Monday, May 05, 2008

Monday PM

Check out this story.


melvsmom said...

Steve, Thanks for the new thread. I am so grateful that there are people out there willing to help Beauty. It is intolerable that there are such cruel people out there as to disfigure and cripple wildlife and then leave them to die. I understand that people hunt. I feel it should be for food, not sport. But there is no excuse for the initial injury to Beauty. I do hope and will pray that the new "beak" will allow her to live a long and prosperous life and that we can learn a great deal from her.

NatureNut said...

WOW, Steve, thanks for that unusual but hopeful story! I'm sorry she will not be free, but glad she will have permanent care.
Don't idiots know it's illegal to shoot raptors??
One of our Nature Centers has permit to keep eagle w/one wing. It is a wonderful educational bird and travels quite a bit.

Mema Jo said...

That is such a heartwarming story.
Thanks for publishing it for everyone,Steve.
I told MITS when she sent it out to us that it was amazing what can be done to help our injured birds but that more amazing is that there are those who will do it!

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Adult at nest

deb said...

Thanks, Mits, for sending the story to Steve so he could share it with everyone. I sure hope it works.

The bird in my picture is a rescue bird from Wildlife Experiences. He was shot in the wing in Nebraska and made his way to South Dakota's educational program from the Raptor Center. When I was there this past weekend, they were so excited as they had received $1.250.000 in donations for land and a new educational center. They really need it and land in the Black Hills is very expensive.

movin said...

Thanks for the interesting story of Beauty, Steve. Hope it works.

TG the LV is up again.



movin said...

Make that "TG the LF" is up again.

The chicks are apparently being fed, but you almost can't see the adult at the top of the screen.



Mema Jo said...

Feed activity at 12 noon!

You're right Jim about having to look twice to be sure what is going on.

Mema Jo said...

DEB - glad I went back in to your web page - I forgot about the video I wanted to see of the falcon 'dragging' the chick back! That was a remarkable sighting - I have never seen that done before.. Looked like a little puppy.



paula eagleholic said...

Live feed is back on...whole family in the nest!!

Mema Jo said...

Lib at 12 noon
Belle at 3:00 with a mantling battle going on!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOl pick a parent for food!

Mema Jo said...


Wish I could ID just who is who

paula eagleholic said...

ONe eaglet just shoved right in there between Belle and other chick....I have no clue who is who except the adults!

paula eagleholic said...

Might have been Tiny that did that

paula eagleholic said...

Peeped right in Belle's face!

Mema Jo said...

I just love it when the whole family
gets in on the act!

Who do you think it is with Belle -
whoever steals the food right out of
their mother's mouth!!!

Mema Jo said...

I love it! Belle & whoever
Beaking It!

paula eagleholic said...

That is too funny!

Gotta go, BBL

Mema Jo said...

My live feed said PLAYING
Picture Frozen
Now it is Buffering very slowly...

Now it has STOPPED

Oh Man! Guess I'll try to restart

Mema Jo said...

DEAD AGAIN..........

Mema Jo said...

Emailed Steve about Live Feed being

Mema Jo said...

BBILW Gotta get up & get movin'

MITS said...

outta here for awile...BBL

MITS said...

parents looks like it is getting tired of beak feeding

normabyrd said...

HELEN----I have spent all these hours trying to get our OLD FINLAND NEST----I have tried them all----GET THE ADS. ON LEFT a few times---Still something is not allowing me to get the nest!!!----LUNCH TIME----If you have any ideas fill me in----sometime!!!

movin said...

My live feed is working again...sound too.

I got a glimpse at the BWO eggs, and I think there are still 3.



movin said...

ZZ is on-cam right now trying to act grown up and eat some bamboo.



paula eagleholic said...

My live feed is down...

Mauley said...

Hear our humble prayer, O God,
for our friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for animals that are overworked,
underfed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity
that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals,
and so to share the blessings of the merciful.

Author - Albert Schweitzer

May God bless Beauty and those who treat her with gentle hands and kindly words.

Lolly said...


NatureNut said...

