Thursday, April 09, 2009

Thursday Afternoon

Afternoon thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon this beautiful Thursday

Thanks for the new thread - I just returned home and have a feeling everyone is out and about in the sunshine.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the afternoon thread.

Hello there Jo ( :

Many new people came in on the other thread. Hope they can follow us over here.

Mema Jo said...

Their comments should automatically come over with us. Just got back from haircut-ready for Easter bonnet now! lol

Hidey is moving around the nest!

I liked Sharon's comment that 3 years ago WE were the newbys asking lots of
questions. It is good to have new eagle watchers in our nest!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey has some strong legs!
Starting to be-bop around the nest
Too close to the edge I think!

deb said...

Hidey was wingersizing!

Mema Jo said...

If I send up an alarm of


someone in Martinsburg or Shepherdstown best go to the Sycamore Tree......

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is getting bold!
Seems to be in pretty good control of
the movements. The more exercise the better.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep she is out of that nest bowl finally.

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is lying low!
Dinner should be coming soon as I am certain one of the adults are right above the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I guess it is nap time for Hidey

Guess I had best get a handle on our dinner.......


Mits said...

3 eggs in KY osprey nest:)

Mits said...

CT nest back online

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Lola at CT Osprey has a log in front of her. Might never see chicks until older lol

Mits said...

from SD zoo....

Suzanne Hall is a senior research technician for the San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research.

Addendum (posted April 8): To clarify, I indicated the staff will be making some changes to the panda protocol over the next few days, but I think it would be premature to say we think breeding is going to occur in the next few days. We anticipate we are probably a few weeks away from an actual breeding at this time.


Mits said...


Mits said...


Mits said...

think something under its talons

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is getting dinner before me!

Mits said...

guess it had to wait til it died to start eating:)

Mits said...

Hidey is on an all day dinner

Mits said...

somebody landed near the mic

NatureNut said...

Looks like dinnertime at the nest!

Think my 'puter is going green!Got green cam screens at NBG & PH. Will try again. Know I read NBG was having cam trouble a few days ago.

And WELCOME to all the new eagle watchers! You will love it here ☺

Mits said...

loved the way parent turned the food away from Hidey and is enjoying it now

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey is getting some more eats...don't know where he is putting it all...

Catch ya'll later, heading home.

Mits said...

both in nest

Mits said...

poof Lib

Mits said...

fish is still moving in nest.

Mema Jo said...

Adult is still hungry but nestovers coated with fluff doesn't seem too

Mema Jo said...

Little talons stretching out!! lol

deb said...

It looks like BWO Osprey has a fish.

NatureNut said...

So windy at OK, that baby is facing Mom w/head under her belly.

Mema Jo said...


Going to visit son's home and see new flooring he put down over the weekend.

deb said...

Hidey's crop is so full, she can't stand up. She topples right over.

deb said...

She is standing up now.

deb said...

Oops, back down,

glo said...

Hi everyone lOL...Look at the size of that crop on our little one.

Hope everyone has had a good day. I took off with my camera to see some pelicans. Now to go through all the pictures and see if I got any for glo's Glimpses. Will take a whiel I took like 400 LOL...well it was sunny and i am not sure how often I will get out to where they are. So I took advantage of it and snapped away. Digital Cameras are fantastic!!!

Mits said...

off to get ready for Holy Thursday services...later

deb said...

If Rapid City can get one more inch of snow, it will be a new record for snow in one season. I just wish they would say what the total is!

hedgie said...

Good evening. Hair is done, groceries in and dinner over. have read through the blogs....So, our Suz has a new job...LOL!!
Loved the video of the leopards, Mits....they are precious...did you notice how the one had his little paw on the feeders' finger while he was drinking from the bottle?
I see one of our newbies is already HOOKED!!! 3 generations watching and maybe a classful of 9 yr. olds!
Your recipe sounds great, Mits...and Jim's suggestions do, too. Good news of K10 feeding, Jim.

sara said...

