Thursday, April 10, 2008


New thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks, Steve:) some people are still having major issues with the live feed-it won't load for them

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I am back to loading, loading, loading!!

Thanks for the new thread!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks for the heads up, Megan. I'm sure the others are on their way.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, if you're still here, there is a big tom turkey hanging out with the girls in PA.

Costume Lady said...

Must be Hanky Panky time for turkeys, Suz.LOL

Suzanne said...

LOL, yup, Wanda, everybody else is getting into the act, they are too!

Costume Lady said...

We came through Pa. on our way home and saw about 50 turkeys in a field. Awesome sight.

Costume Lady said...

I think they were wild.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---MEGAN----SUZANNE & SHARON----I have been attempting to catch up on yesterday's blog---but I got lost!!-----MEGAN--I still have sunshine if you need it today!!!---Wasn't it a beautiful day yesterday!!!----So many new sites & happenings!!!-----LIFE IS GOOD!!---Will try to check them out!!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh cool, bet that was neat to see so many! Where did you drive through PA?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---Great to have you back---among us!!!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma:) I got that sunshine yesterday, thanks. And its shining brightly this morning. Gonna be a gorgeous spring day here.

Suzanne said...

Wow, finally got Scotland back!

normabyrd said...

"TWO" OSPREYS at the CO Site this a.m.----I haven't seen that before!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

It is great to be back with you ladies. I REALLY missed all of you!

Mauley said...

Good Morning, Megan, Sis,Suzanne,Wanda, and Norma. I can't get the live feed at work so I will continue lurking to find out how many bites Littly gets. Hope you all have a blessed one. Your eagle friend, donna

Costume Lady said...

Suz, I can't remember where we were in Pa. I'll ask Gene, when he gets up. He's really a sleepyhead this morning.

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

I don't get to see the nest very often, but when I do, the small one doesn't ever get left out of a feeding. She wiggles her way right up front and center and gets her share.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MAULEY!----I haven't seen the 'ADORABLE THREE' yet this a.m.!!---I am certainly looking forward to watching them eat!!!----Will keep count of #3's bites!! ho!---ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY!!

floralgirl said...

Gotta get outside, such a beautiful day. Just made a batch of hummer food, letting it cool so I can hang out a feeder, its early, but check out the hummer migration map, they are all around us. I just saw the towhee scratching at seed, been waiting for him, last year he was here more during the winter. BBL:)

floralgirl said...

Hello Mauley:) Adult just flew back into nest, moving some sticks.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma. See we had a hatching of egg #3 last night at CO! Little cutie. Looked at the pics and watched it as best I could. Adorable.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley! Sorry I missed you.

Suzanne said...

That's ok, Wanda, just thought you might know off the top of your head. But you had been all over, so if ya don't remember, I can certainly understand that! After driving and traveling that long, I'd be doing good just to get to my town!
Norma, we have a stork egg. Think I'm watching Hugo's old nest. It's been totally cleaned and taken care of, now this morning we have our first egg!

floralgirl said...

Adult flew out of nest towards back, chicks are laying down.

floralgirl said...

And adult is back, now both, moving fluff around.

Suzanne said...

Both Lib and Belle in the nest!

floralgirl said...

There goes one of the adults, now both flew, can see the shadow occassionally of one sitting above the nest.

Suzanne said...

Poof, both parents gone, kids watching where they went.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I keep freezing up!!!---Give me the STORK SITE please---The one I have shows 2 huge storks just standing-----don't think they have moved since last spring!!! ho!

glo said...

Well good morning folks. Lots of various cam reports here. Glad you are finding feathered families to watch and enjoy. I have the still cam up and did manage to see the whole family together and snap a capture to save. Enjoy your day.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I'm not able to get several sites!!!!-----CO EAGLE CAM is BLACK!!!---REAL PLAYER just keeps loading & loading, etc.----Maybe things will clear up soon!!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... Been keeping my cam up at night, but every morning it is gone....

Suzanne said...

Norma, here's the stork site I can watch:

Both adults are there now. The egg is covered with grasses in the egg cup.

The CO eagle cam may not be turned on yet. They turn it on at 6 their time, which is what, 9 our time, I think. So in a few minutes.