Back from Nook Blogger.
Finally put more pics on---3 sets called Talon (the handicapped eagle), April 22 Eagles, & Fauna & Flora. Of course they are posted in reverse order. Enjoy!!!! :>)

NatureNut said...

Mauley, That is beautiful. I must copy it and carry it with me. Thank you for sharing!

deb said...


MITS said...

NORMA, all I get is a black page, could not get on it, and all of a sudden couple weeks ago when opsrey cam back, I was on, and that quick, just like the nctc 30 second cam it was gone again

movin said...

Everybody try your live feed again. I just successfully reopened mine.



MITS said...

Norma, I e-mailed Jason at Beakspeak this a.m., did not here back from him, but when I go to Beakspeak, I can now get onto Finney's nest:)

Mema Jo said...

Mauley they are beautiful words of
Albert Schweitzer. Thank you for thinking of sharing them with all of us.

Yep! Live Feed is Up/Running
Thanks Deb/Jim for heads up!

NN - must go see your pics.

I keep looking out towards the deck for my HUMMER to return. It is usually early am and then at dusk.

Mema Jo said...

NN - Don't you just want to catch one of the little ducklings and cuddle it? Beautful shots and good variety!

Try to explain to me the background in "Two ospreys were chasing this eagle who has a fish" picture.

I guess Dave is still on vacation taking all those pictures to show us.

Deb you're getting your count down to good visibility on your blog. Would a slide show from your photobucket account work?

deb said...

It would but I am at 390 pictures and taking the day off from looking at them. I need a break, then maybe the next round of deletes will go faster. Today is mowing and laundry day.

Mauley said...

I learned about Albet Schweitzer's Reverence for Life at my Mother's feet. Schweitzer was the hero in my Mother's heart. I remember growing up when no morsel of food was ever wasted. Leftovers were treats for any and all wildlife. When we had very little, Mother always found enough for her birds and other wildlife. I remember Mother turning up a field mouse's nest digging potatos in early autumn. She raised those little mice feeding them with an eyedropper full of milk. Those little critters would hold a bite of cracker with both front feet and eat it before they opened their eyes. Of course, they were released when old enough. We had our share of "small things that have no words" growing up. Once Mother made Daddy stop suddenly on the side of the road and pick 3 baby possums off their dead mother,who had been struck by a car. Those possums were raised behind her wood stove in the kitcher just as numerous other abandoned animals were. There were raccoons, groundhogs, rabbits, even skunks, who found their way behind the cook stove in Mom's kitchen and her heart. Baby squirrels were the most notorious. They would hide and jump on your back just for kicks. Mother "litter" box trained the baby squirrels. Seemed every one of Mother's critters got along with each other. Do you suppose they some how knew that Mother sacrificed for them? Forgive my rambling. It must be Mother's Day coming up and I must be missing her. If you have your mother, hug her for me. Love donna

MITS said...

Donna, you Mother sounds like she was a remarkable woman, and you have followed in her footsteps.

deb said...

Donna, I loved your story about your mom and your quote from Schweitzer.

Mema Jo said...

Donna - such beautiful memories to hold close to your heart! I miss my mom too.

deb said...

I am not sure what is going on with the San Jose site. The camera man was panning around and now we have a white screen.

Mema Jo said...

Just maybe, you think, he finally escaped!

Mema Jo said...

It's a black screen for me, Deb.

MITS said...

can't get SJ up..

deb said...

Both falcons in PA, on the one view.

MITS said...

me screen

MITS said...

my 60 SECOND PLUS CAM is up and running 10 minutes behind

deb said...

I hope the one little one is ok, not getting up for dinner. Oh good, there it goes.

NatureNut said...

There's a similar story about Beauty the eagle on the AOL News page right now. It has more pictures and info.

MITS said...


movin said...

On the live feed, the two older chicks are getting some early attempts at flying in. Nobody is getting airborne yet though.



movin said...

Look at the size of that crop Mr. #3 has right now. He almost can't stand up with it.



paula eagleholic said...

Heading home to mow...see ya after dark!

paula eagleholic said...

