Monday, April 27, 2009


New week, fresh thread.


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hedgie said...

Hi, Steve. Thanks for the new thread. Hope you have a great week. I'll go get the others.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Lynn!! Thanks for comin' and gettin' me! How are ya this morning?

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...sun is shining and it is 65°.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---Thanks STEVEN for the new SUNSHINE thread!!!----CONGRATS!!---HEDGIE---our #1 EAGLE MOM---today & every day!!!----MORNIN SISSY!!---I had to be off for a couple of days--will never catch up!!---WHOA!---DEB!--DEB!--How can we go on without you????---MEMA JO!!-----wonderful to hear you are feeling better today!---CONGRATS! MITS---gonna be a GRANNY again!!!---I will attempt to catch up!---LOTS OF NEW EAGLE MOMSTERS!!---SO COOL!-----We are looking forward to another WARM sunny day --- 'BIG BIRD' is getting to be a 'BIGGER BIRD'---She is so COOL!---ENJOY ANOTHER SPECTUCULAR DAY in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!----LOVE--LAUGH--DANCE & HUG A CHILD TODAY!! --- LIFE IS GOOD!!!!

deb said...

Good morning, it is cloudy and 39 here. I want warm weather to come back!

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That's okay, Norma, we knew what you meant! I have been off for a few days too, feel so out of the loop!! Hidey is certainly growing more and more.

Deb, did the chick hatch at HI? When do you start to work?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!----It is a WARM 69° here already!!---What time do you go to work?--are you teaching?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY!!----We can go through this day together!!---ho!

hedgie said...

Can you beleive how big our baby is getting??? There is certainly NO HIDING HIDEY now!!!!

deb said...

It hadn't hatched when I went to bed last night, so make sure and look this morning!

I leave in 15 minutes, so I best keep moving!

Costume Lady said...

I finally got my photos on WILD AND WONDERFUL. Mine are not so good, but Gene's are nice. I put them on Youtube and transfered them to my blog. If you double-click, the screen becomes larger. Picture and sound S-K-I-P-S and is annoying...don't know if anything can be done about that. I am new to these slide show things and still have a lot to learn!

hedgie said...

I know that Sissy was AWOL because she was out having fun. Hope the same is true for you, Norma!!!
Deb, guess you are on your way to work now.....sure am going to miss your daytime posts!

Costume Lady said...

HAVE A GOOD DAY DEB, and be sure to let us know all about it:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!!---I certainly didn't mean to miss you!!!---It is always a BEAUTIFUL day in MARTINSBUG/SHEPHERDSTOWN!!!!---Beautiful people live there!!

hedgie said...

Cool, Wanda...will check them out. I don't know "nuffin' 'bout" YouTube postings except watching them! Paula will probably be able to help.
Deb, are you one or two hrs. behind us?? I thought your shift starts when?

Costume Lady said...

I got so excited when Helen told us that Kevin and Annie are expecting another little Kalis...I feel like they are our family too:)

deb said...

Not teaching, Norma. There isn't a lot of choice for jobs in Vermillion this year, I will be working trouble shooting for AT&T Cell phones, solving problems. I am not sure it is something I will like doing, but you can't be too picky right now. I don't have to drive to Sioux City or Sioux Falls, that is the best thing.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hidey is trying to eat that fish by herself!

deb said...

I am one hour behind, starts at 7:30. Only will take a few minutes to get there.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, do I have your permission to post some of the photos that are on the Thank You card that Kevin and Annie sent out? Sweet pictures. Love the one of you and Maggie:)

deb said...

I am off, I will look at your pictures later today, Wanda!

normabyrd said...

CHESAPEAKE & CHOPTANK-----Great names for the BWE KIDS!!-----
'CHES' & 'CHOP'---ho!

SUZANNE has the 1st pic!---CONGRATS!!

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I think that you will like working for AT&T!!---AT&T are LUCKY to get you!!-----WISHING YOU THE BEST ON YOUR 1ST DAY!!----

hedgie said...

Wanda, no problems at all with Gene' done good, girlfriend! Still need to watch yours!

Mits said...


Mits said...

