Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Fresh thread.


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grannyblt said...

Woo Hoo. I may be first. Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

hedgie said...

Good morning one and all!

WHooHoo, Lynne1---you ARE the TOP MOMSTER today!!!!

Okay....commenting as I read through last night's late posts:

DIANN...the new Dallas does have Larry Hagman, Linda Gray and Patrick Duffy, so there will be some semblance of the old which may make it better than many of the new versions of other oldies!

Wanda, as for the New Zealand thing....Medicare or any other US insurance won't cover any of the costs there!! I have to think that the woman in the newspaper article must not have had insurance at all!!
I DID see the Tri-State truck at GG's yesterday.....awful day to need to be in an attic, for sure! LOL about the beer!!

magpie said...




Costume Lady said...

I was going to tell my new way of peeling eggs, but see everyone has gone to bed. I'll post it again tomorrow for those who don't read this. Some of you may know this method, but I'm sure others don't.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

hedgie said...

Hoda, so surprising that folks in foreign countries would still be that naive about the USA and Canada with all of the media technology presenting the truth, isn't it?? I, too, liked Knot's Landing along with Dallas!!

Andy, I was also wondering the same things about SD zoo bldg. Scary thing is that it was only 50 yds. from the panda house. :(

Costume Lady said...

We are going into the church early this morning to get the grocery bags ready for our Hungry Guests. This is the day we have been looking forward to for a long time. Each person will take home a bag of groceries (if they have signed up and are eligible) Will let you know how they receive this extra bit of help and love from our group:)

magpie said...

Hello grannyblt Lynne - -
golly we are hardly ever on here at the same time

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

oh dear must get back to work

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Oh Wanda mentioned on the other thread:

Blessed Ministry -
and Hallelujah !
Bravo !

magpie said...

can't wait to hard boil eggs and try your method Wanda...

Thanks !

Ok, NOW I must return to the other keyboards and computer screens, darn it !!

Have a Good Day Everyone !

Costume Lady said...

DALLAS & KNOTS LANDING was something this household looked forward to every week! I cannot think of any show that holds our interest, now-a-days, like those 2 shows did!

Costume Lady said...

Reminder on the eggs...shake the devil out of the eggs, back and forth and up and down and the salt while cooking must do something to the shells??

magpie said...

Holey Moley!
Those Sycamnore Palace leaves are waving to Everyone !

hedgie said...

Lori, glad you are home---for a little while!! Can't blame your mom for wanting to get on with it!!! We will keep the prayers going. Can't wait to see more pics of the B.V's. And another kitty!
You may have missed our kudos to you about the interview with WCV--great job!! So glad I was up in time to listen!!

Kay, would love to see pics of your rehabbed condo. I love when they do that to the old buildings!!!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn...I thought the medicare thing would not be welcomed in New Zeland. But wasn't that a fantastic experience for the woman who had her work done over there?
GG seems to think she needs a hip replacement, but, that has been ruled out as a necessity.
I have an appointment for her at the Pain Management/Dr. Gallagher, clinic tomorrow morning...pray that they can help her. She fell, once again and boogered up her elbow. She only uses her wheely walker when she is going back to her room or outside. Her fall took place in her kitchen...she doesn't use anything in there, just holds on to the counters.

hedgie said...

ROFL---play by play of the thuds at the nest---too funny, JudyE!!!

Agree with you about the kids in restaurants----bad parenting. But can also see the other side of the coin as far as the other diners go. It should be one of those things where the owner just has the offenders leave; not really fair to the well-behaved and their parents.

Lori, all is well with NBG eaglets as far as I know! Plans underway for release....still with concerns about continued feeding...but would think they will return to hack tower where food can be supplied.

Kay, so sorry about the roof.....what a PIA. I would worry about the tarp stayin gin place in more high-wind conditions...argh!

hedgie said...

Definitely prayers for Gene's "boss", Wanda.
About GG's a/c---Christie and Shannon's is also in the attic---and they are on a full basement. DOn't understand the logic---sure have to hope that it never springs a leak---the drain line goes where?? I have had mine clog before, as has DanaMo just recently. When that happens, it leaks from the unit.....as JudyE would say: very weird, I say!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the salt tip for the hard boiled eggs, Wanda. WIll give it a try---or at least tell Christie. She always has trouble. There is also a peeling difference between older and fresh eggs, but I can never remember which it is that peels easier!


hedgie said...

Oops--posted before I finished!
Your day is going to be a long one, Wanda. Hope you can get an aftenroon nap squeezed in there.

Have a good day at work, Margy and JudyE.

hedgie said...

Check out this vidoe--awesome!

Lio Whisperer

Costume Lady said...

The older eggs peel easier. These eggs that I used, are from the Food Bank and have a freshness date of July 20, so they are NOT spring chickens;)

hedgie said...

Well, here's one to tick us all off:
a boatload of illegals was dumped off on Santa Cruz in the Channel Islands. They called for help on a cell phone. Coast Guard "rescued" them and immigration agents are interrogating them. Some may be smugglers. Sure hope they didn't compromise the integrity of the eagle research--as in shoot an eagle. Grrrrr.

