Sunday, February 24, 2008


New thread.


IrisF said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, thank you Steven for a brand new thread!

IrisF said...

Looks Bright and Sunny in our nest this morning - THANKFULLY!

IrisF said...

Wanda reported it was to go up into the 40's today. Relief for Belle and Liberty!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve and Iris..
Steve, did you get rid of MOGUL? I have to go back and see.
Yes, Iris, it is a beautiiful, Sunny morning here, but very cold. Thanks, Iris, for the heads up on the new thread.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---Thanks for the new thread STEVEN & CONGRATS! IRIS---Our #1 EAGLE MOMMA today & every day!!!---It's a GLORIOUS SUNNY COLD WINTER DAY in WV this a.m.--"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY" temp. 27°---ENJOY!!---

Costume Lady said...

I see MOGUL (our intruder is still on the last thread). Can you get rid of him Steve? I sent you an email, but you probably haven't had time to read it yet.

Costume Lady said...

I think we are going to have to get our canes out and use them on this Spammers we have been getting on here! "Mogul" makes 3 in the past week.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, we all three have canes, don't we?

normabyrd said...

MT NESTS---ME & VA---can't see the "skinny squirrel" either!!---ho!

Costume Lady said...

Iris, Gene said he used a clear polyurethane spray on my cane to protect it. He put several coats on and when it was completely dry, rubbed it with a very fine steel wool just lightly. It really brought out the details.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!!---Did you open MOGUL?---I hope not---I opened JON!----WOW!---What a mess!!

IrisF said...

Indeed we do all three have canes. That should 'strike' fear into any SPAMMER don't you think?

Well, I'm off to church, will see you after...

normabyrd said...

LISA is guessing BWE EGGS will hatch around----MARCH 1!!!!---What's E-DAY for BELLE & LIBERTY???

IrisF said...

Thanks Wanda for the information from Gene on finishing the cane. It would be nice to make it last a long, long time. Will relay that to Dean and see what he can do.

normabyrd said...

DANA----There is a "PACE OF DONKEYS" feeding this morning!!! ho!---ENJOY!

Costume Lady said...

Norma, what did Jon have to say?

normabyrd said...

What's wrong with TESORO?---I could only see a patch of the side of the nest!!!

normabyrd said...

I can't really tell you WANDA---Everything just went CRAZY!!!!---I was completely BAFFLED!!---Took for ever to get the "darn" thing turned off!!---SCREWED UP EVERYTHING!!----

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is taking a BAMBOO BREAK this a.m.----Then he put down bamboo---stood up & scratched his 'behind' & sat back down & calmly began eating again!!----You had to see it to start laughing!!---HE IS SO COOL!!

Costume Lady said...

I guess we need to listen to Paula and not open a comment from anyone that we are not familiar with and ask questions of any new bloggers. Isn't it sad that we have such a peaceful, fun time on here and then someone has to jump in and mess things up?

MITS said...

GOOD SUNNY SUNDAY A.M. EVERYONE....Wanda, I did open up Jon. but windows warned me and I hit the cancel button, but msg still came thru, it looked like it was advertising for a anti-virus thing, I didn't read the whole thing, guess Jon keeps using different names.

MITS said...

eagle in MAINE NEST

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

Have to get breakfast and get ready for church. Have a blessed Sunday.
Love endures long and is patient and takes no account of the evil done to it...pays no attention to a suffered wrong.
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 AMP

MITS said...

Eagle gone in MAINE

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Beautiful sunny day here!

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sure there is more than one spammer/virus idiot out there. I reported this one to blogger, also. So long as you include the profile url, then they can wipe him out. If you click on their profile, you can cut and paste their profile url and send it to blogger. If they wipe out the user, they wipe out the offending blog as well.

normabyrd said...

HELEN---Just as I started typing--MISSED ME EAGLE!---Noted you had typed---EAGLE GONE!----I thought my computer SHOULD have warned me too---DIDN'T!!!----It came on so fast---I was shocked!!---

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

MOrning Norma!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

CCII---2 EAGLES --- beautiful!
(hope i have my numbers correct)

movin said...