MITS said...

still cannot get on to any sites.

Suzanne said...

Mom stork is back on the egg now. And you can see the Kestral now, too.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Helen! Sorry you STILL can't get the FWS sites!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---I am not getting to watch the feathered birds that I want to see-----BELLE---LIBERTY & 3 EAGLETS!--- ho!---

MITS said...

I happened to write to the contact us on the Scottish osprey cam on Tuesday and Here is the response I got back, ALREADY!!!!

Hi Helen

Thanks very much for your comments. We hopefully everyone will see an egg being laid in the next few days as you can imagine we are all very exited about this as it will be the females 50th egg. What a great feat for an old bird.


Peter Ferns

Visitor Centre Manager

Loch of the Lowes

So nice of him to reply and 50th egg.....oh wow!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Tell us about your day at the Zoo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Still no sites for me either and I am still loading, loading, loading!

Suzanne said...

Oh, alright! Have Scotland back!!

Costume Lady said...

What a treat when someone replies to an email so promptly and personal. We like to get up close and personal with those in charge of the sites we enjoy so much.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, it is 3 WV gals that can't get the Live Feed this morning. Norma, in addition to you and me.

Suzanne said...

OMG, the CO eagle cam has snow and 3 tiny babies! Least they're not in the snow, mom has an area cleared. It's also breakfast time for them.

MITS said...

Wanda, zoo day was very busy....we have two new red pandas, but they would not come out, a little shy yet, then I hung out in the cam office for a while, then a meeting, did not get home til 9. Yes, I was very happy with the response and the info...

Suzanne said...

Megan had live feed this morning. I don't think Helen has it either. Sorry, guys. The kids are all just laying down taking an eagle nap at the moment. Sun is shining on them. Man, it's still very foggy here! But looks like middle, baby, and oldest, in that order. Sleeping on the bottom of Lib's perch, from about 11ish to 2 ish. Not touching, each in their own space.

Suzanne said...

Oh Helen. Sounds like a busy day yesterday! 2 new red pandas! How cool is that! Very nice to hear.
2 osprey in foggy BWO. Wish they'd quite just hanging around and start working on that nest, if they're gonna use it.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, which was more tiring: the M&M sisters or the Zoo?

Costume Lady said...

Spending the day outside....whoopie!!!

glo said...

well I do not have live feed either, and must have restarted it a dozen times yesterday only to have it run maybe a minute each time so I hit that x in the corner and called it a day. Today well Loading loading loading. I will hit the x again soon BUT I do have what seems to be a refreshng still cam and that is good to see.

MITS said...

well the M&M girls were much more fun....lots of wild teenage kids running around yesterday, school trips, and they could give a rats' behind about the animals...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not loading or doing anything now. Must be resetting it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just loaded! YEAH!!

MITS said...

well, I'm still loading etc. I'm so thankful that there are so many other cams I can watch that are much more reliable than this one. I'm turning it off!

Suzanne said...

Dad falcon is visiting mom falcon on her 5 eggs. And as I said that, they changed the cam view....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now back to loading, loading, loading! CRAP!

MITS said...

yes, that is the word of the day. Crap!

Lolly said...

Good morning everyone! Can not get the live feed this morning. My screen is black and says it is playing but it's nooooot!!!!!

Did you see where there are two heron babies? Late last night Deb saw them. She made a video and it's on her page with her last post late last night.

Have a great day!!

Lolly said...

Tried again! Still not on....guess I will go read the paper. BBL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Lolly.
It is still snowing in CO, poor mom eagle is getting covered. What a welcome for our newest little eaglet! Poor thing.

floralgirl said...

Well, walking by to grab a live feed was running great, but now I will join you all-loading,loading,loading..... At some point someone should email Steve again, explain the problem we're experiencing, I don't want to fill up his inbox, so pick one person, but sometimes they don't know it's not running right for us, they can usually still see it at NCTC. And I can't open any FWS sites still. Later- it's beautiful out there. Gotta go sow some more seeds.

NatureNut said...

