Wednesday, April 15, 2009


New thread.  Another wet day.


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magpie said...

Well, thank you Steve for the new thread. I am talking to myself over on the other Thread, so I will go get myself and anyone else who has shown up ! xoxo

normabyrd said...

GOOD CLOUDY MORNING STEVE!!---Thanks for the new thread!!!---Will call the crew over!---STAY COOL!!

magpie said...

Great Bird-Watching on this new site, Steve....
we are all a ga-ga and have gained many new visitors to the Blog, and a few new members! ☺ Thanks ever so much !

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!-----WOW MARGIE!----You are the fastest GUN in the WEST!!---ho!---Are you coming or going?----I hope you are coming home!----

normabyrd said...

MARGIE---I couldn't see our nest!
Did it open for you?----I hurry so in the am---will check again---

magpie said...

Two at Finney Water, Osprey, maybe some HP -

normabyrd said...

No pic---no sound???

magpie said...

Oh, no, now they are just roosting there enjoying the views...

I am off today, so I guess I am coming AND going...
I do have our nest open...the birds were sleeping in this morning...and Hidey still is!

xoxox TTFN got to get some packages ready to mail ! ☺

normabyrd said...

Isn't the FINNEY WATER SITE beautiful this am?---SUZANNE sent me a colorful pic earlier---

normabyrd said...

thanks margie---will check again!

magpie said...

Norma I did get kicked off everything when trying to open up CT Osprey and also had Cape Coral up...
so now, trying to re-open OUR NEST - I cannot either !
Wah :(

Maybe the site is upgrading...

magpie said...

Norma :
I have a message for you:

Suz says Hi ! ☺

TTFN - will try live feed a little later on...

magpie said...

I will send an email to Steve...and see if he needs me to send it to someone else at the site...
about NO live feed this morning now.
I did have it first thing for awhile.

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
Lost my cam picture here-just grey screen :(

magpie said...

It was up at the break of day, Megan....
I just sent an email to Steve... will keep you all posted if I get any information...

Still cam is "Still" good..xox ☺

floralgirl said...

Yep, Margy, I've had it up since 5 when I came back from bus stop it was frozen.

magpie said...

Not sure when it went kerplunk Megan, I saw Belle get up and nudge the baby then back down she went, they sure seemed to be sleeping in this morning, seems like time for Big Food Delivery, dontcha think?
I visited a few other sites and I guess it happened during the time I got kicked off....

Hope you have a good day...sunshine is coming, I think, Thursday....hope to check the Blue Bells again.

magpie said...

Hey !

Live Feed is Live Again ! ☺

magpie said...

Thanks to the Powers That Be....and I suspect Steve, is the First One to Thank ! xo ☺

floralgirl said...

OK, than thanks to whoever fixed the cam:)
Still drizzly here, one more grey day, then some sunshine and warm temps for us here.
Off to get some work done-have a great day all:)

Costume Lady said...

I peeked in on the nest at about 7am and Hidey was trying his best to crawl under Belle (not a very good fit anymore!) so, it must have frozen after that. Sorry it had to happen on your day off, Margy:(

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!----I haven't been able to open it either---I even turned off comp & back---no pic!
Is the PLANTING going well?---It is a wet damp am here---temp 46°! I noticed in am paper---in Grantsville, MD--at NEW GERMANY STATE PARK----They are selling plants native to the area-- grasses, sedges, wildflowers, shrubs & trees!!--for folks to create ecofriendly landscapes!!!-----COOL or not???

magpie said...

Oh we're good to go now, Wanda ☺ I'll be away from the "TV" for awhile, you all holler when Breakfast shows up ! xoxo

normabyrd said...

Thank you STEVE!----You have always been my FAVORITE!!---

floralgirl said...

try again Norma, cam is back upThat sounds cool, native plant sales.
Mostly still planting in the GH- garden is to wet to get into right now- would like to get them tilled for the last time so can plant in two weeks, maybe this weekend. Have to ask my maintenance man...