A good Sunday morn to all...

Check the PH/SC nest. K26 waited for some time, but now both she and K10 are working on said nest.



normabyrd said...

NZOO---2 SLOTH BEARS are out & the FISHING CAT (w/limp) is PACING & PACING!!!---

movin said...

Anyone want to give us a general idea of the type of SPAM Mogul is purveying, or should I go look?



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---Welcome---!!sometimes it feels like I'm doing a monologue!!

normabyrd said...


movin said...

Good morning, Norma.

How do we know it's SPAM if nobody looks??

I've wondered about SPAMMERS before from the early crew comments, but they've been removed by the time I get up usually.



normabyrd said...

OGEGON NEST received more SNOW last night!!---

normabyrd said...

WANDA said it was a spam when I first checked on ---SHE HAS REPORTED IT TO STEVEN & PAULA!!!---I won't question that!!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Everyone

Read the blog I missed part of it from yesterday. Out to eat and card crew. Another spammer duh

See no answer to my question about. How are people getting the Two Harbors and West End nest up plus SC/PH??? I did download last week the "Neskat spelling". It had worked at that time only on one nest. Now I can't get any up. Are all 3 coming up in the new downloaded cam?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA!!---Sorry--I can't help you---but I think JIM is still on!!----Maybe---He may have gone back to bed!! ho!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Norma. I read your comment about "donkeys". Every time you make me chuckle ty hugs

movin said...

Morning, Dana...
PH/SC is still in Windows Media Player, but the others are now NeoKast viewer.

I was prompted to download NeoKast and then a NeoKast update when I clicked on the thumbnail or icon for that TH or WE site.

Or you can go to and download the software...then make sure you install it.

If you have downloaded and installed the new software, it should work automatically when you click on the icon for the nest you want.

Because they are still adjusting everything and because of the low light probs on the islands, you might have to wait or it might not come up at all ... old news for the Channel Islands.



movin said...

By the way, I checked the "SPAMMER," and found it was an antivirus sales thing called XPantivirus2008, which claimed to have found several serious viruses and trojans on my machine.

I did an independent scan, and found it to be untrue.



normabyrd said...

WOW!---I just discovered the TX & CA OWLS!!----I enjoyed them so last year---until I found out about their diet) YUK! YUK!---But they are BEAUTIFUL BIRDS!!---

normabyrd said...

ATTENTION!!!----TONIGHT the 'NATURE' program at 8:00 pm----WV PTV will show "RAPTOR FORCE"---It's been on before---IT IS A MUST SEE!!---Check your area public TV stations!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jim. That's what I needed to know.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Tesoro is back up

normabyrd said...

THANKS DANA!!---Just saw the CAPT. sitting high in the nest!!! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sunday Morning
Norma - you are doing one fantastic job on the commentaries this am!
I don't know if we will ever see the Fishing cat doing anything but roaming! Didn't hear you say anything about your flamingos yet..

No,I won't take any chances looking at spammers' remarks. Mainly because I don't want to lose anything on my computer. I'm just not knowledgeable enough to handle any consequences. Now Jim on the other hand who got up early enough to take a "look see" has a very inquisitive mind & is most knowledgeable as to what to do with what pops up at him from a spammer.

Need to figure out what I'm going to do today since our nest looks great & doesn't seem to need any monitoring.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana
I hadn't downloaded NeoKast viewer yet. I guess I better do it or I won't see any of Dr Sharp's egg removals or chick replacements this season. I know Paula said the program takes a good bit of memory - I need to see how much I have OR get a newer computer.

normabyrd said...

HEY EAGLEMOMSTERS!!!----I think some one should take some SUN OIL out to our EAGLE this afternoon!!---SHE/HE seems to be enjoying the sunshine!!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

If you want to download Neokast, I suggest you go to on interactive, then eagle nest cams.

Click on either TH or WE and it will prompt you to download the neokast viewer. This is the most current version. To view the one other nest, Seal Rocks (SR) you have to go to to access that link. The links for each cam can also be saved under your favorites. Also, open up a separate browser window when you are viewing, if you are using the links from your favorites - it runs better that way than viewing it in the tabs on IE.

