Monday, February 18, 2008


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the Monday New Thread. If you have today off I hope you enjoy it.

I'll go call everyone over. brb

wvgal_dana said...

I got the door hanging open nice day out.....everyone can get in.( :

Mauley said...

Hi Dana, you are first. Helllo everyone. Thanks Steven. What's going on in Norfolk? Hope everyone has a good one. mauley

deb said...

Sun is coming up in Kent, it looks foggy there today. Sun is also coming up at PH, nest is empty.

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
Glad to see Helen and Sharon feeling well enough to chat a bit. What a blessing it would be to have Sandy with us again. Pray that she will be in time...

Monday, February 18, 2008 9:35:00 AM

Costume Lady said...
It is 57° right now and going up to 63°. It was beautiful and sunny when I first got up at 8 o'clock (slept in again) but it is cloudy right now.

Monday, February 18, 2008 9:36:00 AM

Costume Lady said...

Carried my comments over from last thread....

Costume Lady said...

So glad we will get to meet you Mauley. You will have a great time!

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!! DANA--You are the #1 EAGLE MAMMA today & every day!!!--MORNIN' MAULEY---It's always a delight to hear from you!!

Mauley said...

Hi Wanda, are mits and eagle eye on here, too. I pray daily that Sandra will join us soon. I may have a new grandson today. Whoo Hooo as Mema would say. BBL mauley
Guess I must change my username to Gran to nine. BBML donna

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---It's a HOLIDAY!---you are allowed to 'SLEEP IN'!! ho!

deb said...

Divers, Norma!!

Costume Lady said...

What a blessing to have so many grandchildren, Donna.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon and Helen were on for a short while earlier.

IrisF said...

Wow good morning Eagle World!!! Hi Dana, Donna,Deb, Wanda and Norma. And Good morning to all from the other thread... Just got to my computer, so now I'm heading for a cup of coffee...brb

IrisF said...

Jutst getting the email updates started, brb

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice day today wherever you are!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am still here Wanda, just trying to work.

floralgirl said...

Morning, all- 2 eagles at BWO

floralgirl said...

oops, now just 1

Mauley said...

Hi Norma, yes, I will be visiting Sherpherds town this spring or summer. If you dear friends plan an outing, or nest visit, Mauley will be there. I can hardly wait. Of course, I want to wait for Mits to be whole again, which is just a short time. In our walk by faith and not sight, I see Mits and Sandy healed already. All of you have a good one. Is Suzanne on here? mauley Please all of you pray for my dear daughter. This is her SIXTH sHE is high risk. Her age and her history of the one c-section. this is her 9th pregnancy. She has dilated to 3 and determined to have a normal delivery. Baby is 3 weeks early so I am heading out to Holstein Valley in Tennessee. let you know as soon as I know something. Prayers coveted. and much appreciated. donna

deb said...

Both eagles in PH.

normabyrd said...

MOOSE STORY FOR JO!!!----True story--from CHARLESTON GAZETTE---This OFFICER (with law enforcement) in ALASKA---was driving along one night in an area with signs--"WATCH OUT FOR FALLING ROCKS" & all at once this HUGE DARK BOULDER fell in the road directly in front of the driver---he was so relieved---he thought---WOW!--That rock just missed me----pulled over----what he thought was a rock was a "VERY BIG MOOSE" lying dead in the road!!----This was a first--in that area---that a MOOSE had slipped & fallen off a high cliff!-----(this moose story is for you--mema jo)-----

paula eagleholic said...

Happy President's Day!

Hope you have a great day whether you are at home or at work!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. You always take great care of us!

normabyrd said...

MAULEY!!---Prayers for your daughter & best wishes to you & your family----MUCH LOVE---

deb said...

She is in my prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mauley and Megan.

Prayers are added to others prayers Mauley.

Hope when you come for a visit I'll get to meet you also.

Iris are you using Neokast?

wvgal_dana said...

Paula did you download Neokast? If so does it work on all three of the IWS sites?

MITS said...

DONNA prayers for your daughter and family.

floralgirl said...

Ok, DOnna, have a safe trip and I'll be thinking positive thoughts about your daughter..

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BC

K26 at PH eating fish

deb said...

