Thursday, February 14, 2008


New thread. I fixed the pictures on Randy's fantastic post below.


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floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve:) Good icy morning everybody!!

Robyn said...

Megan, happy belated Birthday

Thanks for the new thread Steve

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
ROBYN, my grandson, who is also studying Environmental Science, like you, toured the Mayan Ruins this past November and was enthralled by it all.

Thursday, February 14, 2008 7:34:00 AM

Costume Lady said...

ROBY, brought comment over from other thread.

Costume Lady said...


Robyn said...

I bet, they were sure ahead of their time, especially with astrology.

He has told me of the caves he saw and he beautiful water holes they snorkeled in and how clear the waters were. And the RUINS I can't wait till he gets here for Tori's birthday in 3 weeks or is that 2 weeks...

OMG she is going to be 14!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Everyone (not naming since people was on other thread...might miss someone).

We had a nice switch at our nest this morning.

Weather person "Mits" is missed dearly. Hope Iris gets a great okie dokie for the eye this morning.

Costume Lady said...

THIS MESSAGE IS FOR JO, IF I AM NOT AROUND WHEN SHE GETS UP...The bird that was in our nest in January that you asked about may be a Red-Shouldered Hawk or a Swainson's Hawk (according to my grandson).

Robyn said...

Oh my goodness I forgot how fast the chicks grow, Tesoro babies are huge.

Dan, me and Tori go to Florida end of March, Dan meets mom and dad maybe we can drive by the nest while we are down there :)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread.

Happy Valentines Day Everyone !!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING DANA, We do miss Helen don't we? Hope she is taking care of herself and not trying to do anymore than the doctor tells her.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and fixing the pics! Thought it was just me till I read back. Thanks for the heads up, Megan! Glad to see you back on here, we missed you! Is your connection lots faster?
Morning, Dana.

Suzanne said...

Just noticed something! Did Lib put the stick on Belle's back? I know she didn't crawl under it! Wasn't there earlier!! Funny, Lady BW gets grasses, and Belle gets sticks! What's the deal with that? Think Lib is telling her he really CAN decorate????

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Robyn.

Suzanne said...

Squirrels in the snow in PA. And Tesoro eaglets chowing down!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne glad you could be with us today.
As far as Norfolk it may not be the original Dad at the nest. Joe is going looking for him today. To see if he can find him injuried anywhere in the gardens. We are just hoping the org. Mom and Dad. is there and that Jo is wrong.

Megan it is so great seeing you on her fast fast fast lol

glo said...

good Morning all. Short work week I guess Suzanne. I am glad you stayed home safe and warm.

Costume Lady said...

Maybe he's going to build a shelter over her. LOL

floralgirl said...

Hey Suzanne, connection is way faster. Although, I am having computer issues, and I fear I will have to run it back to Best Buy where it was for a week and apparently they didn't figure out what was wrong. Screen is acting funny. That stick may have fallen from above, the sun is shining here and ice and branches are dropping. When you stand outside you just hear crackling ice...

Costume Lady said...


glo said...

Do I see sunshine on that nest? What a welcome sight that is.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES & HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!---on this SUNNY--COLD--GLORIOUS a.m.---here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"--21° rising into 40s!!!----CONGRATS!! MEGAN---#1 EAGLE MOMMA today & every day!!!----ENJOY!!!

IrisF said...

Good Morning Megan, Robyn, Wanda, Dana, Suzanne, Glo, and Norma - HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!!!

Leaving soon for Eye Dr. Office to get the bandage off!!! YEA!

Nest looks a little better today, just hope this is the last of the nasty stuff!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Glo, that is Sun shining on the nest. It is still cold (23°) but a beautiful sunny morning.

floralgirl said...

Good luck, Iris:) I'm with you, I'm ready for Spring, just skated across the yard to feed the birds.

normabyrd said...

I AGREE DANA!!!----I said HELLO to everyone on the other page too!! HEY SUZANNE!!----BELLE has had a stick on her back for at least 2 days---Are you just noticing it???? ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Glo, Norma and Iris...Good luck Iris I just know it will be good.

The stick must have just fallen. Lib didn't place it there.

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Norma your a tease lol

Ok the other day you was sending out all kinds of kisses. Well today is Valentines Day. Are you all kissed out??? lol

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Your "SPARKLING VALENTINES" are so beautiful today!!!

normabyrd said...