If you access either TH or WE from the iws website, it will automatically open it up in a new least it does in IE 6.

movin said...

I recall Paula mentioning the memory for NeoKast viewer, Mema Jo. But I'm not sure how she measured it [or was she talking about what it took to download it?].

I just opened WE and it didn't show on "System Information," but when I opened Win Media Player to view I did see a slight drop in the resources available.

When I got this computer, I was very aware of the need for more memory, so I got it with a gigabyte of RAM, and since then I've doubled that. It's very nice not to have to worry about RAM for a while.

Anyway, anybody who buys a new computer be aware that every new Windows operating system takes A LOT MORE RAM, and be aware that this cam stuff we are doing (graphics) takes a lot of RAM too. So order a new one with 2 Gigabytes or more...and get one you can add even more RAM to after a few years.



normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EAGLE AFTERNOON TO ALL OUT THERE EXCEPT THE NEW SPAMMER! :( Just got back from church and breakfast and checked roght up on the nest and all of you. Thank goodness the nest and eagle look alot better than a few days ago. Let's hope it stays this way from now on. WE WANT CHICKLETS!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Jim - Actually, I was talking about CPU speed, which is your computers processing speed. Ram is memory, which helps, but if your CPU speed is slow...nothing can help that! They are 2 different things!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I just missed the diver. Was there only one? He was sure fast gong and coming. I was looking at the other nests.

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Every once and awhile I see a wing come up above the nest at CC2, but no more action than that.

Tesoro is quite calm at this time and our parent seems snuggled into the nest for a Panda nap.

I am still trying to get into BWE

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh, there is Parent at CC@ nest. Now maybe the lazy chicklets will move around a bit.

carolinabeachmom said...

Finally got BWE and BWO BWE is comfy on nest and other parent must be out and about as it wasn't sitting on the osprey nest.

My husband just mentioned that we should be seeing the return of our osprey here to the Outer Banks within a couple of weeks. Sure hope they take up residency acrossed the street from our house where I can watch.

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM I finally checked into your hummers and there was an Mutilated MT nest there :) They are free at last and flying inbetween bushes with flowers on them, just having the time of their life.

carolinabeachmom said...

The woodpecker babies seem to still be in the tree waiting for a hand out from mom.

I think Oregon nest still has snow on it; haven't looked in on Maine yet.

Has anyone seen any action today at the NBG nest! No one was there when I looked in.

carolinabeachmom said...

NBG is scanning around trying to find eagles at this time.

Mauley said...

Good Afternoon dear friends, I,too have just got home from church. Update on daughter, Tonja. NO BABY YET. We have taken all the children back home. All are recovering (including Popaw and Mauley) Thanks so much for the heads up on the spammer. Our Nest looks dry!!!!!!!!! Have a good one friends. donna

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi there Mauley! Good to see you on here and feeling better. Sorry about no grandbaby yet, but when it is time, the Good Lord will have it be time. I think everyone else on here took a Panda Nap. So I am just jabbering on while I can. Work tomorrow and I can't get on again.:(

carolinabeachmom said...

Mama Owl is off eggs. I can see six of them. Shoould there be more. She seemed quite agitated and then got off the eggs. 6 are still whole. When are her chicks due JO. She keeps looking back at the eggs. Now looks as if she is cleaning herself and now back to the eggs and down again on them.

Mema Jo said...

Candy - you asked about Ms Owls' eggs:
Egg 1 was laid Feb. 3 ... possible hatch date of March 7
Egg 2 was laid Feb. 5 ... possible hatch date of March 9
Egg 3 was laid Feb. 7 ... possible hatch date of March 11
Egg 4 was laid Feb. 9 ... possible hatch date of March 13
Egg 5 was laid Feb. 11 . possible hatch date of March 15
Egg 6 was laid Feb. 14 . possible hatch date of March 18

Mauley said...

I don't know how many there should be, but it sure looks like Mama Owl is going to have her wings full. Doesn't it. donna

Mauley said...

Jo will they be like eaglets, competing for food?

carolinabeachmom said...

