Monday, April 20, 2009


Wet day, new week.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

It is raining pretty steady right now, and looks as though it will rain all day. It is 45° Belle has kept Hidey well covered. You can hear him peeping underneath her:)

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN FOR THE NEW 'WET' THREAD!!----MORNIN' WANDA!---Our #1EAGLE MOM!---today & every day!!---WOW!--BELLE is attempting to 'tent' the 'LIL ONE'---ho! & she doesn't like it---AT ALL!!---She is so COOL!--SHE HAS A MIND OF HER OWN!!!----You go GIRL!!!

Costume Lady said...

Sorry I missed you CANDY. Get your 'puter fixed and come back and join us:)

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Miss Norma...
I guess it is raining in your neck of the woods too and cool temps?

normabyrd said...

It's a COOL--grey rainy am here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!
forecasting RAIN today--tomorrow & maybe Wed----APRIL SHOWERS Bring MAY FLOWERS!--SO----'Let us all DANCE in the RAIN'---and GIVE THANKS!!!!---

Costume Lady said...

Norma, I do give thanks for this has brought up my lettuce, spinach, chard, onions and peas! Just wish it wouldn't rain tomorrow:(

normabyrd said...

The '3 REBELS' are sleeping --- no signs of rain!---ADORABLE--when they flip their wing over on the other one in their sleep!!----

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Be positive---It might not be raining where you folks are going!!----Have you gotten their forecast?

normabyrd said...

FINNEY WATER NEST---MT--SUN & WATER are beautiful!

normabyrd said...

HH NEST!---foggy---all 3 little OSPREYS are under mom's wing!!---Red material is back in sight!

normabyrd said...

BWO--OSPREY in nest!---

BWE---Appears an EAGLET is on opposite edges of the nest!!---Sometimes these EAGLETS like to live dangerously---ho!

magpie said...

* Hi Beautiful People of the Rainy Morning in the East..*

The sound of that rain at OUR nest makes me want to go straight back to bed!

Hope it is a Good Day for Everyone...

Nest at Finney Water, looks like it is being prepared for eggs!

xoxo ☺

magpie said...

Did you see those raindrops sliding down Belle's back feathers earlier?

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Margy...
The sound of the rain falling on the nest is so wind blowing, no tractors running, no gun shots...just softly falling rain:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BEAUTIFUL MARGY!---It's a PERFECT DAY to sleep!!!---The FINNEY NEST will make SUZANNE a happy camper this am---I haven't checked in with her yet!---

magpie said...

Yes, Norma, I is a beautiful view....saw a lone bird in there much, what are those birds doing out of our sight? Checking out the "grocery stores" maybe...

Wanda... did your little BIG grandson make his way back to his Roost ? Bet it was a fun visit!

normabyrd said...

Have been watching the 3 little ones at the DUKE site!!---All lined up in a row---being fed!!---They are too--too cute!---

normabyrd said...

Do you have to work today MARGY?
I hope you can sleep today---or DANCE in the RAIN!!---ho!

magpie said...

Thanks for the Pitch to Duke Farms, Norma... hope those little bobble heads don't get seasick! That nest is a'swayin' -

I couldn't get PA Peregrine live feed open this morning and it immediately slowed down everything on the computer, will have to try later.

Well, this was a short visit, I have to get ready to go out in this rain :(

TTFN xoxox ☺

Costume Lady said...

Margy, that is so funny...I just posted the same photo of Belle shaking rain off her wings, along with another one on my Wild and Wonderful. Great minds....

magpie said...

Norma -
don't have to GO to work, but I have WORK I sure need to do around here....

but as usual, I will put it off !

xox ☺

magpie said...

That is funny, Wanda! Thanks for the compliment re: "Great Minds..."
Takes one to know one ! ☺

Costume Lady said...

If you scroll on down to the photo under the wing shaking, you can see Belle taking the feathr off Hidey's beak:)

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene just walked in with a glass of OJ for me and said to tell you all HI!

ceil said...