Mauley - love the story about your Mom and Dad and all those critters. I'll give my Mom an extra hug from you.

paula eagleholic said...

Got my hummer feeders up yesterday....hope to see some soon.


NatureNut said...

Jo, Just checked back & saw your ? The first flying eagle picture is over the Patuxent River. However what you see is not the main channel, but a widened portion of it called Jug Bay. It is more shallow allowing plants like spatterdock, wild rice, etc. to grow.

movin said...

The older chicks in our nest are now tearing food off the fish and eating it themselves.

All the Channel Island nests are showing chicks right now. Take a peek.



MITS said...



A Three-Egg Clutch
Posted by: Lisa in Eggs, Blackwater NWR, Osprey Cam
It’s now been more than three days since the laying of our third egg, so we think we can safely say that our full clutch is here. For those who are keeping track, here is our scorecard:

1st egg laid: 04/25/08
Possible hatch: 06/02/08

2nd egg laid: 04/28/08
Possible hatch: 06/05/08

3rd egg laid: 05/01/08
Possible hatch: 06/08/08

This means our eggs were laid about two weeks later than our 2006 nest (our last successful nest), so that’s not too bad as far as late starts go. A normal osprey clutch is 2-3 eggs, so this clutch size is normal, and if all of them hatch, three chicks will certainly keep our parents hopping.


movin said...

Norfolk is feeding the chick.



movin said...

One of our adults is feeding the chicks. I have troubles Identifying the adults with this wide angle lens.



movin said...

Bob's latest series of photos is a big success again ... just beautiful.

I hope he's having a happy birthday.



movin said...

Belle was already sitting in the nest with the youngsters after a feed, when Liberty comes diving in carrying another huge fish...probably at least glanced off of one of the chicks and scared them, which caused much high pitched screeching.



movin said...

The chicks are full, and Belle is having troubles eating any more at this time.

Good to see plenty of food for dinner.



movin said...

Well, I've got to shut this down and do some more menial work in the area.

Live feed is working for me right now....



deb said...

Mowing is done for another time. I found the wasp nest I figured I had by watching one of them. Now I need to go get wasp spray. I had 6 in the house, it was so nice I left the deck door open today and in they came.

MITS said...

I hate wasps.....did you get them back out Deb?

deb said...

Yes, i got them out. used the paper. I don't mind them too much, but I don't want a nest in the yard and I certainly don't want them in the house!!

Lolly said...

Watching the feeding at NBG. That little chick is growing so fast!

NatureNut said...

Some dinner being served in nest & one doing jumping jacks in the back!

Mema Jo said...

Your garden pic has changed Lolly.
Lovely Yard! All your outside hrs are paying off in beauty!

SJ falconettes are all in one lump!
Hope they are all there
UPDATE Feeding time for the SJ falonettes - all 3 !

Mema Jo said...

SanJose Falcons

deb said...

They aren't shy about getting their share of the food, are they?

Costume Lady said...

Wonder why Mom is staying in the nest so long with the triplets?

melvsmom said...

I just love watching the babies jumping around and trying to "fly" but they sure make me nervous. If they were any bigger, they'd knock each other out of th nest. And when mom is there with them, there's really a nestful.

melvsmom said...

I was wondering about that myself, Wanda. I thought maybe just some bonding time. She is still sitting on a fish. Could that have something to do with it? I didn't know if having food in the nest would attract predators or if she was maybe hanging around until the kids got hungry again to teach them to eat on their own.

Mema Jo said...

Good question, Wanda - Looks like Thursday is a storm & Friday is rain.
Sometimes weather is why she sticks around BUT can't be the case tonight.

Maybe she is holding down a live fish! lol

melvsmom said...

Does anyone know if the "flapper" is Pearl or Middy? Well, now the other one is flapping too.

melvsmom said...

Is it safe to assume that Tiny is the one that lays around a lot?

deb said...

When you could tell them apart, they took turns laying around. Now it is so hard to tell who is who. Off to watch Dancing w/Stars.

Mema Jo said...

Click on the link I posted for the
San Jose Falcons about 6 comments up.
Great view of nest box

Mema Jo said...