Both eagles at Barton Cove.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula what is PH link I was watching it in wmp all the time now I can't find it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mauley, many prayers for daughter, baby and the rest of the family! Love ya and be careful!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - I downloaded neokast. So far the only site that has been up regularly is the West End. It will work for all 3 sites.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - go to You can get in from there...I'll give you direct link shortly, or maybe someone else can

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck to your daughter, Mauley.

Good to see you here Sharon - are you feeling better?

deb said...

Welcome back, Mits.

Dana, I was able to watch PH yesterday, but I can't get it this morning.

Good morning to all those who have popped in!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Mits. Great to see ya!

Morning, Dana, Donna Sharon Mits and Deb.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Norma = sorry, I missed ya at first.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning everyone I hope that
everyone had a good weekend.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - here is wmp direct link

movin said...






movin said...

Did you see that both eagles are at PH??



wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula Good Morning Dave and Jim.

Deb did you get that link Paula put in for SC/PH to play in wmp??

movin said...

ZZ is just starting her climb into the tree structure.



paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Dave

HP at PH!!

paula eagleholic said...

No new news at Norfolk, from the biologists or the website...

wvgal_dana said...

Lisa has the most up-to-date information on Norfolk at her site at BWE. That gal is on the ball ( :

floralgirl said...

Eagles at Norfolk haven't been spotted on nest cam since Friday :(

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' PAULA--INDIANA DAVE & JIM!!----We are gettin a 'wee bit' of sunshine now!!---YEAH DANA!--LISA'S info (sent by a scientist to her) that I was referring to this morning!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I know sweet Norma you are "on the ball too ( : "

wvgal_dana said...

Have to get breakfast I'm late bbl

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!!---I bet you are enjoying the computer now!!!----Mine has driven me nuts all weekend!---Keeps shutting down!---Husband get a holiday?

normabyrd said...

SWEET DANA!!---It's nearer lunch time than breakfast!!---ho!

IrisF said...

Prayers for your Daughter Mauley, going up as we chat and everyday!

Dana, I had to take neokast off this computer, it fouled up my sound... Jim thinks it just didn't install properly, so I will look into downloadiing it again...sure hope I don't have to forgo all the new CA nests. Others with Vista have installed it with no problem.

Geula said...

Good Morning everyone....Happy Pres. Day!

normabyrd said...

PA SITE--MT---But someone has certainly spread food around there----

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Geula!

normabyrd said...

The 'ATLANTA BEAUTY'S' site is up-----I see a PANDA on a bamboo break----She is too far away to tell if it's MEI or LUN LUN!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma, enjoying broadband, is having major issues though, driving me bonkers. No holiday for hubby, that's ok, hasn't had work for months, finally has some small jobs in the past week, living off of love and of which is dwindling fast...

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GEULA!---Be careful or that AWESOME 'DONKEY' of yours may disappear!!---ho!----Just TOO COOL FOR WORDS!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have been on line since 8:30 or so. I would go to make a comment & the phone would ring or someone would knock on my door. Then I did cams & emails. Sorry I am so late. HURRAY for Mits & Eagle- Eyed Sharon to be here! Thanks for the Moose story, Norma - some Big Rock wouldn't you say?
Mauley-your visit will be anxiously awaited- Mits wants to do a picnic with Sandra! We have got to get an update on Sandra - even if I need to go knock on her door!

normabyrd said...

Does that mean you are running out of LOVE!!----KIDDIN'---I know how the bldg. business works!!--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---Last time I talked with DANELLE---she had not heard from SANDY----If you hear---please let DANELLE know!!!

normabyrd said...

I couldn't get the OREGON Cam to open!!!

floralgirl said...

Ha, Norma, nooooo...thank goodness there's still plenty of love.. unfortunately housing industry is in the crapper right now

deb said...

Hau Kola, to you, Jo. Are you ready to see some anunkasan today!

I hope they spot the eagles in NBG today, the zoomer was just looking for them.

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, loved your Moose story. (Sorry for the Moose)

deb said...

South Dakota's winter count for eagles is out, down 1.5% to last year. It is hard to count my area depending on weather, boats, fisherman. North side of the river is SD, south side of the river is Nebraska. I need to check out the details yet. Last year's count was 226.