Good morning all. Rainy here in Baltimore. I just checked the weather for tomorrow at Patuxent River and it says that it will be clear. Hope they are right. Remember the banding at Norfolk has been canceled until Wednesday at 10. Have a great day.

magpie said...

It seems that some FOOD should show up in our nest I will be lurking waiting on the Arrival Sounds!

Catch you folks is a little while.

Hedgie : Nice story about your Hospital Employees Reunion Luncheon in the Daily Journal Rag!
Was hoping for pictures and/or comments including YOU of course...

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Have you checked with NATURENUT on the weather tomorrow?----I pray that it will NOT RAIN!---Your trips are so much FUN!!

magpie said...

I like that idea of Clear for Tuesday!


Costume Lady said...

Norma, the last I heard from Loretta was that there was a 30% chance of rain. The boat we are going on is covered, so we won't be getting wet, it just would be nice to have a sunny day. But, hey, we don't care if we get wet, we have fun no matter what!!:):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning to all my friends of fine feathers and fur! I cannot believe how big Hidey is! I think some Miracle Gro must have been sprayed in our nest or something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I went to Tamarack to see Andrew perform on Saturday and then I got to meet Kelsey's parents. They are really nice and seem to love my young'un, so - so far - so good! :)

hedgie said...

Morning all. Nope, no interview with me, but I was surprised to see a reporter there!
ALSO, a nice article about our Sandra...she received the Distinquished Community Dervice Award from the National Society DAR!!! Isn't that fantastic. She is a special lady. I'll bring the article with me tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Ceil...maybe we could ride on over to Norfolk and stay the night, then get to see the banding, first hand:) Then we could go on to Blackwater and on and on:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!---Sounds good for tomorrow's weather!---You all will have a BALL!----Wish I could go--but couldn't work it out!!!---Thanks for the update on the banding of the 'REBELS'!---Won't be able to watch on Wed.---I always feel sorry for those little fuzz balls!!----I remember last year at the PA site---one or two became indigent & pecked a couple of the folks banding them!!!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, is Sandra a nurse? I know so little about her, except that she is a sweet, gracious lady.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE!----I am so proud of SANDRA!!!!----She & her husband are the best!!----Must write her a note!!!!----Thanks--

magpie said...

Ooh, this one is still wiggling !
That's about as fresh as it can be...
Way to Go, Liberty !

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, it is a good feeling to like the parents of you child's companion...I've been there quite a few times. But only liked a very few!

hedgie said...

Paula....when you check in...what happened to your feather-on-beak video?? Can't find it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Magpie, I told Sissy that was about as fresh as you can get - Sushi for sure.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, when I see one that is straight out of the water like that, I would like to flop it right on our grill!

magpie said...

Sounds wonderful, Sharon...glad to hear about it ☺

normabyrd said...

HEY! BLUEFIELD SHARON!---When I read your blog---I have to tell you about my mother----Her 1st question to me was ALWAYS----'What does his father do?'---ho!---TIMES have changed!!----WONDERFUL that you got to meet her family & you like them!!!----I AM STILL DYING TO GO TO TAMARACK!!!---

magpie said...

Wanda - I believe it is DEB that got the feather on beak...

magpie said...

Well, make that Hedgie I think it is Deb that got the video,

sorry ladies, just not taking time to write right !

hedgie said...

Wanda, I don't think Sandra was a nurse...maybe Jo knows what she did.

magpie said...

It's nice, Belle went straight to feeding her baby before having some chow herself ♥

Okay, I've got to go..
Hate to leave this wonderful company!


magpie said...

Quick Look - a gull at Finney Nest !

normabyrd said...

WANDA---SANDRA isn't a nurse---I know that she is very active in civic affairs & I believe that she is a member of the STATE LIBRARY BOARD!---She & her husband are just lovely folks!---(When my car had an encounter with another car--it was in front of SANDY'S house & her husband was standing there)-
---When I called LISA---She kept saying--'That's SANDY'S HOUSE'---ho!---She is TOPS in my book!---Must try to get a copy of the paper!---Is it MARTINSBURG paper?

magpie said...