The only way I would recognize Tiny
would be her feathers & I just can't tell Pearl anymore because she doesn't peck at the others! lol
I am lost. Let's say that the first one to fledge will be the first born!
And then so on and on............

Belle sure is cautious looking isn't she. Wonder what is up???

Costume Lady said...

It is way past her time to tuck babes in for the night...did she shake the rugs out yet?

melvsmom said...

Even the kids seem to be at each other tonight. I've never seen them peck at each other so much. Maybe that's part of why Belle is sticking around.

Costume Lady said...

Nighttime snack, maybe?

melvsmom said...

I think she shook the rugs out over an hour ago.

melvsmom said...

It's so cute when there's a baby on each end of the bite.

Mema Jo said...

Bedtime snack I guess it is!

Lolly said...

Thanks Jo! Those are the roses on our fence. Had to get off for a while. Getting too emotional. Went to a memorial service for a friend who died last week. Then there was talk of hugging mothers and it was too much for me.
Yes, everyone, you still have a Mom give her a big HUG!

Mema Jo said...

Would love to know which one is chirping like that.

Belle may be taking off shortly
Glad to see her get a meal

Mema Jo said...

Up Up & Away

MITS said...

there she goes....

melvsmom said...

Do we have a sneezer again tonight?

Lolly said...

Whoa! I think she landed with a thud!!!

melvsmom said...

Anyone know what that thud was? Was that just the sound of landing? I usually watch at work but keep the sound down so I don't bother anyone else. I've never heard it before.

melvsmom said...

The kids certainly settled down quickly with mom gone.

melvsmom said...

I'm glad they sleep at night. I would worry if they were up and around and falling out of the nest. So peaceful, so innocent.

Mema Jo said...

9:00 House TV


paula eagleholic said...

Where does Lib find these fish??

Backyard is done, dogs are fed and so am I.

gonna catch up on the blog

MITS said...

daylight at the osprey cams in FINLAND

Mema Jo said...

Up to potty. Feeling around with feet - must remember that it is pitch dark up in that nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I am watching back on the tape when Mom started feeding the bed time snack...boy they sure can turn into peeping machines quick!

Mema Jo said...

Finland - does daylight come at 4:58 their time nowadays?

paula eagleholic said...

I am LMAO at those two tugging on that fish...I think it was Tiny and Pearl

MITS said...

YES, JO, their days are much longer and nights shorter now

Costume Lady said...

The babes seem to have finally settled down. I am going to do the samd.

deb said...

Spidey is out tonight, just crossed the screen. Oh, there he is again.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone

Saying prayer for Dana as she hasn't been on for a couple days. I know she had hurt her back & has a good deal of pain. Our prayers will bring her some comfort!

Everyone's needs being prayed for this evening.

See ya Tuesday!

paula eagleholic said...

NIght, all.

Thinking of you Dana!

MITS said...

GOODNIGHT EVERYONE Have a good day sisters and I will be with the M&M girls tomorrow:).

deb said...

Live feed is down. I am off to bed too. Dana, hope you are feeling better soon!

deb said...


movin said...




Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Steve, thanks for the story about Beauty! I hope her artificial beak will work for her! It's just horrible that some idiot would shoot her in the first place!
Not too bad out, 48° in PA and 56° here in VA. No rain yet, so that's good.
I see our kids sleeping through the web, which is getting bigger again. BW kids are asleep. BWO asleep on eggs. Finney's nest parent just turned her egg, but couldn't see it. Jackdaw sleeping on eggs, and there was just a switch in Scotland. Now to see what else is going on. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Oh, fat racoon on PA wildlife.

Suzanne said...

