Friday, April 25, 2008


New thread. I'm told that some of the access issues for those that have not been able to see the cam have been resolved, which is good news.


paula eagleholic said...

Good morning, Eagleland

Thanks for the new thread Steve...glad to hear some of those issues have been resolved

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve and Paula...
Lib (maybe) is feeding chicks and guess who is up front?

Mauley said...

Hi Paula, and all of you dear ones on here, Paula, you are our number one eagleholic this moring. and thanks for new thread Steve. Paula, have we officially named our babies? I think Pearl, Middy, and Tiny will always be their names to me. I may have missed the naming. I lurk quite a bit at work and can't get live cam, but I see the nest is quite full now of food and eagles. Fill me in a little if you can.

Costume Lady said...

It doesn't look like anyone is eating. Maybe Dad isn't up to feeding them just yet.

Mauley said...

Hi Wanda, have you guys and gals ever seen a nest where the feather babies are so near the same size. AHHHHHHH, it is our great parents, for sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Mauley, we haven't seleted any names yet...guess I should start asking for names...

Mauley said...

Paula, sounds like a plan to me. It seems we have already named them in our hearts. Can you believe how our Little Bit of Fluff has grown here lately? better get to class BBL

normabyrd said...

SECOND GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thanks STEVE!!---How are your house repairs moving along???---Wish you all the best!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA!!---You have always been our #1 EAGLE MOM!!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Steven, it is wonderful news. Don't know what changed but I am so grateful it did!

Costume Lady said...

Good Golly Miss Mauley, those babies have been fed so well and taken care of so carefully that in another few days, we won't be able to tell any of them apart.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---How are you seeing our EAGLETS?---My RP is still down!!---

normabyrd said...

Do you folks have RP?

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, live feed is down...can you get the 30 second cam?

Costume Lady said...

Norma, I am seeing our nest from the 30 sec. cam.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone i have come
over.Thanks Steve,

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

normabyrd said...

Thanks Paula!!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA SHARON!!---Now I understand your comment!!!

Suzanne said...

OMG, jackdaw laid another egg within the last half hour! Cool, now we have 4 eggs. Normal clutch I think is 4-5, so we'll see. Man, that is just too cool.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, morning, everybody! Got so excited when she got up, had to post that. I think she just laid it. How come out little one is up at the top of the nest all alone? The other 2 are at this end, and have been, but baby is up with parent.

NatureNut said...

Hello to All Fellow Animal Lovers!! We have lots to watch today----wood ducks hatching, etc.I swear I'm going to try & see one bailing out! Off work today.
My live feed was down too.

Lolly said...

Good morning Paula, Norma, Dave, Wanda, Mauley, and Sharon!!!!

We're back!!!! Flew to Norfolk Monday but it was raining. could not go to the nest. I tried not to pout! Then we went to Williamsburg and we had a wonderful few days! Ohh, I am so tired now!!! Yesterday, we drove back to Norfolk and we had maybe 30 minutes we could go to the Botanical Gardens. I told the lady at the dest why I was there. She was so excited I could come. (Nice, huh?) She brought me up to date. How the female had been restless, was it Tuesday?, looking down in the nest. She also told me the male is NOT being good about bringing food, but that she seems to be doing okay. She gave us clear directions to the nest which is really close. I was all but jumping up and down when I saw it!!!! All we could see was her beautiful white head above the nest. I took pictures, however, it is a digital camera with not much zoom, so do not know how they will look. We climbed the tower, had our binoculars, so we could really see her. I was grinning ear to ear. Then we had to hurry to the airport. Could only admire the gardens we walked through. We will have to go back because what we saw was beautiful!

Got home late, totally exhausted but will live! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning on this New Thread (ty Steven):Paula, Mauley, Dave, Sharon, Norma, Wanda, and Suzanne.

Norma re-try and see if you can now get the 30 second refresh cam.

NatureNut said...

Just saw jackdaw w/the 4 eggs!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Morning Nature, did not mean to skip you!

Lolly said...

Morning Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Nature and Lolly.
Lolly still sounds like you had an exciting time at NBG.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Thanks for the new thread Steve & I do need to read the early morning commentaries! You all are so good at keeping me up to date.