Judie said...

Good morning! Bunny Whisperer here.

Hope Mattie finds she only needs to monitor certain types of food. Positive thoughts.

Dana and Dana and Kay, feel better today.

Jo, we have Capt. Father Gene and now we have your flock. lol Happy birthday to the 16 year old.

Diann, with you on the recycling of old themes and programs.

Chapter 1

Judie said...

When Dallas was on, I was waiting tables at night and the customers would talk about the episode from the night before. I kept up by listening to their conversations.

Wanda, prayers for Arnold. Soup kitchen menu looks yummy. So much work for you all to get those food bags ready but I am so sure they will be much appreciated. Will send an email to you later regarding Farmer's Market produce.

Andy, do hope Emma is feeling well today. I always think animals, like people, have their blah days.

Chapter 2

Lori O. said...

Best morning to my eagle family!

Thanks for all your well wishes for my mother and family. WANDA & LYNN, you're right, she will feel much better when she gets up and going again. They moved her pre-op test day up to today, so I'll know this afternoon what day they'll do the surgery. I will also be there when she has the operation.

LYNN, I agree with you, a hack tower seems the perfect solution for the NBG tripets. Glad you liked the interview with WCV. What an amazing organization - love them!

Prayers for WANDA's friend Arnold. Bless his surgical team, too!

I think KAY's computer pooped out she disappeared this morning and said that might happen.

SHARON, how are you feeling?

MARGY, {{{big hug}}}. Thanks for your prayers, which we all know are special, coming from you! ♥

Judie said...

Lori, so nice to have you back with us. Of course, there will be continued prayers for your mom. Five days is not too bad. Darth was in ICC for 14 days. Course, in 1990, bypass was not so routine. Also, so happy Bobby and LeRoy have a sister that you will let join them. They should help socialize her.

Kay, sorry about the leaking roof. Hope it is repaired quickly or that you don't have any serious rain storms.

What a shame about the S.D. zoo fire. The good part is that the fire apparently did not reach any animals.

Fresh eggs are easy to peel.

Chapter 3

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda, sorry GG fell again.. was she alone or did it happen while you were there?
Okay, older eggs best for peeling! I'll try to remember that, Wanda!!!

Judie said...

Doing a Margy...

Love the Lion Whisperer. I'll stick with rabbits and squirrels and chipmonks, thank you very much.

Okay, Wanda and I are going to have to have a hard boiled egg competition, I see.

Wanda, seriously, so sorry GG fell again. Will she allow you to encourage her to use her wheelie chair in the kitchen?

Okay, really am leaving. Bye

hedgie said...

Andy, if you pop in....Liels sometimes has those down days, too---all dogs do. Never know whether it is a physical woe or if they just need them to rejuvenate the "batteries" they go on most of the time!!!

hedgie said...

See I typed Liesl wrong on my last post---duh!!!
Judie, yes please---stick to the small critters. We don't want you to become anyone's repast!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Thanks for the fresh thread, Steve.

BWO Update-

Nest Update

We've updated the Osprey Cam Web Log with three new videos showing our wonderful chicks.

And remember that the 2011 Chick-Naming Contest is underway, so please help us name the youngsters.

paula eagleholic said...

And remember, if those eggs float when you first put them in to boil...they are too old!!

Lori, Welcome Back! We missed you! Glad your Mom is getting her surgery done right away, at first she will feel like crap, but soon she will feel better than ever!

Lori O. said...

Hello Paula, and thanks, GREAT to be back! I trust all is wonderful in the story of Paula & Nick!

ANDY - I Hope Emma is feeling better today. FloBear had two bad days recently. He loves echinecea leaves, which in one bunch was mixed with Black Eyed Susans -- echinecea is good, BESusans/Rudbekia is toxic to pets. Didn't know what happened until he barfed up the whole leaves - ! They were very easy to ID.

hedgie said...

Was just watching a flicker mama teaching a fledgling how to climb a tree and look for food---he was having a hard time "grasping"--literally and figuratively. She was feeding him the bugs she got!

hedgie said...

Hi again, T-bird! Just told you good morning on FB, too!!!! Lemonade time, I see!!!! Enjoy....and try to stay cool!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone - I am learning
so much about boiling eggs - Some of this is new to me. Judie & Wanda I'll wait to see which of your theories is
correct. lol

I think I need to read the ending of
previous blog. THANKS Steve for this new thread.

Daughter is here with me so I'll be popping in and out today.


paula eagleholic said...

My live feed is down, but the still cam is still up

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I have lots to do today. Won't be on here for awhile.


stronghunter said...

Birds are putting all kinds of stuff in my hanging baskets. Maybe we will have a nest (or two) soon.

Linda said...

Good Late Morning Eagle Pals!!