MAULEY Don't like to let you in on a horrible secret, but last year, some of the weaker ones were eaten by their peers, and in another owl nest, they were just not taken care of at all. :( We learned alot about nature and its goods and bads last year.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks JO for the owl egg laying dates. I will have to put them down in my book of bird facts and peoples names. :) It was just that the parent seemed soooo restless, that Ithought that maybe one was getting due.

carolinabeachmom said...

The same thing happened in the Kestral nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

A lot of wing gglaping going on at CC1

carolinabeachmom said...

They really look like they are ready for fledging.

carolinabeachmom said...

Does CC@ have only one chick in the nest. I have kind of lost track. I only see one juvie in nest all day today.

Mauley said...

Oh No. I don't think I can watch the owls anymore. I wish I could take the weak ones, and hand feed them. mauley

carolinabeachmom said...

Looking for eagles in NBG again.

Jill said...

Anytime somebody new posts a link and that is all they post, DON'T click on it. Real nature people will post several times, ask questions etc. Most likely this is the same person using different names. And under the circumstances I believe anybody who is new to the blog would understand why we are nervous about clicking on first time posters links. As far as I can tell, the spammers have only posted one time each, is this right?

Jill said...

Mauley-did you get the email from Jamie about little Melanie?

IrisF said...

This is probably old news and I'm just behind the times, but did you all know that the chicks at Tesoro are now officially:

Also the parent is shading the chicks right now from the heat of the sun shining on them.... nice parent!!

movin said...

I'm back again for a little while. Had trouble sleeping last night, so when I laid down to rest my complete backside, I also caught up on some sleep. :=)

Speaking of that, Bai and ZZ are doing 'parallel sleeping' in the treetops!!

Oh, Oh, I just looked again, and I don't see Bai anymore. ZZ is half awake and moving, half asleep...



IrisF said...

Late getting back from church today because it was the day for our Annual Church Picnic... We had about 200 show up and all enjoyed fried chicken, potato salad, Mac&cheese, ColeSlaw, and Lemonade, Iced tea and water! Of course there were chips and cookies too.

IrisF said...

Jill you made a good comment about not clicking on something posted by someone we don't recognize as a poster. If they are "eagle" minded they will do more than just post a "click here" kind of post.'

Did you all see the photos of the NBG pair mateing? They are listed on the right side of the page...Might be more eggs there yet.

movin said...

I think you are essentially right about the SPAMMERS, Jill. At least they always post a link immediately.



Mema Jo said...

Popping in! I sure liked Tess & Oro
much better

But wait a minute - Now I get it!
Good ole' Golf Course names

Sometimes it takes me awhile

movin said...

Hi, Iris, I was talking with someone yesterday afternoon on this blog, and we were watching the Norfolk site. One eagle was perched on a branch with its back to us, then it was joined by the other eagle; and we were just commenting on them, when they commenced to make whoopee.

So, yes, barring more interference or intruders, they probably will produce a second clutch ... no guess from me as to how many eggs though.



IrisF said...

Don't feel badly Jo, it took me a couple of minutes too...I kept saying - WHAT? Then it finally dawned on this brain....guess I'm glad you all didn't have to "splain" it to me...

Cool Jim, so you actually got to see it live. I do so hope they have another chance - that would be lovely.

movin said...

Mema Jo, they could have called them "Eagle" and "Double Eagle." Hahaha.

Iris, I just looked at the pictures at NBG that you mentioned, and they are of the same episode I and whoever I was talking to on here saw yesterday afternoon. And then they headed for the nest and started adding sticks and arranging them...they'll lay another set of eggs.

Good news, nobody has seen young Ms. Destructor for nearly a week.



movin said...

Check Bai eating her bamboo, and ZZ lying in the tree watching, and it's either raining or just stopped.



wvgal_dana said...

Jim or someone..I am on the site. Which one do I click on for Seal Rocks (SR)??

carolinabeachmom said...

That ZZ is sure a climber. I hardly ever see him anymore. What a honey bun he is.

carolinabeachmom said...

back to try and down load Neokast

movin said...