Costume Lady said...

OK, Margy, I had to refresh to get the Live cam, Live again:) Wahoo, thanks, STEVE!!

normabyrd said...

The NORFOLK wet "REBELS" are being fed by a SOAKED MOM!!------Lots of stick & or straw piled in the nest!!----They are a HARDY crew!--ho!

Costume Lady said...

Norma, that Wild Native Plant sale is very cool! That area has many wonderful wildflowers and plants...lots of rhodendrons and ferns. I'm sure the harvesting of those plants is controlled:)

normabyrd said...

MEGAN!---Just TIP your maintenance man!----ho!

Costume Lady said...

Hidey looks like an ostrich with his head buried under Mom.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---I just have never seen a state selling their native plants---Sure sounds like a good deal for everyone!----Got to get dressed---Study group this am!!---Later!---must check the HH crew to see if hatching has happened!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Getting ready to sign off from work and head on home. glad cam is up to enjoy. Also glad the rain has come and I know you are too.

normabyrd said...

YEP!--new one at HH hatched 4/14!!
Keep an eye on that nest!!--think DEB as been checking it!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---REMEMBER to "dance in the rain"----ho!---later--

hedgie said...

Morning Momsters and lurking Dadsters. Another wet one here, too. Was checking Finney and noticed that they had non-ringed White Tailed Eagles in nest on several recent occasions, but then they mentioned a ringed one on Sunday w/ something about 2007...guess this means that they have "tagged" birds around...????? Anyone know?
Hey, Jim....hope you get those taxes finished FAST!!

hedgie said...

Glo, when is judging???

deb said...

Good morning. It is going to be in the 60's again today, but windy.

deb said...

Hidey is starting to alert us to an incoming parent. Listen for the whistling, then in comes a parent. Fish for breakfast.

magpie said...

You got that Right On, Deb !

magpie said...

Outgoing Bird really smacked the Cam!

Costume Lady said...

Looked like Hidey was getting a little "flying lesson";)

magpie said...

I bet that tickles the Parent when Hidey burrows under the tummy like that !

Costume Lady said...

There he goes again, trying to get under Mom. Silly baby:)

magpie said...

Hidey Hide and Seek ☺

Costume Lady said...

Hidey is really living up to his name. LOL

magpie said...

Hearty Welcome to our New Momsters, Sara and jparent1974!
You gals picked a great time to climb aboard !

xoxo ☺

deb said...

It is just barely light at the RTHA cam and one chick is eating. I can't tell if anything is happening with the other eggs, it is too dark.

movin said...

** gooD morninG **

** everYonE **



deb said...

Morning, Jim, you are up early today!

RTHA back on the nest cup.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody!

deb said...

Morning, Sharon. Egg #2 has a big crack in it at Portland!

movin said...

xI LAN is nursing from Lun Lun. Both are in the hammock.



movin said...

Norfolk is feeding a beautiful, silvery fish to her three chicks.



movin said...

ZZ at San Diego is looking like a grownup with her back against a log while she wades into her fresh bamboo pile.



jamie said...

good morning all! it is a great day! i have the eagle cam back and hidey looks fantastic. it is also my boy cat's 16th birthday today.... he is frail but still the adorable boy that i have had since he was 3 days old. roast beef and tuna for him today!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING Jamie. It's cool and rainy here today, that is why Hidey is under Mom most of the time.

deb said...

Glad you have the cam back, Jamie. Happy "cat" Birthday!

Costume Lady said...

Can you post a photo of your cat, Jamie. What is his name. We have a lot of CAT LOVERS on here!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Deb, I really enjoyed your photos of the Prairie Chicken. Would love to see them "Live".

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Happy Rainy Tuesday!

deb said...

We are going again on Friday morning, Wanda, to a different place that has a blind set up. I hope we can get closer this time.

Mema Jo said...

Good Rainy Morning All!
Like Wanda said - "Hidey is living up to the name we tagged on her/him"

deb said...