DANA----Your turn to send KISSES today!!---ho!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo! Yes, very short week. But now I play catchup!
Norma, if that stick has been there for 2 days, it was invisible this morning! And is it on her back with Velcro? She was flying this morning...guess she forgot to attach it!
Megan, I bet you can hear the ice breaking up. Hope we don't hear any trees falling with the weight!

Suzanne said...

Uh Oh, morning, Iris! Don't know what happened to your eye, but hope whatever it was is fixed now!

movin said...

Well, I'm back for a while. I only got a short sleep, then I was just tossing.

Suddenly, the heavens opened and dropped the contents of at least one cloud ... not in the forecast. So I got up to get something settling in my stomach ... oatmeal ... and I'm waiting for it to take affect.

Looks like Belle has kept the egg cup area free of snow and ice, and everything is AOK.

Hope you are all OK too today.



movin said...

Suz, Iris had cataract surgery a day or two ago.



normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is cold this a.m.----He's all cuddled up--- sleeping on his 'grate'!!-----MEI is in a bamboo patch!!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I have to save all my kisses for Ed lol wink

Suzanne said...

Jim, we're going to have to get you something for your tummy, and to help you sleep! Tesoro eagles are still eating. No wonder they're so big!!

floralgirl said...

We should be ok here, I hope. We lost power briefly last night, it was so windy and everything is coated with at least an inch of ice. The sun and warm temp. should melt most of it today.

Suzanne said...

Oh, thanks, Jim. Iris, hope it is all gone!! My sister had that, and she loves it now! She has 20-20 vision in her eye now. She has to have the other one done, but so far she hasn't worked up the courage to get that one done too.

movin said...

Funny thing, I'm using FireFox browser, and if I want to see anything of the nest at Norfolk, I have to go to full screen. Otherwise I might see the white head of the parent on the eggs way off center in the lower right corner.

I don't think it's that way with Explorer.



Suzanne said...

Wow, you got more ice than I did, Megan! I only got about a half inch. On top of about 4" of snow, then snow on top of the ice, but not much. Flurries yesterday, and not enough to get traction on the ice. My drivway is like a skating rink! Hope we do get the 40s temps they're calling for today. Hopefully melt some of the ice in my drive!

Suzanne said...

Jim, I use IE, and nest is in lower center of pic. Eagle in nest. Guess they're pulled back to watch out if intruder shows up again.

wvgal_dana said...

No Jim it is not that way. I'm using Explorer and the nest is right in the middle of the picture.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---You would have died laughing yesterday----PRECIOUS SQUIGGLES put on the funniest show ever!!----She was on top of the fountain in the table room---just doing all things funny---attempting to stand on her head, etc.---BAI kept walking by ignoring her---last trip BAI gave one big SWAT---knocked the 'LITTLE IMP' to the floor!!!--PRECIOUS just jumped back up & started again!!!

wvgal_dana said...

She was adorable yesterday your right Norma. So was so sweet up ontop that one place. Playing with pieces of small bamboo. Rolling over like a "rollie pollie bug".

floralgirl said...

yeah, it would be easier to skate here than to walk. Poor dog can't get around at all. Weather Underground says we may get sleet or snow again Sunday night.

normabyrd said...

BWE still has problems---LISA'S note---Expect to receive MODEM DISH today!!!----That would be a good VALENTINE PRESENT for you folks----LISA----

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Watchers Mits, Carol (no Carol isn't sick I just say Hi! to her at times cause I know she is watching), Sandra and Sharon. Hope you feel better and one by one will be able to slip in again.

normabyrd said...

WHOA DANA!!---Now you have it figured out!!---ho!!

normabyrd said...

I see BLUEFIELD SHARON has SNOW this a.m.---Don't see any on the streets though!!----stay warm gal!!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

ME NEST---MT ---REFRESH showing no SNOW!!---Maybe EAGLE soon??

normabyrd said...

GEULA---Certainly enjoyed the pics of you--your friend & the DONKEYS!!----COOL PHOTOS!!---Thanks!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Morning everyone I am still here,
I had to get things going before
classes start.Next week is final
exams week for the winter quarter
and things can get very busy here.
I can see the pictures of the
nest now and i do hope they will
be ok.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

wvgal_dana said...

I mean't Maine live feed is still down was down yesterday too.

movin said...

There's a very interesting Catalina Report at IWS today.

All about the new cameras and the transmission equipment, and eagle pairs, etc.

Apparently, some of the cams are working now ... with better pictures ... but the sun hasn't come up out here yet, so you couldn't prove it by me.



normabyrd said...

