Friday, July 22, 2011


Back in the office.  New thread.


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JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am
God Bless this Nest
and all
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


wvgal_dana said...

This is nuts...I get on the comments and it switches back over to the start where you enter todays blog.???

wvgal_dana said...

Take care JudyE hope you have a good night of restful sleep.

Linda said...

Talking about losing "wee ones" reminds me of a tiny one we all lost this year! How we fell in love with little Paddy this Spring. Only a very short couple days, but we sure loved that little eaglet so! ♥♥♥

Linda said...

WVDana - I can't quite figure out that avatar other than the fact that I can see parts of a cardinal! Am I missing something here?

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that Pammie Sue is in in DC to see a play starring former American Idol contestant Constantine. She and Craig got to meet him and talk to him outside the National Theatre. Which, by the way, is the first theatre I ever went to!

Linda said...

How is her grandmother doing, Lynn?

hedgie said...

No, Linda, no offense at all about the hunting! Sure don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about my feeder! And you didn't say anything wrong politically, either---nor Hoda! I was just keeping myself from saying what I was thinking!! But you have, indeed, stated the state of this country perfectly.

Lolly said...

Dana, Jack goes for a physical every year. He is well taken care of, this neck pain is a new thing.

Lolly said...

Lynn, love the pictures of the deer. Fantastic!

stronghunter said...

It was definitely a bat, Linda. I could see its little pointy ears.

hedgie said...

Linda, she hasn't mentioned her Grandma lately....guessing she made it home from the hospital okay and is recuperating.

hedgie said...

Linda---here is the link to what JudyE did to all avatars with a puter program she found:

JudyE's photo art

hedgie said...

Goodnight, JudyE! Rest well. Hope your neck feels better.

We are sure having a run on bad necks....:( First Jo, then JudyE, and Andy and DanaMo and now Jack! Must be passing it around through cyberspace!

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, tears again for Paddy O'Joy....:(

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Got home from work and fed Nick, then went to feed friends kitty and hit the grocery store. Ended up talking to a friend at the store for about an hour!

The grocery store in the evening clears clear out the deli of their prepared foods, got a lb of pulled pork bbg for $'s really good!

I was going to have quesadillas tonight, but had to have the bbq...will do the quesa's tomorrow night instead.

Lynn, I just saw that post from Pam...hope the show is good...didn't know he was in it.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lolly! I love "my" deer!!! Wish I had gotten a capture of the young buck with his small in-velvet rack.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't hunt anymore myself. The deer did me in. I couldn't shoot. So that's when I gave it up. Don't mind other people hunting. Like down at NCTC the meat goes to help feed the people. Plus there are too many deer there. I know if homes wouldn't be built the deer would have their land. Well people do need jobs.

Linda said...

Night JudyE!!

I know the "neck" pain, too. I think mine is from too many hours at the computer without breaks. I kind of work intensely and don't take breaks when in the middle of something!

This year during tax season I went to a gal in town for a neck massage weekly and I think it really helped. I still go every couple weeks because I just tend to carry my stress there. I think many of us do!

I should do the stretching exercises for my neck more often. Would probably help if I did.

hedgie said...

No, Paula, I didn't know it, either. After she mentioned it, I looked it up!
Bet your BBQ was yummy!
Are you heading for the beach tomorrow?

Linda said...

Speaking of sore necks and backs.....I think I will go take a shower.....not too hot since it is so hot outside. Fortunately we do have a/c in this house and you can bet it is on!!

I hope to be back in a little bit.....

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Shirley I just like the one. Your avatar is extremely pretty but I like seeing one cardinal "my Dad's cardinal".

hedgie said...

Linda, when I was working I had it in the neck really badly. But it hardly ever bothers me much now, so know it was it's just in my right trapezius area, and I know it's from keyboarding and poor posture! Bothers me badly when I play the piano, too.

hedgie said...

Where's Lowreeda???!!! Want her to see the Spotties!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Reading back on Wed. 12:49pm Mom is like that too. No problem with blood work, xrays and such. She too just wants to stay in "her own HOME". So I can understand it with GG. Although GG is older than Mom. Don't know how I will feel when Mom gets GG's age.

Hoda said...

LYNN I very much like the picture of the twins with Mom at your lair...Thanks for posting.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I see I have already read Wednesdays thread. Maybe I have read Thursday almost all the way too. Checking...

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, I carry the stress in the my neck and upper back, too! Maybe I should do the massage thingy!

Lynn, no beach this weekend :( Have to work. Next weekend is inventory. Might go down after inventory on Saturday if we don't get done too late.

FuzzleMT said...

Loretta: NO, the driver was just plain STUPID, IGNORANT, DISRESPECTFUL OF MY PROPERTY, and NON-PROFESSIONAL - wrecks can't unwrap a taped down moving blanket covering my mom's stereo, nor can a wreck dismantle a 5-shelf table and wrap it in burlap -
I've actually moved to Montana (MT) - I think Dana is on vacation?? Hope she's enjoying CA

stronghunter said...

When we moved from Ohio, my husband was smoking a pipe and laid it down for a moment. When he came back to smoke some more it was gone. They had packed it.

hedgie said...

ROFL, Shirley. Hope that sucker was OUT!!!!

Hoda, did you also see the pic below the twins of the nursing single?

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Jo made it to the beach OK!

Irene, that is just so awful what happened to all of your makes me sick to think of people doing that, not even caring. Don't know how they go on day after day like that. I hope that you can sue the balls off the guy!

Lynn, love the deer pics!

Margy, so sorry to hear about coworkers hubby, how awful.

Linda, really amazing about your dog and the socks! My dogs used to love to eat dirty socks, LOL

Shirley, glad you were able to capture the bat and get it out of the house!

Linda said...

LYNN - There you go again with those big words.......

Your right trapezius area??? What the heck is that??

And you play the piano?? That is so awesome!!!

PAULA - That is exactly where mine comes from. My upper back tightens up really bad. It is mostly on my right side because I use the 10 key so much and am right handed. Then it travels right up to my neck and head.

