Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Fresh thread


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deb said...

Thanks for the new thread, I'll go get everyone!

normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread!!
Thanks DEB!---for bringing us over!

Mits said...

thanks Deb, and Steve:)

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. We are headed to the 90's today, not too bad.

Mits said...

Deb, I really enjoy your pictures:)

deb said...

Thanks, it was a good bird day. They were very cooperative.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning In Eagleland

Morning Jim (early bird), Margy, Mits, Deb, Norma, and Watchers.

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Wow that has been a long time. Me getting to say that.

wvgal_dana said...

Deb your Juvie picture reminds me of the immature eagle I saw Monday.
I do think it was our Hidey.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---CONGRATS!--DEB!--You are our #1 EAGLE MOM---today & every day!!---It is a cloudy dark am---no sun--no blue skies--but--I found a $5 & 2 $1 in my washer this am----& MEMA JO!--The peaches are RIPE & DELICIOUS!--LIFE IS GOOD!----Must go read yesterday's blog----

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS--& DANA!---Did ED get to see the STEELERS PRACTICE!---I was praying it wouldn't be too HOT!

deb said...

Our cam is still down. Time for work, bbl.

Mits said...

yeah, just looked, Deb, have a good one.

normabyrd said...

DANA---Just read you folks really had a GREAT DAY!----Not only did you enjoy the STEELERS---you saw an EAGLE too!----

normabyrd said...

WHOA! DEB---Just read about SAM!---(i have a grandson named SAM)--I remember your pic of the two dogs on your bed---adorable--

normabyrd said...

Watching the FINLAND NEST---KOO & an ADULT are in the nest--She is attempting to lift off---Makes one's heart hurt to watch!--Keep sending EAGLE PRAYERS---

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!!---I just heard earlier on NPR---VICK has offers to play & sounds like he will!---(doesn't make the day any nicer does it)---

wvgal_dana said...

I have to get ready to leave. Appt. with Ed's new health insurance.

Read where 2010 Chevy VOLT 230 mph Highway

City over 100 mph ready
next year

wvgal_dana said...

hope to be back in later today

normabyrd said...

NORFORLK 'REBEL'---AZALEA is branching at the site---Please read the info---She is still being fed at the nest---AWESOME PIC of another 'REBEL' (?) passing a FISH to her in mid-air!---Author thinks the EAGLE is attempting to encourage her to move farther away from the nest!!----Which is a must for her---


Mits said...

2 sibs and Mom at Finney's sib at Finland nest..

normabyrd said...

DANA---Wishing you & ED the best today---hope everything works out--w/keep you all in my thoughts & prayers---love you all----

normabyrd said...

MITS---Doesn't it hurt to watch KOO trying so hard---do you have any info about her?---are they leaving her in the nest?

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---I hope we get the rain they are predicting----we haven't had any of the rain that you folks have had----We want to dance in the rain & sing---'IT'S RAINING--IT'S POURING--THE OLE MAN IS SNORING....(not sure i have the correct words)--ho!

Mits said...

as far as I know they will leave her there, don't know if she will make it to Africa:(

normabyrd said...

MITS---I have study group this am--
need to get dressed---

I think the hard part for KOO--is catching food---W/send an EAGLE PRAYER---


Mits said...

found this on Dennis Puleston site....

The injured chick in the Hailuoto nest will not be treated, according to V. Pulkkinen who runs the webcam for the nest. He states "the North Ostrobothinia Regional Environment Centre (NOREC) and some Finnish osprey scientists/experts are denying flately to go again to the Hailuoto Osprey nest. The idea is: Let the nature take care of the Ospreys"

Mits said...

but we all knew that from Loretta's info....

Costume Lady said...

I was just watching Koo and then read what Helen found on the DP site. If the Fins are going to let nature take care of the Ospreys, why then did they build a nest for them if they wanted NATURE to take care of things?

Mits said...

guess that is the chance you take watching wild nature....some things are good some bad:(

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of Nature, I have posted the videos of the Butterfly hatching on my blog "Just For Fun". There are 3 videos and also sound...turn your volumn up if you want to hear some soothing music.

Mits said...

that was awesome, Wanda

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Helen, glad you enjoyed it! We have had such fun following this process:)

Mits said...

raining at Finney's nest

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Beautiful, Wanda. Thanks for sharing.

hedgie said...

