Monday, April 07, 2008

Family Photo

Here's a great "family" shot from Randy Robinson:

Also, We've gotten messages from folks on difficulties some are having with access to the live feed and the core eaglecam site. We are investigating.


indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Thanks randy great family photo
at breakfast time.

Indiana Nesting Eagles---Dave

Suzanne said...

Awesome shot, Steven, and thanks for the new thread.
Thanks for the heads up, Dave!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Steve.

I just posted on the other thread so I will redo it here.

The way the eaglets are laying, it looks like 1 big one with lots of wings.

movin said...


Thanks, Steven, Dave for the thread and heads-up. And many thanks to Suzanne for her early morning work on here.

How is everybody??

My live feed is working now, but I don't believe the sound is working.



grannyblt said...

Morning all from PA.
Our babies are getting huge. Have we named them yet?
I saw an egg at the CT osprey nest. There are eggs and hatchlings all over the web cams these days.
Wow, 300 starlings, no thanks I don't need any more. They are pretty though.
Off to take the 'girls' (dogs) to the beauty parlor. I am mad at Mom's golden retriever, she dug up the bleeding heart I planted yesterday. I guess she takes her backyard duties seriously--scare away the birds and squirrels and make sure nothing else appears in her yard.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! Haven't talked to you in quite a while. Glad you're getting your sleeping habits in order. Did you get your PC fixed?
Morning, Lynne. Too funny about the golden, but they like their stuff in order, I guess. Nothing strange in their area. Can you replant it, or is it destroyed?

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN'!!---INDIANA DAVE---SUZANNE--SHARON---MOVIN'JIM & LYNNE (GRANNYBLT)----I have missed you folks the last couple days---had guests & FLU!!----Things are looking up!!---LYNNE---You said a mouth full!!----EGG & HATCHLINGS are all over the web today!!!---Isn't it GREAT!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Helen! Our sea eagles have been in and out all morning. The Mrs has been laying on the egg cup. Hope that's a sign we're gonna get an egg!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Looks like Belle is moving fluff.

MITS said...

a cool 41° here, keeps those cherry blossoms around that much RP came up on its own this a.m., weird, but it is acting like a 30 second cam, not live stream

deb said...

Good Morning. The two chicks in CO are visible right now.

Suzanne said...

The male is back in Finland. What's with these guys, they keep missing each other!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Now the kids are moving sticks, or at least trying to. I think they are getting crowded in the nest bowl, lots of pecking going on lately.

Suzanne said...

Sea eagle, I mean.

Suzanne said...

We have two chicks Excel Energy!!!! Adorable!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow look at the size of the fish in CO eagle's nest!!! Huge for those 2 little babies. The babies have the egg between them. Too cute.

Suzanne said...

Hi all. Sorry, Deb, didn't see your post about the 2 chicks in CO. The first one hatched Friday, right? When did the second one hatch?

deb said...

The second one was on Saturday, Suzanne. BC should be hatching soon, also.

normabyrd said...

WOW!---Hard time getting back on blog!!----SUZANNE---I checked the CO CAM----COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EYES!!----An OSPREY in the OSPREY nest!!!---Wonder why the GEESE (who thought they were OSPREYS) MOVED!!!---WHOA!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!! ho!

deb said...

Norma, hope you are feeling better now. The flu this year is nasty stuff.

Both eagles in BWE, two ospreys in BWO.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN---PAULA & DEB!!---I must double back & check the CO chicks!!----Didn't see them 1st time!!

Suzanne said...

hahahah, Norma, I saw the osprey in the nest this morning and was very surprised!!! I thought those geese were gonna take over that nest. They sat there and watched the sunrise quite frequently! Too funny!
Sorry to hear you've been sick! Take your own advice, chicken soup!!!
Thanks for the CO eagle hatching info, Deb. Hope egg #3 hatches soon, they will be very close in size.
A BW parent is in nest with chicks. This is the first visit since about 6:15 this morning when the Mrs left!!! Hope she's feeding the babies and not just herself! The chicks are close in size, but you can really see the difference in their feathers coming in. One is very dark, the other is very light.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning everyone..
These little ones are sitting up real well.. I just knew that a poop shoot was coming.. An are we trying again.. Butt up Shoot!

movin said...

