Friday, February 01, 2008


Icy, rainy day thread.


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Costume Lady said...

THANK YOU STEVE...IS THERE ICE OVER YOUR WAY? Trees here look beautiful with the ice cover.

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN for the new thread!!---CONGRATS!---WANDA--#1 EAGLE MAMA today & everyday!!-----

Costume Lady said...

It is hard to tell if there is any head movement from Him/Her because of the interference on the screen.
We have a video cam that will not work when it is very cold and damp, so maybe that is why our cam is on the fritz.

Costume Lady said...

Our trees are Heavy-Ladened with ice and look just beautiful. Don't see any ice in the nest and that is just 3 miles from where I am. Hope it is ice-free, the daylight should tell if there is any. Looks like Lib to me, but the majority seem to think it is Belle. Remember, I am the one who couldn't find her car, so what do I know!! LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi there WANDA and NORMA. Good to see you on. I finally got to school and have room all set. lst child is in here as I type. You all keep your eyes peeled and I'll be watching from this end. Have a good Eagle Watching Day!

Costume Lady said...

Parent looks really wet at BWE.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN EAGLE BUDDIES!!---LIBERTY is in the nest now!!---It's a dark--dreary winter a.m.---Sleeting rain is pouring down!!--temp. 28°---ENJOY this glorious day!---Look forward to SUNNY weather----SOON---LIKE NOW!---ho!----LIFE IS GOOD! WE ARE TRULY BLESSED WITH EAGLES IN OUR NEST!!!!!

Danelle said...

Well, I'm off to work now. Sandy and I will probably be in touch over the lunch hour. See you then!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CANDY!!!---What was the score last night----Haven't looked at the morning paper yet!!---Thought of you last night!!---BOO! DUKE!--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANELLE!---Give my LOVE to SANDY!!---We are all thinking of you & SANDY!!!

Costume Lady said...

Tesoro is empty for the moment and Norfolk has ice on the trees. Don't see Nora and Norman anywhere.

Costume Lady said...

Be carefull, Danelle and love to Sandra.

Costume Lady said...

Candy, have a good day and will talk to you when you get home from school.

normabyrd said...

HEY WANDA!!---I couldn't find NCTC---that's why LISE was with me--ho!---Let's not WORRY---We are still COOL!!---ho!!----I just assumed it was LIBERTY--because he was in the back of the nest!!---VERY FOGGY!---ICY here too!--

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, did you read where Lib/Belle was in the nest all night?

Costume Lady said...

That is what I thought too, NORMA, because of the position he/she is in. We will know for sure when the other one comes into the nest. Hope they bring breakfast for this poor, wet bird.

MITS said...

GOOD FRIDAY A.M. EVERYONE. looks like we have a frozen all the news from last night...good job, eagle-eyed, Sharon, and late night owl, Jo....39° and rain here in your Nations' Capitol...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GLO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our pic is frozen! Steve, does it need water in the cell or something?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo and I saw Belle come in last night, then Lib was in and out.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning my eagle friends! I see she spent the whole night in the nest!

Costume Lady said...

Just now saw movement from L/B. First definate movement I have seen. Thought maybe pic was frozen even though time was moving.

normabyrd said...

Guess SUZANNE has ICY ROADS!!---Will miss her---She always keeps everything moving in the a.m.--

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING SHARON , HELEN AND VICKY. I thought it was frozen also, but just saw some movement. Or my eyes are just wanting to se something.

Costume Lady said...

Just saw movement again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It might be frozen in a loop cause it is still dark in the pic.

Costume Lady said...

I think you are right SHARON. I was wondering why the Nite Lite was still on.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN---SHARON---& VICKY!!-----It's 10 degr. COLDER here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"---Maybe today is the day!!---ho!

Costume Lady said...

Chicks at Tesoro are being fed. They seem to grow overnight.
Still no Norma and Norman at Norfolk.

normabyrd said...

SHARON---BET you are right!!---Time is stuck at 8:54 a.m.!!---& the multicolored band across the top!!!

MITS said...

my time is working fine,,,just looping...too bad

normabyrd said...

Light snow on the ground in PA---See a BUSHY TAILED SQUIRREL---and a few small birds!!

glo said...

