Friday, May 16, 2008


I'm up in CT today. See it's raining down there too...

New thread.


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normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVE!!---Thanks for the new WET THREAD!!---will bring the folks over!!---ENJOY YOUR DAY!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Hope you stay dry!
Thanks for the heads up, Norma, and good morning.
Breakfast time in PA, and mom is defeathering that bird so fast she's covered in feathers. Too funny!

floralgirl said...

OH, will someone PLEASE turn the faucet off?!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, one very wet turkey in PA.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan! Not supposed to be turned off in my area till sometime Sunday morning. Oh joy!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---It is a WET--WET cool a.m. here in WV-"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY-- PLUS 3"----temp is 55°---predicating a RAINY DAY!!----WV is beautiful today---All the TREES with their GREEN leaves & beautiful flowery limbs----The 'AWESOME 3' are soaked to the skin!!---bless their little hearts!!---LIFE IS GOOD & LIVE WILL BE GOOD TOO!!!!---
It's going to be a GLORIUS DAY!!!
Keep LOLLY & TORI in our thoughts!!----ENJOY!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Suzanne and Norma. Radar shows we are almost out of rain here, it was pouring. Need to cut flowers, was waiting for the rain to stop-tired of getting soaking wet. Last year no rain, this year too much at once- can't get crops into the ground, too wet to plant, really falling behind.

melvsmom said...

Good morning, everyone. So glad it's Friday. My LF is down. But that's OK. My still cam is up and the babies will keep me going today. Hope you all have a GREAT day and a wonderful weekend too!

Suzanne said...

PA parent feeds all the chicks in turn more or less, but when the little ones gete full, they move to the back. How very polite of such little ones! Never could watch these guys before on live feed. Sure learn a lot that way. Mom still has feathers all over her head and shoulders...and one on her tail. Those kids are gonna have a nice warm feather bed tonight!

Suzanne said...

OH, switch in Scotland!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUZANNE---SHARON---WANDA--& MEGAN!!----I can't get MOM STORK to stand up---want to see her 'little soldiers'---(love that site)---The VA FAMILY is soaked too!----Little 'REBEL' is so COOL!!---

Suzanne said...

Well all 4 kids have moved away, so now mom's eating what's left. They're all just watching her, and look at those crops! Sticking WAY out!!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, she fed the kids earlier. Did you know there are 3 babies???? I didn't till I saw the 3rd one this morning!

normabyrd said...

Thought the PA FALCONS might open up the ledge site soon---Guess it shouldn't be long---They will be giving their famous--'poop shoots' all over their little hut!!--- ho!Aren't they just too fuzzy---!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, hope they don't open it till the kids can at least walk. With this view we can see them all the time, with the ledge view, you can only see them when they happen to wander in camera range. Look at all those feathers! That was a huge pigeon, I think.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Didn't know about the #4 until you told me!!!---Every time I check---She remains seated!!----

melvsmom said...

Is the OK cam you guys mention the one at Sutton Center?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---Are you folks floating down the river too!!----We had a few roads closed on Mon.---for a few hours!!---I am truly in AWE of the GREEN LEAVES---which seem to appear over night!!----The world looks so clean this morning!!!---

Suzanne said...

Norma, I sent you a pic this morning of all 3 babies! Check your email.

Suzanne said...

It's in Edmond, OK, Sharon. Deer there now eating corn that's on the ground...sharing with a squirrel.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MELVSMOM!!---Can't answer your question---but love your "MEERKAT"!!!

Suzanne said...

Downy eating peanut butter and male cardinal is eating sunflowers.

This is the URL, Sharon.

Suzanne said...

Pigeon all gone, full crops, and the chicks have crops sticking out about 2". And LOL, just treated to a close up of a poop shoot, that was way too funny!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

MEGAN...I feel your pain with the planting. We need to get so much more planted in our garden. It is a MUST if we want good, fresh veggies this Summer.

Suzanne said...

Oh, sorry! Melvsmom, I answered your question, but thought Sharon asked it!!! Good grief, was watching the PA falcons too closely. Anyway, the URL is posted a few comments up.

Suzanne said...

It is definately nap time in PA now! Those crops are bulging.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry DEBBIE..didn't see you come in. GOOD MORNING to you down there in Fla.

melvsmom said...

Great morning! Thanks for the website in OK. I'm from the Edmond area. BTW, my meerkat is Mozart. She was my favorite.

melvsmom said...

With Steve in CT today, I guess we won't be getting the live feed back? That would be a shame. It sometimes is the only thing that keeps me plugging at this desk.

