Tuesday, April 14, 2009


New thread.


floralgirl said...

Gray day thread. Thanks, Steve. Showers passing thru here now.

floralgirl said...

Adult came back to cover Hidey. Just light showers passing thru, shouldn't last long. Back to work....

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the heads up Sara. AND MEGAN you are the no. 1 watcher for the new thread. Thanks Steve for the new thread.

I bet your fields look just beautiful or soon will be MEGAN. I just love flowers!

deb said...

I am done mowing, need to get my mower blade sharpened and do it again.

My Mourning Doves finally came back today. I was wondering where they were. Now I wonder if the Eurasian Collared Doves will stay or move on.

carolinabeachmom said...

Glad to hear that the adult will be only covering Hidey for a short time. That bird is too big to be sat on; except the fluffyness of the nest helps. Hidey is trying to peek out in front of the adult. So cute.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is still cloudy here but surprisingly warmish. Think I'll go out on the screen porch and read. BB

NatureNut said...

Hidey is being hidden again. Guess adult is protecting him/her from showers.
Checked BWE & the two dark blobs are snoozing. BWO nest was empty. Don't know if there are any osprey eggs around yet, or not. Our cam here at Park is not working, but osprey is not sitting low in the nest like it would be on eggs.

deb said...

The Portland RTHA is sure moving around a lot, but no check yet.

HH Opsrey keeps checking on their chick, I am so glad things seem to be working there this year.

deb said...

No eggs yet, Loretta, at BWO, but they have been spending a lot of time at the nest the last couple of days.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I found you all! Good afternoon everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is back at the nest covering up Hidey

NatureNut said...

Just checked my last year's osprey pics & in our cam nest at Park, there were 2 eggs on 4-12, & 3 confirmed on 4-15.

paula eagleholic said...

Have seen an osprey at BWO most of the day...they still need more sticks!

movin said...

We also have a 'gray day' in So Cal, Megan, but no real rain this time.

The Hummingbird nest has two eggs as of today.



Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the eye Dr and in 2 weeks I shall have 20-20 in both eyes again with my new lenses!

Checking out RTH - they even zoomed in the cam - but only caught a glimpse of an egg. I am certain those little white fluff balls will soon be visible.


Mema Jo said...

Beautiful wing stretches from our adult

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up and left...rain must be over...

deb said...

Jo, there is a baby Red-tail!! I rewound and watched the close-up. I am getting video now.

Mema Jo said...

2 visible eggs in the Hornby nest are visible

deb said...

Video is loading, depends on how slow Youtube is today.

Mema Jo said...

I know that I missed the last egg roll
Thank you so much - the suspense is over!

deb said...

I have a little video of the female eating some of the shell.

I am going to run to the store while it is loading, bbl.

hedgie said...

Afternoon, gang! Still gloomy here, with intermittant sprinkles/showers...only 47 degrees. Our little one is alone, so guess it's not raining there at the moment.

jparent1974 said...

Hi Everyone! My friend forwarded me this site with the eagles on it. my whole family is now addicted to seeing what happens next. And no my co-workers are watching too. We have a few questions. i see they have names. who is who? also curious how old the baby is? thanks!
Parent Family

ceil said...

Afternoon everyone.
Welcome jparent1974. The people on the blog name them. Belle is the female parent. Lib is the male parent. Hidey is the little eaglet.

hedgie said...

Hi, jparent. welcome. Our eaglet was born on 14 March. We affectionately call him/her Hidey--because mom kept it well hidden at first, and/or Miracle because it was theonly successful hatch from a 3-egg clutch. Mom and dad are Belle and Liberty.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Hidey hatched March 14. Welcome Parent Family!

ceil said...

Hi Lynn.
Deb I loved the Susan Boyle video. Wow. Such a lovely voice. Love that song.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi Lynn and Ceil!

ceil said...

Hi Sharon. Thanks Lynn and Sharon. I always forget something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

AAAWWWW, our Little Luney is nursing!

hedgie said...

Jparent, the larger adult is Belle. Often hard to tell the difference due to fact that cam distorts the perspective. Keep in mind that an eagles' nest can be over 6 ft. across and weigh 1000 lbs. or more. And adult eagle can be up to 2 feet "tall" with a 7 ft. wing span.

hedgie said...

Hi, Ceil and Sharon.
Ceil, do you have a date yet for MM's surgery?

ceil said...

