Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday PM

New thread. Lot's of eating and flapping going on today.


Costume Lady said...

Well, Good Afternoon Steve...Thank You!

Tracy said...

wow, a lurker gets the first post of the new thread?


tracy in SW colorado

Tracy said...

oh well, almost first!

Costume Lady said...

SORRY TRACY, but welcome to our blog!

hedgie said...

Wind is really doing a number on the cam! And wish the little one would move in from the edge! Scary.

NatureNut said...

Thx, Steve & WELCOME Tracy.
Adult our nest & wind is making pic crummy.

hedgie said...

Is that Pearl trying to let the wind get "beneath her wings"? Stop it! We don't want you airborne yet! And I think she's being very piggish w/ the food. What noise someone is making!!

NatureNut said...

Was that a new fish dish Ms. Piggy was working on? The other in middle looks like squirrel.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Blimey you lot,, I was chatting away to myself over there,, I though no one like me anymore,,,BOO HOO..

ITS THE DRUGS,,,,, Honest !!!

Hi Tracy,, I hope you know your in a great bunch of folks,,, MAD but smashing,, I'm the one From England UK,,,
And nuttier than most. WELCOME pet.

love and hugs

Hedgesviller,, good grief thats a mouth full pet,, can i call you by your name please,, trouble is I don't know it yet,, so do tell,, won't you !!!

I hope your grand daughters school likes the scones,,, is she taking strawberry jam and thick cream to go with them pet ?????

movin said...


The scene in the nest now with Liberty and the large fish he delivered there is kind of touching in a way.

He's watching proudly, and the two younger eaglets are watching hungrily, as No. 1 eats all the fish. And she takes time out when a big gust of wind comes to attempt to fly...she is getting the idea but won't be fledging immediately. (Unless the wind carries her out of the nest).



Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Jim pet,

Oh please don't say that,, we can't have a chicklet fall out of the nest quite yet,,even though one of then is pretending to fly at the moment.

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

You should of seen the poltry offering Angus just brough Isla,, it was that small she had trouble getting out of his claws,, if you blinked twice you would of missed it..

love and hugs

NatureNut said...

I wonder why there are no food fights among the chicks.?

Chrissy Beahan said...


Calling America,,, Calling America,,

please talk to me someone,, don't make me beg !!!!!

I'm lonely this side of the pond !!!!!

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Arn 't you watching the same chicks as I am Naturenut,, I see fighting all the time,, but then I'm furter away that you are pet,,,

Sorry,,I'm in an odd mood tonight [laughing]

Sorry Jim I know it's only Lunch time with you,, but gone 9pm here.

love and hugs

NatureNut said...

Hi Chrissy. Glad you're back & thank you for the AM report. I have pretty much figured out what's happened to our early bird. Wish she could get online at home. Will miss her.

Want to say that Blimey, every time I read your comments, I do it w/a British accent! You aren't the only one who's daft.

NatureNut said...

I really haven't noticed much fighting except when parent feeds them. But I'm only on pretty much on days off of work.
Was watching Isla last night & chicky was squirming so much under her that I thought there were 2! Not so yet.
Got to get something done around here----bbl

Chrissy Beahan said...

It helps pet really it does to be a little mad now and then,,

I hope you reaslise I'm sacrificing "Hero's",, tonight,,, though I can always watch the re-run tomorrow,, it's so addictive,, thats if I understand half of it at the moment,,,,

Has anyones eagle cam stuck ????

I have sound but the picture has frozen,,, blast it,,,

I've got Gobbo on [Tai Shan] and he looks so funny,,his ears are standing proud and look like beacons,,

love and hugs

hedgie said...

My name is Lynn.
She can take jam but nothing requiring refrigeration! Doubt the little ones would care for cream anyway!!
Cross the pond and I'll serve you tea, scones and cream!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Lib still at the nest...hanging with the kids...

paula eagleholic said...

Brought over from other thread

NBG eagle pics from a garden member
Look at the first 4 can see how big the growth has gotten

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding chick now

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Lynn pet,

I hadn't thought of that,, did you get my recipe from one of the girls ???