K26, the lady, is in the PH nest, trying out the egg cup, moving stuff that got in her way when she was sitting in it.

Both the other cams are up, but nobody home at WE.



movin said...

Dana, It's probably SR, but I'll take a look.



movin said...

Where do you see SR, Dana?

I only see WE and other site's cams.



wvgal_dana said...

Jim Read Paula's comment above at 11:46am please

movin said...

Yeah, Dana, I see it in Paula's comment, BUT I don't see it on NeoKast's site.

The techies at IWS must be working on it or moving it to another site..can't get it right now.

Did you get NeoKast installed and everything?



Jill said...

Just came back in. I was in and out during the whoopee session yesterday Jim. Nilla was here too.

Nice day here in the Panhandle, little breezy but sunny most of the time.

movin said...

Yes, I remember now, Jill.

Dana, strange thing happened on NeoKast. I tried to view the Sydney nest and got a message that NeoKast viewer was not available for FireFox yet, but I've been viewing it for at least 2 weeks on the IWS site!!



movin said...

Well, talk to you all later.



IrisF said...

EGG at PH/SC nest just a few minutes ago....

paula eagleholic said...

K26 just laid her first egg at PH!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for explaining that Jo, I didn't get the birdie and bogey thingy. I like Tess and Oro or Eagle and double eagle better.

I heard the SR - Seal rocks - cam is currently down. they are hoping to get it up again this week.

first egg for PH last year was March 5, this is 9 days earlier than last year!

Lisa said...

Hi all,

Anyone know if they banded the Florida eaglets yet? Or when they will?

IrisF said...

Hi All, here is a tiny URL to a Video of Pelican Harbor's first egg. Vicky did the video!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa - I haven't seen any banding yet. The website says 6 weeks, which would be this week.

Jill said...

I guess I don't have the link to Seal Harbor or Rock. Anybody care to share?

paula eagleholic said...

I heard the SR - Seal rocks - cam is currently down. they are hoping to get it up again this week.

Costume Lady said...

Iris, thanks for sharing Vicky's video. What was the name of the one eaglet raised there last season? All I can think of is A63, It has been on the tip of my tongue for 3 days....
Jill, sorry, can't help you. Paula??

IrisF said...

Wanda, the eaglets name from the PH nest last year was Limuw...A63 He was a corker!!! Truly a feisty little soul. He is still SOARING somewhere I"m sure. We just can't see him....

Jill said...

I hate to say this but wasn't it Limuw that was found dead on a highway in AZ or NV?

Costume Lady said...

Oh, thank you Iris. wonder I couldn't remember it. I wonder what it means?
Yes, Jill, he is the one who lived life to the fullest until he lost his life in Vegas. That was a shocker.

Jill said...

There was a report on him on the site but now I can't find it. Told of his travels. He got around quite a bit before nose diving into the asphalt.

Costume Lady said...

Remember how he fought with his dad over food that was brought in to him?

paula eagleholic said...

Still looks really bright at our nest compared to BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Limuw was found on the highway in Nevada.

Limuw is the Chumash indian word for Santa Cruz

paula eagleholic said...

Jill - Was this what you were looking for? They are on the forum under IWS updates = you have to look at the older pages to see the previous posts. If you look at the bottom, it has the pages listed. There are 10 in this section of the forum.

Aug 10th update

Aug 15th update

Mema Jo said...

I think that our night light came on earlier then BWE. I noticed it being lighter then usual.. but I don't think the pic was frozen. BWE cam has that textured look again.
I am so thankful we have a good weather week coming up! Just pray it continues for Lib & Belle.

Jill said...

Paula, that isn't what I saw but is the same information. What I saw was a very brief item about where he had been and how he died. Thanks for finding that, I am sure everyone will find it informative.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi family, I'm back. Jill Norman has really been traveling.

Anne-Marie said...

I havent read anything. I have 300 emails so it will take awhile and I havent unpacked yet. any babes yet? Whats been going on? and yes I had a great time.

Anne-Marie said...

OK, OK, I am going to un pack the car. Party Poopers.

Mema Jo said...

Glad to have you reporting in gal.
Nothing real new - weather has not been so bad. Belle & Lib are great!