The massage really does help.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm not a hunter...couldn't kill an animal, but I don't have any problem with people that do hunt...

Linda said...

PAULA - You know what else is interesting? When she works on my neck and upper back area, she also works on the front of my chest by my collar bone and neck. She explained to me that those muscles get tight and pull on the large muscle masses tied to the neck and back. Made sense to me!!

Now we are tackling my much as I can handle. I have really bad plantar fascitis and she is trying to work on those tight ligaments on the bottom of my foot! It is painful! But hopefully it will help in the long run.

stronghunter said...

The move from Ohio came when the twins were about 4 months old and I had been alone with all of the children for a couple of months. We had them do a lot of the packing because I was slightly overwhelmed.

When we unpacked, we found twist ties carefully wrapped in tissue and trash cans with trash in them, and the pipe. Things were in much better shape than what you describe, Irene, but some movers really do strange things.

DanaWV, I think you have me confused with someone else.

Hoda, I have not made any definite plans for the weekend. Maybe I will go shopping at the mall.

Linda said...

PAULA - One of my border collies used to take the throw pillows off the couch and run right out the doggie door out to the pool and dropped them right in the pool!!

I would come from another area in the house to find all my pillows in the pool. Too Funny! That dog pushed or threw everything in the pool he could get his paws on!!

Judie said...

Have returned for an evening visit.

One recipe tried for pickles. Will report on the results in a couple of days. I thank you all so much for your help.

Margy, I hope you are sleeping so when you awake, I am sorry about your additional work schedule but am so sorry about the co-worker's husband's accident. Wishing a quick recovery.

Hoda, you are so correct. The U.S. debt issue is a concern for countries other than the U.S. and our citizens. Rather sad, as someone commented, that political decisions no longer seem to include the concept of what is morally correct for the majority.

JudyE, too cute about Jordyn's refusal to let the doctor remove the tube. Well, whatever works for the little girl. Happy it was not a drama session.

Lynne2, enjoy the weekend at home with Steve. A time for all to rest.

Shirley, the Bat Whisperer. I like that. How funny it would have been to call and get Susan for advice. lol

Thank you, Lynn. Godspeed, Oreo.

As for the $ spent on critters, I often hear grumbling about the cost of seeds.

Dana, glad you enjoyed your spinach salad. A favorite of mine.

Loretta, sorry about the deer. Sad.

Pay no attention to that woman behind the Sycamore leaf. She is NOT from Oz. She is from FL.

Have gone on too long. I hear the sandperson skulking outside the door. Tried to trick me into addresses for the momsters but I just played stuuupid. The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness or for those who may stumble in late from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Fortunately, it went out at some point, Lynn.

Linda said...

Riley is one of those dogs that you can tell him which toy to get, and he'll differentiate which is which. If I tell him to get his purple monster or his blue ball, he will get the right thing.

He'll find the cat for me, if we can't find her. He also used to herd the horse next door into its stall. We had to train him to stay in the yard and leave the poor horse alone!!

paula eagleholic said...

Here you go, Linda!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, I suppose I could have requested that the Wildlife Hotline person to come get the bat for me.

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, your dog stories have me LOL this evening...keep 'em coming!

Linda said...

Even though it just about killed us, I am now glad we packed our own PODS and used those instead of spending the bigger bucks and having a mover handle everything.

It was awfully hot and I hated every minute of it, but we still have all our stuff and if there were any scratches, it was from US.

stronghunter said...

I hate to leave this fine company, but it is time for me go go upstairs.

Good night. I will see you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

BATWOMAN!!!! OH please tell me that you didn't actually come into direct contact with it Shirley!

Loretta, so sad about the deer in the water. What kind of fever do they get?

Hunting. Done responsibly, meat being used or donated, I have no issue (deer). I love venison, but would not want to eat one that, for instance, visited my yard. I don't want to eat deer that I "know".

Lynn, I'm sorry we aren't going this weekend. I have really enjoyed being so helpful to my in laws, and we have a great time hanging out together! But really, it would have been too hot to be very productive, for sure. They don't have air conditioning....because they never need it! This kind of heat is rare for them.

Linda said...

PAULA - We used to take our first Border Collie camping in the mountains of NC. We went to the same place every year and of course everyone knew my son and my border collie, Bandit. All these people would walk by and say Hi to Bandit. We had no clue who these people were.

Bandit had a thing for plastic things. He would grab a 2 gallon plastic bucket (like you would use to wash your car) and carry it around everywhere with him. He couldn't even see where he was going with his head half way in that big bucket.

At home, he used to throw the bucket in the pool and circle the pool until he could catch it again alont the sides. He wasn't as much of a swimmer as my second border collie was. Then he would struggle to pull the bucket back out of the pool, because by then it was full of water.

Where did he head next? You got it.....for the doggie door. This time he was coming IN the house with a bucket full of pool water. Thank goodness we had tile floors in FL. I did a lot of mopping in those days. He was one busy puppy!

hedgie said...

Paula, remember those inventory days all too well! Nothing shipped or received. Only good thing was the overtime we got for the three days involved....once the computerized Inventory Management System was instituted in the 90's, it was mostly done in a matter of hours.

Linda said...

Thanks for the link, PAULA!

That is exactly where I have most of my pain! My Right Trapezius!!

Hey, we even share the same pains on the blog!! LOL

It really is no fun. I never had pain there until a couple years ago. It was always my lower back. Dennis has bought me really good office chairs, bigger higher moniters, you name it. I still have that weakness.

Blogging probably isn't the best for this either!! Sometimes I am typing away while fighting the spasms!!

I do have my priorities......

hedgie said...

Linda, LOL----the trap is across the Scapula (shoulder blade) and then up into the neck and shoulder.

Linda said...

Lynne - That is so great that you enjoy going there on your weekends. You truly have a servant's heart. I can see that!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Linda...that is TOO funny about the throw pillows, etc.!!! Was that in FL?

hedgie said...

Shirley, what's the latest on the fence? Did you pick out what you want yet?

Linda said...

LYNN - Dennis used to be an x-ray tech years ago and he helps me with that stuff, too!!

