Sunday, July 03, 2011


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Wow! A new thread! Thanks Steve! Will call the others over!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Lolly.

Good morning, Lolly!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Lolly thank you for calling us over. I am sure more will be showing up here ( :

Good Morning again to Everyone and Lurkers ( :

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve, for the fresh Independance Day Weekend thread.

LOLLY, thank you for the call over and congrats on all the prizes you get for doing it! I just depend on LYNNE or KAY to point those out!
Glad you're back!!!

hedgie said...

Getting one of my optical migraines...argh!

Lori O. said...

So, LYNN & WANDA are nursing foot/leg injuries. LYNN weren't you the one telling everyone to be careful, too many Momsters at the ER?

KAY & JUDYE. A thousand apologies for leaving you both to do early morning nest reporting while I've been a slug. Actually, I've been busy and trying to get a lot done. This morning's project was drilling holes in several bird houses that needed new hooks and wire put in so I can hang them. They're all done and ready to hang now, except 2 that need caulked or something in a spot that will otherwise leak! Can't have that.

DANA WV/CO, it just makes me smile to think about you having so much fun!

Lori O. said...

LYNN, go lie down and put some ice on your head or whatever you need to do. Hope you're feeling better soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh forgot to tell you after we got off the Royal Gore Railroad. I went inside building. Raschida and John stayed outside awhile. She came into the shop and found me. Said, "Mom look here". She was holding 4 leaf clover. She said, "Mom I found these two and then John found two". Then she found in the shop a necklace with sounds a 4 leaf clover inside it. John brought it for her and she has a charm bracklet I had brought her. She put it on the charm brackle. I ask her, "Would you mind if I brought a 4 leaf clover necklace?" She replied, "Mom of course not. I don't mind you having something like I have". Sure made me HAPPY !! She is going to try wax paper and an iron to press the 4-4 leaf clovers they found. They gave me one ....HAPPY...HAPPY!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Did a quick read of the blog...probably missed something! Turned on the cam for the first time in over a week. Wow, that branch is really growing. Lovely, just lovely! No, they are not going up there to remove it, not now anyway. Nice to see healthy growth, though.

Thanks for the morning eagle report. I am just going to have to get up really early some morning, but that would probably keep the eagles away that morn. LOL

Pictures will will be up on my blog later on. No time right now. Sorry Margy! All of the pictures shared yesterday were Laurel's.

I got in 9 hours of sleep last night and feel much better today. Have also had two great showers. LOL

Lolly said...

Hi Lori! Do you have new pictures of your vulture babies?

Lolly said...

Shirley, I keep seeing references to your bruised leg. WHAT did you do? I, too, have osteoporosis. It is in my hip not my spine. I try to be careful, but am not going to let it dictate what I can and can not do.

Lolly said...

Dana, glad you are having a great time. Wish you could get up to the higher elevation to enjoy the beauty and cooler weather. With it so hot here it is hard to believe we were wearing jackets and throwing snow balls this past week.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I fell and banged my knee on the carpeted floor. I thought I was okay, but then a large lump developed and finally a bruise. It is sore, but I am okay.

stronghunter said...

I don't have osteoporosis, at lest not that I know of.

Linda said...

Good Morning Lolly, Shirley, WVDana, L♥ri, Lynn, and others from the old blog. Haven't read back, but will do that next.

Went back to bed this morning since the storms kept me in the bathroom with a loud fan to soothe Riley through them! Poor baby is just so afraid of the storms.

We have plans to go to our niece's graduation party, but storms are on the forecast again this I don't know if we will go or not.

LOLLY - WELCOME BACK!! Glad you had a good night's rest and two refreshing showers!! We missed you!

magpie said...

Good Morning Again, Eagle Pals

Great report....
truly wonderful to read of your adventures and good family time ♥

Oh Judie with a luncheon with Interpol associate....guess that is International Police abbreviation; we have some interaction with them with our Sheriff's Department, mostly by "teletype" as we call it, but it is actually internet...but when the whole police communication system started years ago I guess it WAS teletype.

Good Morning Lolly! I can wait...
I figured JudyE saw some pictures on Facebook, but of course I am Facebook-less...not a problem!

magpie said...

Yes the "straw" was moved during the early morning visit
Truder did it !

Just a repeat: the osprey chicks at Loch Garten were leg-banded and satellite-tagged on June 30. One this morning up and doing a lot of wingersizing, the other, not moving around much at all

Loch of the Lowe's was empty when I checked a few minutes ago, empty of any adults that it is, but their blog reports that the male is still doing most of the egg-sitting

Lori O. said...