Wood ducks' fledging I think will be the highlight of the morning. I hope I see some of them as I do have an appointment later.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly right now that are taking the cam in and out. She is up and looking strangley into the egg cup???????????????

Lolly said...

Morning Jo! Everytime I refresh I see a new name!

Whoops! Now I gotta leave. Jack wants to take the van in to check the tires. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo ( :

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Home Lolly! I've been thinking of you & hoping the weather accommodated you in Wmsbrg.. And to get to see the NBG nest - that was a thrill!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana! I hope you have a relaxing day!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' NATURENUT---LOLLY & JO!!---Think I have greeted everyone one else -- on the other blog!!---GORGEOUS DAY here in WV!!----

Suzanne said...

Both adults in NBG. Sounds like you had a good time, Lolly.
Mrs. Jackdaw is off her 4 eggs!

Mauley said...

LOLLY . . . . . . . . . . Be still my heart. . . ., I am so glad you got to see the NBG nest. I can just imagine why you were jumping up and down. What a blessing your report on the nest has been for me. Thanks so much donna

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---Bet you did have a wonderful time!!!!----I had that same feeling the first time I saw our EAGLES in Shepherdstown!!---I JUST LOST IT TOO!!--Exciting isn't it????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, every day in WV is a beautiful day!! :)

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I see the JACKDAWS are married now!!!---

deb said...

Hi everyone, just checking in. Snow, Snow, Snow. It is snowing just about everywhere in SD. You would think the mountains would be the worst place, but I would be getting worse weather if I were home.

normabyrd said...

OH SHARON!!---I know that---you know that---lots of others don't--YET!! ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!---Sorry you are snowed in!!!----ENJOY!

deb said...

Time for breakfast and sightseeing, talk to you later.

Mema Jo said...


Suzanne said...

Gee whiz, by the time I brought up the wood ducks, the nest was MT. These guys fledged a lot faster than the other wood ducks! How many eggs hatched??? Anybody know?

normabyrd said...

PA PEREGRINE FALCON-----She is in her nest box & there is a spider web over her!----Looks as if she is pinned in & can't get out!!---FUNNY--FUNNY!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE--Don't know---when I checked earlier---The little "DUCKLETS" were climbing all around & over her!!!

NatureNut said...

Gosh darnit! Saw Mom wood duck in the door & was away. Now they all must have jumped! Wonder if there are any more to hatch?

Lolly said...

I'm back!! Oh, yes, it was exciting to see the nest. It is so neat now to look at the cam and KNOW where it is and how it is situated. The lady at the info desk was so nice too. She said she comes down there on her day off just to look at the nest.

Jo, it was a little rainy Tues. at Williamsburg, but it was on and off and the clouds kept it cool, so we were thankful for that. The rain did not slow us down. We have been there many times and just love it. Everytime something new happens and the gardens there were just beautiful!

NatureNut said...

Lolly, Thx for your travel report! Great you got to go back to NBG when the weather got better!

Lolly said...

When we were leaving the gardens, we had to brake for a turtle! Jack got out and moved him way off the road. Did his good deed for the day! :)

Lolly said...

I read some of yesterday's blog. Trying to catch up! Not going to try to read Mon-Wed. Anything I should know? And, what about Scotland? Someone said she is not eating?????

Mema Jo said...

I love Williamsburg - Seems like you can always see something new or something you missed last time there.

Headed out now for appointment. Our
30 sec cam makes our guys look sooooo

Suzanne said...

how very cool. when did they change the PA falcon site? I haven't read the blogs for a while, just no time. Didn't even bring it up for a couple days till Norma said something about the spider web. That is so very cool. And I can actually watch her!
Lolly, Scotland lady is eating. Read back through today's early AM reports.
Dang, just lost PA cam. Came right back, tho.

normabyrd said...

LATER--lunch date

movin said...


Live feed down last time I tried it. :~((

Naturenut, no more Wood Duck eggs will hatch. They always lay a lot, and most will hatch withing about a 24 hr. period; then all the hatchlings take the jump in a short time. [Very exciting sight outside the nest at the jump time]

Then that's it for that nest until the next nesting period.



movin said...