Good cloudy=cooler morning! Still hoping for some rain, like Norma!
Chrissy wanted you all to know that she probably won't be watching Koo today. She had a sleepless night (no new incidents, tho') and got word of passing of a cousin, so she said her eyes were not working well enough to be on puter much today. (((HUGS))) for our Chrissy.

stronghunter said...

Figured out that this Chrissy is the same one who does all of those funny captions.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to learn of the passing of her cousin.

hedgie said...

Deb, your pics are great, as always!!!
Wanda, will watch your video in a little while.

hedgie said...

Dana, the Volt sounds like a winner....but travel range is only 40 miles on electric, so certainly not for a road trip! Price tag is prohibitive----over $40G---argh!
BTW---one of the new administration mandates is that ALL employers (presumably that have a parking lot) must provide electrical outlets for employees to plug in electric cars. Wonder WHO will pay???

hedgie said...

Yep, Shirley, one and the same!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Camless Morning All
I am up and running - thank goodness!

I just cleaned out my emails and decided to say hello before I read your morning comments! I am anxious to watch Wandagene the butterfly.


stronghunter said...

I had never seen parking lots with electric outlets for cars until we went to Minneapolis, but the plug-ins were mostly for the higher ranking folks. (They plug in to keep engines warm in the winter up there in the cold lands--it got to 60 below when we were there.)

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - hubby asked if I had heard of the Volt - He says we'll be dead and buried before it catches on... I told him it would be great - just think of how many trips to Dunkin Donuts before you had to recharge!

stronghunter said...

Wandagene's cousin just flew through my yard. Usually we have swallowtails, which are nice, too.

My finch food worked! I got the yellow birds to come to my feeder! I am sure they are goldfinches. Maybe they are common at feeders, but I'm excited anyway. Got pictures.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone. Thank you Steve!

Hey Norma, can I come and do my laundry at your house?

Problem with the Volt is the cost $40,000 - would take very high gas prices to offset that expense.

All the best to Chrissy and Ed.

Sad commentary on the osprey nest.

Off to a routine eye exam -- needed so I can watch all the wannabe adults in a couple of weeks.


Costume Lady said...

The Volt and it's siblings will become less expensive over the next few years and instead of Gas Stations, ther will be Plug In Stations. Wonder what that will cost? I am very scepticle of this car. Like Jo's Ed said, we will be dead and buried when all of this is worthwhile:(

hedgie said...

Wanda and Gene, great job, not only on the videos but on the successful "birthing" of the b'fly! Great experience. Candy ought to use them for her class this fall! Bet the kiddies would really enjoy watching the process.

Judie said...

Wanda and Gene, mesmerized by the butterfly video. Many thanks for a beautiful way to start the day. Agree this would be an amazing video to share with children.


hedgie said...

We had some outlets on light posts in our parking lot at GM--to be used for company things like Maintenance work, or when they set up outdoor displays, or such---employees started using them for the engine warmers....that didn't last long! They disconnected them.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Blogger gremlins are at it again...double posting, error messages....argh!

Mema Jo said...

Wandagene videos are just an unbelievable part of nature! Thank you so much.

stronghunter said...

Being bugged by blogger gremlins too.

Costume Lady said...

SO SORRY, DANA...I couldn't find you on the group photo. Is that you on the right hand side of Anne-Marie?

Costume Lady said...

No message from CHRIS yet:(

Mits said...

wonder when the still cam will be fixed?

Mema Jo said...

No clue, Mits! Comment from Steve was some time ago.
Wondering when the cam maintenance will be done also
You don't think that is why our cam is down - or do you?

stronghunter said...

Hi, I posted a picture of the goldfinches. One does not have the bright yellow of the other. I am not sure if it is female, younger, or a different variety.

I also posted a picture of a cute little skink Hunter and I came across yesterday. He kept hiding and then peeking out at us.

Mits said...

I think it is down because of the rain last night, that is when it started to act up and then went off...who knows?

stronghunter said...

Or is the second bird not a goldfinch at all?

deb said...

They are both Goldfinches! Lunch time here. Glad to see a skink and not a skunk, I need to read more closely--ha!

stronghunter said...

