Friday, July 22, 2011


Back in the office.  New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve,
I think we are Ready

Hope you have a good day and week-end

I'll pass the word along

Lolly said...

Thank you, Steve! Have a great weekend.

Thank you, Margy, for the call over.

Lolly said...

Think I am headed outside while it is only 82.

Costume Lady said...

Is it going to be hot today, you ask? YOU BETCHA! 87 degrees already...going up to 101 degrees. Yikes! Not going to be picking beans today...didn't get up early enough:(

Speaking of a name for our NEW RESIDENT MALE...there is already a famous eagle named Challenger.
I do really like the name COLONEL, because it is a southern sounding name and we think of BELLE as a "Southern Belle". BTW, that name was submitted by Capt. Gene:)

T-Bird said...

Good morning Wanda. I want to let you know again how much I enjoy your cam.

hedgie said...

Morning all!
88° here. Ridiculous!
Thelma, I will need to learn how to post my trail cam pics, too, if I ever get any decent ones. There are two still pics on my blog that I posted last week. If I can stand to walk out to it today, I'll see if I've captured the fawn twins!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks Steve and Margy.

I still need to read back. See you later.

Costume Lady said...

THELMA, so glad you enjoy the Trail Cam videos. I can't tell you how much Capt. Gene and I enjoy it. I even let him be featured in some of the videos, including one that I have now. Haven't set music to it yet, but, when I do, I will publish it. Has some really nice shots of my GROWIN fox kits!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Lynn, I sure hope you did captured the twins on you cam...we haven't seen any this year:(

DanaMo said...

Good morning from California!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

stronghunter said...

Andy, I posted a picture of my orthopedic collar on my blog.

If you Google, you can find lots of them. I did not need a prescription, just went to the drug store.

DanaMo said...

This time change is killing me. Wide awake at night and then 4 hours later up again. I tried to nap yesterday afternoon, but couldn't. I am going to be exhausted after this vacation.

Linda said...

DanaMO - By the time you get used to the time change, it will be time to come home and readjust!!

Hope you're enjoying your CA trip!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Dana, hope you are having a good time...sleep will come...

Linda said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals!!

Hope everyone is finding ways to stay hydrated and cool today.

L♥RI - Hope today is a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day for you and your Mom!!!! How is she feeling today?

magpie said...

Hi More Morning Eagle Pals...
busy but not anything serious yet..think they had it all yesterday...

Nice little colorful graphic on Google Home Page....
fish I guess, fish mobile I guess

see you later I hope
Safe Travels to those heading out...

DanaMo...hope you can get your sleep straightened out and can really start to enjoy your vacation...

back to the other computers and keyboards...

Best wishes as all of you...xoxox

DanaMo said...

I figure I will adjust just in time to fly home!

Costume Lady said...

I just came in from the garden and the beans are so big and long they are hanging on the ground. I picked a few and my hair is soaked and wet. I did find a nice, ripe tomato for my pasta salad...nothing quite like a ripe tomato from your own garden:)
I see where a groundhog has eaten the tops off of our cucumber leaves, but not the cucumbers, themselves:) Good thing, because I might get my "persuader" out.

Costume Lady said...

DANAMO, my very first airplane trip was to California and then on to Hawaii. We flew straight home-non stop- from Hawaii (12 hours, I think) and it must have taken me a month to get straighten out. I also came home with an extra passenger;)

Costume Lady said...

LINDA...are your Trumpet Vines blooming? Mine have not bloomed for 3 years. I think there is too much shade, although, I have seen them blooming in the shade! The plant is in a half whiskey barrel, on my deck and looks very healthy. It bloomed the first year I had it and it was beautiful. The hummers loved it and we loved sitting on the deck and watching them sip from everyone of the blossoms!

magpie said...

L♥L Wanda....
Cute !

Oh by the way I loved your comment about the Silly Scyamore Bark on my blog ☺

Judie said...

Just braved the outside for about 5 minutes. Returned with about 20 med. to lg. cukes. Other than the sour cream/vinegar salad, been looking up other possible uses. Maybe sauce for salmon.

Wanda, nice you have beans and a tomato. We have lots of green tomatoes but none ripe. Probably another 4 weeks, if the deer don't get to them. Really enjoy the trail cam videos.

Trumpet vine was blooming but has stopped. I think lack of water and extreme heat may be the problems. Very pretty when it blooms.

Wanda, Colonel might be a nice choice since Challenger is already taken. Sorry, Lolly. My opinion: we should refer to Belle's mate with a name that is more respectful of our National symbol of freedom. Change is possible.

Off to make cucumber salad.

Lori O. said...

Yep, we're blessed that God guided so many great mostly women all to this wonderful blog.

LYNNE, you're spot on what I've been thinking. Challenger is a cute name with several meanings, but I don't want to be reminded that he challenged LIBERTY. I feel that would be disrespectful to our LIB who everyone of us loved so much.

SHARON'S Ringma still makes me giggle!

And I think LOLLY is right that he will always be Truder.

LINDA, GIGI and RILEY are adorable. She reminds me of the new kittens, Bobby and LeRoy's little sister Andy. Same coloring. How cute to see both of yours lying there so close. Precious.

We can never have too many pet pics on this blog! :)

Lori O. said...

Excellent point JUDIE - we need a name that gives respect to our nat'l symbol of freedom. Freedom would be a great name.

Lori O. said...

So both of our DANA's are in California? Does this make DanaWV, DANA CA?

DANA MO, we could change yours to DANA LESS as in less sleep while you're there! :)

Lori O. said...

It's hotter than dog dooo here today! But LYNN was right when she said yesterday, at least we're not driving on ice or shoveling snow! AMEN.

Mom is the same today, another attack of nausea after a minimal attempt at eating a few bites of breakfast. The Cardiac PA came in and asked Mom how she's doing and I answered, she's got nausea again and her daughter isn't happy! I got him to write on her chart that she is to have the anti nausea meeds regularly every 4 hours and NOT to wait for her to ask for it. I'm hoping that will solve the problem. So she's got Zofran on board again and is slowly feeling better again. It's the only thing keeping her in here.

Thanks for all your prayers, and Mom asked me to tell you all thank you so much for your prayers and kind wishes. She's really been touched my the Momster response.


Other more common names with great meaning for Truder could be George or Abe, as in Washington and Lincoln. Or Franklin for Benjamin Franklin - or course he'd be called Frank. Or, Jefferson for Thomas Jefferson. Or Tillman after Pat Tillman who quit his NFL team to join the Iraq war and was killed -- then his parents found out the govt lied to them about how he was killed. I'm sure you know the story. He was a hero. They all are.

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE Back for the park Jordyn down for nap Didn't go see monkeys Jordyn has a 330 appt to get her one tube out of her ear and Angies was afraid she would be late if we did the monkeys so we just went to the park which is ok but hot

hedgie said...

Been busy with lots of other stuff----real estate, insurance, animal advocates, dog training, etc!!! Now it's time for lunch! Will try to catch up while I eat!

