Saturday, February 16, 2008


New thread.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVEN!!---Thanks for the new thread!!---Are you following the NORFOLK SAGA?---ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY!!---

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma:)

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!!----MEGAN----You & DANA---should reprint your all last posts on this page!!----You two---Really have it figured out correctly to my way of thinking!!----

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Just guessing along with everyone else, Norma. It is fascinating to watch. And remeber, I couldn't watch any live feed cams before, enjoying the Maine cam this am, wish someone would show up there. My computer has apparently repaired itself. Or little elves came last night and fixed it while I was sleeping.

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

That sunshine feels good this morning

normabyrd said...

WHOA--MEGAN!---That's the way my computer has worked from DAY 1---ho!----

normabyrd said...

I lifted those words from John Denver----ho!----

floralgirl said...

I know, as soon as you said that, I started singing that song in my head. Always loved John Denver

normabyrd said...

SUNSHINE on the SNOW at the PA SITE!!!---Must be too late for the deer!!

normabyrd said...

It's a GLORIOUS a.m. here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"---temp. 26°--expected to get much warmer & also a holiday weekend-----LIFE IS GOOD!!----ENJOY1

normabyrd said...

SUNSHINE is on the 'LITTLE PRINCE'S' shoulder too!!---He is climbing up the tree & down---He is enjoying his morning!!

Mema Jo said...


So beautiful to awaken to the sunshine.. Robins are a coming soon.

floralgirl said...

Good morning, Jo:) Isn't the sunshine glorious.

deb said...

Good Morning, Norma, Megan and Jo and anyone from other thread. Eagle at Barton Cove.

floralgirl said...

Hello Deb-where is BArton cove, I've heard you guys discuss it-how do I find it?

floralgirl said...

never mind, found it

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan, Wanda, Norma and Watchers.
Adding since I'm on the new thread Deb and Jo Good Morning.

Norma here is from the other thread:

Wanda we went out also but not for crab legs. Had those last week over in Hagerstown at "Topps". We went for yummy steak and lobster tail (steamed better than grilled)...have leftovers for today yummy... ( :

Norfolk is definately a interesting (sad) case. I still feel that yes eagle population has increased. That causes nesting problems. Although if so much of the land for developement of houses and townhouses. Wasn't using up all the land. The increase of eagles would have nesting space.

Remember Steven talking about the "last child in the woods". It is truly happening to humans as well as eagles and other creators. Sad our peoples from low to high places don't see this and make a change. It is always about the money....sad

Saturday, February 16, 2008 9:06:00 AM

floralgirl said...

Yeah, Dana, but on the other hand, it is a good sign that the eagle population is increasing steadily. This territorial thing probably happens more than we realize, we are just getting to see it first hand because of the cams

Costume Lady said...

JO, you sure are up early.
MEGAN, I can tell you are really enjoying your new server. New computer too?
NORMA, you are the original Sunshine Girl!

deb said...

I was just typing it in when I saw you found it. I had done something wrong and had to find out what.

floralgirl said...

Hello Wanda- enjoying cam fun now, soon I'll be outside all the time. Same computer, which has magically fixed itself after I spent hours trying to.

deb said...

Morning Dana and Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, we use to go to Topps everytime we went to Hagerstown, and then they started to let their food dry out and didn't replenish it very often. Crab Legs were small and cold most of the time and weren't replenished nearly often enough. So we stopped going over there. Maybe they are under new management now.

Costume Lady said...

Good morning DEB. Haven't chatted with you in a while.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Wanda where was "Topps" located at in Hagerstown then?

Costume Lady said...

I'm wondering why Norfolk won't let us see what is taking place at their nest. Surely they know we are interested.

floralgirl said...

Cam is just having problems there, Wanda. It was up just a little while ago. No eagles seen this morning near or on nest

floralgirl said...

Norma did say new thread this morning-

IrisF said...

Good Morning Norma, Jo, Deb, Dana, Wanda and Megan, Good to see you all this beautiful morning!

Will read to catch up and be back..

IrisF said...

Well first I must set this up so I get email follow-ups....brb

Costume Lady said...