UPDATE - so that's LYNN, WANDA and SHIRLEY that all have had spills.

My elbow has really been
bothering me. Shouldn't have used that heavy drill this morning.
I think it's
tennis elbow from doing computer stuff.

LOLLY, I took pics of the vulture babies yesterday to post this weekend. It is absolutely unbelievable how much they have grown.
Thanks for asking about them. :)

Oh, I changed Alvin the kitten's name to LeRoy, after a family friend who was like my 2nd father. So now they are Bobby and LeRoy. I was listening to a book that had a character named Alvin and he was going to turn out to be evil or the super bad guy or something and I couldn't get past the name. It's like when you won't name something the same name as the wichiest girl in kindergarten! Anyhow. he's LeRoy today!

magpie said...

Lynn- phooey! a headache, hope it disappears Pronto!

Good Morning Linda ☼

wvgal_dana said...

It was strange in the cave. If anyone has been to Luray Caverns, Skyline Caverns or any caverns in Virginia. They are cold inside and wet!! The Cavern we went in was dry; so different from our caverns at home.

My asthma did not bother me a lot yet. Just a little so I didn't use inhaler. I just slowed my walk down. So far so good. Thank you for asking.

Lori O. said...

Hellloooo MARGY and PA LINDA!

magpie said...

Okay LeRoy it is :

The King

now I won't call him Allen anymore, Lori !

tennis elbow: ouch! Had that AND trigger finger (not from shooting guns, it is just a term) at the same time...
now, pretty much okay. I used a brace on my elbow, that helped

magpie said...

Thank you Steve for the New Fresh Thread !

Pals: I promise not to run up the posts !

I am hoping to introduce James to Back Creek at Swinging Bridge today, and will give a report on the latest wildflowers out there

Lolly said...

Shirley, when I typed that I knew it sounded like I thought you had osteo. I just made the comment as others had said they had it. Glad you are doing okay! No more falls, Guys!!! It is against the rules of the Momster Society!!!

Good morning, Linda and thanks for the welcome home. It is good to be back with you all!

Lynn, thank you for sending me the ISS time schedule. We saw ISS two times...very, very bright. We got the schedule after the sightings but used your info to confirm what we already thought we saw. ☺

Let me tell you....the stars at night are big and the Rocky Mts! LOL

magpie said...

Hope Kathryn sees those Ospreys!

going to disappear, get things ready for a trip out to Berkeley Springs to pick up Precious Cargo

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, and Joyful Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Glad you got to see ISS!
We had some good sightings here too, was thinking of you!
It is about to disappear for another week or so now
But, baby Moon should be out soon, tonight maybe or Monday, in the West at sunset/dusk

magpie said...

I had a bone scan last November, my bones are really really, porous...
I need to do what the doctor said and try to reverse some of that
but getting a late start on it...
Having a birthday on July 1 is kind of like having a Half-Year New Year's Resolutions Day!

Lolly said...

Lori...Laurel and I have laughed many a times about NOT naming children using names of certain children in our classes. Funny...we agree on many of the same names. I had Josephs in my classes...great boys and Jacob was the name of my favorite student ever! I know, I know...not supposed to have favorites but it happens. I am now friends on fb with my student Jacob. He will be a senior in HS this next year.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Linda I so wish you all would be able to go to the graduation party.

Got a picture of a man wearing a Kilt at the train we road. I ask him if he was from Scotland. No he said from Pueblo, CO. So I looked it up on internet click MAN FROM PUEBLO CO WORE KILT

Mema Jo said...

Good Day to all my friends. I have
tried each day I have been away to get a comment published but I can't get to the sign in page - I mean you won't know that I am thinking of you
during my vacation.

♥ Going to try again.......

Lolly said...

Margy, one of the times when we were in the MTS we saw the ISS and the shuttle. Did not know what we were seeing but guessed correctly. They were separated, but close. Really weird to see two very bright lights moved across the sky. The sky is so dark and the stars so bright! We were having fun picking out constellations and the boys' young eyes pick out satellites so easily.

Lolly said...

Only problem we have is the campfire is too bright. LOL

Mema Jo said...

WOWSER! Now you do know I am thinking about all of you. I could read your comments but I couldn't get mine published. Nothing exciting
to report except that when I am in this home, I really really relax.
You all carry on and I'll TTUL

Happy Fourth to all ♥

Linda said...