I was told that American scones for some,, are far to sweet,, I wouldnt know as I've never tasted them,,, we have two kinds over here,, the plain ones you have got and fruit ones,, I don't like the fruit ones, I like mine pure,,,,
I'm being awful now,, I like the plain ones cos you can put lashings of jam on them and then top them off with a big dollop of very thick cream, yummy,,,
oh forgot,,, we have cheese scones too.

I was chatting to Sharon yesterday,, and we were talking about,, " If only I could come over",, but I'll have to wait till funds allow pet I'm afraid,,,

we would have a riot if I did come over,, it would be a blast pet,,, but I can only dream about it at the moment.

love and hugs

By the way,, if you want anymore English recipes just ask pet,, I have books dateing back to Elizabethian times,, one I have goes right back to Medieval times too.

movin said...

One of the Allen's Hummingbird eggs has hatched, and the second one has a pip hole in the end.



movin said...

"Scones." I can't tell you how many times I've looked that up without ever really getting a good idea of what they are ... they always sounded delicious when you read about them though.

Well, recently, I looked them up in, and found out they are essentially what we Americans call "biscuits" ... surprising after all this time, but a good homemade biscuit has always been one of the best things you can find in my view.



Chrissy Beahan said...

If you want the English recipe Jim I'll send it to you,,with all the variation that go with them,,
never had an American biscuit,,

But your American biscuits are eaten with meat dishes,, arn't they ????

love and hugs

Lolly said...

Hi Chrissy! Taking a break from working in the yard. We laughed the other day at a phrase used about Angus "Daft as a brush!" We said we were going to use that phrase sometime when you were on! NOT about You, though!!!! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Parent had some of the yummy entree, then finally left. The kids are having their afternoon siesta

Lolly said...

Chrissy, bisquits are usually prepared for breakfast. They are different from scones, though similar. I personally would love your recipe for scones!!!! I have some recipes and made them once. Want to do it again. Buy scones when we go to Central Mkt. They are soooo good!!

Lolly said...

My cam picture is awful!!!! Are there three in the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

I like biscuits with breakfast too, Chrissy. Dip them in eggs or put butter, honey or jam on them.

Lolly said...

Love that new cam! Those babies will not fit under Momma much longer!

paula eagleholic said...

They're all there, Lolly

Chrissy Beahan said...

Lolly pet,,
I would deem that a complement if you did,,,,

I am as daft as a brush,, you have to be in this house,,

We have a saying in this house.

"You walk through the door sane,, but you leave insane"..

I love trying to make people happy,, and I have a ver odd sense of humour.

Glad you like my phrases pet,, I had a barrel load of them...

love and hugs

hedgie said...


Got recipe from the newspaper not too long ago...never had or made them before! A little dense, not too sweet. Jim--not really like our biscuits--no leavening, so no raising. I put some dried cranberries in them, which was tasty. But cheese sounds really yummy. Do you have a recipe for them, Chrissy? You can e-mail it to me at:

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta roll....

Chrissy Beahan said...

Lolly and Paula

Never heard of biscuits been eaten with eggs for breakfast,, so they must be very different to our sweet scones.

Lolly if you want the recipe I'll have to have your E-Mail address pet. I don't have it.

love and hugs

Lolly said...

Thank you Paula! They are really bedded down close together! Couldn't count them.

Now I am getting of scones and bisquits!

hedgie said...

Off to get ready to go to the library to hear actor/writer/
playwright David Selby talk about his new book. Hoping they have copies for sale and can get an autographed copy!

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Lynn

I'll do it tomorrow if you dont mind pet,,, it's getting rather late here and I should really be in bed by now,, it's 10.30p.m. here you see.

love and hugs

Lolly said...

Got it, Chrissy? When you have it, I will take it off.
Thank you oh so much!

Lolly said...

PA facon babies being fed!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Lolly,

Got it thanks pet, I'll send it tomorrow like with Lynn's if you don't mind,, going to bed,, to cough the night away again..

I'll say night night God Bless to all, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Take care all
love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Lolly pet

I'm now confused again " WHAT you got ????

I'm not with it at the mo,, brain dead and the drugs are wearing off,,,HELP !!!! get me a chemist !!!
Or a straight jacket !!!

love to all

Lolly said...

Chrissy, I sent you an email.

Lolly said...