Good morning all. Thanks for the Hapy irthday wishes. Hmmm I don't know what to think aobut who is in the nest. I kind of thik it was elle I also think it would be a great time for Steve to take a peak over by the nest and tell us if he/she is still there since cam is obviously stuck right now
I have had aobut 4 hours of sleep and now need to decide if I can make that drive today to visit a friend or postpone it due to roads and weather.

normabyrd said...

VICKY!!---How cold are you folks in IL---Weather map---looks like you are really snowed in!!--(if i am checking the correct site)---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Had to logon early to do some work from home before I head last night's exciting to have watched her...guess it is stuck for now...hopefully will kickstart later as the temps rise...

check in with you later when I get to work.

paula eagleholic said...

Probably one of the signals or panels or dishes is covered with ice.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!!---You can do what ever you wish today---BIRTHDAY GIRL!!----It's your day!!!-----HAPPY---HAPPY BIRTHDAY!----ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!

MITS said...

I thought the same thing, Paula, looks like someone at NCTC, has to make a trip over to the nest:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---Take care coming in---our roads are ICY!!

MITS said...

all righty now, I really like having the blog come automatically right to my e-mails it is so easy to read blog and e-mails at the same time and I'm all caught up and starting fresh, I like that. 40° and rain here now

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' & MEI are enjoying a bamboo break this morning!!---Don't see any ICE on him!!----Always brings a smile!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!! HELEN---How do you do that?----Probably much to complicated for me!!--ho!----SOUNDS TOO GOOD!

MITS said...

Norma, my username is my e-mail address, and below the box it asks if you want it sent to that address, and I post yes....Paula or Jo can probably explain it better, or Sharon, think she does it also....I do things, than never can remember how I have done them....small attention span:) And sheer luck when things work

MITS said...

Tai is heading up the tree.

MITS said...

now back down, just enjoying the rain

MITS said...

bath time for the elephants

normabyrd said...

ME NEST-----MT----The wind there SOUND FIERCE!!!----WOW!!

MITS said...


Winter Storm Warning in effect until noon EST today...
Freezing rain this morning...then rain this afternoon. Ice accumulation around one quarter of an inch. Highs in the lower 40s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming southeast this afternoon. Gusts up to 25 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers in the evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Breezy with lows in the upper 20s. West winds 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent.

normabyrd said...

There are only about 20 DONKEYS in the herd this a.m.---I am amazed at their colouring---There are dark ones--almost black & then almost white!!-----My favorite is the dark/light grey ones!!

normabyrd said...

I can't see an EAGLE at TEROSO NEST----There is a "gob" of nesting material---similar to Spanish Moss----Do you suppose they are getting new carpet for the nest today!!---ho!

MITS said...


Rain this morning...then showers with a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Some thunderstorms may produce heavy rainfall this afternoon. Highs in the lower 50s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain showers in the evening...then mostly clear after midnight. Lows in the mid 30s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent.


MITS said...

MT NEST at NBG, but beautiful clear pic

deb said...

Good morning, all. Lots of activity, too bad the cam is stuck. Hopefully we will hear something soon on what is happening from Steven.

MITS said...

I was just going to ask where Deb was???? And there you are.

normabyrd said...

EAGLE on egg at BWE---is really SOAKED!!---

deb said...

I've been here a while, but it takes a long time to read and set up nests!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!----Look forward to hearing your weather news from SD & area!!!-----

MITS said...

LADY B is moving around

normabyrd said...

CO NEST----MT----Last year their eggs were laid in early March!!

MITS said...

turning and tenting

MITS said...


deb said...

It is going to get warm here today, high of 30 for today. It is 19 already, though, so it could get warmer.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, our lights went out and right back on, Thank GOD! Lost the report I was typing. Oh well, raining in Bluefield now.

Steve Chase said...

working on the cam issue. Our live feed is down too.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Candy, Sharon, Jim, Wanda, Norma, Danelle, Mits, Paula, Deb, Dave, Vicky, Glo, and Watchers.

I believe the nest has the same weather conditions possibly as we do. Ice, and now rain coming down. Think the temperature is going to have to rise to clear the picture JMO. Makes you wonder what has Belle been doing in the nest???

MITS said...