Suzanne said...

Oh, didn't know that was Mozart! She was a suunky gal, that's for sure! Felt so bad for her, wanted her to win "first lady" but she had that evil sister. I like Flower, she was my hero. What a leader!!

Suzanne said...

Not unless someone has John's email addr and he's at work today and can reset the cams. Maybe Paula has it. If not, gonna be a long weekend!

Suzanne said...

OMG, just read my last comment. Meant to say Mozart was a SPUNKY girl! Too cold in here, fingers aren't working.

floralgirl said...

OK, hello everybody:) Stopped pouring here, just a lovely drizzle, so I'm off to cut flowers. Just send Steve an email, if he sees it he'll pass along the info so you can get live feed back hopefully. I can't do it, don't have my email adresses, best buy still has my computer.

melvsmom said...

I loved Flower too. I just identify with Mozart more. And she was spunky. The new season starts Jun 6. This year is supposed to be not so filled with death. I hope.

normabyrd said...


melvsmom said...

Do we have John's last name?

Suzanne said...

OMG, look at the mouths on those baby jackdaws! First feeding I've seen.

I sent Steve an email and asked him to ask John to reset both the live feed and 30 sec cam. 30 Sec cam has those horrible lines off and on.

floralgirl said...

Well yes, Norma, I've been singing that all morning, trouble is I gotta go out and play whether it stops raining or not. Later:)

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Melvsmom. I wrote down the start date this time. I know you said before, but I thought I'd remember the date! (yeah, right!)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sent an email earlier to the contact us email on the other page. Live feed is back up but hopefully they are still working on it. Sound is all fuzzy along with the pic!

melvsmom said...

This is another live feed camera in OK. You don't get a lot of detail but right now the kids are at the age where you get a lot of wing flaps and they are fun to watch.

Suzanne said...

Norma, stork babies are visible!!!

normabyrd said...

I AGREE---MELVSMOM!!---I get upset some times with all the dying in MEERKAT MANOR!!----They are FASCINATING!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Melvsmom. Wow 4 egg clutch, that's awesome. I can't view cam though. Darn.

melvsmom said...

Yes, they are to be so small and flourish in that type of area. I have the meerkat motto pasted all over my house and desk. I keep trying to get my dys***ctional family to live by it. We'd be so much better off. (BTW, I use *** because my family takes the "fun" out of dysfunctional.)

Suzanne said...


wvgal_dana said...

Contragulation Norma lady your 1st today on the New Thread WOW....

Good Morning Suzanne, Sharon, Wanda, Norma, Megan, Debbie (MM), and Watchers Sandy, Carol and others. ( :

See Steven is in CT...

normabyrd said...

stay cool beautiful megan!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am actually seeing a clearer pic now with some wing flapping happening!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hear small birds around our nest.

normabyrd said...

PA SITE----There were 2 tall turkeys there-----now I see a
"chipmunk"!!!----CONN OSPREY site is backed up!!---too many hits now!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Normajust checked our Donkeys. Many out and around the feeder. I guess that is what it is.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA!!---I guess we can call that a PACE of DONKEYS!!---I always check that site---but if you aren't on---I don't print it!!------They are handsome animals!!---GEULA is fond of DONKEYS too!!

melvsmom said...

So here's an eagle question for you. I assume the white spots on our kids are pin feathers. Will the lose all those and replace them with dark feathers before they fly?

Costume Lady said...

NORMA...Capt. Eagle is hunting turkey and fishing this week. I hope he brings some fish home, but NO to turkey!


Bird Girl said...

those are some wet eaglets we got in our nest today! they look positively downtrodden!

hope everyone is well....

wvgal_dana said...

I have CT Opsrey up Lola and Kidd. Lots of flooding there also. The marsh area usually gets water. I've never seen this much before. Nice bright yellow band in nest.
Waiting for up and adam to see what is underneath.

Costume Lady said...

Raining again...poor Megan.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Delphia....( : What is the name of that bird bood you use?

Costume Lady said...

How have you been feeling?

normabyrd said...

LUNA has her back to the little storks!!!----Hope she doesn't forget & give a 'poop shoot' on them!!---Her nest is almost all white!!----ho! (goes often)

Suzanne said...

Morning, all! Chipmunk in PA.

normabyrd said...

pin feathers are how new feathers are born---they come out when new feathers are born---

deb said...

