Sunday, July 17, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread I'll get the others and I hope you had a good trip

JudyEddy said...

I put the call out for the others I think they all flew the coupe

JudyEddy said...

So its off to work I go

hedgie said...

Will see all you fine, fowl friends later today. Enjoy the weather while you can...heat wave returns tomorrow.

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to Everyone in Eagleland!!

Konked out yesterday shortly after getting home! We did butterfly count from 9AM - 12N. Not as many as we should have seen---think it wasn't hot enough in the AM. Had several species,tho. We travelled from Park into the State Park, Merkle, next door and to the boardwalk toward River where I went in May to see the Lady Slippers. There was an osprey nest in a treetop there and saw an osprey now! May have a pic---have to download camera.
Don't know if the Pax osprey cam stayed online much lately, but Greg switched cams to the original nest w/2 chicks under roof and Dad.In afternoon an extra adult male landed in the corner of nest & everyone just accepted it! At first we thought it might be an unattached female who might join the family and help out, but not so. One of the chicks was eating a fish all by itself! Greg was going to put fish chunks in nest last night for other chick.
I need to read back .....BBL

magpie said...

Good Day, Eagle Pals...
and Thanks Steve for the New Sunday Thread
and to Judy for the call over


Happy Birthday Jack !! Hope this is a Glorious Day.... xoxo ♥ ☺

and just for you, a Jack-in-the-Pulpit from Swinging Bridge !

magpie said...

sounds like a busy busy day yesterday, Loretta, interesting news about the Osprey nest

Glad to read of Wanda and Gene's friend on the Road to Recovery

grannyblt Lynne - sounds like your plans are coming together...
so cute, about your Mom wanting to have you leave Daisy with her ♥

magpie said...

Nice story in our local newspaper about Pet Safety Day at the Hedgesville Fire Department....unfortunately it does not mention Lynn's group's participtation but it seems to be a good article, you can click on the two photos on the right of the page to enlarge them if you wish

Pet Safety Day at the Hedgesville Volunteer Fire Department

magpie said...

woke up with a Bad case of Bed Back....had that not occurred I was planning to go to Megan's Market this morning :(

can't sit and write much

will leave it at this:
Prayers for Lori and her Mother, all the family and the health care team with the upcoming surgery Monday


Thanks Judy and Shirley for the early morning Nest Report, so glad you got to see them

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone !

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday evening....
hope you see your Monarchs soon

DanaWV sounds like you had a cool evening also !

DanaMo - sure hope our prayers for your wellness and comfort, start working RIGHT NOW !!

Paula: Hope today is as fun and enjoyable as yesterday for you...
Has Nick been running around with Gracie today ?? ☺

ttfn xo

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Lori and her family.

Happy birthday, Jack.

Sounds like you had a wonderful day visiting wildlife, Loretta.

Glad that you had such a nice birthday celebration at a favorite restaurant, Judie. It sounds like one of those good finds.

stronghunter said...

Things to do around here. BBL.

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL.


The puter has been running fairly stably for a couple of hours now, so ??????

Maybe the McAfee download and change to its Security Center this morning explains the difference.... When I went to bed last night it was essentially totally unstable, and I couldn't get it to operate on the INet.

Weather is kind of hazy, kind of warm, kinda muggy in So Cal today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks JudyE for the call over.

From Martinsburg to Paw Paw, WV it is about 199.2 miles
3 hrs and 48 minute drive

From Capon Bridge, Wv to Paw Paw, Wv it takes
24.4 miles and take 37 minutes

From Berkeley Spring to Paw Paw, WV
it is 24.9 mils and take 39 minutes

magpie said...

Hope your computer holds up, Hedgie had told us it might be on its deathbed

We have been missing you !!

Heading out myself now,
see you fine people later...

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Well its off I gone hi ho hi ho

movin said...

Yes, Magpie, it has been close to death, but perhaps McAfee's upgrade to their Security Center this morning corrected the error causing all the crashes. Anyway no more crashes since then, and I've been doing some strenuous things to it like running several videos, and the like. Next I'm going to see what happens when I open AOL Radio to listen to my jazz.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Okay Jim...
Jazz Away ♪ ♫

ttfn xoxo ☺ ♥

Kay said...

LOLLY, please sing:
♫♫♪Happy Birthday dear Jack♪♫♪ for me. Same kind of cake Judy and Judie had--enjoy ! Hope you had a good time planning your upcoming rafting trip with Michael ! Rafting on the Colorado is a hoot !

Hmmmm lemon pie or cherry cheesecake coming up, yummy ! I always requested cherry pie or cobbler rather than cake myself.

movin said...

Radio seems to be working too!

If I had been feeling better yesterday, this machine would have been ripped out and replaced with a new one! But I put off shopping for another day...

It's something similar to a miracle cure for the brute.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

LYNN, LOL Liesl and her on screen buds ! I've been amazed that Malcolm has no reaction at all to dogs on TV. He occasionally stares into my full length mirror or the glass oven door, seeming to wonder who that is ? Kinda cute !

Happy to know our birds visited today. The consensus seems to be that Truder was just a bit ruffled up yesterday and we don't have yet another eagle in the picture. Good !

MARGY, too bad about that "bed back", do take care and feel better soon.

DANAMO, sounds like some progress for you, but yes, do not drive for a while !

stronghunter said...

A large insect is flying around in my yard. It looks like a dragonfly, but I am not sure. Posted it on my blog along with some sunrise pictures from this morning.

Kay said...

JIM, sounds like you may have hit on the solution with the McAfee program ! Good deal !

