Friday, April 17, 2009


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

Breakfast is almost ready. Need someone to take over here:)
Norma has bailed on me:)

normabyrd said...

Thanks WANDA for bringing the CREW over!----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone!

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

There you are, Norma. Thought you took off. It is going to be a beautiful day in our neighborhood and probably yours too. GET OUT AND ENJOY IT. Be careful if you hug a tree, it will snag your clothes! Tee Hee

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you, Sharon:)

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON---I have been doing a monologue on here all am!!---LOVE YOU BIRD!---SPARROW!!

WANDA---The HUG A TREE! will change your thinking----

normabyrd said...

FINALLY----A OSPREY in the FINNEY WATER NEST!!----I know that will make SUZANNE HAPPY!!

normabyrd said...

TURKEYS are arriving at the PA SITE!-----Maybe the weekend SPRING GOBBLER TURKEY season opens!!

deb said...

I am off Kayaking, I'll be back later today.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Been lurking while reading papers. Wanda, was the baseball game in Williamsport, PA??? That is where the Little League championship stuff is always held. Neat to have a chance to meet those folks....goes to show that even when rich and famous, they can let their kids be normal!
Loved looking at everyone's pics...all so great! Now if only I could get something pretty here to shoot at!!

hedgie said...

Gearing up to get out and start some cleanup. A few more degrees temp and it will be ideal.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB & HEDGIE!---I began to think I was "POISON"----I have been talking to myself all am----I agree it's a PERFECT day to be outside!!---temp is 61°---with SUNSHINE---What more would one want!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Friday Morning All! I haven't stuck my nose out the door yet but it looks sunny & clear! Still enjoying my cup of coffee - I need to go back and read morning comments and check out emails.
Looked in on Hidey - something else!
I am not use to only one growing eaglet - I think Hidey will be A-ok once the fledge happens!

Mema Jo said...

There is a feeding at the RT Hawk nest
I am trying to count little bobble heads

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am blinded by some kind of bright light outside. Not sure where it is coming from but it sure looks foreign to me! :) ☺ ☺ ☺

Birds are a-singing this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - your 3 rebels are sitting in a row in their NBG nest! I do miss having more then 1.

Mema Jo said...

lol It's all that Iron build up you have in you, Sharon! Whoo Hoo! It is great to be alive on such a beautiful day

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' MEMA JO!!---Don't worry about this 'LIL' ONE!---I swear I saw him moving the grass in his nest!!---Next -- He will be bringing food to BELLE!---ADORABLE LITTLE LOVE BUG!!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

Decorah Eagle nest looks as though they dub a 'fox hole' instead of an "egg well"!

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO!----I was so tickled this am to see the STORK on her nest!!--

normabyrd said...

WHOA DEB!----I know you will enjoy your day!!!----Too bad SUNNY can't come with you!!

Amy E. Neuman said...

We've been watching the eagle nest cam in our office for the past 2 weeks (we just joined up) and we are so attached to all 3 of the eagles!
We call the baby eaglet "Percy" - I know it's not exactly an Americana-themed name, but we do love Percy very much and we are all so grateful to have the opportunity to see such into such a beautiful world.
Thanks so much!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome Adaira!! So glad you are here. This is such a wonderful thing to watch!

normabyrd said...

I don't have to leave the house all day!!!----so I am going to lounge around!!----ho!---We had a sub teacher yesterday for work out class!---She was YOUNG!---She really worked our butts off! ho!

Amy E. Neuman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Norma, Hidey WAS moving fluff and sticks around yesterday...little goofball probably thought it was food!!!
Cam still humming? Wonder if yesterdays smack caused it?
Sharon, are you full of vim and vinegar today???
Hi, JO!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Norma, yes, my computer is humming. Has to be the cam.

Guess I will have to hug a tree, no children in sight. (Sad sigh!)
However, it is raining, it is pouring, will have to wait a while before I go hug it.

Busy, busy today. Have to load the trailer. Well, maybe not that busy, not going to be gone long.

Norma, are you going on the field trip next week. I hope so! Going to OK is going to be my field trip. Jack is so great to go for this wild trip to see the OK nest. is a red letter day. I have now lost 30 pounds. I am really ashamed that I have had this much to loose!!!!