Red tail off the nest.

deb said...

Feeding time in Portland.

magpie said...

Isla at Loch of the Lowe's Osprey nest in Scotland, laid her 55th egg of her life time this morning 8:15 "their time." Her 3rd egg of the clutch....

At that nest, the first egg was laid about 10 days after confirmed mating activity...wonder if we will see any of the same good fortune at Finland Water Nest, sometimes referred to as "Nauvo" (on the Puleston Site)

Off to the store...going to have to have to dodge the raindrops..

Best wishes for a good day for everyone....xo ☺

Mema Jo said...

Both adult eagles at the Decorah nest with food

Mema Jo said...

Ft St Vrain nest has all 3 little eaglets in a line being fed by adult

and Hidey is still hiding!!

northof49 said...

that sounded like geese flying by the nest, caught the attention of the parent, lol

hedgie said...

Cute covering stance our nest right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Hidey is trying to go back where she came from! :)

Lolly said...

Good Wednesday morning all! Looks like rain again on the nest. Belle is such a good mommy! We, too, are expecting rain possibly tomorrow and Friday. We have changed our day of leaving for OK to Saturday. I DO NOT want to travel during severe weather. OK has too many tornadoes! We will be pulling our trailer and I do not want rain and wind.

northof49 said...

wow, hidey is sure growing fast,,

Lolly said...

That is cute and did you see that wiggle wiggle, trying to get deeper under mom?!

Costume Lady said...

POOR BELLE, she is so uncomfortable and Hidey just won't give her a break!

deb said...

I wouldn't want to pull a trailer in bad weather, either, Lolly.

Hidey backed out from under parent, did a poop shoot and went right back under.

jamie said...

costumelady... my cat's name is.... now, don't laugh... bootsie woo woo. he is a tuxedo that i found with his 4 brothers and sisters in a bush that was going to be bulldozed. saved them and his mom. found homes for the other 4 kittens and kept him and mom. i was a bird person didn't know if i would like cats but i love them now and my cats leave my birds alone! i am computer stupid, don't know how to do picture stuff, sorry!

Costume Lady said...

My legs hurt just watching her.

Costume Lady said...

It's raining harder now and Hidey is not happy with the roof over his head:)

Costume Lady said...

Belle is trying so hard to cover him better, but you can only do so much with a little porker like Hidey;)

Costume Lady said...

Gonna have to dig a deeper cup for that chicklet.

Lolly said...

Guess it is raining at your house as well, Wanda. What is the temp?

Costume Lady said...

"Bootsie" is a cute name. Sara, one of our new Momsters has a cat named Loco. She has a photo of it on her profile page. Just click on her name.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, it is raining here, too, Lolly. It is 46°. Going to get nicer tomorrow...64° and then warmer and sunny on the weekend;)

Mema Jo said...

It is really raining hard & steady right now here in the valley - same as it is at the nest, I'm sure.

deb said...

The loons are back in MN! They are not on the nest yet, just checking out the lake. I am not sure when the cam will go live, probably when they start nesting?

Mema Jo said...

I hope Mits is having lots of sunshine!
I best look for a weather report for our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Nest Weather:
Occasional drizzle this morning. Showers. Highs around 50. North winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers in the evening... then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows in the mid 30s. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
AMEN for the Sunshine

Costume Lady said...

Deb, was it last year that there was no hatches at the Loon Nest?
I can't remember. I know they had a lot of disturbances.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

I've got to get some work done.BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle should be happy that she doesn't have 3 of those little varmints trying to fit up under her! ☺

Gabriela said...

Belle says enuff is enuff!

Lolly said...

Time to get busy. My mornings are gone without anything accomplished. I wonder why? LOL

Have a great day!

Will try to BBL

deb said...

There were two hatches last year at the Loon nest. I think people were the problem last year. Larry talked to a couple of them and asked them to not get so close to the nest and they cooperated.

deb said...