LORI, you and Nancy are in my thoughts and prayers today. Being together this evening will be soothing and good prep for tomorrow's surgery. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

On our way home! I am pooped! Zach wore me out!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, gorgeous sunrise pics ! That sure does look like a Dragonfly, but the largest I've ever seen ! An immigrant from Texas perhaps ? ☺

movin said...

I see two WE fledglings back on the nest and calling for lunch.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

I saw it from the kitchen and wondered if it might be a hummingbird. It acts like a dragonfly because it keeps perching on the stake. It does look like some of the dragonfly/damselfly pictures I found. It is really large.

Hoda said...

The Kootenay Osprey web cam is off line. They are having problems with playback and apologize for the inconvenience. I hope this means they know of the dead chick in the nest.

I saw two fawns this morning with traces of their white spots. I was headed out to Yoga and they were on the Bealby Point Rd. I stopped and watched them trying to figure out where they wanted to go and how to get there. They were full of Grace.

The big surprise today for me happened when I was shopping for groceries at the health food store. Two medium size red peppers cost me $9.58!!! I decided to splurge...


JudyEddy said...

Everyone must be super busy only 28 comments on todays thread when I came home and three are mine and this morning same thing I read all the comments at lunch and caught up now I think I just might venture out and go buy me some new sneakers I am in need big time

SHIRLEY I think it is a dragonfly I did google and wow there are so many different ones I could be wrong but I say df

JudyEddy said...

Bay News 9
BREAKING: Tropical depression forms off Atlantic coast of Florida, north of Bahamas. Max winds: 35 MPH. Will likely strengthen. Watch Bay News 9 for LIVE Update at 4:39 PM.
Looks like the season is off to a good start already BBL

Hoda said...

JUDYE Where you are do you get hurricanes? I hope not and if you do stay safe...

JudyEddy said...

HODA I am on the Gulf of Mexico if you look at the map I in the little peninsula that sticks out half way down the state on the gulf coast near Tampa--- the depression looks like its going to come across the state I have never yet Know on wood had to evacuate I am at a D level which is among the last to go E is the highest level A B C go first or mobile homes

Judie said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve. Have a wonderful week.

Shirley, you have an absolutely beautiful dragonfly. Lovely picture.

Been one of those days when you clean a dirty spot and then realize you have to clean the whole d__n place. Wanted to consolidate some veggies in the crisper and, well, two hours later...

Hoda, nice you saw the two fawns and they were safe. Our visiting doe was back this morning taking a casual walk looking over the food selections. I know you are going to enjoy your "splurge" but good grief, $5 for a pepper? Enjoy!

Hi Jim. Glad the computer is working and sure hope it lasts long enough for you to go shopping for a new one.

Loretta, I am headed to a butterfly tagging in about three weeks. Will be a first for me. Have not seen a Monarch since the one that visited my Lantana earlier this weeks. So sorry about the Osprey chicks.

Judie said...

Ooops, missed JudyE's weather report. Sure hope this one fizzles out or passes you by. Will pay attention to the weather.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a map to look at I am to the left of Tampa in the middle of the peninsula
Florida weather map this is a neat site you can put your own zip code to get your own area I did bring it to the blog before But this will give you an idea where I am the storm is on the other coast now

Lolly said...

We are home and watching the soccer game. Very exciting!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Jack. He is not riding the rapids yet. They go the end of August. They just talked about the trip this weekend and really they did not do much of that!

Lynn, Jack and I have the same email address...we share!☺

JudyEddy said...

This is a neat hurricane link that is from our FOX weather I use it all season I love all the different maps


Lolly said...

Judy, you live where we used to go every summer. Jack's parents built a home and lived at Redington Beach for many years. They lived on the bay side, had a dock in their back yard.

Lolly said...

Last time we were there a tropical depression was in the Gulf. We had to drive through water to leave their house, but we had to wait for the bridges to open. Water was above their wall and inching up their back yard. They decided to leave shortly after that and moved back to Georgia.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY Wow so far I have never had issues We have had storms and bad ones but no flooding where I live So far and Knock on wood I have been here since 1972

JudyEddy said...

I hate it the old cam is back I forget and didn't refresh cam noticed no movement and yep it stopped at 1440 I want the old new one back but still no commercial that is good

Lolly said...

They were on a "finger". Houses across the street had water and docks in their back yards too. Street was under water...very high tide and rain and wind. Water came into the car when we were leaving. I think this was in the late 70's.

JudyEddy said...

We got some pop up thunder storm getting to roll in I hear rumbling big time just developed over the bay them darn heat of day sea-breeze storms I'm sure you remember LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

Cool late 70 I was here and didn't affect me at all so I feel better now I have heard horror stories form different people before

Lolly said...

Yes, I remember the daily showers! Just looked at the map, wow you are close to where they lived. Have seen the eagle nest at DeSoto Park. Have pictures of the kids when they were little sitting on the cannons.

Lolly said...

It was scary. They sold the house, but it is still there. Last time we were in the area we checked it out. We have great memories. Jack's sister and her family (4 girls) would go at the same time. We would have a week of fun at the beach.

Lolly said...

I probably have pictures. Will check.

JudyEddy said...

I been down several times and saw the nest and eagle my pictures didn't turn out I need a better camera for it It is in a gated community so you can only see from the highway not close but you still now they are eagles and I just love it seeing them Its somewhat dangerous

JudyEddy said...

Odd I don't like the beach at all I hate the salt water But I love to go on rainy days and walk the beach when its not storming

JudyEddy said...