Morning Everyone:> My live cam is down too.
Put new osprey pics on blog. Enjoy.
Try to get eagles on there later today.
Gotta go---appts. Have a great watching day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning My live feed came on with the 2nd try. I see our napping kids. They must have full tummies.

Mema Jo said...

My live feed didn't last very long
Guess I'll check out emails & other cams. My still cam is running.

BWE adult in nest..

deb said...

Good morning, I don't have live feed either, but I don't have the loading message, so maybe they are working on it for us.

deb said...

The heron are standing up so you can see the heronettes right now.

deb said...

Darn they are too fast, if you didn't have it open, you probably missed it.

normabyrd said...

PA PEREGRINE FALCON---ON NEST!!---ENJOYED last years set up better!!---We could see more of the area!!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear the birds chirping, but can't see the eaglets...

Suzanne said...

Morning, all. Kids are awake and sorta laying around. They're in a lineup, baby is first, then middle, then first born. The line goes from 4 to 11. Now the one in the middle sorta moved closer to baby. But they're in shadow with the sun. I'm sure glad you guys are getting sun, it is still very foggy here!

normabyrd said...

Thanks SUZANNE----Stumbled upon the STORK NEST we watched last year!!----I love this one!!

Suzanne said...

2 ospreys in BWO. And one of the BWE chicks had some leftovers in her talon, had to go outside, and came back, and leftovers are now crumbs. Don't know if she ate it herself or what. I sure hope they're learning to eat themselves. At least they can eat parents' leftovers!
Middle chick is scooting around the nest. Others aren't moving, staying in place.

paula eagleholic said...

I Sent Steve an email...

I asked yesterday if he still wanted us to let him know when it went down and he said I would suggest if you send an email to Steve to let everyone on the blog know by posting it in bold or blue so it stands out

Suzanne said...

Poor CO mom is turning very white!

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - The BWE eaglets ate good yesterday afternoon...they had a bird!

MITS said...

Norma remember we won't get the full area view til the chicks start to move around.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Paula! They are growing, so I'm guessing they are eating something. I just wish it was more, like our kids. They seems to eat very often, as most babies do. But I'm glad they're getting to eat. Wish I coulda seen if the chick ate the leftovers it was holding so tight. Nothing but crumbs there now, too funny.

Danelle said...

Good morning! It's been so busy at work, that it's been 2 weeks since I've been on here! I feel like I've neglected you all.

Costume Lady said...

Danelle! Where have you been. I thought you deserted us. Good to hear from you again.

MITS said...

ok, I'm out of here for several hours, talk to you all later:)

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

CO babies are uncovered. Little cuties in their snowless area!

Suzanne said...

Awww, whole family is there, cool family portrait!

Suzanne said...

AWwwww, both CO parents are protecting the kids from the snow. That's adorable.

BW parent is back. Not sure she's sharing whatever it is she brought in to eat. Maybe a bite or two.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE - feeding??

Suzanne said...

Oh gee, we're gonna give one of the kids a bite. How generous! She's had most of whatever it is.

Suzanne said...

Looks like BW parent is showing the one chick how to eat him/herself.

Danelle said...

It's good to be back Costume Lady. I'll be in and out today. Hospital and rehab floor is full!

Suzanne said...

Hi Danelle. Long time no see. Glad you made it back in here for a few!

Both parents are still with the new babies in CO. That's adorable, they're both covering the babies from the snow.

Parent is feeding the lite grey chick and WOW, darker chick is now getting a bite of food too!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, out of 2 feedings, the dark grey eaglet got 2 bites. Now parent just took off again. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

floralgirl said...

Same here, live feed has sound but no pic!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too on the sound but no pic!

Mema Jo said...

ok, I'm out of here for several hours, talk to you all later :)

movin said...


What's up in the world of birds?



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, for right now I have pic and sound!!

deb said...

Sound and Picture!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had emailed Steve and he said John was working with them in Wheeling to find a fix!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Noisy little fellers at feeding time!

normabyrd said...

HEY SUZANNE!!---You seem to have the best view of all our 'fine feathered friends' today!!----Maybe we should all just hang on to the blog & turn you on!!!---But I don't have sound either!!!---

Suzanne said...