Not yet Lynn. I told her to call the surgeon and lets get this moving.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And what kind of surgery is Mary Margaret having?

ceil said...

Lynn, Love your lighthouse avatar.

ceil said...

Hernia and they cannot not do it laproscopic (sp)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OOOHHH, I have experience with that! I have never had any surgery laparoscopic but it sure would have been nice!

ceil said...

I don't think it is as difficult as yours and Helen's. Hope not.

ceil said...

Jim just called me. There has been a dog wandering the neighborhood and it is back. I saw a lost dog poster some where going to try to find it. BBL

hedgie said...

The sooner the better, Ceil. Better to have it done as elective surgery than to wait til it strangulates and becomes an emergency. Tell her I said "get 'er done" now!

jparent1974 said...

Sharon and Hedgie - Thanks! Wow that really puts the size of this nest and those beautiful eagles in perspective! Is there a male that visits the nest too or just Belle and Hidey?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

jparent, Liberty is our very attentive male eagle.

jparent1974 said...

Is there a way we can tell Liberty apart from Belle when we are watching?

hedgie said...

Our Paula can usually tell the difference by the neck feathers but I haven't mastered that yet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Most of the time we can only tell the difference when they are both in the nest or sometimes where they stand. Liberty stands at the 12-3 o'clock position most of the time and feeds Hidey mostly from that side. Belle feeds from right under the camera most of the time.

deb said...

Welcome, JParent! It is very easy to get hooked on these eagles.

deb said...

Fish delivery

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Supper time at the nest. Liberty brought it in and Belle is taking it over.

deb said...

Belle has the fish, Lib is in the back of the nest. You can see that Lib is a little lighter in color than Belle, also.

My cam is freezing, anyone else?

jparent1974 said...

OH MY!!! both at the same time! I just noticed one is much bigger that the other one. I am assuming that Belle is the smaller on????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, jparent, the female is much larger than the male.

deb said...

Female raptors are the larger. They are larger because they lay the eggs and do most of the nest duties. Males are smaller so they can maneuver better to get the food. They do most of the hunting and fishing.

jparent1974 said...

Oh I see! She's feeding Hidey from under the camera! I think I got this now! Thanks!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

jparent, where are you from?

Mema Jo said...

My pop up cam is good to go

jparent1974 said...

We are just outside of Chicago, IL. We are a western suburb of the city.

Mema Jo said...

jparent - my avatar is the actual sycamore tree where the nest is located on the NCTC grounds. The black dot near the top is the nest.

deb said...

Jo, RTHA clip is on Nest Pictures.

hedgie said...

Just heard that there was a minor earthquake in Athens, WV Sat. It's near VA border downstate someplace....anyone from the southern delegation know where or hear about it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big load of fluff that time.

deb said...

More fluff, they are determined to cover up Hidey!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Belle loves to bury Hidey!!

jparent1974 said...

Mema Jo - Wow! what a different perspective of where the nest is! Thanks for sharing!

Kropp Family said...

Hello everyone!

I am the friend that sent jparent1974 the link to this site, which I got from my Mom. How incredible!!!

I also had a few questions and since you were so great about answering my friend's questions......what happened to the other eggs???

deb said...

The hawkette is so cute!!

hedgie said...

The other two eggs were not viable. ZZWe have not seen them in a couple of weeks, so assume that they either got tossed out of the nest, or trampled down into the egg cup.
Welcome Kropp Family.

deb said...

Red-tailed Hawk cam

Kropp Family said...

I think that it was Liberty who just came and covered up the baby to keep it warm! AWWWWW

Kropp Family said...

Thank You, Hedgie! We figured that was the case....but also wondered if the Eagles would eat the eggs that were not viable.

hedgie said...

Belle hides Hidey, and Hidey manages to throw off the blankie...just like a kid!!!

hedgie said...

I don't THINK so, Kropps...Paula????

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb for the video - Now for the other 2 to hatch!

Welcome All!

please go to this site.. join us in our nest if you wish.......

Eaglet_Momsters Site

jparent1974 said...

Belle is just determined to keep Hidey covered up one way or another! Too Funny!

hedgie said...

Cool cam, Deb. Strange nest...looks like it's in a metal crib/playpen!

hedgie said...

Deadliest Catch 5th season premieres tonight, folks!! 9 pm Eastern on Discovery Channel.

deb said...

I think it is a fire escape balcony, Lynne, although I am not positive on that. There is a window just about the nest.

