Wednesday, February 20, 2008


New thread.


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normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thank you STEVEN for the new thread!---Going to be a snowy day in WV!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread. Norma thank you for calling everyone over.

Been a Watcher for awhile this morning. Interesting looked like Suzanne said "original resident female was checking out nest. Possibly looking for her eggs". hummm they said she hasn't been around. Well she was somewhere. She even put a stick this AM in the nest.

Good Morning Norma, Suzanne, Candy, Wanda, Megan, Dave and Watchers.

Suzanne said...

Well darn, I'm still just a'talking on the other thread! Need to pay more attention!
thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Norma and Jim.

Robyn said...

Good morning everyone, Norma :)

I haven't read the other posts but I was surprised to see the resident male in Norfolk has a new partner. What happened to our original female?

I really need to start paying attention :)

Lisa said...

Can someone check the FoB cams right now and tell me if the image looks funny?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN!--MOVIN'JIM---SUZANNE---WANDA--MEGAN--INDIANA DAVE---CANDY & DANA!----Yesterday!!-----That certainly was a learning experience for me---Thanks--MEGAN!!--for letting me know!!---Going to be a SNOWY day today---here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"----But it is going to be a GLORIOUS DAY!!---ENJOY!

movin said...


Steve, Norma, Suzanne, Candy.

I also left a "new thread" message for Suzanne.



movin said...

Lisa, I'm not sure what you mean, but both BW images look OK to me.



floralgirl said...

Ok, it was the new female on cam at Norfolk this am, and she did briefly check out nest.

Suzanne said...

Morning Robyn and Dana and Lisa!
Lisa, both BW cams are now up. They were half (bottom) black, then took quite a while to refresh, but again to half black pics.

Costume Lady said...

YES, LISA. THE CAMS are half black.

normabyrd said...

LISA---Both looked great when I first looked---but going out the BWO had a half screen---W/check again!

movin said...

Yeah, Lisa, mine are half black at times now, and this time BWO won't load from BWE site.



Suzanne said...

Just noticed, Mama Owl's pic was showing the eggs from yesterday. Ok, so wondered why they were alone for so long. DUH! Might be a good idea to maybe wake up a little or something.

Suzanne said...

Getting half black pics again on both BW cams.

movin said...

Suzanne, did you really see an eagle at NBG this morning??

Which one?



Lisa said...

Yeah, the half-black image is what I was referring to.

That problem has happened in the last few days.

I thought maybe it was being caused by my network at work. But thanks for letting me know you're seeing it too.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ROBYN---We have missed you!!----MEGAN can give you all the details of the NORFOLK NEST!!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I left a comment on old thread about the New Thread 2 or 3 down after Norma said New Thread.

Good Morning Robyn, Jim and Lisa.

They are saying on the Maine Discussion Board that it was Dad. With there posted pictures in the old nest then in the new nest. Not the "orginial Mom". What do I know. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. Supposed to snow in Bluefield today too, but just a couple of inches.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle now on limb at NBG

floralgirl said...

Hello again, evrybody, sorry I'm too tired or lazy to name ya all. The new female was on cam for a while, perched in a tree, then she went to the new nest and poked around for a bit before leaving.

floralgirl said...

She's back at Norfolk, sitting on branch by nest.

movin said...

Lisa, I just ran two more "cycles" between nests, and everything seems OK again.



normabyrd said...

EAGLE perched on a limb at the NORFOLK SITE!

normabyrd said...

GREAT MINDS MEGAN!---1 min. apart--ho!

movin said...

Yes, it's definitely the new female, and she seems to be considering using the nest now that the original eggs are gone.



normabyrd said...

MEGAN---How can you tell she is the
'new' female?

floralgirl said...

Look at her head, patches of black, and her tail also, and the pattern around her throat is different.

wvgal_dana said...

YES defintely NEW FEMALE at the new nest at NBG you can tell by the "dirty head" as they say".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan and Paula gave us a wonderful commentary from the chat room on the retrieval of the eggs yesterday. It was very interesting. I really thought the eggs were bigger than they are.

wvgal_dana said...

Great close of of the new female now!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sharon ( :

Megan again I say thank you for the time by time comments. On what was happening at Norfolk yesterday.
You got that fast connection just in time ( :

normabyrd said...

