Tuesday, February 19, 2008


New thread.


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glo said...

Good morning everyone. Time for a new day. Keep looking up!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Glo! Thanks Steven for the new thread.

glo said...

Hey Sharon. Liver and spinach for you til March. Hope you get to feeling better. I could sure use some warmth, sunshine, snow and ice melt and eagles, preferably the live cam kind right there in shepherdstown. What a pick me up that would be to lots of folks about now.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES-!!!--CONGRATS!--GLO!--Our #1 EAGLE MAMMA this a.m. & every a.m.---HELLO SHARON!!---I join GLO in wishing you get well wishes!---SUNNY & BRISK a.m. here in WV--"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"---temp. 30°---GOING TO BE A GLORIOUS DAY---ENJOY!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Jim, Megan, Candy, Sharon, Glo, Norma and Watchers.

Thank you Steven for the New Thread.

Our weather doesn't look the best coming up. Snow in the forcast.

floralgirl said...

Hey Dana and Norma and GLo. Weather does look cold and crummy tomorrow, 1 to 2 inches of snow and really windy and cold.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Glo.
Good morning to you and Norma and Dana! Sorry I missed Candy! Hope everyone is well today.

Mauley said...

Good Morning Megan, Dana, Glo, Norma, Suzanne, Jim, Candy and Glo. Sharon, I hope you are feeling better soon. Update on dear daughter. She has still dilated to 3, but labor stopped. Since it is early, good thing labor stopped. Three of her five children have the flu. Their other grandmother and I are taking turns keeping them. I get them after work today. My daughter, Tonja,also has pneumonia on top of the pregnancy. Prayers are coveted and much appreciated. God Bless You all. donna

floralgirl said...

Mornig,Mauley, keeping your family in my thoughts.

normabyrd said...

GA ZOO HOPES FOR ANOTHER PANDA CUB--('Charleston Gaz.) Zoo Atlanta is hoping to hear the pitter patter of little panda paws again----Now that panda cub MEI LAN is old enough to be weaned, zookeepers hope her mother, LUN LUN, is read to mate again. If all goes as planned, LUN LUN will become pregnant this spring & deliver Zoo Atlanta's 2nd giant panda cub at the end of the summer. but that's a giant panda-sized "IF."......LUN LUN & YANG YANG don't have a history of successful mating. Zoo will be ready for an artificial insemination, that how MEI LAN was conceived in 2006. Zoo will begin weaning the 17 mo. MEI LAN from her mother next week---a process that mirrors giant panda behavior in the wild....(goes on to say MEI LAN weights 80 lbs. & will be SEPARATED from LUN LUN for longer & longer period over next 2 wks & the 2 are PERMANENTLY KEEP APART,, STARTING SOMETIME IN MARCH!!!--"LITTLE BEAUTY" WILL BE KEPT IN A PART OF THE ZOO'S HABITAT BY HERSELF ONCE SHE IS WEANED COMPLETELY!)--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MAULEY--I will keep your daughter in my thoughts & prayers for a healthy baby!!!---Prayers for you all caring for the 'little ones'---LOVE----

grannyblt said...

Good morning everyone from NW PA where we have a good covering of new snow. I guess Mother nature didn't like seeing that brown grass yesterday.
A quick check of cams show sun and parent at BW, quiet, sunny and MT at ME and mourning doves and juncos at the deer cam in PA. And speaking of deer in PA, last evening a visitor was leaving and was greeted on the FRONT PORCH by an obviously tame white tailed deer. Bambi just went down the three steps and walked around the hedge and stood there looking at us. It didn't move until I said hello. Bambi must not have been it's name.

floralgirl said...

morning, grannyblt- lots of "tame" deer here, too.Let me know if you need any more. I'll be glad to deliver.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA---MEGAN & WELCOME BACK SUZANNE!!---We always miss you!!----WHOA! MEGAN---Just noticed your TURKEY!!---Did you find that in PA?---KIDDIN''--

Suzanne said...