I need to become friends with someone who lives there Ok I could become a stalker LOL

JudyEddy said...

So funny Glo is have a picture thing on her site everyday is a different letter today was J and some one put a picture of Walmart on it and said JOY when one comes to town I just laughed so funny I have been putting pictures on it everyday something to do and has brought up old memories which is always nice Here comes the rain I may have to shut down so far just rain rain hard rain side ways rain

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

If you look on the map again it says Pinellas Park there is sort of a triangle looking part on the left on the P I live about 1/4 up in the triangle but right now all you see is red from the storm LOL

Lolly said...

Judy, found a picture and posted in on my family pic blog. It is not really very clear as it is from a slide that I have scanned and saved. I have been working on our slides for about a year.

The eagles nest we remember was in a city park.

JudyEddy said...

I think that one is still there does Saw grass Park ring a bell??I think that is the name

JudyEddy said...

Cool saw the picture The news is on want to go watch all they have been talking about is Casey release this am

Hoda said...

Thanks for the maps Judy E I rolled it in closer and saw Pinellas Park and the red triangle. I bet you it is very pretty there, but the stories Lolly is sharing with you sound disturbing...I am glad you live in an area that has not been evacuated and I can only hope this continues.

WELCOME HOME LOLLY AND JACK. Happy Birthday Jack...Lolly are you baking the cake now and which one did he choose?

Lolly said...

Actually, no, have not baked yet, Hoda. I think it will be a lemon meringue pie. Have not made it yet, but will after dinner. Jack and I are both exhausted after being with Michael and Zach. We were up late and then up early!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I think the park you may be talking about in south st pete is
Lake Maggorie It has a eagles nest also

JudyEddy said...

Today is Na'l Ice Cream Day was just on the news

JudyEddy said...

BBL no one to tell LOL

Lolly said...

That might be it. It has been a long time. I think I have a picture of it, but it will take a while to find it.

Lolly said...

We were there in the summer. Did not see any eagles.

NatureNut said...

A little late, but not forgotten, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JACK!!!

Gotta fix din din & call TX. Tomorrow is their anniv., but they may be out of town.
I MAY be back! LOL

JudyEddy said...

MIDDLE AGE TEXTING CODES: ATD -at the doctor. BFF -best friend fell. BTW -bring the wheelchair. BYOT -bring your own teeth. FWIW -forgot where I was. GGPBL -gotta go, pacemaker battery low. GHA -got heartburn again. IMHAO -is my hearing aid on? LMDO -laughing my dentures out... CUGMAD..Can you get me a Depends

JudyEddy said...

NILLA had the last thing posted on face book I just had to bring over to us I love it ♥♥♥☺ ☺

BEagle said...

Hello Eagle Fans.

Thought I would stop in.
That dragonfly is awesome StrongH. Your camera must have been handy.

The weather maps are really cool JudyE. Got it bookmarked.

BEagle said...

I'm getting ready to paint my house inside beginning with the kitchen.

Prayers are going up for Lori and family.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Loweeda! Tomorrow is Michael and Ashley's anniversary, 13th. Yes, their rehearsal dinner was on Jack's birthday...he got to pay out the nose for the party afterwards!

Lolly said...

Pie crust is in the over. When it is baked and cooled I will finish the pie. It should be ready before bedtime. LOL

JudyEddy said...

Ok if you stare at the nest long enough the leaf at 12 looks like a white head and a black spot on it LOL

JudyEddy said...

♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫Oh where Oh where are our eagles tonight oh where oh where can they be♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ come on eagles

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

My gang got back with the furniture and laptops--one for Kathryn and one for Will.

We had steaks and corn on the cob for dinner. There was also salad and strawberry shortcake, but we all just filled up on steak and corn.

It has been a long time since we have had steak.

stronghunter said...

Judy, at first I was mystified by your comment about the leaf looking like the eagle head, but now I see you are speaking about the leaf in the nest. Yes, I see the eagle head, too.

hedgie said...

Hello. Playing catch-up. Didn't get home til al,ost 7....tended to Liesl and then was on the phone for over an hour with a neighbor (the "young" one who lost her hubby last year)---she really needed to talk.


Danawv, where did the 199 miles/3 hrs. 40+ mins. from Martinsburg to Paw Paw come from???? Wrong info!!!! It takes me 15 mins. to get from here to Berkeley Springs an d probably only another 15 to Paw Paw---max! It's im Morgan Co., right next to Berkeley Springs.

Margy, sorry you have bed back....hope it has eased by now!

Love your dragonfly, Shirley---I have them, too!

Nice accounting of your day at the park, Loretta!

Jim, hope the puter has remained stable.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks Shirley for saying you see it ODD the more you stare I put a picture in the album with a arrow and writing on the picture People may think I'm nuts but it does look like him and if you really use your imagination you can put a body on him in the nest check it out Ok I am bored waiting for our guest to arrive Hey who won the race does any one know I dvrd it but its a pain just to fast forward to the end

hedgie said...

Hoda.....are you serious about the price of the peppers???? Is that in US money???? Geesh-----want us to try sending you some????

You are right----the fawns ARE full of grace!!!! I just love them.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Good that you were there for your neighbor sometimes people just want some one to listen

JudyEddy said...

Light is fading from the nest SAY IT Ain't so

JudyEddy said...