Suzanne, have a safe drive home and a great weekend.



Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! Thanks, you have a great weekend too! We're supposed to get rain starting later this afternoon, and continue through Sunday morning. UGH. But at least Sunday isn't going to be a washout. So they say...

Norma, have fun at lunch!

Costume Lady said...

Wonderwoman is shouting out to her mate and, if you listen closely, you can hear him answering her back.

Costume Lady said...

The Geese disturbed their interaction.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day and weekend. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

wvgal_dana said...

DebWhat was the Osprey site you took pic or video of on the water?

MITS said...

Hello, the M&M girls are down for a nap.....Ceil and I are going to get a fast lunch before they wake up....TTUL

MITS said...

Dana, Deb is not at her home til Monday, she is writing from SD...

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry it wasn't Deb it was Naturenut on your site. Where is the cam for the Osprey nest on the water??????????

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Well it's about time for me to
head home and check on the eagles
here.I will be gone for two weeks
on vacation.I will take lots of
photos of wildlife.Everyone have
a great weekend and the next two

Indiana Nesting Eagles-----Dave

Costume Lady said...

DAVE, have a wonderful time! You forgot to tell us where you are going. Secret?

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Dave mums the word I won't tell anyone where you are going on vacation.......since I don't know.......cause you didn't tell me either ...... lol

Costume Lady said...

Angus finally came to see what Isla wanted....left without leaving any food. Maybe she told him she was hungry and he's gone fishing.

NatureNut said...

Dana, If you're talking about the Finland cam sites, the address is;

No.1 is the osprey nest on the beautiful water view (where we used to see sea eagles) and No.2 is the jackdaw nest.

paula eagleholic said...

OUr kids are still all laying at the back of the nest...sure hope they can get the RP up today...

Lolly said...

Still no live video! :(

Lolly said...

And, no video at NBG!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

With GAS prices going through the
roof i will not be driving to far.
I will load up the canue and do
a little river traveling,and camp
as i go,and enjoy some of gods

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Dave that will be awesome vacation. When I was younger I had a canoe and my dog and I would canoe all the time. My dog love the " ^ " the V that was up in ever front of canoe. She would stand on that spot as I paddled. She loved the breeze and and water hitting her lol
Have a greatttttttttttt time I know you will ( :

Lolly said...

Time to go work in the yard. Yell is the feed is up!

wvgal_dana said...

NatureNut it is the 1st picture you have on NatureNuts Nook an opsrey nest???

NatureNut said...

Dave, Have a great trip. Sounds lovely! Hope the weather is good.

NatureNut said...

Dana, Oh, your talking about pics I took. The big nest pics in the tree are the eagles.
I did take pics of the osprey platform nest on the water--Patuxent River. Other pics are the same nest on the TV screen inside Visitor Center. It's not online.

Bird Girl said...

Is anyone else getting an error on the wood duck cam?

I think our little one should be Patty, short for Patrick/Patricia, since he/she hatched on St Patty's Day!

OMG what is going on in our nest?? Someone was just exercising their wings and had liftoff!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

I am home - just checking in - 30 sec is better then no seconds...

I am a bit exhausted from the running
Taking a brief rest (Panda Nap)
Will be back shortly........

Bird Girl said...

got a couple of great shots from the Finland cam...

floralgirl said...

Live feed is still down here:(

wvgal_dana said...

Oh OK Nature thought it looked like a great Osprey nest to watch (no cam). So I'll quick looking lol

wvgal_dana said...

Norfolk is back up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, that was short lived. Live feed is back down again!

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone gotten the Osprey site that is listed on the Maine page?

NatureNut said...

Dana, The Park got our osprey cam online for a very short period last summer.
If they get it to work again, I will certainly let everyone know. (I hate taking pics of TV screen!! :-) )
My live feed is still down :-(

NatureNut said...

Al tho the TX wood duck site is not showing the nest box anymore, they ARE showing some good pics at bottom under Daily Highlights---such as the last duck climbing out!! I'm so glad to see that--Bless them!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a nice fish at 6 in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

I sent Steve an email...

TroubleInWVa said...