Deb, I would not hang around to photograph a skunk.

Mits said...

lol, thought you meant a skunk:)

stronghunter said...

You all have me double-checking my messages! I did say skink. I was proud of myself for not calling it a lizard. Maybe I should have said lizard.

deb said...

No, we just need to read more closely! It made me smile when I saw the skink!

stronghunter said...

I think he is cute. He kept checking us out.

Mema Jo said...

I was looking for a baby skunk too!

stronghunter said...

It took some talking on my part to keep Hunter from grabbing him.

Mits said...

well if i stumble across a skink, will know what it looks like.

stronghunter said...

This little guy had a very blue tail.

stronghunter said...

Doesn't resemble a skunk.

Mits said...

so he was a blue skink, even better:)

stronghunter said...

Okay, I posted a picture of the tail. Blue, but not as cute as the little face.

deb said...

Cool, I googled Blue tailed skinks. Very unusual around here to see any type of lizard.

Mits said...

we have alot of them in DC:)

deb said...

Time to head back, bbl.

Mits said...

huge storm formed east of Salisbury, we might get some of it, hear will shut down just in case...bbl

stronghunter said...

Bye, Deb and Mits.

hedgie said...

Skinks have fragile tails that break off easily---but they grow new ones!

Mema Jo said...

I never saw a 'skink' before - very interesting little guy! I'm glad you were with Hunter to curb his curiosity about the tail falling off! Such a temptation to find out if true!

Mema Jo said...

Batten down the lawn furniture Mits!
Hope it blows over quickly..

Lunch time here!

stronghunter said...

And what would I do with Hunter and a no-tail skink in the back seat? I am sure he had designs on taking it home. It looked perfectly happy down by the riverbank.

stronghunter said...

Yes, hang in there Mits!

stronghunter said...

The detatched blue tail wiggles while the skink runs away.

magpie said...

Glad that your spending your last full day of freedom entertaining us !

Great pictures of the bird and skunk skink!

Good Whatever part of the day it is for everyone !

magpie said...

I did not see any meteors but messed up my sleep schedule running outdoors every 90 minutes.

Whatever was on my morning schedule isn't on it anymore.

Judie said...

Hey all,

Shirley, never seen a skink, either. Cute. You have pictures of a male and femle goldfinch. Males turn bright yellow in spring to attract a mate then return to a dull color for winter.

Okay, all cleaned up and ready to go to have eyes checked.

Overcast here -- would like to have some rain. Plan to check the hanging plants to wren nests.


stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie. I thought that they might be male and female, but the pictures I looked up showed them both to be bright yellow. Nice to think that I had a pair at the feeder.

magpie said...

Looks like Koo is bedding down for the night trying to get comfortable.

movin said...

** GOOD morning **

** every ONE **

Loved Deb's shots, but I am having troubles identifying the mammal swimming in the river..

It almost looks like a small dog in the first shot.

Does anyone know what it is??

Next I'm looking for Wanda's butterfly... and perhaps waking up some more.



hedgie said...

Check Koo----something doesn't seem right.......

stronghunter said...

Doesn't look right. Did move, though.

stronghunter said...

It was raining earlier, there. It looks wet and so does Koo.

hedgie said...

Well maybe she's just hunkering down because of the rain then. Hope that's all it is! She has company now.
Jim, I think it's a muskrat.
Enjoy Wanda and Gene's metamorphosis show!

Mits said...

thought Deb had mentioned in her posts it was a badger...

movin said...

About Koo:
Either he is just getting some real sleep, or it's possible he wasn't able to preen all of his feather's thoroughly and the rain has gotten to him.

I can't tell for sure yet.



stronghunter said...

I think Deb said something about a badger being at the bird center.

movin said...

The sibling kind of poked him and made some noises, and now Koo has wakened and raised his head.

Maybe he will be OK.



magpie said...

I was thinking the creature in the water was the Osprey that needed a little rescuing...guess Deb will tell us for sure later when she has time to add the tags.

Wanda and Gene's videos of the Monarch, are truly awesome.
Gene had perfect instincts to stay home from church that morning, he was doing God's "Other Work" ☺

magpie said...

Koo seems very lopsided :(

Had some company from a sibling now is alone.

Two chicks at the Finland Water nest, one with a fish.

magpie said...