Well, my hubby who never wants to go anywhere.......and waited until the very last minute to decide if we were going to this party or not this afternoon......has suddenly told me we are leaving in 45 minutes!! Yikes! I'm still in BED!!

Guess I better get myself in NOW!!

Please say a prayer, if you can, that the storms don't scare my pup into destroying some section in my house!

WANDA - Sorry to hear about your fall. REST!!!

LYNN - Do address that migraine as you know you should. Knowing it is coming is the KEY and the sign to take steps to hopefully prevent a full blown migraine! Will pray that is not the case!

MARGY - Thanks for the instructions on how to handle the new car. I feel confident now! ♥♥♥

May you all have a Blessed Day today!

Hope to check in tonight!!

Love to all........ ♥♥♥

Linda said...

JO - Thanks for checking in! We miss y♥u lots and hope you're having a Happy Fourth as well!

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) to you, Jo. So happy for you that you are having a very relaxed time! That is the only thing I really missed on this trip. There is not much relaxing with three boys around. Oh, well, there are many rewards having them around, just not relaxation!☺

hedgie said...

Margy...Lolly DID put up some pics on FB last night!! See if you can access this:
Lolly's pics

Lolly said...

I am off now too. Need to do some work around here! Yikes!

Have a great day and I will be peeking in occasionally!

DanaMo said...

No work today, getting ready to go float around the pool. Kitchen is finally put back together with sink and plumbing hooked back up.

Safe travels and safe holiday to all!

hedgie said...

Hurray--see Jo made it in the door. Just read her email saying that she could read and not post! She found a way!!!

Lori, opticals don't have any pain. Just can't see well enough to do anything for about 30 mins! So spent it on the sofa with Liesl on my lap.

hedgie said...

Linda, poor Riley.....we've had 3 dogs through the years that were SO frightenend of storms. My childhood doxie actually had a heart attack and passed away in my Dad's arms during a storm. It was her 2nd heart attack. He had the O2 mask on her when she died. :(

hedgie said...

So, Dana, if the cavern there ws dry, there were no stalagtites or stalagmites, right?

hedgie said...

Nothing wrong with men wearing kilts!!! You should have asked him if he was going commando, DanaCO.

hedgie said...

DanaMo----enjoy your floating---but don't forget your sunscreen!!!

Lori---had to laugh about renaming Alvin....Leroy is my ex's middle name---hmmmm...don't care much for it! Alvin made me think of a certain cute chipmunk!

Margy---know you are probably gone, but PLEASE address the osteo. Don't let yourself get as bad as I am!

hedgie said...

Linda, 45 mins. to get ready to go out??? You are a miracle!!!!
BTW----I don't know what a real migraine is. Mine are strictly visual with nothing that can be considered real pain. Have had them for many years. Mom, sis and youngest daughter DO get the real thing. Maybe eldest, too, tho' she's never been diagnosed by a dr. Old thought that they skip a generation isn't true!!

hedgie said...

Whew---keep nudging A/C is miserable out and creeping in!

Kay said...

Reading about so many aches, pains and injuries reminds me of the old exercise ditty. Let's get movin' for a good workout. All together now !

Well you knock, knock and I say "come in". You open the door and you take a big spin.

Slap your heels and you slap your knees. Why don't you do the Head and Shoulders with me ?

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat,
Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat,
And hair and hips and chin and cheeks,
Ankles, elbows, feet and seat, feet and seat.

Okay, one more time, but faster......♪♪♫♫♪

stronghunter said...

Lynn, that is what happens with my optical migraine, too. I am relieved that I don't have pain.

Kay said...

But seriously, folks, I'm praying for all those bones, joints, tendons, muscles, teeth and organs that are causing pain and suffering among our ranks ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn just looked at Lolly's pictures you put the link to here on blog but pics are on fb.

Great pics bears really used that tree.

The one Estes Park, Co. picture daughter and friends have been there.

Kay said...

LYNN, thanks for the Moose site. Margy sparked the interest when speaking of her collection. I had a lot of fun with Meese durig the years with Stan, those at the Moose Lodge, that is ! Great memories of dinners, dances, game nights......

DANACO & LYNN, reading about your Royal Gorge aka "Royal Gore" experiences reminds me of my own. When I was a teen my Tucson family and my Aunt's North Platte, NE family all met at Estes Park for a great week+ of camping. One day we headed for the gorge. After listening to the chatter about what we were about to see, my young cousin, W.A. asked, "Just who is this Royal George anyway?" Poor kid, all of us over the age of 12 roared with laughter and he was even more puzzled !