The medical field is so interesting to me, but science was not of much interest to me in high school. I like chemistry and physics because of the math equations, but the theory sort of lost me!

Linda said...

Yes, Lynn. We were in FL then. Of course I could have locked the doggie door, but I had two other dogs, too and we had had the doggie door for years before Bandit came along.

He was quite the character. He did love to run around and around that pool dragging some of Adam's toys and plastic buckets. It helped wear him out!! At least he would entertain himself.

I just had to protect the interior stuff!!

hedgie said...

Missed Lorett'as post about the deer.. :( So sad.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie and Shirley.

Linda, I am blogging thru' my trap pain a lot!! But not gonna let it make me to stop, either!

Linda said...

If you've never seen a border collie truly working in his element, it is nothing short of amazing.

People even ask me what it is with Riley. They feel like he has human eyes or that he is looking right through you.

That is how they work the sheep or cattle - with their eyes. I always dreamed of having a farm and working border collies. Sure would be neat.

PA Nana said...

I'm baacckk....

Supper is over, kitchen cleaned up, hummingbird was in and Jim watered the outside plants.

After his shower he "hit" his recliner and that was the end of him until 10. Then, miracuously, he awoke and went to bed. What a great internal clock that man has.

All the talk about pickles I remembered I had an (English) cuke in the crisper drawer so I made a salad with cuke, onion and tomatoes. My dressing of choice was olive oil and red wine vinegar. Yummy. Daddy always used oil and cider vinegar. Loved his salads.

Anyone know why they're called "English" cucumbers?

Linda, love to hear about your border collie. They're are so smart. I've watched them work on Animal Planet, Discovery and other channels. Amazing animals

The bat lady, Shirley, is really brave. Look out Batman!

Hope Kay is having a nice visit with her friend and they are staying cool.

Wanda, I know you're having your Friday Family Feast, but want to thank you for the columbine seeds.
Jim picked the mail up today on his way home from work. Also, love your trail cam videos.

In case anyone is heading to bed, have a pleasant sleep and Lynne2, don't let the SBs bite. ☺


paula eagleholic said...

Bandit sure sounds like he was quite the rascal! Too funny with the buckets!

I was just outside watching Nick chase bugs...he loves chasing the dragonflies at the beach, too!

Kinda tired, so I am going to hit the hay early tonight.

Catch ya'll tomorrow!

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Linda said...

Good Lynn - Glad to see you have your priorities in the right place, too!!

You go, Girl!

Linda said...

Night PAULA!!

Sweet Dreams!! I'm right behind you.....

Hoda said...

LYNN Yes I saw the fawn nursing and it is amazing what the cameras capture.It touches my heart...Much appreciate your posting thme Lynn.

LINDA LOL about the dog and the pillows in the pool. It is a pleasure to read your posts today.

Linda said...

I have to meet with a client tomorrow morning and help them set up their accounting system....

I guess it's time to head upstairs and get some sleep!!

Praying that Lori's Mom feels better tomorrow and her body heals quickly.

Praying that Jack has a good night's sleep tonight and wakes up without neck pain and spasms. Lolly, we know you're taking good care of him. If you go tomorrow, safe travels.

Prayers for all! (((Hugs for all)))

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we love♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Linda, back in the day, before licensing was required, I also had to take x-rays at the plant.

Did Bandit actually get the bucket of water through the doggie door? Would love to watch a video of that!!!

Linda said...

Thank you, HODA!!

It was really interesting reading about your yoga and how you connect to God through the yoga exercises. I thought Yoga was sort of "new age", but I can see it is not.

It is easy to see through your posts that your strength comes from God and that He is working through you. Bless you for that. Many people do not answer that call. You bring light and grace to this blog and I, for one, am so greatful you're here!!

Linda said...

I'm sure I have that on VHS videos, LYNN.

He was so crazy! I would spend so much time outside on that pool deck taking videos of him!!

I haven't transferred those VHS videos to DVD, but I should!

Sweet Dreams ♥♥♥

Linda said...

Hi Diann - Sorry I'm not staying. I think my hubby is waiting on me to head upstairs and I'm pretty tired as well.

Hope you get some good sleep tonight!!

(((Hugs))) ♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

well, I'm heading to bed. The a/c in the bedroom can't seem to get it cooler than 78 up there at this point, but that's cool enough! I may just stay there all day tomorrow!

Good night and prayers for you all!

Lolly said...

We have friends who live in Washington state. They have a lot of animals but their two border collies are precious. I fell in love with them when we visited. We went out to eat and when we returned the dogs greeted us. Toby made them go to their "places" until he was ready for them to be all over us! They each had their own toys and when they played chase he would show them what toy he was throwing. They would not go after each others toys. Toby and Irene also have a donkey. The donkey has to ring a bell for his dinner. They also have two llamas.

Lolly said...

Jack is feeling much better this evening. He took a new pain pill with his muscle relaxer as per doctors orders. He is not zonked and he is much more pleasant.☺

He is reading and making conversation. He did some cooking tonight in preparation for next week. Yea!

I am going to read now. Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Diann, I haven't a clue about the English cuke.....but your salad is the way I often make it! I don't need lettuce to make a tasty plate!

Painter guy is supposed to return in the morning....even tho' he hasn't called to verify a time....but since he had mentioned 7am for the first day (and was 2 hrs. late!), guess I better be prepared for that. 6am alarm----ugh!!!

So I'll say my night-nights now, too. Hope everyone sleeps well....Lows only to be in the 80' A/C will continue to work. Prayers for all....hoping that Nancy will get home tomorrow so that Lori can see her settled in before she heads back to MD.

Sorry I couldn't wait up for you, Andy!!

NatureNut said...

Nighty-Nite to all hitting the hay.
I should take a nap!! Someone is expecting a 4-wheeled delivery around 2AM. Sold his red Mustang & for 1/2 the price won the bid for a car from across the pond!(Coming from NY). I'm told I can drive it! Stick-shift. My knees will love it!