Tesoro chicks are getting fed. Man, are they huge now!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley! You daughter will be in my prayers. Morning, Grannyblt! Saw the snow on the PA cam. I don't have any in my neck of the woods! And that's a GOOD thing!

floralgirl said...

That turkey was in my yard last year, Norma, biggest one I ever saw. He was beautiful.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LYNNE!!---I have some BAMBIS too!!----This is the 1st year they have bothered my bird feeders!-----MAN IS TAKING OVER THEIR PLAYGROUNDS!!----

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Oh yeah!---This one looks like he is well fed!!---

Suzanne said...

I've lost the bottom half of both BWE and BWO cams. Darn. Been that way for a while now.

Suzanne said...


floralgirl said...

http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/norfolk/dp-local_eagles_0219feb19,0,2106648.story-article on the Norfolk eagles-sorry, cut and paste

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

flyin, our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Mauley have your daughter added to the noon time prayers list. I have an alarm on cell phone that goes off at noon. As a reminder to pray.

Yes Norfolk the resident female is gone. Dad and intruder female have been seen sitting on limbs at old nest. Reese is getting eggs out of tree for examination and information. They believe since increase in eagles. There will be more fights during nesting times for nest rights in future. At Norfolk they can only hope for a new clutch of eggs this season.

normabyrd said...

HEY DANA!!---DONKEYS are still at breakfast through!!

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee Norma you didn't say like usual "a herd" of donkeys lol

wvgal_dana said...

Norma you are right about them going to try to get Mei pregrant again. Don't remember what day. I commented in blog that I seen it in our newspaper. Great Minds ( :

normabyrd said...

DANA---I always worry about the little one that must be left alone!!--I know that for the best!!---ho!

Suzanne said...

Our little squigs is waking up and out and about outside. She's adorable!

IrisF said...

Good Morning Glo, Sharon, Dana, Norma, Suzanne, Megan, Lynne and Donna - WoW lots of you here this morning. On my way to get a cup of coffee, be back soon to catch up!

IrisF said...

now to sign in for email follow-ups

Suzanne said...

Good grief, what happened? I think Bai just came along and grabbed ZZ and took her off. That was quick. But one sec she was there, next sec Bai walks by and she's gone.
Norma, Flamingos are out and about.

Suzanne said...

Iris, I like your new pic! What a handsome couple you are!!!

Switched views at SD, now have Bai in the hallway den, and Sqigs was back out on the trees playing. Darn.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I had a "precious" moment with PRECIOUS!!----(i got a brief glimpse of her)---She is ADORABLE!!---Sun. night--on 'NATURE'---Program about the GRIZZLIES & POLAR BEARS rearing their cubs!!----Those little bears were AWESOME!!---So funny trying to keep up with the momma bears!!---So much like the pandas!!---But a much--much larger territory!--

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Iris ( :

Norma I know. I really don't care what they do in the wild. Mei Lan is not in the wild as of yet. She has had her mother as a play mate and now that will be taken away. This is probably their way of getting Mei Lan ready to go. Yes I know that at 2 yrs old they normally go back to China. I'm just a "push over" for her to be able to play around and romp. lol

Costume Lady said...

I'm really falling behind on the news of the nests and furry critters. Only a short time left before we leave on our trip and sooo much to do. Working on taxes right now, not my favorite thing!

normabyrd said...

Oh my---getting cloudy here--but temp has moved up to 35----& a few snow flakes----(very few)---so don't worry SUZANNE!!

floralgirl said...

Hello Wanda- did my taxes last week...ugh..actually tho my accountant did most of the work. Viva Las Vegas....

IrisF said...

Thank you Suzanne!

Donna, your daughter and both of you grandmas really have your hands full! Will keep you all in my prayers for sure.

Dana that was a wonderful tip to set the alarm on my cell phone.
Keeps me from forgetting and letting the time get away from me.

Sharon, Glo is right, lots of iron in Spinach and Liver...hope you like both!

Norma, where are you seeing Donkeys? Can you send that URL? Please.

normabyrd said...