Nite Chrissy! Take those drugs and have a good nite sleep.

Sweet dreams!

Chrissy Beahan said...

sorry Lolly,,

I'll go and look now,,

night,, speak soon

love and hugs

Costume Lady said...

Oh, loved David Selby, was it on Falcon Crest?


Lolly said...

I am off to finish some work before starting supper.


Costume Lady said...

Gene and I watched the banding of the Falcons and the Q & A period afterwards. The children were wonderful with their intelligent questions. The Ranger was fabulous with the answers he gave...was in language that the youngsters would unterstand.
After that part was all over with, We tuned in on the nest itself and the Mother and Father were extremely agitated with some preditor. They both took turns fighting it off and then sometimes fought it off together. The babies huddled in a corner the whole time and did not move. I had chores to do, so I had to stop watching. Don't know what happened. Did any of you see this taking place?

paula eagleholic said...

AT home...must have Lolly's whacky picture here too...

paula eagleholic said...

and no pic

NatureNut said...

OMG, I have LC and there are leafy branches in nest!!! All chicks are moving, but think nest is somewhat covered! One chick was laying in middle w/ branch on back - scared me to death, but did move. :>0

Mema Jo said...

New Style Branching in our nest!! lol
Pearl really doesn't have any close by branches to hop up on and learn how to branch. She is using one of the logs laying in the nest to jump up & down on. That was funny - looked like a tight rope (log) walker

NatureNut said...

Wingercises going on - so all OK. They will just have a log cabin floor.

NatureNut said...

Another just did wingercises with talons around one of the sticks.
Relay racing anyone?

Some of the distortion may have had a spotted, leaf appearance, but there are more in there - not a problem.

Mema Jo said...

Sometimes I have to turn on the 30sec cam just to get a clearer pic of where everyone is! Scary at times.

NatureNut said...

Wanda, I watched Falcons after banding & saw the parents' agitation, but didn't see what the problem was. Maybe it will be posted somewhere.

NatureNut said...

Wouldn't it be nice if all that wind would blow Spidey's web away?
Fat chance, I guess.
Finally, chick way past 11 o'clock came in a little closer.

Mema Jo said...

Just to let all of my friends on here know that my Dr app't went so very well - not a clean bill of health - but do not need to go back for another 3 months. Infection/inflammation on the lung has cleared. Oh there is still Emphysema - that will always be there.

ceil said...

Good news Jo. Wish it were better news.

NatureNut said...

Mostly good news, Jo. Congrats :>)

I have to sandwich a Drs. appt into the middle of my work day tomorrow.Another new specialist! I don't need any more--I feel fine!
But they won't leave you alone once you've had something--guess it's a good cause tho.
Gonna do some more pics--bbl

Lolly said...

Has anyone emaile Suzanne about the banding today? She did say it was okay to email her.

Lolly said...

Jo, glad the inflammation is gone. Take care of yourself!!!

Lolly said...

Parent feeding eaglets on the new cam. It is so windy!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

could also send her the info on norfolk

paula eagleholic said...

My pic is back...not the best, but it's there

paula eagleholic said...

Rats, was rewinding. Lost all my backup....oh well...wanted to see eaglet on the sticks

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go sweep up the grass and put the mower away....BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

Naturenut - just had a chance to look into your Nook! Fantastic wildlife pictures - Love the groundhog & ducklings - but most of all loved the Chubby Daughter at the Suet feeder!!!
She is really a big girl. lol
Glad you got to see the eaglet so well.

Mema Jo said...

Everyone in the nest is jumping around tonight! Guess a parent will fly in soon and put them all to bed!

NatureNut said...

Finally, other 2 chicks getting to eat. Were playing tug of war w/furry thing.

wvgal_dana said...

Company gone....Checked in on my 3 baby bluebirds. ( : they are full of feathers and should fledge any time.
So when our doggie goes outside I have place something so he can't get to the back area now. Don't want him to scare the bluebird babies if they are on the ground.

NillaWafer said...

Good Evening Folks thought i check in and saw Jo had a good report from her doctor today wish i could say the same.. I now have Chronic Asthma (sp) weezin like a whistle blowin.... On Steroids and Inhaler and few other drugs besides the heart meds.. I go back June 6TH to doc for blood work to check sugar and Thyroid and so my attending the get together is up in the air right now,,, I did see the banding of the Kids.. Any news on PH kids yet? BBL going to check nest before dark...