Yes, Wanda, you have my permission;)

Mits said...

Lynn, HI 1 and HI2 are same nest, just different views, most people watch the close-up.....I watched it closely all weekend, and hearing the chick in the egg was amazing

normabyrd said...

The 'REBELS in the NORFOLK NEST are are growing in leaps & bounds!!-----Sitting up so straight!!---ho!---

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

raining at Finney's nest

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

it is gorgeous today, Norma.....dogwoods in bloom, red buds, azalea zoysia is getting greener:)

hedgie said...

Your photos are good, too, Wanda. The slide show effect is so neat! Good music choices, too!

Mits said...

Love the new names for the BWE eaglets.......

The winning name of "Chesapeake," for our older eaglet, was submitted by Jannene Sheppard from Sandwich, Kent, England. Jan has been a fan of the Blackwater cams for several years and is a volunteer with a small man-made nature reserve - Gazen Salts in Sandwich, Kent - which is smaller than Blackwater but nevertheless home to a great variety of birds/small mammals and wildflowers.

And the winning name of "Choptank," for our younger eaglet, was submitted by William Piazza from Annapolis, Maryland. William and his wife are frequent visitors to Blackwater Refuge, and they also recently joined the Friends of Blackwater. They're both novice birdwatchers who enjoy meeting people on the trails and the Wildlife Drive at Blackwater and sharing some of their knowledge about our local wildlife.

The names "Chesapeake" and "Choptank" were chosen by several people, but Jan and William were the first to submit them, so their entries were the winners.

For those who don't know our local area well, Blackwater Refuge is near the Chesapeake Bay, which is the largest estuary in North America. And the Choptank River is a major tributary of the Chesapeake Bay and runs through the town of Cambridge, Maryland, which is close to the Refuge.

normabyrd said...

WOW! MITS----Sounds like are area!!
We have APPLE BLOSSOMS in bloom----This is 'APPLE BLOSSOM' WEEKEND in Winchester!!---We all used to go when the kids were small!---They were in dancing----along with 30 others! ho!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the H1/H2 clarification, Mits...that sets my befuddled brain straight!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Congrats on the new baby coming Mits! I am sure ya'll are very excited!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS LISA!----I couldn't figure where the CHOPTANK name came from!!---I am learning more each day about your area---I think both are GREAT NAMES---Very meaningful to your area!!

Mits said...

I love reading their chat room Lynn, but there were so many "trolls" on it last night it was hard to find definitive info....will go over this a.m. to see if things have calmed down

normabyrd said...

LOON CAM having problems!!

normabyrd said...

BLUE HERRON ON NEST!!-----Loud bird sounds all around!!---She is BEAUTIFUL!!

paula eagleholic said...

Contest Winners
The winners of our Eaglet-Naming Contest have named our eaglets Chesapeake and Choptank.

Chessie is the oldest and Choppie is the youngest

paula eagleholic said...

both Osprey at BWO...hope we get another egg today :)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!----Great names aren't they?---Earlier I call them CHES & CHOP!----Didn't realize CHOPTANK was a River----learning more about MD everyday!!!--did you read several different folks had submitted those names!!

normabyrd said...

At the FINNEY WATER SITE this am---saw the OSPREYS 'MATING'---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I still see two eggs at HI!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I hear a baby! Is it still in the egg?

normabyrd said...

HH---GLORIOUS SIGHT!!---1 wee chick --- chirping away outside nest!---MOM NESTING!!

Mits said...

still in the egg, Sissy, as far as they know, that chat room is fast.

Jimbo said...

Hi everyone, I just discovered this Eage cam a few days ago. Wow.
Does anyone know how old the little elage is? gender? Is there a time of day when the parents are likely to be in the nest?
Thanks, Jim

normabyrd said...

TWO STORKS---(Germany)---MOM ON NEST---DAD STANDING IN NEST!!---CAM has been moved---last time I was on you could see the corner of the house that we could see last season!!

Lolly said...

Good morning all! And WELCOME Jimbo! Our Hidey was 6 weeks old Saturday. And no,we do not know the sex. We call him/her Hidey as at the beginning of its life it was always hiding. Mom, Belle, and Dad Liberty or Lib, come and go during the day.