Awww, Belle is in the nest, and the chicks are all lined up in a row waiting for their bites. They're not touching, so no pecking. How cute is that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And it just went away. Hopefully just for a reset or something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now pic but no sound!

deb said...

Good time to head out to the grocery store.

Suzanne said...

The chicks have moved closer to Belle, they're right on the other side, can't see them. Only one. She has her head up looking up, and the chicks are looking up at her. Head down now, getting a bite ready. Kids are all together, evidentally trying to push themselves closer. Can't see that, but got that idea from your posts from live feed.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE--SAFE TRIP HOME & GIVE LOVE PATS TO GYPSY & HER HOUSE MATES!!!---(say a prayer for our blog)---ho!

Suzanne said...

One parent left CO nest. It stopped snowing, so guess mom can handle keeping the kids warm and dry. That was so cute.

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma! Yes, it needs it. Not the blog, the live feed!
Baby is getting a bite of food now.

Suzanne said...

By gosh, baby looks like he has a full crop! How cool. Bite for 2nd chick now. Guess mom is gonna work down the line.

Geula said...

Hi! My connection is very iffy! keeps freezing...not nice at all!

paula eagleholic said...

Now I have pic and no sound also....

Rats, missed the sound and pic together!

Suzanne said...

Had to go down the hall. Guess lunch is over for now. Parent is standing by Lib's perch, in nest, and the kids are all around her.

Bw parent is back, and light grey piggie is eating again, I think. I sure hope so. Now if the other one gets to eat too, I'll feel better.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Dern blogger! wouldn't post, then posted twice!

Kids are all around mom's feet. Looks adorable, like she's telling them a story and they don't want to miss a word! She's by Lib's perch, and they're in the nest in front of her.

Suzanne said...

Leaving a few minutes early. Have to make a call this afternoon for a company conf call, and will be on the road. Want to make sure I'm out of the traffic area. I should be, takes me an hour to make it to Paula's exit in Frederick, and call isn't till 1:30, so should be well out of traffic.
Kids are still in front of mom's feet, and BW chicks are alone again. Guess mom was just checking on them, no food on this last trip.
All have a good eagle/panda day. Hope the live feed is forthcoming very shortly!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

My RP is back down again...

movin said...

Hmmmm. I no more than made one comment on the blog and asked "what's up?", when the cable went down!

I shut all the tabs down, turned the modem off and on, and I'm back in business.

The live feed before the downage was "sound only", then "picture only" for a brief time. But now neither one is loading. :~(



movin said...

Anyway, according to the 30 sec. cam, the chicks have been fed and are busy exploring the farthest limits of the nest.



movin said...

It looks like ZZ being cute on cam in SD, but C2 is designated Su Lin.....??



movin said...

They must of had a nice bird for lunch at Norfolk. Mom's got feathers on her nose and everywhere.



paula eagleholic said...

Mating at BWO

movin said...

PH is feeding her beautiful chicks some fresh fish.



paula eagleholic said...

I sent Steve an email about the live feed being down again!

Lolly said...

Feeding at CO, can see three bablies! So cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear the CO chick finally escaped its shell!

Lolly said...

I would have liked to have seen the newest chick being fed. It asked for food!

Lolly said...

Still no live feed. Guess it is go work in the yard.

We had storms last night. Was awake from 3:30 to 4:30 monitoring the radar. Don't like weather like that! But all is okay here although tornados did touch down.

paula eagleholic said...

I was wondering how close you were to all those storms, Lolly. Glad to hear all is OK

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents our nest

deb said...

I have live cam back up, no sound, but a good picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Live feed is back on!

Feeding our nest..chicks are at the back edge of the nest,looking out....

Actually not feeding, parent working on feed, but chicks are looking out the back of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

Now eating our nest, at the very back!

It might make you nervous!

Steve Chase said...

The adults were just making a real ruckus, their calls were echoing up and down our hallways from the closed circuit tv. No interlopers around, so they must have been having a discussion?

Lolly said...

Yea! Very happy to have live feed back.

Paula, tornados touched down about 80 north west of us. That storm past north of us. Then last night the storm was right on top of us, with a tornado warning, but none appeared! Thank goodness! The wind was strong. Have a little clean up to do.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe about whose turn it was to watch the kids this afternoon.

floralgirl said...