Thank you, Steven

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for letting us know, Steve.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for coming in and letting us know.

Happy Birthday Glo!!!

wvgal_dana said...

You MUST take a LOOK at Cape Coral I !!! Boy do they every bring back memories lol ( :

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING TO YOU HELEN, DANA, DEB. Did you get some sleep Sharon. You gals had a looong night. Glad Steve is aware the cam is frozen. He is our Hero, and will fix it if possible.

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON!---I checked you this a.m.---Didn't see SNOW!!---Didn't know you had ice!!---Stay home---Don't want to see you sliding down the hill!!--ho!

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if Danelle had any trouble getting to work. Inwood is south of Martinsburg (about 10 miles). She is probably about 10 miles from the Hospital where she works with Sandy. LET US KNOW IF YOU GOT TO WORK SAFELY, DANELLE.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning again!

I see it is still 30° in Shepherdstown....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wonder if Lady B feels as miserable as she looks!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update Steve.

Lady BW really tenting!

Off to check other cams...bbialw

MITS said...

she has water repellent feathers.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA!---Guess you are ICED in too!----Let some else get your paper!!---Don't want to see you sliding around out there either--ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Am I blue?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And then the same old pic came back up.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!! DEB!--Just because you have 30° temps----Don't you go running outside in a bikini!!---ho!---

normabyrd said...

SHARON---I still have the same pic I had this a.m. when I logged on!!

paula eagleholic said...

Blue screen now.

paula eagleholic said...

Wonderful pic from Tesoro this morning....WOW love the new carpet, Norma!!

deb said...

No worries on the bikini, Norma, but maybe a sweatshirt and a vest! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Same here Sharon, Blue, then frozen pic, then blue

normabyrd said...

CHECK TESORO-!!---You can see the little ones!---feeding time!---ADORABLE!!

glo said...

Off and n lue here
fixing some breakfast
I have a whole irthday Cake to eat form the neighbors
got my meals planned for like 3 days LOL

MITS said...

what a beautiful sight at Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

So great to see chick more at Tesoro isn't it. Mommie going to change the nesting materials. She keeps a clean house.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday again Glo

Mema Jo said...

Good Icy Friday Morning With A Tint Of BLUE off & on.

Man, you guy are one difficult bunch of eagle watchers to awaken after you say Good Night on here!

Just finished the previous thread - Thanks Candy for the update.. Must finish reading the remainder of this thread before I truely know the situation. Thank you Steve for having the staff try to get us out of the BLUE

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, can we all come over and help you eat your birthday cake? :)

wvgal_dana said...

The eaglets at CC I George II and Gracie (one with the rounded branch). The eaglets are as big as the parents now.

MITS said...

yeah, Jo, good thing I turn off my chimes at night:)

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro chicks are stuffed and snoozing...Momma on guard

CC2 is down

VA is MT and windy...

Parent in nest at CC1

PH is down until Monday for Maintenance

Maine - no sign of the storm yet

normabyrd said...

Nothing changes in ATLANTA----'SLEEPING BEAUTY' ASLEEP on top of the tripod---in the play room!!---LUN LUN enjoying a bamboo break----

Mema Jo said...

Eagle in NBG nest... Swinging & a Swaying! Another deep dish nest!

Danelle said...

Hi all. Just checking in for a second. What is the Tereso website?

grannyblt said...

'Morning everyone.
Icicles from my bird feeders--juncos don't care.
The only other feathers I've seen this am is Lady BW keeping those eggs warm.
Icicles in Harrisburg where the Peregrine Falcom cam is located. I sometimes see one of the falcons on the perch. That is an active group of watchers, in season.
I like the e-mail response also, but yesterday AOL put a bunch of them in my spam folder.

Mema Jo said...

BWE area has 50° So that is a

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Glo!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

paula eagleholic said...

Here you are Danelle

Tesoro Nest

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at Norfolk

deb said...

Both eagles in CO.

Danelle said...

Thanks! Unfortunately, my computer at work blocks this site. :(

deb said...

make that one.

Danelle said...

Well, back to work I go. bbl.

glo said...

sure come on over I saw a "swarm" of eagles yesterday
Was going to make a quick movie before bed last night but found myself here for two hours instead
will try to get it today never saw anything like it. Someone must have yelled fish!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo and Grannyblt.