Bunny Nest Update - The X that I put over the hole has NOT been moved since yesterday morning around 10am!! Oh no........ What shall I do? Did the Mom just get scared away from her regular feeding or is something wrong. At first the nest was quiet, but we moved things a little and one bunny popped up and his eyes are open. Soooooo cute.

I asked Dennis if I should do something. He said no. The one I saw was definitely bigger than 2 days ago and eyes were opened.

We put more leaves, hay and weeds over the top so if the Mom wants to go under that to nurse them, she could do so without being seen.

Maybe the stack of stuff to burn was a great covering for her. Dennis also chased our neighbor's cat out of our yard. That cat loves to sit in the middle of our 4 acre hay field and just watch for anything that moves.

They won't have much of a chance with that cat around, I am sure.

Of course, I want to bring them into the house and get little nursers for them, make their formula and the works, but I know that isn't best.... :(

Should I do anything else??

Linda said...

I have to catch up from when I signed off last night now, but......Welcome back L♥ri!!! Keeping you and your Mom and Dad in my prayers! Glad you're home and praying for excellent results in the days to come! ♥♥♥

Linda said...

The cat from next door is back......

He has to cross the field to get to our house. I might go over and talk to the neighbor and see if she will keep him inside for a week or so to give these babies a chance at survival, in case the cat is the problem!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Linda, maybe you could throw something in the area of the cat to scare him off.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and a new thread I see
What is wrong with the camera not working LIVE ONE still looks ok

JudyEddy said...

STILL CAM is working it looks like but not the live camear is anyone else working????

JudyEddy said...

OK I just read that PAULA live cam is down also I feel better now Has everyone jumped ship when I came aboard LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new Thread STEVE almost forgot my good manners

JudyEddy said...

I thought I used deodorant last night maybe I didn't

Linda said...

PAULA - The cat is real friendly and once he sees us, he comes right up to the deck. He knows us well.

I'm going next door now, and I am sure "Blackie" will just follow me.


JudyEddy said...

I went to the OC forum to see if they had any news on cam nothing posted there yet I hope that they know its down no mention on the oc forum either They did mention the thuds we have been hearing so have they and I heard a eagle chirps this morning right after one of the thuds Since no one is here I will go BBL

hedgie said...

No cam for me, either. ???

Linda, sure hope that Momma bunny has been there "without a trace" and all is well...but the cat definitely will pose a problem. :(
If the wee ones are growing, then I would say she must be feeding them....keep close watch from a distance if possible....but I think refrain from attempting to cover them.....just a suggestion!

hedgie said...

JudyE---any rain yet today? Still none here in my corner!

magpie said...

Hey there Judy
I am taking a little break
and I cannot get live feed to open either

magpie said...

it acts like it wants to open but then just sits there with the Go arrow

magpie said...

Hi Hedgie!
I talked to Jewels about 30 mins ago
they were on their first break

magpie said...

I see those big healthy looking babies at Blackwater....

this is a good time of day to watch

magpie said...

speaking of Jewel(s)
Jewelweed is OUT - also known as touch-me-not, orange and delicate usually, sometimes yellow

and cicadas are out and singing, but they were REALLY out in Northern Virginia
And I think I heard katydids at night time 0 though it seems early for them

T-Bird said...

I will Hedgie, you too. I'm off to do the thing. The thing as of now is unknown. : ) I think I'll be taking Mattie to the pool. Don't ask me why I'm not going with her.

magpie said...

well now I guess we will have to figure out if the Still Cam is really updating

okay, time to get on the other computers and keyboards

xoxox ttfn

magpie said...

Hey there Teee

thinking of Mattie and please tell her so, and that I hope thursday stuff goes ok !

Go swimming !!!!!

magpie said...

I did yesterday...just getting into the water is sooo refreshing

hedgie said...

Phone company was just out here doing something at the box along the road. If I lose my internet, you will all hear me scream!! Phone is okay, so....here goes.

hedgie said...

All seems well! whew!

hedgie said...

Just went to make a sammich....and bread was molded----GAG big time....down to the freezer I go....but it won't thaw in time for lunch....what to eat now??!!

Linda said...

LYNN - Thanks for the suggestion. I just got distracted outside pulling lots of bishops weed that is taking over our beds in the back. It sure is pretty when it first comes up, but it spreads TOO FAST and then turns yucky when the hotter weather comes.

Anyway, I will just throw the weeds over near the burn pile like we usually do, but not on top of the nest. Maybe it will pile up high enough so that you can't notice movement within?? How does that sound?

I'm worried about the wee ones, but don't want to interfere.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Got up early again today and spent the morning working in the yard. This is definitely working for me, but sure changes how I do things. Oh, no, off schedule!! LOL

Lori, welcome back. You were missed! Will continue keeping your mother in my prayers. She is going to do fine!!

T-Bird, such mysterious postings! Hmmmmm??????

Lolly said...

Oh, Linda, know how you are feeling! What to do? What to do?

Did you speak to your neighbor about the cat?

Linda said...

LOLLY - She didn't answer her door. I am going to call her once my phone stops ringing!!!