I need to go get a shower come on eagles come on land in the nest please I wish we had sound

JudyEddy said...

light onanother day has come and gone without our eagles we are forlorn maybe with a new day the eagle will come to play we can only hope and pray

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am
God Bless this Nest
and all ♀ ♥ ♂
watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Margy, didn't even recognize 339 yesterday! Jimmy McQ was doing the demo when I wastched....and the rest of the time we were behind that table. And, of course, I'm sure you know they had two calls to respond to before noon! Thankfully, they were short ones!

hedgie said...

JudyE---think that's the same link you gave us last year---good one. I think it's been a fortunate season, so far.....what 2 1/2 mos. in and nothing organized! LUCKY!

hedgie said...

Judie, where is the tagging? It is very interesting. We saw it near St. Louis several years ago.

Crisfields for your dinner sounds great!!!! Haven't been there in beaucoup years!

hedgie said...

LOL, JudyE---Saw Grass Park...that was one of the places that Casey Anthony alleged Caylee was kidnapped from! So there's one in Orlando, too!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you and birthday guy had a nice weekend!

Hoda said...

Honest Lynn, $9.58 for two red peppers. It is in Canadian money but our dollar is almost at par with the US dollar at the moment. I think we are 98 cents to one of your I will savour my peppers. They knew they were expensive at the store because they told me their price at the till after weighing them and I was asked if I still wanted them!!!The co-op is a good place to shop and they donate a lot to th efood cupboard and they are aware of their role in the community...I enjoy shopping there and think my dollars go towards a good organization. It is a local co-op and I am a lifetime member.However at the price of the peppers I will be chewing very carefully and savouring the flavour.

hedgie said...

Loretta, tomorrow is Carolyn and Charlie's anniversary, too. 18 yrs.!

hedgie said...

Oh, no...eagle head in nest. Who lost their head???!!!! Looks like a Truder head!

Lolly, hope pie cools off before bedtime! Lemon pie was my Dad's birthday favorite!!

JudyE--the whole month is Nat'l. Ice Cream MONTH---I said earlier that it obviously meant we could all eat as much as we want!!!!

Lolly said...

Wow...three of our kids have anniversaries tomorrow. Cool!

Ashley was sick last week. She should not have gone to FL for the weekend. She came home this afternoon still sick! Do not think they will be doing anything special tomorrow.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Danawv---where did the Elvis impersonator perform last evening? Never saw anything advertised.

Too bad Ashley is sick, Lolly. Pray that she feels better fast. Did she have too much cool, fresh mountain air?

Lolly said...

Both Ashley and Zach had strep last week. Zach got over his quickly with meds. Ashley went into walking pneumonia and brochitis. Like I said, she should have stayed home. They probably caught something on the plane home from CO.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Gang!

Home safe and sound. Left a little early today, I was pooped!

Gotta go unload the car and water a few outside plants, bbialw.

hedgie said...

JudyE--meant last spring on the weather map, not last year!
Of course, see now that you have logged out!! Sleep tight!

hedgie said...

Locusts/cicadas/katydids/tree frogs are making a ruckus outside--if I mute the TV can hear them plain as day!

hedgie said...

Gee, didn't know they had gotten sick then, Lolly. Strep----nope, doesn't come from fresh air! Airplane--very possible!

hedgie said...

Hoda, hope there is a guarantee that the peppers will be yummy!!!

hedgie said...

Paula, you had beautiful weather for your weekend!! Bet you will sleep like a baby tonight. How is Nick??

Hoda said...

Lynn, My mind refuses to think of the possibility that they will not be yummy...LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Welcome home Paula. It sounded like a good active weekend.I hear the weather held up for you...

NatureNut said...

Baaaack! After din din & phone, studied up on dragonflies and pawpaws!
The draghonflies as most probably know, are prehistoric--300 million years old! A fossil discovered had a wingspan of 3 ft. I'd like to see that!!!They do not hurt anyone but insects and are beneficial as they like moquitoes!
Checked on pawpaws and when they are ripe, they turn from green to yellow (or brown) as my girlfriend in Paw Paw told us! They are "custardy" and taste like a cross betyween mango & banana. They are the only member of their tropical family that grows this far north & were prized by George Wash. & probably helped keep Lewis & Clark & some early settlers alive. Have a burgandy flower. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled in early spring! They are NOT eaten by deer unless they've fallen to ground as distasteful stems.Other critters eat them, such as raccoons, possums. Enough facts of the day!

hedgie said...

JudyE---Made a mistake on the race! Deleted it.....NEWMAN won!!!

NatureNut said...

Welcome home Paula! Hope you had a great weekend and are ready for auto AC next week! Supposed to be a scorcher.

BTW, I tried to put a note on the Ustream Pax osprey cam chat just to say that a different nest is showing now & THEIR links are not working either!! DUH At Park they said vis. Ctr. monitor was flickering some, but around noon I could see that Dad was feeding one of the chicks (the smaller one I hope!)

NatureNut said...

Didn't see end of race, Lynn, but glad Ryan Newman won. I think of him as one of the good guys!!

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot to say Happy Birthday to Jack!

Got to see the osprey chase an eagle this morning! Mama O must have dive bombed the eagle about 5 or 6 times! Also, at the same time, Dad came in with a fish! My brother saw a juvie eagle yesterday morning.

paula eagleholic said...

July 18th seems to be a popular wedding's the same day I got married to my ex, and my boss got married to his ex on the same day as well!

Can you tell I'm reading backwards!

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, I thought dragonflies ate flies as well...glad they eat having them at the beach...there are a ton.

NatureNut said...

$10 for peppers is pretty high, Hoda. They better be tasty!
I wanted to buy a parsley plant just to attract black swallowtail caterpillars, but Home Depot wanted $3.98 for one tiny!!!