How long have Liberty and Belle been in this nest?

hedgie said...

Sad news....young man who graduated from Williamsport High School (just across the river in MD) (originally from Silver Spring) was killed by a drunk driver last night adter pitching ball for the LA Angels. He was drafted by them right out of HS in '04 and this was his rookie major league year...he had pitched last night...he was the youngest player on the big league rostors. What a shame. Prayers for his family, friends, and teammates.

hedgie said...

His name is Nick Adenhart.

hedgie said...

No, Wanda does NOT look like that when she eats crab legs!!! She's very lady-like! As is GeeGee!

wvgal_dana said...

Liberty and Belle and chick all in nest. One of the parents is eating.

hedgie said...

Sara, Lib and Belle have been here since sometime in 2005....3 fledges in 2006; sad, sad 2007, as the eggs were lost (frozen) during an ice storm; we had three fledges last year. Two eggs were not viable this year.

hedgie said...

The whole family is at home at the moment, but Hidey is hidden!

wvgal_dana said...

That was Liberty eating and just took off.

hedgie said...

Now he's visible...looks like he's all wings!

sara said...

How do the eagles get named? You can tell I have all kinds of questions now that I have someone to ask.

hedgie said...

Dana, I swear it looks like Hidey is trying to eat by himself!

wvgal_dana said...

Yep looks to me like she/he is lol

deb said...

Sara, Belle and Liberty were named in a contest. The eaglets names just kind of evolve and sometime different people call them different names. Some call this eaglet Hidey, since she hid from us for awhile and some call it Miracle, since it was the only egg to hatch.

wvgal_dana said...

Sara biologist don't name the eagles.

We did a poll in 2006 and lots of names were put in. The final result was Female - Belle and Male - Liberty.

deb said...

I have company coming for the night, so I will be back sometime tomorrow!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I think Hidey/Miracle is so full just using food as a pillow. Else went to it and slap on the ground near the food went its head tee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Night Deb enjoy your company.

hedgie said...

Sara, we just start throwing out funny "names" and they kind of stick. This one is alternately called Hidey (because it was hidden so much at first) and Miracle (because it was the only hatchling). There are often naming contests at some nests, but even tho' we bandied it about, we haven't done it--at lest not yet.
I wasn't on when Lib and Belle were of the old-timers can tell you that!

wvgal_dana said...

2002-2003 Season worked on nest no eggs.

2003-2004 Season 1 egg laid and hatched.

2004-2005 Season 1 egg laid and hatched.

2005-2006 Season 3 eggs laid and 3 hatched.

2006-2007 Season Severe storm and cold weather took all the eggs. None survived. :(

2007-2008 Season 3 eggs laid 3 hatched.

2008-2009 3 eggs laid and 1 hatched.

wvgal_dana said...

I see 2 eggs at Delta OWL BC nest.
One either is starting to crack or has grass on it.

hedgie said...

Enjoy your company, Deb! No wild slumber party without us!!

magpie said...

Hi Eagle Friends....

Remember to look for the Full Flower Moon...should be rising right about NOW - look West - heading out to go see it!

See that your day was interesting and full of Bird and Animal things.


Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - the Suzanne Hall on Mits zoo report is NOT our Suz....

wvgal_dana said...

Margy it is chilly out there.. West for me is towards moon yet?????

wvgal_dana said...

Belle eating leftovers.

wvgal_dana said...

Spideys web starting to show

wvgal_dana said...

I wish "all" live feeds like CT has a snap shot button on them. I would have loved to have gotten a picture of the Delta OWL BC Eagle eggs.

sara said...

Thanks for the info....

wvgal_dana said...

Getting dark at CT Osprey night Kidd night Lola see you sometime tomorrow. Since you don't have infra-red night vision there.

Mema Jo said...

Sara and any newcomers .
Open this site and if you wish, please join us by creating your Yahoo Membership on our Eaglet_Momsters site.
You may wish to designate your own email address as it doesn't have to be a yahoo one.