Gull is Back at Nauvo...hope it stays there for you to see it !

hedgie said...

Yes, Norma, it is in The Journal. Try and see if it's on the website! Otherwise, I can scan it and email it to you.

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---Some time--just send it to me---I have searched & searched!!----Thanks--

hedgie said...

Suz just emailed that Norfolk is doing the banding today at 1pm....wish they would make up their minds. Of course, now I'll miss it because of dentl apptmt. ARGH!

normabyrd said...

Several TURKEYS PA site---movin' slow!!!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---Good excuse to cancel your dental appt.!---ho!---If you are like me---I use any excuse I can find!---

ceil said...

Lynn would you e-mail the article to me also about Sandra. I looked and could not find it. Thanks.

hedgie said...

OK, is on it's way to you now. Check your email in a few minutes!!!!

hedgie said...

I sent it to all on my momster/dadster list, Wanda!!

hedgie said...

Oops--meant Ceil!!!

hedgie said...

Okay, now Suz says the banding WILL be WEDS, 10am!!!! Yea!

ceil said...

Thanks, Lynn for the article. Congrats to Sandra. She deserves to be recognize for all her wonderful works for the community.

Lolly said...

Good morning! You might know ....bright sunshine here today. We slept in and have been slow moving around. However, we will be hitching up soon and heading out. After I get off here I probably won't be back on until tomorrow evening.

hedgie said...

Just sent some eagle pics I took off the TV last night. Still learning my camera!!! Let me know what you think!

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone! Here is the weather for Upper Marlboro, MD that is the location of Patuxent River Park. Greg Lewis, Park Dir., called me this AM to see if the group was still coming & I said, I thought so & would let him know.

21, Tuesday
Scattered Showers
A mix of clouds and sun in the morning giving way to a few showers during the afternoon. Thunder possible. High 69F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

Lolly said...

It was certainly fun yesterday. And, I loved sharing with you all. My best laugh of the day was Loretta's picture. I LOVED it! It is funny how things evolve.

Lolly said...

Someone said you had 30 percent chance of showers. That is 70% chance that you will NOT!!!

ceil said...

Loretta sounds good to me. We can deal with showers. Right now it is raining very hard in Baltimore.
Lolly and Jack have a safe trip back home.

Lolly said...

Good morning Loretta! Just talking about you! Sure wish I could come along with you tomorrow. I could get in my sub and follow your boat!

hedgie said...

AOL is giving me trouble sending the pics....I may have to send individually...stupid AOL cops!!!

NatureNut said...

Hi, Lolly! We'll watch out for your Yellow Submarine tomorrow!!Loved your OK eagle pics. Boy, it always looks windy at that place!
I assume the trip is still on---will call Wanda now, so I can let Park know. ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Good to read all of your comments and thanks for the pics and articles in my email! Yes, Sandra is quite the lady and deserves the recognition she is receiving!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Nature, trip is still on. We had already decided way back when that we were going on the trip, rain or shine...

And remember, April showers bring May Flowers!

hedgie said...

Oh well....can't even send one at a time. Guess maybe the heavy rain is interfering with my signal just enough to slow things down badly. Will try later today....promise you WILL get them sometime in the near future!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lib at the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like it is raining again...or still raining?

Mema Jo said...

Our adult is with Hidey now
Not much protection for such a big gal!

Mema Jo said...

Both of them are shaking the rain drops off of their heads Too funny

Mema Jo said...

Picture just came through the email Hedgie.. Thanks

Mema Jo said...

Be back in a few minutes - Need to fill up my coffee cup again.....

hedgie said...

BTW...thanks for letting me know that video was on Deb's blog, Margy!

Lolly said...