Live feed is back up here-Thanks Steve

paula eagleholic said...

It's warm out today, and the eaglets, all 3 of them, are jockeying for position to lay in the adults shadow

deb said...

There will be another heron chick sometime today, There is a good sized hole in one of the eggs. It is very windy there, when the parents switch places they are up and down quickly.

floralgirl said...

You are right, it's sunny and 71° here, I can see why they are searching for shade. Had to find the sunscreen, my nose is sun burned...later:)

deb said...

BC eagle off the eggs, chick looks good. The remaining two eggs look whole, wait, I think I see a hole in one of them.

paula eagleholic said...

I have finally seen the BC chick!...There may be a crack in another egg!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Deb - gladd we see the same thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - you could see that dark spot real good when the eagle just walked to the left of the eggs.

that chick is so wobbly and Cute!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know how Sherri got such a good video, mine is more like a frozen pic w/ movement every now and again

deb said...

Here is a picture of the heron egg.
Heron egg

paula eagleholic said...

Big dark spot at BC

wvgal_dana said...

Hi "All" My Eagle Friends ( :

Thank you Sharon, Wanda and Megan for the emails. Sorry I worried everyone.

I have been unhappy due to our live feed not working right but all have same problem there. Of course forget the 30 sec.

I am in and out. Tried to catch up on Wednesdays comments. I'm getting all "jungle vines" in my brain right now. Can't remember anything.

Going to nap...i will bbil

Love all you ..... it is what it is with me right now.... chuckle Mits hubby said that I think ( :

deb said...

Hi, Dana, take care of yourself!

You could really see the spot the second time at BC.

paula eagleholic said...

BBIALW - I muted my sound just in case it decided to reload with sound ;)

NatureNut said...

Got picture & SOUND. Must have been Lib (whoever's not in the nest) calling away, then the sound of wings almost hitting the mic.

floralgirl said...

I don't have sound.......

deb said...

I have a picture, but no sound. Weird how everyone gets something different.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Deb it is weird how everyone gets something different. I have no sound and no picture. Lucky me. I think I will stay in the garden and pout like Megan.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Dana, just saw your glad to hear from you. Keep well and in touch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, me and Beverly took a break from working today and went for a 3 mile walk. I should have told you all to watch the Jefferson Cam and I could have waved at you. I parked right across the street from it. Next time I will!


MITS said...

hello, just got in a little while ago, no pic or sound on this end, just loading etc.:(

floralgirl said...

Hey- I'm not pouting, I'm both adults in nest, one brought food- big ole fish!!! It is cool how she pierces it with her talons and carries it over towards the chicks. Feeding time:)

deb said...

Mine says it is playing, I have a picture, but nothing is moving.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Costume Lady said...

Sorry Megan, no offense; just repeating you from a couple days ago. No Live Feed...going out side and pout. That IS how I feel; like pouting. We have waited so long for this and now, at long periods of time, have NOTHING. Makes me grouchy.

floralgirl said...

Wanda- please, I'm not easily offended.. ..none taken.. I get your frustration, I wish someone could explain and fix the problem. I don't understand how it is running for some and not others.

floralgirl said...

Looks like everyone got some fish, parent is moving fluff around, here comes 2nd adult- I can see them talking, but have no sound.

glo said...

TesoroBoth young eagles home in the nest, must be sharing stories.

MITS said...

I would be happy with the 30 second cam.....:)if I can't get the live feed...

floralgirl said...

Looks like Belle is gonna fly, yep, Lib now sitting at 12 o'clock.

floralgirl said...

Poor chicks are looking for shade, lib isn't sitting in the right position to provide any. ANd here comes Belle back into the nest. Moving sticks and fluff...

floralgirl said...

Whoa- Belle has a mammal of some sort.. just saw her pick it up in the nest, lib flew out..

NatureNut said...

More Food drop. "Don't give those kids sticks to play with. You'll poke his eye!"

floralgirl said...

Chicks are really panting, it's hot out there. #1 keeps coming up to Belle to hide in the shade of her body.

glo said...