WHOA WANDA!!----I thought you would be getting so EXCITED!!!---Just think of all the FUN you are going to have!!----Just wear your "red" dress while you do your taxes!!---ho!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda ( :

When do you leave for Vegas?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

To Glo and Iris: Liver and spinach is absolutely out of the question, detest both! Yucky pooey!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - great to see all of you here! Trying to catch up with your comments..& emails..& cams..& forums.
Donna-prayers are remembering you and family - especially your daughter!

floralgirl said...

Oh, I'm with you, Sharon, yuck!!!

normabyrd said...

IRIS---COOL pic.---This is for the donkeys----


Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Sounds like you're keeping busy before you leave. Not a fun thing to do, tho!!
Norma, this weekend sometime I watched a special something on AP. About a panda in Chendau(?), Jing Joing, from birth to first year. They want to keep the pandas breeding, so they take the cubs away from mom about 6 months. Kind of feel sorry for them, but they're put with other cubs, so they have lots of playmates! Just can't nurse anymore, and no more contact with mom. But it was nice to watch. Had 2 Atlanta folks there at different times, also. Jay(?) from Atlanta, and a female vet. Not sure about names. They had cams on mom when the baby was born, she was a 4 time mom, so no excitement for her, she was very calm.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all.

Liver - yuk!]
Spinach - yum!

Keeping Mauley's daughter in my thoughts.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Jo and Paula ( :

Hay Suzanne I can go for that. Putting the panda cub in with other cubs. When taken away from their moms.

Costume Lady said...

NORMA...thanks for the tip...I never thought of putting on the RED DRESS. That will do the trick!
DANA..leaving March 1. Sooo excited.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

SUZ...when do we start watching the Finland Nest again...do you remember?

Costume Lady said...

OK, off for exercise and breakfast and then more taxes. BBL

floralgirl said...

Just give me the wine sauce...

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE DONNA PRAYERS FOR YOUR FAMILY ALWAYS. Just remember pandas are and always will be solitary animals..Take Care

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Mits - Hope you are starting to feel more like your old self!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Dear Mits ( :

I knew if you was watching. You was going to remind us of that lol
Hope you are recovering nicely. So good to see your Panda picture on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BC and SC and WE (I think)

normabyrd said...

SUZ---Please send IRIS the donkey site---I have had a couple of phone calls this a.m. & I think I sent her the DIVER'S SITE!!---50 WACKS with the EAGLE CANE!!----

MITS said...

PAULA don't know if I feel like my old-self, but feel like a much older version of myself after this event. Going to surgeon tomorrow for 1st post-op visit. DANA just remember a happy panda is a well-fed panda....she will be just fine, no matter how pitiful she may look at times. It is all apart of growing up panda-syle...TTYAL!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!--MORNIN' HELEN!----WONDERFUL to hear from you this a.m.----PRAY that you are on the mend---we have missed you!!---I guessed these last remarks would get your attention!!!----50 more WHACKS with the CANE for me!!---ho!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Mits "your my Panda Lady" so I will listen to you.. (: Hope appt. is a good one for you.

Mema Jo said...

Egg Roll just took place Our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Off to run 2 errands.. It's cold outside!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well just to let you know. Remember we talked about the Maine nest we watch. We talked about that eagle flying into the one eating in the nest. Well ladies/gents. there is another female at Maine. There is original Dad and Mom and female C. They are waiting and hoping it all gets settled out "before egg laying time". They don't of course want a re-hap at their nest like at Norfolk. Boy these soap opera in nature is sure becoming more and more. They Resse said in that tv video. More eagles more fighting for nesting areas. yuck

normabyrd said...

I still 'kinda' believe that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE in a PANDA reared in a ZOO & a PANDA born in the wild!!---Isn't that the reason why most pandas born & reared in a zoo have not done well when released in wild later!!----Not disagreeing HELEN!!!---just my opinion---ok?

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Don't remember on the Finland site, but I'll check and see if I still have the URL.
Morning Helen, and welcome back! Sure have missed you! Glad to see you on here.
Morning, Paula, love your avatar! Wanda, love yours too. Kind of a "spring is coming" reminder!
Donkey site URL:
all on 1 line, of course.

IrisF said...

Good morning Jo! Good morning Mits!