Wanda, did you get little foxes on your cam?? Love it--you and Lynn are such techies now!!! I'd like a critter cam at Park Vis. Ctr.---raccoons come at night and dismantle the bird feeders. Sometimes I have to find all the parts before I can refill them!
Pleasant dreams and prayers for all ☺ ♥

PA Nana said...

Goodnight to those hitting the hay.

Hi Loretta. A nap would be a good idea unless you can stay up that long. I would find it hard to wake up after only sleeping a few hours.

Might wait a bit to see if Andy, Lolly, Hoda or Wanda make an appearance. Or did Lolly go to bed earlier? I believe they are supposed to leave for the beach tomorrow. Hope Jack is feeling better.

PA Nana said...

It's official. Today's high temp was 103. Yuk!

PA Nana said...

Okay, can't wait any longer. Getting sleepy.

Blessings to all in eagle land.

God bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Oh, bother! Looks like I've missed a bunch of you folks!

Wow, Shirley is a bat whisperer! Good job, Batwoman! Glad that George and the dogs didn't tangle with the critter!

So happy that Jack has gotten some relief! Hope he gets a good night's sleep tonight. Prayers for a good report on the x-rays.

Linda, LOVE the border collie stories!
They are truly amazing dogs.

Lori, prayers for you and your Mom and Dad, and hopes that your Mom will be settled in at home before you have to go back to work.

Wanda, when you mentioned your "persuader" the first thing I thought of was an eagle cane!LOL :oD

Well, I think I'm going to go veg in TV land for a while. Prayers have been said for everyone, especially those needing healing. Praying for some justice for Irene! Lord, reward those movers according to their deeds!
Prayers, too, for all our pets, and our favorite critters.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sweet dreams, everyone! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

I just came back in to say Goodnight and God Bless to all.

Thanks LINDA and I think you too have God's presence in your life.

It is 48 degrees tonight and I was wondering if I should bring the herbs in...I don't think the basil likes colder weather.
I am headed off to a Paddling workshop tomorrow morning and for most of the day. I will check in after yoga in the late afternoon...

Sweet dreams everyone. I wonder if anyone is going to be there for the morning Café. If I wake up I will check in...

God's Blessings to all.

magpie said...


Thank you to ALL for your well-wishes and prayers for my co-worker's husband with the back injury from the fall out of the tree.
He got fusion surgery and was sent home the same day! Exhausting and painful for him, and his wife has her hands full right now also.....

xoxo ♥

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

and since it is "tomorrow:"
make that July 23, 2011:

Happy Birthday to Dianne, our Momster pal from Northern Virginia...Hope it is a Glorious Day all the Day through, Dianne...xoxo ☺ ♥

Dianne was at our Nest Visit in June 2008 when the 3rd eaglet was a'flopping around trying to fly the coop !

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Hi Judy ☺
been waiting on you
do not have any cyber-coffee brewing though
glad to hear Jordyn's okay with the ear thing...
those little tubes ARE tee-tiny aren't they !

JudyEddy said...

Well I noticed that it is getting lighter at the nest later now so I need to readjust my alarm clock for later I think

JudyEddy said...

colors have arrived at our eagleless nest

JudyEddy said...

colors are here now we need eagles come on

JudyEddy said...

Going in LM to the rockin chair

magpie said...

large tree maybe two at the intersection of Shepherdstown Rd and Gosling Marsh on Shepherdstown Rd - -
not too far from Wanda and Gene's

whoops someone did not get stopped in time, crash.... no injuries

T-Bird said...

Good morning friends.

JudyEddy said...

Hello T Bird amd Good Bye T Bird and Magpie IOTWIG HAGD

magpie said...

Hi T-Bird
and Goodbye Judy

shift here enging at 0700
might be signng off here soon

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. I felt very virtuious this morning to go straight to the computer and the eagle cam to try to catch a view of our eagles. All I can say I saw was a squirrel in the nest for a couple of seconds.
JudyE those pictures you made with our avitars are really cool. I tried to comment on your blog, but I can't seem to get in.

Hoda, I thought of you when I was at the grocery store the other day. They offered packages of 3 peppers for 2.99--and they were from CANADA. I bought a package in your honor. I usually try to 'buy local' but since I'm not too far from Ontario I figured that was local enough. The peppers were sweet and just right. I froze strips of them to enjoy later.

Kay said...

Just popping in for a quick visit. Thanks to all who've wished me and my guests well ! We are all going to lose our voices by the time they leave tomorrow morning---talking non-stop from early morning til' late at night. Have had some great meals and some good tours via my GMC Envoy--just too hot to get out and walk, but we're having a good time !

Enjoyed catching up on all the chat---LORI's mom, SHIRLEY's bat (everyone close those fireplace dampers for the summer-not only can critters come inside, but your cool air is pouring out), all pickle, dog and yoga stories....

Have picked up on the prayer needs, too ! I'm on it !

So long until tomorrow when I'll do another catch-up and resume normal routine ! I♥U Eagle Buds !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Good Sat. morning all.


hedgie said...

Gee, Lynne1, you must really be WAY up in PA! That is a riot about the peppers! Bet Hoda will get a good chuckle out of it!!

I'm up, Liesl is up...all morning duties done.....and no sign of painter guys yet. Think we should hit the sofa and take a nap!

MArgy, get youself to bed as soon as you finish watering the plants! Hope you were able to salvage your tomato plants. We were spared anything that serious in this corner of the county.

hedgie said...

Hi, Kay! Glad you checked in! Didn't realize that your company was leaving so soon....know you will have the "let-down" when they go, but hope you get your voice back!!! P.S. Enjoy tooling around in your trustworthy Envoy---and thanks for buying GM! May not get my SS check but will get my pension check!! :)

hedgie said...

Short nap...he's here.

T-Bird said...

Bye Judy

magpie said...

Hello now from Magpie's Roost.
Speaking of peppers, I got a bunch of them at store a few months ago, froze them, and have them in the frying pan with some steaks...for dinner tonight !

I have the date right but the spelling wrong:
Diane, that is, our Sunny Birthday Girl xoxo ♥ ☺

paula eagleholic said...