BUMMER!! SUZANNE---How are we going to know what kind of weather they are having in your STATE OF PA? ---- LYNNE will just have to keep you posted during the day!! ho!

floralgirl said...

Yep, Dana, you're right. Didn't want to take over the blog yesterday, just wanted to share the play by play with those who couldn't watch. The saga at Norfolk is fascinating.

movin said...

They say she's a 4-year-old, but she's actually about 3 mos. short of 5.

I saw her (or the male) in the nest on Sunday, but she was as far to the right as she could get, as if trying to avoid the eggs. Then they both seemed to avoid the nest until now.



normabyrd said...

THANKS MEGAN & JIM!!---I'll remember---OLD "DH"----ho!---Tomorrow I'll probably be asking some one---Who is DH?---(i'm not always with the program)---

normabyrd said...

At first---I thought the 'LITTLE PRINCE' was in a tree---but he was just behind the tree---now sitting in a pile of bamboo---Eating it like he thinks some one is going to take it away from him!!---COOL CUB!!!

Suzanne said...

Awww, eagle on branch by the NBG nest. If that's a repeat, sorry, but went next door to get lunch.

Robyn said...

Will the original female find another mate this season, if possible or wait? This is interestng as I thought eagles mated for life. Maybe with the populations rising again there could be a change in their behaviors?

movin said...

Is that Liberty in our nest?



movin said...

Robyn, they do normally mate for life, but if one member of the pair dies, or if one is challenged (same sex) and is defeated, the missing member is replaced.

Is that more or less clear?



Suzanne said...

Zoomed in NGB, that's the new female! She still has some black feathers in her head.

floralgirl said...

I imagine instinct will guide old female to find new mate. Eagles can mate for life, but different factors can interfere with that, as we've seen in Norfolk.

glo said...

Good morning all. I see an eagle who looks like they are jsut standing in the nest. Perhaps they are waiting for someone :). My plan of attack this morning is to actually drive across the street for coffee and dog treats. It is so cold and icy and a fresh layer of about half an inch of snow means you can't even see the ice under foot now. So I shall drive over the icy bumps from one driveway to the other. Hope your day is wonderful. I agree Megan you got that High speed just in time and are enjoying it to the fullest. Great

Suzanne said...

They're really zooming in on her!

normabyrd said...

Not many DONKEYS feeding this a.m.---Guess I'm a little late!!----I still think they are handsome beasts!!

Robyn said...

Thanks Jim, I guess it was clear enough.

That hussy...

We leave for Florida over easter break, I am hoping to see the eagles mom has seen flying over her house. And to escape this cold, I am so through with winter

normabyrd said...


movin said...

Good time to light a candle for our buddy, Sandy, if you have the urge.



Suzanne said...

I keep losing NBG. But it comes back. Feeding at Tesoro.
Dana, forgive me. Didn't see your comment about the new thread. Saw Jim's and the one above it said Norma mentioned, didn't see you had posted that one. So anyway, THANK EVERYONE FOR THE HEADS UP ABOUT THIS NEW THREAD. When I see new thread, I don't read back, just head on over.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I certainly see the black marks on her now!!----What could have caused them?---

Suzanne said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all just see Liberty and Belle face to face? That was a beautiful picture!

Suzanne said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle just took off and Lib just took over.

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Norma, it's just cause she's young, her white hasn't completely come ine-even her tail has some black streaks.

wvgal_dana said...

Our beautiful eggs can be seen ( :

movin said...

Norma, they are not "dark marks." She is not quite 5-years-old, and her head and tail are not 100% white yet.



wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

WOW---These were the wavers!!---Certainly stayed a long time!!---ALWAYS ENJOY WATCHING!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Glo ( :

Yes Megan not only to us but to the biologist that are at Norfolk and those that arrived there. There is an update on the DGIF page in reference to why they think this is happening. It isn't long make sure you read it all.