Hey Norma, Thanks for the URL...

I'm with you Wanda, sounds good to me...

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne what Wanda was talking about. Is Finland an Eagle site?

normabyrd said...

The pandas are out in ATLANTA---cam appears to be looking DOWN on them!!---MEI is lying on the upper log structure---LUN LUN taking a bamboo break!!----NOTE FROM WORKERS!!---They weigh pandas poop--using 1 gal. bucket for MEI---2 5 gal. buckets for LUN LUN---Last measure of same----Let's say the 'LITTLE BEAUTY' has moved up to the BIG TIME in their "poop parade"!!---(must have been a dull day at the atlanta zoo)

IrisF said...

That's OK Norma, I didn't have the URL for the Divers site either, so now I do...

Suzanne said...

Oh, Tesoro eaglets were head butting each other! And here comes parent, but didn't see any food.

normabyrd said...

CLOUDED LEOPARD is sunning at the NZOO!!---At first glance--looks like a snake---It is lying close to the log!!

Suzanne said...

Iris, I put the site URL here on the blog.
Dana, Finland is an Osprey site. Remember Finny last year?

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Ok I checked my list of cams Finland is Osprey but not up yet.

I do watch Cape Coral Osprey...they think there is 1 egg under the parent. Hidden when parent is up or exchange.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, just checked the site. Finny is still there saying good-bye in Finnish with his beautiful self! The last update is dated 9 Aug 07, but don't have a CLUE what it's saying. Don't speak Finnish at all. Would just say keep checking back. Probably still too cold there yet, maybe about another month the parents may start redoing their nest.

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Hoping you were feeling like a "new" old self!

Suzanne said...

Extremely foggy at Kent, but no Star and/or Spirit.

Geula said...

Hi all! good morning, or is it afternoon....lol!
could someone please resend the Donkey URL.....it sort of got cut off midway... THANKS!

I come on here every day, almost, and peek with squinted eyes at our nest, to sort of see if there's any snow in it. I've got a bloody SNOW in the NEST Phobia! Help me!
LOL, but not so lol, actually.

Suzanne said...

Just looked back, and Jo, I MISSED YOU this morning! I am so sorry! Didn't see you come in, and someone just said good morning, so went looking for the Sycamore tree! Lo and behold, there it was. I apologize, did not mean to overlook your posts!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, I am pretty nervous about snow in our nest too. Truly do not want a repeat of last year!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GEULA!----CHECK--10:35 a.m. comment from SUZANNE! How are you this beautiful cool a.m.??

paula eagleholic said...

BC - 1 eagle, windy and snow

Maine - windy

NCTC & BW - sunny!

normabyrd said...

GEULA!---These WV EAGLES are TOUGH!!---They have been through this a few times!!---The waiting part always seems the hardest for me!!!!--Now I know how fathers must feel--- ho!

deb said...

Good Morning everyone. I have been putzing around this morning getting stuff done.

normabyrd said...

OREGON NEST--MT---snow is slowly melting---WOW!---HUGE NEST!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Light snow in Bluefield at the moment.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!----SUZANNE & DANA---I just remembered---the BEAUTIFUL FINNISH
NEST is an artificial nest!!---Remember---we bragged about how the nest just seemed so perfect!!---Does anyone remember!!!

Suzanne said...

Yup, remember, Norma. Man-made nest! But it is beautiful. That's also where I saw the Moose strolling in the background, remember? Be glad when the ospreys come back!

Geula, here is URL broken down. Copy and put on 1 line.

floralgirl said...

Whoa- I mised Jo and MIts. Glad to see you on here Mits:) We miss you. Tomorrow's weather at the nest,= A chance of snow in the morning...then snow likely in the afternoon. Snow accumulation of 1 to 2 inches possible. Highs in the mid 30s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph... becoming west 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph in the afternoon. Chance of snow 70 percent.-not too much snow, just windy and cold-

normabyrd said...

SHARON----We are getting snow showers too---but they melt away so fast---Hope yours does the same!!----I keep you in my prayers---Is there any hosp. closer in WV---that you could get in---aren't you waiting on UVA?? --- We go to a VA hosp. too---Winchester!!

movin said...