Lolly, hope your gang gets well. UGH for strep throat especially in the summer!!
Prayers for Lori's Mom & whole family.
BTW, Daughter said her hubbny, Jim and his friend went fishing in the Gulf. They were spear fishing and both lost their equipment from ling (fish). Sorry for the fish, but serves the guys right!!

paula eagleholic said...

Weather at the beach was perfect!

Nick wore himself out...he slept like a baby all the way home.

lots of cicadas at the beach too

Ah having ice cream...klondike bar!

Lolly said...

Dragonflies love water. We have a lot and they love the stream and pond. Also when I hold the hose they will often come and fly through the water. I love the red ones!

Lolly said...

Paula, do not know how you ever get anything done at the beach. I would want to be outside all the time...with my eyes to the sky!

We leave one week from tomorrow for the beach.

Laurel and family are now in New Jersey. I do hope you all waved as they passed through.☺

Lolly said...

I think I am going to go bathe. I am about to fall asleep. We were up til 1:30 last night talking.

PA Nana said...

Good evening my eagle buddies. Have been having some great days with daughter, Teresa, and sweetie Max.

Max is talking quite well and his Pop Pop has him saying Tuscarora and Timbuktu. It's fun to listen to him say those works.

He's so sweet when things go his way, but a devil when it's not. I told his mom she was creating a momster for future teachers. Of Course, Teresa, didn't like me saying that, but I do have some experience.

See we have some birthdays:JudyE the 15; Judie Vajda the 16; and Lolly's Jack the 17.

Anniversaries too: Congrats to all those celebrating a wedding anniversary. May your love for each other continue to grow.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Hoda, enjot those peppers!

BEagle, so glad you popped in! Have fun painting!

Oh Lolly, did you make me a pie too? My favorite!

Jim, go for the new computer. I really think you need one!

Margy, hope the back feels better! Are you taking anything for it?

Judie said...

Well, I have eluded the sandperson but only for a moment or two.

Shirley had a terrific dinner, Lolly has prepared desert, Paula has arrived safely home and our Lynn has been a good neighbor. All good news.

The butterfly tagging takes place at Hidden Oaks Nature Center. Lynn should know that that lovely little seriously hidden park off Hummer Road. They do lots of educational events.

Happy anniversary to Carolyn & Charlie and Michael & Ashley. Hope Ashley recovers quickly.

Thank you, Loretta, for the paw paw information. Never eaten one but sure remember the song from early childhood.

Hoda, your money spent on peppers is a worthy cause. The peppers will taste all the better.

Yikes! Sandperson just sneaked up behind me and scared me. Wears some kind of anti-gravity shoes. I am turning the night light on for those who may need to arise in the darkness and those who may come in the door late from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

PA Nana said...

Gee, I"m really tired tonight. Haven't been sleeping enough. Max is early to bed and early to rise. He has some trouble keeping his voice down, but hey, his mother stomps like her father. It's nice to have visitors, but I'm thankful when they go home. Jim got me aset of earplugs that I use but they don't eliminate ALL the noise. Oh well, it's still a joy to see my sweet little Max.

With this weeks' weather I'll gladly stay indoors and catch up on sleep.

Welcome home Paula & Nick. You had beautiful weather.

Lynn, do you need earplugs for Liesl? Or practice the speed to mute the ad quickly.

Jim hope you puter is fixed and last a few more years.

Shirley, nice big dragonfly.

Hoda, savor those peppers. Around here they're about #3-$4 a piece for the red/yellow ones. Don't know about the green one, don't care either - don't like them. ☺

Hi Loretta. Love the car avatar.
Our youngest had a 65 Chevy Malibu, red, that he was so proud of, but had to sell it. I think someone from MD bought it.

Going to have to say my goodnights now. I'm really sleepy. Had to take some pain meds for my back & legs.

Prayers for Lori, her mom & dad for tomorrow's surgery.

Prayers also for any/all our friends who need or want to be remembered in my prayers. God Bless.

Mema Jo said...

Late to be checking in but Here I Come

Paula - very glad you are home safely and probably ready to go back again.

I did go to Shep'twn today to Market.
Megan looks great and her flowers were
a sale-out! They always have music and
I got to see Willie Barry - a young man with a beautiful voice and plays guitar with Bob Dylan as his idol. The
guitar case was open for donations with the sign Willie's College Fund. He is 16 yrs old....and what a future he has. Megan's stand is always right next to the music.

Then I looked up and saw a young man
in a wheelchair with Sylvia, his mom.
I got the thrill of speaking with
our MASON - he was really doing well.
He gave me smiles and usually a 1 word
answer which was great because I knew he was understanding what I was saying. That young man is a miracle and still has my prayers as does his
mom and dad.

Hoda said...

Atlantis will undock Tuesday and is expected back on earth Thursday. They are full in their cargo with trash from the space station. I wonder how they will get rid of trash in the future???Atlantis took them up a year's supply of food and other essentials...

stronghunter said...

Time for sleep here. I keep yawning and my eyes keep watering.

Thanks for appreciating my dragonfly. I have seen many of them--they especially like to sit on fishing poles or the bobber, but I had not seen them in my yard, and this one was so big.

There is a very polluted pond in the neighborhood,and, sometimes a stream runs through the area behind my yard when there is wet weather. Maybe one of these spots attracted it.

Would love to think it has gotten so big eating mosquitoes. We have had plenty.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah Judie went to Crisfield's. Excellent choice ☺

Lynn, that is just too funny about Liesl barking at dogs on the TV!