Post link all on one line

or if you have the NBG page up watching just click at the right on "DGIF eagle cam blog" it will bring up Tuesday report no blog.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHARON!!---HOW ARE YOU FEELING?---Thinking of you & HELEN too! Pray it all goes well!---What time is her appt.?---

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Looks like the new female at Norfolk likes the nest without the eggs.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I am slowly getting better but it is quite a process. Mattie and Justin have had the flu too and now Mattie has a severe ear infection. The hits just keep on coming. I am sick of being sick and sick of being around sick! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Paula ( :

Paula could you please put a tiny url link for the http I put up here. So people can just click and easily read the report for Tuesday 19th from DGIF???????

paula eagleholic said...

Here it is Dana

I've saved if for future use, also.


wvgal_dana said...

Great thank you Paula. It works clicked on it got right there read. Hit back and right back here. Thank you again ( :

paula eagleholic said...

The black on her tail is on the tips of the feathers

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!----Thanks---That was a real learning experience for me yesterday!!---

wvgal_dana said...


paula eagleholic said...

It was pretty cool, wasn't it.

normabyrd said...

OREGON NEST---MT---Was melting yesterday---RECEIVED MORE SNOW!!

normabyrd said...

TESORO CAPT---back in his seat!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning From Snowy Ohio! I have been watching the nest occasionally in between viewing ours here. Last week a Photographer for the Newark Advocate was tipped off about the eagles scavenging on a deer Carcass and staked out this carcass and got some great pics of the birds Ive been watching, I just wish he had a clue what he was talking about! LOL I sent him and e-mail and asked him to please keep his distance from the nest and get some fact straight, because we have eggs in the nest and i don't want some NUT CASE YOUNG Photographer chasing them away. I also Forwarded the pics to the ODNR that ive been monitoring for so they could give the Newspaper some tips and some REAL INFO on the eagles. I was Blown off as some nut more than likely so Info coming from the ODNR would be more credible. Here is a link to his Pictures they are pretty damn good! Im thinking he had a good zoom lens because he didn't seem to scare them away. We have Had a really good freeze and Cold winter so the birds have been doing allot more scavenging then usual. HAve a Great Day!


normabyrd said...

EAGLE---CO NEST!!---OWL cam is blank!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the link didnt post right

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

well it wont post the link but go tot the link i posted then to Photo gallery's then look for the eagle pictures.
Why wont this Blog Post Links?

normabyrd said...

SD SITE---BAI having a BAMBOO BREAK!!---Can't see the little 'LOVE BUG'!!!----SO DARK!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Ozzie. I think you have to do something special to post a link but I am not sure what it is.

Suzanne said...

Ozzie, if you print it, it prints correctly. If you post it here in comments, you have to break it up to fit in the box. But links to post. Eventually.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I cut and pasted the url and it went right to the pic.

Suzanne said...

Awesome pics, Ozzie! I just cut and pasted your link, but the pics are beautiful. Doesn't look like the eagles want to share, though.

Anonymous said...

COOOOOL we have some good looking birds! Ther are actually 12 pics there if you look at it , some great ones!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Yup, saw all 12.

Look at Lib, looks like he's mantling. Is it raining or snowing out?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, those are great shots. He is a little misinformed. That is 1 adult and 2 juvies.

normabyrd said...

REDTAILHAWKOZ!!----Found your VIDEO---WOW!!---SO COOL!!---Took me a while to figure it out---didn't read first!!!----This is out I brought it up----NEWARKADVOCATE.COM

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suz, I was just going to ask the same thing, if it is precipitating in S-town.

deb said...

Good morning, everyone, I still have to open cams and catch up on the blog.

Suzanne said...

ZZ is in the hallway by the fountain playing with a stick of bamboo. Here comes mom, walked right by her. Uh oh, back again, though. Seems Bai is just going to sit there, Squigs is still playing with the bamboo.
Both still in our nest.

Suzanne said...

SWITCH! Belle checked the eggs and turning before getting on them.

paula eagleholic said...

Switch, our nest. Did you see those curled talons?

Is that an Eewwiie at BWO?

Suzanne said...

Wow, both Tesoro eaglets standing up and looking towards cam. They sure are getting big!

Suzanne said...

Sure did, Paula! Don't know about BW, closed both cams, was only getting half pics.

floralgirl said...

I just checked the hummer cam, I only see one!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning Man yesterdays blog
was a long one,but i came over.I
will keep everyone posted on our
eagles.I posted some photos on
indiana nesting eagles-2008.
We had about 1 inch of snow last


normabyrd said...