Somebody mentioned how much the Kent nest has been built up in a short time, so I took a look this morning..

Wow!! You can actually see the form of a nest on the camera already.

AND it looks like the BWO pair are here to stay the season. They're also adding more materials to the nest. [:~)]


Lolly said...

Good morning! We just had a fresh food delivery! Can you tell what it is? Live feed up and well!!Hoo! Haa! First try did not work, but had success a little while later.

Mema Jo said...

I saw both eagles at LWash nest
No osprey in Wildwatch nest site
CO babies are little fuzz balls & I hope the 3rd egg soon hatches.

Lolly said...

Feeding at CO. Egg still looks quite whole. Need a hatching!!!

Suzanne said...

CO babies are visible!

Mema Jo said...

I think it is time to turn on the view of Cam 3 at Kent nest.

deb said...

It is definitely time, Jo. Just think what we missed yesterday! You could see the sticks building up, but no eagles most of the time. You knew they were there, but couldn't see them.

MITS said...

yes, it is time!!!!!

MITS said...

So glad the Wild Watch osprey cam has been cleaned up

MITS said...

wonder when Spring comes to OR?

Mema Jo said...

Going to leave to have some blood work done - ouch! We are headed to Catonsville this evening to spend some time with Ryan before he leaves this Thurs to head back to Iraq. I'll be in & out this afternoon to see what is happening here.....

MITS said...

I have tried twice to e-mail Loraine and Garry, but it keeps bouncing back to me....Deb, if you get a chance see if you can e-mail her re: #3 cam, thanks.

deb said...

At this rate, the OR eagles will have to shovel out the nest just to lay the eggs. Parts of Minnesota had 2 feet of snow yesterday!

deb said...

Mits, e-mail is on the way.

deb said...

Dang George was just at Kent running up the limb on the right of cam 2.

MITS said...

Thanks, Deb....George needs to go....NOW!

Costume Lady said...

I have been wondering something. Did BWE have 3 eggs and if so, what happened to the 3rd one?
(Blogger Cop is awake...beware)

MITS said...

Think they only had 2, Wanda

Costume Lady said...

Oh, thanks Helen. I couldn't remember.

Suzanne said...

Both ospreys in BWO working on nest. Eagle still in NBG, looks wet and frazzled. Nobody said, so guess nobody knows if he was in a fight this weekend? Sure looks like it, poor thing. Wow, extreme closeup of osprey in Scotland! Beautiful. Big ol' fluffballs in CO owl nest are watching the world. They are huge.

MITS said...

osprey at WW nest

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Cube mate wants to use the computers, so who am I to stick around and deprive her????? Not this kid! See if we can get both Mr and Mrs Sea Eagle in the nest at the same time this afternoon. That would be nice....
Awesome Scottish osprey, gonna love that site.
Everyone have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

both osprey at Wild Watch cam

MITS said...

both osprey at BWO

deb said...

I restarted my computer, everything was running so slow, will see if this helps!

MITS said...

I have lost count how many times I have had to re-start Real Player for eagles...

deb said...

What is in the Finland nest?? Is it an osprey?

MITS said...


deb said...

It was all the sites for me, this morning, not just real player. Kent took forever to refresh.

I wish that bird would turn around in finland.

deb said...

Now I can see the head.

MITS said...

It is definitely an osprey, Deb

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone - Happy Eagle Day!
Just saw osprey in Finland nest. Wonder if there will be a territory fight.

deb said...

I was hoping the sea eagles would stay, we will have to see what happens.

I went to check on NBG and it does sound like they have had another intruder, but mostly it has been raining a lot. The great horned owlets (2) have fledged there.

MITS said...

well, if there is, don't think the osprey will win:(

MITS said...

poor NBG, what a season

deb said...

I hate to say this, but I lost my live feed. :(

movin said...

I had to get everything off the balcony patio again for the Power Washers ... they didn't make it this far last week.