Okay, guys, Jack says I have to get off. Bossy! hee hee!

Forgot....Wanda, tell Gene "Hi", back!

Gotta go. Have been playing on facebook. Had to add pictures there. Loretta, yours in one I put on.

HAVE A TREMENDOUS DAY TOMORROW~ Will be there in spirit...better yet watch for my periscope. Never know where I'll turn up.

God bless you all! TA TA

NatureNut said...

OK, kids! Called Park & told them we are coming! Wanda was hoping there was no thunder & lightening. Don't think so, but IF, I told her we could just travel S. to Benedict & hit a seafood restaurant! LOL

hedgie said...

Leaving you now to get ready for dentist....Norma, thanks for feeling my "pain"--I hate going, even tho' it's just a cleaning and check-up.
After that going to daughters' in CharlesTown area to go to Home Depot and order the fencing.
See you all this evening sometime...some of us will have to go to bed really early tonight!!!!

normabyrd said...

Have been over talking with SUZ & ROBIN!!--THANKS HEDGIE!---Read SANDY'S writeup!--REAL CLASS!---&

Mema Jo said...

Just looked at the nest again - That Hidey is UNDER Lib (I think) lol

Mema Jo said...

Love the OKLA wide view cam #1
You can see how large the eaglet is getting as it is beside the adult...
Looks like it is a sunny day as predicted

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOLLY!----I think NATURENUT deserves an AWARD for her picture! THAT is 'WAY COOL'!---ho!---Safe journey home!

normabyrd said...

JO! You all should have seen MIRACLE earlier----She was fighting tooth & nail against the TENTING---no way was she going to stay under there!---love waiting to see what she does next!! ho!

NatureNut said...

Had just seen Hidey disappear under the cover of parent, but all by him/herself now. Maybe it stopped raining at the nest.

Gotta get ready for Dr. appt---what else on day off????

Mema Jo said...

I have an eye appointment to go to this early afternoon - maybe afterwards it will be a panda nap - rainy weather does that to me. It is really coming down steadily here in the valley. I just want it to get all 'rained out' so that the sun will peek through tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey is napping...shhhh...

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE w/ a fish!!

movin said...

** GooD MORNING **


iT appears to be raining everywhere back your way, but we went over 90° with desert-like humidity in So Cal yesterday ... same today, it looks like.



Mema Jo said...

Our Atlanta Panda is on cam!
DC panda outside - really misses Mits!

Hopefully she will bring us some AZ sunshine !

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM!----If it is 90° in your area----does that mean you are a 'HOTTIE'!!----(had to say it)

normabyrd said...

OK NEST!---The little one is so ADORABLE---sitting up so straight beside her MOM!!---Yesterday she seemed to be freezing!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just arrived...might have lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, he brought fish for lunch!

normabyrd said...

JO!---Does the weather have any effect on your leg---I mean does damp or cold weather bother you?----

ltl said...

"Hey, Pops--- how about feeding me some of that?"

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lib has been eating the fish..Hidey finally got up...he's standing by Lib, waiting for a bite or two...

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is feeding Hidey some now...

Mema Jo said...

HO HO!! Norma I was wondering why I had a little bit of a discomfort in my leg -
Thanks for reminding me!!!! Guess I will need to start wearing a very warm sock!

Hi there Lisa!

I just got a beautiful response in my email from Sandra - she said as she is reading our comments on the blog we are making her blush! I sent the article Hedgie gave us and Sandra's message through the Momsters' email.

Time for me to get ready for appointment - just an eye (retina) check up!

normabyrd said...

Take it easy JO!---I am so glad you contacted SANDY!!---She is a favorite of all the EAGLE MOMSTERS!!----LOVE HER!---

normabyrd said...

Has anyone gotten any info on the PA PEREGRINE FALCON?---earlier when I checked---it was pouring rain & thunder---she was huddled on her nest!---Bless her heart!---

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding over....Lib gone

normabyrd said...