Eaglet Momsters Site

wvgal_dana said...

I love watching Hidey/Miracle pulling at its feathers. Preening ...

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Now the one that flew in and knocked the other out of the nest. Just flew up on a limb. Sure hope our other parent is ok.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the photo of Hidey, Lynn

Won't be long before Hidey will tear into the food brought in - even matle over it!

wvgal_dana said...

I would feel much much better if we could see both parents in our nest VERY SOON !!!

hedgie said...

Dana, I swear it looks like Hidey is trying to eat by himself!

wvgal_dana said...

Not sure but I think it was Belle that went over the edge. She was the one picking at the fish and nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn read my comments above ??? DID YOU SEE IT HAPPEN TOO?????

hedgie said...

Jo...I KNOW it's not our Suz...I was making a funny!!!

hedgie said...

Thanks for your good calendar of events, Dana. I thought it was more years, but Steve's lead on the home blog page says 4 yrs.!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I WISH I COULD CALL THE GUARD AND ASK HIM IF HE SEE'S TWO EAGLES SITTING UP IN THE TREE BRANCHES NOW......This is terrible and worry some !@!!!! I won't feel good at all until I see both our parent eagles together. So I know they BOTH are ok.

Costume Lady said...

I saw that weird happening with Belle. One minute she was there, then gone, then back again. Thought I was seeing things. Know what happened??

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Wanda read my comments above. That will tell you what happened!!! Liberty knocked her out of the nest !!!!!!

hedgie said...

Blogger cop is posting things twice--and out of time order--again!!! ARGH!

wvgal_dana said...

I think this is Liberty.

magpie said...


If you look West you will not see the Moon until morning, sorry about that....figures, mixed up again.

Moon will be East, and it should be up soon gives you more time to watch the nest action, and There's Your Parent ! ☺

Interstate ALL clogged up....don't anyone try to get on and go North....

magpie said...

Okay....breathe.....All is Well...
one, two, and Three ! xo

wvgal_dana said...

OH THANK YOU LORD FOR LETTING ME SEE BOTH IN THE NEST....AWWWWWW MY NERVES. Thought we might have an injured parent on the ground.

Costume Lady said...

Is that sweet or what? Mom and Dad have come to put Hidey to bed:)

hedgie said...

No, Dana, didn't see it.....was one coming and one going and they collided?

hedgie said...

Both in nest now, Dana!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, in reading the last few comments, I am really grateful that one parent knocked another parent out and not Hidey!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our Miraculous Hidey is getting huge.

wvgal_dana said...

No Lynn Belle was at 1-1:30 position and Liberty came flying in collided with her. Knocking her out of flying straight down she went.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Boy I needed a breather from all that action.

I like action in movies "not" in our nest like that.

wvgal_dana said...

Watching Bones on TV back and forth in here.

hedgie said...

Hi Sharon!! How are youy doing after your transfusion???? You should ferel full of vim and vigor!! Or as my grams used to say..."full of vinegar"!

hedgie said...

I'm having more trouble with typing than Lolly says she is....Keyboard is so narrow....I fat-finger keys so often that it throws in two when I only want one or puts in the one I don't mean!!! Ridiculous. Guess my hands are too big, or nails too long...

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Dana, that must have had your heart pounding. Sounds like they are both lucky.


sara said...

Mema Jo....thanks for giving me the info about the Eaglet Momsters. I've added all my info.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Lynn, I don't know how I feel yet because they give me a shot of Benadryl in my IV before they start and it drags me down a bit on that first day.

Mits said...

Margy glad you found moony, mine was coming up in the east:)

Mits said...

we did have a chick hatch in 2007, and it and the 2 other eggs did not make it, I thought....could have swore I remember a chick?

floralgirl said...


Mits said...


floralgirl said...

Someone needs to scrape Boris off the cam lens.

Mits said...

good chance for the new people to see what infra-red light does to a spider

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spidey in all his daggone glory!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I believe there was a hatch the day the snowstorm hit and it didn't make it through the storm. At least, that is the way I remember it!