Anyway, I left the Hummer feeder on the rail cap out there, so I just went out to see if I needed to bring that in yet. As I was staring around the corner in the direction of the spraying sounds, I saw this female Hummer hovering near this large tree right across the walk from me, and then she landed on this nest!

It's right in plain sight once you see it ... toward the end of a lower branch. Awesome sight!

Hope they don't Power Spray her and the nest away.



Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Everyone,,
are you all as well as can be today,,I hope so.

CAN I ask a question please !!!

Are any of you having problems with " REALPLAYER".

I can't get the babies on,, everytime I try it goes blank on me.

Megan its all you fault pet,, you said this morning that you couldnt get it,, so who should I, now I can't ohh boo hoo.

love and hugs

deb said...

How fun, Jim! Can you tell if she has eggs or little hummers in the nest?

NatureNut said...

Nuts! Mone just went down too!

deb said...

On that note, the sun is shining, which has been rare lately, I am off to enjoy the day. TTUL

movin said...

Hi, Deb,
I'll have to look later. The only reason I saw the nest was that she landed on it.



Chrissy Beahan said...

Just heard the News from the "Old Bailey",

its all finished and they have blamed the Driver and the press for Princess Diana's Death.

I knoew they would do that,, blaming a dead driver,,, typical isnt it,, we will never know the truth and if it was found it will never get published.

OOOOOOOOOOOOO makes me so cross.

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Just heard the News from the "Old Bailey",

its all finished and they have blamed the Driver and the press for Princess Diana's Death.

I knoew they would do that,, blaming a dead driver,,, typical isnt it,, we will never know the truth and if it was found it will never get published.

OOOOOOOOOOOOO makes me so cross.

love and hugs

MITS said...

I hear ya, Chrissy, shame, what a loss for the world when she died.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Just found this site in Puro Rain forest in Ecuador South America

At the mo there are lots of tiny little humming birds feeding and at times other animal visit too

love and hugs

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hi all; I have posted two new
photos,They are taken with my scope
and they are not to clear but there
are two babys.I will be glad when
they get larger so i can see better

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

paula eagleholic said...

I now have sound and a black screen

glo said...

Well right now I have sound on a black screen. Something kind of nice ot listen to for a while though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I have sound but no pic!

Mema Jo said...

What do you know? Getting to see the sea otter sisters napping at DC Zoo.
A sleeping sloth bear on 2A.
Norma's flamingos are napping with their tails towards the cam.
Think Tank is MT - no orangutans
The black-footed ferrets are also napping. Not a good time to check out the Zoo. Good time for Panda Naps
Also napping in the nests at NCTC if the cam pic is ok. Yes, Lost my live feed.

movin said...

I believe the first hummer in Irvine has fledged and the 2nd is hovering away from the nest...probably will fledge today.



MITS said...

nice pics, Dave

MITS said...

lots of hummers there, Chrissy

NatureNut said...

Heard squealing our nest. Got on 30 sec. cam & whole family was there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cool naturenut!! I can't get the still cam myself.

MITS said...

yep, sound no pic, no still....:(

MITS said...

opsrey back in Finland

glo said...

what if you bypass the opening page and just go directly here then can you see the
Still cam

NatureNut said...

Just saw parent feeding chicks on still cam (8 min. ago!)Can hear sound from live cam which helps alert us that something's going on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nope, Glo, still doesn't work for me.

MITS said...

thanks, Glo, still cam, STILL did not work

glo said...

so sorry. Like Dave I am watching one and listening to the other. One parent there now. 3 babes pretty well sacked out looks like lunch is over.

glo said...

oooops not Dave its naturenut. Well sometimes watching nature can drive ya just a wee bit nuts

movin said...

The Power Washers have finally arrived.

Have a nice day. I must switch to another mode for a time.

Later.. [:~D]


glo said...

Think its Pecky Pearl sitting with her big feet out in front. Other two sacked out but to but facing 3 and 9 o'clock. I think its Lib at 12 o'clock sitting on edge of nest.

glo said...

Pecky Pearl has flopped down too. All very quiet at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I am back to nothing here but the 30 second cam

paula eagleholic said...