The eagles do not normally eat the eggs that are not viable. They will eat the shell of a hatched egg as it is high in calcium. (I think Paula is headed for home, so I will try and fill in.)

hedgie said...

Thanks for info, Deb...I failed to notice the window!!! Duh!
That's fine, Deb...you are smarter than me, so you can correct me or fill in gaps anytime!!!

deb said...

Definitely not smarter, just have been watching a little longer!

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time - spaghetti night! Our
son and ggd here for the Meatballs!


hedgie said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling up to making meatballs, Jo! Hope they eat more than just the meatballs, tho'!! I love sghetti. Was going to fix it tonight but after big lunch out, I'll wait til tomorrow.

jparent1974 said...

Time for me to head home. see you all later tonight or tomorrow! thank you so much for today! I can't wait to go home and tell my daughter all about what I know now! Have a good evening everybody!

floralgirl said...

oh cool, Deadliest catch at 9- I will finally have something to watch...
Light showers passing by here and at the nest again. Back to work, so I can watch TV later:)

hedgie said...

You, too, jparent!

sara said...


Hedgie you mentioned the earthquake in WV. It was reported near Athens, WV and Glen Lynn, VA. It registered on the meter 2.4but was so minor that no one noticed it. There were not reports of damages, etc.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like HIdey is back under parents protective wings....♥

hedgie said...

Thanks, Sara!

paula eagleholic said...

You got it correct Deb. They will eat hatched egg shells, or eat a broken egg, but not a whole one.

Mits saw one egg in the nest on Saturday. I think the other one is totally gone.

Mema Jo said...

RTH up eating

Take a look at what was under her.....

deb said...

Red-tail is off the nest eating, chick is visible in Portland.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like Hidey wants out from underneath Belle!

Gotta go walk the doggies...only drizzle here...BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

A chick A chick
A bobble headed white fluffy RTH chick
2 eggs to go

hedgie said...

Looked up Athens and it is near Bluefield....Sissy, know you weren't home to have known about it...what about you, Sharon???

sara said...

I think I figured out how to add pictures into a blog on my profile. This is all new to me.

cyclingswim said...

Has anyone ever seen a second eagle at the Sydney nest?

deb said...

Sorry, I don't watch the Sydney nest.

Great pictures, Sara! Cute picture of Scrappy and Loco.

cyclingswim said...

Deb, I don't watch the Sydney nest much either...mostly OK and this one...that's why I was wondering.

hedgie said...

Sara, enjoyed your picks..good shots! Congrats on successful posting!

hedgie said...

Beakspeak doesn't have us listed still/again!

magpie said...

Pretty hard to type after watching the Susan Boyle video...
Thanks Deb - it's wonderful...and I put into favorites so I can watch it often..

Good Eagle Evening, Friends...xo

magpie said...

Good to see some of YOUR Beauty...
Nice going on the picture posts.

I'm still catching up on today's posts, back in a few minutes.

See we have new chicks on the planet today....got to find out more...back in a few minutes ....xo

paula eagleholic said...

There are 3 hatched eaglets at the Sidney nest! I think the 3rd one just hatched today...

paula eagleholic said...

Off to go play in the paperwork...

magpie said...

That's exciting news about Sidney, Paula... can hear an adult calling on there now, and an airplane!

Super Duper Videos of RTH Deb Cute little fuzz ball !

magpie said...

Phooey and Shucks...Sidney is one of those sites that slows my computer down so can't stay on there long

Sure is a beautiful nest site....


magpie said...

Brother John in Colorado sends me a copy of his weekly Prairie Dog reports which always includes his avian sightings:

"First sightings over the last week have included white pelican, gadwall, yellow-headed blackbird, greater yellowlegs, green-winged teal, cinnamon teal, American coot, and painted lady butterfly. We also saw another single Sandhill crane that flew over our colony. We still have not seen a single sage grouse, and it's getting to that time of year when we do not expect to see them anymore because the females should be at the booming/mating grounds or starting to lay their eggs. "

The Yellow-headed Blackbird is one of his favorites... ☺

Lolly said...

Hello!!!!! Been off all day. Watching Idol right now.

Deb, I love that video. What a cute little chick!!

Lolly said...

There were a lot of newcomers on today.


floralgirl said...

Hello again:)
Posted some daffodil pictures from my yard on my whatever blog.

magpie said...

..... Nice, Floralgirl...

Lolly said...

Wow! Beautiful, Megan! Oh, how I would love to see your place!