Fish delivery.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, was that a food delivery or what? It's mine, all mine!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow look at Hidey...standing on his own 2 feetsies!!

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon!

Photos from last Sunday:

BW PhotosBob

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Cool are heading to see the OK eagles? How long will your trip be?

deb said...

Wow, Bob, great pictures once again.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Bob...see you saw some Osprey HP ;)

And the while pelicans are back?

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Deb. I continue to be surprised how every week at BW is a little different. I got lucky with the pelicans this week. They were closer to shore then they normally are and the lighting was just right.

Bob Quinn said...

Not sure the pelicans ever left Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, interesting Bob...

hedgie said...

Hi, Bob...great photos, as always! Thanks!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is back with more food! He's on a roll today!!

Looks like a mammal...

paula eagleholic said...

Another squirrel!

paula eagleholic said...

Got a good look at Belle's beak...looks like dried blood on her beak to me...

She's working on the squirrel...

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Lynn. BTW - I love that Hatteras Lighthouse. I've got a couple of B&W photos of it I took that are hanging in my office at home.

Mema Jo said...

Off for some lunch
Daughter is visiting

Have my pulmonary breathing test this afternoon - sure hope I pass!


deb said...

I wish the Osprey at HH would get some food in the nest. I am not sure if there has been a feeding there or not. I saw the chick, it held it's head up pretty high.

RTH second egg is pretty close to breaking apart.

deb said...

Oregon nest is full of snow, but the eagles are still incubating.

hedgie said...

Did you study for your test, Jo??? LOL!!!! I always asked people at work that question before their eye test or urine test!
Thanks, Bob.....I LOVE lighthouses, but Hatteras is probably my most favorite, for alot of reasons! I have scads of webshots from they moved, not to mention my own pics from back in the old days when we first started going there.

ltl said...

looks like it's lunchtime for Hidey. hi, ya'll.

paula eagleholic said...

YUp, time for some squirrel for Hidey...he sure is peeping away!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN...Bob cheated me, I didn't get any lighthouses?? Where are they?

NatureNut said...

Wet, but Happy Afternoon, Everyone. Am at Chelsea "farmhouse" office w/pond today, and no critters around except the resident geese pair. I found a nest they built near edge of pond, but it is MT. Don't know if something got their eggs, or they abandonned it.Still hope to see goslings this year.
Saw that Hidey grew MORE & was getting lunch. BBL

Bob Quinn said...

Lynn - I love Hatteras. We used to go every fall but haven't been for a few years. We would rent a place on the sound side right next to the ferry. The house used to stand by itself but then they built other ones on either side. We used to love to eat at The Breakwater.

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - I was referring to Lynn's avatar.

Costume Lady said...

ltl...did you read the WAX story?

Bob Quinn said...

Wax! I went down that road once before. I'm not going there!

NatureNut said...

Just read back & saw your new pics, Bob! Spectacular---love all those pekicans. We rarely see them here, on mid Patuxent---guess water is too fresh.
Now I really am getting back to work ☺

NatureNut said...


ltl said...

Costume Lady, were you going to email it to me?

deb said...

The Red tail is sure digging in the nest. One egg at the Heron nest in WA.

Heron Cam

deb said...

Wax story that Helen posted:


movin said...

Gorgeous photos, Bob. I don't know how, but you started out with great pictures, and you just keep getting better.



ltl said...

thanks, Deb. don't get the connection to being the x00th commenter, but it is a striking tale.

me, i don't even shave. anywhere.

hedgie said...

Itl, just double click on the blue link that Deb posted, and you'll get the story....prepare to laugh your head off!!
Poor Bob...he and Red have both gotten WAX! They preferred to pass it off to momsters!
Bob, we used to go every year....we camped, either at Hatteras KOA, or over on Ocracoke, which is my favorite place to go. As the kids got older, it was Hatteras so that they could be entertained!! It has all grown up so much. Candy (carolinabeachmomA)has been in Nags Head for 20 yrs.and has never been over to Ocracoke.