Hopefully it's because they are working on the sound issue again :)

glo said...

Adult back at nest..apears to be eating something.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back our nest

Jill said...

Hey Ladies. Need some help. Can somebody please tell me what is going on with the Owl Cam? My cousin has been watching them and says mom has killed and eaten two of teh babies and appears to be pecking at the last one. Is there a blog or posting somewhere that will tell me what is going on. Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Yummy, something nice and juicy for lunch :)

paula eagleholic said...

OMG Jill, I was not talking about the owls...I was talking about the red stuff in our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Big ol' baby eaglet feet on the BWE cam

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles at Tesoro - looks like parent and fledgling

Jill said...

LOL Paula timing is everything. And you couldn't have timed that one better.

paula eagleholic said...

It's Tess at Tesoro!!

paula eagleholic said...

She just took off at Tesoto...parent still there eating

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone able to get BC on?

paula eagleholic said...

Live feed is back on! Don't think it has sound, but I'll take a picture

paula eagleholic said...

Our 3 are flaked out in the nest, all facing different directions

MITS said...

Paula, I have not been able to get onto BC in awile.....

MITS said...

lots of dead fish in the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Still 2 babes in CO

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding in CO

paula eagleholic said...

BC batteries need a charge. The video runs for about 30 seconds, then cuts outs, say the session is over...

paula eagleholic said...

CO adult eagle is banded on the left leg.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at Kent

MITS said...

oh wow....A closeup of eagle at KENT

deb said...

I got home just in time to Kent eagle! Loraine wants to know if they should switch back to the other cam. I wonder which one we would see the most nest building activity.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Mits and Deb, sorry didn't see you earlier Mits, just been posting away...

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't checked on Kent lately except for mean they aren't normally in that spot? I know cam 2 got knocked...

paula eagleholic said...

OUr natives are getting restless....

paula eagleholic said...

Pearl is being a meanie...middie and tiny need to gang up on her...

deb said...

Cam 2 is really Cam 3. They switched the plug-ins because the server isn't working on Cam 3. I just thought it got bumped and when Loraine saw my pictures, she told us what they did. The nest completely disappeared. She says it is back to about a foot wide and deep already.

MITS said...

any idea, why my RP doesn't play any longer than a minute or two, tired of re-booting it? I just back in Paula, been reading your posts

MITS said...

Lisa has new April 7th updates on the eagle and osprey site.

MITS said...

at least the KENT eagle seems to have something to sit in now

deb said...

Loraine says that is Star at the nest.

MITS said...

well at least that is half of the dynamic couple

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi again; Mits, Paula, and Deb. Just had a chance to get back on for a while and saw a big black hunk of stuff come in the nest. Looks like parent was trying tocover one of the chicks with a piece of it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Poop shoot!

MITS said...

parent back our nest, chicks wobbiling

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, my RP was fuzzy at first when it came back on , but pic looks much better now. Maybe you need to reboot whole computer.

I vote for cam 2 at Kent.

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - I looked back on the tape...some really dark fluff.

carolinabeachmom said...

Dinner time at our nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Poor Little Bit just got a good pecking from one of the bigger ones. She needs to push her way up to the front. They are getting all the food at this time.

NatureNut said...

Just checked back & cam is ON. Dinner at nest.....PLZ FEED TINY!

MITS said...

littl is getting some to eat.

NatureNut said...

Spoke too soon. Tiny is getting his share now!

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess Little Bit doesn't need as much as the bigger ones do; didn't get very much food for dinner now.

MITS said...


April 7, 2008 - Update
As of about 8 AM on April 7, there were still 3 eggs in the nest. This is day 38 for the first egg and day 35 for the second egg.

MITS said...


deb said...

Eagle at Kent 2.

MITS said...

look at the trees starting to bud, behind the eagle

deb said...

And the grass is green, too.

floralgirl said...

That spiderweb is a little annoying tonight, spidey has been busy.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - thanks for the BC update...I did look through the pics this morning..was showing 3 eggs at 8am, but it was too hard to tell if there were any cracks in any of the eggs. Keeping fingers crossed...

MITS said...

me too, Paula, it is one nice nest...