Mema Jo said...

Donna - prayers for your daughter
Please keep us updated!
Norma - I was thinking that Danelle would be giving us info - but I guess she hasn't seen Sandra as an out-patient rehab..
Hi Geula!

BBL Off to exercise - get my walking test today!!

normabyrd said...

Filling in at Bridge today!!---Later!!

paula eagleholic said...

Some great views of the Tesoro chicks today

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

wvgal_dana said...

I can't remember who all I said Good Morning too. So Good Morning everyone ( :

Went outside to get paper and it is nice out there. Still need long sleeves of course.

paula eagleholic said...

Can see eaglets big yellow feet at Tesoro!

paula eagleholic said...

Eggs were just turned a couple of minutes ago our nest

wvgal_dana said...

I know Paula I was chuckling at them they are getting darker

deb said...

Eagle at Kent 1.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at West End

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles Eagles everywhere :):)

2 at BC

deb said...

Eagle at Kent 1 is just sitting on the branch. Come on, it's time to get to work!!

wvgal_dana said...

It is #01 the male at WE

deb said...

I love watching the Barton cove nest, is that what ours will be like when it goes live?

wvgal_dana said...

Female #26 sits at PH

Turning eggs at our nest

paula eagleholic said...

OUr 3 eggs are looking good!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle gone at WE

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my beautiful fly in #01 male at WE with nice branch

wvgal_dana said...

I have to chuckle at him. He has the bottom in the nest. The rest is sticking up in the air. He pulls down on it to try and fix it in the nest. It flings back up lol

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - sounds like you got neokast working ok - how do you like the new cam?

deb said...

Eagle left at Kent 1, just spent time hanging out in the fog.

IrisF said...

Here it is 1:20pm and I haven't caught up you suppose I ever will? Still working on it.
(grin) You guys type faster than I can read!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

I am so glad to see that you saw the eagle at the Kent cam l nest. I was at work when I spotted it and couldn't get through on the blog to tell anyone. I am home now.

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie eagle at BWO!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, BWO eagle had me fooled while's an adult!

wvgal_dana said...

Iris I love your new picture "what a nice looking couple" wow!!

Paula so far so good does have a little wavy lines but color is nice. I don't get SC/PH on it. It still comes through wmp.

carolinabeachmom said...

One eagle hanging out at BWO while the other sits on the eggs at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Parent shading chicks at Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

Cold front moving through we are suppose to get wind gust and we are.

IrisF said...

OK, finally! Have NeoKast up and working and can see the WE nest and have SOUND!! Hooray!!! or WooHoo!!!

And, almost caught up with emails and blog....and ftloe forum - mercy need lots of energy to be an eagleholic!!!

IrisF said...

Thanks Dana, that's our 52nd anniversary picture...working on 54th now.

wvgal_dana said...

Fish meal just flew into Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it does Iris ... wow the emails. Especially when something sent to Eagle_Momsters then someone replies and someone else replies they lol keep adding up.

wvgal_dana said...

So glad you got Neokast worked out Iris so you can see WE and Two Harbors. I guess SC/PH will go there too don't know. I get it on wmp now.
So now Iris that you are an expert you can help others with Vista.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two eagles at BWE nest now

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent change time.

carolinabeachmom said...

Our parent up and rolling eggs again, I think.

floralgirl said...

Apparently yhte people at Norfolk BG have been given permission to go up and retrieve the eggs, I guess so they can test them to see if they were fertile and pehaps at least glean some reaeaarch info from them. And WVEC in Va should have a story later today on the situation. ALso, apparently 2 eagles have been spotted in the gardens, perhaps the new female and old male, near the old nest.

paula eagleholic said...

SC/PH cam will not be changing...will still be WMP

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, interesting news out of Norfolk

paula eagleholic said...

When are they going to retrieve the eggs - any idea Megan?

Mema Jo said...

I was wondering if anyone was checking out the old nest.. Could be old dad & old mom flying

Well, I passed my Walking Test today & graduated from Pulmonary Exercise Rehab. Now just to keep up the exercising!

Deb Our live cam will look like the BC cam. But we'll have audio!

Mema Jo said...

