Thursday, August 06, 2009


PM thread.


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Mema Jo said...

I just walked in the door and I found this new fresh thread! Thank ya Steve.

I'll go over & pass the word.

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hello!!! Good morning Steve and Mema Jo!!!

Mema Jo said...

Come on over Judie & others!

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve.

Hi Jo.

Loretta, glad the dentist visit wasn't as bad as expected. Also hope you have something to ease any discomfort -- G&T? Hope it feels better NOW!

Back to work.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Sissy! Glad we have a new panda cub for you to watch in the months to come. I need to read the last of the comments on the previous thread to see how your Tom is doing! I am offering up prayers for both of you! ((hugs))

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ok, I found you all!

movin said...


hAhahaha. When I opened the blog this was sitting here with 0 comments, but by the time I reported that on the old thread, everybody was over here already.



Judie said...

Just remembered I wanted to comment on the teens that vandalized the school field: wonder how many will say they never saw warning signs? yeah, sure! Hope the prosecutor decides to charge them as adults!

Bye for now

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon! So you are going to Bedford for another week. How many dogs are you taking to see Buddy?
Is Mattie going with you this time?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mattie is not going with me. Mopsy and Buphals are going with me again.

movin said...

One of the Finnish fledglings at the ferry site, is feeding on a big, juicy fish now.

I wonder if she caught it herself.



movin said...

I don't know if you guys are watching the SD Pandas, but I can't even open it this morning.



Mema Jo said...

Jim - I am also having a difficult time getting on the SD cam.
Must be something special going on out there LOL

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


NatureNut said...

Hey Lynn & everybody---back from a little cottage cheese, boo. No pills, no discomfort except my stomach's almost empty! Got novacaine---only gum sensitive where tooth pieces attached.Part also broke off from the root below gumline. Tooth was dead, had root canal, so THAT'S why it didn't hurt after cracking.I'm not sure I want/can bother w/implant---really need 2 now but was told years ago since I had gum & bone loss they probably couldn't put the post down in w/out hitting jaw nerve.Dentist said now they can do them, but $ would be sky high. Probably go w/cap altho they don't always last too long.
And that's enough about that----word to the wise is after a root canal, ALWAYS get a cap! I forgot I had that tooth done. Know of newest one & had done in Jan. by specialist & will soon get cap for that.

NatureNut said...

One more tooth observation---only discomfort & had yesterday was when tongue accidently went there & parts would wiggle! I thought I was in 2nd grade!!LOL

Remember that song???? "All I Want for Xmas......."
OOPS, gotta check nest flower in daylight. Think I read if it's that Datura, that trumpets open only part of day. No color last time I looked.

NatureNut said...

Andrea, glad your heron is hanging in there. How special of you to think of some food he would like. I'm shocked the wildlife people never showed. Maybe it's a good thing. I had no idea they were common----maybe out there. I saw 2 many years ago in trees at the pond at our Farmhouse office. They were so strange!Old camera days---have really blurry pic.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! Blessings around. Things are a MESS here at the homestead. All week #1 son and his dad are trimming the shade tree, washing siding, scraping and primering (is that a word?) where they will eventually paint. The yard is full of leaves, paint chips, and other debris I can't identify. I know it needs to be done; but all at once?! My Jim has off this week and son is not working, so I'll answer my own question - yes! Geeez...duh

Has there been any news about the Finney Osprey? Our local newspaper just caught up to you and announced the birth of the Panda in SD.

Since you have such a great prayer line I'm asking for prayers for my breathing tests tomorrow. Thank you and God bless!

Mits said...

prayers for your teat tomorrow Diann

Mits said...

I have SD on fine:)

hedgie said...

Definitely will pray that your tests go well tomorrow, Diann. I hate them!!! Bet Jo and Red do,, too!!! Is this something new or a follow-up? Know the "torn-up" feeling you are having with the house and yard. But all home improvement jobs are a mess---but end-result is worth it! Good that you have a hubby and son who can do it so you don't have to pay to get the work done!

Ok, Sissy, understand the sailor story now!!! Duh!
Shar---missed that you were heading for Bedford. Have a good time. Hugs to Thelma---she never blogs anymore! :( Has she forgotten us?? :(

Loretta, don't think I would mess with implant! Glad you didn't cut your tongue on a sharp edge like I did!!

I am out of the penalty box so got to see Suz' neat bug and bird pics from this am---really cool!