OMG, we have 2 eggs in Finney's nest!!! Just saw an awesome switch, both in nest then one left and the other flew over to the eggs. Could see them both clearly. Now turning eggs and settling down on them. How very cool is that! Wish they would fix the other osprey cam. Oh, turning eggs again, not happy yet. Ok, back down again.
Adult, think Belle in our nest. BW kids are awake and one is off cam already. BWO is awake, and PA falcon has been awake. Those little kids aren't letting her sleep much! Will have to see if egg #5 hatched. Can't tell yet she's not getting up. Oh, yes, that's Belle. Scotland just turned her eggs. Looks like Isla to me, heavier necklace.Deer in PA, deer with bad leg there again today. Well who knew???? Our doe with the bad legs is actually a buck growing a set of antlers!!!! Good grief. Maybe he was just too young last year. Well, when ya can't see... what can I say???? LOL, must be time for me to step out for a few minutes. Here comes another deer...

Suzanne said...

Oh, mom just got a food delivery from dad, big bird. She's taking the feathers off it now. But I only see fluffy chicks, no more egg. Did it hatch yesterday???? Man, she can sure remove those feathers quickly! Chicks are all snuggled together while they're waiting. They may even be on top of the egg, if it's still ther.e Oh, darn, yes it is, and yes they were.

Suzanne said...

Wow, she sure eats in a hurry! There go the wings, and kids are still sitting there with their mouths wide open. She's fed the chicks most of it, but she has taken a couple bites. More defeathering. Man, some very powerful jaws, there!
My, my back in a sec.

Costume Lady said...

I watched Mom Falcon tear that bird apart and feed her babies. Those little ones have a BIG appetite. Mom was feeding them feathers and all.

Suzanne said...

PA breakfast is over, nap time now.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Yeah, she sure made quick order of that bird! Nothing but bones left now. She was quick. Think our kids had a quick breakfast too. Belle was in the nest and I think gave them some leftover fish. And we have 2 eggs in Finney's nest! Just how very cool. I checked on my wren's last night, and mom taught them well. When I went to look at them they looked at me but didn't move a single feather! They were very still. Saw they were alright, and man, are they big already, but then left them alone. Think I read they fledge in about 14 days, so they will probably fledge this weekend. I'll miss the little guys.

Suzanne said...

Jackdaw turning eggs.

Costume Lady said...

The family of wrens that we had outside our patio window, hung around for a long time after the babies fledged. Mom & Dad continued to feed them. Just make sure your cats stay away. Wrens make a tasty meal!

Costume Lady said...

I don't know if I told the story of our wrens when you were here or not. They tried to make a nest in our roll-up window shade, so Gene nailed an empty plastic coffee can on the side of the window, and they immediately began building their nest in it. It was so much fun to watch the whole process. One of the babies fell out of the nest and didn't do well after that, so Gene adopted him (named him Harry). He put him back up into the nest every night so the cats wouldn't get him. He hopped around and seemed to eat well,just couldn't fly. He did finally learn to fly and came often to visit. We could tell him from the others, because his feathers on his head grew straight up in the air like a crew cut.

Suzanne said...

They're on a wreath outside my front door. Cat doesn't go near the front of the house, he doesn't like the road. For which I'm VERY glad! Not sure he could get at the nest anyway, it's high, but it's hanging in front of a window, so that would be slippery.
I have to tell you, I'm excited! Saw 2 new birds at my feeders this weekend. One was a mockingbird eating suet. So had to put fresh suet out for him. I've never had a mocking bird at the house that I've seen. The other bird was a female Golden Crowned Kinglet. She was striking! I've never heard of them, but had to look them up when I saw her. Found her on the internet this morning. Beautiful busy little bird! She was eating at the bowl of food right outside my back door with some finches. Very bright colors for a female!! But I was thirlled. Have to figure out a way I can watch my feeders outside my kitchen without scaring the birds!
Man, mom falcon is having a time trying to get those kids settled, isn't she?

Suzanne said...

Awww, Wanda, that's cute. I'm glad he ended up doing alright! I want to put a rug or something down, my front porch is cement, but I don't want to attract any attentiion to the birds. I did know you put the coffee can up, but didn't know about Harry. Don't they have 2 clutches a year? I'll have to read up on that. But I was thinking about moving my wreath, but I'm wondering if mom will use the nest again after these guys fledge. Just don't know what to do.

Suzanne said...

Salt lick cam in PA. Deer is there now.

floralgirl said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...