DANA, Topps is just off of the Maugans exit off I81...cross over Pennsylvania ave. and in the little shopping center.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING IRIS. Capt. Gene said to ask Iris how's her Iris? He is a nut!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Wanda for some reason I thought it was first. At the Long Meadow Shopping center and later moved. Hope you enjoyed your crab legs. We use to go there a lot until everyone in our group. That ate crab legs got sick.

Might do a return to check it out again one day. Enjoyed it until that happened.

wvgal_dana said...

hee hee Gene is funny

Good Morning Iris ( :

Mema Jo said...

Good to see you here, Iris!
Love that lighthouse, Wanda!

Just finished watching an egg roll in our nest. I so want to see fuzzy bobble heads in about a month or so.

Hey - this year is Leap Year!

floralgirl said...

Hello Iris- Wanda- tell Gene- that's a good one

Costume Lady said...

Gene is full of himself today! It's going to be a long day. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Grandson is about to take over the puter. I may not have much time left.

IrisF said...

That is a good one from Gene. Wanda you tell him my Iris is just as green as ever! hahahahah

I agree that with the advent of Eagle Cams, we are probably learning lots of things we and the biologists never knew about how they behave. In the long term that will be a good thing, but it sure surprises and saddens us now!!! We would like to believe that the animal kingdom is more peaceful than the human one. It shatters us some to find out it is not always so.

deb said...

I have to get ready to head out to a basketball tournament. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Deb - Are you a spectator or a player! Probably didn't type fast enough to catch her going out the door!

floralgirl said...

I just realized I have like 6 cams up...I'm out of control...

wvgal_dana said...

Maine the water is so blue and beautiful. No snow in nest as of yet not real windy. awww

wvgal_dana said...

I know Megan I am always wishing for a larger/wider lcd screen lol

normabyrd said...

WHOA!----WHOA!!!---DANA---I DID POST A NEW THREAD THIS A.M.---in fact--check---DANA---I think you posted on the new thread too!!!---I'M SORRY---I do get confused with this new numbering STUFF!!----and i think many of us do too!!! ---I'm getting ready to go to get groceries & I saw your post!!----LATER!

wvgal_dana said...

Beautiful sounds eagles calling at Maine

deb said...

I haven't left yet, Jo, just getting ready. I am a spectator, it is a Junior High BB tourney. I have to be out the door at 10, my time.

wvgal_dana said...

I deleted that post Norma and Megan. Sorry Norma you did post New Thread over there. Yikes what are the signs of "cataracts". Last visit 2 yrs ago Dr. said I have a small one. Maybe it grew???? Signs please??

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy watching & yelling for your team! You better pack a lunch in case your supporting a winner as tournaments can last a long while.

Mauley said...

Good Morning dear eagle friends, the sunshine on the Shepherdstown nest is surely a blessing from God. So wonderful to behold. Have a blessed one. mauley donna

Costume Lady said...

Gene took grandson to the farm up the road for fresh eggs, so I may have the puter for a while longer!
Iris, we were asking about you eye does it feel today and are you or your hubby putting your drops in?

Costume Lady said...

Grandson likes the Farmers Daughter. LOL (truly)

Costume Lady said...

Dear Mauley, so nice to hear from you. When are you going to visit with us? Have you ever been to our nest?

Costume Lady said...

I am waaaaay late for my exercises. BBL

Costume Lady said...

Before I go....A SPECIAL GOOD MORNING TO YOU HELEN. Hope you are having more good days than bad now.

floralgirl said...

Yes, I miss MIts- I need her weather forecasts.....

Mema Jo said...



wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

Me Too BBL this afternoon.....

wvgal_dana said...

Feeding at Tesoro

wvgal_dana said...

I just read in our newspaper that they are going to wean Lun Lun in Atlanta. So they can mate Mei again.

Mema Jo said...

Go over on the Panda Cub Updates..

Mema Jo said...

I emailed Mauley (Donna) to enter one of her photos from her trip to Atlanta Zoo in the contest! She had some good ones.

Mema Jo said...

Egg Roll - Then down on those eggs

IrisF said...

Dana, signs of cataract are that you feel like you are looking through your glasses and that someone has smeared them with a thick coating of vaseline... At least if you are looking at a distance.... Oh, and at night there are sparkly halo's around lights, stars, and moon...that part is a little distracting, but beautiful at the same time.

IrisF said...