Lolly said... really do not have much "toosh" to work off! LOL

hedgie said...

Deb, know you're gone, but don't topple that kayak...water is still too cold!
Welcome, Adaira and friends.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ADAIRA!!---'PERCY' is a COOL name!---This little one has had several names all from several different folks!!---- ho!---

Mema Jo said...

Welcome adaira and office staff! It is great to have you on board - over the past 3 seasons our Eagle couple has shown us so much in caring for their young! If it is Percy to you then Percy it is! How far away from WV, USA is your office?

hedgie said...

Hi Lolly. Big 30---yippee!! You are lovely, no matter what, but know that you will feel better because of it. Really will help the knees!!! I could tell a big difference just losing 15#.
Hope you have a great trip and get lots of pics! Be safe. Tell Jack hi!
Okay, here I go--heading outside...can you tell that I am REALLY not a yardwork person??? LOL! BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love that spikey do that Hidey has!

normabyrd said...

LOLLY!---You wouldn't consider adopting me---WOULD YOU???----ho!
You folks take such fun trips!!---you are great cooks & you LOVE THE COWBOYS!----What more could I want! --- ENJOY!!

Lolly said...

News in our area.....a light pole at a high school stadium has a crack. Well, several poles have cracks and it is a MAJOR concern. However, one pole has a red tail hawk nest with babies. Today they say they are going to remove the babies. They are going to a wild life rehabilitation center or something like that. I just keep thinking about the poor parent hawks. I into human feelings!

normabyrd said...


Lolly said...

YES, Norma we will love to adopt you! Have two empty bedrooms at the front of the house. COME ON DOWN!

movin said...





normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!!----He was a 'little show off' wasn't he?----moving all the fluff around!----TOO CUTE!

Lolly said...

Good morning Jim!

Hey, Norma! We will take you to see the new stadium! It is HUGE! Sort of sad to see Texas Stadium stripped of all Cowboy ID.

I am going to eat a celebration dinner on this trip. Each time I have gone off the diet, I have not gained weight. So, Jack and I will dine elegantly one night with a good bottle of wine to celebrate 30!!!

Lolly said...

Lynn, my knee started giving me problems after I lost the weight.??????? But, yes, I know, the weight loss will help. Also, my cholesterol has dropped like a rock. It is now 130 something.

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---I hope the little ones can be saved!!----NATURE doesn't always seem fair to us----

Lolly said...

I need to get busy. Need to eat breakfast (no bread and sausage, sigh) and dry my hair. Then excercise and load the trailer.

Have a beautiful Friday! And a even greater weekend!


movin said...

I just saw Xi Lan fall off a log. Then Lun Lun shows him how to cross the log structure in a hurry; he climbs back up and then fall over forward off the other side....



Amy E. Neuman said...

Thanks for the welcome, gang! We are in Dallas, Texas at the corporate headquarters of a retail store (don't wanna say the name so we don't get busted for watching streaming video!)
I must warn you all, I have no idea how to properly "blog", so please be patient with me. We are having a great time watching with y'all though! Thanks again so much for the warm welcome. We watch this little family's every move! It's wonderful to know we aren't alone!

normabyrd said...

WELCOME ADAIRA!----WHOA!!!!----Any DALLAS COWBOY person is more than WELCOME!!----ho!----We don't know how to blog either---Just talking only you are writing!----

Lolly said...

Adair, welcome! Hey, you are very close to me. I want you to know that I traveled to West Virginia last Oct. just to meet these wonderful ladies (and a few men) and to see the nest in person. Saw Belle and Lib sit next to each other on a branch in their nest tree. It was so exciting!! And this group of ladies are just WONDERFUL!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are we back at #1 on Beakspeak yet? We certainly should be!

Lolly said...

Whoops! My bad! This group of Momsters and DADSTERS are just WONDERFUL!

Lolly said...

Really leaving this time.


Amy E. Neuman said...

Just did a quick profile update, just in case.
Amy E. Neuman
(formerly adaira)

Mema Jo said...

Maybe we should start calling Hidey the new name of "SPIKE" because of his top notch hairdo. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Amy and welcome. How did you find out about the cam?

Mema Jo said...

Hello Again, AMY!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' AMY----COOL NAME!----or maybe it's your face that is COOL!