Too much seems to be going on today!

hedgie said...

T-bird.....good day to STAY in the pool---go ahead and take the plunge! Glad Mattie is feeling well enough to do it!

Linda, I say give it today.....maybe Lynne2 will have suggestions.

Beggin Strips ad just on.....poor Liesl! I need earlpugs---barking echoes terribly in here!

hedgie said...

Margy, Caro called me, too!

hedgie said...

Robyn and Tori are getting ready to leave the hospital!!!!

hedgie said...

BIG black bird in driveway pulling at bloody spaghetti!!! No idea WHAT....got pics thru' window!!!!

hedgie said...

It's a common raven! There was another with him, but no battle over the food. All gone now....need to boot up other puter to post pics!

stronghunter said...


Lynn and DanaWV asked about the toy Susan gave the chinchillas.

Here is what Susan has to say:

The flower bouquet was a toy I got them for Valentine's Day. I belong to a couple of forums and people sell different chin toys sometimes for holidays. It is made from palm leaf which is a safe chewing toy. We call toys like these shredding toys. In general, any toy that is safe for birds is also safe for chins. Here is a link that gives you a good idea of what the bouquet was made from -

Bird Toy

stronghunter said...

Okay, link does not work.

stronghunter said...

Bird Toy

stronghunter said...

On the mats she uses in the cages:

there are very few things that are sold for chins in pet stores that I would buy for them. I get much better prices online and a lot of stuff sold at petsmart/petco is not chin safe. The mat is what we call a "fleece liner" and I get them from people that sell them online.

stronghunter said...

Off to afternoon appointments.

hedgie said...

Pics are on my Lair...not the best---he was probably about 50 ft. away from window.

hedgie said...

Cool, Shirley. What is showing on that webpage---I had a bookmark that looked like that once....don
't know where it is now.

Kay said...

WANDA, you don't wanta shake, rattle and roll in NZ ! Confine that activity to the peeling of hard boiled eggs ! I'm going to try that next time I boil some up.

LORI, the computer did freeze up and just shut er' down and went back to bed. Was still too tired to cope. Have done all the things that might contribute to a slow down, but the strange thing is, it only happens on this blog early in the morning. My guru and I are wondering if AT&T does a reduced power thing during the night and then resumes full throttle about 8 or 9 a.m. EDST.

Sorry I didn't miss a visit ! I truly hoped to find that Belle and Truder paid a call after I left. :(

Kay said...

Okay, so it's shake the Devil out of the eggs before you Devil them. Got it ! Wonder who came up with "Deviled Eggs" ? I'd have called the "Devine Eggs" myself !

Kay said...

Lynn, the tarp is well pinned with bricks---looks so lovely ! These condos were originally an apartment complex, built in 1967, so not really vintage. However they do have an appeal new construction today doesn't have. the exteriors look pretty much like they did back then---I lived just 5 blocks away when they were built. All the new owners did to the exterior was to paint, put attractive faux shutters up and build garages. Inside they gutted them, getting rid of pink tubs, aqua appliances and the like. We each chose flooring, cabinets, counter tops, bathroom tile. Come see, it's a cozy little place ! Just have to get some disputes over things like the roofs settled. The developer still owns 23 out of 50 and has turned to renting his out since sales are down. May not have an good situation here until more sell and his voice on the board is minimized. I sold many a condo when in Real Estate and never encountered the mess this turned out to be.

Kay said...

So sorry to hear GG had another fall. WANDA, does she wear a First Alert or something similar ? Good luck with all you have to do today. You're going to be one tired cookie tonight !

LYNN, good pics of the ravenous Raven. This neighborhood is full of the noisy critters. Saw a dead one lying in a nearby yard when on a walk the other day. Still wonder what ailed it.

hedgie said...

Had to laugh about the pink tubs and aqua appliances, Kay.....when Christie and Shannon bought their house (built 60's) they couldn't wait to replace pink and black tile in the bathroom! Actually thery tore out the whole bathroom and rearranged all fixtures and have NO tile!

DanaMo said...

Baking a red velvet cake for the first time per Annemarie's request. Today is her 13th birthday! I can't believe my baby is 13!

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Here we go....scare tactics....Obama tells CBS news: President Obama: "I cannot guarantee that those (Social Security) checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it".

DanaMo said...

Hmm...try again. My avatar is a picture of when she was 3 years old!

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMo....Happy birthday to Annemarie! My youngest granddaughter turned 13 on May 31st!!! TEENAGERS!!!
Your avatar didn't post---even tho' it IS on your profile! She was a cutie!

hedgie said...

Ok---2nd time was the charm for you!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN so far as of 4:20 no rain that I am aware of in the area All the yards are still draining in to the curbs of the road Other parts of Fl got rain and yet we still may get some with the heat of the day and the sea breeze later on I had already left at 12:03 when you got back on 12:23 I was working then

BOB I loved your book some fantastic pictures I am so jealous and envious of you being able to take such great pictures and have such great subject to take picture of.