Lolly said...

Back inside now. All pots watered, trailer in the drive way and it is up to 91.4 and climbing.

I could go for COLONEL TRUDER. LOL

And Ringma has a special ring to it. ☺

Time to start taking stuff to the trailer. Not much though, very casual clothes at the beach. We will eat seafood out one evening and that will be casual, too. Do like trips like this!

DanaMo said...

You go girl, Lori! If you don't tell them what you want you can just forget it! Prayers for your mom.

DanaMo said...

And yes, I'm DANA Less! I feel like I can't keep my eyes open. I may try to go back to sleep now as this would be east coast nap time! :)

DanaMo said...

How about an American traitor for a name? Guess that wouldn't be too American though.
I like Freedom, but I'm afraid Truder is really going to stick. I think it already has...

Okay, off to try to take that nap. BBL

hedgie said...

DanaMo---hope your body clock gets straightened out! Is the wedding tomorrow?

Wanda....:) Hawaii was a very romantic trip, I guess, huh??!!! Which girl were you carrying?? used one of my favorite words!!! Another is disestablishmentarianism!

Judie....if you make cucumber sauce for your salmon, definitely add dill! Also, you can slice or grate cukes and onions and add to egual parts of sugar, water and vinegar---season with salt & pepper to taste.

hedgie said...

Judie, your vines are very prolific!!!

hedgie said... in LOCKED AND LOADED???? How's your aim???!!!! LOL!

Lolly said...

Laurel came home from Hawaii with an extra passenger as well...Jacob!

Enjoy your vacation, Dana. Yes, going from the east to the west can really mess you up. We do not have it so bad being here in the middle.

Lolly said...

LOL I was wondering about that, Lynn. I just can not see Wanda with a gun.

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Lori, DanaWV is home from Colorado. Only DanaMo is out yonder. Of course, Andy and Jim live very near to where she is!!

hedgie said...

Lori, glad the powers-that-be straightened out the Zofran schedule! Hope you saw my notes last night about may have already logged off when I posted......if you didn't read it, I'll copy it into an email for you.

hedgie said...

Gee, JudyE---how unusual. Tubes usually stay in for about 2 years and then fall out on their own......

Linda said...

WANDA - No our trumpet vine hasn't bloomed for a couple years either. I will have to go back and look at older pictures of its blooms.

I'm also amazed that our pink clematis in very sparse in blooms this year, too. Usually it is all over the place, growing through the deck and blooming like crazy. Not this year!!

hedgie said...

99° here......

JudyEddy said...

The one tube already fell out and the one that is in is not in the right place and they are afraid it will do damage if it left alone If that makes any sense

JudyEddy said...

I came home from the park there wasn't one spot on me that was dry and same is with Jordyn but they seem to thrive in it as we seem to melt LOL

Linda said...

LYNN - That sure is a big word disestablishmentarianism

Your words and explanations have been very impressive lately. You must be one of those intellectuals!! LOL

Linda said...

106° in the shade out back right now at our house.................

FuzzleMT said...

Before anything, I want to thank Lynn and Wanda for our incredible visit to the nest site earlier this month. You two ladies were so gracious and are the absolute BEST and I’m sorry I couldn’t have met more of you! It was an experience my daughter Nikki and I will NEVER forget & cherish forever!!!
Seeing Belle lazily soar above our heads still gives me goosebumps and brings me to tears – it was AWESOME – she is a regal and magnificent eagle – I think we were ALL overwhelmed! I have some nice pix that we were able to capture with our little non-professional camera. I have not been able to view them yet on the computer and as soon as I can get a blog open I will share – PROMISE!!
The trip across the country was HOT – the “ac” couldn’t keep up and the sun was overbearing at times. All of you in the present “heat dome” can relate. We blew into Missoula last week so we were spared the brunt of it in our travel. Our three pet cats, Fuzzle (who is 17!), Ruckus and Socks, were very adaptable just as the vet said they would be and Fuzzle seemed to enjoy the trip the most!! We would have breakfast and dinner after they were situated in the motel rooms because we just couldn’t leave them in our Pathfinder for anything more than restroom breaks – just TOO hot.
We had a little trouble with the Pathfinder praying it wasn’t the transmission only to find out it was the “air intake” something or other, which was not even expensive to fix – yes, praying helps – thanks to ALL of you who did so – MOMSTERS ROCK!!
I finally found and hooked up the computer last night – we are presently in the midst of a horrible nightmare – our possessions arrived last Saturday and we discovered that this national carrier, Stevens van lines, has DESTROYED 90% - if not more – OF OUR BELONGINGS AND FURNITURE.


WE HAVE DOCUMENTED WITH PIX AND VIDEO AND ARE IN TALKS WITH THEM PRESSING FOR A REFUND AND IN ADDITION FILING AN INSURANCE CLAIM – if they do not do right by this fiasco I intend to file a lawsuit. You would not believe it – we are STILL in shock. Furniture piled ON TOP of boxes – my mom’s old furniture STEREO UNIT on it’s SIDE as was a lot of the furniture! – boxes CRUSHED to HALF of their previous state – deep scratches ETCHED into the tops of cabinets – my mom’s bedroom suite with broken DRAWERS – furniture that was WRAPPED at pickup point was UNWRAPPED – occasional tables and quilt racks that were wrapped by our local agent were DISASSEMBLED and the parts that were GLUED were pulled apart and splintered and then wrapped ALL TOGETHER WITHOUT ANY PADDING in a burlap square!!! They stuffed and pushed boxes in cabinets and then couldn’t get them out destroying the cabinet as they tried to do so!! As I say this, I still can’t believe the HORROR I witnessed as it unfolded from this moving van!!! Each and every piece that came out of that moving van has a story – EACH AND EVERY PIECE!
We were so careful with our packing – NEW U-Haul boxes crushed beyond recognition including wardrobe boxes – we were so impressed with the local agent in Boston (Marathon Moving) with the professional care and attention they employed only to be blindsided by STEVENS VAN LINES?! It’s a complete disgrace!
AND THE ATTITUDE OF THE DRIVER?? ATROCIOUS!!!!! So UN-professional! HOW he is employed by this van line or any other is BEYOND US! He couldn’t figure out WHY we were so UPSET and SCREAMING and HURLING THE “F” word after every word!!! Oh, yes, people, my BOSTON came out . . . .
Please excuse my caps, as you have to understand the stress I am placing on each and every word that is capped.
Well, this is long enough – so much work to do – and this is the SHORT version!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, you could make pickles!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I do not have a name for the male eagle that frequents our nest. Still not feeling it.

FuzzleMT said...

I haven't read back on anything in the blog since June 29 - are we in talks or votes for Truder?? I need to change my moniker and picture I see!

Linda said...

Oh, IRENE, How heartbreaking that must be to see your whole life story trashed so unnecessarily. It hardly even makes sense, but it sounds like the transport company needed more room in its trailer, so they dismantled and crushed your treasures to make more room. I have never heard of a more horrible moving story. I have heard of people having things damaged, but never 90%!! And unwrapping what had already been wrapped?? How crazy is that??