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMoSo glad the plumbing is fixed. Enjoy yourself today ( :

Mema Jo Nice to see you in here HUGS

In the Cavern these were stalagtites and stalagmites even crystals. It got very narrow in there. John (daughters boyfriend) is 6ft 1 or 2" he was really having to duck down. lol No lights we had to use flashlights we were given. It was neat!!

Kay said...

JO, so glad you got through. Glad you're enjoying the great escape ! Hope you got the word about Lynn, Wanda, Irene and Nikki visit to the nest yesterday. Sweet Belle did her best to entertain !

LORI, hope you aren't traumatizing LeRoy by changing names mid-stream. LOL. I think his new name comes from the French Le Roi, so he should be flattered to be dubbed, The King !

hedgie said...

I think I forgot to tell you all that I had a very peaceful week here in the neighborhood. Jerks next door were apparently away on vacation. Quiet reigned, privacy ended today. They got home last night. :(

hedgie said...

Dana, don't understand about that cave! Guess it ust have been wet once upon a time many millenia ago!

Yes, DanaMo---glad your waterworks are working!

Cute ditty, Kay!!!

Shirley, had forgotten that you get the optical migraines, too....You had one at school not too long ago, didn't you?

hedgie said...

Royal George----LOL! That's a good one!!

Kay said...

Oh, phooey, LYNN, sorry the neighbors didn't stay away longer--like forever !

stronghunter said...

Haven't ever had an optical migraine anywhere but at home and only when using the computer.

hedgie said...

What was the name of the cave, DanaCO---want to read about it!

hedgie said...

Okay, Shirley---must have confused you with someone else! The WORST time to get one is when driving!!!

Kay said...

LYNN, there are many caves, caverns across the Southwest that are dry or dormant due to a lack of water. Colossal Cave in Tucson is one of those great places to visit, but has no formations growing right now.

Kay said...

LORI, no apology needed when it comes to taking a day or two off from Early Birding ! You've had to carry the full load of opening the SSCC and reporting on Nestcapades many a morning. And, under the hardship of being at work while doing so ! We've all taken turns sleeping in but someone on the team comes through every time !

hedgie said...

Thanks, Kay!!! Interesting to know that there are many like that. Guess it's a miracle that the S & S's survive---would think they would be so brittle without having continuous new "growth" that they would eventually just crumble.

Kay said...

The S and S's are fragile and visitors are warned not to touch a thing--at least in those I've been in. The caves like that are very cool, cold even and there is a damp feel and smell to them. So, I guess that preserves them. Have to wonder if they will survive without water forever, however

stronghunter said...

Yes, I would have to pull off the road if I got one of those migraines when I was driving. I think it happened to Rus once, and he had one when he was in high school.

He said that he was taking a math test and tried to explain to the teacher that he could not see the test. She did not believe him. It was the first time it had ever happened to him, and he did not know what was happening to him.

Maybe I had mentioned that before, Lynn.

Getting ready to go pick up Rus and go computer shopping.

stronghunter said...

I do not remember Rus ever mentioning that experience at home. He told me about it recently, when he had another episode and looked it up on the Internet.

JudyEddy said...

saying hello and goodbye didn't come home for lunch today left work early to go to Rays Baseball game and concert see ya later

hedgie said...

2nd hummer fledged at Phoebe's!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello eagle budlets.

JudyEddy said...

I just posted this am visit on the NEST VIDEO blog OUT OF HERE LaterGAtor

Lolly said...

I was just about to say that, Kay. At one time the cave was wet but the formations are obviously not growing now. We were amazed that the cave we went to a few weeks ago here in Texas is still very wet and growing.fd (the fd is Annie's greeting to you!) She just walked across the keyboard. I get no respect! She is so funny. As I try to type she is sitting on the arm of my chair, reaching out with her paw to get my attention, and meowing right at me.

Have finished unloading and now cleaning. The fun we had is well worth the work right now!

Lolly said...

Oh, and in the cave here in TX, they have doors at the beginning and the end to seal in the humidity. It is a privately owned cave. State and US government said they could not afford to keep it up as a state of natl. park. The people who run it are taking excellent care.

Lolly said...

Okay, (not Oh Kay!)☺ Back to work!

hedgie said...