I'm not going out to get the paper that is for sure. Ice covering cars, porch with icicles hanging off the railing and the ramp is slippery. Just throw out "fertiziler de-icing" for when the doggie wakes up. I didn't even step out onto the porch.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

wvgal_dana said...

Bigger chick is sitting up real big at Tesoro and you can see the little on too. hee hee

paula eagleholic said...

Only thing moving at BWE is eagles head!

grannyblt said...

Hummer babies getting big FAST--blogger cop after me today
off to recheck nests

wvgal_dana said...

Tree are all iced on the deer cam

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO---I just scanned last night blog!!----Got tickled when I read MOVIN'JIM'S comment that BELLE was the test mode---WHOA!!!!----JIM---When females are birthin' little ones----"THERE ARE NO TEST MODES"!!---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Lady B. just moved turning eggs can't see through.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I wrote that and there the 2 eggs are at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Eggs visible at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone at BWO and now eagle at BWE

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Two eggs in view at BW!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Dad at BWE now

wvgal_dana said...

parent back at BWE

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GRANNY BLT----I love the HARRISBURG site!!----That was the 2nd site that I watched---after watching this one!!---I REMEMBER watch the banding session they had for the school kids in that area----I have been hooked ever since!!!--I was also impressed that the bldg. was the "RACHEL CARSON BLDG"---I thought that was so COOL!! -Thanks for reminding me--- ho!---My little JUNCOS are having a hard time chipping away to get a sunflower seed that has been iced over!!---

normabyrd said...

SAD LOOKING EAGLE at BWO!!---The pic is blurred!!---

normabyrd said...

WOW--WOW!!---I just saw the HUMMING BIRD feeding her little ones!!---What a privilege to be able to see that!!!---Can't imagine ever doing that!!!

Mema Jo said...

Finished reading all the comments
Hubby went down for his regular morning trip for coffee & called to say roads are only Wet not icy.
I am going to go on in for exercise -
Just maybe afterwards I may have to drive over & give that Box down under our tree a good swift kick!


MITS said...

I am out of here too,TTYAL!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

TAI----Climbed down the tree---began his morning stroll!---now over looking through the screen at another PANDA?----


MITS said...

chopped liver again, eh, Norma:):):):)

normabyrd said...

HEY!---OUR NEST IS A BEAUTIFUL PINK FUSHA COLOR NOW!!---Hope that is progress???

glo said...

MeMa Jo and all locals...I was jsut going to suggest that soemone go over there with some thing ...bring a piece of salmon and Belle won't mind that you stopped by at all. Get that thing up and running !!!! Goodness.

normabyrd said...


deb said...

I am out of here, too. BBL. Hope the cam comes back up soon!!

normabyrd said...

DEB are you going to leave me all alone & blue?????

normabyrd said...

NZOO FLAMINGOS----(one of my favorites)----are beautiful in the pool this a.m.---swaying back & forth---Almost dancing---Not quite-----ENJOY WATCHING!!

glo said...

Hello Norma

normabyrd said...

HI GLO!----Has friend received any thing from Cumberland?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now the pics are getting really crazy!

normabyrd said...

LUN LUN & MEI are wrestling!!---behind the log structure--but you can see some of it!!---They are so FUNNY!

normabyrd said...

NOW LUN LUN has MEI on the run!!--Too bad JO isn't here---she loves this tit for tat stuff!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

SHARON---Take a peek!!---BUTA BUTA is holding her own!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She has gotten so big, haven't been on this site for a while. She is my precious little Buta Buta!

Danelle said...

Hi everyone. Just checking in again. This blue screen is driving me crazy! Sandy will be on with me around 12:30.

glo said...

Norma Nothing that I know of yet
I will remind him to watch now as it is Feb :)

glo said...

Gonna eat and take a nap I am very tired..Maybe cam will e up this afternoon.

Danelle said...

bye glo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was really hoping the cam would be back up before time for Sandra to get on! :(

normabyrd said...

DANELLE----I am here---I just got dressed & was watching for you all!!----

Danelle said...

Sandy and I are eating lunch together. She's just finishing up and will be on shortly. Thanks for coming on to talk to her!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Bye Glo, rest easy pet...