Good afternoon everyone! Ugh! I am having severe eaglet withdrawal! Is everyone having trouble getting the live feed, or is it just me??? I havene't been able to see the babies all day and it's starting to take it's toll! lol
Could someone post the Wood Duck link again? I forgot to add it to my favorites. Thanks!

Everyone have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

Merina...we all have had problems with Live Feed today. Have you tried tghe 30 sec. cam? Wood Ducks:

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I surely do wish they wouldn't get so close to the edge!

Costume Lady said... Shepherdstown 30 second cam.

Costume Lady said...

Hi Sharon, do you have Live Feed?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Wanda, just the still but am so grateful to have that!

movin said...

ZZ is cavorting in the tree in close-up right now.



paula eagleholic said...

Eating time our nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Hee Hee...I got WAX!!

wvgal_dana said...

back again me is

I was taking a much needed panda nap...due to neck, should, arm, hand and back pain. Fell asleep about 2:45....husband woke me 3:46 to tell me phone call I didn't hear ring right beside me and that he had to leave to pick up his GGD to take her someplace.......grrrrrrrrrrr
If I was asleep why not write me note!!!!!!!
Anyhow I am awake look at feeding in our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula or anyone : Has anyone tried opening the Osprey cam on the BioD site Maine site???

movin said...

Dana, I was reading the blog at Maine the other day when Mits or Jo told us there would be no eggs this year, and I read that the Osprey cam had taken a lightening strike last winter and Dr. Wing (I think it is) would be trying to fix it soon.



wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jim for the answer.

paula eagleholic said...

See ya'll much later, going to dinner for DIL birthday....

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi - just dropping in before I head home for the weekend. I, like others, have not been able to get the live feed all day today. I can get the refresh, but not the real action. :-(

Have a good weekend everyone. Oh, I forgot to mention that a I saw an eagle along the river on my way home last evening. It was the first I've seen since last Fall. I have seen 1 or 2 ospreys every day this week!

NatureNut said...

Adult in the nest & part of Spidey's old circle web in top corner!

floralgirl said...

Well darn- why have we gone all day with no live feed??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My live feed just came up!

JohnNCTC said...

Live feed should be up, just got home and restarted the feed. have a great night.

floralgirl said...

Thank you John:)

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Raining here and at the nest now.

MITS said...

OH WOW.....Spidey has been busy

MITS said...

hope the rain washes spideys' web away

Lolly said...

Look at OK quick. Both eagle parents up on the camera post.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everyone. I see spidey has done his thing. Just got my watering done. tomato's are a little droopy.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh the loon cam in Maine is on again. the loons are in the lake and doing their thing. when you get a minute you ought to read their blog. Its really interesting.

Lolly said...

Both adult eagles still on the horizontal rail above the nest in OK and you can see the eaglets moving around. Still only count two.

Lolly said...

Spidey is soon going to have the cam blocked!

MITS said...

OK replied to an e-mail I sent them this week, Lolly, there are only 2 eaglets, the other 2 eggs did not hatch

Lolly said...

Just saw where BWO has it's first egg.

Lolly said...

Thanks Mits! I will now stop looking for a third!

Mema Jo said...

I just got RP up/Running. I hope that web catches all the rain drops!
It is really a Dream Catcher!

Hi everyone.

MITS said...

what wonderful news about BWO....hope they have better luck this year, than last:)

Lolly said...

Guess the OK eagles will spend the night on that rail. Looks sorta scary to me, but guess it is no different than a tree limb.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the heads up Lolly!

Congrats Lisa on your 1st osprey egg!

Wood Duck news was that:Last one out! Apr 25, 2008 -
The last duckling makes its way out of the nest box to join its siblings. 13-14 eggs are left behind. It is likely, due to the size of the clutch and the frequent visits of the other female wood duck, that this nest experienced brood parasitism. If the egg dumper laid her eggs significantly later than the original eggs, then they would not have been incubated enough to have hatched by today

Would have been great if the other wood duck would have jumped in there and incubate her eggs.

MITS said...

Nest Update

Egg Alert!

Our female was looking like she might be working at laying an egg, and it now appears we have the first egg of the season.

And here's mom rolling the new egg.


Lolly said...

Going to go get ready for bed. Worked hard in the yard today and still tired from our whirl wind trip.