Shirley, maybe you did tell about Rus's incident.
Yea---good luck with your shopping!

Lolly said...

Lynn, forgot to ask. When, where, did you see a bear?

hedgie said...

Hi, Sharon! How are you feeling today??? Hope you are staying in and taking it easy.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....thundering here.....sun is still out....don't want to shut down....if storm knocks out satellite signal, need the online venue for the trial.....

hedgie said...

Baez: "her and Casey went".....he needs a grammar lesson.

Kay said...

LOL, LOLLY ! I hope Annie was only calling me a Fuddy Duddy ! Kitten on the keys has an all new meaning in this tech age !

hedgie said...

Severe storm warning posted.....

wvgal_dana said...

I can't remember how many years ago there was much water in the Cavern we went in. In the ceiling you could actually see a whirlpool form in the ceiling rocks. It was beautiful.

500 million-year old world underground

Kay said...

LYNN and other trial watchers. Thought this Jose Baez bio of interest. He's only 42 and has had some interesting scrapes with the law. Did the court appoint him to this case. Otherwise cannot imagine who might have promoted him as a good murder trial attorney !


hedgie said...

Raining....satellite in and out...big-time thunder!

Kay said...

LYNN, be safe !

DanaCo, enjoyed the cave website. I've been to Pike's Peak a couple of times, but never to the cave.

hedgie said...

Wow, Kay----he was even denied an initial license for 8 yrs. because of his activities! No, he wasn't appointed to the case---he volunteered to do it, pro bono even. Inferences are that there's a very good chance he will lose his license after this is over.

Kay said...

Oh,oh ! Ashton boo-booed. Can't understand a veteran attorney like him giving in to the urge to laugh. Maybe he knows Baez has a short fuse and wants to make sure the jury sees him in a bad light ???

Kay said...

Volunteered ? Yikes. I think, were I in need of an attorney, I'd check the credentials of a volunteer !

hedgie said...

Scary storm. Two really BIG strikes VERY close......argh!

hedgie said...

Interesting information about the formation of the cave....suspected maybe that was the one you were in!

hedgie said...

HAIL----quarter sized.....LOUD!!!!!

Lolly said...

Send rain to, Lynn! Uh, keep the hail!

Kay said...

LYNN, does Liesl react to such storms ? They don't even phase granddog, Malcolm. My last dog was a very large one that attempted to become a lap dog at the first clap of thunder !

wvgal_dana said...

Got to go they are coming to get me. Might be going to a Renaissance Festival ( :

Charge I want to be the one on the horse with the shield and sword lmbo

hedgie said...

Well, sure likes like Ashton is going to be in trouble now......foolish move on his part....caught laughing at Baez' accusations against prosecutor's evidence.......

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday Afternoon!!
WE HAD RAIN LAST NIGHT!!!! 2 or 3 AM + Lots of thunder and lightening, but not a gully washer.
Guess I just won't have to water for one day!
Lolly, you are so organized!!
Lynn, hope your eyes return to normal & everyuone one else w/ailments feel better ASAP.
Been watching some of trial. Missed prosecution this AM & Baez does go on.He's not proving anything unusual to me & how dare him say discouraging remarks about Dr. G!!!!!!She knows her stuff & I'd vote against him for that!!!I'm still waiting for some one in the family, or neighbor to say baby was found in pool!! DUH?????
And enough about that.
Hello, JO from the B---H!!! You got thru!! Enjoy!Have fun, Margy!

hedgie said...

Liesl seems to be concerned but not really scared. Satellite is GONE.......wonder if hail could have damaged the transponder??!!! UGH! I have nothing....

hedgie said...

Guess Ashton dodged a far! Much ado about nothing.

hedgie said...

Hi, Lowreeda!!! How's everything with you?? Don't think you want the kind of storm we just had!

hedgie said...

Yeah, Baez is grasping at straws. He has called all of the prosecution witnesses liars.

Lolly said...

No, Loweeda, not organized! LOL However, we never return the trailer to storage without having it ready to go for another trip. Also, if we ever get another trailer, I want possible buyers of this one to be impressed with how clean it is. LOL I have now cleaned the interior. Waiting for the carpet to dry, then push the slide in and scrub the exterior. Jack does most of that!!!

Hoda said...

America America God Shed HIS Grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shinning sea


Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Happy Independence Day.

Oh my, Alvin/LeRoy = multiple personalities. Will likely develop Kay's bipolar issues.