Speaking of audo - It's a shame that SD doesn't have sound because ZZ who has climbed very high on her structure is letting out a few yells!
It's like she want to lie down but can't find enough surface to do so & she really almost fell forward...

deb said...

It is snowing in Barton Cove.

paula eagleholic said...

Our cam will also be using Real Player....

carolinabeachmom said...

Congrats Jo on passing. You just took another step forward in the right direction. Hooray for you!

floralgirl said...

not sure yet, Paula. But they think the old mom has not been spotted in the garden since Thursday. THe pair they are seeing is the new female and original male.

movin said...

I just signed back on and opened Norfolk again...

I think I see the white head of an eagle in the nest.

Take a look.



deb said...

Thanks, Jo, that will be fun to see and hear! I love looking down on the eagles moving around. I finally got PH to come up and stay up today. Of course, it is empty right now.

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho Bai came up to ZZ at the top of the structure. I think just to show ZZ how to get down, but ZZ just can't get the hang of it to go Butt First......

floralgirl said...

Perhaps wishful thinking, Jim. No one has been seen in the nest for days. They will go up and retrieve the eggs for research info as soon as they find volunteers. An eagle pair has been seen at the odl nest site

deb said...

Why did I type that? As soon as I posted I lost PH. It goes so far and then starts replaying the same thing over, weird.

Afternoon, Jim. Congrats, Jo. Are you on your own for exercises now?

Mema Jo said...

Too Funny! ZZ just slid headfirst
down the log and Bai is up on her hind feet ready to catch her. Bai does reach for her and lifts her down.

movin said...

Bai just grabbed ZZ and pulled her down from the lower branches of the structure. Now they're playing on the ground.



Mema Jo said...

Megan - Can you give us a Tinyurl link to where the NBG info is?

Deb - Another program at the YMCS thru the Wellness center at Hosp.
It isn't covered by insurance - $$ -
I do have treadmill & bike at my home. I may do it on my own. Just felt good being monitored while you exercised (blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen level)

Mema Jo said...

Jim I do see the white dot in the middle of the new NBG nest on the cam. Yes, it could pass as an adult eagle's head.

Mema Jo said...

Nice egg roll Our nest.

movin said...

Could easily be behind the times, but I see two eagles on WE nest, and PH is up on my machine..I think.



floralgirl said...

I see that white, too, but I've been watching for a while now, no one flew in. It's either fluff or one of the old egegs. No link, Jo, I'm in the chat room and someone from the gardens gave us that info.

paula eagleholic said...

If there were an eagle in VA, I'm sure they would zoom's just that white stuff at the nest edge

paula eagleholic said...

Actually think the white is coming from behind the nest...background

floralgirl said...

Right5m, PAula, they would zoom in, they have been scanning the gardens with the cam occasionally to try to catch sight of the eagles.

floralgirl said...

oh pardon my typos, not feeling well, fingers are not working...

Mema Jo said...

Megan - That turkey is good for a couple of Thanksgiving Day dinners!

I am really ready for beautiful SPRING flowers! Easter comes early this year - do you plant after Easter or have you already started them. GH heating up ok?

paula eagleholic said...

They are looking around VA

floralgirl said...

getting ready to sow seeds soon, Jo. Waiting for my tax return $$. That turkey ws in my yard last year, biggest one I've ever seen. He was trying to impress about 5 female turkeys.

Mema Jo said...

HO HO That was my next ??? Megan

Are you in the chat room...
Keep us updated as you have been!
Thanks so much

I am going for an hour panda snooze.



paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk Info

J: Not today but if you are in Norfolk TV area Joe Flanagan did a tv piece on WVEC 13 which will air at 5 p.m. and the 2 eagles were filmedJJ: Permission has been given to remove NBG eggs for testingJJ: Lining up tree company volunteers to asssistJJ: We may still get some new eggs as new female and nest male were on the old nest today but not seen matingJJ: Have not seen old female since Thurs

movin said...

I did VA nest full screen and the white spot is in the nest and resembles an eagle, but it is not enlarged enough to be sure it is an eagle.



Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, Eagle lovers! Good to see you on here MITS and SHARON. Not much happening at this end - except that it's getting colder. We saw a few snow flakes a little while ago. There were so few of them, you had to stare to be sure they were in the air. JO - you mentioned flowers. I have snow crocuses blooming in my yard. they are always a lot earlier than the regular corcuses, but they are smaller. I also have a few snowdrops blooming. So - spring is on its way!

movin said...

Don't know if the Hummingbird chick has fledged yet, but one is hanging off the nearer edge of the nest...



deb said...

I haven't seen it fledge yet, Jim, but it is sure watching Mom fly around right now. It probably won't be long now.

movin said...

Mits was on, and I missed her!!

How are you feeling, Mits?? Did you get my ecard?



IrisF said...

GREAT GREAT NEWS JO!!! Yep, we have to keep moving don't we? They say if you don't use it you lose it...So glad you passed on to the next phase.(((Hugs)))

paula eagleholic said...

Per Fred from WVEC

Fred: For local residents in WVEC TV area there will be update on the bald eagle saga on the 5:30 news this evening. It will then be posted on the web site.

wvgal_dana said...

Contragulations Jo ( : on passing your test. Way to Go JO!!

Thanks Paula for update on Norfolk and Megan too.

Paula the Maine Discussion board has been down all morning.

Jill said...

Just saw an ad for a new movie. Horton Hears a Who, starting March 4. Should we all go see Horton. LOL

movin said...

This Hummer nest seems to be getting torn apart too....



paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Dana, still down for me too

Mema Jo said...

Where's it playing JILL
You know we need to go - Wanda will get the Eagle Coach to get us there!

Jill said...

Oprah is covering it right now. Jim Carrey, Steve Carrell and others are the voices. It starts March 4 I think. I will listen for more details.

Mema Jo said...

The Kent Forum is up However if you try to put FTLOE or the Maine Forum up you get the same message about the update....

Urgent Maintenance
We are adding new server to prepare for phpBB version 3.0.
Expected downtime will be around 2-4 hours.

wvgal_dana said...

Remember when we all were saying "can you see anything a head popping up anything fuzzy" at Tesoro. Due to the nest was so deep. Now look at those eaglets ( :
Time just keeps on moving. Doesn't it? Now we have no trouble seeing those chicks/eaglets lol

Jill said...

JO- Carol Burnett is the voice of Horton's Kangaroo friend.

wvgal_dana said...

House cleaning at Tesoro

movin said...

ZZ is hugging and loving her branch again... Bai is tearing into her bamboo cache.



wvgal_dana said...

Moving camera at Norfolk

wvgal_dana said...

I wonder if the eggs are all gone out of nest now. Looks empty.

wvgal_dana said...


Jill said...

DANA- one of the links I read said they had permission to go get the eggs and were looking for a tree company to help, so I would guess the eggs are still there. Also the new female and resident male were on the old nest. (Correct if I got that backwards, folks.)

movin said...

Later, folks....



NillaWafer said...

Howdy folks good to see this beautiful sunny day outside... Jo congrats your getting stronger and healthier by the day girlfriend... Sharon & Mits good to see ya stopped by and continued recovery for you both... I am waitng on sister to get here daughter made a big pot of beef slippery pot pie with tators.. so we are going over there... Tomorrow i take herto get her stitches out and as far as i know going to ride to Blackwater also.. I have been busy working on this comp bought a new Fix It Utilites 8.. Keeps your PC running like new.. 1 click of the botton it cleans out everything and the comps runs so much better.. If nterested Wal Mart was either 29 or 39.00 Professional... Easy to install.. step by step guidence.. Well c ya'll in awhile...

Mema Jo said...

Click on Kent Forum Link to see
NCTC photos of the day

Maine & FTLOE still down

Mema Jo said...

Iris I love your picture...
I need to find a gold dress like you had on your 50th!!!

Thanks everyone for the encouragement
about my health! I don't think I would be this far along without having all you for my Buddies!!

Mema Jo said...

Nilla - you made me hungry for slippy pot pie Heading out to Cracker barrel!


IrisF said...

Diana and 01 in West End nest!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - have fun at blackwater!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla glad your sister is feeling better. Enjoy your trip to BW. You going to snap some pictures? ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Check out VA cam for new pics of Dad and new female

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula I went and checked them out. I like it how you can increase or decrease the pictures. Zoomed in to 400% female really has a different beak more pointed at end. May their love bring forth eaglets to Norfolk. Sorry for the resident female though really SAD
:( Feel like the male cheated on his wife oh mother nature the woooo's of it all.

wvgal_dana said...