It's got to be a beautiful week. Just cool the Norfolk viewing. Hahaha.

Keep smiling....



wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning our time Geula ( :

Yes Norma I remember the nest at Finland and it being artifical because it was always so perfect. hee hee

movin said...

Drive very, very safely, Suzanne and have a good day.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I am going to the hematologist/oncologist here in Bluefield and the first available appointment is 3/12. The snow is sticking here and there on the ground.

Suzanne said...

Morning again, Jim. Did you get some sleep?
I finally closed Norfolk, poor MT nest was just blowing in the wind.
Almost time for me to start locking up anyway.

wvgal_dana said...

Safe trip home Suzanne might be snow in the morning.

normabyrd said...

HELEN!---Have the little "BEAUTIES" been to see you?---I hope they are well----DAVIN called yesterday & Lil' SAM has a cold---Pray it doesn't go through the family!!!--What time is your appt.?---Will keep you in my thoughts!----Take care!!

normabyrd said...


drcinWV said...

good morning, I'm a lurker. Would someone give me the url address of the live feed for the Shepherdstown eagles. I have been unable to get it this year. Thank you so much for any help.

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Dana. I just checked Unisys weather. Supposed to get flurries every day till the weekend! Hope it's only flurries! If not, don't look for me in the morning! We'll see how much is out there about 0145 or so when I leave.

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

drcinwv, we don't have the live feed yet. We are all anxiously waiting for it too.

Suzanne said...

Morning, drcinWV. As far as I know, URL hasn't been given out yet for live feed. Unless they gave it out this weekend, we're all waiting!

wvgal_dana said...

I had written to Lisa to ask her about "eagles mating for life". Since all this at Norfolk and maybe Maine is happening. She wrote back this:

Alaska doesn't have as much of a problem because there is plenty of nesting space (for those eagles that nest there). But along the East Coast, prime nesting areas are slim in number, and as the eagle populations grow, it puts pressure on the nesting eagles and the ones who want to nest.

To give you an example of the difficulty in finding nesting spots, most osprey nests on the East Coast are on artificial platforms (made by humans) because there are so few trees and other natural sites near water. Eagles don't normally like to nest in artificial platforms -- they need trees -- but good tree spots (meaning near water with privacy) are hard to come by, and with more eagles looking to nest, sometimes a single eagle will try to take over an established nest.

If there is no nesting pressure, eagles will normally mate for life. But if a big, aggressive female comes along and tries to take over a nest, sometimes she will win. Maybe it's because she's so aggressive that the male is attracted to her (survival of the fittest).

On one hand, it's hard for us to watch the eagles fighting, but on the other, it wasn't that long ago when DDT was threatening to wipe out all the eagles. So in a way, we're lucky to have so many eagles that they have to occasionally fight over good nest sites.

The ideal solution would be for humans to leave up quality nesting trees near water for the raptors.

Suzanne said...


drcinWV said...

Suzanne and eagle-eyed Sharon, thank you. No wonder I couldn't get it then. I'll keep checking. Thanks again.

Suzanne said...

Well, she was done and back down by the time it posted!
SD is looking for ZZ, she's off and exploring somewhere.
Time for me to hit the road. All, stay well tonight. Hopefully blog at ya tomorrow. Depends, as usual, on the snow. Don't drive down here in the middle of the night in snow.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

glo said...

Cute Geula About your 'Bloody phobia. I htink lots of us have that same phobia. I also find myself NOT watching as I am not enjoying the drama 3 somes either well except for WE...they are established...at least I think they are. I do find myself wondering how that set u came to be and how some of these eaglesa re teaching us that sometimes an eagle is driven away, with fate left unknown ARGH, and sometimes a 3 some develops. Beats me. I want the healthy little fuzzies thta are soon coming to Shepherdstown. I want to Beauty of the soar I get to watch myself here where I live. I think I will leave the rest to the Biologists to learn from and sort out.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, the Atlanta kids are both together eating bamboo. A big kid and a little kid. Too cute!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO---DEB & JIM!---I have been on phone some this a.m.---SORRY---I missed you all!!--Won't happen again!---ho!!---DID you all stay up all night again?

glo said...