STILL NO CAM oh no eagles to see on the no cam I guess all equal out - watch those two suckers show up tonight and all we have is the still boy that will be interesting huh Odd that there is nothing on the OC page about it being out they have been pretty good about at least letting us know that they are aware of the down cam Do we know if it was reported and being out??? I only have about 50 comment to read so I'll send this on Later eagle dudette and dudes

JudyEddy said...

The question was asked about do we think the still cam is working Well it is a little bit ago a leaf was folded from the wind and now its is not folded at all so it looks to be working so far as I can see Yep it is because right now half the nest is covered also it wasn't a while ago back to reading blog

Lolly said...

Left for a while. Needed to run some errands. Went to Sports Authority and got Jack a new Zero Gravity lounge chair for the trailer. Shhhh! Got one for myself, too. LOL It's his birthday present. First I have bought him in several years. He usually buys himself something and says it is his birthday present.

DanaMo said...

Red velvet cake done. Hope my avatar shows up.
I now have 3 teens in the house and one 20 year old.

Medication is making me tired, but I just tried to take a nap and couldn't :(

Lynne2 said...

Hello all! Can't stay, yard work is calling (I've been working out there since 1) but just wanted to say that I am no longer working at my "sad" job!!!!! Things just got too freaky. The DR and I decided that this was probably not the place for me to be. DUH! I flat out told him that I couldn't deal with EVERY phone call I took or made being questioned, that every appointment I tried to make had to be "approved" and, well, blah blah blah.....won't bore with more details. But I sure am happy! I'll be working at Manchester on Tuesdays again, and filling in on other days, to go with my Thurs and Friday I have already.

Lynne2 said...

I'll have a little more time to blog!!! But not right now...I need to get back into the yard! AND, check the baby bluebirds.

Hoda said...

Strong rendition of Amazig Grace and Mrs. Betty Ford's Funeral.

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynne! We have missed you! Sorry that your SAD job did not work out. That place is crazy!!

Temp presently at 100.6 and still rising. Humidity is 32%, can be thankful for that, but would like it to be 100% and raining.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN you too have a issue with molded bread I have a whole loaf waiting to go to the park for the squirrels never even opened it I wish they sold half loafs for single people

LYNN2 how has brother cat been someone else mentioned a cat had he just popped in my head

JudyEddy said...

Check out this video was taken at Ft Desoto in St Petersburg Kayaking with Manatees at Ft. De Soto FL

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, my toilets at the beach are yellow! YUK

JudyEddy said...

HOPLA was my word on the lunch with the raven picture I just have never figured out what kind of security that is Like no one but me could type it in Silly I think!

JudyEddy said...

LLYNN I like the second picture nice looking bird

Hoda said...

Lynne 2 I honour your decision and I celebrate the end of a job that was not working. I am glad you are working an extra day at the good job and celebrate your courage and your straight forward way of expressing what was not working at the sad job. It takes strength and courage to do so. My hat is off for you LADY.

paula eagleholic said...

And I keep my bread in the fridge or the freezer!

paula eagleholic said...

Later...gotta hit the grocery store and mow when I get home...

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY Ok what is a Zero Gravity Chair??? Got my curiosity up And you better hope he doesn't read any of the blog and that was nice you got one for yourself also Tell him it was buy one get one or they came as a pair and you didn't want to break them up or be a HOME WRECKER LOL

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO what a cute picture I love the dress Sweet!!

Kay said...

PAULA, LOL, yellow toilets--there's a perverse logic to that color for porceline throne ! Beats pink anyway !

JUDY, when I bring a loaf of bread home I put half in a zip lock bag and freeze the other half. I do wish a lot of things were sold in halves or small lots, however. On the other hand, "they" would charge more for the convenience and that's not good ! I am loving Deli-thins, getting bread, but not as much. Versitle---I use them for burgers, sandwich bread and breakfast toast.
That doesn't look right, how do you spell versital ? ;o) Help, teachers !

DANAMO, another milestone in a mother's life ! Annemarie was a doll 10 years ago and am sure she is on birthday 13, too. What makes a Red Velvet Cake red, food coloring ? I'm not a baker.

LYNNE, so glad to hear you aren't at the "sad place" anymore. Life is too short to spend it working for a rude and thoughtless boss. You really have almost a full time job with what you describe and I hope it's enough to fill the bill. Has Steve had any luck on a job search or is he making it fine with odd jobs ?

JudyEddy said...

Check out the latest in drawings from Maria D'Angelo was on facebook she is talented

Maria D'Angelo drawings

Lolly said...

Judy...Zero Gravity Chair

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

PINK and YELLOW is not a color I would have chosen how about black My daughter boss all hers are black and tub and sink also

JudyEddy said...

cool chair thanks LOLLY

hedgie said...

JudyE...thanks for looking at my raven---they do use crazy words--or NONwords!

Lynne, SO glad that awful experience is behind you! He's a jerk and you are well rid of him!!!