LOCH OF THE LOWES----OSPREY is on a nest filled with fluff!!---She began calling & calling for her mate---but settled down---

normabyrd said...

SAN JOSE FALCON is out!---part of her body is shadowed---

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA'S 'LUN LUN' & 'LITTLE PRINCE CC'---are both asleep on top of the tripod!!----Hard to believe!---but true!---He is an ADORABLE LITTLE IMP!!! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle in the nest covering Hidey now...BBL

paula eagleholic said...

And is that more fish, too? Around 5ish...

normabyrd said...

Rain has stopped----but temp is still 48°!---Need to check to see if BELLE is still 'tenting'! --

normabyrd said...

PAULA---You answered my question before I finished typing!!---GREAT MINDS!

paula eagleholic said...

Look at all the corncobs in the BWE nest,,,I think there's 4

normabyrd said...

Oh PAULA---I have been on the phone & haven't eaten yet!!---Will check later---

normabyrd said...

That's like HH'S nest is always full of pine cones!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just heard Liberty or Belle calling out!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the eye exam
Everything is great looking per the retina specialist.
However; eyes are dilated so what better excuse then a rainy day is it for taking a panda nap...

Hidey is sleeping - skies are clearing a little towards the nest BUT there may still be more rain on the way

Mema Jo said...

Nest Weather:
Today Rain this morning...then showers and scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs in the upper 50s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
TonightCloudy. Showers in the evening...then a chance of showers after midnight. Lows in the upper 40s. South winds 5 to 10 mph... becoming west after midnight. Chance of rain 80 percent.TuesdayMostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of showers. Highs in the mid 60s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
Glad you're coming home today, Mits!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon!
I didn't have my speakers on! I missed it.

Mema Jo said...

All right - it's all a big blur to my eyes
Time to close them for a while...


paula eagleholic said...

I heard it too, Sharon.

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey is sacked out in his bowl...not a care in the world...

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is back

paula eagleholic said...

Think he has a feather stuck on his beak, too...up near the eyes

ltl said...

hiya, Lib!

ltl said...

and the gang's all here...

paula eagleholic said...

WHOA - Belle landed darn near sidesways in the nest!! She is eating the fish at 5ish, Lib is feeding Hidey at the back.

paula eagleholic said...

I;ve about had it with this (^^$^*%$&*I(*& recording program...second video it has screwed up today!!!

normabyrd said...

Is that BELLE in the nest attempting to wake MIRACLE up??
also moving the sticks again---she loves to move sticks!

ltl said...

that's the first poop shoot i've witnessed! wow.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, Lib was on the back, Belle is on the front, but Lib is gone now...

normabyrd said...

ltl----My good friend--PRESIDENT OBAMA--asked me to tell you that I am a friend of OBAMA too!!!

normabyrd said...

'PRINCE CC' is still asleep on top of the tripod??----LUN LUN can be seen in the other room!!

Unknown said...

Looks like mom and dad are reinforcing the nest so the kid doesn't fall out.

normabyrd said...

The CONN OSPREY is hunkered down in her nest!----wind blowing!----

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, that was a nice stick brought in.

Looks like Mom on the nest w/ Hidey now.

My feed was frozen, but I refreshed and it's fine.

normabyrd said...

RYAN----Could be!! The EAGLET loves to stand on the edge & look down!!---Isn't she/he fun to watch!!

normabyrd said...

RYAN!--Have you noticed---She/He has many names!!----HIEDY--'LIL' ONE-- MIRACLE---PERCY, etc---She is so such fun to watch!---loves to flex her wings!

normabyrd said...

The BLUE HERRONS site has ONE on the nest & ONE on the limb nest next to the nest!!---That site is LOUD!!

ltl said...

new fish!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon everyone. I have to share my dream from last night with you all. I had 2 of the most beautiful Peregrine Falcons trying to eat my birds at my feeders. I was squalling at them to get away from my birds and they were not fazed a bit!