Lolly said...

Dark and stormy here. We got close to two inches of rain during the night. WOW!!!! Still raining and very dark. It is 63 and just a WONDERFUL DAY! I plan to clean house and will probably be on the blog more today! My poor house really needs it!

Lolly said...

I am really worried about the OK eagles. Guess the weather up there has affected the cam. Hope the eagles are okay. Wish they would post a notice.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lolly, when you get through with yours, mine really needs some attention as well!! The pay sucks but the company is good!!

Welcome Jimbo! As Lolly said Belle and Liberty are in and out of the nest all day long. They are never very far away from Hidey, sometimes we can hear them a long time before we see them!! We are glad to have you!!

Hidey is attempting to move a stick!! She is doing her own nestorations!!!

Lolly said...

No, Hidey, don't jump! LOL There he is at his favorite spot, looking like he could fall or jump any second. Also, he is doing nestorations, playing with a stick.

normabyrd said...

OSPREY in FINLAND NEST!----Had a brown necklace----flew away!!!
Must check with SUZANNE!!

Lolly said...

Sorry Sissy! I only clean mine...occasionally! :) Oh, I also clean at Laurel's. When I babysit I can not ignore laundry or dusting. Also, known to clean her windows and mop. I never had to work when my kids were little. Thank goodness! Try to help Laurel as much as I can.

Lolly said...

Watching HI. Wish it had a pop up. Guess there is no chick yet. One person said they saw a chick, another said they saw two whole eggs. ??????

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--JIMBO---WELCOME!!---You will find many folks on here from MD!!----When you watch--you may note that the 'LIL' ONE has several names---HEIDY---MIRACLE---BIG BIRD---plus many more!!---"One may call her/him any name you wish!!"---THAT CAME DIRECTLY FROM JO!!--- SHE'S OUR BOSS!!---ho!---

Lolly said...

Thinking of Deb and her first day at work. Wish her well!

Hey, Deb, we miss you!

normabyrd said...

WHOA! LOLLY!!---Does that mean if I have a 'baby'---you will clean my house too!!----KIDDIN!!----We are having another beautiful day here in WV --77° & moving up----maybe we can ship some of our SUNSHINE your way!!----

Lolly said...

Good morning, Norma! Big Bird, had not heard that one. Like it! LOL

BW eaglet....I like their new names, but they will always be Snow White and Frosty to me. SW and F just reminds me of their hatching days! Brrrrrr!!!!!

normabyrd said...


Lolly said...

Norma......if you have a baby, I will be right there!!!! I will cook, clean, and help with the baby. And that, my dear, is a PROMISE!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

HI is hiding them babies from us!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Or eggs or baby and egg or whatever!!

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---I just called him that the other day!---because he had grown so much!!----Those names are hard----SUZANNE-- sticks with MIRACLE!---JO!---did say the other day--that he/she had so many names just call him/her what ever you wish!!---

Lolly said...

NO, NO, NO! Please do not ship any sunshine this way. This rain is just TOO WONDERFUL! And, I need to be indoors! Rain is the only thing that makes me stay inside. I am going to clean, just after I blog and drink my coffee. First things first!

Lolly said...

I think we are cursed. Belle hid the chick and now HI has it's back to us and hiding "whatever" is in the nest.

normabyrd said...

Some one on tv singing an old 'tear jerker' on TV!----'YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND'----favorite of mine -- long ago!------but this kid is no WILLIE NELSON!!!!!

normabyrd said...

LOLLY -- We need more rain too!---Supposedly Wednesday----we will be blessed!!!

Mits said...

Sissy the person who said there was a chick was a troll

Lolly said...

Reading the HI blog. It is funny! Eagle just was calling out. One person blogged "Note to self, do not wear earphones." LOL Bet that was ear splitting!

Mits said...

panda up the tree at NZ

normabyrd said...

LOLLY----Too funny--I was watching that site & that EAGLE about burst my eardrum!---ho!---

Lolly said...