SHEPHERDSTOWN forecast---80% snow today!--1-2 inches---starting to see snow flakes here now--

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

SUZ---That's where SQUIGGLES was sitting upon the fountain!!---BAI walked by her a couple of times---IGNORED HER--Then next time she walked by her--WHAM!!---there went our PRECIOUS to the floor----She got up & started to play again!!---WHOA---She's tough!! ho!

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA CAM---Both LUN LUN & MEI are sleeping on the log structure!!----Have noticed they are selling tickets----"SEE LUN LUN & MEI TOGETHER FOR THE LAST TIME"!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Later than usual for me! At least I can say I am on Page 1

Have not read one word you all have said this morning - I'll do it now or I'll never catch up with you...
I also need to check some of the cams

Emails are finished!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---KENT is up---Need to see if they could fix the cam so we can see more of the tree---where the nest will be!!---Or am I wrong??

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Glad I put my glasses on Norma

I thought you typed that Shepherdstown was getting twelve (12) inches of snow not 1 - 2! That got me awake pretty darn quick. I just want our Nest to make it through ok until Spring weather is here to stay.

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Norma, they put the cam where it is because when they rebuild the nest it will be that big. There are pictures on the Kent site that explain it better. I will find them for everyone.

Suzanne said...

Feeding time must be close for Tesoro. Both eaglets are standing watching for mom or dad to bring food. Facing away from cam.

deb said...

Got to this link, towards the bottom of the page, posted be Admin.

Kent nest pictures

IrisF said...

Good late morning everyone - will catch up and chat later, have an appointment this morning...

IrisF said...

now to ask for emails...

Hope everyone is feeling better this morning...Hugs and prayers for all

Suzanne said...

Parent just arrived from behind the eaglets in Tesoro. Fooled them.
Ours eagle just turned eggss, now moving grass by chest.
Squiggles has her head in a big plastic container. Probably eating somehing. Oh, that may be Bai! Who knows.

Mema Jo said...

Norma This link will take you over to 2 pics I posted on the FTLOE forum. It is Kent from Last year & from this year. You can see that the nest really really needs serious nestorations by Star & Spirit.

Kent Nest - Then & Now

normabyrd said...

THANKS DEB!!---I knew that---but had forgotten--- Those two EAGLETS were a RIOT!!----WOULD NOT SHARE anything!!!--So funny!!---Used to think they were misnamed too!!---We are truly blessed---aren't we!!---EAGLES nesting all around!!---

Mema Jo said...

Well Deb lol I guess 2 places are better then 1... Those comparison pics really brought it all into perspective because I was also wondering why they had the camera pointed at that tree limb!

normabyrd said...

THANKS JO!!---I remembered the EAGLETS in that family!!---They were something else!!!!!-----ho!

Mema Jo said...

Norma I have not seen our little sea otters for a long time - have you?

Mema Jo said...

At least those Flamingos don't let me down! They are always there when I look. They are out in the water now.

deb said...

I had read why they put the cam where they did, but those pictures really tell the story. They really need to get busy if they are going to use that nest.

Yes Jo, two are better than 1 and certainly better than none!

did anyone else lose Tesoro cam?

normabyrd said...

PLEASE CHECK THE HUMMING BIRDS!!---1 fledged yesterday---the 2nd one is trying out her wings now & then waits for momma to feed her!!---UNBELIEVEABLE!!----She is about the same size as mom!!!----Thanks JIM for alerting us to this nest!!---I HAVE TRULY ENJOYED WATCHING!!

deb said...

I got Tesoro back up, lost it for some reason.

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Dave, nice pictures! How exciting that you have eggs in your nest!

normabyrd said...

JO---Did you realize the PA SITE has closed down----no more!!

normabyrd said...

NO JO!!---I haven't seen them for a long time!!---Still see the CLOUDED LEOPARD---& of course the FLAMINGOS!!----

deb said...

I have the PA site up, was just going to announce the turkeys.

normabyrd said...

INDIANA DAVE---Do you know how many eggs you have?----Isn't it exciting!!!

normabyrd said...

Thanks DEB!---I see a TURKEY too!------I SWEAR this a.m.--they said they were closing the site---Did anyone else see that---I must be living in 'la la' land!!---ho!

floralgirl said...