Just visited Decorah eagle, variety of food is a little too graphic. :)

hedgie said...

Lovely, Megan!! And video was so cute, Deb!
Hi Margy and Lolly. Margy, does your brother take pics? Would love to see the cinnamom teal!!!

magpie said...

Hi Lolly -fun to see that Patriotic Texas Avatar again!

Lynn, I am not sure about the birds, but he sure photographs the Prairie Dogs! I will find out and get back to you...

Lolly said...

I am easy to find with it. LOL

magpie said...

I'm going to fool my body and go to bed.

Hope you all have a wonderful evening....
See you in the pre-dawn light!

Peace, Love and Prayers xo ♥

Lolly said...

Night Margy!! Hope you get a good nights sleep.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone!
Just an exciting note that after work I stopped at the eagle nest. Mom was sitting like she normally does & I thought I saw a tiny brown wingtip rise above the edge of the nest (not hers).I started walking to car, but saw her stand up, so went back to watch & saw 2 wingtips come above the nest!!!!!There's a little flapper in there!
It/they would probably be same or older than BW chicks, as she was incubating eggs very early.
Cooking tomorrow night's dinner, so may not be back tonight.
Pleasant feather dreams to all hitting the hay! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Almost time to call it a day - I don't know if any 10:00 show is on TV or not..

New Eaglet Momster members are
Sara and jparent1974 ! We are happy
you have joined our Nest!!

Mema Jo said...

WOW Loretta - what a good reason to want to go to work every day !! You'll have to keep a close watch on that nest.

Mema Jo said...

To market I go to get some!

hedgie said...

Loretta, that is neat. Don't you wish you had a cam??? Hopefully we'll be able to see a wing or two next week!
Night Margy, Loretta, Jo, and all turning in. Taping Without a Trace and going to get my bath. Feeling VERY sleepy. Will see y'all in the monring light. Still more rain on tap---argh! Prayers.

Costume Lady said...

I spent the afternoon with GeeGee. She had a doctor appointment and we learned that her Carotid Artery Sonogram showed no blockage! Don't know what caused her stroke and probably never will. Pray that she never has another. She thinks that if she eats better, that may help her to not have another stroke...it's ok with me if she wants to think that. It may give her an incentive to eat more. We went to the grocery store and bought 15 or 20 MARIE CALLENDAR dinners and some Jimmy Dean breakfasts. YOU GO MOM!

Costume Lady said...

Wonderful to have some new Momsters:)


Mema Jo said...

Good Night All!

Prayers for all needs being said
Peace to you and yours

(((hugs))) ♥

Lolly said...

Guess I sort of disappeared tonight. Sorry, did not mean to be rude. My bad! Watched Idol and then Dancing, and after that Cupid. I really vegged out tonight and I am NOT a TV watcher.?????

Heading to bed now. New momsters, that is great!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Good morning Early Birds!!!

movin said...

Hahaha. I think Hidey is trying to wedge her head end under the breast of the adult ... Belle? ... next to her on the nest. But Belle is already backed right up to the edge at 2:30 o'clock.

I think the little one is going to push her mother right off the nest.


movin said...

I've got some stuff to do ... including taxes, which I haven't finished making out YET...

** GooD nIGHT **

** EVERYoNE **


paula eagleholic said...

Belle is still in the nest w/ Hidey...just heard a couple of peeps out of Hidey...he was preening, but is now tucked back up under Belle...time for nitey nite!

magpie said...

Had some late nighters did we?

Jim Good Luck getting your tax things done....

Paula, sounded like you made good time of your day off ! ☺

Lolly - You have discovered, that Tuesday night, is TV Night! ☺

Good Morning Eagle Friends Hope it is a good one for all

magpie said...

Baby and Mommy are still asleep, and the Ospreys have been in and out at Finland Water Nest overnight...

magpie said...

Looks like the snow is melting at Finland Land nest and there are some posts on there about White Tailed Eagles aka Sea Eagles...time to start watching that nest more closely ☺

magpie said...

Very handsome Osprey at Finney Water now

magpie said...

Loch of the Lowe's - reports a third egg - Isla's 55th - this morning at 8:15 their time....

Wahoo !

magpie said...

Morning is breaking at OUR nest...won't be long before the birds start waking up there...

magpie said...

Big Bird Belle is awake... seems like our nest needs some Fresh Food!

magpie said...

Here's some news you can sink your typing fingers into:

New Thread Is UP !!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...