Niece and Randy said...

Good morning ladies, and gents :)

Hidey is getting mighty close to the edge this morning. I was up a lot during the night and it seems he spent most of his night alone.

Is anyone else on this blog from Middle Tennessee?

I run a small concession at a group of lakes here in my little town of Williamsport. We have a very large nest near one of the lakes.
At one time we had 3 eagles, but one got run over ? a couple of years ago so we are back to just 2.

They frequently fly right over my concession and are beautiful to see.

I was in a game a few weeks ago and someone mentioned an eagle cam on another site that I watched for a while, not much activity though so I did a search of eagle cams and came to this one, and have been hooked since then!

normabyrd said...

The SAN JOSE site has a FALCON on nest!!----I couldn't find any info, etc.

normabyrd said...

NIECE---Sorry---I don't know anyone from TN---But maybe some one will!----Do they have young EAGLETS in the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning and good afternoon!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Hidey is starting to enjoy moving around the nest...I see he's at the launchpad checking things out...

Niece and Randy said...

Norma, the nest is too far up and away from the road for us to see it. We have no eagle cam :( I'm not sure if there are babies or not.

Mema Jo said...

Headed for some lunch....


paula eagleholic said...

Very interesting Niece - not too many 3 eagle nests around. There used to be one on Catalina Island in CA, and there is one in Texas, also.

paula eagleholic said...

Is Mauley in Kentucky?

paula eagleholic said...

And welcome, Amy.

I am in retail, too.

Niece and Randy said...

One of the 3 that was there was a youngun' . When the game warden was called to the one that got run over, he never let me know if it was one of the adults or the youngun that got run over. How long does baby usually stay in the nest after getting big enough to fly on its own?
( can you tell I'm new at learning about eagles? lol )

hedgie said...

Lunch break...
I think Mauley IS in KY, Paula.
Amy...changed profile just in case of what? Getting caught at work?? LOL! Love Alfred.
What kind of concessions, N&R? Food, or boats, or what?? Maybe we should take a field trip to KY on the way to TEXAS!!

hedgie said...

Got my measuring done for my privacy fence, and marked where it shall be. Planted my hyacinths from Easter...blooms didn't last well. Picked up a few limbs/branches...the worst will be all the stupid twiggies...argh!!! Hate wind!

hedgie said...

They usually hang around the nest for a couple of months after fledging before they take off for their own search for territory. Right, Paula?
They sometimes stay in same area, but aren't ready to breed for about 4 years.

Niece and Randy said...

Hedgie, its a state owned lake. I sell the fishing license and daily permits to fish in the lake, rent boats, we have food , snacks , bait , tackle. Its busy little place in the spring and summer :)

check us out

hedgie said...

I never heard of a three bird nest, Paula (adults, that is!). Love triangle, huh?
Lolly, that' s a shame about the nest....but guess we must accept the fact that human safety comes first...if the light should fall during a game, it could be catastrophic. Hope the chicks thrive in their new environment.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I have to say, that is a face only a momster and dadster could love! Thank God we are momsters and dadsters.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Hedgie that's right....juvies will stay around for about 6 weeks after fledging...

hedgie said...

Looks like a lovely place, N&R! Your store has it all!
Ever heard of Sleepy Creek State Park and Sleepy Creek Lake? It is nearby me....manmade lake for fishing, hunting and a shooting range. Tent camping, I think. But NO amenities. Still a lovely place!

Costume Lady said...

WHOO HOO!! Ceil and Mary Margaret are going to join us on our Field Trip Tuesday:) MM doesn't have her surgery til May, so she is able to join us. Wonderful!

Niece and Randy said...

Never heard of it Hedgie..we do not allow any camping at ours unless its a youth church group or boy scouts. We lock the gate at night to keep out fishing at night.

Lolly said...

Look at Hidey! I think he wants to get to know us.

Amy E. Neuman said...

Hey, Lolly!
I've also been following the story about the hawk nest in the stadium light. I wish they'd just leave them alone till the nest is empty!
And, thanks for the reassurance about blogspeak, normabyrd! I was feeling a little kooky, but all is well. Y'all all so kind & welcoming, and I'm proud to find so many others who are as into birds as I am. I tell my friends that I'm a PROUD Bird Nerd!!