Norma, what did you put in your coffee this morning?

paula eagleholic said...

Egg turning our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - my Tesoro has been in and out today...lots of freezing up also.

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho I am on my second cup of coffee but I am still in LA LA LAND

No Turkeys except Megan's Big Bird for me to see. My PA ever since last night said it was Suspended. It is a message from IPOWER.

Deb could you do a tiny url for it for me.

paula eagleholic said...

Forgot to pay his bill again :)

paula eagleholic said...

Really pulling that fluff in,..

Mema Jo said...

I was just about to say that Paula always says he forgot to pay his bill! lol

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I have forgotten-----ho!

deb said...

Here it is, Jo.

PA cam

floralgirl said...

Well, darn, Norma, I was going to ask you to get me a cup. 28° and snowing here now.

normabyrd said...

A SLOW EASY SNOW has covered the lawn & drive--Bet it's headed your way!!---

Mema Jo said...

Megan - please click on the link Deb put up for the PA cam & honestly tell me what you see - Mine still says suspended... Maybe they suspended ME!

normabyrd said...


deb said...

That's weird, Jo, I see a turkey!

Mema Jo said...

It tried to start snowing here in the valley but it was a futile attempt.
Maybe later I'm sure......

deb said...

Both eagles, our nest.

normabyrd said...

DEB!--What's your temp.?---I heard an announcer say---this a.m.---if you are in BISMARK---Don't open the door!!----TOO COLD!---I know that is in ND--but close to you!!--

Suzanne said...

I'm freezing, shaking. have to go get warm. Hopefully blog tomorrow. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

I know it is weird Deb since you and Norma can get it up. I will try later- maybe it will come up after I reboot BUT not going to reboot yet just for that site. Other then the wildlife I liked to check out any snow accumulation........

I need to look at Dave & Ozzie's pictures about which they are talking.

I hope GLO made it to neighbors house - I am glad she took the safest way to get there - I just hope she doesn't get snowed in & not get back to her driveway! lol

normabyrd said...

JO---I am not 'NUTS'---that's what mine said this a.m.!!!

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...


deb said...

It is -9 here, Norma. I am supposed to get up to -1 today, about 30 degrees below normal for this time of year. It has been a tough winter here.

Mema Jo said...


I wonder if they can sense that the snow is coming?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our eagles sure keep our eggs well insulated with all the fluff.

floralgirl said...

I can open the PA site just fine, Jo and Norma, please report to the pricipal's office.

Mema Jo said...

I thought our eagle was pulling in the fluff BUT I think there is a distraction

Mema Jo said...

HEY HEY What's down there

Mema Jo said...

I thought his/her head was never going to come up - I think our cam froze for about 10 seconds or so

deb said...

I can't get Ozzie's pictures to open, I get a question mark, instead of pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - this morning did you get a pic of Lib & Belle face to face...
I'll place in album for you if you want.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Of course I got a pic, Jo. It is on its way to you! Thanks!

normabyrd said...

OH BOY!!---CNN---An airplane that was scheduled to land in a city in Hawaii--- Kept flying on past the city where it was to land---they think both pilots were sleeping!!!!
(or could have had radio trouble)

deb said...

I searched the Newark photo gallery and found the pictures. Good pictures, wrong descriptions.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Don't you have HEAT in your office?---

normabyrd said...

That what both SHARON & SUZANNE said DEB!---

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Sharon for the Pic
Placing in Momsters albums...

deb said...

Switch at BWE.

Mema Jo said...

I think it is Belle in the nest due to her size. Paula has a good Size Comparison of our eagle couple on her Eagle Momster site......
Just click on her name and open
her blog.....

Mema Jo said...

BWE has their sprig of Pine in their nest just like ours...

It is lunch time

Enjoy your turkey watching because I still can't get that site up.......


deb said...

No turkeys right now, Jo. I have things to get done, bbl.

floralgirl said...

Pictures up on Norfolk site now say original female returns, then has pics of new female- so yes, the origianl female sure looks to have been in the nest this morning around 7:30. so confusing...

movin said...

Hi, I got an urge to try to go back to sleep, I did, it worked, and now I'm back feeling better.