.•*"˜˜"*°•. ˜"*°•♥•°*"˜ .•°*"˜˜"*°•.
**♥**♫ ♫ Happy Birthday ♫ ♫**♥**
.•°*"˜.•°*"˜ ♫ Diane ♫ ˜"*°•.˜"*°•.

magpie said...

Definitely going to bed soon though, Lynn -
go back in at 7 pm for a 12-hour stint...
night shift not so bad once in awhile, and I like the officers on this shift ☺

roadway being cleared down Wanda's way...large trees, fire dept cut them up, DOH will front end load them into dump trucks...
Cable might be out...that could maybe affect Wanda's being able to get on, maybe

xoxo Hello grannyblt! speaking of blt's - should have a tomato ripe soon, so I must get Bacon to add with my Megan Lettuce for some gooooood eating !!


magpie said...

Hello !
Glad to hear you folks are losing your voices - that equals a lot of fun ☺

magpie said...

Funny Lynn, the other morning during Atlantis watch you said "There She Is" - I was thinking Belle had arrived at the nest!
And just now "He's Here" - I was thinking Truder !
getting old, by thought processes
Hope everything goes well today

Hi Paula !!!

magpie said...

just tossed a can of Cream of Asparagus soup in the frying pan....ummmm good ! Even if no one else likes it, I will !


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

No, Lynne, I did not come into direct contact with the bat. But, this morning, I noticed what must be blood on the cookie sheet, so I am washing it in the dishwasher. I did not see any injuries on the bat, and it flew without any problem.

Yay, I just discovered something on the computer. I have been having a heck of a time reading the blog because the font had suddenly become very small.

I clicked on all kinds of things and finally found that the font was at 69%, reset it to 100%. Nice feeling of accomplishment. Now I can see so much better. I found it by clicking on the little tool symbol at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Had to get up early this morning because I was being subjected to a chorus of meows from the two cats. Dueling meows.

magpie said...

Good Morning, what an amazing bat story, you are so brave !

magpie said...

Dinner is done ! LOL
Actually, it is venison, given to me by one the deputies of the Captain's Hunting Camp Buddies...

and the other venison I get is from my old fire department pal, the oldest of 16 children, again, country folks....they HAD to hunt to eat...

magpie said...

I thoroughly enjoy all the pet stories here...can you imagine, if I had a pet, how much more gabbing I would be doing ! ☺

Also, oh, neck and shoulder stuff, I have that Trapezius problem that Hedgie describes, and those therapeutic massages are Fantastic...
Hoda, enjoyed all your information about your Yoga experiences....would love to start doing that someday, and Hope that I Do !

magpie said...

meant to say, thanks for the information the BWO chick fledging the other day....I think I am seeing only two chicks and one adult there now

magpie said...

trying to catch up a wee bit, but know I have missed some things...

Lolly - - best wishes for total comfort for Jack very soon!
Hope you get something I mailed to you the day after I mailed Jack's card...oh by the way, did I tell you I love getting postcards ?? ☺

better go hit the sack while the getting's good....
will See you Precious Pals later.

Best Wishes for a Good, make that Very Good, Day .
Prayers for Wellness..

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

now I see ONE chick and one adult at BWO

magpie said...

and three thriving chicks at Finney One...
Fin-Ferry has been down for several days...not sure why, cannot understand the Finnish message

okay, 'bye xo

magpie said...

oh, second chick has returned to BWO now

magpie said...

PS Linda
Our avatar colors matched there for awhile ... ☺

hope your work today goes well, and that your client is not so chatty....

Lynne2: enjoy your week-end at home, very touching, your comments about the work at your parents-in-law....sure they will miss you this week-end, but hope they get the respite from the heat and some rest also

Judie...hope to read of a report of how delicious the cucumber recipes turn out!

now it is bedtime zzzzzzzzz

paula eagleholic said...

Story about an eagle that couldn't be saved. Hoda, I was wondering if this is near you?

They tried their best

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info on BWO Margy!

Sleep well!

hedgie said...

Oh, what a sad story about the Nelson eagle. Many people sure did a fine job at attempting to save her. :( Thanks, Paula.

Margy, did the asparagus soup make your gravy for your pepper steak??

Yep...unless Comcast gets on the ball (RARELY!) Wanda will be without internet and TV maybe for the weekend, at least. Another :(.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Headed into the shower to try to make myself presentable to the outside world.

Off to Farmer's Market for a very quick visit. Already hot here.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

stronghunter said...

Don't know about being brave, Margy. There was no one else around. I would have gladly allowed someone else to take over.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

Time for me to head to the shower and maybe I will check out the farmer's market this morning, too. Saturdays, there is a market nearby.

hedgie said... websites for the Finnish cams:




Finney1 is still at the same address as before.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

MARGY......sitting here with a big smile on my face. Just read your comment. Yes, yesterday, received something in the mail!!!! It made me laugh. Thank you! Yes, I do believe that you told me that you like getting postcards. (((Hugs)))☺☺☺♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥♥☺☺☺♥♥

Heading out to mow this morning. Then cooking this afternoon. Making most of one meal today for next week. Going to prepare meatballs!

Kay, so glad your visit has gone well. I know you have really enjoyed it.

Jack continues to be better. Sure hope this continues! He had a good night.

Gotta get with it. Temp is rising!


stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Diane!

hedgie said...

Had to put Liesl down in the crate in the basement. ARFFFF...ARFFFF.
Need some Tylenol!!
One broad side of garage is stained! Looking good!!!

T-Bird said...

Magpie-Sounds good, I want some.

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad that Jack is getting some relief! And that he slept well! He might need one of the neck contour pillows, too.

hedgie said...

I guess that Finney must have changed service providers for their cams.

Big ant on out sycamore leaves....first time I've noticed one there, but always remember that they loved our sycamore tree at our first house---luckily the tree was by the road!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sad to hear this, but I understand about consolidation. This really brings back Dad worked for Walter Reed, not in the hospital, but doing research. I remember sometimes we would go in with him on Saturdays when he had to check on experiments.

Walter Reed to Close

Hoda said...