Wanda, I am putting the eyedrops in. That would probably freak Dean out if he had to do it for someone else. I don't mind putting them in but will be glad when I don't have to. 4 different drops on drop each eye 4 times a day gets to be a bit time consuming. Too much time away from watching nests!!!

IrisF said...

Sorry that should read: one drop of each type in the eye 4 times a day...DUH should learn to read before I post

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Working and lurking today...

So sad about Norfolk :( You never know what Mother Nature will bring.

paula eagleholic said...

I read this on the Audubon website:

When the eaglets are approximately six weeks old we are going to remove them briefly from their nest, take blood samples and perform a physical exam to ensure they are healthy. We will also be able to determine their sex. Both of the birds will have a USFWS band attached to a leg, and one of them will be fitted with a satellite transmitter. When the eaglets fledge at 10-12 weeks of age, we will be able to track the fledgling as he leaves Florida and migrates north for the summer, then home in the fall. This will provide valuable data as we continue to learn about the migratory patterns of Florida's bald eagles. The viewing public will be able to follow the fledgling's journey online as we receive transmittals from the device.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for that info, Paula. Won't that be an interesting journey?

Costume Lady said...

IRIS....what a sweetheart you are to find someting beautiful through a Cataract. That's why we love you!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, those drops are probably the worse part of having cataract surgery. It has to be done so often. As I recall, it doesn't hurt (or does it?) My Mom did hers and didn't say it hurt, but then, she always tries to hide her discomfort from me.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Dana - the Florida Osprey cam is on...

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in Maine!

Jill said...

What happened to the old nest at NBG? Is it livable? Could they go there and maybe lay more eggs? And if it's livable why didn't the new eagles use it. Would have been more neigborly.

Jill said...

Is the Norfolk cam working? I am getting a black screen but that happens sometimes so I never know for sure.

movin said...


My Norfolk cam is down at least for now.

ZZ is napping in close-up at SD zoo.

All appears well at BW.

The little hummers look almost grown up.

Our cam and Belle look great ...

Weather in So Cal is sunny, beautiful, but cool ... still around 60°.

Have a great day.




floralgirl said...

Norfolk cam has been having technical issues all day. No eagle has been seen at the nest since yesterday.

movin said...

I don't know if it's been reported, but there's an eagle on cam #1 at Kent.



paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk update -

floralgirl said...

Thanks Paula

movin said...

There's an eagle on the PH Santa Cruz nest.



movin said...

Here's a clickable link to the DGIF report.


Paula’s link to DGIF

movin said...

Hahaha. Look at ZZ ... playing with mama's bamboo today.


movin said...

I see an eagle on the WE nest...



movin said...

My Norfolk cam is up again. At first I thought the nest was empty, but there is an eagle ... maybe the male ... setting in the nest, but in a different area of it than before.

??? See what you think.



floralgirl said...

No one in the Norfolk nest

movin said...

Megan, the eagle was there ... lying down with head up right in front of the BIG TRUNK to the tree.

I can't tell if it's gone now, or if that chocolate brown is its back and it has its head down, resting or sleeping.



paula eagleholic said...

Jim - that is the sunlight shadow you see....

paula eagleholic said...

Sunlight and shadows

movin said...

Just looked again at full screen, and it probably is gone now.



floralgirl said...

Been watching cam, Jim, no eagle flew in, it's shadows..

movin said...

Hey, I just noticed the Norfolk picture is centered ... even the small one ... on my FireFox for the first time



movin said...

Well, talk to you later, folks...

It's a beautiful Saturday, and I think I'll get out in it.



Mema Jo said...

Headed out - Be back evening hr.
Watch those eagles !!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy Jim!

Jill said...

I got Norfolk up. Nobody home. So sad.

deb said...

Both eagles in BC. Oops, no eagles in BC.

Mauley said...

Hello, all eagle watchers. It has been a beautiful day here in se KY. Jill, you got wax. Wanda, I am coming to West Virginia this spring or summer for sure. I sure do miss reading Helen's posts. It is good to get a chance to get on the blog. love mauley

Jill said...

YAY. I got Wax. Donna where do you live? Oh wait is it Kentucky or Tennessee? Seems like that is right, just don't know which. Or neither. I am going on about 3 hours sleep. YIPPPEEE.

Jill said...

Never mind. I should have read your post closer. You live in SE Kentucky. DUH. Sleep would help.

movin said...