Am going to try to salvage a few undone things, before thinking about returning to work at 6 pm

TTFN xoxo

stronghunter said...

The animal in the water is definitely not an osprey. I think it is a badger.

stronghunter said...

Koo is sitting up now and looks much better.

Mits said...

that is what Deb said it was.

stronghunter said...

Koo is wingersizing.

stronghunter said...

I know she said there was one there, didn't remember she said she'd photographed it . . . good thing it didn't get to the osprey in the water.

stronghunter said...

I would look worse than Koo did if I had been sleeping in the rain.

. . . Looks okay now.

hedgie said...

Well, she did some wingersizes....thought she was getting ready to take off, but didn't! Looking dryer now!

hedgie said...

Hard to tell for sure because of nest materials, but I swear it looks like the injured/deformed leg/foot doesn't have talons....has anyone else noticed that?

hedgie said...

Right...Deb's pic does look a badger. I was thinking of her land pic on Deb's photos!

stronghunter said...

When it got light here this morning, I noticed a chair in the back yard. Will was out looking at the stars last night. He said he did see some meteors before it got cloudy. It was cloudy when I got up, sometime after 5:00.

hedgie said...

Okay, good view of foot now....talons are there! Duh!

movin said...

I'm having troubles getting Atlanta's Panda cam. How about you?

Koo looks back to normal again. The rain must have cooled things down, and he just took a good snooze.



hedgie said...

Nope, Jim, I can't get it, either. Just keep getting one of those 501 messages.

Mema Jo said...

I just get the pic on cam of an empty hammock!

I usually watch this site...

Daniels Multiple Panda Cam Feeds

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Got home VERY late from school last night, slam wore out! Slept in late, and it felt good.
Have been trying to catch up. Saw comments about Koo--Chrissy finally has gotten a reply to her letter, and it's actually rather encouraging. Here's part of it:
"Thank you for your mail! There is a private web camera in Hailuoto in Finland and I can tell you that here is very busy conversation around that nest cause of an invalid Ospray chick. Yesterday happened that this chick had her first flight and in the newspapers were an article about situation in the nest. In that article were said that in the US had lived one Ospray 15 years without other leg and still survived. So maybe this little one got a chance as well… Best regards,
Editors of Vihreäpolku"
I particularly felt encouraged at the mention of the Osprey in America that "lived 15 years without other leg"--apparently our Koo has a good chance!

Someone here (can't remember who) asked whether my neighbor shot the heron on purpose--yes, indeed! Have never spoken to him, and never plan to, but while we were waiting for the police to arrive (took about 20 minutes), we heard about 50 gunshots! Thank GOD it was a BB gun, and not a .357 Magnum! BBs still can do lots of damage, though. Chrissy's window was broken by a BB.(Sure hope they catch THAT wacko soon!)
We haven't heard a single gunshot since the police talked to the guy, and I hope they explained to him that all wild birds, except for English House Sparrows and European Starlings, are protected by state and federal law. the current fine for intentionally harming a protected bird is $1,000!
The California Dept. of Fish and Game and the U.S.F.W.S. are the agencies responsible for enforcing the law.
I kinda wish I HAD called Fish and Game, but if I get our neighbor any angrier at us than he apparently already is, Homeland Security may have to get involved.
At least the current nesting season seems to be winding down. Haven't seen any herons either yesterday or today, so hopefully all are off somewhere fishing, and are OK.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just taking a second to peek in. Have been doing a little house cleaning for Laurel, but we also went swimming for a little over an hour. I am so proud of Jacob and MYSELF. Because of our trips they could not get swimming lessons in for him this summer. Every time he has been swimming he would have a little inner tube on around his waist. Well, I have been able to get him to abandon the innter tube and he is swimming. He is really is getting around in water over his head. He is so excited. When Laurel gets home we are swimming again so she can see what he has accomplished in two lessons. ☺

magpie said...

I have had this on my mind for quite some time. Hope you like it

Mark Harris:

Find Your Wings


movin said...

Thanks for the excellent link, Mema Jo. Got about everything you could ever want on Pandas there.



magpie said...