Mema Jo said...

I think that Spidey is starting down at the lower right corner ..

Jill said...

Thanks Anne, he does get around. He was in jail today, horse riding tomorrow and a trip to the ER. Not to mention FL and Vegas in the future. LOL

Were you around for the Norfolk fiasco? They have kissed and made up now.

Costume Lady said...

WELCOME HOME ANNE-MARIE...Tell us all about it!

Costume Lady said...

Now, if I had known Limuw meant Santa Cruz, I think I would have remembered the name. That is what I like about this blog; you can always count on someone giving you an answer to your questions.

Anne-Marie said...

I didnt know they made up. She is a bigger woman than I would have been. Its too bad they lost up.
I saw two eagles on his property but I couldnt get close enough to get pictures that would tell me anything. I started strompting through the property and first ran into a coyote and then heard a rattler . That was it.! they were either going to come to me or forget it. they were getting "frisky" one night so hopefully there will be little ones. I couldnt find the nest.

Anne-Marie said...

Wanda, besides being sweet and nice looking he is becoming a good friend. I had a great time and I hope to be invited again.

Anne-Marie said...

I'm heading for the shower. Its been a long day and I 'm not unpacked. We didnt go on the whale watch. The sea was too rough. Maybe next time.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back, Anne! Hope you had a nice time :)

MITS said...

Welcome home, Annemarie.:)

Mema Jo said...

Like your Eagle Crossing sign, Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Anne, don't think you heard me welcome you home before you went out to unpack the car.

wvgal_dana said...

Evening Everyone ( :

Thank you Paula for the information on Seal Rock "SR". So it will be coming up again on the site then?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Dana. Hopefully this week.

They did have Twin Rocks cam also...but those darn eagles...changed their nest! So, no more Twin Rocks cam!

wvgal_dana said...

I still like Tess & Oro Birdie and Bogey just don't do it for me. Oh is what it is....hummm someone's husband said that hee hee

deb said...

Hi, all. I am home from a long day of sightseeing in central South Dakota. It was 50 degrees there!! We didn't even need our coats.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Deb nice warm day for you huh great ( :

MITS said...


deb said...

Yes, it was wonderful, Dana. We went nature viewing. There is hardly any snow there either. I hadn't seen the ground since the first part of November. It was nice to see, even if it is brown.

deb said...

Good night, Helen.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Mits AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow

Mema Jo said...

Someone said that the Cam 2 at Cape Coral was up & running today. We'll need to check it out tomorrow

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Someone must have gotten to push the ZOOM button on the camera at Tesoro.

Link to Maine Forum - Tesoro Site

deb said...

Those were great shots, Jo. Thanks for sharing. I see the Norfolk eagles were in the nest again today.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - really everyone is hoping for another clutch of eggs. Don't know if the Mom has it in her or not. There are some good shots of the NBG nest also up on the Maine Forum
Just use the link and click on index and go to the Norfolk Botanical Nest site... No one has seen BBB (as Paula would call her) for quite a while.

Everyone hoping that the Maine Nest settles down and that "C" (another female) gets lost!

Mema Jo said...

So much going on all over that I need to ask if you new that PH (Santa Cruz) has it's first egg. I think it was today. Vicky on the FTLOE got a video and Lori on Maine Forum got the whole thing on a video.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to close down for the day.

Good Night Everyone & Happy to know you all had a good day!
Restful sleep & peaceful dreams
Prayers for all needs being said

Good Monday morning early birders!
Sun is shinning - Suzanne will be here!

Costume Lady said...

This has been a good week. Mits, Sharon, Nilla, Vicky are all feeling better and are back on the blog with us. Megan has a speedy new server and Anne-Marie (just back from a trip) is back on the blog with us as is Chrissy. Sandy of NC has come back to blog with us. We have gotten a lot of new bloggers and some unwanted spammers. We have new eggs popping up all over the place and a reunited couple (Nora & Norman). I could go on and on, but you get the idea. A GOOD WEEK! Wonder what this week will bring?


Costume Lady said...


movin said...

Evening, all...