I'm so sorry to hear that and will pray that this company does right by you. I'm sure you're exhausted and frustrated. We're here to listen whenever you want to vent and we'll pray for you in the coming weeks as you deal with this.

((((HUGS)))) ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Thought I was hearing thunder....NOT. Truck next door! But it has clouded over. A bit of air movement---blast oven! Holding at 99°.

Lolly said...

Oh, I am just sick to my stomach for you, Irene. That is just unbelievable! Just read your story to Jack. It is just hard to believe. Wow! ((HUGS)) for you!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good day on the hot Friday to everyone. Hoping all are doing well. If not prayers for those people or animals that need prayer.

DanaMo checking in with a Good Morning from California ( :

DanaMo The time change even though is was 2 hours time change. It really got me in Colorado. When I
got home it took me 3days to get back to me old self. lol

Comment at 12:04pm Friday no DanaWV is right here in good old West Virginia not in California?????
hee hee yes I now love to fly now so am I flying around the country without leaving the farm???? lol

Lori after open heart surgery Ed kept getting nausea. His surgeon put him back for awhile on
medication through the IV instead of taking any pills by mouth and it WORKED...later he gradually
changed it and THAT WORKED...So glad your Mother is doing good otherwise. ( : Still keeping those
prayers going.

JudyEHave kept prayers going for Jordyn.

Linda Even though I am watering. My clematis has very little bloom this year. :(

FuzzleMa - Irene Belle know when we Momsters are there. So I know what you mean about those goosebumps.
She always seems to know us and puts on a nice show.
So glad the vehicle was not expensive to fix. Yes praying DOES HELP!! ( : oH my Lord Stevens Van
Lines destroyed 90% if your belongings and furniture. Well I hope you get some satisfaction but nothing is like your own stuff. I am so sorry for when your eyes
and heart seen your belongings. In the state that they were in. I am sure it just crushed you to the bone.I have a nephew that truck drives and he takes furniture
everywhere. I am going to send this in an email to him. Just to see what he says.
Prayers that Missoula will be a wonderful place for you to be.

So we are looking for a name for our male Eagle?

Lolly said...

Lynn, we are now at 95.4, humidity 44% However, we are headed for 20th, or is it 21 days in a row over 100.

Jack just googled that mover. He found a very similar story. People talked with the Stevens agent, all was well, sounded good, then they sublet the contract to a guy and his nephew and they destroyed things.

Lolly said...

Irene, be sure to get your story out on the internet. People need to be warned about this company.

hedgie said... I really Do think it;s thunder I hear.....okn alert. May have to shut down fast!

IRENE, my heart is breaking for you. My sister went through similar experience when she moved from here to Missouri. The carrier off-loaded to a fly-by-night pick-up truck operation near St. Louis proper....almost everything was damaged in some way----even the woodstove. Luckily, the personal belonging stuff they had moved themselves in a U-Haul. So it was only furniture and appliances and lawn accessories.....nothing of sentimental value. I don't think she was successful with a lawsuit because it wasn't the "contracted" mover who inflicted the damage.
Wishing you all luck to try to recoup your losses, but nothing will heal your poor hearts.... :(
I AM glad that you are getting settled and that you had a chance to check in!!!

FuzzleMT said...

Linda: we suspect that the driver DID push more moves in that van than should have been - and travelling across country! Can you imagine the DANGER he imposed on every vehicle in his range? That speaks to me of a VERY unprofessional driver. I will post when I can what we saw when he FIRST opened that side door - I went in to the apartment to tell my daughter "you have got to come see this" and I grabbed my camera and start recording. But you know, even if he WAS over packed what is the excuse for putting FURNITURE ON TOP OF small boxes - putting LARGE heavy boxes on TOP of small light boxes, etc. - there is none - it was VERY UN-professional expected of someone with NO sense, nor experience. Thanks for commiserating!

JudyEddy said...

Loretta I also contact the news media if you can't get a resolution We had a lady that moved from here to TX and well it took her two years after putting it on the news lawyers and she did get a refund but it took two years so keep pushing them buttons on everyone until you are satisfied All lawyers are fee here in Fl for your first visit it wouldn't hurt to get ahold of one If you get no where with the moving co Of course give them a chance to make it good

FuzzleMT said...

Oh, thanks to all of you! Lolly, I wonder if that is the SAME driver? We did a LOT of research and trusted our local agent. What we understood was that our local agent was in charge of every aspect including delivery and local movers would meet the van to UNPACK and deliver. We also understood that the "driver" was ONLY a subcontractor and had NO control over packing the van which did not happen! It was the DRIVER and his "helper" that inflicted all the damage and packed the STEVENS van with our possessions - WE DID NOT AGREE TO THAT! The four local movers by the way were the BEST - they shook their heads until I thought they would fall off! They told us they had NEVER seen such a move and contributed their names and phone numbers for contact if we needed to verify the damage we documented.

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah....big storm...coming from the NE---following river, I'm sure. See lightening. Bye for now!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Irene!

So sorry about the movers. Moving is stressful enough without having almost of your things destroyed.

Yes, definitely pursue it until you get satisfaction.

stronghunter said...

. . . almost all of your things . . .

Judie said...

Lori, sorry your Mom is still having issues with nausea. Hopefully, the med will work if given consistently. Continued prayers for all.

Irene, it is beyond comprehension and I am very sorry for the loss/damage to items that reflect your life history. Please do obtain a lawyer. Also file a report with the National Better Business Bureau as well as local BBBs (both WV and MO).

Hmmm? Pickles? Will begin my recipe search. Never done pickles before.

Big salad tonight. Too hot for real food. So that's done, cucumber salad done, PNB cookies done, I'm done. Putting my feet up.

Yes, Lynn, dill is a must!

Lori O. said...

Oh Irene, how horrible and especially stressful for you and your family. Moving is almost as stressful as divorce anyway, according to research, and you had all your stuff ruined on top of that.

it's doubtful he is a member of the BBBureau but they may have info on them from other callers, or just tracked them so they had proof to refuse them membership if they ever applied.

Take your pics and any video and file your police report. I would also send your story to STEVEs local newspaper.

BIG Faith, Lily and Hope hugs!

Lori O. said...

DANA WV CO CA for today only since I sort of had you there..LOL!

Amazing how Ed and my Mom seem to have a lot of similarities in the heart surgery experience. thank you for sharing Ed's info with me.

LYNN, I was absolutely armed with the info you gave me last night!!! Why do you think I was able to be so feisty?

What about FUTURE for a Truder name? They sound similar and like it or not he is the future in the nest. I know some think a name like Osama is more appropriate for the terrorist Truder was, but I believe JUDIE and LOLLY are both right; we need a dignified name to honor Eagles, but he'll always be Truder to those of us who met him as such.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, LYNN, when we were in Hawaii, we had Karla with us and Denise was planning her wedding. I was 40 yrs old and not planning on any more little ones. Mother Nature played a trick on me! The little fella didn't make it~

Costume Lady said...