NatureNut said...

More Food!

Nilla, hope you are feeling better soon! Couple ladies I work w/have asthma. One is always seeing doc and on meds. She also has bad allergies. Take care.

NatureNut said...

More squealing - both parents were there.

paula eagleholic said...

parent gone

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Nilla sorry your still sick. Glad your smart to stay under doctors care. Praying for you lady. ( : Glad you got to see the falcon chicks banded.

Jo you are in prayers too.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - at least they know what it is...they just have to get the meds right and you will feel better.

Jo - glad you had good news!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lib brought a fish earlier...was at the back feeding...Mom came in the front

paula eagleholic said...

Or maybe it was Lib in the front...had a stick

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I couldn't tell what was going on with all this spider web. Glad you made the comment.

paula eagleholic said...

Nature - Your eagle pics are great! Love the baby groundhog too!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - those comments were for 15 minutes ago...was looking back on the feed...just 3 eaglets in the nest now

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Paula and Dana i sure hope i can sleep i have not had a decent nights sleep in months.. Yeah me and Jo are tough old Even before we weezed together didnt we Well going to say Niters..I will have Jazzy this weekend as son is working and need all my strength to stay up with her crawling around and trying to walk...

wvgal_dana said...

Ok take care and rest Nilla

ceil said...

Nature just looked at your pictures. They are so cute. Loved the little ground hog. You do take great pictures. Good night everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Ceil

I'm following you out the door ....nite all

NatureNut said...

Hi there. I finally got my last (some blurry) pics on the blogspot.
This is 3rd & last set for today---called May 20 Ospreys.
Enjoy, happy some of you liked the others. I love doing this, but kinda "hunt and peck"!
Got stuff to do before bedtime--

Lolly said...

Watching the cam in BC, Feeding eaglets again. One did a poop shoot right at the cam. Almost ducked!!!

Lolly said...

The OK cam has shut down for the night, but just a short while ago both adults were close together on the rail an both eaglets were up high in the nest. Great shot in the dusk! I keep thinking they will fledge very soon.

Lolly said...

Ferry going by in Finland! All aboard!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all. I took Mattie and Justin to the carnival this evening and then went to a meeting. Finished up the day at Wal-Mart and now I am getting ready for bed. I am so anxious for June 7 to get here so I can see my dear friends again and meet some more of my dear friends for the very first time!!

Lolly said...

Sharon, sure wish I could go!!! I know all of you will have a great time.....and....maybe some day!!!

Costume Lady said...

Darn! I missed that Ferry again. It's early tonight isn't it?
Sharon, look forward to seeing you again.

Lolly, sure wish you could come; we have a wonderful time. We are all so compatable.

Costume Lady said...

We also have a get-together in October (18th, I think). Keep that in mind, all of you that can't make it June 7.

Lolly said...

Wanda, I am considering Oct. 18, but that is also my oldest grandson's 8th birthday. Missed his birthday last year as we were in New England. It is being considered as we have no plans for the fall.

Ferry goes by at different times. If you missed it you can catch it at 11:20. That is 10:20 my time! :)

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, WV is beautiful in October. If you can make it, you will be glad you came, I guarantee it! LOL

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Calling it a day...

paula eagleholic said...

Update from Dr Sharpe just posted on CHIL forum

The vet just called and said that the surgery was postponed until tomorrow because there was a complication on an earlier surgery (there were two surgeries scheduled before the eagle's surgery). So things went long and instead of having an exhausted surgeon and staff work on the delicate wing, they are waiting until tomorrow. Both are doing fine and the one with the beak injury is eating like a horse.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers being offered in thanks &
humbly asking for all our needs to
be fulfilled

movin said...


I hope everything turns out alright for the chicks that were committed to medical hands recently.



floralgirl said...

Good grief, this place is too quiet in the morning without Suzanne. Sunny and 50° here, looks like we will finally have a few sunny days in a row. We need them, the ground is saturated, making it very difficult to get crops in the ground. Now if we can only get warmer nighttime temps... Lots of wing flapping in the nest again this morning.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...