Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday part 2

First turtle of the year in the nest. Eagles are opportunistic predators, and one unlucky turtle just gave an opportunity.

These birds are just itching to fledge.
Fresh thread.


MITS said...

I was just going to ask....is that a turtle shell:), thanks, Steven

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits and Steve. Poor turtle! Food chain - that is how it goes!

Mits, it is SOOOOO good to have you back.

MITS said...

SHARON, this computer is giving me fits,. its like driving a car with stick-shift, something I never learned to do... I've scanned, cleaned, defragged, you name it, and my IE keeps crashing and I can't reply or send e-mails...#$^%$&.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN & SHARON!!!---Thanks STEVE for pointing out the turtle shell!!----I think this group looks upon the turtle shell as a "GOOD OMEN"!!!

MITS said...

I did get an e-mail from zoo re: Mei's hormones and it is still pretty much the same, she is 64 days out of AI

MITS said...

I was thinking it was a turtle shell...tasty dining for the eaglets...most need the extra protein for the big day coming up soon.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, they sure are itching to fledge!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread.
Thank you Mits for the heads up. Sorry you are having computer problems. :(

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I feel your pain!!---LISE looked at my computer last week & told me to call the COMP. DR.---Mine is really acting up!!---Never know what's going to happen next!!!----PROBLEMS W/REAL PLAYER TOO!!..........life goes on!

Costume Lady said...

Helen, this is probably something you have already tried, but just in case you haven't...turn everything off with your power button...wait a few seconds, then turn everything back on again.

paula eagleholic said...

Good suggestion Wanda....that really clears everything out! Might take a little bit longer to come back up, but works good.

Mema Jo said...

As you all know - I am laying claim to that 1st turtle shell of the season once it hits the ground. lol

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Birthday to Ceil!

Hey Mits!

I love short work weeks.

I processed a few more photos from last week plus a couple from Sunday. I added them to last week's gallery so the first five are not new.

Last two weekend's photos


Costume Lady said...

Dana, do you remember Katz Dept. store on the corner downtown and Keplingers? If so, on the Group Photo, on my blog, top row...third from right is Alan Katz (son) and directly in front of him is Mike Keplinger (son). We laughed so hard at some of the experiences we had on that old elevator. Wonder if it still works? You may be too youg to remember.

Lolly said...

Laurel, my daughter, saved their newspaper for me. It had lots of great pictures of a bald eagle. It has been seen on a lake near them. The article said it may be an older bird that decided to not migrate but just stay there. (North Texas) Got that far and stopped!

Bald eagles are in TX. Lots in central TX, know of one nest near Houston, but they go north during the summer.

MITS said...

okie-dokie, Wanda and Paula will try that....I have stood on my head, and, spit out wooden nickels, but, alas that did not work:)

Costume Lady said...

BOB, excellent!

Lolly said...

I just see one eagle in the OK nest. Wonder if one has flown the coop!!

deb said...

Great pictures, Bob.

Lolly said...

Oh, I LOVE the sound! Greedy, aren't they?!

Costume Lady said...

Bob, what kind of bird is that silhouetted against the sunset? That is beautiful.

paula eagleholic said...

Love that noisy food drop!!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent at BWE w/ nice fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Ceil!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - That's an osprey. It flew right in front of the sun and then circled around and landed on the OCam platform.

Costume Lady said...

I think it was one day last week that I commented that the triplets needed a turtle shell to play with. They always look so bored. Will they roll it around or just ignor it?

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pics, Bob.

Eaglets really peeping at each other over that last fish!

Costume Lady said...

Bob, you know what would be interesting...somtime, when you don't have anything else to do (LOL), put together some of YOUR favorite photos and post them for us.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bob! The photos once again are awesome.. Such a variety of things.
Meant to mention to you that my daughter has a fox family on the edge of their property next to the wooded area - She researched them & now feeds them peanuts that they love.

Mema Jo said...

Almost the noon hour!
PJ attire must go - lunch to be had - things to do!

Pray that our Sandra will see us on the 7th!

wvgal_dana said...

Bob as usual your work is just beautiful. The coloring is awesome.

The eagle sitting high up with its head turned to us. Is that a dirty spot? Hoping not a growth...Can you check it out please?

Bob Quinn said...

Not sure about that spot Dana but I have notices slight discolorations on eagle heads when they have "almost" completed changing colorations to mature. Sometimes also when it is windy it will reveal darker colors under the top layer of feathers.

Costume Lady said...