Our EAGLE---sitting in the nest----'HAS SUNSHINE ON IT'S SHOULDER'!!!!---makes me happy!

floralgirl said...

Hope someone shows up to lift that stick off her and provide some breakfast soon.

Robyn said...

Morning Iris, Dana, Norma and Dave

normabyrd said...

INDIANA DAVE!---Thanks for your concern---Our nest has some sunshine now---hoping our weather will improve!!

wvgal_dana said...

Megan I enlarged picture it really doesn't look like the stick is across her. Well now you know for sure. She/he is turning eggs.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ROBYN---I read earlier that you have received Godiva candy!!!----SORRY---you can't share!!---ho!---ENJOY!

wvgal_dana said...

Shift change at Tesoro

Maybe shift change at our nest

normabyrd said...

EGG TURNING---our nest!

wvgal_dana said...

I see 3 pretty eggs of ours ( :

Robyn said...

Yum Norma, they are delicious, trying to pace myself to avoid a tummy ache lol

floralgirl said...

Oh, you guys are making me hungry for chocolate...

grannyblt said...

Happy V-Day to all the eagle watchers. It is a beautiful sunny day here in NW PA. Hope the sunshine helps melt some of the ice and slush on the streets. The rest of it can stay! It seems our nest is in the sunshine too, also ME, where the snow has melted on the nest. VA cam is calm at the present time. Prayers and good wishes for all.
Don't forget that this week end is the backyard bird count weekend.

Robyn said...

Off to make breakfast bbs

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LYNNE---I just saw the VA EAGLE fly off the nest!!---No EAGLE their now!!---I have sunshine
here & as does our nest!!----HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY----ENJOY your weekend count!!---may join in---

Suzanne said...

Morning, Grannyblt! I hope the snow and ice melts today too! I forgot about the backyard bird count! Megan, I heard last night that we're supposed to get more ice/snow on Sunday night into Monday morning. I was just glad I don't have to go to work on Monday! Missed that bullet!

normabyrd said...

WHOA ROBYN---Why not have CHOCOLATE for breakfast this a.m.!!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, no school Monday either, so that's ok. Thinking of taking daughter to Kennedy Center Japan festival on Sunday cause they were supposed to go yeterday on field trip and couldn't. Looks like weather will be ok until evening. Have to wait and see.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Some times these weather folks get it wrong!!---I need to get out of this house!!---Haven't been out for a wk--car in garage--get it home---SNOW!!---LIFE IS GOOD! (sometimes)

Costume Lady said...

I think Belle got rid of her stick. Gonna take a nap now. She needs it!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Happy Valentine's Day

paula eagleholic said...

The Twin Rocks and West End nest are up for viewing from You have to have Neokast to view them.

paula eagleholic said...

I sent this email to DGIF last night -

Have you thought about the possibility that the intruder was a female? If you watch the mating sequence at 5:27 pm, the female that mates with the male ends up on the right branch. Look closely at her head and tail - when the cam zooms in later, around 5:50 pm or so - it looks like an immature female.

This was the response I received this morning -

I raised that question last night...we'll review all of our footage and photos toady to try to sort out what's happening

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Grannyblt and Paula. Welcome back Wanda.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda is Gene taking you out for a Valentines Dinner?

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I just saw a couple of CARDINALS in my snowy pine tree!!--Have you had very many this winter?

---Would be just WONDERFUL to take your daughter to the KENNEDY CENTER!!---A REAL TREAT!!---HAVE FUN!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sweethearts Morning!
Love the Sunshine!

Signing in before reading all comments or checking emails.
Everyone stay warm... It looks like we have a full house this morning...
Looking for Candy - I'll check out the previous interesting thread that Steve put up late last evening.

floralgirl said...

Oh yes, Norma, we have loads of cardinals here. Sometimes I can count 30+ when I put out seed. Male, female and young ones.

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo Happy Valentines Day ( :

normabyrd said...


Danelle said...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! :) The sun is shining here today at the hospital. Hopefully it will help thaw Belle out. Poor thing. Thanks Steven for the pics and diary notes-very informative.

SUZANNE-nice to see you back today. I'm glad you decided to stay home yesterday. I know PA gets hit worse than WV. We had a terrible pile up on 340 yesterday.

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Danelle glad you made it home safely yesterday.

Danelle said...

Good morning Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee cute the smallest chick at Tesoro just had too big a piece of food parent fed it lol memories

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Sorry sun in my eyes seeing things

deb said...

Good morning everyone.


Mema Jo said...