Mema Jo said...

lol I bet you pounced out of bed and
let the dogs out to scare them or better yet beat on the window!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, that is exactly what I do when there is a hawk out here, neighbors probably think I have lost it!

magpie said...

I'll saw New Fish, New BIG Fish!

Thanks for the "Heads Up" which in this case is, "Head Off" regarding the fish, Lisa !

Heading out for awhile.
TTFN You all have a fun evening @

Mema Jo said...

Hidey's crop must be full or she would be over there feeding herself some more!

Hidey is about 1 week older then the OKLA
eaglet - Talk about being anxious when Hidey looks over the edge of our nest - there aren't any edges on the OKLA nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

I am LOL at that chick squeezing under Belle!

Mema Jo said...

hiding from the rain drops

Mema Jo said...


ltl said...

It's getting tougher to tuck in all comfy.

ltl said...

(me too on the Ling.) (with big "aww"s between chuckles.)

Mema Jo said...

Anxious to see if BWE gets names of

Snow White and Frosty

floralgirl said...

Hello all:)
Another batch of showers passing by the nest, headed here.
I saw Tom and Sandra walking around the market yesterday:)
Hope you guys have a great time tomorrow! Take lots of pics for all of us who cannot go.
Gonna run back out to the GH before the downpour starts... try to bbl

Mema Jo said...

Calls for Highs in the mid 60s tomorrow.
Now that might mean with showers or without!!! As long as it isn't a thunderstorm like Lolly & Jack had the other evening - we'll be high & dry in our Eagle Express!!

NatureNut said...

I hear De Train!!

deb said...

I am home after a long day in the wind. We have 30 mph winds and that makes for not a fun day outside.

NatureNut said...

Sounds like Hidey is chirping--time to work on that fish.

NatureNut said...

Hear the train again! Whoo Hoo..

sara said...

Hello ....

Looks as if Hiedy can only fit his head under Belle's wing now. He grew overnight, I think.

Hope all have a good time on their trip tomorrow.

ceil said...

Just looked at the OK nest. Chick trying to feed itself. Holding food down and pulling. Dad sitting on top of the pole.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sara & Ceil

Hidey pushes herself way far under the adult - you wonder how the adult still stands or rather maybe the adult thinks it is a good soft seat!

Mema Jo said...

Sara - you keep the date of Oct 17 in mind. That is the Open House at NCTC when we Momsters/Dadster try to get together for that day.

I guess I best set up an album on Momsters for any pics being taken tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Ocean City is wet, wet, wet!

Told Mits to bring us some AZ Sunshine!

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 'BONES' on TV

Adult in the nest Guess Hidey is on
her own.... Night Light is on


Costume Lady said...

Hidey's got that "DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS" look.

Here comes parent to put Hidey to bed.

sara said...

Parent back with another stick and moving around more fluff. First time I've heard the train off in the distance. And then there is the noise on the camera that is probably Spidey.

NatureNut said...

Looks like Hidey & Belle are snuggled together. Hard to tell what feathery part belongs to who. Heard the train again--sure had lots of runs today.
Sometimes I hear one at home here late at night if I go outside. Have been hearing the neighborhood owl too.Sounds like a GHO. Was next door & then could hear it way down the street.Never saw it go by & their wings are silent.

NatureNut said...

Jo, that's a good idea. I was thinking about it too---that we need an album on Momsters for the Pax Field Trip..;>)
I'm making dessert to bring for lunch & gotta get clothes out of drier...

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - sent you an email

Mema Jo said...

Album is over there......

NatureNut said...

Uh oh---near loud precip on nest. Hope it isn't hail.

hedgie said...

Good evening, Eagle land. All settled into my lair...think the rain has finally stopped here...don't know for how long! Temp down to 43. Sure am hoping for sunshine tomorrow and no wind, both of which would give us higher temps!
Caught up on mail and blog, and watching DWTS.
Deb, did you see anything in spite off the winds?
Ceil, what time was Mits due in? Hope she is tucked into her nest safe and sound.