Costume Lady said...

THANKS, BOB, for clearing that up! I thought I was going crazy...I check back to you photos three times and stil saw no lighthouse. I too, am a collector of lighthouse paraphenalia. Hatteras was one of our favorite vacation places too, I loved to fish off the pier there and catch flounder. Yum!!

deb said...

It is something to lighten the mood, ITL and give everyone a laugh every once in a while.

A fish was delivered to the HH Osprey nest, waiting for a feeding. Adult is eating now.

Costume Lady said...

ltl...there really is no connection from the 100th commenter to the Wax story, we just think the story is so funny that we just like to refer to it now and then by yelling WAX when comments hit 100-200-300 etc.
(At least that is my understanding of the custom):)

ltl said...

gotta love a subculture's goofy traditions.

deb said...

I checked the Osprey blog and see I missed a feeding about an hour ago. I see part of an egg shell in the egg cup, I wonder if another hatch is happening, or if that is old.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, your understanding of the wax is correctomundo!!!

hedgie said...

HO, as Norma says....we are a subculture!!! Never thought of us that way before! LOL!

hedgie said...

Are we goofy??? PROBABLY to some! But we sure have fun!

hedgie said...

Raining hard again nest, too, judging by Belles' tenting. Temp down a degree to 45.

ltl said...

hey, for the record, "goofy" is no insult coming from me!

-- goofy Lisa

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We certainly can get goofy but don't we have a blast in the process! :)

floralgirl said...

Yep, it's raining hard here and at the nest, and there's lots more coming our way this afternoon. Some really heavy showers.

hedgie said...

Welcome to the club, Lisa!!! Right on, Shurnlea! did you get the two feather pics combined into one?? Also, sent you an email last week asking a techie question...and now I don't remember what it what...duh!!

hedgie said...

Duh, again...what it WAS!

deb said...

Ha-ha, Lisa, welcome to our subculture! :) We can get a little goofy sometimes, but when you need a pick me up or a kind word, this is the place to come!

Mema Jo said...

Go to the home page of this blog
On the left side go down to
Yahoo Eaglet GroupOpen and feel free to join our yahoo group from which we post photos and send email and have all kinds of good links.

Join our nest if you wish!

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

OK Out the door for the
huff & puff test! lol

ltl said...

thanks, Mema Jo! i will. :)

Costume Lady said...

An ethnic, regional, economic, or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behavior sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society..That's us:)

deb said...

Awww. the second Red-tailed hawk egg has hatched, well almost anyway. It looks like the shell is in two parts. Mom is already eating some of the shell.

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, it's a soaker out there....

paula eagleholic said...'re in :)

BWE Mom has both chicks under her!

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, Bob, sure you don't want any wax :)

paula eagleholic said...

Talk about goofy...remember the comments on the blog last summer, when the "we be jammin" music was playing!!! Talk about ROFLMAO!!

deb said...

They are really zoomed in on the HH osprey chick.

HH Osprey Nest

deb said...

Red-tail hawk brought some greenery to the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

This is their first hatch, isn't it Deb

paula eagleholic said...

Lil ospreyette looks hungry~!

deb said...

This is the third year for eggs, the first hatch.

deb said...

GRRRR! I saw the Osprey watching the sky earlier, but I missed most of the drama. This message is posted on their blog:

A third osprey was seen today attacking both parents while on the nest. The male left the nest in pursuit of the intruder. Shortly after the intruder landing on the nest with the female pushing it off. We have yet to determine who this intruder is. Looks as though the parents will have more to contend with than just their chicks.

hedgie said...

OMG, Paula, that was SO-O-O funny and fun!!! We should find that thread and read back through it...roflmbo!!!! What a hoot.

wvgal_dana said...

Just dropping in ...Hi ALL IN Eagleland.

Need to read comments on this page then I'll be caught up here.

hedgie said...