Good Morning, everyone. It is a bright sunny day here, hope your rain goes away soon.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. Wish I could trade some of this sun for some rain. Another hot one. I'm tired of summer all ready. The babes are so wet. I hope they are not cold.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

We have wet eagles with sound!!

normabyrd said...

Still can't get into CONN OSPREY!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Anne I would certainly trade you if we could. I am officially sick of this rain!!

paula eagleholic said...

Melvsmom - Most of those white feathers will be replaced by dark ones, but they do still retain some of them underneath. If you look at my pic, you can see them on the immature eagle there too.

paula eagleholic said...

And the white feathers are downy feathers, which are being replaced by pin feathers

Bird Girl said...

Melvsmom: Our eaglets will still have some baby down under their juvenile feathers when they decide it's time to go. Molting is a gradual, lengthy process but they will have enough of their juvie feathers to get where they're going. Which won't be very far in the beginning :)

WV Dana: Bird "food" or bird "book"? Food: During baby bird season, we go through a whole lot of monkey chow by ZuPreem. Yes, monkey chow! It has good protein levels and stays together well after soaked in water. We also use mealworms; various kinds of fruits and greens; humanely-farmed & frozen mice & rats; BOP (Bird Of Prey diet); and different kinds of seed for different birds. We don't use any one particular brand of seed, really it's all about the same. Book: Our favorite book is Sibley's Guide to North American Birds, second to Petersen's field guides to various species and/or groups (i.e. hummingbirds). Sibley also has a book on bird life & behavior and on nests & eggs. I believe the nest & eggs is out of print, I know I had to get mine through an dealer via or maybe

Costumelady: Well, I've felt better. The Lyrica I've been slowly building up the dosage on since the end of December has really only made me *more* housebound that I was before because I'm queasy and dizzy almost all the time. I seem to be in a bad fibro cycle, but there really isn't much I can do about that. At least I was finally approved for Social Security Disability and don't have to stress over Hubby and I and our furry brood living on the streets, or of trying to conceal my condition to a potential employer just to worry about getting fired for absenteeism...

My friend Erin had her first round of chemo this week, 7 rounds to go... She's a tough gal but sometimes I wish she would just admit to herself that she's scared and realize that it's ok to be vulnerable. Love her to pieces, that gal. :)

Gotta pack a couple more boxes, feed the kittens (they're doing very well!!) and probably crash again for a while....

Hope all of you are doing well

Bird Girl said...

OHH!!!! I didn't tell you guys the best news yet! One of our volunteer's employers donated an $11k color laserjet printer and cases of toner! It staples too!

We're hoping to get our newsletter off the ground finally, it's only been about 8 years in the making, haha!

See y'all later......

paula eagleholic said...

Breakfast has arrived and is being served! Who says you can't fish in the rain.

Costume Lady said...

Come on Tiny, get up there!

melvsmom said...

Thanks for all the info. My work is here for the morning so I'll be checking in periodically. I really appreciate your patience with me and all the explanations a newbie requires. Have a great one.

Bird Girl said...

melvsmom: The only dumb question is the one you don't ask :)

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning, normabyrd,suzanne,
and floralgirl.It's another great
day.The sun is out and it is cool
and the birds are singing.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

normabyrd said...


CHECK the KESTREL nest!!---There are at least 3--4 chicks!!----BEAUTIFUL!!!----Grown KESTREL only weighs about 4 oz.!!---Their COLORING is outstanding!!---They paint their boxes white to show off their glorious color!!

MITS said...


all caught up on e-mails, now going to read the new posts on blog....later...68° and cloudy here.

paula eagleholic said...

And now Lib has arrived!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My babies have been back this morning, grosbeaks, sparrows. One baby sparrow has been really loud to its mommy. It is so funny because they act so helpless until the parent turns their back and then they start eating the seed!

I think it is sprinkling again here.

paula eagleholic said...

He brought breakfast too. Buffet line forms to the left.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

With another fish. The family that eats together . . .

Suzanne said...

wow, wet Lib and Belle feeding the wet kids! Nest sure is crowded now!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Deb, Anne, and Paula ( :

Paula you explained that very well...

Where is Mits this Morning?

Been on phone with dr appts calling here....

wvgal_dana said...

Our eaglets are really getting fed by both Liberty and'm up girls and boys

wvgal_dana said...

Well Good Morning Mits and Dave ( : Mits I said something and you pop-up lol

paula eagleholic said...

LOL....and the right!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is eating the rest of her fish and Lib has all 3 eaglets at the back of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

And as soon as I posted that, one comes up right under the cam

Anne-Marie said...