Just found Candy on previous thread - flu bug! AJ is an early early bird like our Suzanne! Thanks Wanda for the bird ID! Randy's journal looks & sounds like our blog!

Cleaned out the emails - now I am good to go......

Norma - get out of the house but watch your step!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Deb ( :

Wow doesn't anyone have any plans for this "special day" Valentine
s Day????

Suzanne said...

Morning Paula, Jo and Danelle! Nice to be out and about again! Norma, know what you mean about getting out of the house, but step carefully! Sidewalks are icy!
Jo, I've tried off and on all morning to see Mrs Owls eggs, but she's not showing us! I see where AnneMarie got a pic of 5, and I see where someone said there were 7, but I can't see them at all. She's not sharing!

Suzanne said...

Oh, forgot. I posted some pics from the early morning switch to momsters album. Lib wasn't giving up the warm spot, Belle had to finally push him it looked like. Too funny!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Deb. Didn't mean to miss you!
Owl got up and turned around, only saw 1 egg. Now she's looking at the cam as if to say she's not showing us! Glowing eyes!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---I swear---Seems any time you look---You can see a diver or should say divers----coming or going!!---Have you noticed the water is not as clear as it used to be!!!---or am I NUTS?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I read the other day that the OWL at CO SITE is sitting on 2 eggs!!

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne - last count for Ms Owl at the WildWatch Hotel is 5 and yes, Anne was able to get the picture yesterday. Chuck is the one who in an email mentioned 7-8... Chuck is the one I emailed to get the cam up & running as it had frozen over the weekend.
The Great Horned Owls are something else & I they both now have eggs.

deb said...

Yes, there are lots of divers these last few days, Norma. No school here today. The snow isn't that bad, but the wind is bad today.

Dana, my plans look like being snowed in!! What are your plans?

paula eagleholic said...

BW cams are on - snow in BWE nest!

Suzanne said...

Ok, thanks Norma and Jo for the owl updates. She's trying to get settled again.


floralgirl said...

Sure, Dana, I'm going to get my taxes done..I forgot it was Valentine's day...

Suzanne said...

Wow, she sure was stingy in showing us. Turned around, had her wings out, and plop right back down. Ok, feel better now. Won't be looking for 7 eggs for her!

Mema Jo said...

Great Horned Owls
Boulder, CO 2 eggs
Bakersfield CA 3 eggs

normabyrd said...

NORFOLK---No EAGLE on nest!!

deb said...

Both eagles in PH.

Mema Jo said...

Norma - There hasn't been an eagle on the Norfolk nest for 45 minutes....
Looks as though Paula & Glo are there I'm sure they'll come back with..
the ongoing story of "3's a crowd"..

Suzanne said...

Norma, haven't seen an eagle on the eggs for a while! I just thought she/he was very low in the nest! Man, it's too cold out for those eggs!! Hope the eagles haven't left the nest because of all the intrusions!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---LISA has a note!!--The CO NEST---- GREAT HORNED EAGLE has 2 EGGS!---that's where I read that!!

Suzanne said...

You can see the eggs in the sun if you blow up the pic to full screen! But don't think the sun is quite warm enough!

normabyrd said...

WHOAAA!!!----I wish that SD SITE would get some SUNSHINE or even a flashlight!!---Always so dark!!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. I see that now too.

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Paula

I noticed also there has been no one on the eggs in Norfolk...

Mom will kep calling till someone sits in the nest...

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE!---I just checked my blog---at 9:12 a.m.-----I noted I had just seen her fly off!!---She should stood up---went to another limb. I think----AWAY she flew!!!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like 4 eggs to me.

Costume Lady said...

Look at our nest...does it look lik 4 to anyone else?

wvgal_dana said...

They had another "eagle attack" at Norfolk. Sad :(

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know myself yet if it is an intruder fighting one of the parents of the eggs. Or parent of the eggs fighting the intruder.

normabyrd said...

DEB!!---I just read your post!!---Our temp is at 28° now---SUN is bright & just seeing the sun makes one feel warmer!--ho!---JEFFERSON CO.--where our nest is located---has had no school for 2 days--& a 2hr. today!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I checked an earlier picture. I sent them around to Eaglet_Momsters. It shows 3 eggs. Unless another one was laid since those pics. were taken.

Costume Lady said...

Must be sunshine making eggs look like there are four. They sure don't need another to worry with.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, I am ashamed to admit it, but I think I was looking at snowballs!

deb said...

School is very rarely called off here, I was surprised to see the announcement. I haven't been out to see how bad the visibility is.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, Gene is taking me shopping in Hagerstown today for a few new clothes for our trip and taking me and Mom for crab legs at China City on Fri. WHOOO HOOO!