Niece and Randy said...

I have some pretty good pictures of the eagles at the lake, I'll have to post some pictures on the website!

Mema Jo said...

Click on link to see OKLA nest

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! 2nd adult just did a fly-in and almost landed on top of the other's head.
The one adult was so busy tearing apart what looked like one of those corn pods and using it for the nest floor.
Their eaglet is also getting up and about.

normabyrd said...

Sorry---I left the blog for a while!----I still have the LOUD HUMMING!!---Do you all???

Lolly said...

Hi Amy! My family (NOT my husband) roll their eyes when I talk about my eagles, my cam watching and my eagle friends. So be it! I am a retired teacher and right now I LOVE watching the eagles. We went down to the hill country a few weeks ago to watch an eagle nest there. This weekend we are going to OK to check out the nest there. We have the time, so why not?!

Lolly said...

Yes, what I have is more like static.

Lolly said...

Amy, this is the cam for the OK nest. Must find my directions for making the "blue thingy". LOL

Lolly said...

Did my workout and now sitting here with ice on my knee. Good excuse for getting back on the laptop! :)

Lolly said...

I think there is an adult on the cam. Keep hearing a noise. Guess we can put on our wish list a wide angle view like OK has. Would that not be great to watch the Sycamore tree?!!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, that is wonderful news about Ceil and MM!!!! what a trip this is going to be....even if it does hoo!
Suz got a pic of egg at KY osprey! Did you get it?

Lolly said...

The NBG triplets are sacked out. No rocking to sleep today, just sunning themselves in the sun,.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Lolly said...

Whoops! Just saw where Jo had already did a blue thingy for the OK nest. I am always a day behind!

Lolly said...

Hey Sharon! How are you feeling today?

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

NEICE & RANDY----We are truly blessed--our nest is located at NCTC (NATIONAL CONSERVATION TRAINING CENTER) in SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV----They have a cam or two on the nest site!---NCTC maintains the blog for us!---It is an AWESOME site!!----First time I saw the nest with the EAGLES----I thought I had died & gone to EAGLE HEAVEN!!----(i exaggerate as you can tell) ho!---This is the basic s--

hedgie said...

Amy, we also are panda watchers...National, Atlanta, San Diego zoos! They are so fun to watch! We also have osprey nests and stork nests all over the world that we watch, along w/ sea eagles.
And then we travel along with Big Rig Steve in his semi as he crisscrosses the country w/ a dashboard cam! As you can tell, we are into photography, too!

Costume Lady said...

No, Lynn, didn't see Ky. egg. Didn't know about Ky osprey...don't watch very many nests this spring. Busy, busy:)

normabyrd said...

NEICE---Would enjoy seeing your EAGLE pics!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lolly, I feel pretty good today. This is the first time I can really feel the difference after the iron. Really grateful for that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd got WAX!!

Lolly said...

Fantastic! Hope you bounce back fast! Not good to feel down and out!

Ok, my knee has had it's time on the ice. Gotta get busy.


hedgie said...

Kentucky has three eggs! Guess I'm behind the many cams, so little time!!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! we hit #4 rating on beakspeak for yesterday. I suppose that is only counted IF you go in from the beakspeak link - right?

hedgie said...

Someone get ready to post the wax story again...I'm sure that Amy and N&R are going to ask.....!!!!!

Lolly said...

Before I go....just have to say how cute our Hidey is preening himself in front of the camera. Vain little bird! LOL

Mema Jo said...

GREAT NEWS about Ceil and Mary Margaret being able to join us this coming Tues. I am excited about the trip to say the least! Love being together with all my Eagle Buddies!

Lolly said...

OMG Was just checking on NBG and could see people walking by.

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---Remember LISA was afraid she was going to have a party of 3 fighting over the OSPREY NEST at BWO!!---

Mema Jo said...

Yepper Lolly - Didn't we see you and Jack last year walking under the nest???

At least you were there!
Now we don't know how we are going to see you on the OK cam unless you rent a boat!!! lol

Mema Jo said...

I would venture to say that our
Hidey is really a Heidi gal. Her size is what I am going by. But I sure do like the name of SPIKE! lol

normabyrd said...