Two eagles at West End

wvgal_dana said...

both eagles at SC/PH

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And one eagle at the sycamore tree! Hello Dana.

deb said...

The snow is really coming down in PA.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi ( : Sharon nice seeing you this evening. How are you feeling?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, thanks for asking. I am still feeling pretty whipped. Between the flu and my low hemoglobin and low iron, this last week has taken its toll on my wimpy butt!

wvgal_dana said...

When do you do a re-check with your doctor?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, I couldn't get an appointment with the hematologist until 3/12. I am taking iron twice a day so hopefully that will build me back up some.

floralgirl said...

Oh, you are not wimpy, eagle eye

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Megan.

floralgirl said...

No problem, don't think there's to many wimps here, we're one tough bunch :)

paula eagleholic said...

Here is the link to the WVEC news story on the Norfolk eagles. Also, they have 3 new pics on the website

Norfolk Website

WVEC Video

movin said...




Jill said...

Apparently female eagles mate for life, males take up with the first young one that comes along. Sound familiar????????? LOL Maybe all this exposure to humans isn't good for the birds.

Costume Lady said...

Hey Jill...wouldn't you know it, we got our notice to appear March 5. I guess we should go there and talk to them. Don't you think that is best?

Mema Jo said...

Good Night and TOKSHA

Restful sleep & pleasant dreams
Prayers being said for all our needs

Good Morning Suzanne & Early Birds

Costume Lady said...

I sure hope Nora finds a new mate. I wonder what the chances of that are for this season?

Costume Lady said...

Good Night Jo, rest well.

Costume Lady said...

Well, Sharon, I am going to put my "Wimpy Butt" to bed now; I hope you put yours there a long time ago. Flu need lots of rest!


paula eagleholic said...

Ok JO, you need to explain all these words...toksha...and the other one...

Mema Jo said...

Paula - Open Deb's blog
She always explains her avatar

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
IrisF said...

Good night everyone, prayers for all!!! Especially Nora, hope she is OK tonight...

deb said...

For everyone that wonders, in Lakota, the native language spoken by the Sioux Indians near me:

Hau Kola= Hello, Friend
Toksha=till we meet again.

And of course:
Wanbli Gleska=juvenile eagle
Anunkasan=adult eagle

Did you ever wonder why they always said Hau to the Natives in cowboy movies?? Now you know!

paula eagleholic said...

OUr eagle is snoozing, gonna go do the same....

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl, thanks Deb and JO

paula eagleholic said...

I hadn't clicked on your indian yet...

Jill said...

WANDA-Call them and explaing the situation, they will work something out.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world! Just followed Steve's link to the Norfolk article. Depressing! Was really hoping that eagle pair would be successful, and we could watch. Now guess we just wait and see what is going to happen to the eagle pair, interloper, and the eggs.
Not bad out, but very windy! Temp is as high now as it's going to get, it's all down hill from here. It was 33° in PA, 38° here in VA.
Well, besides Norfolk, will have to go back and see what I missed. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning time, our nest. Still 3 beautiful eggs there!

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne..

It is depressing to see the Norfolk family disrupted and the eggs left exposed to the elements. Guess we had better be grateful that it hasn't struck the eagles at Shepherdstown or BW ...although pretty much the same thing happened at the BW Osprey nest last season.

I don't like the process, especially after the young-rearing cycle has started, but Mother nature didn't consult me, and she's going to do it her way regardless of what I think.

Hope you had a good 3-day weekend... Glad to see you back.



Suzanne said...

Yes, Jim, it is very depressing! I went to the site and looked at the pics of the female intruder. Guess the mate has left the nest, and I hate to see things like that. But isn't it unusual for an intruder female to incubate the eggs? They showed incubation continuing after the intruder took over. But hae to admit, can't see any eagle on the nest this morning. It's dark, but usually can see a white head.
Had a good 3-day weekend, but they sure spoil me! Had a very hard time going to sleep last night, and so had a hard time getting up this morning. But nice to be back, I guess.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...