ALL GONE! What a piggy.

bld123 said...

I can sympathise with the computer problems. We lost internet Friday night and didn't get it fixed till yesterday. Had to call Verizon to reset ip address and then reload router. Hard not being able to check in on the nests around the world.

bld123 said...

I've been watching here since the end of March but haven't posted till today. My husband got us started searching for eagle cams because he works at Aberdeen Proving Ground and they have several cams there that are only accessible through computers actually on APG. All of the little ones they were watching were killed by predators. So glad these are doing so well. I got so upset last week when the California nest was raided. Any updates on those two babies?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like eaglet is working on that turtle again

paula eagleholic said...

bld123 - that sounds really disheartening about the eaglets! What kind of predators?

Here is the link for the updates on Skye and Spirit - pinned at the top of the thread...and then there is a discussion thread also, on the same page, with more pics...look at the last couple of pages.

CHIL Forum

paula eagleholic said...

Back to working on the fish

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome BLD, where are you from?

bld123 said...

paula eagleholic,
Thanks for the link. I know one of the APG nests was raided by another eagle but not too sure what happened to the others.

eagle-eyed sharon,
I'm from Maryland. Thanks to the eagle reintroduction program at Aberdeen we see eagles at a couple of state parks nearby as well as at our recreation council fields and sometimes even circling near home.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - they are going to eat that turtle first, then they will play kickball with it! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I have heard there a good many eagles up that way....

MITS said...

yes, bld, it is frustrating...ah Aberdeen, home of Cal Ripkin Jr.:)

Lolly said...

Paula, I think one eaglet has fledged from the OK nest. Parent just brought food to one in the nest. The one has really been doing wingersizes and getting up quite high. Fun to watch with the water in the backround.

wvgal_dana said...

bld123 I used to live at a Develepmont called Edgewood in front of Edgewood Arsenal.

wvgal_dana said...


movin said...


It's a cool 62° but beautiful, sunny morning in So Cal this morning.

Can't wait to get a look at your latest photos, Bob.

Steve sure is right about these eaglets wanting to fledge. Both males have been flailing away at it...

AND NOW we have both adults in the nest!! There's eagle and wings everywhere!!



Lolly said...

Golly!!!! What noise!!!!

Lolly said...

It's like Thanksgiving1 With the whole family talking all at the same time.

wvgal_dana said...

All got quite......at our nest

wvgal_dana said...

Pearl is enjoying her time with the turtle shell I believe.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - are you watching SR - they just took Gulliver out of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go bbl

wvgal_dana said...

No Paula I didn't get to see them take him out of the nest. My cam went down. Got it back up. He is not in nest. Seem shadow of eagle flying over head. Their cam is partly cut off.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Middy just got a couple of feet of air time.

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else notice how much peering over the right side our eaglets are doing? Think they are checking out possibilities!!

hedgie said...

Good afternoon all!

movin said...

Did you hear that?? Eaglets sometimes sound like song birds.

I've been reading Lisa's blog, among other things, and it looks like their older eaglet has fledged. And between that and all the wing exercising in this nest, I decided to check when ours were hatched again.

No. 1 was hatched on March 13th. A look at my calendar showed that to be 10 1/2 weeks ago, so we can expect her to fledge in about a week, judging by 2006's history. Of course all that carp that Liberty brought in this year might have accelerated things a bit. :~)



hedgie said...


Your photos are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

hedgie said...


Welcome. You are close enough to join us on the 7th in Shepherdstown! Let memajo know if interested!

Costume Lady said...

H'Viller...Did you get you autographed book from David Selby?

Mema Jo said...

Two Harbors nest - Star is just sitting there unknowing that he is getting wing blings today!!

Any idea of Our time that this would happen..

I can't view Seal Rocks - is Gulliver getting his wing bling now?

wvgal_dana said...

Already happened Jo at Seal Rocks. I checked on the Main Dis. Board they said they still don't know if its a girl or boy.

TH is next today sometime probably soon.

wvgal_dana said...

I had Seal Rock up but started having problems. Then couldn't get it back up. Really wanted to see her/him and sound is on that one.

On discussion board someone wrote "hid Star....they're headed your way !!!" lol

Mema Jo said...

Hello There H'Viller! I want you to know I am behind in my emails - I truly plan to be in touch with you!

Welcome BLG! Glad you found us.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Dana! I am sure IWS forum will have a video for us with Gulliver.

I'll watch TH and hope to see Star being snatched!

There is No Place to Hide

Quick link to Star at Two Harbors

wvgal_dana said...