MITS said...

Dawn in FINLAND, osprey in nest

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, I see the live feed finally came on...spidey's web looks much bigger when it's wet!

Anne-Marie said...

I am going to get out of these pantyhose and crash. Brandon (GS)has gone home and the house is still . I might even chatch up on some TV. boy my life is exciting. Wow to be single and in california. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, John...guess we will have to add our own sounds for the weekend!

Lolly - glad you are back and had a great time at NBG, even though you didn't get to stay for very long

Mits - how are the M&M girls? My 2 1/2 yo GS is well...2 1/2!!

Dinner was great, DIL whole family was there...

Osprey egg at BW is wonderful!

Interesting about the wood ducks eggs...wonder why other Mom wouldn't incubate?

Rainy here too...was hoping it would hold I gotta figure out when I can mow!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Anne, you will have tomatoes soon! 3 months here till we get ours...

Mema Jo said...

Sun will shine Sunday & ground should be dry by then......

Finland site is so peaceful looking

Going to go ahead & get into comfortable bed clothing.....

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all being said..

Mema Jo said...

Check this out

Am I dreaming or did I miss the opening?

MITS said...

yeah, Jo that is Finny's old nest

MITS said...

wow,Paula times flys, can't believe GS is 2 1/2 years old already....the M&M girls were a lot of fun..

Mema Jo said...

Mits told me I missed the opening!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Finny's nest opened this week...

MITS said...


MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Good Night Again.....

Costume Lady said...

So happy to see our Live Feed is up, even though babes are sound asleep.
Took Mom and oldest daughter to China City Buffet....crag legs were very good (last week they were salty). Mom is still eating VERY well. Hope she is gaining weight. Wish I could give her some of mine.


paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

movin said...

Great news about the BW Osprey's egg. I've been thinking she's been laying down a lot in a position close to the r/h box wall, but the nest isn't as full as the Ospreys usually get it before laying.

It will be interesting to see if they continue to build it as the eggs are incubated.

Paula, on the Wood Duck, Wikipedia says the female lays 9-14 eggs, so the extras may belong mostly to other females (of course there could be some eggs that are infertile too).

Link below:

Woody's clutches



movin said...


Very interesting weekend coming up.



Chrissy Beahan said...


Hpoe your all as well as can be today !!!!

Just a pop in to say Hi,

I've done all the rounds that I can,,

Eagle Chicks:::::::
All in a huddle fast asleep,,aghhhhhh.

Osprey Scotland ::::::

Isla sitting,,but no sign of Angus,,I've been intouch with Morna at the reserve to ask about Angus failing to provide food,,,but at the mo they don't seem to think there is a problem,,,they also said if one arose they arn't allowed to interfere, which is such a shame,isn't it.

Pete's Pond:::::::::

At the moment I'm looking at a most beautiful "AADWOLF", she is absolulty wonderful, so pretty and sleepy on the bank onder a cooling tree, just sitting and enjoying the noonday breeze,,magical !!!

All the birds I can see seem well and happy, but with the time difference I can see many in the States as they are still in the dark.

speak later all
Take care
love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Just been reading up on the Aardwolf,,,,, now then,,it says they are "NOCTURNAL", so why is this little one out in the mid-day sun ????

The odd thing is,,,,it seems to be lying on a fluffy purple blanket,,,most perculiar ?????

Now a masive troup of Warthogs have turned up to wallow in the mud,,the babies are so cute, pity they have to grow up ugly !!!

Loads of Guinea Fowl arriving too,,,,

Fatty and mummy in the water,,I hope those warthogs don't go to close,,,,
I think the guinea fowls have made friends with the warthogs,where they go the birds do follow..

I'll keep up-dating,,,,

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

The Baboons have arrived,,, sitting under the tress like a group of old men chewing the fat about their day,, and some I think are training to be hairdressers, mutual grooming and the odd hug happeneing,,the big and I mean BIG male is getting all the attention,, being fawned over by all his hareem, the babies are sweet, but I don't think daddy thinks the same as I,,he makes em,,but thats about it !!!!

love and hugs

MITS said...


MITS said...