Very loud thunder here. Can you hear it? Jack said a "big red area" is on the radar just west of us. More coming! The prediction was for 4 inches. Hope so! The lakes can really use it.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The hole is bigger!! I see the chick!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Both parents our nest!! Belle dropped in...then Lib

Lolly said...

HI eagle just gave us a view of the eggs. No chick, but you could hear it. The hole in the egg is bigger.

normabyrd said...

EAGLE still on her nest in OREGON!!
Oh---I would love to see a hatch there!!----

paula eagleholic said...

Belle was giving Hidey a couple of Lib is doing the honors

Belle is eating too.

Lolly said...

Sissy, could you really see it? I saw that the whole was bigger and could hear it.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Whole family is in our nest!!! Excitement everywhere!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Blogger cop is tearing me up this morning!!

Lolly said...

Paula, it is a family picnic!

hedgie said...

Welcome, Jimbo. You aren't too far away from our nest. How did you discover it???
Looks likie rain is over at Finney water nest. Osprey still sitting....Suz got a great fly-in shot a little while ago.
Lolly, just don't get washed away!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle left...

Feeding is about over...

Lolly said...

Wow! Look at that size of Hidey. About as big as parent.

Carol said...

What an awesome show! First time I've seen the family all together. Glad I took a sick day from work today! (Supposed to be writing a paper, but watching eagle cam instead!)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lolly, I think I saw it, not out of the egg though! Both parents in the nest, maybe we will get another glimpse!

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot and back to the far end for Hidey....Lib went up into the tree, on the left side

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone! Been watching HI this morning. Such an up-close and personal camera!

paula eagleholic said...

Switch at HI...just saw the big pip!

Lolly said...

Switch at HI. Got tickled reading their blog again. One states firmly Dad was on nest. Another states firmly Mom was on the nest. LOL

Lolly said...

It is cool watching HI, Paula. Such a good view of the eggs. Not sure I will clean house today. May just sit and watch HI.

hedgie said...

No one home in Black stork nest, but others look good.

Lolly said...

Decided to post just to get WAX.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Luney is snoozing on the grate!! He really likes that place!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Just got a call. No clean house today. Nana is sick, so we are heading to Dallas to babysit Zach.

I am outta here. But can get on later in Dallas.

Bye! BBL

hedgie said...

Can't tell whether mama at Hornby is eating or doing nestorations while she is roosting....saw 2 eggs before she settled down...couldn't tell if intact or not.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Eaglet at HI!!!

paula eagleholic said...

There's the HI chick!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How beautiful!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I saw the eaglet at HI!! Egg cracked plum open now!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Look at that chick!! What a great shot! I knew it would be!

hedgie said...

Lolly, you really didn't want to clean house anyway!! But too bad that other grammy is sick....hope it's not swine flu!

hedgie said...

Wow, nice family at Hornby. Cute little eaglet, and both parents relishing its' hatch!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow!! They almost act nervous with that eaglet!

hedgie said...

Congratulations, Hornby and Hancock!!!

hedgie said...

BBL....gotta go out and do some more work before it gets TOO hot!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like some of the leaves on the sycamore tree are coming out!

Mits said...

that was soooo amazing watching and hearing the chick at HI being born...but that chat room gives me a headache, glad we don't have a chat room

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Family all in at our nest!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I think Belle just bailed!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ok, so that is where this headache came from?? I was wondering!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent, our nest!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All
Yepper there is a chick at Hornby! I saw him when Sissy first yelled "Chick" He was still in the half shell!
Now if we could just get some kind of report on Oklahoma - that would be great.

Hi There Carol from NJ and JimboFirst thing Hidey did when I opened cam was a you know what "Poop Shoot"
Life is good mainly because I am feeling better. Thank goodness for meds.

A BEAR at the snowman. Deb had been check on that! Thinking about her & really hoping this will be a challenge and turn into a fun job.

Yes Margy I saw the newborn Moon.

Mema Jo said...

Our chat room is an elaborate blog!
Don't know what I would do if I couldn't
read all the comments of the day!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Is that Lib and Hidey or Belle and Hidey!