Right in the middle of watching the osprey, I lost the cam part of the page and it said not available...anybody else? She was SO still but heard bird is live, isn't it?

Costume Lady said...

That was hysterical, the Jamaican music coming from the nest! Did we ever find out where the music came from?
We have had more laughs with that nest than I can count:)

hedgie said...

Hi ya', Dana! How you be feelin', gal???

deb said...

There isn't any sound, Lynn, it updates every few seconds. That is if you are watching the Hilton Head Osprey cam. I put a slide show of the last feeding on Nest Pictures. What a cutie!

I wonder if she is hot or upset, she is panting right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, our Reggae day was an absolute side-splitter. I think it came through NCTC's system, something John did! It was great. We be jammin all day!

hedgie said...

Found it, was 30 July...Vicki and GeeGee's birthday...wasn't hard since Steve had titled the next thread as "post-reggae" day!

hedgie said...

Deb, I must have clicked on the osprey sound link w/o knowing it!

ltl said...

shake off that rainwater, mamma!

wvgal_dana said...

Our chick now a flyin an shake off the wet and a feeding

hedgie said...

That was also when the blog got messed with and our names had the caps!

wvgal_dana said...

Deb is right 2 hatches on the loon cam. Last year eggs laid 1-May 10th and 2nd laid May 12.

I loved watching the chicks riding on the parents back.

deb said...

Thanks, Dana, on the Loon Cam confirmation. Last year was the first time I watched it.

wvgal_dana said...

The males name is Ollie at the HH Osprey nest. Haven't found the females name. So glad they have a chick. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Great to see new people and some joining our "subculture" customs lol

wvgal_dana said...

Went off to visit with Bob's pictures. Another nice set of captures Bob thank you for sharing with us. Can't believe how blue the water is in some of the pictures. Just Beautiful! I enjoyed the capture of the wind blowing the pelicans hair on their heads tee hee cute neat picture.

No Wanda I didn't see any light houses in the group of Bob's pictures. ( : I'm kidding with you.

paula eagleholic said...

We be Jammin'

Lolly said...

Taking a break! Worked in the yard, then came in for a late lunch. Then did my excercises. Now sitting here with ice on my knee. Not hurting, or swollen, just a precaution.

So, we are a subculture! Well, I am mighty proud to be a part of this social group with it's characteristic behavior that sets us apart. LOL Some folks think we need to get a life (my son!), but hey, I LOVE this life!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, that is funny Paula. Complete with the erratic picture we were getting.

wvgal_dana said...

Mon that has rhythm !!

Lolly said...

Would someone please give us a "blue thingey" of the Loon cam. Need it for my laptop.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


paula eagleholic said...

I see a restless eaglet!

Lolly said...

Thanks Dana! Now my knee is frozen and it is time to head back out!


76 and sun shiney here! Gotta put the sun screen on.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, love the flapping and shaking by day I'll get it recorded!

hedgie said...

Go, Paula....that really brought it back! You the mon!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Hidey is so clumsy, he's just adorable!

Looks like he has a little white beanie on the top of his head

wvgal_dana said...

I wonder if that place on Belle's nose (beak) could have happened the day Liberty flew into her knocking her off the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

OMG check out that fish! Degutted and everything! Way to go Lib!

wvgal_dana said...

Belle takes the food right away from Liberty !!

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, maybe Lib kept the tastiest part for himself!!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, that is called Domestic Violence!

wvgal_dana said...

Aww Catfish for Din Din (I zoomed in)

paula eagleholic said...

Did ya'll notice Hidey working that crop?

wvgal_dana said...

I ask a question over in the HH Blog. I had on my papers that the male was called Ollie but didn't have a name for the female.

Moderator wrote: The male from three years ago is called Ollie and its mate, Olivia. We are not sure whether the current osprey are the same since we do not have many photographs of Ollie and Olivia.

15 April, 2009 16:52"

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Paula, for bringing that fun memory back for us!
I think NCTC was trying to appease us because the cam was on the fritz;)

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 378   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...