I see Belle and Truder graced us with their presence this morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Nick was so funny in the water, he was reaching down and getting out oyster shells and carrying them around like a bone. He was blowing bubbles through his nose! We were all LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Jo, that is so cool you got to meet Mason!!

stronghunter said...

Jo, so glad you got to see Mason.

Lolly said...

Jo, how exciting that you got to see and visit with Mason. Very, very special indeed...made your day, I am sure.

We just had the pie and I sang to him as I served him his huge slice! LOL Glad you could not hear...I can not sing.

News is coming on shortly and then I am heading to bed. I feel like I have not slept in ages! I have been violently attacked by Judie's sandman!!!! Help!

hedgie said...

Paula---don't understand about the ling and the it spearfishing and the fish swam away with the spears?

Lolly, never saw red dragonflies! NEAT!

Mema Jo said...

Paula I think you have been blessed by
receiving Nick ! Would love to have
seen him collecting his shells -

Just today was good - Going to close down for now. Nothing planned for Monday

Good Night and God Bless
Prayers for Lori's mom successful
surgery and recovery.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Oh, my---Diann---so good to see you! Know you are having a ball with Theresa and Max! Thanks for mentioning BEagI completely forgot to acknowledge her earlier.....meant to ask her if she and son were painting or if they were having it done.

I got a one-day reprieve.....painters aren't going to start until Tues. now. SO I can sleep in tomorrow after all. And didn't have to take stuff down today. Have to remove wall hangings inside in case the power-washing seeps in between the logs!

stronghunter said...

July 10--Sanctuary pictures--Dana, the first three pictures are of the raccoons, and the last one is of the opossums.

Susan said that the opossums are just putting on a performance. They hiss and try to look fierce, but it is a pretense. I still think I would not mess with them.

stronghunter said...

Good night again.

I hear Hunter talking to Kathryn. That rascal should have been asleep long ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, thanks for the moonbow link...I have heard of those.

Dana, glad to hear you enjoyed the Elvis show and it brought you nice memories of you and Ed ♥

Lolly, glad to hear Laurel could meet up with her friend while on their road trip! Glad that Dan is improving!

paula eagleholic said...

I am going to hit the hay too! Got a couple of chapters in my book I want to read!

(((Hugs to all ♥)))

hedgie said...

Judie....I remember that park well! Always took my girls there whenever we came down to visit Mom. Nice little park, for sure!

Diann---I had no idea that the price of the peppers was like that here!! I haven't bought any red/yellow in quite a while.....don't think I will anytime soon! Ridiculous!!! WOnder what caused such a hike?

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! We just got back a bit ago so I'm checking in. Great weekend except for the ride home on the I-70 Fuster Cluck. Haven't read back but I sure hope everyone is well and had a great weekend! I'll check back in with details tomorrow....good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Duh---Loretta was talking about the fishing and said spearing, so now I do get it! DUH! Sorry---I had just awakened from a little sofa nap with Liesl---must have cobwebs in my brain!

NatureNut said...

Sandman is creeping by, so time to say Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for those ailing ;>)

hedgie said...

Diann...I am FAST on the mute button...if the remote is nearby!

hedgie said...

Jo, so cool that you got to see Mason! And glad Megan had a sell-out!!!

Bath time for me. Will say my goodnights now. Sleep sweetly. Prayers for all.

NatureNut said...

P.S. to Lynn,yes, the guys were underwater spearfishing & the fish swam away with their guns.Sorry the fish had to sacrifice.

Jo, just read you saw Mason. How wonderful!!Probably no one thought he wouild be out and about. Long road, and more ahead. Prayers must have helped!

Now Nighty-Night for sure!! ☺

Lynne2 said...

oh, no bears again :(

Lolly said...

Sorry, you did not see bears, Lynne. Maybe next time. Do not forget to look up!☺

Heading to bed. Tears are streaming down my face...just because they are soooo tired!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

I think I will call it a night too. Good night and sweet dreams everyone.

Welcome home Lynne2.

Costume Lady said...

OMG, Hoda...$5 for a pepper! Not really surprised at the cost, they are near that price here. Peppers have been high in price for about 5 years now and that has made us grow many in our garden. We have 4 or 5 tubs planted with red, yellow, banana, green and cajun pepper (mildly hot). Getting close to STUFFED PEPPER time. I usually stuff 15-20 and at $3-$5 a piece, that would be at least $60 for a pot of them...yikes!



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in VERY late tonight! Fell asleep after dinner last night, and didn't make it back here. We were very busy today, and never made it to the ole puter!

Wishing Lolly's Jack a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! SO jealous of your big piece of lemon meringue pie!

We took Emma to the dog park today, and she made some new friends. She loves that place!

Oh, before I forget, I'd better wish Michael & Ashley a HAPPY ANNVERSARY!!!

Haven't completely caught up on the blog, have just kind of skipped through. Hope I haven't missed anything crucial!

Definitely saying prayers for Lori's Mom and Lori, and her whole family.

A neat thing happened today--our pair of Oregon Juncos showed up in the BACK yard! They have hung out in the FRONT yard for a few years, but all of a sudden they have discovered OUT BACK! They have really cute personalities. Very curious about everything.

Well, my neck has a kink in it tonight, so think I will call it a night. The computer is not agreeing with it at all! Have said prayers for everyone, especially those with health issues, and for all creatures.
Turning on the porch light. (Hope nobody stubbed their toe on the porch steps last night!) Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, and if the Good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise, I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

I think I missed you and Jack, but one final Happy Birthday to Jack while it is still July 17 where YOU are

Hope it was a glorious day with a wonderful year to follow !

xoxoxox ♥

magpie said...