Time for me to pull out the hot rollers and get on the road. I will be lurking from work. be safe all, and behave~!

Suzanne said...

Hey, all! Stork feeding her 3 kids again.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle took off

wvgal_dana said...

They are showing a close up of the 3 eggs at Scotland. One egg they stayed close up on as if that is the one that they think is going to hatch. Wow you could see the talcons going in around the egg. WOW!!!

ceil said...

Good morning all. Osprey at BWO. Was a nice family picture at our nest a little while ago. Anne Marie don't forget your eggs. BBL

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--BIRD GIRL---DEB--ANNE---PAULA & INDIANA DAVE!!!----Hope I didn't miss anyone!!----We will accept all the SUNSHINE you can send DEB & ANNE!!----How are your EAGLETS INDIANA DAVE??---Can you hear them 'flap' their wings yet?--BIRD GIRL--seems things have been working out well for you!---COOL!--ANNE--Just ship that ole hot weather you have---we could use it!!!---PAULA---Just keep on keeping us up to date on everything!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!! & "LIVE" is GOOD TOO!!!

Costume Lady said...

I was just thinking...if a Bird of Pray's feet are called Talons, what are the feet of small birds called....Talettes? Oh, too early in the morning for that nonsense. I need breakfast.

wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone watching Scotland....well they just finished. They did a re-run of the osprey putting its talcons down around and on the egg

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!!---You forgot to tell ANNE to take her curlers out too!--- ho!

wvgal_dana said...

The 3 eggs at CT are surrounded by the bright yellow cloth. Like they interwove the strip of cloth through the I believe 3 eggs.

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Been watching Scotland all morning, Dana. They have an awesome cam operator! He gets very close! And then he scans the loch, awesome.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Dana - I think CT has 4 eggs.

Suzanne said...

Zoomed in again on Isla, and she looks wet. Must be raining in Scotland.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Normabyrd.

Talonettes sounds reasonable?

wvgal_dana said...

Me too Suzanne I have enjoyed this morning there. I was too busy with phones to comment. Awesome close up right now. ( :

MITS said...

The webcam below is showing live footage from SWT's
Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve, Dunkeld

OSPREY DIARY: read the latest news from the nest!

15 May 2008
Things really are starting to pick up as we eagerly await the arrival of our first hatchling! It could be any day now but we are still expecting it to be early next week.
These are very exciting times for us and even the ospreys are beginning to act more restless. The eggs are being left unattended for longer periods of time with the chicks inside generating their own heat.
Look out for the female standing around the nest and cocking her head to the side, almost as if she’s listening for something. She is in fact listening for the chirps and peeps of the chicks. The male also appears to be bringing in more fish these days, perhaps preparing himself for when the chicks arrive?

normabyrd said...

I have been trying all morning to see the CT SITE!!---No way---DANA & PAULA---How are you all working your magic????

Suzanne said...

Egg turning closeup in Scotland.

normabyrd said...

WANDA!!---Just read your FUNNY!!---MADE ME LAUGH!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN---Thought maybe you were babysitting this a.m.!!---Our RAIN has stopped----getting lighter---keep fingers crossed!!!

deb said...

I got my petunia's and geraniums planted this morning. I would like to get my tomatoes in, but no one in town has any that look good. I think they probably didn't survive the cold weather we had. I am headed to SF to do some errands, so I will look there.

wvgal_dana said...

I thought so too Paula that is what I wrote down when they were layed was 4. With that yellow going through there and short chance to count. I only got 3. STill probably is 4.

I read the other day where Nature found Athenna's blackbird with the yellow check mark on wing. So I guess mind was wrong. Oh well I had fun looking...glad Nature was working on it too. The more the better to find things out. ( :

normabyrd said...

OUR EAGLETS keep watching the world down below!!---It must look like paradise for them!!---They are so funny!!----#3 keeps trying to stand taller---bless her little heart!!!

Costume Lady said...

Helen, I love the way Scotland keeps that diary; we never have to guess...they update very well.

normabyrd said...

DEB--what kind of flower do you have?---It is lovely!!---Do you plant a garden?---

MITS said...

WOOOO, that sounded like an F-16 that just flew over the Loch

wvgal_dana said...

Norma check your mail

MITS said...

yes, Wanda, they do an EXCELLENT job....and love that the cam is in color with sound...

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to you all

Thinking of Lolly and her eye surgery scheduled for today. She may be a one eyed bandit for a short time! Maybe Jack will get on here & let us know how she does.

Robyn & Tori - I pray today is a good day for both of you! If that treatment kicks in -Tori will be coming home & off to school Monday Morning!