Mits said...

I think you can see his little heart beating

Mits said...

beat it Boris, and take your threads with you!!

Mits said...

yes we were wondering how it would survive, and it didn't. It was a terrible ice and snow storm...remember Lib trying to get Belle to get up, she was so covered, thought she had frozen to death.

Mits said...

I think Boris is waving good bye

Mits said...

something woke Belle up

hedgie said...

Sharon, well I hope that you feel more better by morning!!!

Mema Jo said...

I think all of our hollering at BORIS
awakened her! lol

magpie said... is safe to come back now....Boris is gone...
Wow, that was something to watch !

paula eagleholic said...

2007 - some thought there was a hatch...others didn't. It was so hard to see....then the cam went down over the weekend...and come Monday morning, there were just 2 eggs.

magpie said...

I went to my favorite moon-rising-watching spot, (Parks Gap) -and saw the Full Moon nearly blood red, all soft looking like a newborn...

then as it rose a little more - bright orange...a perfect Full Moon on a special Thursday night..

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - hope you have been able to see more than spiders on our cam!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think the spider was one of my first comments on the blog. Skeered me bad!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of spiders....he sure is big!

magpie said...

OH oh, Don't Look Yet Hedgie !

paula eagleholic said...

Don't think the infrared bothers the spider...

magpie said...

I think OUR cam is the ONLY CAM with this kind of Arachnid Action..and maybe the only one with Blogger Cop !

magpie said...

Steve thinks he Likes the infrared...or at least, is drawn to it....

magpie said...

I did get a screen grab that I will put on the Momsters album....

Hi Eagle Folks...hope it has been a good day for all of you.


Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I remember when you sent the pic around to all of us the first time we saw Spidey 3 yrs ago!

Sometimes BWO has a spidey

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I hope you used your new camera! Maybe you can show me that beautiiful moon that was in the WEST. I stood outside and looked and looked in the WEST and never did see the moon;);)

Mema Jo said...

Here he comes again!!
Spidey is all over the cam!
Don't know which is worst - seeing Spidey crawling all around or
trying to see through his web all over the cam.........

JustMe1223 said...

This is the first time I've written in here, and I got some pretty neat pictures of Boris

magpie said...

I messed up Wanda.... got my East and West mixed up as I often do...I am so sorry - - it was in the East of course, and guess what, I forgot all about taking my camera....

Costume Lady said...

Around the time that Belle and Lib had their mishap, I grabbed a photo of Hidey getting into position for a poop shoop and it took her/him so long that the still cam also caught the poop shoot too. Got this one just for you's on Wild and Wonderful:)

paula eagleholic said...

I saw that full moon while I was out walking the dogs...pretty.

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

That spider is iridescent! Really lights things up...

The Moon is still out, Wanda...much easier to see NOW...up higher.
By the Way, I saw beautiful Venus in the morning sky twice this's low on the Horizon but is in the EAST, EAST that is, EAST...also Jupiter, higher and more South...

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I posted a few photos of my Wild Columbine from last year on Wanda's Wishes. They aren't blooming yet this spring...couple of weeks yet.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, Dear...just kidding you, you know:) Have you seen YOUR star yet?

hedgie said...

No, Margy, I definitely am not looking...and won't look at the album now, either! UGH!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome Justme...

Spidey is great...on the cam! Don't want him here.

magpie said...

Wanda !
Those are superb photos. Thank you! I have one favorite spot on the road to Swinging Bridge where I can count on seeing the Red ones, in early May...have only seen purple ones once and I think they were wild cultivated transplants, if that makes any sense...

The Northern Cross, in which my star magpie sits, has already "set" at sunset so I have not been able to see it for awhile....

hedgie said...

Welcome to JustMe1223.

hedgie said...

Wanda, your poop shoot shot was a great capture!!

Mits said...

good night everyone...:)

magpie said...

Well, Mother has taken an evening hike....