Some neat news on here

So Neat that Jo saw Mason and his mother Sylvia, AND Megan, good to know market went well !
Before I went to bed Megan's Market was on my agenda, but that all changed by morning light, long story but the upstairs neighbors were very noisy :(

Oh Lemon Merinque Pie, my second favorite after a good cherry pie...
What a lucky BIRTHDAY BOY Jack was !

Shirley, oh, laptops for two and what an evening meal!

And bubble-blowing Nick! I saw a beautiful Golden Retriever in Berkeley Springs this evening.....made me think of all three of Paula's Retrievers ♥

magpie said...

glad to hear of a good visit with Teresa and Max
like those words:
Tuscarora and Timbuktu
Not easy for adults to say !!

magpie said...

I noticed before I left much earlier Sunday afternon that the cam was off-line at Kootenay...
I meant to post that, and I am sorry I forgot
I think your phone call was important and they got your message
Thank You...
I think there is definitely an insect problem there

magpie said...

It's Tomorrow!

Happy 13th Anniversary to Lolly's Michael and Ashley ♥ ♥
and Happy 16th Anniversary to Lynn's Carolyn and Charlie ♥ ♥

Here are some Megan Flowers for them:
Nicotiana, or Flowering Tobacco.
They bloom after dark, and are soooo fragrant and beautiful

magpie said...

It's quiet upstairs, I need to take advantage of that and get some good sleep. I'm not getting up for the early nest-watch.

Special thoughts and Prayers for Lori, her Mother Nancy and all the family today.

and Prayers for all of us....
for wellness and peace

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LORETTA Thanks for the facts I saved me from reading Can you do this more often you could be our teacher interesting facts from the blog you could teach us But no test please!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I put the short video on the NEST VIDEO BLOG

JudyEddy said...

HODA wow pricey peppers I love them raw

JudyEddy said...

Happy Anniversary to all the children that are now adults having them today from what I read there are three that is so cool

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I am going over to the rocking chair will be LM hope that they show up Looks like all has stayed in bed this am LM

JudyEddy said...

Has everyone checked out the eagle leaf in the nest I did put a picture of the eagle head leaf in the album along with this morning brief visit

JudyEddy said...

Just saw on the new TS BRETT is moving East no threat to Fla at all yeah

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Monday, Monday....!!!!

Made a goof when mentioning Carolyn and Charlie's anniversary--it is 19 years today!!!

hedgie said...

And to all the other "kids" celebrating today!!

JudyE---glad the storm was heading out to sea! And glad you saw the nest visit.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Heading outside to do some yard work before it gets too hot.


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

I see that HAPPY 19TH ANNIVERSARY wishes are due for Carolyn & Charlie!
Wishing you both the very best!

I suspect I will be in Lurk Mode for most of the day today. My neck still has a horrible kink in it. Not sure what caused it; it just "flew in" and I hope it decides to fly away very soon! I need to be doing transcription all day.

Happy to see we had an eagle in the nest this morning, and am grateful that the leaves will fall off the tree by the time the next nesting season comes around.

Must get busy here. Hope everyone has a good day. Will be continuing to pray for Lori's Mom, Lori, and her family.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Sleepy this morning.

Jumped out of bed this morning when I heard thumps and and cries when Kathryn fell and slid down the steps. She got a little banged up, but went to work after resting awhile.

BRB--Computer is telling me that it has to finish updating. Bossy things, computers.

Kay said...

My, my, what a slow morning here. Is everyone zapped by the heat and humidity ? So sorry for my dry heat Arizonans who are due to arrive sometime in the next two or three days ! Too, bad because there are so many beautiful outdoor sights to see. However, we'll have to find some indoor activities.

LORI, was awake early and rather than get on line I spent some time in prayer. Fell back to sleep, but I know God was listening and is holding Nancy, Allen and you close this morning.

LORETTA, what a wonderful tutorial on Paw Paws and Dragonflies ! Thank you !

JUDYE, we all appreciated you Eagle commentary ! Short but sweet visit, eh ?

HODA, as others have said, peppers are a bit pricey here, but not what you paid. Of course, I understand you were also contributing to a worthy cause. I buy a red pepper every couple of weeks. Seth loves them raw and he eats so few veggies. I like the color and taste in salads, stir fry and casseroles.

MARGY, love the Flowering Tobacco !

LYNN, did you have the A/C on or windows wide open when you heard all those little creatures chirping ?

Have enjoyed all the posts, but rather than going from a novella sized post to one in Epic Novel length, will not comment on all that captured my interest. So happy to "know" you all and to get in on so many different topics.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, Ouch--sorry Kathryn took a tumble ! Too many of those are reported here ! I'm so glad I don't have stairs anymore.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Happy anniversary to all those loving couples for whom July 18 is so special ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals.....

Kay I see another tulip development on your avatar!
Your words are lovely, inspiring at this time of the morning, and always

Shirley, sorry about that fall tumble and slide for Kathryn....I hope she will be OK

and make that Happy 19th Anniversary for Carolyn and Charlie ! ♥ ♥

Andrea, hope your kink gets unkinked very soon....

Best Wishes for a Great Day, Everyone

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Back from the updating and restarting.

Happy anniversary Michael and Ashley.

Happy anniversary Carolyn and Charlie.

Andy, I hope your neck is better now.