It is a soggy day up at the nest
So happy that the live feed is up/running.

I want to read earlier comments & check out emails - BBL

Congratulations Norma on the WAX

deb said...

We have become a popular little state. Hillary has been here twice, Bill and Barack coming today. It will be nice when they all go back to ignoring us and the news returns to normal stuff. It is strange to be so involved in the primary for a change.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - When is CT due to hatch?

normabyrd said...

LAKE WASHINGTON EAGLE in nest!---How many EAGLETS are there?---I haven't been watching this nest!

Suzanne said...

Morning, all.

You can almost see that egg move by itself! Not sure how long it takes for osprey eggs, but here is Isla's laying dates:
0410, 11 Apr (her 50TH EGG!)
2358, 13 Apr
2200, 16 Apr

I still think she's Wonder Woman, just wonder woman with the fake name of Isla, so nobody will know she's wonder woman in disguise.
Thanks for the site update, Helen. Those guys do a tremendous job over there!!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma check your mail

deb said...

Norma, I have columbines, coral belles, petunias (wave), geraniums, day lilies, peonies. I, also, have lilac bushes that should be blooming any day now and my crab trees are just about done blooming. Too bad they don't bloom more than once. I just do tomatoes for a garden.

paula eagleholic said...

Info on CT from Puleston site

Last year the 1st chick hatched on the 41st day and today is the 40th day so we're getting really close

paula eagleholic said...

They've announced that the San Jose Peregrine falcons will be banded Friday, 5/16, starting at 8am PDT. The site has been so popular that they've lowered the limit for watching the cam to 5 minutes (just start it again if you wish to continue) and they've also changed the frame rate so the picture isn't as smooth. Hopefully they will post a video of the banding like last year.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

DEB!---I wanted to ask you about your election!!---But some folks don't care to talk about politics!!
HILLARY & FAMILY were all over our state---for quite a while!--Didn't get to see them---She & CHELSA were in Shepherdstown!!!----They love her in WV---but we don't count---WV DELEGATES aren't all voting for her---even though she carried BIG TIME here!! at least 60%!

Suzanne said...

Deb, when the candidates were here they amassed thousands and thousands of dollars in debt. Expenses they will never pay. Guess who gets to pay it? Us taxpayers! We have a very good investigative team on the local Lancaster, PA news team, and they've been tracking their expenses. Hope they pay some of their bills in your state!

Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks for the hatch info, Paula!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info, Dana....looks like a good cam to watch over the next week. I hope all those eggs hatch!

normabyrd said...

DEB---We are ahead of you all---our lilacs are over---Lots of flowering trees & tons of RHODORDEN bushes, etc.---- I have never gardened--husband did--& oldest daughter has gorgeous flowers---

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry (CT site) Paula I deleted because I was using wrong calander. Ok my sheet says yes 4 eggs laid Apr 6, 9, 12 and 15th. From Apr 6 starting count with 7th well today would be 40th day. So they have to hatch anytime NOW!!!

deb said...

I hope they pay, too, Suzanne. We are not a rich state to begin with. Norma, I am not too into politics myself. I find the ads annoying and the phone calls very irritating. I tell them all to take my name off their lists.

They are almost done repairing the $4 million in damage to electric lines in the Black Hills from the blizzard the first week of May. Last few ranches will get power back today, then they will finish up the rest of the lines to restore water wells for the rancher's cattle.

normabyrd said...

WHEN do they band PA FALCONS?---I have watched it a few times!!---They bring in the school classes, etc.!-----Really a NEAT thing!!

MITS said...

Paula, they lowered our viewing time of the SJ falcon chicks fro 30 to 5 mins weeks ago. So, it is 11 east coast time that they will be banding?

normabyrd said...

DEB!--Would love to see your BLACK HILLS!!---Some day-----(after ALASKA)----ho!---You folks have beautiful country there!!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - 2 eaglets at Lake WA

Banding in PA was on the news flash
Deb sent out...
The event takes place on May 22nd at 1 PM

It is interesting to watch this!

Suzanne said...

Norma, PA kids are banded before they fledge, be a couple weeks yet. Probably sometime later next month. They bring in school kids every year, very interesting.
We aren't either, Deb, but we're gonna have to suck it up. I just wonder if they do that in every state they've been in???? That would be interesting to know.

Mema Jo said...

My cam is acting up!!!
They look like some exotic birds and not eaglets with all their downy feathers showing!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Did you check the KERSTEL CHICKS at the CO SITE?--Not sure how many!!

paula eagleholic said...