I don't know if you know it already but...

One Hummer must have fledged, as there is only one in the nest now. ;~)

There are new slideshows posted on the Norfolk site ... when I looked I discovered that the male had been in the nest adding sticks too this morning (earlier than when we were watching the female).

The male BW eagle is roosting on the BWO nest now.



movin said...

Hahaha. Thanks, Megan, I just noticed your comment right ahead of mine. I often had trouble telling the difference between the original male and female, so it isn't too surprising.

But it would make more sense if it were the male, and I think it looks smaller than the female.............

Guess I'd better look again.



indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hi DEB,and normabyrd, I can't tell
how many eggs we have because i
can't see into the nest.I will
have to ask john to check when they
do a fly-over The IN.DNR are going
to check soon and get me some
photos of the nest from the air so
i can keep them in my log.


movin said...

I did look at the Norfolk pics from this morning again, Megan, and while some of the early ones could have been the male, the next shots absolutely look like the original female.

The earlier battles were kind of inconclusive (except when the new one jumped on the back of the resident female as she was trying to incubate the eggs). She seems recovered from that, so I wonder what's in the future there.



floralgirl said...

NBG has the pics labeled as this morning, original female returns, pic 1-18 then 19 on are the new female. I don't know, just going by what it says. Many watching this morning had assumed it was the male in nest before new female.

Jill said...

I have seen several comments on the PA site not working. Just checked mine and it is fine. Nothing there but some snow but I did get a picture.

Time to go dry my hair and take the dogs to the vet in Hagerstown. Two weeks in a row I go to the vet and it snows. I am not going to the vet anymore. LOL

normabyrd said...

JILL!---You better hurry---SNOWING HERE---I think we have met our 1-2 inches!!---IT'S HEADIN' YOUR WAY!!---ho!---(GRANT CO. SCHOOL CLOSED 2 HRS. EARLY)

movin said...

Megan, I don't see where they have the pics labeled on the NBG site...

A few of the very early shots look like they might be the male... then the original female... then the intruder female. And we don't see any of them together at the nest.



Jill said...

Snow isn't sticking to the roads yet. Just saw there was a wreck South Bound 81 so that means north bound will be slow. Van is heating up now. WE have maybe 1/2 inch. Dogs know something is up, both standing at the door. GEEZ just because I get the leashes out doesn't mean we are going anywhere does it?????????LOL

floralgirl said...

Snowing hard here now.

movin said...

Both eagles are busy working on their nest at PH/Santa Cruz!!



movin said...

K10 and K26 are working furiously, and grabbing sticks from each other...she just let him win one..............

WE and Twin Rocks cams are both up today, but there's nobody home right now.



movin said...

No hanky panky seen yet, but the two at PH are billing and bonding today.

When do they usually start their clutch??



Danelle said...

Hi everyone! Staying busy at the hospital here today. NORMA-I've been watching the hummingbirds nest everyday, and I thought the one looked like it was getting brave. I imagine the second one will leave soon too. It has been really neat watching them! Well, off to work with another patient. Talk to ya'll later!


movin said...

Looks like it's raining in San Diego, and all the pandas they've shown are snoozing away. ZZ is in the tree, of course.



normabyrd said...

OH JILL!!----Those DOGS probably figured out they were going some where YESTERDAY!!---ho!---Safe trip!!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't anybody click on the Jon remark. XP says it is a virus.

floralgirl said...

don't click on Jon's linkSteve, can you get rid of that?? please

paula eagleholic said...

I see we are getting a little bit of snow now

glo said...

darn that makse 2 spammers is less than a week ARGH

paula eagleholic said...

I sent Steve an email to remove that post

floralgirl said...

So now the people at NBG are apparently discussing and reexamining pics from this mornings visit to determine if it was the original female or the male in the nest before the new female arrived. MTBR

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our poor eagle is getting snowed upon. I am so gun shy about this stuff after last year, as I am sure everyone else is too.

floralgirl said...

We are only supposed to get a couple of inches , and it's real fluffy lgiht snow. The radar shows it almost past us:)

movin said...

Hey, Belle is getting some snow cover now.



paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, interesting developments at Norfolk. Nice to know Mom is OK.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...



paula eagleholic said...

Switch is coming!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...