WOW!---BLUEFIELD SHARON!----i thought you didn't love me any more!---ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WOW, LOOK HOW BIG HEIDI/HIDEY IS!! Wow, both parents in nest now.

hedgie said...

KY link:

KY Osprey

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all see that we have an April 15 update on NCTC eagle cam page?

hedgie said...

I'm pretty sure our count is directly from beakspeak entries.

normabyrd said...

JO---Remember --- his latest name is PERCY!!----the DALLAS GALS dubbed him PERCY!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like Lib feeding Hidey.

hedgie said...

I like Spike, too, Jo. But definitely better for a male! If we determine that its a she...we can go bqck to our Heidi spelling.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I never go in through Beakspeak but just now did! We have to be counted!

NatureNut said...

Happy TGIF Everyone!!!
Earlier I saw Hidey at 6/7 o'clock playing "dump the twigs" over the edge of the nest!
Now Mom & Dad were in w/new fish for next course of lunch!
Welcome to Amy/Alfred & all the other New People.This is a great place to be.
Put 3 sets of pics on Blog last night----Eagle & Muskrat & 2 of Pondlife.
Glad to hear Ceil & MM are coming on the field trip!! The more the merrier. Weather is looking better for TU---only 30% chance of showers. We'll have a great time anyway! ☺

normabyrd said...

need food---later--

hedgie said...

Time to change into short sleeves and get back to work. TTFN!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - LOL I just clicked on the link also on the beakspeak site! We know we are #1 - we just have to let the rest of the birders know it!

NatureNut said...

Sharon, glad to hear you're really up & at 'em! Good for you.
I'm gonna start using Beakspeak too, if that's how we get counted!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hidey keeps trying to get in Lib's shade.

Mema Jo said...

All Right! Going to take a break while
Hidey takes a nap.

Wild Watch cams are great - osprey, bluebird, herons - I can't get their eagles cams up just now.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear Ceil and MM can join us on Tuesday!

Lolly - those people at NBG look closer than they really are...

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents in the nest...Bellle eating....

paula eagleholic said...

Lib went up in the tree

ceil said...

Mary Marg and I are really excited that we will be able to join on Tuesday.
What is Belle pulling apart? Could it be turtle?

ceil said...

I was just reading on the OK site about eaglets falling from nests. They say that is does happy but not often sometimes weather will cause a fall. Like the wind last week at times thought Hidey was a goner. The parents do continue to build up the nest. This couple in OK has had 25 chicks in 15 years.

ceil said...

That's happen not happy. Good grief. Think I am going to go outside. BBL

Amy E. Neuman said...

Hey gang! Thanks for the thumbs-up on my new profile info! Yep, I don't want to get busted watching at work. It's funny, because my immediate boss fully supports us, and checks on the eagles all day - I just don't want the I.S. Department ruining all our fun!
I heard about this particular eagle cam from another friend in my department (a fellow nature lover) sent me a link to this site. I was really impressed with the quality of the video, and the fact that it's really live, not just still shots. It's fantastic.
The Dallas area has more birds than you'd think for such an urban area. I live in a really old part of the city, so every night my husband and I park ourselves on the back porch and watch our favorite birds come down to snack at the feeder and take a quick dip in the bath. I NEVER get tired of it. I even name THOSE birds!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oooh, Hidey is gonna grab some fish! Reached right under Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Amy, the video and sound this year is the best we've had.

paula eagleholic said...

They are banding the Norfolk eaglets on Monday...they sure seem awful small to band yet...

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure where that NBG news is posted...supposed to happen at 10am

ceil said...

I'm still here. It was a fish Paula. Sounded like turtle. To the new people. It is great to watch them band the little ones. NBG is the Norfolk site. Thanks Paula.
Sounds windy at the nest and Belle's feathers are blowing.

paula eagleholic said...

Sad, Sad news on Colorado nest....

Sad News from FSV
« Reply #142 on: Today at 12:04:42 PM »

Hello Everyone---

I am so sorry to have to report that all three chicks have perished. Apparently, one of the adult birds must have been injured or died and the other adult finally gave up last night during cold and rainy weather--unable to feed the chicks and keep them warm too. This morning the three chicks have obviously passed away due to exposure. A single adult bird visited the nest only momentarily this morning early, not long enough to be caught and recorded by the system, but has not returned. I wish I could tell you more for sure about what happened but that is all we can surmise.