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang---gotta get ready to leave house, but posted 2 sets of pics of Park eagle nest on blog.

Mema Jo said...

Well, I have a surgeon's appointment early afternoon - He might say I can
throw away my cane! WHoo HOo But I
doubt it! I only use it when I go outside

I saw a Blue Bunting yesterday in the tree right outside my deck. Such a
brilliant blue! Beautiful.

Mits said...

if this blog were a chat, I would not be here.......can't get a word in, did see Sharon and say Hi to her, but what a zoo......

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mema Jo, how are you feeling? I been thinking about you and praying for you!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Mits, that was a hot mess. I can't keep up at all when I saw Bethesda, I knew! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

GOOD MORNING! Wow, I can't believe I managed to sleep in so late! Got Hubby off to work at 3:45 am, then sort of "stuck my nose behind my wing" and actually got some more shut-eye. Whoa!! Both parents on the nest-- oops! Now just one, think it's Lib. I'm awake for sure, now. Nice weather here in SoCal-- 58 degrees with early morning cloud cover, so it won't get too hot today. Mockingbird is freaking out about one of the Goshawks. A great early warning system for the rest of the feathered community! (Gosh, looks like Hidey's gone and grown more overnight.) Hawk is sitting on top of a telephone pole across the street on the corner. Gives them a perfect view of the whole area. The poor mockingbird is having a nervous breakdown of sorts-- no birds at my backyard feeders but the hummers. Hawks must be on the hunt. Sounds like it's windy back there in WV! Hope it's not quite so hot for you guys today. Gotta go get some coffee & breakfast and check out the job listings. Be back in a little while... take care!

normabyrd said...

WOAH!!! MSBOOKWORM!!---Sounds as if you followed my advice!!----'to read before going to bed'----APPEARS YOU SLEPT WELL LAST NIGHT!!-----ho!---KIDDIN'---

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

The photos from Gene, Wanda and Loretta bring back the entire beautiful trip!
Thank you so much!
Now off to see Margy's...

Ms Bookworm said...

Just came back for a peek at the nest, and whoa-- is Hidey trying to eat a fish all by herself?! What a big girl! Reminds me of my daughter when she went through a phase of independence as a toddler, and was constantly saying,"Me doot!" (translation: Me do it) My daughter Jen is now 37, by the way :o)

Mema Jo said...

Getting breezy at our nest - Hope the adult catches Hidey when she goes to fall.

Just got a view of the Hornby chick. Adult is up doing some nestorations.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Donna
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Donna aka Mauley
Happy Birthday to you
and many many more!

normabyrd said...

Trying to get a look at 'PRINCE XI'

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

!!!!!!!! Have a great day !!!!!!!

hedgie said...

In for a drink....getting hot already!
If anyone is interested in watching the Hornby cams without the distraction of the chat room, access through this link:
Hornby access

hedgie said...

Great shots of your eagles, Loretta!!! How lucky you are to get to see them nearly every day!

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Donna, may God bless you always:)

hedgie said...

Now parent is feeding Hidey....guess s/he hasn't mastered the technique yet!

hedgie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAULEY DONNA!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO!!---Thanks----
HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BEAUTIFUL DONNA!!----and wishing you many -- many more-----


Mits said...


Mits said...

Maryland Opens Swine Flu Command Center
Maryland health officials are opening a command center to help experts respond
quickly to any suspected cases of swine flu.

ltl said...

Oh! That was some BEAUTIFUL close-up wing testing!

Hi, ya'll. :)

I haven't looked in on the nest since Friday, and lordy that little one is visibly more grown up.

Mema Jo said...

You all think that Hidey is going to be out of that nest sooner then her 11 weeks b-day? I guess we'll wait till we see her branching. BWEaglets are branding per Lisa.

Mits said...


This Afternoon
Sunny. Highs around 90. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Clear. Lows in the upper 50s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Sunny. Highs in the upper 80s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Tuesday Night
Partly cloudy in the evening...then becoming mostly cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 50s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph with gusts up to 20 mph...becoming west after midnight. Chance of rain 40 percent.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish a hawk would come and get these starlings from my flicker's nest! They are probably too nasty for even hawks to eat! :)

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Lisa.