Good afternoon HV ( :

Sorry didn't see you come in. Went back reading and seen you.

hedgie said...

costume lady,

Sure did get his John Hancock. BEing the nice daughter I am, I had him address it to my mom for her 89th birthday. He wrote: To Lorraine. Happy 89th birthday. Love, David Selby" I know she'll be thrilled..and I'll get the book back someday!

Mema Jo said...

Poor little lonely looking Star at TH. Sure could use a turtle shell
to kick around!

Mema Jo said...

No video yet available on IWS forum of Gulliver getting banded..

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Lots of noise at Seal Rocks but cam not up yet... Do you have yours on?

Red said...

It's good to know you are behind in your emails Mema Jo. Someone I know is anxiously awaiting a reply from you. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Jo on the Main Dis. Board under Seal Rocks they are showing pictures where they were already there earlier like I posted.

wvgal_dana said...

It was posted on there: S/he's baaaaack. But back in the shadows. Have no idea what # s/he is???

wvgal_dana said...

By Lori at 12:58pm

wvgal_dana said...

Gulliver is laying in the shade asleep.

Hi Red ( :

wvgal_dana said...

So Joyou better get Two Harbors up. For when they get there.

hedgie said...

No problem, Jo. Whenever you get time!

Red said...

Hi Dana! Good to see ya!

Mema Jo said...

I hear you RED & I plan to do that!
I am a "Late Night Writer" & I have been playing too many 'puter card games. I think I am a gambler at heart!
Good to have you join us on here!

Mema Jo said...

Dana I have TH up & waiting.
No one has given an estimate of time of arrival yet.

New Microphone and clean lens at Seal Rocks now so they say!

Star is not going to let anyone sneak up from behind..........

Red said...

Mema Jo, I've been a blogger here for several months. I'm just more of a lurker than active member.

Mema Jo said...

I know Sharon is probably working
MITS is probably on the beach
Haven't heard from Paula or Deb for
awhile......... Hope they aren't missing the bandings. I know Paula said she couldn't get SR up at work.

There are some still pics on IWS
of SR Banding......

wvgal_dana said...

Don't lurk Red enjoy the part of blogging here too. ( :

Right Jo she'll start moving and we'll see her squawking!!

Mema Jo said...

Red - we respectfully call our lurkers our "Readers"! Dana thought that one up! You all keep us in line so to speak!!

Mema Jo said...

The IWS forum members say that Gulliver has not come out of hiding since being placed back in the nest!
He is punishing us viewers by not letting us see his new Wing Blings

Mema Jo said...

PART 1 - Taking Gulliver from Nest

Mema Jo said...

Adult with Star now..........

Mema Jo said...

Paula just advised on the IWS forum:
It's gonna take awhile for the crew to get to TH
Seal Rock is at one end of the island (lower right) and TH is in the middle/upper end.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I'll have to watch that later. For some reason it starts and stops so much. It will take awhile to watch it. ty for posting

Mema Jo said...

Dana - sent you email with link to the video Maybe it will work...

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jo will check it out later ( :

Which one of our eaglets was jusst at the 6 o'clock position and walked to near the launch pad now???

wvgal_dana said...

Doing the wing exercising now

Mema Jo said...

At 12:00 - hopping around -
I think that is Pearl. She sure is practicing a lot. Like we said - there aren't branches for them to go onto

She takes your breath away. I love only having their feet to watch when they go to 12:00..........

ceil said...

Good afternoon everyone. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It has been a busy day so far. Going to dinner in a few hours. Parent was not happy with having its chick banded. Star keeps looking down then up. Bob great pictures as always. Are you coming on the 7th? bld123 I live in Baltimore. Have been to Ripken stadium a few time. Join us on the 7th at the nest and dinner. I was a lurker for a long while. If I don't keep my blogging shorter going to be a lurker again. Where is Chrissy today? Hope she is feeling better.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon said it earlier
We best keep an eye on Pearl!!!
Any day, any time now & she is a

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'm calling her Sneezing Pearl...she has sneezed for a long time now.

wvgal_dana said...

As soon as I would start typing about my pair of Bluebirds and their 3 babies and their fledge. Dr. Sharpie and the crew would come lol to band Star. Don't want to miss it ....

Jo I did name my Bluebirds
He is Blue
She is Birdie
The babies are the BB's lol

Mema Jo said...

I gave Jenny your message - She didn't want to give up her many feeders so she did move the BB boxes way back towards the woods. She said it is the House Sparrows that cause the problems.

wvgal_dana said...