Hunter is downstairs playing computer games this morning. He jumped up when Kathryn fell and beat me to his mom. This kid was up way late last night.

Atlantis crew ready to head home now.

Lori O. said...

Hello Everyone,
This is Kate, Lori asked me to let you know that her Mom's surgery was re-scheduled for 12 today. They are at the hosptial and appreciate all your good thoughts and prayers. If all goes well Nancy should be in recovery by 6:00.

Lori will try to log on this afternoon and post more.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Kate! Thank you so much for the update from Lori! Hope your back is doing better! Bet you are having a heck of a time with all those critters!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, hope Kathryn is OK as the day goes on...

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends - Another hot one
today - no plans other then to put
some seeds out for the birds and peanuts
for the squirrels. What a LIFE !
Think of all who got up and went to their jobs this Monday morning - I miss
the people I worked with but not the
demands of the job. Loving Retirement.

Happy anniversay to
Carolyn & Charlie
and also to
Ashley & Michael
and to all others who chose to make a precious commitment on this day -
May love be in your hearts always

paula eagleholic said...

Vet hailed a hero....

Mouth to Beak

Mema Jo said...

Kate aka Lori Thank you so much
for the update - postponing surgery to
a later time can cause anxiety but
there is nothing you can do but wait.
OR schedules do change - most times for other emergencies. Just gives all of us
more time to pray for Nancy.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sure hope Kathryn doesn't
have too many after pains. Not a good
way for you to be awakened! Glad you
have a good heart!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - they showed that on TV news
last evening. You could watch the
eagle's body and see it move when he
started to breath. Miracles!

Mema Jo said...

Over to emails and FB for a while


Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Kate, for taking the time to let us know what is going on in Pittsburgh with Nancy. Lori must be beside herself, as well as Nancy, waiting all the extra hours!
I have had 3 surgeries and had to wait EXTRA hours to have all of them started. The anxiety is beyond belief! Once, I lay on a gurney, in the hallway for 2 hours, waiting on the OR to be available (people walking by, looking at me as though I were a corpse!
As Jo said, gives us all extra time to pray for a good outcome.

stronghunter said...

Great eagle story, Paula. I saw this yesterday and was going to find a link. Glad you got it.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagleland.

Shirley I enjoyed your pictures on your blog. Left some comments.

Jim that was lucky...waited a bingo it all
cleared up. Sounds like you almost got a new one...but you waited that one more day. lol

Hoda Oh my two beautiful fawns. Don't you just love seeing those white spots. ( :

JudyE hoping if anything brews it misses you.

I'll never forget the two my daughter rode out in Bacon Raton. Her beautiful fruit trees all ended up in her in ground pool. Her privacy fence all tore
down. Next door neighbors tree was on her house but hadn't (thank God) broken through the brick or roof.

I know others at other places got hit really bad back then.

JudyEThanks for putting on the blog what Nilla had on facebook....that is so funny--

Lolly if I bakes at pie I put it in the oven. Did you get a new appliance??? "over" hee hee cute.
We have a new word ( :

stronghunter said...

Kate, thank you.

Prayers for Lori's mom.

God bless you all.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Hedgie-Lynn I put in maps and put Martinsburg,WV 25401 and Paw Paw, WV and it took me for a nice long ride here is the link lol
Don't know for sure if it will bring up the map. lol

Wrong Directions but knew Lynn-Hedgie would catch this lol

magpie said...

Thank you Kate for the update, and that avatar, another lovely one in the collection that Lori has put up

Okay, prayers now, at noon, and through the day and....well, all the time

Good Morning more Eagle Pals...headed to get James to go see Cars 2, then to plunk around in the creek at Swinging Bridge if the weather cooperates

Will be thinking of all with love and warmth and prayers, and SMILES ☺

ttfn xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Well I tried putting the link in for the map. It didn't show the whole thing. Was really funny.

Costume Lady said...

Hold on to each other and don't let go...make the most of EVERY MOMENT, and don't forget to say I LOVE YOU at least once every day and saying I'M SORRY, when you are, goes a long way toward a loving relationship!

Ms Bookworm said...

OOooh, Shirley,
Hope Kathryn is OK! Yikes, a tumble down the stairs is never any fun. Hope she isn't too sore later! Prayers!

Jim, hope your computer is managing to hang in there! Mine is being weird today. Had to restart it so updates would take effect. Now IE is being very slow. Grrrrr!!

Well, back to work. Will check in later!

hedgie said...

Shirley, saw on FB about Kat's fall.....sure hope she won't be too sore. Gotta say---I HATE stairs!!!

No, windows are NEVER open here!! I also HATE bugs, and when you live in the woods there is NO screen fine enough to keep them out!! That's why I often just step out on the deck for breaths of fresh house remains MOSTLY gnat and no-see-um free that way!

Kate, thanks for letting us know about the delay. So commonplace anymore that whenever anything IS on time, it's amazing.

hedgie said...

Wonderful story about the eagle resuscitation! Sure hope this poor fellow survives. Happened in Oregon....but it's apparently a Canadian newsline---notice that they call the vet Mr. instead of Dr. That's typical British-speak!!

hedgie said...

Andy, hope your neck feels better! Are you doing transcription for the foreign doctor? And still for the police?

hedgie said...

Pics off exterior walls in office---NO stinkbugs hiding behind them!!!
Now onto the sunroom and living room!

Hoda said...


paula eagleholic said...

Watch out for the split!!!

JudyEddy said...

KATE for LORI thank for the update

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 205   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...