Hedgie! you are in luck...I got the 999 error on the Momsters album, and NO I WILL NOT POST THAT PICTURE....

Deal ? xox ☺

Mema Jo said...

So enough of Spidey - Where is the adult

I was over checking out emails and when I came back to the cam...... Hidey is all alone.. Anyone see Belle leave..

OK I am sure she is up on a limb above our eaglet.

magpie said...

I ddin't see her leave, but she left only within the last ten minutes or so Mema

Costume Lady said...

Margy, my purple columbine are from seeds from a cousins plants. I would love to have some of Lolly's seeds from her YELLOW columbine to plant along with the puple. I think we are going to exchange seeds. She wants purple ones:)

Mema Jo said...

Hope she returns before we close down for the night....

magpie said...

I think a field trip to Gosling Marsh Road sounds like a Good Idea....☺

Mema Jo said...

BWEaglets have been alone every night for quite a while. Those down feathers do the trick!

magpie said...

Mema Jo
You did see where Belle left the nest about mid-night-thirty this morning and seems to have stayed out the rest of the night..?

magpie said...

Yes, those Eagle Eyes are probably just out of our sight....and she might be doing a number on Spidey...

Lolly said...

Good evening! Had a great day in the yard. Got a lot accomplished and my knee is doing so much better.

Interesting that eagles prefer to sleep on a branch than in the nest. Wonder why?

Wanda loved your picture of last years columbine. The whole flower bed looks great!

Mema Jo said...

Alright - I am at peace with that thought about up on the limb within wing's reach!

Good Night All
Prayers for all needs being said
(((hugs))) ♥

magpie said...

We sent the fire department to a house very near to where your grand-daughter lives on Providence Church rd...but NOT her house. A fellow was, foolishly and at a time that is not allowed, burning some wood and it escaped into some brush and a wooded area, about an acre. Fire Department got there and got it out in good order.

Our volunteer firefighter injured Tuesday night, is hanging in there and showing some signs of improvement....
Hi Lolly

hedgie said...

Night, Mits!
Thanks, Margy, for no Boris pic, and for info on fire and update on our FF. You can ignore my emails now!!

magpie said...

So much thanks, for all your all's prayers...
Hedgie... I shall never ignore your emails...I just got side-tracked :( I actually wrote back before I posted...

Hey, did you see where I said I WILL NOT post Boris on the Momsters album ! ☺

Going to say Good Night before my eyelids hit my ankle bones....

God Bless Us, Every One xo

hedgie said...

Night-night, Magpie!! Yes, I had just posted a thank you for NO BORISS!!!! He is why I don't look at the cam after dark!
Think I'll call it a day, too. Prayers for all as this Maundy Thursday nears it's end. Tomorrow predicted to be gloomy, which I always think is most appropriate for Good Friday. Good night.

magpie said...

I hear voices from OUR NEST - -

Lolly said...

Can not catch the ferry tonight......fog. There is an osprey on the nest.

NatureNut said...

OMG, the alien has landed!

Lolly said...

I did not sleep well last night and I am falling asleep as I sit here. Time to go to bed.

Nite all! Swee dreams.

NatureNut said...

Only one leg on cam now. I can see dark huddled lump w/no white feathers, so little Hidey must be alone again tonight--aaawwww
Restful sleep & Pleasant Feather Dreams to all.

Costume Lady said...


movin said...

Crashed and thrashed early ... a big bowl of spaghetti with garlic bread and vegs. will do that to me most times.

Indeed, as N Nut said, it's only Hidey ... and Spidey ... on camera tonight.

** gOOd night **

** everyOne **



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! I see spidey is demanding our attention this morning!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends,
Our baby has the whole nest to himself, the parent recently left but both were there earlier and I think a new fish came in.

Two beautiful Osprey at BWO - and one lone gobbler at Pix Pa.

Hope it is a good, Good Friday to all...

...and Red for the Military if you can...

magpie said...

Lone gobbler is now invisible...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...