Good Morning ...Could not get my day started without checking in!!!

Happy Birthday DIANNE.

GRANNYBLT, I am jealous and I am laughing at the same time about the peppers...So typical of Ontario, they do very little commerce with the western part of the country and we get a lot of our food from California!!!LOL!!!

PAULA The eagle story is 15 minutes away from my flat. It is so sad, I read it in the local paper last night. Same picture.

OK I had better go get ready for the workshop will check back in later in the afternoon. Have a GREAT day everyone...

Hoda said...

The Eagle story that you posted PAULA is from the local paper cool is that? How did you find it?I thought The Nelson Star is such a local paper that I did not imagine that it would have such a wide circulation. That is the internet for you...

Hoda said...

MARGY have a good sleep and I am glad the night shift was OK and the team that works it is a team that you like.

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun today, Hoda.

Ah, the magic of the internet ☺

T-Bird said...

See you all later.

hedgie said...

Oh, what a mess I've had.......he was washing under the eaves and the water was just pouring in. I couldn't keep up with it all. Phone line is all messed up----open line.....I had him cover the outside box, but I think the inside box here on wall is all wet.....ARGH!
Told him definitely CANNOT pressure wash under eaves on far side of house----no way I can move all the books on the open-backed shelves in the living room or the Christmas stuff in the crawl space upstairs. OMG.

On the other hand, garage is almost stained and it's looking very nice.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, so sorry about the mess. Is pressure washing something that is advised for log homes?

Yard work is finished for this week. Next week while we are gone yard man will water pots and mow. Ahhh, a break!!

Jack weed-eated and then trimmed the pecan tree. One of the pecan trees hangs over the drive and when we bring the trailer home the pecan tree drags on the roof of the trailer. Yikes!

He has had ice on his neck now. Oh, I hope he has not done himself in!!

Off, to shower and clean up. We got the yard done before it reached 90. Yea!


hedgie said...

Paula, is a sad thought that a previously venerated institution can just be mothballed like this. I often wonder of the scandal of a few years ago CAUSED the decision or just sealed the fate....So much history....glad that they are going to preserve the historic buildings, tho'---I guess that's something. Maybe they should move the medical museum from Frederick to DC! THAT would be an appropriate use. Seems a bit ironic that they're combining what used to be an Army hospital with a naval one, isn't it? But Bethesda has an excellent history behind it, too--just not as long a one!
DId you Dad spend his whole career there?

stronghunter said...

Ended up not going to the farmer's market. I have been working on downloading drivers and installing them so that my new computer will talk to my printer. I did it!

stronghunter said...

Sad to see that Walter Reed is closing, Paula.

hedgie said...

Hmmmmmm.....singer Amy Winehouse found big surprise; it was just a matter of time...another "talent" wasted to drugs, no doubt.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Back from the market. Bought several heirloom tomatoes. Never tried them before so thought it was about time.

Lynn, so sorry about the water mess. I really hope you won't have any more trouble with that. As you say, the good news is the garage is finished and looks nice.

Bat Whisperer, I think I might have completely freaked. Can't imagine what I would have done. Glad the bat has departed and you are okay.

Lolly, I also hope Jack has not undone the good progress. Maybe he will rest this afternoon.

It is sad about Walter Reed. I received excellent medical care (carotid clean out and stents). Nursing staff is outstanding and very sensitive. However, I did not like the assembly line process for patients. Twice I was asked questions that did not make sense until I realized they were looking at Darth's medical records. Scary, to say the least. Biggest upheaval will come in the Fall when the "decision makers" finally get the reality that the roads will not be able to accommodate the huge influx of traffic. Bethesda still has two-lane roads.

Off to cool down and put my feet up.

hedgie said...

Yes, Lolly, pressure washing is recommended.....but whatever dummy built this place obviusly didn't know HOW! My other house was 3500 sq. ft. log, and we never had a single leak when we washed it.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, sorry to hear about the water coming in! I would think the phone box would dry out if you took the cover off, maybe blow drying it will help.

My Dad moved on from Walter Reed to NIH....

I read that Walter Reed had been slated for some time to be apparently was included back in 2005 with the base closures.

Shirley, glad your printer is working!

Lolly, when are you leaving?? Hope Jack's neck is OK.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh wow, Lynn, sad news on Amy many talented ones die way too early from drugs!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Paula, I had the disk, but it did not work--not compatible. It took me awhile to figure it out.

Hoda said...

Well the first part of the day went very well and I was pleased to take the instruction on the paddling. Back to the flat to change out of wet clothes and then on to the classroom session of the workshop.

Lynn... Such worry about the washing and I hope you continue to be satisfied with the staining as you are with the garage. Is Liesl barking today? Did they arrive on time?

Indeed sad about the Walter Reed Hospital closing. It has also treated dignateries from many foreign coutries besides the American citizens.Curious to hear about the one lane roads to the navy hospital. I will check back in again after yoga...HAGD

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL.


a little salt
swamp cooler
wet cloth and fan
cool, interesting food
keep all that cooling fluid
out of your keyboard
and out of your puter

have a great day.....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Judie, the road situation is also a concern at Belvoir! Nightmares to come. Know what you mean about the assembly line process....same at the VAMC's....but have to say that the docs that Charlie has had have all been quite good.

Speaking of Charlie (SIL)......forgot to tell y'all that he is on his way to New Orleans! He and his bro are taking a friend's girlfriend and baby down . THe guy was transferred down there with his job....has everything ready for his family and couldn't get time off to come get them. So he's paying Charlie to bring them down. They left about 8 last night....not there yet!

Lolly said...

We are leaving MONDAY for the beach. Will be taking my computer, but will not be getting on much. Maybe will have time in the evenings and we always rest in the middle part of the day...too hot to do anything else except maybe go to the pool. Laurel and the boys go to the pool after the beach. I like to cool off and rest. ☺

hedgie said...

ROFLMBO, Jim! You covered all the bases!!!! Bet it never was this hot in Minnesota when you were growing up, was it?? Probably still not TOO bad there, but it's ridiculus almost everyplace else! 97° here now.

hedgie said...