Yep We all need to remember this and spread it around to anyone who will listen. Thanks Dana for you info from Lisa.

The ideal solution would be for humans to leave up quality nesting trees near water for the raptors.

deb said...

It is so sad that people can't see the nature side of things when they put in their resorts and houses on the water. With extra planning, I would think both could be accomplished.

movin said...

Yeah, Steven,

We are all wondering when we will be able to watch the movies with the Dolby surround sound that are scheduled for this season...



Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, eagle lovers! We have a light dusting of snow up on this mountain. It's windy off & on and sunny off & on. Currently 24 degrees. Norma - I remember the artificial osprey nest in Finland. I love that nest - the camera is so close, you feel like you are almost in the nest. Thanks to everyone who have given updates and links for the Norfolk drama. Though sad for the 3 eggs, it is a facinating saga.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is good, Jim! I am ready for the Dolby with surround sound. :)

floralgirl said...

Yes, Jim, me too:) turning up my speakers.......

Danelle said...

Hi everyone! Whew! It's been a crazy few days at work! I didn't get on at all yesterday, and I'm just now getting on today. Just wanted to stop in and say hello quickly and catch up on the blog. Well, back to work for me. Talk to ya'll soon.


movin said...

By the way, in regards to what Lisa wrote, Bald Eagles do sometimes nest on man-made structures (that one in Oklahoma we watched last year, and large power-pole structures around the Country). In fact, I saw recently where structures have been built specifically for B. Eagles, so I believe the pressures for nesting trees could be alleviated by learning which kind of structures they will use and building or converting more of them.



movin said...

Su Lin is very active this morning. Take a look.



deb said...

I remember reading that, too, Jim. I think it was on one of the islands and Steph had pictures of it. I will have to look. They were hoping the eagles would adopt the nest.

deb said...

I found it. Here is a link to the article.

Artificial nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our egg cup looks so deep and well protected!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CAROL!!---How are things in PENDLETON----Have you seen any EAGLES lately!!----I know NATURE doesn't always seem fair some times!!!----That is just another reason we find it so fascinating!--I read that the NORFOLK people believe the the EAGLES will lay another clutch of eggs!!---

floralgirl said...

Hey everyone- I found this on the Norfolk cam pageAnnouncement: Join us in the chat room at 1 pm for live commentary from Norfolk Botanical Garden, as biologists retrieve the eggs from the nest. Select "Special Event" chat room.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANELLE---I take it the hospital doesn't observe 'PRESIDENT'S DAY?---ho!--SORRY---bet you all are swamped this time of year!!---JO says she hasn't heard from SANDY!!---She is going to check on her soon!!---Take Care---DON'T WORK SO HARD!--

floralgirl said...

they are going to remove the eggs from the Norfolk nest at 1 today Get over there if you want to watch and listen to them narrate it in the chat room

floralgirl said...

wvec-moderator: Ladies and gentlemen, we will be joined shortly by one of the staff members at Norfolk Botanical Garden- Norfolk Botanical: The conversation biologist and the DGIF biologist have just arrived at the Garden. We are awaiting the arborist.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: Staff and biologist are preparing to remove the eggs around 1:00 pm today. The biologists are on site.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Megan

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: We are still awaiting the arborist who will climb the tree. Biologists have prepared a container for him to carry up the tree. The container will be compartmentalized to hold each egg.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: The removal of the eggs requires both federal and state permits. the permits were received this morming. Only two people in the region are qualified to undertake this operation.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: Good afternoon and welcome to the removal of eggs from the eagles nest at Norfolk Botanical Garden. There are three reasons for removing the eggs. 1. by removing the abandoned eggs, it will increase the probability that more eggs will be laid.Norfolk Botanical: 2. Biologists will examine the embryos to analyze growth rate and learn more about the early development of eagle eggs. 3. biologist will make a chemical analysis of the eggs to look at the adult eagles diet and look at any chemicals in their food chain.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: The eggs will be taken by the authorized representative to the Center for Conservation Biology at William & Mary. From there they will go to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science for analysis.