WELL !!!!

finally on, it's taken almost all afternoon to do so.

Had to re-enter my password and wait for confirmation, YET AGAIN !!!

I wonder WHY ???
Hope you are all as ok as you can be at the moment.
I am now going to see if I can get any cams up,,, now that will be a miricle.

speak soon
love and hugs

normabyrd said...

SHARON!!----I don't think they have made much progress!!---Here it is still icy on the trees & my drive way!!---

glo said...

Please all tell Sandra Hi for me. She remains in my prayers. She is doing great and we are all so very proud of the hard work she is doing. So glad she can get in to BLOG some now too Danelle Thank YOu so very much.

normabyrd said...

CHRISSY!!---How is the tooth?---I have worried about you!!---I truly know how bad that is to have a tooth ache---Nothing worse!!--Take care!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Steven, could you tell us what the progress is with the cam?

Danelle said...

here's sandy:

norma, danelle and i are enviousbecause you just got dressed,andwehave beendressed and working for hours. ireally miss the pajama club. sorry to see the dreaedblue screen time for a pandanap maybe the camera will thaw this afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Sandra :) :)

I gotta run for now...sorry I will miss you today...

normabyrd said...

SANDY---It's so GOOD to talk to you!!----I am not used to staying in my pj's this long either!!---But once I get on the blog---Hard for me to get off---ho!---Tell me how you are feeling----

paula eagleholic said...

And I wish I could have a panda nap, too!

Have a great afternoon!

normabyrd said...

SANDY---Please give your MOTHER my regards!!----I fell in love with her when I found out where she spent her honeymoon!---She also enjoyed coming to Romney!---She's COOL!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Sandra

We really miss you and glad Danelle got you on here.
I think it is great you have made Danelle into a Eaglet_Momster ( :

We are all cheering for you lady. Could to see you on here. Makes me happy happy happy !! ( : (((hugs Sandra)))

Danelle said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Norma,
Tooth ok nowm but only a temp one got to go back next week for the big thing ???

HI SANDRA pet,,, as we say over here, SOD the P.J's. pet if your comfy in them WHO cares, enjoy it while you can, it won't be long before you will be home, and then you will want to be dresses again,
Isn't Danelle providing you with a a nice glass of wine with you lunch at all.
SORRY DANELLE !!! I know I shouldn't of said wine,, but a little of what you fancy does you good ????
Anyway Sandy girl, so, so very fantastic to have you back on here,
now don't try and do far to much to soon pet, lots of love from over the pond. Take care please.

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Norma,
Tooth ok nowm but only a temp one got to go back next week for the big thing ???

HI SANDRA pet,,, as we say over here, SOD the P.J's. pet if your comfy in them WHO cares, enjoy it while you can, it won't be long before you will be home, and then you will want to be dresses again,
Isn't Danelle providing you with a a nice glass of wine with you lunch at all.
SORRY DANELLE !!! I know I shouldn't of said wine,, but a little of what you fancy does you good ????
Anyway Sandy girl, so, so very fantastic to have you back on here,
now don't try and do far to much to soon pet, lots of love from over the pond. Take care please.

love and hugs

Danelle said...

Hi everyone. Sandy and I are signing off for now. She needs a bathroom break and then a nap. Maybe we'll be able to get on later. Thanks for coming on to talk to her, sorry it was so short.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandy, Buta Buta is having a panda nap now so you can join her!

normabyrd said...

Have tried to get into the OREGON site twice this a.m.---NO GO!

normabyrd said...

HEY SHARON!----BUTA BUTA does nothing else--but have LOOOOONG PANDA NAPS!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

EAGLE in NORFOLK nest!!---The nest is SWAYING in the trees!!

normabyrd said...

PRECIOUS is asleep on the top limb at SD!----IF ONLY!!!---they had some light there!!!

normabyrd said...

BW'S LISA says if they don't have another egg by Sat. evening---It will be a 2 egg clutch!!---She will check again!!

deb said...

I am back again. I just had everything open and computer crashed, so I started all over again. I see the cam is still frozen.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, the cam is still frozen. I wish Steven would let us know what is happening. PLEASE!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa - could get seasick watching Norfolk!!

paula eagleholic said...

eagle at Norfolk

Danelle said...