Phone is still not working.....I got a dial tone once....for two seconds!

hedgie said...

Here we go again....big boomers....shutting down for now.

NatureNut said...


Hope all are keeping cool. Was outside a couple times. Had to refill birdbaths & water some wilting plants that almost never wilt! Now, drip-drying myself and birds have announced "Pool is Open"!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, sorry to hear about your water problem!! Don't let them get near the other eaves.Most homes do have airhole grids for circulation. One of my BILs covered all the vents under the eaves and it fried their shingles!!!New roof, too!
A few times Fubby decided to wash the outside windows w/garden hose. Water seeped in, filled window wells & started running down the inside walls!!!I had to stop that action!!!

Ms Bookworm said...


Dropping in to say "Howdy" but need to get busy on work for that doctor's office. Hope everyone is drinking TONS of water and staying indoors in the a/c, or in front of a fan!

Lynn, so sorry to hear of some water damage, especially to your house phone! Hope your cell phone is fully charged! Glad the stain on the garage looks great. Bet you'll be so glad when all the mess is over with, and the whole place looks great!

Sorry to hear about Amy Winehouse. What a waste of a young life! Prayers for her family. Such a sorry situation she got herself into! I'm almost positive it must have been a drug overdose. Guess the tests will take a while before there are answers.

Hubby & I went out to breakfast today. When we got home, he left to get gas in the car, and I got busy at home. Was on the computer, and all of a sudden Emma was r-e-a-l-l-y quiet in the living room. Found her pulling chunks of charcoal out of the fireplace! Could've been something worse, I guess. She's such a little imp! Just CAN'T stay aggravated with her. It's impossible with those big, sad hazel eyes looking up at you!LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, pardon my manners!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANE!!! Hope your day is SUPER!

stronghunter said...


I see it's very quiet on here now. We're getting a little rain.

JudyEddy said...

I am sooo mad my camera has decided to go on strike I turned it on and it just sit there has its little lite on and a buzz darn it and yes I did drop it out of my pocket this am but no harder than it has been dropped before Like Angies said you dropped it just the wrong way this time Oh well I guess I will just have to get another one but I hate going shopping

Costume Lady said...

Helllllooooo...where is everyone?
It is 96 degrees right now, here in Nestville. It just thundered to beat the band and rained just enough to make it like a steamy jungle! EEEEWWWWWWWIIIEEE-YUKKKK!!
Last evening, when it rained so hard in town, we didn't get a drop of rain:(
We have Dustin here for a week or so, until time to try out for football....hope he doesn't make the team. I love to watch football, but not when a grandson is playing. Brandon played High School Football and I covered my eyes at most of the games we went to!

JudyEddy said...


Before U were thought of or time had begun,
God stuck U in the name of His Son..

And each time U pray, you'll see it's true,
You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.
You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name,
For U, He was born; that's why He came.

And His great love for U is the reason He died.
It even takes U to spell crUcified.

Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand
He rose from the dead, with U in His plan?

The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew,
And this word resUrrection is spelled with a U.

When JesUs left earth at His Upward ascension,
He felt there was one thing He just had to mention.

"Go into the world and tell them it's true
That I love them all - Just like I love U."

So many great people are spelled with a U,
Don't they have a right to know JesUs too?

It all depends now on what U will do,
He'd like them to know,
But it all starts with U.

hedgie said...

Hi, Wanda! Thought you were out of luck withnet and TV......Margy said cable lines were down. Did Comcast get their act together quickly??

This storm was even louder than yesterday. We got more rain today, too. BUT....temp did NOT drop significantly. Back up to 97° now. Humid, too!

Painters left, thunder booming...I went to put truck back in garage...half-way back to the house there was a very close lightening strike. I felt my hair rise. SCARY!

Yes, Winehouse WAS drugs, Andy. Probably still had the needle in her arm for them to be sure this quickly.

Loretta.....drip-dry! Good one!

hedgie said...

Loretta, no soffits or vents or such here.....just open eaves with fascia board along the fronts.

hedgie said...

Phone is working again! Cell was NOT fully charged....but it is now!

Think I am going to have to try pulling books forward on all six shelves---they are double rowed on 5---yikes! Then see if I can slide a sheet down behind the shelving. One place in bathroom the water shot 3 feet across to the other wall. At least if the sheet is there, books may get wet but not get hit with the dirt that shot in there.

hedgie said...

Judy, as I said in email, the JesUs poem is wonderful!

hedgie said...

I do believe it is TOO hot to grill my chops. Already have a sweet potato in the oven, so guess I'll just bake the chops. Have some applesauce to round it all out!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I'll be right over LOL

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals...
Lynn, sorry my wish that everything goes well today did not work...
I wish I could offer to come help move things...but, worktime looms at 7 pm

Be Careful...

magpie said...

Nice post, Judy...the poem.
Thank You

I slept through the storm.

Judie - my home-growns last year were Heirlooms...they were great...might look "ugly" as some say, but the taste is great

magpie said...

went outside to check plants, couldn't see a thing! My glasses frosted up immediately

magpie said...

great, Dustin is with you ☺ ♥

Lolly - steady as she goes, you and Jack, be careful getting ready, so you are in as tip-top condition as possible !
Glad you got the card...have to say, sometimes postage stamps are as fun as stickers ! ☺

magpie said...

One of my favorite pictures of my father is of him and a co-worker sitting at a work table at Walter Reed....where he was working during part of his military service.
Must try to get that scanned and posted sometime
So sorry to read of the situation there, and thanks Paula, for the information, ableit sad

magpie said...

That's a trip for Charlie, Lynn!
Guess Carolyn and the girls are "batching it"...
glad she kept her days off, know work asked her if she wanted to come in today (to replace my dayshift spot LOL )
but glad she kept her plans !!!

magpie said...

Yes Lynn, the asparagus soup is like the sauce for the steaks
Wanda..."Sgt Dan" brought me these venison steaks by the way
Lynn...that would be Jerry's son

and to answer your question, teasel and thistle are not the same, but one of the alternate names for the Teasel is Water Thistle...think they might be part of the same "family" though

magpie said...

very exciting about Fubby's new acquisition...the car from across the pond...