Suzanne said...

They're trying to find the eagle in NBG! Looking in all the trees. They're not there.

Suzanne said...

They can't find the eagles, but something white is blowing down by the eggs. Feathers, maybe?
Ours just turned eggs.

normabyrd said...

WOW!----There is an EAGLE in the nest at NE EAGLES----(crazy looking nest)----ho!

deb said...

You could see the people on the ground looking for the eagles, too.

Suzanne said...

Norma, flamingos are out in force!

wvgal_dana said...

Someone said the other day. That you can't make Norfolk full screen. Yes you can put cusor on pic right click and select zoom then full screen.
Right now 3 men are in the picture. One has bincoluars and two others they are looking around.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---You must buy something RED!!!!---When you are dancing on the table---we want to be able to see you waive to us!!!!---Aren't you going to VEGAS??--ho!

Suzanne said...

Deb, I hope the eagles return! But with all the intruders they have had, owls and other eagles, they may have just given up that nest. I sure hope not, though.
Was watching Santa Cruz, one of the CA nests, and K26(??) just took off. Can only watch one of them, can't install any software on this PC, and I don't have Neokast. Well, one is better than none!

Suzanne said...

Dana, you can just put your curser on the pic and double click with the left button. Makes pic full screen. Double click again to return to smaller size.
Right now am is on nest, from a distance. But no eagles...

wvgal_dana said...

Egg turning our nest and back down

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne yes there are different ways to get "full screen". Some others didn't know any way.

deb said...

I hope they come back, too. It doesn't look good right now, but let's hope they come back. No news from Joe yet on the Maine forum.

normabyrd said...

DANA---I just right clicked & hit zoom----FULL SCREEN!-----It would be hard to see anything in that thicket-----maybe they don't like this new nest???

Mema Jo said...

This seems to be working:

Bartons Cove Link

normabyrd said...

DEB--What is JOE looking for in ME??----Beautiful weather there----Lots of SUN!!

deb said...

Norma, Joe is from Norfolk, but he posts messages on the Maine forum.

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

COOL DEB!---Didn't he also have the video of the HUMMING BIRD??

Costume Lady said...

I'm going shopping now to buy a RED DRESS, NORMA. lol

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Did you watch any of the new shows on AP??---The show about a VET office & they had to remove these quills from the 2 DOGS that had a run-in with a porcupine???----Couldn't watch it all---too painful!!---I am a coward--ho!

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Two Joes. One works for the Norfolk web cam, I am not sure what else he does there. The other Joe owns the house where the hummingbird nest is and lives in California.

Suzanne said...

Norma, I fell asleep last Friday and didn't get to see ANY of the AP shows! I was so mad! Took a Starbucks home with me, then got home and drank a Pepsi all for the caffine, and it did no good whatsoever! Still fell asleep. Woke up at 12ish, went to bed, and slept for another 6 hours. Got up, fed the indoor and outdoor kitties, hit the couch, and slept till 1. I was exhausted! Since I've been off 2 days this week, I should be able to stay awake long enough tomorrow to see them! I like the Growing Up... shows too! And yesterday I watched Meerkat Manor in the AM, Orangutan Island in the afternoon.
Thanks, I'll give the kids hugs and pets for you!

deb said...

Eagle back at NBG!!

normabyrd said...

If they find the VA EAGLES---Then what???-----

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I seen that show both dogs had quills one really bad inside of mouth. Good show..

deb said...

We don't know, they are hoping the male eagle that has been there all along in not injured. I think that is what they are looking for. All of this is just speculation, no one knows for sure what is going on, other that the intruders are causing a lot of problems.

IrisF said...

Hello Everyone!
Just reporting in that my vision is GREAT and after 2 weeks of some eyedrops every day and one more visit to the eye Dr. I will be good to go. Already it is wonderful. To God goes the glory!!! Thank you all for your prayers, they really did help me through this...
Love and Hugs,

normabyrd said...

THANKS DEB!!!---She is sitting in the direction as I remember--- when she took off!!

Suzanne said...

Eagle in Norfolk nest!!!

Suzanne said...

Sorry Deb, see where you posted that already! She was off those eggs for several hours! Sure hope they're still viable.

normabyrd said...

DANA---Did you watch all of it?---I just couldn't---such a GREAT dog!!----How long did it take to remove them??

deb said...

Iris, so glad everything went great. You should be all ready to go for watching the eaglets!!

