over to Norma's! The winds this year or the age of the trees have really taken down the branches!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE - feeding chicks

Geesh Deb, wish they had service like that around here...seems like tree trimmers are expensive and hard to get here anytime quickly

deb said...

I was expecting them to just stop over and give me an estimate, but they had just finished a job and had time. Yesterday's winds were horrible, I hope we don't have anymore like that for quite awhile.

Lolly said...

Peter Cottontail is in the CO nest! :(

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Lolly, no doubt about that!

Mema Jo said...

Family has arrived for dinner.
BBL this evening...........

Lolly said...

Still just two eggs in Scotland.

Those of you who mentioned the videos of the Scotland nest, where did you locate them on the Scotland site? I've tried, but no luck. Probably right under my nose!

deb said...

My internet connection has gone wacky this afternoon, takes forever to do anything.

movin said...

That's very interesting, friends.

I thought everyone I.D.'d the first chick as female....but nobody, who responded to my question, agreed with my view.

Might be interesting (if you were wearing body armor) to relate the opinions to our own youthful positions in our families.

I'm off to try to find an on-line site for keeping track of the Pope's visit....



paula eagleholic said...

heading home...c u later!

movin said...

I've had the live feed minimized for a couple of hours, and it's still working well, and it's picture is closer in quality to the 30 sec cam than it was a couple of days ago.



deb said...

I have finally fixed my problem, unplugged and turned off DSL, restarted computer and I am back to normal.

paula eagleholic said...

Dinner time our nest...

Gotta go mow, BBL

paula eagleholic said...

They are wolfing down some big chunks of fish

deb said...

I spoke too soon, about the only thing working right is live feed!

paula eagleholic said...

I agree Jim, Live feed quality is much improved!

normabyrd said...



deb said...

That box is going to be full when they all hatch!!

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON---Been thinking of you---how did things go this afternoon?----Hope "all is well"!!

normabyrd said...

DEB--JO reminded me last night-- that after they hatched LAST YEAR!!----They just disappeared!---That's why I keep checking!!

deb said...

I've been working in the yard, take a break and check in on the cam and blog. It is nice to be able to be outside in a t-shirt--no coat!

Mema Jo said...

Just che3cked out the Wood duck and her hatchlings. Nest box is really getting filled and it is about 78°
They think the hatchlings will evacuate the nest box sometime tomorrow. Guess we will need to be watching - however, how are we going to get a view of them jumping.

MITS said...

OH WOW! look at all them duckies

MITS said...

big turkeys in PA.

deb said...

I am getting frustrated, every time I think I have my speed back I lose it and start all over.
this time I cleared all history, now I will have to sign in again.

MITS said...

eagle at KENT

deb said...

Can i get the duck site again, I can't find it after last shut down.

MITS said...

Bummer, Deb......

MITS said...

juvie at TESORO....looks like it is eating

deb said...

I haven't seen them sit on that branch much at kent.

MITS said...

link is on its way, Deb

Mema Jo said...

They will try to take a video of the ducklings jumping out of the nest box. We'll be able to see them inside of the box going to the opening to jump.

floralgirl said...

Adult just arrived in nest-now both-with a fish!

deb said...

Got it, thanks. I had counted 9 at one time, but it is hard to tell how many there are.

MITS said...

What do you call a bunch of ducks???

deb said...

The snow disappeared in OR today.

MITS said...

ah, Parent is making chicks walk for their dinner

deb said...

I just looked in on the Chickadee's, there are 6 in that nest that hatched on Apr. 2.

Mema Jo said...

MITS: A bunch of ducks is a lot of

Mema Jo said...

Those 6 little Carolina Chickadees in TX are so snuggled in their nest of

deb said...

I can't believe how good the cam picture is!

MITS said...

I don't believe you said that Jo.......roflmbo!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

eating again

MITS said...

well, my cam pic is on but, it always seems to have a waviness to it, not all together the clearest I have seen compared to other cams I watch regularly

Mema Jo said...

Hippity Hoppity Move the Food!!

deb said...

Weird, isn't it. Mine is clear as can be today.

deb said...

CO nest has fish, bird and rabbit all in the nest. They must be having bird right now, there are feathers in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Spidey has started the WEB!

floralgirl said...

My pic looks pretty good, seems clearer. What is really weird is I tried to open FWS sites on daughter's laptop earlier and had no problem at all,even the 30 sec cam came right up, but on my computer I still can't open any FWS site.

MITS said...

that is weird, Megan....still can't get it here

deb said...

Osprey in Wildwatch, snow in CO.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - maybe a firewall on your???

Mema Jo said...

Helen - I could NOT get the DCZoo slothbear cams to open today! All the others were ok. Panda, kiwi bird & flamingos were ok too.

Mema Jo said...


floralgirl said...

I don't know, I'm looking into that, the thing is I hadn't changed anything on my computer when the problem started happening. I think it is their security - as if certain sets of computer IP numbers are being blocked from the FWS sites.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...