That sounds right, Mits...any minute now for SJ banding to start

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think the eaglets are ready for a discoteque with their Tina Turner-looking heads!

MITS said...

thay have pulled back on the SJ cam

floralgirl said...

LOL- politicians not paying their bills?? that drizzle turned quite heavy for a while and of course now that I'm finished cutting flowers it has stopped. Off to work in the gh- had to change my clothes- soaked.. sunshine please

normabyrd said...

Thanks JO---I had never watched that site before!!----I enjoy checking your 'burrowing owls'---Aren't they tops!!!!

MITS said...

love when the jets are coming in for a landing at SJ

floralgirl said...

oh yeah- Dana you have mail.

Mema Jo said...

Yepper Get you Falcon Cam up now
in San Jose....

deb said...

They must be going to climb down the rope at SJ?

Mema Jo said...

The rope is coming down the high wall to the nest box........
I assume a 'body' will soon appear.

MITS said...

double click for full screen at SJ

MITS said...

oh falcon not to happy about the intruders..

Mema Jo said...

All the chicks look huddled in the nest box in the far left corner.

Mema Jo said...

That rope is moving..........

Looks as though an adult falcon is frantically flying around there

MITS said...

yikes dive bombing

MITS said...

we have a human

Mema Jo said...

I am so glad he wore his
Hard Hat today!!!

Hope everyone is watching!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---We haven't had rain for hours---but I think it's getting ready to POUR!!!!---Our rivers & streams were full Monday!!---WE DON'T NEED FLOODING!!----

Mema Jo said...

My 5 min were up BUT it came right back on

Mema Jo said...

I think I would have worn my Body Armour if I were the bander.......

SanJose Banding LIVE


MITS said...

this is soooooo cool!!!!1

deb said...

One chick looked like it was pecking his hand.

Mema Jo said...

That little one looked him straight in the eye! lol

Mema Jo said...

This is fantastic coverage!

MITS said...

looks like he has a mini cam attached to his helmet...

Mema Jo said...

Maybe they got some hints from
Dr Sharpe as to how to video important events! lol

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---SD ZOO is supposed to be
showing "PRECIOUS"---But it is dark & she looks like a speck---ho!----I do see a white speck on the left!!---Have you all seen her lately????---would love to see a CLOSE UP!!!

Mema Jo said...

There are just 3 chicks - right?
If correct - then he has just about accomplished his mission!

MITS said...

yeah send e-mail to FLA on how to do it

deb said...

I wonder how mom is doing?

MITS said...

yes 3, I think

deb said...

Three chicks, one egg didn't hatch.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

I think each time she flys by the camera fans back - It will be interesting once he leaves to see what she does.
In a way I am glad I don't have sound - has to be very very noisy!

Mema Jo said...

All done

deb said...

I think he took the egg, he put something in a container. That one chick is pretty brave!

Mema Jo said...

Little one on the right reminds me of Limau (sp?) when he was about to be grabbed from his nest......He sure put up a fuss!

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Norma, there are 5 baby kestrals. cute little fuzzballs, aren't they?

Mema Jo said...

Must be cleaning the nest -

He does have gloves on......

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Megan ( :

Morning Jo, Ceil and Mits ( : can't remember if I already said hello.

WOW keep flapping those eaglets wings and your going to take

Suzanne said...

Oh, they are doing the banding. How cool is that!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---SD ZOO is supposed to be
showing "PRECIOUS"---But it is dark & she looks like a speck---ho!----I do see a white speck on the left!!---Have you all seen her lately????---would love to see a CLOSE UP!!!

Suzanne said...

wow, check out the parent flying by in the background.

Mema Jo said...

Packing it up.........

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I couldn't count them---too close together in the corner!!----They look like a wad of 'cotton balls'---KIDDIN'----SO VERY SWEET!

Suzanne said...

Parent is flying closer! What are you doing to my babies????

deb said...

I wondered how he was going to climb back out of there.

Suzanne said...

Man, mom is not a happy camper! He better hurry before she gets braver.
they are one big fluff ball, aren't they?

Mema Jo said...

Up Up & Over the Top

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA SITE is up!!----Can't see little MEI!!---must be hiding!!!

Mema Jo said...


Do they have a blog or home page?

deb said...

they must all be between the box and the ledge wall.

Suzanne said...

Awww, look at them hiding and panting! Not coming out of that corner till my mommie comes to get me!

MITS said...

now that was awesome coverage

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...