Paula--I think I could handle the yellow toilet better than a pink or blue---remember them?
I put bread in freezer until I'm ready for it, but for fresh sandwiches it needs to be out. If for toast or grilled sandwiches, regrig is okay. But I have found that "brand name manufactured" bread lasts longer than "baked in-store" does. And that's what this loaf was. Had only taken it out of freezer on Sat.

Lolly said...

Today is our 18th day at 100 or over...11 days in a row! Geeesh!!!

Kay said...

Versatile, of course, I just couldn't get the word to look right ! Thanks JUDY !

What a classy lady, Betty Ford was. Her funerals and burial will reflect that. And, it matters not what party you favor---she certainly didn't let that influence her assessment of people !

Betty Ford

mariadangeloart said...

Just thought I'd pop in and say hi to everyone! Hope you're all enjoying your summer and not dealing with any more nasty thunderstorms and tornadoes! I check in from time to time but don't post. (Figure if I don't have anything to say I might as well keep quiet!) Just wanted you all to know I'm here and thinking about you guys and next spring when we'll have some babies to watch!

hedgie said...

Cool vidoe, JudyE. I love manatees!

Kay said...

MARIA has extroordinary talent ! To think of all the hours and hours she's studied the anatomy of a horse in order to get each muscle just right. Reminds me of reading about Michleangelo and Rodin and their study of the human anatomy, making them the Masters they were ! Beautiful !

hedgie said...

Maria...loving your artwork! Stunning!!! Good to see you pop in to say hello!

Kay said...

Yep, the bakery bread is good the first day or for toast a couple of days, but doesn't have the preseratives the brand names have. Not good for a single who can't devour a load quickly !

Lolly said...

Hi Maria! Great to have you pop in! LOL A lot of us rattle on and on with NOTHING to say. We could learn from you. ☺

Kay said...

Aha, MARIA, was here for her video and the compliments ! Neat ! We are big fans, MARIA, and hope you'll pop in more frequently ! ♥♥♥

Kay said...

Guilty as charged, LOLLY, but I'm not likely to change into a woman of few words and concise expression ! I was never this chatty before widowhood. Now I find myself blabbing every time I get a chance ! Stan must have been a Saint, huh ? ☺

mariadangeloart said...

I'm here. And don't stop chattering or else I'll have nothing to read when I do pop in! LOL

Hoda said...

Touching service for Mrs. Betty Ford. God Receive her soul.

JudyEddy said...

That is soooo freaky that I was on facebook and brought over her art work and a few min later she decided to say HI spooky I say

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Just enjoying the sun set here in the
valley. Great news about Robyn and Tori
heading home.

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals...

where does one begin after reading so many intersting posts !

I love the Raven Lynn, good pictures

Loch Garten had a fledge, Tore, this morning early their time

magpie said...

I agree with you Judy, the Still Cam is Alive ☺
Better than nuttin'

and the Live feed is not alive

Yeah, watch the Birds show up tonight !

Precious picture of AnneMarie and Happy Sweet 13th Birthday to her !
Yay to you for making her Red Velvet Cake upon request! ♥

magpie said...

Good to see you Maria!

and thanks for the post Judy on Maria's art work...which I will have to save for looking at a little later

Okay Lynne2: sounds like your Momster friends support your decision regarding the SAD Job!

magpie said...

Oh...if I had or someday have a house (instead of an apartment)
where everything works, I probably wouldn't change anything

but everything you all talk about is interesting...
well, yellow toilets, that IS rather novel, and Yellow IS my favorite color, would probably keep them that way also....
Kay - Would YOU ??? LOL

and I keep my bread in the refrigerator also ☺

magpie said...

annual apartment inspection is Thursday (when I am at work)
so I must get the shovel out and see if I can make the place somewhat presentable

all they really check for is safety, water leaks, and general cleanness...think I will be okay on those features

found a beer can stuffed next to my tomtao plant last night...I DID take that up with the upstairs neighbors...one of their partying "friends" from the night before was responsible
I was NOT HAPPY ! And I took the scrunched up half full can right back up to them.
They apologized, and I did NOT !!!

Kay said...

MARGY, yes, I'd keep yellow fixtures and work my theme around them ! Funny thing, yellow is my favorite color, but I wear very little of it and have only some yellow splashes of color in my kitchen. Over the years I had two yellow cars and loved em' !

magpie said...

Aaah! Venting over
Now to deal with what I have to do tonight

Thanks for the information on Betty Ford's funeral, I will check those things out later also

Hey! Best Wishes for a Good Evening, and

Welcome Home to Tori and Robyn, and may all good things take place in the Wellness and Healing Department...with Big Prayers for just those Very Things ! ♥
(( Hugs, Ladies ♥ ))


Kay said...

Good for you on the beer can, MARGY ! I have a young neighbor who smokes, but only outside. That's a good thing. However, I'm trying to think of how to, with some tact, tell him butts are litter, too. He picks up after his dog and should also pick up after himself !

magpie said...