So Megan maybe you could sell tickets or we could make appts to watch your private cam LOL.

AJ said...

i cant get real to load is it just me

AJ said...

i cant get real to load is it just me

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, AJ, you are so not alone in that. LOADING, LOADING, LOADING!

floralgirl said...

Well, let me just say that I am not thrilled to be the only one to open up the live feed at the moment. It sucks that everyone can't get it to work and no one can fugure out why. No ticket necessary, although if you show up I might put you to work in the garden..which is where I'm heading. Two chicks up at 12 oclock sleeping, Belle sitting at 5oclock with # 1 chick hiding from the sun by laying under her. bbl-

paula eagleholic said...

I think Mine is frozen - did anyone email Steve?

AJ said...

i have been in the hospital with the flu for 10 days had pneumonia with it , havent had trouble till i got home yesterday stay away from the flu you guys i almost didnt make it

paula eagleholic said...

I just sent an email since I didn't see where anyone had..don't know if we'll get a reset tonight or not...

paula eagleholic said...

Two eaglets at Tesoro, one in the nest, one in the dead tree to the right

AJ said...

thanks paula , this is really upsetting ,i had verizon in my computer last night they finally got it started after 2 hours it is the same today

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you are OK, AJ. The flu with pneumonia is nothing to fool around with!

Tesoro eaglet just flew back to the nest from the dead tree

NatureNut said...

Wow, AJ. Sorry to hear about your illness. I wondered why you hadn't been on for awhile. Glad you're home now.
Maybe my cam is on w/intermittent sound 'cuz I don't have Real.
Usually only have sound when there's no picture!Heard crows and few dogs. Wonder if Jo & Lolly's cams are up.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent gone our nest. 3rd chick heading for the other two at the far end of the nest

One eaglet left at Tesoro, in the dead tree

paula eagleholic said...

Both eagles our nest...Think Lib brought food, coz Belle is mantling big time!

Ah yes, looks like she is standing on top of a nice big fish at this end of the nest!

glo said...

golly looks like both Lib and Belle are ack again. Must be an awesome day to view iF you can get the live feed. I atleast do have the still cam/

As far as my live feed it has been just like yesterday mostly did not load at all and when it did it worked for a minute or two at max.

I figure Steve and the techs are very aware this is going on as it didn't just start doing this today. I don't want to flood his email either. But thanks to those who do send and clarify for him that the situation remains unchanged for most of us at this point.

paula eagleholic said...

She dragged it to the far end of the nest

glo said...

Colorado feeding the triplets...nice view of them right now,

Mema Jo said...

Man oh Man! I ain't got nothing!
No pic and no sound. Just that "Unable to locate server"

NatureNut said...

All 3 chicks in single file for fish dinner. Think it's Tiny at 12 o'clock who has gotten most of the bites so far. I've been surprised at their behavior. No big gang wars. Hope they stay that way.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, for those of us that are less fortunate than others, could you please let us know when our babies are fledging!


NatureNut said...

Jo, I get that sometimes even when it is buffering & then playing! Go figure. Thought yours would be on too--we have the same player I think. DUH!! Is it something in the air waves?

paula eagleholic said...

Still see one chick at BC

Hard to see what is going on with the egg I saw earlier

MITS said...

I figure mine will come on late tonight when I am going to bed, and as usual I will keep it on, and in the a.m. it will be back down again.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I'll be back after dark...gotta go home and mow the lawn!

wvgal_dana said...

AJ sorry to hear you was in the hospital. Glad to know you are home.

I napped and woke and Steven and crew hasn't fixed so I can watch live feed. SAD SAD SAD :( :( :(

Is everyone that is getting live feed using Real Player?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well hello Dana. Where have you been?

NatureNut said...

Dana, No. I have the alternative--Media Player Classic. Got it from Jo, but hers isn't working!!!!!
1st chick so full, it's laying down. Think it's Pearl eating now & Middy is just sitting & watching.
Dinner looks like shredded fish.
Our Park ospreys caught some doozies TU. I put them on the blog.

MITS said...

I can get a live streaming pic with sound, night picture of an osprey in Scotland

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...