Box needs to be in an open area so they can monitor all around the box.
I've had mine in past on the fence like farmers do. Nope sparrows or purple fenches no bluebirds. I had mine near the woods again no bluebirds.
Until I moved it to the open. Like I said took feeder down. It brought in too many other birds. That helped alot too.

wvgal_dana said...

I started watching intently on Friday the 23rd. I was determined to see this happen. Thought it was going to happen. Bugger kept coming out so far and back in. lol
I tried to stay in shade on porch. Sitting and walking around on porch. Didn't know on Friday I had gotten sunburn on face and nose badly. Although I use stuff. Doesn't help with meds. By dinner time I knew they had pulled my leg and did me in. Was not to be the day. Saturday 24th is another story.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Gulliver is out of hiding now and can been seen!!

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe they will post Gulliver later the # and whether boy or girl.

wvgal_dana said...

Gulliver's number is #62

wvgal_dana said...

That is with a K K62 for Gulliver at SR..still don't know if boy or girl.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just went and picked up my new spectacles and now everything looks distorted. I surely do hope I get used to them.

Mema Jo said...

If they did blood test - it will show sex.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have sound but no pic -- anybody else?

wvgal_dana said...

I certainly hope you do too Sharon. My pic is ok...with sound our nest. Are your glasses Tri's

wvgal_dana said...

Wait a minute Sharon I don't see leaves on trees below moving.

wvgal_dana said...

Sound with no picture here for our nest. Anyone else?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Dana, not tri but bifocals. Just have to get used to the new strength because my eyes had gotten worse.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And - voila - a pic with sound!

Mema Jo said...

My NCTC cam has sound & picture.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mine too - now! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Mine is back too like it was with sound.

True Sharon it does take awhile to get use to a new strength. After all you do have a lot of eye strain with your work.

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching TH nest waiting for Dr Sharpe to appear for the banding of Star! They finished SR earlier but it's quite a hike from one nest to the other....

Sharon Pearl has been

paula eagleholic said...

AT IWS they also place leg band on right for male, left for female. This is based upon their measurements taken at banding time!

wvgal_dana said...

hummm Paula wonder what leg Gulliver got one on.???

Mema Jo said...

lol Maybe they placed one on each leg since they didn't seem to know male or female.........

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home then up to son's for dinner....see ya later!

Mema Jo said...

It is my dinner time...... warm ups for us tonight!

wvgal_dana said...

Might have to watch a video is any on TH. Need to fix dinner

Mema Jo said...

Video later may be my plan also...

Mema Jo said...

6:00 and no action yet at Two Harbors

Mema Jo said...

WHoo HOoo! Dr Sharpe has arrived at Two Harbors

Mema Jo said...

Would you believe that STAR is still sound asleep.... lol

Mema Jo said...

OK Successfully kidnapped from the nest. Great coverage if you were watching the cam.........

deb said...

I got home just in time to see them take Star. Glad I made it.

Mema Jo said...

I am so glad you made it Deb!
It was a very easy eagle snatching.
I'll send you some stills - maybe you can do something with them.

deb said...

I was brining in my groceries and had a Northern Cardinal at my bird feeders, by the time I grabbed my camera it was gone.

That is a big fish!

Mema Jo said...

Just came into the nest - I wonder if they will split it? lol

deb said...

I never noticed the sound at the Delta nest before today.

deb said...

I didn't realize it would take this long to band Star,

Lolly said...

Deb, surely you have heard the sound at Delta! The wind has been so strong and the crows make an awful racket!

wvgal_dana said...

I didn't see them take her but I do see them putting her back in nest.

deb said...

Weird, the picture on the 5 second cam is ahead of the supposedly live feed. I wonder who that was.

deb said...

No, Lolly, today is the first, planes and semi's and I think I heard a motorcycle go by.

deb said...

I better feed the dogs, they don't know what I am waiting for. BBL.

Lolly said...

You know, I am not sure, but I think there was a little "back talking" to a parent there. Disrespectful!!

wvgal_dana said...

He was being so gentle with Star when putting him/her back. Petting her left side.

Lolly said...

Just checked the PA falcon cam. See what everyone was talking about, they are Messy!! Have two cams working now, can see the whole ledge.

Robyn said...

The winds are picking up, there is thunder to the west and a fain feel of rain on the skin. Our babies are going to get wet yet again.

I hope everyone is doing well, my back is feeling better and tori is responding well to treatment.