Welcome back, Anne-Marie. Hope you had a good trip.

I'm really glad to hear Sandra is doing better. Our prayers are with her, I'm sure.

I didn't know Santa Cruz had laid an egg today, but I did report this afternoon that she was trying the egg cup for size and removing sticks, etc., which were in her way. And she was acting "that way" now that I think of it. I'm happy they're getting the season's start.

The Norfolk pair are almost certain to start over this season. I can't help but wonder how they got rid of the intruder...glad they did though. Doesn't sound like the experts on the scene know what happened either.

The Maine pair might have driven off their intruder(s) as well.

Did Dana and whoever else was asking about NeoKast get it installed and running??

Should be an interesting week coming up.



movin said...





Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. I'm here, at least physically...sort of. I've had the flu, and this is my first day up since I got home last Wed. I got the shivers here around 11, and couldn't stop shaking. Tried to type bye on the blog, and couldn't hit the publish button, and blogger cop ate my posts twice, so I just shut down and left. Feeling better, but sure not 100%! Hope you guys stay away from the flu this year, it's terrible! Don't know if my flu shot back in Oct helped or not, but seems the shot this year isn't helping much with this strain! Believe me, it's vicious!
It was 26° at my house this morning, but 38° here in VA. Kinda spritzing and a little foggy in spots, but not much else. Let's hope it stays that way.
Well, may attempt to see what I missed, but that's a LOT of catching up to do. Gonna open some cams, want to see our Royal Couple.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Wow, just opened the BWE cam, and I see the NBG saga continues! Guess the original pair is back together again. So wonder how long that will last before that young hussy returns???? Guess time will tell, won't it?

movin said...


I'm glad you made it back, more or less healthy!

Now I'm worried. I had the flu shot, and I thought I'd already had a lesser case of this year's bug because of the shot. Who knows now.

Anyway, welcome back, Suz ... you can't get that kind of virus through the wires can you?



Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jim. Let's hope not. I had the shot, and thought I had the lesser version also, when I got sick shortly after having the shot. Thought it was just a cold. But this hit me like a sledge hammer, and not really sure where it came from. One minute I was fine, the next I was shaking so bad I couldn't stop! Went downhill from there. I have wiped everything down with my lysol wipes, and taken my first daily pills, and used Purell on my hands, so the wires on this end should be ok. I promise not to cough or sneeze on the keyboard!

movin said...

Yes, Suz,
The original Norfolk pair are back together, and it looks extremely good that they will produce another set of eggs this year.

Nobody, including the experts, seem to know what changed the intruder's mind, but she has not been seen for almost a week.

The original female showed up inside the nest one morning. Then the intruder spent hours perched on the big branch to the right of the nest as if daring the original female ... we didn't see anything.

Next morning the original female was perched for at least an hour in the same spot on that branch as if daring the intruder; and I don't think anybody has seen the intruder since!! Did the original female actually physically drive her out? We don't know.

The resident pair are going ahead with the preps (including mating) for another clutch ... they keep looking around nervously though. But they seem much happier together .. they're naturals. (LOL)



movin said...

Suz, I appreciate your sanitation efforts on your end of the transmission lines...


movin said...

The Maine pair have also had at least one challenger to their nesting territory, and many believe they had one intruder of each sex.

Then it snowed, and we haven't seen them since. Could be over.



movin said...

Have a good day, Suz. I'd better try to get some sleep now. Maybe I'll talk to you before you go home. If not, have a safe trip and a good day getting healthy.



Suzanne said...

Jim, sorry, got busy trying to do other things. Wasn't paying attention. Thanks for the catchup on NBG. And Maine! Good grief, I'm sure glad our pair and BW pair are nice and good and quiet!!! No intruders! Hope it stays that way! Guess as we get more eagles maturing, we're gonna have more fights over territory! Just wish the humans would stop building houses that aren't going to sell, or going to go into forclosure in a couple years. In the meantime, the house is already there, taking up space that maybe the natural habitat could have continued to maintain, thus maintaining wildlife in their natural habitat.