NatureNut said...

That word is Hear, not near.

paula eagleholic said...

drip drip drip

It's wet out there!

NatureNut said...

Guess it's not hail---don't see anything bouncing. Poor birds! But I guess they're pretty waterproof.

floralgirl said...

The pop up cam won't work for me, just have grey screen..anyone else having issues with pop up?

paula eagleholic said...

Mine came on OK, Megan

ceil said...

Lynn Mits got home around 6:00. Raining really hard here right now. Might be hail.

ceil said...

Aww. Belle has Hidey under cover. Either big drops or hail or snow coming down at the nest. Belle looks ok. Her eyes are glowing.

ceil said...

Good night all. See some of you in tomorrow. Wish everyone could be there.

Mema Jo said...

My pop up cam is ok
It has been up most of the evening...
Not going to put it down for fear of the
dreaded Grey Screen......

Mema Jo said...

I am off to hit the shower - pack some things up and then I'll return....


Costume Lady said...

It's raining really hard right now. 48°

floralgirl said...

OK, thanks, I seem to be having internet issues...slow- I can't open cam page.

hedgie said...

I'm heading for tub, and thenpack up stuff and hit the sack! See some tomorrow....and talk to the rest tomorrow night!!! Blessings and peace for all. Oh, please add Baby Girl to prayer list...a lady in the dentists' office was telling me about her 4 m.o. granddaughter...found not breathing Fri. night...mother did daughters' hospital airlifted her to Childrens in DC--she is critical with aspiration pneumonia (inhaled vomitus). Poor little thing...

floralgirl said...

Ok, I give up, my computer is running at dial up speed...
Hope you all have a great time tomorrow, and see lots of wildlife.

Costume Lady said...

The Eagle Express is loaded and ready to go. Every now and then, I think I hear it flapping it's wings:) Gonna hit the hay shortly and be ready to pull out of here at 8am. See you folks in Frederick around 8:45am and the ones who will be guarding the nest...we'll see you around 9pm. Have a good day. Hope we have lots of pictures to show and stories to tell. XXXOOO

NatureNut said...

My Weather Live just flashed a severe alert & when I clicked to open, said "this service not available" DUH!!!! Guess I'll check TV. Gotta get away from this machine & finish up some stuff anyway!

anna bishop said...

Another sleepless night for mama Eagle,remembering how I sat up with sick little ones am grateful for the warm furnace heat and roof over head. God is with all his creatures tonight big and small every where. Warm thoughts and prayers for all the sick little ones tonight, blessed are those who enjoy good health. Goodnight little Hidey, namaste...peace be with you all.

NatureNut said...

DC Weather Update for TU---Weather Channel just showed...
AM, Cloudy..
12 Noon---SUN, mid 60's
5PM Rain

magpie said...

Beautiful thoughts, anna bishop, ♥
and encouraging Weather Report, NatureNut! ☺

(any chance Fubby would join us tomorrow ☺ ? )

It was raining Cats and Dogs earlier but rain has diminished some now...

magpie said...

I kinda wish I could find one of those 'Umbrella Hats' I can be hands free to use field glasses and camera ! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, seems to have lightened everything ready here, camera, snacks...gotta find something to wear!

magpie said...

I guess I better hit the showers and pack it in soon...can't afford to oversleep Tuesday like I did yesterday morning....

If we get wet, we will be like Hidey and Belle!

Back before pillow time...
xo to all....

Mema Jo said...

I can hold an umbrella over you or you can wear one of my ponchos. That weather report reads as though someone is looking over us!

magpie said...

Yeah, Paula..something to wear...I think I have to pick between two different pairs of Bib Overalls!


magpie said...

Well, thank you there Mema - you can "tent" me like Belle does Hidey ! ☺

Shoes, shoes, what shoes to wear!

magpie said...

I get the Wax..someone else gets the Split !


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...