For Gimpy Heron, Koo, Gabby, Dakota, Hidey...all our struggling wildlife, our kids and grandkids, and each other... xo ♥

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Blessings around.
Sorry about leaving so abruptly last night but as I was typing a big flash of lightning and then thunder warned me to sign off - which I did.

Today, I checked on Koo and was a bit concerned that things just didn't look right with her. A sibling arrived and was checking her out but as time went on she did some wingersizing so I guess all is well in Finney's nest.

I watched the video on the butterfly and was mesmerized and calmed with the music. Great job!

Hope to check back later. Have a good evening.

magpie said...

And of course: WANDAGENE

movin said...

By the way, I was thinking Deb's swimmer looked like a badger, but I didn't know they did that. Thought perhaps it was supposed to be a beaver or a muskrat, but it didn't look like those for sure.

I think it must be a badger, which is related to the skunk of some other comments at about the same time.

Skinks: We had a lot of lizards around Del Mar, and several kinds would drop their tails if attacked by a predator. But I don't know if they were part of the skink family.

They always grew the tail back, but it didn't always look exactly like the original.



hedgie said...

RAINING here!!!!!

PA Nana said...

To the person who visited the Steelers camp my son sent me this link. Check it out maybe you'll see yourself.

Go Steelers!

Mema Jo said...

Are you sending any of that rain over the mountain into my valley, Lynn?

We did get a good rain last evening after 8:00!

I need to think of what fall flowers I am going to put in my flower pots out back. I guess it will be Mums

PA Nana said...

P.S. Magpie, loved the song.
I hurried to post while I still remembered your name. I'm terrible with names especially after catching up. God bless!

Mema Jo said...

Diann - To made sure Dana sees the link I went ahead and emailed it to her! She may be able to ID the big
umbrella she & Ed were sitting under!

Mits said...

very pretty, Margy

Mema Jo said...

Mits - did the storm hit down there or pass you by?

Mema Jo said...

Mits - I didn't find any animals out on the Asia trail today! I don't think you missed anything!

Ms Bookworm said...

Sorry my last posting was so long! OK, I'll shut up now...except to say, thanks, Margy, for the 'Find Your Wings' video--beautiful! Thanks, too, Wanda & Gene, for the wonderful butterfly video! Haven't seen that particular miracle happen since I was living in Utah, many moons ago. Awesome!
Well, gotta get more studying done, and try to houseclean a bit. Will check in later tonight. :o]

Mits said...

passed us by, just some light rain and some distant thunder.....sun is out now....maybe some more passing thru later, they just keep popping up all around us...

Mits said...

those animals are smarter than people, know how to stay out of the hot weather:)

magpie said...

Oh dear thunder a'rolling here in Martinsburg, watch it downpour when I leave the house !

Andrea - I really like your flower avatar. Great going on all your, you are really going to be a genius when you are done !

I guess I have clunker eyes when I was looking at the creature in the water the Deb posted ☺

magpie said...

Woof, I couldn't get back on for a little while...long enough for ComCast to call and upgrade my monthly offerings for a mere $9.99 a month, guess it's worth a shot for 11 months.

magpie said...


Charlie Daniels big and bold on a billboard beteen Hedgesville and Martinsburg, visible when driving Eastbound...for the Pickin' in the Panhandle Show in September ☺

Also: did you notice how the trees near that structure fire on Hedgesville Road two weeks ago, did a scorching number on the nearby trees! Especially concerned about what looks like a big Ash tree in the next yard West.

magpie said...

Glad you all liked the Video and song...there are options for one to create their own powerpoint but I would NEVER figure that one out !

Song came to me when step-daughter was going/coming - yes coming - through Recovery.


magpie said...

I better hop off before the lightning does it for me !

I am happy to report that my Megan/floralgirl's rudbeckia triloba and the Yellow Butterfly Plant are popping out blossoms! Will get pictures and post in a few days.

Be Careful, all...Watch the Weather, the traffic, and Bad Neighbors !

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥

Mits said...

guess Chris is on still down

ceil said...

Evening all. Margy nice video and song. Wanda thanks for the video of the birth of Wandagene and her first flight.
I thought it was suppose to be cooler today. it's hot here.

Mits said...

I think it is now tomorrow, to be cooler...:)

hedgie said...