MITS said...

oh wow....look at the time, everything seems quiet tonight, so I will say, "GOOD NIGHT EVRYONE"!

Costume Lady said...

I finally got the live feed going and now it's time to go to bed. Maybe I will just stay awake tonight and watch the nest. I will sleep when it goes off again.

deb said...

Very quiet night tonight. Eagle at Kent 2, Osprey at wildwatch.

deb said...

Hi Wanda, live feed is working pretty good tonight.

movin said...

Good evening,
If you haven't checked the Hummingbird site, you should.

The two fledglings were back in the nest just before dark, could spend the night.

He has both pictures and videos recently posted just above the screen. Even has sound on the video I watched.

My live feed is up this evening, but the sound isn't working again.



Costume Lady said...

Hi Deb & Jim. I am so thrilled to get the live feed back. It has been 2 days since I last saw our family.

Costume Lady said...

It is 44° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown and the wind is blowing, probably making it feel a lot colder to our family of Eagles. Belle looked as if she was trying to figure out a way to cover the babes, but they are so big that she just gave up and laid back down. What a good mother she is!

deb said...

Did your deck turn out ice, Jim? Sun is coming up in Finland? I wonder who will be in the nest, the sea eagle or the osprey?

deb said...

Make that nice, not ice!!

deb said...

Kent 2 is back to the regular Kent 2 cam, both eagles in the nest.

Costume Lady said...

It's so good to see Star and Spirit together again. I hope they aren't bothered by George and are successful with another brood.

Costume Lady said...

I can't stay awake and watch our nest...the Sandman got me.


deb said...

I t is an osprey in Finland, I will miss the sea eagles.

deb said...

Good night, everyone. I am off. too.

NatureNut said...

Just checking in before hitting the hay. Osprey still on Finland nest. Our birds snoozing away.
Good Night Everyone :-)

movin said...



Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. See we have some excitement in Finland. Saw where the ospreys have returned, and one was there for a while yesterday. So now wonder what will happen...will the ospreys claim the nest, or will the sea eagles want to claim it for their own. Ah the adventures of nature! Always interesting. Guess the ospreys are returning to Finland. Probably won't be long before Finney's nest is back up and running. That's a beautiful nest and view also.
Nice out tonight, 45° in PA, 46° here in VA. Had a very nice ride down this morning.
Will have to go see what I missed. Right now, nobody is on the Finland nest, so I'm curious to see who arrives first, the ospreys or the eagles. MTBR as they say.
All have a great eagle/panda/wildlife day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Brought up our cam, Belle was awake, make that IS awake, and standing guard over the babies. She's standing facing 1, tail at 7-8ish. Kids are asleep, I think. Getting too big for her to cover them now. That's a good sign! The BW kids are also sleeping alone. Lisa has an update on the osprey page. See that nest is getting more and more added to it. Belle just put her head back down, going to sleep standing up.

Suzanne said...

The Scottish osprey is in the house. Has been standing on a branch just looking around since I brought it up, but now she's moving all kinds of moss. Female, beautiful necklace. Now we're onto sticks. Gonna fix the place up. Nobody has been in the Finland nest, and Belle is awake and asleep off and on. Maybe she's not used to sleeping standing up anymore. The BW kids are just sleeping. Main is MT, and I can't get NBG, black screen. Big ol CO owls are awake. Oh, BW parent just arrived over the kids, and Belle is awake again. Male osprey just flew in in Scotland. The stork nest I can get in GE has one stork just standing. Fatty racoon is on cam in PA.

Suzanne said...

Scotland male osprey just flew off.

Suzanne said...

They have zoomed in on the female osprey in Scotland. She is a beautiful bird! Just did wing flaps, and they had to zoom out. But they get really close, you can count her feathers, just awesome! Racoon meandered off cam, and nobody yet in Finland. Belle back to sleep, and so are the BW twins. Parent stopped by, then left again.

Suzanne said...

Wow, love this person in Scotland controlling this cam! Zoomed in again for a while, then zoomed out. Beautiful area! They are right above water, and there are a lot of ducks in the water now. How very cool!