Hi Paula,

Is everyone taking a nap?

paula eagleholic said...

Both eagles riding it out in VA

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

And BWE, well, mine is down

deb said...

Snow in the Barton Cove nest.

paula eagleholic said...

BWO pic might be frozen...

paula eagleholic said...

They must be, Danelle!

Mema Jo said...

Blogger Cop is acting up!!!
Did NOT think I was going to be able to publish a comment. I have returned from exercises & did stay dry even though the puddle are deep! I do need to go out again for one more errand (for the gang in Germany).

NBG nestorations was being done by both - now just one. Last year-what did we decide about whether it was the camera or the actual tree swinging & a swaying??????

Don't trust the Blogger Cop - going to copy in case I need to paste if this doesn't go thru...........

Danelle said...

Hi mema jo! Glad you could stay dry. The ice is still on the trees here.

Costume Lady said...

DANELLE, did you have any problems getting to Ranson from Inwood?

Danelle said...

Hi costume lady! Actually, no I didn't have any problems on the road. However, as soon as I stepped outside this morning to go to my car, my feet slid out from under me and I landed on my left hip! My purse went skating across the sidewalk. And the story gets even better! I couldn't get up because it was so icy! So I had to slide myself over to the grassy area and bring myself to my feet! My hip is paying for it now.

Mema Jo said...

It really ticks me off to see BLUE at such an important time. I just hope someone stays until it is fixed.

Off to do my errand - Going to leave the blog up & running so it doesn't kick me off again.

GLO - I know I said it much earlier but I will say it again....

I hope there is an eagle egg in our nest for your Birthday Present

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at Tesoro

BWO is MT, so it must still be updating

BWE - still looks like Dad

VA is MT

Danelle said...

How long did it take last year for the cam to come back up?

Mema Jo said...

So you were Slippin' & a Slidin'
this morning.. Danelle? Did you start cussing or laughing at yourself?

Tell Sandra I am enjoying her conversations on here! Best theraphy
going! Thank you again, Danelle for bringing Sandra to us & also for joining us!


Mema Jo said...


Costume Lady said...

DANELLE, that happened to me a few years ago, but I was in the snow. It was so deep I couldn't get up, so I had to dig my way out with my hands. Please be careful on your way home. I think it may be getting colder by then. LOVE and (((Hugs))) to Sandy.

Danelle said...

Well, I didn't cuss or laugh. Actually, I was ver disgusted with myself because prior to me going out the front door, I said to myself, "no bad weather is going to scare me." Hah!

It has been my pleasure to get Sandy on here. I am truly going to miss her when she goes home next Wed. because we are like 2 peas in a pod- exactly alike. I'm so glad she introduced me to NCTC.

Costume Lady said...

DANELLE, I just read the local weather report and our Severe Weather Warning is no longer in effect, so you should be alright coming home. Still, be careful.

Danelle said...

I will certainly be careful on my way home. I'm not to leave until 4:30, but I'm contemplating leaving early as I'm done seeing all my patients for the day.

Danelle said...

Costume lady, I see on your profile that you like Il Divo. I love them! And Josh Groban.

glo said...

Well MeMa Jo I oculdn't sleep I am waiting to see the nest I guess. I think I will claim there is an egg there until someone proves me wrong for me ut I wouldlike to see elle sitting there looking fairly comfortable not all soaked and tented or whatever just happy with her egg or still preparing to place one whatever...Come on Cam...

Danelle said...

Hi glo, I'm not sure if I properly introduced myself. I am Sandy's therapist. I hear today is your birthday. Happy Birthday!

glo said...

Hi Danelle We are thrilled to have you join us I can tell this is right up your alley. You are hooked...too late now LOL.
Oh and Josh Grobin is to die for

Danelle said...

Did you get Josh's new Christmas cd-Noel? It is terrific!

glo said...

No but I am sure my daughter did LOL she is another JOsh Grobin fan
Lets see I made a video just the other day with Josh and Charlotte church on it
let me go see if I can find the link

glo said...

Danelle I live where eagles winter over. Here is a video I made form some eagle sightings last week.

Quad Cities Eagles

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...