Thundering like crazy outside. My blinds are drawn, so I can't see what's going on, only hear. I'm under the hair dryer

Lynne2 said...

Hi all from the MARYZON....103.2 in the shade on the patio. I'm going out with the thermomoter into the sun to see how hot is is there.

Irene...OMG, I have no words. Well, yes I do, but i won't use them here! I'm so sorry your safe and exciting new trip and beginning have been scarred by the loss of so many of your precious things.

Lynne2 said...

The Persuader. I like it! Our "persuader" is named Buford. And in the words of the lovely but spoiled Scarlett O'Hara "I can shoot straight, if I don't have to shoot too far." LOL!

Lynne2 said...

On our weather alert is says "OSHA is recommending frequent breaks in shaded or air conditioned areas for anyone working outside today"

Costume Lady said...

IRENE, what on earth did they say happened to your belongings? Sounds as thought they had a wreck and turned upside-down!

Lynne2 said...

I see an impressive looking storm heading into Frederick on the radar, and moving east. Sure would be nice to get some rain, although the wet ground will make for an even more humid day tomorrow.....

Lynne2 said...

I need to go take the doggies out for a SHORT walk. They are going a bit stir crazy....we have avoided letting them have their daily/nightly runs in the field for the last couple of days due to the heat. Best get to it before Daisy starts hearing the thunder!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I do have firearms, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun and a pistol. I used to be a pretty fair shot, but haven't fired a gun in many years. Don't like guns, but believe everyone should have one and know how to shot it and all safety concerns!

Costume Lady said...

It has been thundering here for quite a while, but not a drop of rain.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Emma and I slept in late today, so I am scrambling to get housework finished so I can go grossery shopping.

Had an unwelcome surprise this morning. One of the raccoons killed a fledgling night heron last night (I was afraid I heard a particularly AWFUL squawk!), and dragged it all over the back yard, leaving the mess for me to clean up. I'll spare you the gory details, but believe me, I was NOT thrilled, to say the least!
Y-U-U-U-C-K!!!! Poor little thing. :o{

Irene, my problem is nothing compared to yours! Oh, my, I cannot even imagine! By all means, get a lawyer, and a feisty one, too! My heart goes out to you, and my prayers! ((HUGS))!!

Lori, I hope your Mom gets to feeling better with regular meds, and can begin to enjoy some real food today!
Prayers continue for all of you!

Well, I gotta run. So much to do, so little time! Will try to check back in later tonight after dinner.

Have a good red Friday!!! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot! Shirley, thanks for the picture and info about the soft orthopedic neck brace! Much appreciated!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We had a rain shower and it is now down to 75 degrees.

Lolly said...

Jack's doctor is out of town. He is headed to see my doctor, a nurse practitioner. (same office) Carol should take care of him!! Okay, girls, need prayers for Jack. I am getting really concerned. Offered to cancel the trip, but he will not hear of it. No time for tests, maybe when we get back. I want them to stop thinking it is just spasms and do some testing.

stronghunter said...

Dill Pickles

Soak cucumbers overnight.

Wash and sterilize quart jars.

Put in:

2 cloves garlic
2 flowers dill (3 if small)
1 small crystal alum
Scrub 1/4 bushel small cucumbers well.
Dry and pack in jars.
Bring to boil 3 quarts water, l quart white vinegar and 1 cup of coarse salt (not iodized). Pour over pickles. Makes 10 quarts.

This is the recipe we used to make pickles many years ago. It is my former mother-in-law's recipe. As I recall, they were good.

Lolly said...

I mentioned a neck brace to Jack. He immediately poo pooed that idea.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I really miss Liberty! :*(

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly, I hope Jack finds out what the problem is very soon.

The collar I used brought a lot of relief. I did not even have to wear it very long. Would Jack use it if you bought one and gave it to him? It is just a piece of covered foam rubber with Velcro fasteners.

stronghunter said...

I miss Liberty, too, but I really think that he will not be back.

Linda said...

LOLLY - Saying prayers for Jack that the spasms in his neck will cease.

Was this a scheduled visit, or a last minute - gotta go see the doc visit because it is getting worse??

Men are too tough for their own good. Depending on where the spasms are, a neck brace may not be of any help to him. Is he using ice, LOLLY? As horrible as that sounds, sometimes it is better than heat.

I was worried when you said the trailer was out and you would be working on loading and getting ready. He is probably doing too much and not letting it heal.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, I have absolutely no doubt about that. I feel in my heart we lost our Liberty!

hedgie said...

Storm seems to be over.....not terribly dramatic, but apparently fierce nearby. Margy is getting slammed with 911 calls. Downed limbs and wires, pole fires, of our H'ville fire trucks was in a wreck responding to a mutual aid call in next county. I don't think there were any injuries.
Temp has dropped to 78° and I can breathe outside! As long as the sun doesn't come back out, it should be a very comfortable evening.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jill said on FB that there were trees down near NCTC.

Lolly said...

It was a last minute...I gotta go, it is not getting better. They are squeezing him in. Carol is a sweetie, she would do it because it is Jack. The second prescription he got was for pain and really knocked him out.

Lolly said...

He is alternating between ice and heat on his neck.

hedgie said...

Judie, I have a great cold pickle recipe-----no cooking involved! I'll dig it out if you want it!! ALl you need is a one-gallon glass jar.

FuzzleMT said...

Wanda: the driver was oblivious! HE didn't SEE anything WRONG - my daughter's fiance's grandmother's pink willow dishes smashed to pieces INSIDE A CRUSHED BOX and the driver wanted to know what the PROBLEM was!!!! - it was "just a few dishes"-
A five shelf wooden etched corner occasional table they took apart and just tossed in a square of burlap w/o ANY wrapping: "we can put that together" - my daughter said: "then DO it" - there were pieces missing after he was finished and he said THAT IT WAS "FINE" -
I put my blankets, linens, pillows in plastic bins (you know how expensive that was I'm sure!) that were split with pieces BROKEN off and missing with my belongings bared - the driver: "that's just PLASTIC" and shrugged -
Electronics: the driver: "they look fine" - well, not if dropped and they no longer work! - he didn't seem to think that mattered - "they LOOK fine"

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda, I'm so sorry. I know that hurts. I lost my first. Very early, but still.....

Lori, oh so glad that you were "armed" with the info about the Zofran!!!! Maybe doc got the message that he was dealing with a well-informed lady and he had better listen!!

hedgie said...

I retrieved the trailcam right before the storm hit...and I have FAWNS---the twins and the single! I viewed it as a slideshow which was less than impressive---it was as if each picture was fading into the next sideways--can't really describe it. It did not record anything after the 18th ( I had reset it on the 15th)....SD card is empty---it truly is defective I believe.

FuzzleMT said...