MITS said...

I'm watching it, thanks Megan

deb said...

I can't stay to watch, so I really appreciate your putting the comments on here, Megan. When i get home tonight I can read all about it.

deb said...

#@$@# Just when the excitement starts I have to leave. I a sure there will be video. Hi, Mits, glad you are watching.

MITS said...

hi Deb,

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: The eagles have not been around the nest tree since yesterday.

paula eagleholic said...

over 100 people in the chat room.

NBG is narrating along with the cam shots

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy mits

MITS said...

jmho...chat rooms with all the coming and going are annoying, glad they are not letting people talk

MITS said...

hi ya....PAULA

floralgirl said...

The arborist and staff are currently just outside the barricad the biologist in the teal coat is the person who has received the permit to remove the eggs He is currently briefing the arborists

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: he is going over protocol. they will be asked to photograph the nest before touching anything.He is showing them the insulating wrapper for the eggs.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: The bucket truck to assist for the first part of the climb has arrived. The arborist will go as high as the bucket will allow and then rope climb from there.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: The arborist is loading equipment - including a cooler for carrying the eggs.The arborists are Tim Nuckols and Nate Jones - two of the arborists that mounted the cam at the beginning of the year.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: Looks like Tim is the first one up. Actually it is nate. He is at the highest point for the bucket. He will toss a line up to climb . You can still see how short the bucket is. It is 55 feet in the air. Nate will climb to the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Megan, keep the comments coming.

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: He is approaching the nest. The bucket has gone down for Tim, the other arborist.Nate is adjusting ropes - safety lines and a line to lower the container. They will work as quickly as they safely can in case the new pair return to the area - they have not been seen since yesterday

floralgirl said...

2nd arborist is arriving. Safety lines are in and getting ready for container. A bit of the breeze is making the tree sway - the cam tree is moving too, making it seem worse. An arborist above the nest and one climbing up from below

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like they only found 2 eggs from the commentary....

floralgirl said...

Tim is examining the nest. He is taking the first egg. It is going into the container.Egg two in the container. They are looking for a third egg. Reporting by phone to the biologist below. The eggs will go to the center for conservation biology at William and Mary College and then to VIMS for analysis. Looks like only two eggs.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The third egg may have been damaged when the owl came to the nest, you reckon?

floralgirl said...

There have been no signs of the eagles during this process. Eagles do not have a sense of smell and will not be bothered by the presence of the arborists in the nest.

floralgirl said...

there are two eggs. No pieces of a third

paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk Botanical: there are two eggs
Norfolk Botanical: No pieces of a third

MITS said...

Sharon, they did not see any pieces of a 3rd egg

floralgirl said...

Norfolk Botanical: a biologist is looking for any possible egg fragments around the base of the tree.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So apparently there was no third egg?

paula eagleholic said...

a biologist is looking for any possible egg fragments around the base of the tree

movin said...

Hey, thanks, Deb. I had forgotten that nest :~D ... they're still hoping the new pair on the island will use that nest, which Dr. Sharpe built, this season.

That is also an excellent idea; however the ones I was referring to are built something like oversize Osprey nests with man-made lumber, etc.

I found my link to the Oklahoma site, and there's a clickable link below.

Sutton Center in OK



MITS said...

you got it, Sharon...

MITS said...

well that was darn interesting, sisters are fixing my lunch, grilled cheese and for dinner pork sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.....I'm one lucky lady.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Mits, that was darn interesting. I think I will stop by your house for a grilled cheese. I was going to make one here but somebody ate all the cheese!

floralgirl said...

wvec-moderator: here is a picture of the eggs: http://www.wvec.com/images/eagle-eggs.jpg

MITS said...