OK Everyone on the blog
I am out of here
Will touch base with you upon my return
With or without the cane.


normabyrd said...

REMEMBER!!!!---Take hand sanitizer with you today!!---WASH HANDS OFTEN!!-----ON THE NEWS!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, THANKS, Normabyrd, it worked! I'm reading a really good book, by the way-- 'The Murder of Sir Edmund Godfrey'. It's a mystery based on a true story, and was my Mom's favorite book. She read it on the streetcar right after she graduated from high school. She had gotten a job as a bookkeeper for a jeweler in Detroit, and rode the streetcar to and from work. That was in about 1932! (Whoa-- poop shoot!) I had been searching for that book for decades, and actually found a first edition at! Whoo hoo! Say, is Hidey doing some nestorations, or did she find a few leftovers?...gotta run to the kitchen really quick-- hope I didn't burn the toast.

hedgie said...

Looks like Belle is ready to block any sudden Hidey moves on that edge of the nest....argh! Get back, baby.

normabyrd said...

MS BOOKWORM---It always works for me!---Went to beach--forgot book--got there late---so I read the 'YELLOW PAGES'---it worked! ho!

ltl said...

Say, ya'll--- I might be visiting friends in Virginia this weekend, and driving to & from. Is the nest site open to public visitors? I found the campus map with the location & all on, but I don't see anything about whether/when the place is open to gawkers.

ltl said...

Oh, wait. Now I'm finding more info.

ltl said...

Let me put it this way: tips for visiting the nest, anyone? :)

normabyrd said...

The PA PEREGRINE FALCON is still nesting & she is hot---one can tell by her breathing & her beak is open too!!----(last update 3/31/09)----

hedgie said...

That Hornby recording is great! Mama sure was busy trying to move the shell and moving stuff out of the way of the egg cup....and male arrived as if on cue for the big event! But it froze me up....had to reboot.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ltl---SHE/HE looks more like 'BIG BIRD' today!!----

Mits said... is the person to contact for permission to get on the grounds

hedgie said...

ltl, we usually call ahead and ask if we can come. I guess they may have some restrictions, but not sure. They often have training things going on, and suspect some of them are high-end government things! You will have to show ID at the guard shack for sure. And you can't go off the road next to the's a protected area until after July 1st, I believe....Any one else have details or advice?

movin said...

** GooD MORNING **

** EVERYoNE **



normabyrd said...

You would need to get permission from the NCTC folks!!----(NATIONAL CONSERVATION TRAINING CENTER)---you might call & ask----

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Birthday to Donna!!!

I was briefly in WV on Saturday. Sarah did the One Day Hike. She did 50K (there is also a 100K leg). It starts in MD along the C&O and ends up in Harpers Ferry (actually Bolivar). She did really well.

movin said...


** DONNA **



paula eagleholic said...

ltl - when are planning on visiting? Campus really isn't open to the public to run in and out...there is a walk happening early Saturday morning, though....

Send me an email with your details...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ltl, just that it is so worth it if you can work it out!! If you get to see Belle and Lib (which you most likely would), it is one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever in my life had!!

Mits said...

Channel 4 (WRC-TV, the local NBC affiliate) will run a story tonight on the 11 pm news featuring four Zoo police officers who will state that the zoo is unsafe because there are not enough officers to protect the Zoo. They told reporter Kimberly Suiters that they were unhappy with a change in work schedules. The schedule was approved by the union. The shift changes--from 4 days on and 3 days off to 5 days on and 2 days off—were made because SI was paying more than 320 hours of overtime per pay period in order to have appropriate weekend coverage when the Zoo is busiest.

This shift change resulted in fewer officers having the weekends off and in general unhappiness with the new schedule. The reporter has been told that the zoo is safe (she has the crime stats); nonetheless, more officers (probably 7 or 8 by beginning of fiscal year) are being hired in order to cut overtime and allow flexibility in staffing, according to OPS Director J.J. McLaughlin.