Everyone's waiting to see what Zhen Zhen does when she has her first encounter with snow. Come see for yourself on Sunday, April 27, when keepers will have frozen fun waiting for the pandas. If you can't get here in person, you can catch the action via the Panda Cam on our Web site.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---MORNIN' CHRISSY!!---'Our friend from across the pond'--Another BEAUTIFUL SUNNY -- PARTLY CLOUDY a.m. here in WV----"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY--PLUS 3"---temp. 55°---expecting rain showers---Must be a good a.m. to sleep in!!-----Even the "AWESOME 3" are still snuggled together!!----Another GLORIOUS morning-----LIFE IS GOOD!!---ENJOY!!!!-----

Chrissy Beahan said...


At last someone to talk to,,,,,

Already got my seat booked on the webcam,, lots of snow and fun to see,,can't wait,,I wonder what she will make of it all ????
Do you like all the info i've been posting,[laugh]..

just a lot of garble really to occupy myself while I waited for you all to get out of bed !!!

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Morning Norma pet,

Weather here nice and sunny for a change ???

My Cats think it's their birthdays,, sunny weather and they can go out in the garden and mess with my birds,,I've often wondered what cat pie tastes like ?????

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--GRANNY HELEN!!---What do the little granddaughters call you!!----Wish I could help you & CEIL----Give 'em "HUGS" from Auntie Norma!!----HAVE A FUN DAY!

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY----That is not a GOOD THOUGHT!!!----

Chrissy Beahan said...

Why not Norma pet,

If I cook a cat pie,,I get a bonus you know,,,all that fur would make lovely winter slippers,,,,,wouldn't it ????

Oh I can be awful can't I !!!!

love and hugs

I love my babies to bits, but I doesn't stop me from telling them that they are on thin ice from time to time.
Have you seen the photos of my babies ????

Chrissy Beahan said...

Close up of FATTY the Croc at Pete's Pond

OOOOOOOOOO he's a bigun !!!!

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

WELL at least it's two for three at the moment,,,,,

two eaglets out of bed and baby still asleep,,ahhhhhhhhhh, I wonder what they dream of ?????

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY---Checked -- CO nest---The 3 EAGLETS are alone---huddled together!!!--------OSPREY--KERSTEL--FALCON & OWLS are all on their nests!!!---

normabyrd said...

How many cats do you have CHRISSY?----SUZANNE---loves cats too!!--I have lost count of how many she has!!!---I have never had one---dogs yes!!

normabyrd said...

The VA LADY is looking so REGAL on the nest this a.m.----No sign of a hatching?

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Norma,

Two original Egyptian tabbies,,, twins,,,one girl Beauty and one boy Scamp they are 19 years old now and still play like kittens,their photoes are on the picture page we have on Yahoo if you want to go look pet.
The rule the household and they always get their own way,,spoilt really,, they were rescue cats from a sanctuary, and when i got them they were ferral, I had to tame them,and it took years of quiet love and gentle manipulation,, but Beauty still is quite nervious, doesn't like the doorbell, she hides under the bed when it rings.

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

Did you read about ALLIGATER in FLORIDA---broke thought the screen & crawled all through a lady's house & she didn't know it---until she ran into the 'thing'!!--
called --911---they wouldn't believe her!!--I think it was about 14 ft. long---CAN YOU IMAGINE???

Chrissy Beahan said...

Oh My Goodness !!!!!!

Fatty in full face very close up at Pete's Pond,,,he is ygly,,,but eyes closed and so far looks asleep,,sunny himself on the bank..

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY---That's a wonderful story----but I assumed that CATS were born 'SPOILED'!!!----ho!----They are so different from DOGS!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Oh Norma yes,,

It was on the BBC News the other day,,with a vidio of him sitting in her kitchen,, very scarey..

Glad all I have to bother about over here is [biggest wild animal]
a fox,,and my Sparrow Hawk Lady.
Now if that was in my house you all would be sending me a bouquet of lillies,[laughing]

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY---Can you see our EAGLETS now?---WOW!--They are "standing" & "walking"---Just saw #3 give a 'poop shoot'----I say this every day---but they truly GROW over night!!---Aren't they ADORABLE???