They are taking such good care of me...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, they are not much bigger than a chicken egg. Thanks Megan, our roving reporter! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Pic of the two eggs from Norfolk

MITS said...

thanks, Megan and Paula..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Steven, what might be the news on our live feed?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, and thank you too Paula. Did not mean to leave you out!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

After watching that, our nest looks so serene! I pray ours stay safe.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I can never thank you enough----I just got off---That was AWESOME!!---So interesting to learn about the laws & reg. involved when dealing with the eggs!!--I still can't believe how many people were involved to take the eggs out of the nest!!---Did you notice--he picked the eggs up in his hand??--I thought they had to wear gloves!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks to Megan for the heads up!

I got it taped, and will post it later tonight - I hope

normabyrd said...

SHARON---I made that remark a few days ago----Praising BELLE & LIBERTY for being such nice EAGLES!!---Not causing any problems!!----LOVE 'EM!--

movin said...

I was just looking at some cams I have open...

Bai is also sleeping aloft in the tree this morning...

Lisa has a good link to a Cape Coral Osprey nest.

Both little Hummers are perching on the edges of the nest and look like they are ready to go any moment.

Belle, looks secure, but perhaps snow sprinkled on my cam view.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, its a damp, coolish 55° day here in So Cal with some drizzle, and we are due for rain tomorrow.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Changing of the guards at Sycamore Palace!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And turning of the royal eggs!

movin said...

Very interesting reports, Megan. Thanks a lot.

Strange they didn't find signs of the third egg ... they had pictures of 3, didn't they?

By the way, I was looking for the ages of the parents of these eggs at Norfolk a couple of days ago, but I didn't find the information.

Does anyone know about the former female??



movin said...

My cable just went down and then on again ... screws everything up!

I saw both little Hummers either hovering or practicing hovering very convincingly.



Carol_in_WV said...

Megan - I missed watching the egg removal - but I want to thank you for your blow-by-blow description. I almost feel like I saw it. Looking forward to watching the tape, Paula.

movin said...

Good morning/PM, Norma.

I think they use gloves with live eggs to avoid infecting them with any kind of disease, but it clearly wouldn't be necessary in this case.



floralgirl said...

Jim, they thought the original female to be 12 yrs. old.

IrisF said...

Hi Everyone, I have posted the complete transcript of the Norfolk chat on Eaglet_Momsters mail and also on the ftloe Forum at:
http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2834&mforum=4eaglelovers#2834 copy and past it all on one line, Dana or Jo if you can make that a tiny URL that would be helpful...

Mema Jo said...

Iris Thank you so much for that posting. Very informative.

Link to transcript on FTLOE

paula eagleholic said...

No Jim, no one every actually saw 3 eggs at Norfolk - they did think they saw them lay 3 times, however. Maybe one of those times was incorrect, or something like a raccoon got in the nest and carried away a whole egg.

Danelle said...

hi NORMA, you still here? No, unfortunately, hospitals don't shut down for federal holidays. Sure am staying busy around here. Just popped in for a quick second to see how our eagle was doing. Looks like Belle is keeping those eggs warm! Well, back to work for me. Talk to ya'll soon.


movin said...

Cable went down again, don't know what's happening, but it comes back up quickly.

Thanks, Megan, for the age of the resident female. I thought it might explain something, but 12 is prime time, not old for eagles.



Jill said...

Thanks for the commentary on the egg removal. I had to leave in the middle of it. Was nice to come back and pick up where I left off.

Mema Jo said...

I wasn't online to watch either - Paula I will be looking for your video! I think those eggs look large & very hard shelled.At least when we say "3" we mean it because we can see them!

Need to go out again! Boy oh Boy!
I like it when I don't have so many errands in so many directions.....

paula eagleholic said...

Is that Lib in our nest? Whichever eagle it is, looks like they are getting in a little panda nap!

paula eagleholic said...

HA - I no sooner hit the post button and the eagle is awake, pulling that fluff in.

movin said...

Thanks, Paula. I didn't follow the egg laying closely after the owl incident with the first one, so I wasn't sure about the quantity.

I guess two will be enough for analysis though.



movin said...

Not much on cam at the Channel Islands right now...



floralgirl said...

Iris, I have shared your posting of the transcript with those on the Norfolk blog who missed it, and they all say, thanks Iris!

movin said...

Take a look at ZZ playing on the floor of her enclosure.



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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...