SHARON! You giving up on Liberty??? I figured you to be the last holdout! I'm not giving up until next spring - I'll vote for a name for the new mate, but I still hope Lib shows up . . . . or believe he is the new mate of a 5-year old Trudette -

hedgie said...

Wanda, Bill had gotten me a new gun and even tho' he fired it up at the hunting camp, I've never used it. Shooting range at Sleepy Creek is closed to small-arms until further notice....and I'm sure not gonna pay to use Spark's (or whatever they are called now--Shep's maybe?).

CarolAnne said...

Cucumber uses:
Uncooked Refrigerator Pickles - keeps forever!
1 c vinegar - 2 c sugar - 2 T salt - 1 T celery salt - 1 c raw onion rings - 6 cups cucumbers, sliced thin -- Heat first 4 ingred. to boiling point. Pour over onion & cucumbers - keep in frig - allow to chill for 1-2 days - replenish onions & cukes as used up - add dill or garlic, etc. as suits your taste.

Wishing cool or dry or rain as needed.

hedgie said...

Lolly, have they done an x-ray of Jack's neck??? He could have spurs or degenerative disc disease.....and yes, the collar would help a lot!

JudyEddy said...

I know that I hadn't made everyone avatar in to a pic well I just did 7 more T Birds, Fuzzy, GrannyBit, Movin Jim, Schicke, Pa Nana and a LINDA

I love the way the animal one turn out the hummingbird feeder with the oriole isn't the best so when you change to something else I can do ok And if I missed anyone let me know and I will be happy to do one for you remember to right click to save if you want to keep them or I can do others also Ok BBL

Judie said...

JudyE, hope the tube/drain was easily removed and Jordyn doing well.

Too funny. Lori goes in armed and fully loaded with medical information from the probably scared poopless his patient's daughter is a medical expert.

Wanda and Lynn, so sorry. Did not know.

Poor Margy. She is going to be slam wore out tonight. Sure hope Tom Sweetie offers dinner delivery.

Wow, do the momsters come through or what? Ask and ye shall receive pickle recipes. Lynn, please send your recipe along. CarolAnne, will try yours. Shirley, will try yours also if you tell me what a small crystal alum is. So strange, last year we only ended up with two or three cukes. Abundant this year. I can do tomatoes but never tried pickles so thank you all so much.

Lolly, hope Jack is able to get a diagnosis and relief before you leave tomorrow. Hope you can trade off driving duty.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to put the link up here it is to see your avatars or if you want me to make one let me know

hedgie said...

Hi, CarolAnne! That sounds very similar to my cold pickle recipe!
How's everything with you??

Irene, I would also notify the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Offices in both Mass. and Mont.!!!

hedgie said...

Just awful news of terrorist attacks in Oslo and at at youth camp.......check out CNN.

Lolly said...

Jack just called. He is on the way to the hospital for x rays. Yea! Positive action! Knew Carol would come through!

Jack will call the doctor (from the beach) Monday and see if the x-rays show anything. Prayers!!!

hedgie said...

JudyE---you DID give us the link for the avatars!!! I have it saved!!!

Judie, I think Lolly has said that she doesn't drive pulling the RV. So Jack is the designated driver....:(

Okay, I'll look for the recipe for you!

hedgie said...

Here you go, Judie:
Aunt Nellie's Cold Pickles
(she was actually my aunt-in-law)

1 gallon cukes, sliced
3 onions, thinly sliced
4 C sugar
4 C vinegar
1/2 C canning salt
1 1/3 tsp. turmeric
1 1/3 tsp. celery seed
1 1/3 tsp. mustard seed

Combine in 1 gallon glass jar. Refrigerate for 6 days.

Ready to eat---and keeps forever!!!

hedgie said...

I just layer the cukes and onions in the jar and then pour the well mixed ingredients in on top of them. I stir it a few times with a long wooden spoon to mix.

stronghunter said...


Hmm, maybe you would want to leave the alum out. This is an old recipe.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, you must be happy that Jack is getting x-rays..maybe this will stop the guessing and get him some relief and a diagnosis...and you some peace. Men are the worst when it comes to having someone help them take care of their health and body. Prayers for both of you and an easily remedied diagnosis. Have a grand time at the beach LOLLY ... Hope you get to check in often.

hedgie said...

New Flashpoint this evening for those who watch it. Wonder if Jo can get it at the beach?

Sun is starting to reappear...temp up to 84° already. No breeze remaining.
Muggies have returned.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, the avatars you made are AWESOME!!!

How did you do that? they are so cool! Thank you.

My prayers for little Jordyn that she will sleep thru any pain and awaken her happy little sled tomorrow. Big bear hugs for both of you.

hedgie said...

Oops, JudyE---see I missed your did MORE avatars!!!! Cool beans!

Lori O. said...

Should be happy little self. Sometime this thing just types what it wants!

LYNN, I am jealous of your three spotties. They are so cute to watch when they play.

hedgie said...

Lori, Judy used an online program that she downloaded. She gave links for a bunch of the ones she uses, and now I'm not sure which one did this effect!!

Judie said...

Off to the kitchen.

Thank you for the link on alum, Shirley. Now that I know about alum I think I might try the recipe without. However, the information does suggest a possible means of homicide. Who the heck would suspect alum poisoning? lol


PA Nana said...

Hi everyone.

JudyE, where do I find these avatars you made?

Lori, you go girl! Drs. are so busy they sometimes forget they're dealing with people. I'm sure they mean well and we'd be SOL without them. God speed for your mom's recovery.

Shirley, that pickle recipe is just like my mother's and mine - when I did canning. Mom made the best dill pickles.

Hoda, send some rain....

We must have had some thunder because Missy ran upstairs. All I noticed was the darkness and the trash can going across the porch. No rain and sun it back out.

Irene, I can't imagine your distress of this move. Hope things are resolved to your satisfaction. I did notice you are now FuzzleMT instead of FuzzleMA.☺

Lynn, thanks. Done.

Lynne2, OH NO!!! SBs already.

hedgie said...

Okay, the fawn pics are on my blog. Seperate posts.

hedgie said...

Diann, glad you got your berries in!!!

Scroll up to JudyE's post with blue AVATAR link. Yours is really cute!!

hedgie said...

Sad/bad news from the Zoo----Mei is NOT preggers.
Dang it all!

Linda said...

Lynn - Loved seeing the fawns!! Do you have this feeder for hunting or for feeding the animals and enjoyment? Does it get costly to do this?

magpie said...

Home. Finally.
Garden plants took a hit, tomato plants bent over.
Big storms moved through, trees and power lines down in different parts of this county, and surrounding areas as wel.

Supposed to get off at 3, got outta there at 5.
Going back in at 3 am, and working three more night shifts after that.
Co-worker's husband fell out of tree a few days ago and broke his back, so I am "her" for the next few days while she helps him out at home.

Hope everyone in all our Eagle Corners is okay !

magpie said...