Thanks for being such a great group of loyal fans. We can only pray the remaining adult will mate again and return next season. Warmest regards to all from the Fort St. Vrain Electric Generating station.

Costume Lady said...

I have noticed that Belle's beak looks better...what do you all think? Also, the spots on her beak happened BEFORE Lib knocked her off the nest. I was discussing it with someone, but don't remember who. Thought maybe it happened moving some of those "logs" around in the nest, so vigorously:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Something has Belle's attention. Does anybody remember when that blackbird swooped down and pinged one of the eaglets in the head? I am thinking that was the first year we were here.

ceil said...

That is sad news from Colorado.

paula eagleholic said...

No Sharon, I don't recall that event.

That post about CO was from Joe on the forum.

paula eagleholic said...

The post about NBG banding was on Maine forum, NBG thread...

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know Ceil....the area looks darker to me today....

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I think Hidey is so full, he can't even get up...

paula eagleholic said...

Had to laugh...someone at the Maine forum commented that Hidey wasn't an eagle...he's a butterball turkey! ROFLMAO

Amy E. Neuman said...

Lolly, I have to laugh because all the girls up here who are watching the eagle cam squeal/coo/laugh ANY TIME Percy/Hidey/Spike does anything cute like stretch his legs, waddle around, yawn, preen, play with sticks - it doesn't matter! The guys all roll their eyes and act like we are total dorks (yet, they get up from their desks to see what all the action is about!)

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Amy.

I have to break some news to ya'll....You are Eagleholics!

hedgie said...

Break time sorry to hear about CO nest...what a shame...but we sure saw all that bad weather they had...and we know what a stoic mom she was through that.
More sad news here...Margy is dealing w/ a bad one...trailer fire w/ patients w/ severe has now moved into woods and ignited another building...chopper coming in for patients....always tough to deal with these kind of cases. On a good note, paper this am said our injured firefighter is improving...has had facial surgery and arm surgery...long road ahead of him, tho'.

Amy E. Neuman said...

You got that right, PaulaEagleholic.
My name is Amy, and I'm an Eagleholic.
I'm dyin' right now because I can hear Percy/Hidey/Spike chirping and his tongue is hanging out!! Plus he just sneezed and I heard it!
Man, I might be headed for Eagleholic Rehab some day soon...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagles don't need eyes in the back of their head. Their head turns that far!

hedgie said...

Now a third patient. Actually heard an officer or first responder call Margy by name! They know her voice, too!!

hedgie said...

Oh temp is reading 90---had to turn on the AC.

Another one just called her by name--one from her own former company/station.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You reckon Hidey already knows that is the launch pad?

NatureNut said...

Oh how sad about CO, after all they went thru to protect those eggs and hatch them thru the bad weather. Wonder what happened to the other parent?
Hurts my heart & also for those poor people caught in fire. Margy is remarkable to keep cool and help everyone under dire circumstances.

NatureNut said...

Hidey finally did a poop shoot in the right direction----over the edge, not across the whole nest!

hedgie said...

Now a fatality...but not sure it's at the fire scene or not....a lot of traffic going on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There are a lot of those videos that I got that first year on Glo's For The Love of Eagles blog. Spunky's fledge is on there too.

sara said...

Hello everyone....

Reading to catch up on what's been happening during the day. You have all been busy today. At work yesterday there were at least 10+ people watching Heidy but I'm going to have to let them know how to go through beakspeak to be counted.

Mema Jo said...

lol I remember the 'black bird ping'
Took us the longest time to figure out what had happened - then Glo got the video and we laughed out loud! Such memories!!!

Sorry to hear about CO nest...I couldn't get the cam up this am hour - now I know why. Really a heartbreaking situation!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sara - with so many doing that instead of just clicking on their Favorite - we'll be a true #1 site by tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Nest Weather: 71° (that is the reason for the panting)

Tonight Clear. Lows in the upper 30s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.
Saturday Sunny. Highs in the Saturday NightPartly cloudy. Lows in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph in the evening...becoming light and variable.
SundayPartly sunny in the morning...then becoming mostly cloudy. A 50 percent chance of showers. Highs around 60. West winds around 5 mph...becoming north in the afternoon. upper 70s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.