Someday, Kay,
I want a yellow Subaru....
has to be just the perfect color though, and it will be hard to find !
I started looking for and finding Yellow Things, shirts mostly, at Goodwill a few years back and my collection is growing...

magpie said...

Yep I totally agree with that Kay....
litter is NOT okay and I do my share of picking up after people here !
WOOF !!!

Kay said...

ROBYN and TORI, I can just imagine the feeling of elation and joy you both feel tonight. Wonderful news !

Kay said...

Yes, I agree on "just the right color of yellow" ! For me it has to be bright and sunny, at least for automobiles. Too easy for yellow to lean toward new baby poo or too far toward gold !

magpie said...

Yes Kay
something between banana skin and lemon skin color...
do not like the Mustard Shade !!
okay, on to the task
Oh, go for a yellow neck scarf in the fall...Kay...I practically lived with mine most of the year.
Two things about yellow: for ahwile it was James's favorite color, and, it reminds me of dear Deb who was always so Sunny and remains so in our memories ♥

hedgie said...

All of a sudden the stupid ad startted playing on the live cam page.....nope, no cam image. It startled me, tho'...haven't heard an ad on there in weeks!

Kay or Margy....I know someone who is selling a lovely yellow vintage VW---in excellent condition!

Margy, so glad you stood your ground and made the littering situation clear! Go for it, Kay! Hope you have luck. I am always telling SIL Charlie and his bro to pocket them---they rarely listen!

hedgie said...

Hoda, one of the Ford's sons, Stephen, is an excellent actor. Was on one of my soap operas for years. Saw him there in the pew---still a great looking man. Nice seeing George Bush escorting Nancy Reagan----I imagine she will be the next one to leave us.

JudyEddy said...

that may mean they are working on it we hope

JudyEddy said...

Had to sign back in to for this one comment odd

JudyEddy said...

Yellow use to be my favorite color years ago always wanted a yellow car always had red with the exception of my white with red interior mustang 66 I had all kinds of yellow cloths also years ago before t shirt days now

magpie said...

Sooooo What is your favorite color now Judy ? ☺

magpie said...

by the way, I don't think "Eagle" is a color but hey! Why Not ?

magpie said...

Moon is fast approaching its full stage which is Friday

time to call Megan in for the Full Moon Name/s !
She has never disappointed us!
'Cuz she knows we are going to ask, and the Best answers always come from Megan !

JudyEddy said...

RED I guess

magpie said...

ok Judy
that's a great color, esp on Friday ♥

JudyEddy said...

Colors are fading from our nest as the sun set in the west and tomorrow when the dawn appears we hope our eagles will be here!
It seems they have other obligations

JudyEddy said...

Lots like another no show

magpie said...

nice litte poem, Judy
You are a poet and now WE know it

well, we sure can't hear any Thunking and Clunking on the Still Cam and Live is still not available

JudyEddy said...

I was thinking the same thing that they probably was on the cam box

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am
God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Almost full moon! Megan, oh Megan, where for art thou Megan?

paula eagleholic said...

Guess who greeted me at the door tonight??? Nick!

And Nick is a master dog toy hider....I knew he had a toy in the back yard...looked all over last night and tonight, couldn't find it. And who goes zipping by me with his toy while I'm mowing?

JudyEddy said...

Funy story Paula

magpie said...

Hi Paula !
What night does Nick meet the Labs?

Megan told me in an email last week that they water until 10 pm most nights, then dinner and sleep and start all over again first light..
so she will see that Growing Moon and know we are calling her in I bet

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to DanaMO's AnneMarie!!

Maria, your horse drawings are absolutely stunning. ☺ Bravo!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Saw Lori was on here this AM & I heard her
"on the radio"! Prayers for Mom's upcoming surgery!

Altho I didn't see any eagles today, there were several ospreys!!!Only one juvie most of the day on the cam nest that I know "Has No Signal", so I took some pics & a couple short videos!
Blogger is doing an experiment---trying to combine photos & videos in one set!! LOL Last video has been loading forever & I have one more pic. If this won't work, I'll do them separately.I got real lucky that one is even therer as camera said battery expired!!!!It managed to save!! Will check what's happenening & try to eat something w/molar that lost a sliver Sunday! Only hurts when I chew!! Dentist TH.

paula eagleholic said...

The yellow toilets aren't a pretty yellow, they are that yellow/gold color...and one has a blue seat!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, not going to meet the Labs this week, but will next time we get together for dinner...not sure when that will be. But he loves the lab next door, Cody.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta find some grub!

LOL Margy, we were both calling Megan ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, have you gotten any more ripe tomatoes??

NatureNut said...

Got some ospreys in the Nook, will see if another video will load....BBL

magpie said...

Wow Yellow and Blue, makes Green ☺

Have one tomato ready to pick in a day or so Paula...not having the greatest yield so far

Okay on the Lab Convention..
but happy Cody is close by

cucumbers from Annandale (my sister's not Judie's) and lettuce from my Megan Plant coming up for dinner

Okay Loretta, will check your Nook out in a wee bit also

magpie said...