Connection is slow, but a few minutes ago there were two female eagles on the WE nest.



movin said...

ZZ is still slumbering in close-up, but it looks like she's indoors now.


Jill said...

Jim is the Two Harbors camera working?

Mauley said...

Jim, Jill, Paula, Jo, has there been any good news from Norfolk today? I am afraid to look. thanks donna

IrisF said...

Mauley, check your mail...sent you a copy of the latest article.

Mauley said...

thanks Iris. I am on my home email and I will check work email right now. Holding my breath, keeping my fingers crossed. mauley

paula eagleholic said...

No, Jill, Two Harbors isn't up have to have neokast to view all the Catalina nests now....Santa Cruz/Pelican Harbor still runs in WMP

paula eagleholic said...

I finally got neokast up and running today...apparently they had some bugs...loaded just fine...but it is a cpu hog. My computer is 6 years old, and it's all about it can handle...think I'll try to get a new one with my tax refund! It's hard to view several cams from home, not to mention recording them.

IrisF said...

Just want to report that I downloaded NeoKast yesterday and it totally eliminated my sound...

The systemm kept telling me there was no audio device in the computer. I went back to a set point earlier in the day before I downloaded Neokast and the sound came back.

Let me know if any of you have a similar problem. I am running Vista Home Premium. Don't know whether to write IWS about it or not?

The odd thing was there was no place on the computer I could find the Neokast file... it was like it downloaded and ran away. So I couldn't do an uninstall like you would normally do and there was no icon for it on the desktop.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you install from the link on the IWS page? If you do have problems with neokast, you can contact them through their webpage at

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say

Good Night
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for everyone's needs
being said

IrisF said...

Thanks Paula, I will try that, because I hate to be without the CA nests...

movin said...

Paula, Iris, how are you tonight?

I downloaded NeoKast a couple of days ago, and then it told me there was an update available today, so I downloaded it. I'm using XP Pro, which could be the difference, but I have had no problems with it yet.

Iris, on mine NeoKast is on the hard disk (C:\) under Programs... C:/programs/neocast. If you can't find it, just do a "search" of the hard disk.

Also, you can go to "Control Panel"/"Add or remove programs"/"NeoKast" and remove it. But it might be better, while you're in Control Panel, to check for "Sound and Audio devices" to see if your sound has really been wiped out. Maybe you just need an adjustment.

Paula, have you got the max RAM in your 6-year-old?? Make sure you do, RAM is cheap now days, and it can make world of difference. Anyway, it's about time for a new one; AND you could even keep your present one and set up a home network. That way you could dedicate it to a major function(s) and have it running that function at the same time you are running other stuff on your new one. I still have my old IBM for the same reason, and it's a good machine, but it didn't have enough resources for the new softwares. Still Win 98 on that one.



IrisF said...

Jim, that was the problem, it was no where to be found on my computer. Not on the C drive couldn't find it on the uninstall list - when I did a search the only thing that came up was a URL which when clicked tried to install it again... so I went back to the set point for earlier that day and that got rid of it. Once it was gone, the sound was perfect!!! I will contact them through their website and see what is going on there. It might be a Vista thing, but some people have it and it works ok for them??? with Vista

movin said...

Hi, Iris, I trust your cataract surgery is working better than the software ... my sister just had the second eye done and is in awe of how much better the world looks.

It sounds like the NeoKast did not download completely ... today I started the download of the upgrade and then went to shave, etc. When I came back, there was a notice of a "fatal error" and it had stopped (or vice versa).

It had a "try again" button, which I clicked on, and it finished loading with no further problem.

You could make sure you have a good "restore point" and try to download it again. But I wouldn't try it more than once more before contacting the NeoKast people.

Good luck, Iris.



Costume Lady said...

Can't hold my eyes open, saying...

movin said...

Good night, Wanda, Mema Jo...

Have a good sleep, a good rest.



movin said...





Jill said...

Jim I downloaded Neocast and I am still not getting it. I just get a blank spot where the picture should be. Works fine on the other one tho.

movin said...

The WE nest should be working now, but the Twin Rocks (if I recall correctly--the middle one) is still "Under Construction."



Jill said...

Thanks Jim. that is what I have working so I am good.

movin said...





2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...