Yes, Interpol is international police. Yes, used to use teletypes. Now have the most amazing technology to communicate between agencies worldwide. My friend supervises a very difficult area of crime (child sex crimes/child pornography/child human trafficking. She, and other child sex crimes officers tell me the only thing that keeps them going is the ultimate goal of finding/convicting the offenders.

Lynn, hope the migraine is short lived.

Hi Jo. Keep relaxing.

Congratulations DanaMo on having a working kitchen. Enjoy!

Baez has made many grammatical errors. Not a very good impression for someone with advanced education.

Kay, Mr. Baez represented Ms. Anthony relative to check forgeries. When charged with murder, against the advice of her father and brother, she insisted Baez represent her. She has been declared indigent and her defense team is working pro bono. I believe Baez was so caught up in the intense emotions he was experiencing he lost his ability to restrain his reaction to Ashton. Stupid for both attorneys.

DanaWV, so glad you are having such a nice time. I am certain the four-leaf clovers will bring you lots of good luck.

Hi Lowreeda. Storm here during the early hours but sunshine, hot, and really humid today.

Okay, need to do some not fun stuff like folding clothes.


Kay said...

JUDIE, thanks for the info on how Ms. Anthony and Mr. Baez met. They were meant for each other !☺ Hope LeRoy doesn't develope my bipolar issues, nothing worse than a kitty with cold feet !

HODA, thanks for the tribute to our beloved USA !

Judie said...

Forgot to mention. After Bambi made his visit yesterday afternoon to check out the newly cut leaves and vegetation, he left and returned a couple of hours later with a lady friend. What a special treat to see.

Also, just checked Snowman cam as I have neglected that for a long time. All dressed up and ready to celebrate July 4th. Looks really nice.

Hi Kay. Just passing on what I believe to be how the pairing came about.

Hoda said...

I do believe the sound is back on again at the live feed camera???

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Storm has arrived in No.Va. Last of laundry today in dryer. Only sheetz remaining for the morning.

For the 4th of July menu there will be baby back bbq ribs, corn on cob, sliced tomatoes from the market. ♪♫♪Anticipation♪♫♪

Nest colors looked very pretty tonight.

Hoda said...

The sound is definitly back at the live feed camera...I hear rain drops and a bird...

Judie said...

Shirley, hate to be a PIA but I tried to use the procedure for blue, bold, italics and have not been successful. When you have time, not a priority, will you repeat, please?

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds been back from a kick butt game we won GO RAYS 8-3 Jordyn loved the concert she was so mesmerized by them it was so cute I am in process of uploading videos and picture to face book and them will put some on blog I still need to get a shower so probably will be later I notice we have sound on the cam YEAH Happy Dance Thanks STEVE if you had anything to do with it and thanks for who ever fixed it you are the bomb Well sounds like we have a storm rolling in I need to so jump in shower before it hits BBIALW

Lori O. said...

Hey all, glad you approve of The King, LeRoy for the former Alvin's new name. Didn't really think of it as going French, or Napoleon would have come up because he's definitely the runt, 2/3rds the size of Bobby, but he keeps Bobby in line, growling to scare him away from the chicken treats.

LOLLY, loved your story about your favorite student. There's so many teachers here, let me just say I think it's great! Everyone deserves to be special and you probably had more of an impact on his life than imaginable! Very cool you're friends on FB now.

WANDA, LYNN, SHIRLEY, I hope you are all on the mend and feeling less pain today.

LORETTA said storm last night wasn't a gully washer at her house but it was huge here. I lost of ton of mulch into the grass going down the hill.

Hoda said...

Judie before your message enter the angled bracket < then the letter b then close the bracket > after your message enter the bracket < then a backward slash / then the letter b then close the bracket > an example The land of the free
and The home of the brave

stronghunter said...

Bought a laptop. Will helped me. He now has both computers and is transferring my files. I am using cell phone.

I can't wait to get my hands on my very own laptop!

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

I see Hoda already gave an answer. If you need more, I can email.

Hoda said...

CONGRATULATIONS SHIRLEY on the new lap top. Will sounds liek a great guy for helping to transfer all the informationand to make it functional. WOW using cell phone to post...again BRAVO AND CONGRATULATIONS.

Lolly said...

Wish I had sound. Hear nothing here.

Trailer is all clean and ready for storage. Going to hitch up and take it tomorrow. We are tired!