Sleep tight, Jim! Pleasant dreams. Hopefully talk to you again before I leave.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE, JIM AND ALL OTHER EAGLE WATCHERS OUT THERE TO COME ON TODAY. I see Jim has updated you on all the wild happenings over the weekend. Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better SUZANNE. It is being said that the vaccine is not working on a strain of the flu, and you sound like you had it full force.

carolinabeachmom said...

Still working on downloading Neokast. I guess I had better get on the stick or should I say "eagle cane" and get it up. It just takes so long and then says that something has happened. So I am going to try after work today.

I was laid up this weekend with back spasms; came home from work with them. Headed out now with just a little left and hoping I can make it through the day without bringing them on again full force.

carolinabeachmom said...

Glad to see that Anne is back and in one piece. Hope her trip went well. Hope she gets on later and tells us all about it. And JO talked to Sandra. Sure hope she is feeling much better.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO I had CC2 cam up yesterday. I had asked if they only had one juvie as that is all I saw, where CC1 has two.
There was good wing flapping going on in CC1. They should be getting ready, no?

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I have to head on into school now. Yipee, another week of kids! Can't believe how fast this year has gone by.

WANDA you had better soon get up with SHARON, DEB, DANA and NORMA, so SUZANNE has someone to talk to. Mits will probably be sleeping in for awhile longer with JO. :) Good to see you back on the blog Helen.

carolinabeachmom said...

Our poor parent is sitting hunched over the eggs like a dutiful parent. Hope the sun comes out and it gets a little warmer. They have been through so much already.

You all have a GREAT day and SUZANNE have a safe trip home to GYPSY and the hrood and hope you start to feel 100% before too long.

Later gators.

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, Candy. I'll have to go back and see what you said, I was not paying attention. Have a great day at school today. Stay warm. Did you just see the switch at our nest?

Suzanne said...

Candy, sorry to hear about your back. That can be extremely painful! Hope you take it easy today and don't aggravate it, and your back gets better. Enjoy the kids, you're doing something I have absolutely no patience to do! That's hang around kids all day! That would make me crazy. Might be ok for the first hour, after that, I'd go nuts. I certainly admire teachers that do that day in and day out.

Suzanne said...

There is an eagle in the NBG nest! Think it may be the original female by looking at her neck, but wouldn't swear to it. Whoever it is, male or female, there is no black in the head! Oh, they're zooming in, it's the original female, how cool!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, eagleland! Had a busy weekend and getting ready to start work this morning. Good morning Suz and Candy!

Suzanne said...

She walked to the edge of nesst! Oh, here comes the male and he brought sticks!!! They're both rennovating the nest. Sure am glad to see that. Maybe we'll get another clutch and this time without any intruders. Yup, both these have total white heads and tails!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Suzanne said...

NBG male just flew to branch on left, female still standing in nest.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. See the saga continues in NBG. Sure glad our nest is just Lib and Belle.
Female just flew out, male still there. I have tried to post this 3 times, blogger cop is awake and alert, darn him! Gonna try again.

Suzanne said...

That last post only took 5 tries, good grief!

Suzanne said...

Eagle at BWO. NBG eagle, think the male is on the right branch now. Our Belle still on her eggs.

Costume Lady said...

I was watching the Norfolk nest with you. Norman brought in a really big stick. I think he is building a fortress so no intruders can get in! What a beautiful pair they are.

Suzanne said...

NBG female just came back with a branch. That's a good sign.

Costume Lady said...

SUZ, I have been hearing that the Flu shot that we all got this year is not preventing this particular strain of Flu. So many people everywhere are sick. Sounds like the CDC chose the wrong strain for the vaccine this year.

Costume Lady said...

I think Sharon would agree with that!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like Fluff was just brought in by Nora.

floralgirl said...

There's a new thread...

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! I've heard that on the news also, and I can verify that! Had my shot in Oct, got a bit sick, (thought it was a cold), but this bout has really kicked my butt!!!! It will keep you flat on your back very very sick! Sure hope they do better with the shots next year. A better guess-emate! But they are saying now that this strain will be included for next years shot.

Suzanne said...

Eagle on branch in Maine! Awesome.

Costume Lady said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...