The operative word, though, Paula is Toilets...Plural!
That is a plus in itself !!!

okay back to work..
have my work gloves on now

Lolly said...

Okay, now I am picturing Paula's "thrown"...gold with a blue seat. Oh, dear!

Lolly said...

Annie, former good friend, loves yellow. Yellow everywhere. She once had a yellow mustang convertible. Hated when she got rid of it as you always knew it was Annie when you saw that car.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta....so sorry about ANOTHER tooth story....grrrrr. You can't get a break---no pun intended. Good luck Th.

Paula, think I'd replace that BLUE toilet seat post haste!! UGH!

hedgie said...

Loretta, did you see my raven??

hedgie said...

Good pics and videos, Loretta!!!

Hoda said...

MARGY I am so very proud of you for holding your own in regards neighbours who leave beer cans in your plants...and NO REASON FOR YOU TO BE SORRY FOR SPEAKING UP. I am glad they felt sorry though. GOOD ON YOU!!!

Lynn I thought Mrs. Ford's funeral was done with grace and lots of class. It was almost cute how the former President Bush was looking after Mrs. Reagan by including her in the conversation and extending an arm for her to take as they walked. He would forget everyonce in a while and walk a little faster and then she would cause he to slow down again...charming...Mrs. Carter spoke well and it was easy to capture the close friendship they had...I think it is very difficult to be the first Lady of the United States...

wvgal_dana said...

Almost a Good Night but I got things done I needed done today. So I'm just checking in. Reading comments for Tuesday this thread.

Thanks Lynn love the lion video ( :

Wanda sounds wonderful they
will get to take a bag of
groceries home with them.

Sorry about GG's fall. Wish
she would use that walker
every place she walks.

Something about Kay and her
roof...doesn't sound good. :(

Hoda said...

I see no visit from Belle and Truder tonight. Well maybe tomorrow.I did not have a live feed in the afternoon, but the still cam was up...I'll go check if it is back on after I post this.

Lolly said...

Okay, time for prayer request. My brother in law, Dan, is in the hospital. He has had a lot of problems but he has had a colon removed and rebuilt, pancreas and gall bladder problems. Anyway, he is very sensitive to his diet and any pain. Well, he is having pain and apparently has some kind of blockage. They are doing some tests and it looks possible that surgery may be in order. This is my sister Sharon's hubby. He is a high risk patient, he has been through so much. He is a great guy, a retired school superintendent.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori keeping your Mother in prayers. As I said Ed had 5 bypass Jan 3, 2002 and he did very good. Since then they have come up with eve newer ways of doing the surgery.

NatureNut said...

In honor ofv the color yellow, I found pic of one of Fubby's Buick Skylark's.
Got my other little video on & do have pics of the First Cam Family, but I'm getting pooped!
I will probably return, but for those hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Lolly, prayers for your BIL. Sounds like he's really had some problems.

Lynn, saw your raven! Thank goodness grackles are the largest moochers we're getting!When I put a few more pics on, you should see one Myrtle might like! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMO Happy Birthday to 13 yr old
Annemarie. ( :

magpie said...

Lolly, oh dear...
very sorry to hear of Dan's illness..what is his age ?
Where do they live?
Prayers...of course

magpie said...

Lolly, oh dear...
very sorry to hear of Dan's illness..what is his age ?
Where do they live?
Prayers...of course

magpie said...

my turn for noise!
tested all three smoke detectors

all three work !
think I should test them again
No, I won't

Lolly said...

You are not going to believe this. Went to see Loweeda's video and the word I had to type was "flyin".

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 glad your back only a the happy job ( :

hedgie said...

Okay, Loretta---which watch for it!!!

Lolly, prayers goingup for Dan....sounds very serious. :(

Kay said...

MARGY,your yellow scarf reminded me of my all time favorite cardigan sweater, a pale lemon yellow. It went with everything just as a neutral white or beige does. That was back in the 60's. I want another yellow sweater ! ☼

magpie said...

Keep Alert to the upcoming SPLIT

or is it Spit, or Spilt...

Great Yellow Car Pic, Loretta, trying to work my way to checking your Nook and other pictures

Thank you for the details you are sharing on the Betty Ford Services....

Lolly said...

Dan is 73. They live down near Houston. Wish we were closer. It is a 4 1/2 hour drive down there.

magpie said...

okay Lolly -
thank you x-2 both answers
I had no idea Houston was so far away

hedgie said...

Good one, Margy---twice!!! BEEP,BEEP,BEEP!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, did you row today???

hedgie said...

Wonder how soup kichen went for Wanda---along with all of her other tasks??

Kay said...

JUDYE, love your poem !

magpie said...

Get Thee, to Goodwill, Kay!
Hope there is Good one near you...
the one in Berkeley Springs, is really great - so organized, everything clean....
and I have picked up a couple of yellow sweaters as well

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...