Going tomorrow afternoon to Laurel's house. She is grilling hamburgers and we are taking homemade ice cream. At about 7 we are going to the North Texas Univ. stadium for fireworks. Joey, as Elvis, is singing the Natl. Anthem. He has alread apologized to us as he is singing it as Elvis not the way it should be sung.LOL

Michael's family was invited but they do not want to get out in the heat. They are going to Michael's high rise office to watch Dallas fireworks. That could be neat!

Lori O. said...

Whoa! JUDYE is doing the happy dance! Congrats on the Rays victory!

I think FloBear is getting Alzheimers or whatever dogs get.
He goes out to potty and just starts walking down the driveway which is almost a third of a mile long! Today he went out in the woods to potty and shimmied through the fence behind where the Vulture nest is. Mama Vulture was having a fit and flew up on the roof and FB (FloBear - not FaceBook)was oblivious. You call and yell and clap and flap your arms and he looks at you like, "was all that noise about me?" YES!

Lolly said...

I take that back!!! I just heard a bird chirp!!! Faint, but a chirp!

Lolly said...

Lori, Annie has Alzheimer's too. She asks out. We let her out. She turns around and asks back in. Grrrrrr! Drives us crazy!

hedgie said...

DC meteorologist says that nearby community of Bedington got 4" of rain....wouldn't doubt it here....wish I had a rain gauge!

Satellite is still out. Wondering if hail could have cut into co-ax cable----skin is off in small chunks in a 2" long area. Or maybe squirrels did it and rain just got in?? ARGH!

So back into court in the morming for prosecution rebuttal to defense closing arguments (what a waste of time---Baez might just as well have said that all prosecution witnesess are liars amd let it go at that! And Chaney probably put the jury to sleep!) and then jury instruction.

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone!

WooHoo Shirley has her own laptop. Now you can return the schools (after Will has done the transfer).

Lori, I like the name Alvin but will try to remember his new name. What was it again? Oh, Leroy.☺ The chipmunk Alvin was my reference too.

As to naming some one/things after story characters, I helped name my first grandson. The name was the name of a character in a book I was reading at the time. Can't remember the name of the book now, but Jared is my sweetheart!

Judie, I peeked into the trial proceedings but didn't hear/see anything said about how the youngster died. Can you tell me? Those poor jurers, how long have they been seated?

Hoda, thanks for acknowledging the birth of the USA. We're all proud to be Americans. And we love our northern neighbors.

stronghunter said...

Severe TS warning here. Wind blowing big time.

hedgie said...

Judie, same instructions that Hoda gave you for blue and italics--use a for blue, i for italics.

I hear a hum on cam but nothing else.

Liesl is being a bad puppy....she keeps sneaking into sunroom and starts to chew on corners of my rustic coffee table.....I am beat from chasing after her. And now I have discoloration in three toes, and a big blood blister on the broken one. Think I need to put my feet up!!!!!

Judie said...

Hoda, thank you and thank you for the follow-up, Shirley.

So happy you have a laptop and that Will is doing the "dirty work" for you. He deserves a big hug from mom. I think you will enjoy having the mobility versus a desktop.

Lori, are you serious that FloBear is behaving strangely?

JudyE, congrats on the game and cool that Jordyn had a good time. Hope the storm passes by quickly. Still raining, thunder here.

Lolly, glad you have the trailer all cleaned and ready to store until next time. Enjoy being at Laurel's tomorrow.

Off to put my feet up. BBL

Judie said...

Oh, cool. It worked.

hedgie said...

Was hustling after court adjourned to get trash out before it got dark---duh, realized no pick-up on the Holiday!!!!

Don't know if dogs and cats get Alzheimer's or not.....could FloBear be losing hearing?

Judie said...

it worked

hedgie said...

I saw two medium-sized SB's today....very much for Lynne2's theory that the heat does them in. I bet this is the stage where they are destructive to the farmers/orchardists....

Judie said...

I recall a family who had a dog that suffered a stroke and, I believe, they can become memory impaired causing confusion.

Lori, you might want to try some hearing test like calling when he's turned away from you inside the house. Lynne2 might have some information so email her.

hedgie said...

Diann, no conclusive evidence of means of death.....conjecture is that chloroform was used, and then suffocation by means of duct tape over the mouth and nose.

Lori O. said...

Diann, I used to name animals after the characters in Pride and Prejudice. I had a Colonel Brandon and Miss Maryanne, and an Edward and Eleanor.

Thanks for the Annie update, Lolly. Helps to know I may not be crazy. Then again . . .