National Zoo Communications

movin said...

fIRST time I've seen this on camera:

WE nest: One parent eagle on the nest protecting the chicks, and the second adult is visible on another rocky peak on the left side of the screen.



paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Bob...did you walk too?

I am doing a 5k at NCTC on Saturday...nowhere near the 50....

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Jim, sometimes you can catch them perching on the trees behind the nest.

I saw Hidey eating by himself earlier, too!

ltl said...

Thanks much, folks. Paula, I'll write you shortly. Guess I'll write, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, 50k is 31 miles! Great walk, Sara!

normabyrd said...

BOB!---You were in a beautiful area of WV!!---Daughter--DAVIN & family lived in HARPERS FERRY!!---

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - I didn't walk the 50K but I did end up walking several miles. I drove to each support station and then walked down the trail to meet Sarah and walked with her for awhile. This was her first time (she's volunteered the last few years working at the Brunswick support station). They haven't posted the results yet but I believe she finished in the top 10 of the 50K hikers. Quite impressive.

Bob Quinn said...

Yes, Norma, Harpers Ferry is quite scenic.

normabyrd said...

WHOA! PAULA!----I envy you!---Wish I could walk with you!---ENJOY!!

movin said...

Xi Lan (and LUn Lun) are very active on cam right now. Take a look.



movin said...

Hahaha. Lun Lun was on top of the yellow structure, and Xi Lan was climbing and playing on the logs next to it; when Lun Lun just reached across the gap and casually pushed Xi Lan off the logs onto the ground.



hedgie said...

Bob, tell Sarah we said congrats! That is quite a feat!!!

movin said...

It's almost like Pandas are human and have a sense of humor when they get to wrestling and playing together like that.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lun acts like she is trying to kill Luney!! She gets so rough sometimes!!

Mits said...

it will get more rough as XL gets older

normabyrd said...

I must fill feeders!----this weather certainly bring out the bees---& other stinging bugs!

hedgie said...

Mits, sounds like the officers are just ticked off over their altered schedules.....if they have a beef it should be with their union...why try to create bad publicity for the zoo? Jerks! JMHO.

normabyrd said...

OH SISSY!---Just read what you said about LUN LUN & CHILD--ho!
Don't worry---they won't kill each other!---It's the way they play!!!---'PRINCE XI'--never listens to his MOM!!---ho!----I used to worry about that too!!

Mits said...

some are jerks, Lynn, but I have depended on some to keep an eye on me when it is just me and the pandas, and it is dark at the zoo:)

hedgie said...

Jim, did you see the piece on 60 Minutes about the elephant orphanage? Even tho' they raise them to release back into wild, the handlers treat them like a parent would a child. There is one handler per baby and he stays with it 24/7. If he tries to leave it at bedtime, the baby cries. They feed them every 3 hrs. Almost as human-acting as the pandas are. Ain't nature grand?

movin said...

Yes, it is, Hedgie.

Morning to you all ... Norma, Mits, Sissy, Paula, Bob.



hedgie said...

I'm sure,'s probably only a handful who are disgruntled. I have no doubt that most of them do their jobs well and some are really dedicated to their mission. Just hope that the reporter does a fair and unbiased report. Remember how awful the rhetoric got over the Park Police thing a few years ago?

hedgie said...

Lunchtime over....back out I go. TTFN.

movin said...

Don't you think Hidey is developing faster than usual? Perhaps because it's getting as much food as it needs every time.

It's so large I keep thinking of it as a "she", even though I know that a second or third egg will probably produce a male chick.

Guess I'll start calling it "he" and "him."



dragonmyazs said...

Hi, I've been watch for about a week now and see that Hidey gets really close to the edge. Will he try to fly soon?

cyclingswim said...

Hi all -- anyone seen mom and/or dad at the Two Harbors nest?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It will probably be at least another month before Hidey will attempt to fly.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that is a true bobblehead at HI! Lifted its head right up though.

Mits said...

Update from BWO....

Egg Alert!

We now have two eggs. If a third is coming, it should arrive by the end of Thursday.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---Temp is 92° now!---Just filled my feeders---& There are thousands of flying insects out there!!----

Mits said...


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...