I'm back-k-k. Power outage with storm! Heavy rain, but now much cooler and air smells so good and so easy to breathe!!!
Catching up....interesting report from Finland.....question is....US osprey w/ one leg----in captivity or not???? Living w/ that in captivity would be much easier than in the wild.

paula eagleholic said...

Is the cam down...sniff :(

hedgie said...

Margy, haven't been able to get your song to play yet.....will keep trying!
Can't wait to see that billboard!! Can't wait to see CD in person, too!!! Should be a really good show.
No, didn't notice the trees---will look when I go by tomorrow.

Mits said...

Ms. Gossie on snowman cam has a pink bikini on.

paula eagleholic said...

I guess it is...sniff

Mits said...

been down since last night.

Mits said...

BWO update...

Nest Update

Technical Note
A storm is moving through the area. We hope that once it passes, the image updating will resume

BWE has some new green in its nest

ceil said...

Miss Goosie looks cute in her bikini.
Think we are about to get a storm. Getting dark.

paula eagleholic said...

After I posted, I realized someone said last night it was down...thanks Mits.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - expressed the thought that maybe they were doing cam maintenance but like Mits said - the storm last evening may have done it.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! Ms Goose is a cutie! I don't think they are polka dots on that pink bikini!

Mema Jo said...

Flock of Bluejays in the PA Woods
Downey and cardinal at Okie Bird Cam

Bai is sleeping with new cub well hidden

Mema Jo said...

I had BLT supremes for dinner - I added a fried egg and slice of cheese!
The lopes this year whether from Farmer's markets, roadside stands or WalMart are really delicious!


wvgal_dana said...

Hi All My Eagle Friends

Hoping to catch up on comments and mail.

It rained and thundered here very badly. Done for now though.

Earlier Ed and me or is it Ed and I....never know which is right. We were suppose to be in a meeting with the new health insurance company taking over for the "retiree's". Which was suppose to take 1/2 hr. Instead they did everyone together. Started at 10am didn't get out until after 1pm. Alot to take in and much writing to do. I think we understand most of it.

deb said...

Hi, all, sorry I have captions up now, and it is indeed a badger. I don't know what kind of dragon fly it is, so no caption on it.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - it is Ed and You!!! lol

I sent you email with link from PA NANA
about 1st day open to public for the Steelers practice. It should be there..
Maybe you can find photo of you & Ed or maybe just the umbrella! Let us know.

Judie said...

Ah, still playing games with the newbies? Who is Ms Goosie and why is she in a bikini?

Shirley, I hope you have a really nice first day back tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you. I have to go to campus but only for some IT training.

Off to watch food network for relaxation now that my eyes have returned to normal. Good report. Beginnings of cataracts but "years" away.


Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot. How's Ed? Tom? Bill? Any word from Chrissy?

Lolly, are you having a G&T tonight?

Andrea, how did your tests go?


stronghunter said...


Here is the Website:

Snowman Cam

Have you seen the videos of the eagle release that are on the e-mail?

stronghunter said...

Bear passing through now.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Jo, I was gonna do BLT's too, but didn't have any L, didn't even think about it at the store.

I am trying to get some things done for Friday. We are interring my Mom with my Dad at Arlington. Then we are going back to the house to have some crabs. So gotta fix something to go with the crabs, so I decided to make my Mom's potato salad. So I have started on that. Then I have to finish the pics. Putting a pic of my Mom in a frame with one of the roses from the arrangement at the memorial service for each child, grandchild and Ggrandchild. Finally found the right frames, but still need 2 more pics, so I can't quite finish them tonight. Forgot to bring a pic with me so I could get a couple more made! Think I need some reminder notes...that is if I don't forget my reminder notes, LOL!!

paula eagleholic said...

OH, so for dinner I'm having cold maters and hot cooked squash!

stronghunter said...

That sounds delicious, Paula. I had one slice of leftover pizza and some leftover mac and cheese. God knows how much fat that was.

stronghunter said...

I do have a couple of squashes in the refrigerator. Maybe tomorrow night, I'll eat them.

stronghunter said...

Judie, the video message is from Jo.

stronghunter said...

I have an eye appointment on Oct. 3. They tell me that the insurance companies require that they dilate eyes for routine eye exams. Not fun.

ceil said...