Chrissy Beahan said...

I was born and brought up on a farm in Cheshire Norma,, and have always been used to dogs too,, but since we moved down here to Worcestershire, I've had cats,,, when I got them I had to have them in a large cage that we put in the lounge,, they were in there for 20 weeks till I could get them to stop being so frightened, as they were so wild you see pet,,,, but it was more for Beauty really as Scamp was so tiny,I think he would of gone to anyone for warmth and love,,I could fit him in the palm of my hand and still have room over,, I had to feed him from am eye dropper every 2 hours night and day.
Beauty had me in Hospital twice,, it was my fault really,,,I was leaning into the cage to clean out the litter tray and both times she caught me across the wrist and severed a vein on both occasions, I have a rare boold group and it was a bit hairy at the time.
Bit it was totally my fault, I really must of scared the little darling.
And now Beauty will only come and sit on my knee, and its only the last couple of years that she has gotten used to Frank,,I think she is a man hater you know.
well that their story pet.

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY!!!---We don't have ALLIGATORS in WV----Only our southern states have them!---We do have BEARS!

Chrissy Beahan said...


got them on realplayer,,,, and have had them on since I got up at 6am,,though they were in the dark then pet..

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

I can't imagine keeping a cat that could do that!!---You are a BRAVE SOUL!!!----When I go to daughter's house--her cats can tell I am not their biggest fan-----so they like to come to me!!!-----

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY---Where is the other friend that used to blog with us often?---Remember she had a large farm & sent us pics of her cattle-----

Lolly said...

NRW THREAD! I am over there talking to myself. Come on over!

normabyrd said...

Now--I think the 'AWESOME 3' are
WAITING TO BE FED!----Patient aren't they??

Chrissy Beahan said...


it was quick,,

BEARS,,ooooI love bears as you know,, with my Pandas,, can't go an hour without watching my darling Mei Xiang and little Gobbo [Tia Shan]
Have you seen the Grizzlies from Churchill they are so funny.
But I wouldnt like to get to close to one not even beautiful Mei,,,I think as Cam Watchers we as humans tend to form a very personal relationship with them,, but it's always one sided,which is so sad, we know everything about them,,and they don't ever know we as watchers exsist, heart breaking isn't it.
I feel I know Mei so well that if I went into the encloser with her she would be my long lost friend,, BUT then reallity hits me in the head and tells me she is a Wild Bear and would tear me apart.

Silly old me, I get very emotional over my animals as you can tell pet.

love and hugs

normabyrd said...

Thanks LOLLY!!

Mauley said...

Good Morning all you dear ones out
there in Eagle Land. Wet day here can't mow grass or work in garden. Aren't our feather babies beautifl to behold this am? Read some of blog I missed and must confess to be a cat mama too. Most of my friends find it surprising to know that I as an avid birder, I am an ardent supporter of the feline persuasion as well. I have always adored cats, have never been without several, and never had one I chose for myself. Everyone single one of the little furbabies were throwaways or strays, who became princesses and princes in my household. I have done extensive research into the Feline Leukemia Virus, and with the help of our local vet persuaded several pharmaceutical companies to provide low dose oral alpha inteferon (a human cancer drug) for treatment of this horrible disease. My cats live long lives. My oldest 19 years. Losing her was a rite of passage. She and I had been through many stages of my life and she was a joy to me. Suzanne and all the rest of you cat mamas out there, add me to the kindred spirit place in your hearts. Have a blessed day in the name of the Lord, today. Huggs from donna

Mauley said...

Chrissy, I loved your story about your fur babies. I have had one feral kitty. She now sleeps as close to me as she can get, couldn't get a feather between us. I began to wonder if I could ever get her tamed. I haven't been able to watch the Humane Society's commercial on TV. It plays The Arms of the Angel in the background. When it came on, dear hubby had seen it, and advised me not to watch it. He said it broke his heart, and he didn't want me sleepless for several days. I pray for all the abused and neglected animals in our world, and I am sure that we will stand before our Maker and give an account of our stewardship of this earth. Ok, that's enough donna, get off your soapbox. Forgive dear ones, sometimes in my old age, I ramble. huggs and blessings from donna

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is up

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...