I have read back rather quickly and am horrified with the rest of you about FuzzleMa Irene's debacle with the movers !!!

Totally Awful...
Irene, I am soooo sorry about this.
I am glad that you and Nikki and the cats are okay, and that fix on the Pathfinder was not so bad

magpie said... the update on your return trip situation from Hawaii years ago ...yes Mother Nature, tends to do what she does in difficult ways sometimes
Love you xox

Linda said...

Welcome Home Margy!!! Sorry your day was so long........and that you night will be so short.

PA Nana said...

Lolly, hope Jack gets a remedy for his neck. It will be hard to enjoy himself on the trip if he's in pain.

Lynn, love your twin spotties!

Thanks JudyE.

magpie said...

Hoping that Jack gets answers and Relief soon, Lolly. Prayers for that. And continued prayers for Lori and Nancy and family, and for all here that need those prayers....

I need to check out the damage to the plants, and get my hiney to bed.
Won't be on much the next few days not even sure I will be able to keep up on the blog.
But in my Heart, I will hold all of you close ♥
sorry if I have missed commenting on important things...know, that I Care !

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Prayers to JACK and what a wonderful thing he was able to get in to see Carol on such a short notice and then action is taken...Safe journey tomorrow LOLLY AND JACK.

IRENE as others have said I am sorry you had problems with the moving company. The driver sounds like he is out to lunch and not very connected to what constitutes a good and acceptable move, don't break others property...they seem to have piled boxes in without paying any attention as to weight and you are right to document and to not give up on it...we all support you and we send prayers that it might get resolved with out further expenses.

LORI wonderful to see your postings on the blog today as it tells me you are staying connected to the whole group and you are giving good advice...On going Prayers for your Mom Dad and of course you and the team of health care providers who are looking after her...Is she really getting out tomorrow? Are you going to her house to help there or will you be able to return to your own place?

Wonderful receipes for pickles...JUDIE you can also make a yogurt and cucumber salad with garlic, if you like garlic. It is very cooling in the summer.

Well it continued to rain till around ten in the morning and stopped in time for me to go to yoga and to run errands. The skies are dark and with some very threatening looking clouds. It is supposed to clear for tomorrow so unless we get some more strong winds to push the system out I bet we get more rain.

SHIRLEY what are yoiur plans for your weekend without Kathryn and Hunter?

Is MARGY having a very busy day today or is it very hot where she lives? I keep seeing the news with the heat wave that is in the eastern US and my American sister Carol said it was 92 degrees in Maine!!! It never gets that hot in Maine but it is what she said when I talked to her yesterday...


PA Nana said...

Hi Linda & Margy.

Margy, hope the next few days are mostly uneventful and calm.

The local news has our dew point at 78! That's tropical. Harrisburg's heat index is 114 degrees!

I shouldn't complain, some in our township are without power. Yikes!
Must have been those winds that went through.

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY for posting and I hope you keep your energy up...Will put you on the prayer list for that reason. Water your plants and get to bed sounds like a plan.

Hoda said...

I am sooooo very worried about the debt ceiling dead line in the is not about the US economy alone this is going to affect the global economy and the consequences re going to be dire...I have been listening to President Obama and I am very anxious as to how they can possibly resolve it...So I send prayers to those who are involved in this negotiation that they may see beyond their disagreements.GOD HELP US ALL

Linda said...

Hi Diann!! Hope your Friday has been a good one so far!

Linda said...

HODA - We are concerned about this debt situation as well. Unfortunately there are too many that haven't a clue how important and critical this has become over the past few years.

At the rate we are going, we will run out of money for everything and still won't have enough money to pay the interest in years to come.

We need some serious cuts in order to pay down the debt as well as keep up with the interest that is due!

Linda said...

Sheep Dog Trials on RFD-TV for those that love watching border collies I do!!

Linda said...

When we went to the farm where we got our border collie, the lady that ran the place was bringing in the animals and we got to see them work. One of the ginney hens ran out of its pen and she sent her border collie to find it..........and he did!! Amazing!

We used to give Riley chores to do in the house when he was a pup to keep him busy (and thereby not destructive). My favorite one was putting away the boys socks after I folded them. I would tell Riley the name of which kid to take it to and he would take the socks and deliver them to the appropriate child!! It was fun!

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn tube removal was no issue came out Angie has it in a little baggie for her baby book All test that were performed were all good the funny thing is that Angies had to do them all take picture of her eardrum with the camera Jordyn wouldn't let the Dr do it but let Angie do it Funny Angies said now I shouldn't have to pay the bill since she had done all the work Everyone laughed

LORI go to yesterdays blog at 3:30 I put all ten sites that I have done pictures at the first one is the one I did with the avatars It is so easy just have to have the time and it is very addictive also Once you start you can't stop its like a bad drug LOL Ok LM for me time to shower second time today

Linda said...

I hope Jack doesn't have to wait forever to get his x-ray!!

Keep us posted, LOLLY!

Lynne2 said...

You said it Hoda....God Blep us all. Very serious indeed.

Well, the TAIN has dried up and we'll be getting none today. But it is down to 95!

Lynn, LOVE LOVE LOVE the tiny baby spotties and their mom!

JudyEddy said...

The first link at 3:30 post and its at the bottom of the page there are hundred of different this to do I am warning you it is addictive OK now for sure I am leaving or not

Lori O. said...

HODA! I am happy you have checked in. I have long been curious about yoga. What was it like for you when you first took up yoga? the fact that it is spiritually, mentally and physically beneficial for us is incredible. I've never heard anyone say they did not like it. I am interested in how you felt as a beginner ... How long until you saw the different benefits of yoga?

WANDA, a big hug. So sorry you lost the little one. Exciting to think you will see him again one day. Xxoo

Thunder beginning to roll thru Pittsurgh now. After another nausea episode this morning doctor says Mom may be able to go home tomorrow or Sunday, maybe Monday. It depends on ow she handles the Reglan.

I am hoping Dr. LYNN wil tell me about Reglan. :)

HODA, I will be going home this weekend as I have to go back to work Monday.

WOW, just saw on the news where Chicao got a half inch of rain in only FOUR MINUTES!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry about your crazy schedule Margy. Prayers for your co worker's hubby. Sounds serious.

Lolly, oh my....I sure hope there are some answers where Jack's neck in concerned.

Lynne2 said...

Great news Lori! and...Please say HELLO to the 'burgh for me. I from that area, McKeesport to be exact!

Linda said...

LORI - Welcome back. Still praying that this nausea subsides for your Mom. Is it the pain meds causing the nausea or is it something else??

WANDA & LYNN - and possibly others on this blog......I've had the same experiencing of losing a baby in the early stages of pregnancy. I had gone through so many problems trying to have another child and was finally blessed with a pregnancy....... But God decided that lil one was to stay with Him. I couldn't believe how that loss was so devastating to me.

Like you said, we'll see those precious ones again one day ☺♥

Linda said...

Lynne - Are you going to your MIL's this weekend, too?

Lolly said...