Judi sorry we did not explain but ask and you shall receive. See Shirley let you know. In the winter the snow gets really high at that sight. Also plenty of deer and a bear family.They change the gooses outfits. First time for the bikini.
Paula knew the date was coming but could not remember the exact date.
Calling it a night. Peaceful dreams.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Ceil.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Norma, isn't it fun finding money when doing wash!

Deb - glad they found Sam OK!

Hedgie - the employer will pay for the electricity. Another mandate for the poor employer. I think 40M is too much. I'll stick with my Civic.

Wanda - will have to watch your video sounds wonderful.

What group photo? With Dana and Ed.

Hey Mits - I thought DC had snakes, not lizards! :)

Shirley - love the skunky skink!

Lolly, great job with Jacob.

hedgie said...

Paula, sounds like some very special remembrances and a meaningful day for Friday. Know that all will appreciate your efforts and glad that you will have the final closure. Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Shirley, what eagle video are you referring to? THink I missed something!
Are you READY for tomorrow? First day will be tiring, I'm sure, but hope that your school year gets off to a good start!

Judie, there are often BEARS on the Snowman cam!!!

Dana, sorry your meeting was so dragged out....hope the new plan will be acceptable.

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of folks at the Steelers camp...John's sister was there too, she got some autographs too.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I think tomorrow will be okay:

8:00--Continental Breakfast
9:00--10-Minute Dept. Meeting
1:00--Faculty Meeting

The rest of the day will be for us to use at our own discretion. Probably will do lunch with some friends and start setting up the room and working on the syllabus.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, back to the kitchen....BBL

Mema Jo said...

I had sent Judie and Shirley the 3 youtube videos I found of the
3 eaglets release that they attended.
Both the gals emailed me back and was very happy to see the replay since they didn't get in the front row to hear everything that Ed Clark was saying.

I can send them through Eaglet Momsters but remember to check your YAHOO email address for them.

hedgie said...

Cool, Jo!!! Thanks.

stronghunter said...

Jo found some excellent You Tube videos of the eagle release at Mason Neck State Park. It answers some of the questions that I didn't know the answers to because I was fiddling with the camera.

Opening Remarks--Eagle Release

Eagle Release #1

Eagle Release #3

stronghunter said...

Jo, hope it was okay to bring these over. I was so happy to see them.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Shirley - I also sent the links out through the Momster's email. That should cover everyone in Momsters and Bloggers!

Mema Jo said...

Koo is visible on the edge of the nest
Siblings are somewhere else - wonder where they go?

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I was short on pickles...had to run to the store. All done in the kitchen for tonight, will finish up tomorrow night after mowing!

Mema Jo said...

FINALLY The first eaglet I have seen in some time

WildWatch Cam Lake WA

NatureNut said...

Hi Everybody and probably Good Night to some.

Will put a current Koo pic on here in a moment. He was the only one at the edge of the nest, flapping a little.
Have not read a word today---was busy all day at work actually converting pics to grayscale for annual report!!! Back in a Flash~~~~~~~~~

Mema Jo said...

Paula what you are doing with the picture and the flowers is going to mean so much to those receiving them. It is a beautiful gesture.
I pray Friday will be another bonding of your family!

floralgirl said...

Hello all:) Hey Jo, I saw lots of animals on the Asia trail today, been at the zoo all day long....

paula eagleholic said...

Koo just flapped off the nest!

Mits said...

glad you made it, Megan, where did you park?

paula eagleholic said...

And back again!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you had a day off, Megan!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Jo, we are bonding from all the togetherness painting!

It will be nice to put Mom where she wants to be.

Mits said...

been raining here most of the night...we need it:)

stronghunter said...

I need to say good night so I can get ready for tomorrow.

See you all later!

NatureNut said...

Paula, Will be thinking of you Friday. Have some friends and relatives at Arlington----it's a place you never forget, nor the loved ones there.
What a great tribute for later!!!! Good for you!

paula eagleholic said...

Koo has company

stronghunter said...

Yes, Paula, I will be thinking of you as well.

God Bless

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Shirley. Have a good day tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Sibling came in to visit the nest with Koo.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get back to work...BBL

Mema Jo said...

Hey Megan - since when do you get days off? And you went to the Zoo knowing that Mits was in OC! Shame on you!

You had a great time I am sure!
Happy to hear you had Time Off!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...