Happy Birthday Ceil.

Huga all

wvgal_dana said...

Star is up now at TH

Robyn said...

pardon the type-o's :)

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Robyn nice seeing you. How is Tori?

Costume Lady said...

Hi Robyn, are you coming with us on the 7th?

Robyn said...

No Wanda, I am suppose to go to OC that weekend.

Tori is doing well Dana, thank you for asking.

Costume Lady said...

AWWWWW! Oh, well, have fun at OC.

Robyn said...

If by chance there is another lunch date at NCTC in July I am free all month except the 24th when I will be having a party at my home with my friends boyfriends band from Baltimore playing.

So if anyone is up for a little 70's, 80's and 90's hard rock and classic rock is more then welcome to attend :)

NatureNut said...

Evening Everybody!! Haven't scanned today's comments yet, but just posted SURPRISE Pictures called "Two to Tango"! :>))))

BBL---gotta eat

Mema Jo said...

Well I bet you were surprised!
2 for the price of 1 is better anyway you look at it!

Mema Jo said...

I hope Spidey knows that his days are numbered!

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, that is a beautiful shot of the Tanager. We have only seen 2 in the 40 years we have lived here.

deb said...

Great pictures, Loretta. That is a beautiful shot of the tanager. That is the name of the high school mascot here, the Vermillion Tanagers. It is 46 here, I broke down and turned the heat on, I was getting cold. Weird weather here this year.

Mema Jo said...

I finally have turned off IWS and the TH nest... All's well that ends well!
Great day for Dr Sharpe & Crew.

Star has had both parents in the nest and has also had dinner beak fed!
Gulliver is up and wingercising with his new wing blings!


ceil said...

Good night all. Robin glad you and Tori are doing better. Thank you again for all the birthday wishes. It was a busy day. Would have loved to have shared the birthday cake with all of you. Maybe someday we will be able to all get together at one time.There I go being windy again.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all

Back from nice dinner w/ son and DIL and GS

Eaglet at SR - K71 aka Gulliver...thought to be male....leg band on right leg...

Don't know about Star yet.

NatureNut said...

Hi and prob. good night to some.
Glad you're back Mits & glad to see Robyn & Tori are better!

Re: tanager--that's only the 2nd one I've ever seen. The first one was probably 10-15 years ago ^ at the top of a tree.
Gotta check Bob's pics tomorrow. What a pro!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Gulliver is K62

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - g;ad to hear you and Tori are both on the mend...sorry you can't make it on the 7th...we'll miss you!

floralgirl said...

Wow- long day... just looked at Bob's pictures, they are great. Love the sunset pictures!

Mema Jo said...

I hope you sold all of your peonies!

Good Night
Hot & muggy out tonight
No rain yet to speak of

Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for all our needs being said


wvgal_dana said...

Night all
Take Care
Prayers on prayer list

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all!

Lolly said...

Here comes the ferry! I am hopping aboard!

Lolly said...

Have been watching Finney's nest. It seems that she is looking down quite a bit. Also, one time she was turning eggs or just up and looking. I am ready for those eggs to hatch!

Have not been on much today. Caught Chrissy's bug, not feeling the best in the world.

Sounds like it was a busy day.

Good night all. Sweet dreams. Glad you had a good birthday, Ceil! Would have liked to have some of the cake. :)

Costume Lady said...

Good Night, Lolly. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Hope Chrissy joins us in the morning. She has been MIA.


floralgirl said...

54° and cloudy- real player is running but having technical difficulties again...

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning all early birds.I
will be around today.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Costume Lady said...

It is 55° and going up to 70° today. A good day for working outside, or playing, whichever you prefer.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, was yesterday your first day in the Big City? Were sales good?

Costume Lady said...

Bad start to the day...Live Feed is down.

floralgirl said...

Hello Dave and Wanda:) Yesterday was my second week in DC wanda. sales were up from last week. Today is going to be a high UV day, so slather on the sunscreen if you will be outside working.

floralgirl said...

yep, lost my live feed too.

Costume Lady said...

Yep, lots of sunscreen. I will be working in the garden. We have Snow Peas about an inch long, so by the end of the week, we will have fresh peas in or salad. Lettuce and Spinach did not do well. I was going to re-plant them but I think it may be too late.

ceil said...

Good morning Megan, Wanda, Lolly & Dave. Have a great day everyone. I have to go to work early. So will be back later. Looked in on 30 second cam. Bad picture.

floralgirl said...


floralgirl said...

ANd there's a weds. thread!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...