Suzanne said...

Hey Jo. They've added a different cam view on the owl hotel. Neat pic.

Danelle said...

HI NORMA! I just got to refresh my page and saw your message.

My hubby is taking me out to eat tonight. Anyone else have plans? Other than buying red dresses and dancing on tables. ;)

deb said...

both eagles in Barton Cove.

deb said...

One just flew off. Here goes the second one.

glo said...

Joe is one of the fabulous photographer/zoomers at Norfolk. Many of the photos you enjoy are his.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. HOPEFULLY, blog at everyone tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow will bring good news about NBG!
Look at Belle squawking up in those branches. She's telling Lib it's his turn.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

glo said...

A Valentine for all of you:

. Happy Valentines Day

deb said...

Eagle back at Barton Cove.

deb said...

Thanks, Glo. What is your weather doing today?

glo said...

Deb I have sunshine and 30...thats the good news. Don't ask me about tomorrow and the weekend but I am now going for a ride. Time to get out of here for a while.

deb said...

Empty nest again at NBG.

Chrissy Beahan said...


Hope everyone is as well as they can be today.

Iris, great news pet, so glad that your eye is doing ok !!!

Taking time out to speak to you while I can,, Frank is cooking dinner for me as a Valentines Treat, so I have a little more time before I have to pop off.

NOW,,,,,, Do you all think I will get back on tomorrow, or will I be speanding my Friday in the ER ????
Only joking !!!
Bless him he does his best.

How are things going on the Live Feed front ???

Nice to see quite a lot of the snow has gone from the nest,, hope it stays that way too.

love and hugs

Jill said...

First chance I have had to look at anything today. Only skimmed the blog so I may have missed something.

Iris can see much better. YAY.
Robyn isn't sharing her Godiva. BOO
Intruder at Norfolk BOO.

Hey Wanda save me a seat tomorrow. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Thanks so much for the card, Glo.
Great picture selection for us!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...


Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Robyn said...

awww Jill, you are more then welcome to come over for one piece of Godiva :)

Jill said...

Thanks Robyn but my wrist hurts too bad to drive all the way over there for one piece of chocolate. You enjoy it for me. And tell Tori Happy Birthday. I thought she was older than Zach. HUMMM

deb said...

Both eagles in Barton Cove, working on the nest.

movin said...

I'm up again. This time I think I did it right, I feel more rested.

I see both BW cams are working again, but there's no note that the modem has been replaced.

The Norfolk eagles haven't been on the eggs all morning?? They don't seem to know what's happening on the Maine blog either.

Last year at Maine everybody thought the eggs were destroyed, and the adults were absent for a long period, but they all hatched, and it was thought that the eggs had been covered by a deep layer of grass as insulation against the cold.

I saw the female setting on them late last night, so it could turn out alright yet.



deb said...

Jim, one eagle was there for a short time at 11:48 blog time and was there about an hour.

movin said...

I just returned to Norfolk, put it on full screen, and in flies the mama and sets on the eggs!!!!



Danelle said...

big mama owl's eggs are in view!

Danelle said...

oops, she's back on them now.

movin said...

Deb, do you know what the "intruder event" was this morning at Norfolk? What page of the blog would it be, if you know?



glo said...

Jim If you want to do some reading and watching this link might give you some idea of what is happening at Norfolk.

Norfolk Drama

movin said...

Thanks, Glo,

I'll check it out. From looking back on the Maine blog, they don't seem sure anything happened this morning...not at the nest anyway.

Personally, from the little we can see, I am confident that an intruder takeover has not occurred.



deb said...

Eagle just flew into PH, 10 it is, now both there.

deb said...

They brought in a LOT of fluff.

I was reading on the Maine forum, that there are 5 biologist at NBG, who are just as confused as everyone else. There are 4 eagles there, currently, three adults and one juvie. They hope to put out a press release later today, but want to wait until they know more.

deb said...

Empty nest at PH.

kirine said...

Hi all.

Have they found anything out about the eagles at Norfolk yet? I haven't seen anything as of yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Read up 2 posts, Kirine

paula eagleholic said...

And Welcome, Kirine. Jump right in, there's plenty of room in the nest!

Danelle said...

well all, time for me to head home. Have a good evening!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like someone is taking a panda nap :)

Carol_in_WV said...

Welcome, Kirine. It's dinner time at Tesoro. I thought fledging time was stressful. the Norfolk soap opera is rather stressful too!

deb said...

Both eagles in the Maine nest.

deb said...

Eagle back at NBG.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...