Jack is home, took yet another new pill, and now is sleeping with ice on his neck. He is really in a BAD mood. Will NOT back out of this trip, but says he is really worried about the Grand Canyon trip. Ohhhhh!!!!

Should know about the x-ray Monday. Carol said they have to do x-ray before MRI for insurance purposes.

Lynne2 said...

No Linda, My MIL has insisted that we stay home this weekend!

Lynne2 said...

It's going to be much hotter there, too, than normal. I think she wants for my FIL to NOT be doing things, and there would be issue if we were there! He needs to slow down in this heat, and he won't if we are there doing things.

Linda said...

LOLLY - So sorry Jack is having so much trouble and that the insurance companies don't let the doctor's do their job how they think it should be done.

I know there are some bad doctors out there, but the good ones and the honest people suffer because of the ones who don't do their job as they should.

Sounds like the doctor would have preferred to go right for the MRI.

How long will you be away?

Linda said...

LYNNE - You'll have a weekend to catch up on things at home, and maybe some rest as well!!

FuzzleMT said...

Thank you all again for your thoughts - it really helps when you know others feel your pain - my prayers going up for all of your needs as well!
Diann: dewpoint 78!!!!!!!! I would be crawling! I melt at 60 dewpoint!
So sorry for all of you in that heat - one of the reasons for my moving west / northwest was the dewpoint that I could no longer bear.
And thanks for all the good advice - copied it all so I could remember it for my list -

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh!

I just had a scare. Hunter and Kathryn have just left. . .

I heard a really strange sound and noticed the dogs acting like something was up. Then I saw something moving over by the fireplace. Much bigger than any kind of bug. I could only think it was a bat, so I got the dogs out of the room. Then I noticed that George was watching intently, but I figured he was going to stay put.

I couldn't really see it very well--did not want to get too close, but managed to capture it with the help of Tupperware and a cookie sheet. It kept making that noise--sort of a chattering sound.

I took it outdoors. Thought I might get a picture, but the container was not transparent, so I thought I might get a clear one and try to make a switch, but when I removed the Tupperware, it flew away. (I could see it well enough to tell when it was facing away from me, thank goodness. I did not want it to fly into my face.)

I am sure it was at least as afraid as I was.

It must have come down the chimney. I have closed the glass doors tightly.

hedgie said...

The Eaglet Soars Free

Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley!! You did great capturing it! I would have been a helpless blithering idiot!! LOL

Linda said...

LYNN - What a great shot of that eagle taking off for its first flight of freedom!! God Speed Delta2 Eaglet!!

Hoda said...

LORI, I started Yoga 30 years back and it felt to me like a very sane approach to my life. I was pleased that I was able to do the poses and I continue to feel a sense of wonder as to what each pose teaches me depending on the day and the aches and the pains that I might experience or the stiffness that I might feel. Inevitably within the practice I find release and I find that I have an inner strength that continues to be a source of wonder and awe. If I have an attitude that "I can not do this", things become tough. When I have the attitude "what can I learn from this" I find that even though I might not have the pose perfect there is a lot of release and a sense of alignment that is very refreshing. Either way I learn about how I struggle and how I resist and how in trusting God I am never alone and I am sustained by HIS LIGHT AND GRACE. I go to three different styles of yoga a week. I have one gentle classes and two rebalancing classes that fall in the category of gentle yoga...stretches and balance. I go to Anusara yoga twice a week and it is about opening the heart and establishing a foundation based on alignment and the knowing of my connection to The Divine . I go to a Hatha Yoga class three times a week and it is about flow and the focus on the interconnection between all poses and how The Divine brings us the lessons we have to learn in our lives. I have gratitude for the opportunities yoga brings to me.
As to seeing the effect of yoga in my life, I saw it in changes in attitude almost right away. The poses change from day to day. Today for example I was able to do a pose and hold it for a while that I was not able to do yesterday because my shoulder was is a living practice.

hedgie said...

Linda, I DON'T hunt!!!! I don't believe in it unless necessary to feed a family. Feeder is strictly for photo ops and enjoyment!
It can be costly. The old gravity feeder was costing me $40 in corn every 10 days. Now with the timer, about $18 every three weeks.

Margy, so sorry about the schedule change....and sorry for the poor guy with the broken back. My Dad suffered terribly his entire adult life after breaking his playing football as a teen.

Linda said...

LYNN - I was pretty sure you didn't nor would you have a feeder on your property and let someone hunt there, but I didn't know how to ask!!

That can get costly feeding them and the birds, I would imagine. Our birds go through about 50lbs of black oil sunflower seeds every 3-4 weeks, plus suet and other things we get from time to time.

Dinnertime..... BBL

hedgie said...

Linda, good that Riley likes to "work" for you! They are amazing dogs!

JudyE---glad that removal went easily for Jordyn.

Hoda, it is definitely a worrisome time.....but we won't talk politics....just hope that those of us on social security get our checks next month!

Hoda said...

The intrepid warrior SHIRLEY
way to go...and then to calmly sit and write about it...Terrific...and to have thought about taking a picture , marvelous...way to go Shirley way to go...

hedgie said...

LORI---Reglan is used to treat heartburn caused by gastric reflux.

hedgie said...

BB in 30---time for Jeopardy and Liesl lap time.
Lolly, we lost our smart kid last night...:(

Hoda said...

Amen to Social Security cheques next month LYNN...

I loved the article on the release of the Eaglet in Delta. Thanks Lynn.

I was more talking about my feeling tense and not thinking to bring up politics...Sorry if it came across as politics...

Lynne2 said...

cool radar, there is a big storm heading out of the 'burgh southeast, and another in WV heading almost right at it going north. Oh dear, hope they don't collide over Terra Alta!

Hoda said...

I just brought up the live feed and our phantom eagle is gone...does this mean there was a visit this morning or could it have been a strong wind that rearranged the leaves?
Windy and looks wet there right now...

Hoda said...

I lean more to thinking there was a morning visit as there are signs of the nest digging, darker turned over area...

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE the avatars are beautiful ... I'll try the cardinal one. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Well let's see what it looks like ... here goes

wvgal_dana said...

Gorgeous thank you JudyE

I am eating the BEST spinach salad even better than the uamsey one. The place was referred to me. So I stopped today and ordered one and brought it home. Oh that nice warm dressing !!! YUMMY!!!! Ledo Pizza up at the Commons -- the new shopping area where Target is.

wvgal_dana said...