Mema Jo said...

I lost Saturday in the cut/paste!!

Saturday is Highs in the upper 70's

Mema Jo said...

Leaving to find out what can be cooking for dinner in a little while.......


hedgie said...

Done for the day...I'm beat! But THINK I accomplished a lot!! Still more to do, but will have to wait til tomorrow for the next endeavor.

deb said...

I am home, we saw an Osprey, got to the Bald Eagle's nest, I knew it wasn't being used 2 weeks ago by eagles and now I know why! Great Horned Owls stole the nest. So I didn't get to see an eagle on the nest, I got to see two owls in the nest and an adult near that was watching them. I hope the pictures turn out. At least I still know where 4 other eagle nest are. I'll have to visit them.

deb said...

Lynn, I didn't get wet today. Where we went today is close to people almost the whole way, so if you tip, you don't have to hike for miles to find help.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...catch ya later!

Poop Shooot!

normabyrd said...

Going out to dinner---Later---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you, our Presiding Preaching Meteorologist.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Stupid blogger cop is double posting again! 30 min. lag time....he's not too sharp!

Mema Jo said...

I found out what was cooking and we will be eating shortly. I guess it is the camera but within the hour Hidey/Hiedi/Spike looks as though a growth spurt took place! lol

deb said...

I was just catching up on the blog and read the news from CO, how horrible! That is so sad, I watched two of them hatch. :(

hedgie said...

Deb, sorry no eagles, but bet the owls were lovely. Glad you had a good, safe day. Will look forward to pics.

Mema Jo said...


wvgal_dana said...

Welcome to Eagleland Amy and friends there watching, Tiffany and Randy and Sara again.

I've been watching and in emails.

Sad news about CO I was hoping if we got out there to check it out.

Also the news about the chicks in the light being moved. Poor parents...darn which things could wait a bit but the games must go on.

Mema Jo said...

At least I do see Hidey breathing -
Also I can make out one very long leg with a big foot!

deb said...

Every once in awhile, a wing or a leg stretches out! She really blends well with the fluff.

Mema Jo said...

Both RTHawks are in the nest in Portland
Not sure who is going to stay and who is going to fly out... Not too much room on that fire escape

Mema Jo said...

One has gone - the other is waddling down on the chicks. Didn't get a good view to know if there is still 2 chicks and 1 egg to go or if there were 3 chicks. I'll try to catch a better look at next feeding.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - those GH owls really do have it over the eagles.. I remember NBG nest and the havoc the GHW caused them.
Glad you didn't tip! How many miles did
you travel?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, when I first looked at the nest when I came back in, I couldn't see Hidey. Looked like the nest was sunk in right there. Optical illusion I was so grateful to learn! My heart fell. We still have a month and half before fledge time, don't we?

Mema Jo said...

All 3 eaglets visible at NBG
The one looks like a little bandit!

Mema Jo said...

It is difficult to find any updates on Buddy on the NBG page

Mema Jo said...

WOW! NBG - I saw both adults at nest with
some good fish food

deb said...

I didn't ask how many miles, but we were only out for 3 1/2 hours. We stopped and had lunch on a sand bar, so we only kayaked about 3 hours today.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I couldn't find Hidey either when I first looked. Sure does blend in with the nest materials! Now Hidey is

Mema Jo said...

We have really had some very interesting newcomers that are very interested in the eagles - that is good!

So glad everyone welcomes them as they do and makes them feel comfortable here
in our nest.

ceil said...

Evening all. Talked to Helen to tell her about the Colorado chicks. She said to say Hello to everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hidey's head is a mess!

Mema Jo said...

With all that paddling, Deb, your biceps are going to be better looking then 'you know whose' !!! lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Jo, the more the merrier! I miss Mits!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Ceil for relaying the message from Helen! I miss her not being here too.

ceil said...

Sharon when you said Hidey's head was a mess. I was wondering what was wrong. It looks like it is dyed. Funny looking.

Mema Jo said...

Need to head over to Walmart for a quick
look around.... (Rain Gear)


ceil said...

Split is coming. Going to watch the ball game. BBL Keeping Margy in our prayers.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...