Suzanne said...

Scotland ospreys just mated! How cool!!! Hope we'll have eggs soon. Coon still in PA, but pic goes off and on. Belle sleeping, BW twins sleeping, nobody visited Finland yet, and am watching Chrissy's site from yesterday in Puerto Rico! BUNCH of hummers, how cool is that.

Suzanne said...

Now 2 coons in PA.

Suzanne said...

Found the male osprey in Scotland. He's on a branch right on top of the nest. Sort of like the branch our parents stay on when they're not in the nest with the kids. Very close.
Belle awake again, chicks sleeping. BW kids sleeping. Nobody in Finland all morning. Scotland back on female, standing in nest. BBIALW.

Suzanne said...

Oh, 2 storks in Germany, one totally white. I'm GUESSING that's a juvie visiting.

Suzanne said...

Belle finally gave up trying to sleep, and she is up feeding the kids. Man, they grow overnight! BW adult left, kids are alone.
Nobody has stopped by in Finland, and both ospreys are on Scotland cam, female in nest, male on branch above her.

floralgirl said...

Good morning:) Breakfast time in the nest...

Suzanne said...

I DON'T believe it! Lady bW has returned with a good sized fish and is actually feeding the chicks!!! Wow. Belle is also feeding the chicks. OH, both parents in BW!!! I hope that's not dad waiting to get a few bites from that fish!!! Or is sort of looks like he brought in a fish too. Is that possible????? Oh, both parents going to feed both kids??? COOL!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Megan. Guess live feed is up! Glad to hear that.
Mom just left BW leaving dad to feed the kids. Looks like he's eating though. Bummer.
Looks like our kids are fighting for a bite.

Suzanne said...

Megan, what's the deal? Both bigger eaglets are stretching for a bite, and tiny is laying down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz and Megan. Just starting to work, overslept just a little bit. See our babies are getting fed. And - yes for the moment, the live feed is up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pecking Pearl probably made Baby Littley lay down.

Suzanne said...

Not sure, but BW parent left, don't see any leftovers, adn that was a good sized fish, and not sure both eaglets actually got something to eat. Never mind, take that back! parent is there and feeding the greyer of the two chicks! Now the other one has moved over to get her share. Think the blackets of the eaglets is the oldest and the one that gets fed most. Parent trying to feed other one now by himself.

AND MY NCTC CAM IS UPDATING EVERY 30 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I haven't seen that in a long time!!! How cool to see the kids updating like that!!! THANK YOU NCTC AND STEVEN FROM A WHOLE BUNCH OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon, and thanks! I feel like a real person today, the 30 sec cam is updating every 30 seconds!!! But one sec baby was there, next baby was laying down.

floralgirl said...

I missed the whole feeding, but don't worry, when they first started they were all getting fed, they seem to make it up at the next feeding if they don't get a lot. Hello Sharon:)

Costume Lady said...

I, too, am feeling like a Real Person this morning; I have live feed! Got it late last night.

floralgirl said...

Hello Wanda:) Glad the 30 sec cam is working for you Suzanne, I still can't open the page.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! So glad you're feeling like a Real person! Nice to see our babies.
Megan, I'm sure they are working on it now, that the 30 sec cam is working. Maybe everyone that can't get in will get in sometime later today. Let's hope so!

Suzanne said...

Wow, that is just so cool to see them move with the cam updates! Just way too cool. Been a long time!!!

Suzanne said...

Osprey in BWO.

floralgirl said...

As long as I have the live feed I'm happy. They think the problem may be linked to security issues, probably difficult to run these sites when you're dealing with gov. rules and regs. Can make things complicated, I don't have to tell you that, I'm sure.

Suzanne said...

Yup, Megan, that may be. I'm just glad whatever it was is fixed! I'm not just glad, I'M THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Think it's raining in BWO, osprey is hiding behind a rain drop on the cam.

Costume Lady said...

Capt. is up...going for coffee.

floralgirl said...

Steve has given us a NEW THREAD !

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Come on over we have two new threads for tuesday,You figure that
one out floralgirl is #1 on the
first one and i am #1 on the second
way cool

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...