Just my feelings on renaming Truder. Since Paula said the eagle found on NCTC property had no brood patch. For myself I need to wait until nestoration time comes to see what eagle/eagles show up. Then I'll feel better about saying. OK this is the new male. I feel I need in respect to give Liberty his last chance. Then if he is a no show. I am ready to pick a name for the new male for Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly is this trip really that important? Look my Ed never had a pain one. Didn't feel badly. We had an agreement if he retire early. He was to have a complete physical by the doctor. He used my doctor and failed two leads on the EKG. That was just the beginning of failing test. BUT TEST WERE DONE!!!! I think Jack needs to have a complete physical. Ed did not have a heart attack. Which the doctors was so thankful for. Due to his heart was not damaged from one. I am not saying Jack has heart problems. I DO BELEIVE HE NEEDS A COMPLETE PHYSICAL....!!!! HUGS I will tell you Ed did not want to do it. I said ok fine then I go off all my medications. "Oh no", he said. I said, "Ok then get the physical NOW!" I am sure he is happy with the weight you have lost. Plus how it has helped your health.

hedgie said...

Well, duh! I knew the final Jeopardy question wasn't Byrd but I was thinking maybe the black man (Hanson??) was---and I was wrong!

wvgal_dana said...

Judie hope Casey Anthony is not one of our Lurkers...if she she knows about ALum poisoning lol

wvgal_dana said...

Will check in between Flashpoint commericals.

JudyEddy said...

PA NANA I took you guys avatars and you can use any picture

LYNN I love the twins they are so cute

MARGY just know that you are appreciated for you job by so many people and I commend you for your job

LINDA thanks for sharing your experience that has to be so hard I know my daughter had the hardest time getting pregnant also she was almost 40 whens he had Jordyn

Does anyone on the blog do meditation? It was on the news the other night that people who do have larger brains and are smarter for it Just passing info along

Tell JACK that its best that he wears a neck brace I speak from experience I use to love to do in home traction But if he is like all men (sorry guys) he is stubborn The collar will help
and if he gets one. If he gets a MRI make sure he ask for it to be done in the position he is in pain with laying down or standing up makes a big difference in compression on spine sounds like he has a pinched nerve or spur

HODA where do you get the energy . I sure don't have any after working all day. You are so young at heart!
I agree with WVGAL DANA I want to wait to see if Lib returns and maybe we won't have to name him at all Belle won't need a new Beau if Lib returns Hey a new name Belles Beau

Gonna do some mindless TV lots to watch that I dvr'd BBL LM always

JudyEddy said...

Love the cardinal I just saw it BBL

hedgie said...

No, no, Hoda---not you! My response could have easily been political!! But we refrain on here due to varying opinions! It often shows up on FB, tho'!!!!

So glad that you have the tranquility that yoga gives you. Sounds very time intensive! Even if I wanted to devote the time, it would cost me a fortune in gas to go someplace to do it!!

hedgie said...

DanaWV, was your salad still warm when you got home with it? The spinach didn't wilt? Is their bacon nice and crisp? Didn't know Ledo had that!

JudyEddy said...

The colors are fading from our nest as it has done so many days without an eagle but we still come to sit and wait and watch hoping the will show up Lets hope they show up tomorrow at the cafe Till then we just sit and wait Come on guys Are you there I wish we had sound too

hedgie said...

Lynne2----how was your shortened day? Glad you don't have to butn up the road this weekend!

Linda, sorry that you, too, lost a wee one. :(

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Fans. I'm still mad at Truder, so I can't think of a regular name, except maybe Benedict or Arnold. He's still Turd to me!! LOL Be4lle deserves better.
Yay, Lori, get those med/ staff people in shape. How hard is it to give meds every x amount of hours??? Prayers continue to all of you! ♥
So, DanaMo is in CA and FuzzleMa is in MO!!?? Hope the weather is a little cooler! I can't believe the broken furniture story! Wonder if the driver had a wreck???

One casualty at Chelsea today---deer in the pond. 3 years ago, I think, when we had that summer of drought, there were 3. Had to report it to DNR. They get ill and due to fever will go to water to drink and get cool & usually end up dying there.
Not much around except birds, a neat hawk, & the goose family!!! You wouldn't know the goslings---adult colors, but don't know if they fly yet.
Gotta get more to eat---all I want is a popsicle!!!!
BBL, unless I konk out in chair & if so, Pleasant Cool Feather Dreams to all---

JudyEddy said...

I think the one leaf that was the head is down by the center of the nest looks like it see the spot??? oh no here we go again LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its not the head just the leaf

Hoda said...

JUDYE LOL LOL LOL!!! I do meditation and I am not at all sure that I am smarter than anyone else. I have a big head, in more ways than one!!!LOL, but I have always been told that since I have a big head I must have a big brain and that is a sign of not being too smart...who knows go figure...LOL LOL LOL !!!

Meditation helps me to not have emotional responses to things and it helps me do what I call Straight Walk Thinking...processing my information without an active imagination and being very emotional about an issue...when I have a worst case scenario I try to test it to see if this is really what is going on or is it my fears and my emotions clouding my thinking...I work with my breath and it helps.

hedgie said...

Not at ALL impressed with my dinner.....A TGIFriday's cook-in-bag Sesame Orange Chicken with rice, peppers and bean shoots. Thank goodness I had some egg rolls to go along with it. Won't waste money on that one again!

JudyEddy said...

Ok guns were mentioned earlier in the day I vote that who ever has one go to the nest and shoot the branch down Just say it was target practicing LOL It is consuming half the nest all the time now I bet but the end of next month we won't be able to see the nest at all Ya think?

hedgie said...

Shirley, very brave of you to nicely remove and free the bat! You should check and make sure the damper is closed in the fireplace, too!

JudyEddy said...

I didn't mention but at Angies last night we tried to play a game of candy land with Jordyn and she got the concept of it right away I put a quick video on facebook last night it is so funny Now we can have game night after dinner on Thursdays Cool Beans

Hoda said...

I saw that video JudyE of the game and Jordyn catching on so fast...very cute indeed and then she had enough and that was that...protective of the cards and telling the dog no so it would not eat them...she is such a precious youngster...

Linda said...

LYNN - Thanks for the comment about my wee one... ♥

I hope I wasn't the one to start any political talk in my response to Hoda's comment. I only meant to say that we are definitely in a critical situation from wherever you stand. Our country needs to come together and be the country we once were.

Unfortunately what we see in politics is much like what we see in the everyday world of this generation. Too many people have lost their sense of right and wrong and definitely too many people have lost God in their life!!

Enough said about that!

Lynn - I also hope I didn't offend you about the hunting comment. People have all sorts of views on that as well.

For me, they are such beautiful creatures to watch - all of them!! God made such a perfect world, didn't her?

Linda said...

SHIRLEY - I really got a kick out of your story about the bat or bird or whatever it was that you caught and released!! You're a hoot!!

stronghunter said...

Just got a message from Susan on FB. If I had called the Wildlife Rescue Hotline about getting the bat out of the house, I would have gotten her.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY the bat whisper

JudyEddy said...

Ok I demand a eagle to appear before me I am the great OZ LOL

JudyEddy said...

Ok that didn't work anyone have any other idea that might just work? the light is fading and that is a bid sign

JudyEddy said...

that was BAD not BID sign

JudyEddy said...

light on

Linda said...

Well, there is the night light!

JudyEddy said...

Well it looks like we were stood up again Them eagles need to brush up on nest manners

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...