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY has conquered her printer she is victorious
Every one is sweating and steaming from the heat EXCEPT MARGY she went out side and her glasses FROSTED UP BRRR is it that cold LOL

magpie said...

very touching and very sad story about the Eagle in Nelson BC
Yes, they tried their best and the Eagle did not die alone
BEAKS sounds like a wonderful organization, and I hope they can get more funding

magpie said...

My apartment is cool, it is Firecracking Hot outside !

magpie said...

got to share the experience of "Tar Bubbles" on an old country road with James last week, where the tar bubbles up, you drive over it, and it makes little popping sounds

JudyEddy said...

My glasses get fogged up daily at work when I go in the coolers I hate it!

magpie said...

If Jo was home, she would post this, so I post this for her, and
her hearts:

Mason Update

JudyEddy said...

Thats to funny never have thought of that at all that boiling tar I bet it stinks also huh

magpie said...

Congrats on getting the printer set up Shirley
I have a great printer-scanner-fax-copier in storage, really would like to get that hooked it is now, just a simple old Hewlett Packard printer which suffices for now

magpie said...

well they are so little Judy...can't say about the aroma!

Well it is already time to get ready for work

Best Wishes for a Great Evening, everyone

hope the Eagles make a visit, I will be watching from work

Lynn, thanks for the Finland cam information

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

loved your post, good to See You!
guess today is the wedding day at California that DanaMo is at, maybe ?
Hope she is having fun !

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Okay it's time, to leave...

Upstairs neighbors can make all the noise they want tonight, but I am not going to tell THEM that !


Did I say I Love You, Precious Pals ??

I do ! xoxo

JudyEddy said...

Big storms heading our way I thought maybe it was going to miss us but looks like maybe not Its the out flow boundaries meeting the sea breeze storm

JudyEddy said...

Hope you have a uneventful night Margy be safe

JudyEddy said...

Look at the nest the leaves are moved again to the middle of the nest It is windy now there but the leaves don't move and looks like straw has been moved almost to the middle of the egg cup can see good with the wind blowing the branch back GO wind

hedgie said...

Margy, Carolyn said that if it had been morning hours, she would have come in (original call said a couple of hours)---when she found it was 10-5, it interfered with plans.
I figured it was JERRY, but Dan is the logical close 2nd guess! Nice that he thought of you!
Thanks for thistle info! Wonder if I can remember to call it by the proper name??!!
What did your Dad do at Walter Reed and the VA, Margy?

hedgie said...

Loretta---forgot to ask: what IS the car from across the pond???
I can remember when we first moved out of the city, Daddy got a 2nd car for commuting---it was a Hillman. Is Frank familiar with them at all? If my brain is not too heat-beat, it came from England.

hedgie said...

Heading for the sofa to rest my back in a few to finish catching up.

JudyEddy said...

OH NO the Good Wife is being moved to Sunday night at 9 opposite Desperate Housewives Gonna have to make a decision which to watch live and which to dvr oh what a decision I have to make

Lolly said...

Have bought last minute groceries, loading the trailer, going to fix dinner and then make the meatballs for later on in the week.
Progressing right along.

Received another piece of mail from WV today!!☺ First a card for Jack, then a surprise from Margy, and today seeds from Wanda. More fun!!
Thank you, Wanda. Plan to plant them in pots upon returning from the beach. Probably will plant some more in pots after our trip in Oct.

magpie said...

You know Lynn, I am not sure, about my Dad at Walter Reed...but I have that paperwork about my father, and can check and report back....
at the VA (once Newton D Baker)Hospital in Martinsburg, he was "coordinator" (like office manager) in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, "PM&R"for short.
And kind of like Paula mentioned, "going to the work place on Saturdays" ..we would do that, play with the medicine balls, get our hands dipped in the warm therapeutic
paraffin wax, climbing the exercise ladders and do all sorts of fun things !!
We cherished that time with our Dad ! ♥
He also sometimes brought back some treasures that the Veterans had made in Occupational Therapy

magpie said...

the SPLIT is about to occur...

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you all know that they named one of the eagles at Hornby David to cute

magpie said...

Well You're all Set, Lolly ☺

must return to other keyboards and computer screens and earn my salary...

but I have the Live Feed On...

See you folks later on...
thanks for the good wishes for a quiet safe night, Judy - all depends on our "customers"
ttfn xo

JudyEddy said...

wow their chat on Hornby is fast too fast for me to keep up with but momma just brought a fish for David to eat

paula eagleholic said...

Heading for another split!

See 3 osprey chicks at BWO and a parent

Hoda said...

It was a very good day and the weather was warm and there was a parade to honour a first responder who drowned last month as she was out on call with Search and Rescue.She was a twenty seven year old woman.The people whom they want out to rescue were rescued even though they suffered this tragic loss. The town stopped and people knew to pay their respects.

LOLLY and JACK I am glad you will wait till Monday to go to the beach. I hoppe JACK is feeling better by then.

LYNN how resilient and how flexible you are with the house washing...I have lots of admiration for the project of moving the book cases and finding ways around the obstacles that are presenting themselves.I hope Leisl is not stressed about all the activity.

JUDY E I am so sorry about your has been a very good camera and I feel it has been veryuseful on this blog with all the videos of Belle and Truder's visits. I hope it is not too costly to replace it.

The workshop on paddling was useful and it was good to be out on the water. The classroom session was a bit stressful as he videoed us and then gave pointers as to what we were doing. I could see it before he called it.

Yoga as usual was a positive experience for me and yet I feel I did a bit too much today. So I am looking for a quiet evening.

MARGY I hope work is not with too many stressful with emergency calls.

The live feed just cut out...Hmmmwhat is going on.

PAULA did you stay late at work or did you leave in time to go to the beach house?

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 653   Newer› Newest»

4/6/24 no show only lil birds

 2 little birds. Can you find the one one is ? It's on the lop  Posting a picture of the nest with the platform underneath it that way. ...