Yes, Judie, FloBear is behaving in strange ways. It's as if I've awakened him from sleep walking when he finally focuses on me. He was lifting his leg all over everything back where the vultures are. He's never even been back there. He'll go outside and start panting immediately as if it's sooo hot. It's got to be his age. He's just started this in the past few weeks.

JudyEddy said...

Truder has arrived

Hoda said...


Lolly said...


stronghunter said...

Evil storm on radar. Thunder, rain, wind.

JudyEddy said...

VWAGAL DANA sounds like a fun time I have an old video of my family driving over the Royal Gorge when I was young it was the trip we took in that 59 ford where my dad burned the back seat with his cig butt the quailty is terrible because it was one of those older camera but I still love to look at it I remember the train tracks at the bottom of the gorge and the river also

I forgot to set the DVR on my machine to do the trail DARN IT ANY WHO and I missed the news at 6 will have to wait for the 10 news I suppose
BACK to the STRAW I swear it looked like it glowed in the dark last night right after it dark

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

I think another bird is fussing at Truder.

JudyEddy said...

I was typing that when he landed

PA Nana said...

I'm probably late but there's Truder.

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Excellent point about the hearing, Judie and Lynn. Thank you both. See, I didn't even think of that. I love this blog!

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...


Lori O. said...


It's so funny to see him at this hour.

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...


Hoda said...


PA Nana said...

I think he poofed to a close limb.

Hoda said...

OH I forgot to bold!!! Judy E was right!!!

PA Nana said...

Didn't seem to take off with full power.

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

That was a quick visit. Was wanting to see Belle. The nest has a rosey glow. Hmmmm????

Judie said...

Hi Diann, Lynn answered about the trial. How are you?

Lynn, sorry about the chewing and the toes. Is Liesl still teething? Maybe a harder toy like rawhide? Don't know much about dogs. Our Siamese Lily had early issues with dementia. Lily would roam the upstairs just before dawn crying at the top of her lungs.

I really am going to put my feet up. Bye

JudyEddy said...

I got a video and stopped it when he went under the leaf also did a pic I will wait to down load just in case he shows back up I will be ready

Lori O. said...

Shirley, where is the storm you saw on radar?

PA Nana said...

Hi Lolly! Glad you had a great vacation and welcome home. Saw the fb pix from Laurel. They were great. Waiting for yours.

JudyEddy said...

I was reading the blog like a good girl after I did some facebook posting of todays concert and he showed up ok back to reading like a good girl

Lolly said...

A new meaning for "quickie"! LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY hope knee is better and LYNN are you healing somewhat

JudyEddy said...

Beautiful BELLE has ARRIVED

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

I think Belle just landed!

PA Nana said...

Is that Bellel? Or Tuder has returned.

Lori O. said...

Does Truder do his yo-yo much at night?

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It looked to me like "the eagle" took off from the 3 o'clock position. I think maybe Belle just landed.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...


PA Nana said...


Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Hoda, I think it is Belle. Not positive. Dern leaves!!!LOL

Yes, it is Belle! She has made my day.

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She also took off from 3 o'clock.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That was a sight for sore eyes. Love her.

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

JUDYE - at least you didn't have to get up early in the morning for that quickie! lol

Lolly said...

Okay, (not Oh, Kay!) I do think Wanda needs to get her ladder and hedge clippers and get after the sycamore tree. How about it, Wanda?

Hoda said...


Lori O. said...


How are you feeling?

Lolly said...

Hi Sharon! (((Hugs))) Hear you were misbehaving while I was on vacation. Shame on you!

Hoda said...

I am not sure who Trudeer is!!! That was meant to be Truder...WOW will I ever be able to do bold when all of this is going on????LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA that is why I just do caps I can't do the bold either

PA Nana said...

Hey Sharon! You behaving? Hope you're feeling better.

Lolly said...

LOL Hoda! Forget bold...just do all caps!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Whoops! Our view just changed!

JudyEddy said...

I just bet they won't be back the BIG TEASES

JudyEddy said...

I can hear fire works in the neighborhood I hope it rains it made them stop last night when it rained I gonna check radar Not for sure if its thunder or fireworks

Lolly said...

Time to start making bets on when the leaves on that stem block the nest completely. It is unbelieveable how much it has grown this last week.

PA Nana said...

Lynn, thanks for answering my question about the trial.

JudyEddy said...

Hey if they would let me I would go up there and trim that sucker

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day also

See ya in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...