Jim, evryone has had trouble getting on SD---probably too many viewers!

ceil said...

Mits I think you must have an in. Mei or Tai have told SD to let in their friend from NZ

ceil said...

Hey I must be special also. Got right on to SD

movin said...

tAKE a look at Finney's.. A second eyass has returned to the nest for the night, and they are snuggling together for support.



movin said...

I've got to get some other stuff done, including rebuilding this machine's software.

The new Hard Drive is working at least as well as the original, and I think it is even quieter than the old model was when new.

Talk to you later. [:~)]



hedgie said...

I got in fine this time, too! But Bai is keeping baby well-hidden.

movin said...

One more thing:

Lun Lun and Xi Lan in the hammock ... you've got to see it.



hedgie said...

I didn't know that the osprey chicks were called eyasses, too! Learn something new everyday. Thought it was just peregrines.
Glad new system is coming together for you, Jim.

Lolly said...

Sitting down to rest a spell. After walking I started on the utility room cabinet. It is clean and I know what up there once again. Amazing what gets stuffed up there! LOL

Threw away some "Magic Sand" that was Laurel's when she was little. Has really not been that long since I cleaned that cabinet...just never threw it away. Now it is GONE!

Been watching SD. I had trouble too getting on but have been on for a while now. That panda can sleep a lot!

hedgie said...

Lolly, what is magic sand? Is it like the magnetized stuff that you can shape with a magnetic wand?

Tammy said...

Greetings all...

It's been a couple of weeks since I have been here.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Afraid to ask but I must... Has Hidey been making any appearances? Liberty? Belle?

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Tammy. It has been a few days since anyone has seen a visitor to our nest. We can hear Hidey from time to time and that is better than nothing. Have you seen our forest growning in the nest?

hedgie said...

Hi Tammy! Long time no see.
We haven't seen Hidey since the weekend, but have heard her a few times. Haven't seen Lib or Belle, either. If you look at the caqm, you'll see that the nest is sprouting weeds w/ blossoms!! Paula posted a video of a portion of the last visit on the momsters page....very bittersweet.

Tammy said...

Yes I have!

The nest looks lonely!

Well, I'm sure Hidey is enjoying its independence.

Probably harder on us then on Hidey.

I remember when my first child "left the nest". It was a hard time for me.

Tammy said...

Hi Hedgie...

Good to see you.


hedgie said...

How did GeeGee's injection go, Wanda? Sure she'll be sore for a couple of days, but then it will sure feel fine again!

Lolly said...

Lynn, the sand was in a plastic genie type bottle. You could squeeze it and draw and build under water, but when it is out of the water it is dry sand, Did not do that anynore. Guess it lost its' magic!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Robyn!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Lolly said...

You know, my knee is doing great. Wish someone had told me though, that it would be sore after I got that shot. LOL It has been a while now and having no problems.

Such a good momma! It is so amazing how that panda can gently hold something so tiny!

Lolly said...

Okay, back to more cleaning! I am on a rampage. Purge! Purge! Purge!

Costume Lady said...

It's a good thing Lolly threw away the MAGIC SAND, or her grandson may put it in his hair and disappear;)
I have soooo many things that the grandchildren played with when they were regular visitors here and just don't have the heart to throw them out! I have for a very long time now, known that Dustin would not be interested in coming to visit us much longer, and I think the time has come! He was here only a few days and decided to go home. He was going to stay all week:(
I have had no difficulty getting rid of his playthings, I guess because he told me that he didn't want or need certain things anymore. He has been a joy to us...he came into our lives 10 years after the last grandchild and we weren't expecting anymore..(neither was his Mother)LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Meatball is coming up this evening.
She has been taking swimming lessons and loves it - Said she got in the deep, well not the deep deep the other day. Pap asked if she were scared and she said 'a little bit'. When she was leaving I said 'Now don't you get wet when you go to swimming class' She looked at me and said 'But I have to get wet, Mema! ' Then she burst out laughing knowing I was joking! Grandkids are FUN!

deb said...

I am trying to go see an eaglet, but first I decided it would be fun to lock the keys in my Pick-up. So here I sit patiently waiting for the lock guy to arrive. :(((

Costume Lady said...

Don't feel bad, Deb...I locked myself out of the house a few weeks ago while Gene was at camp with the guys:) We do have an extra key, hidden.

Mits said...

oh no, Deb:(

hedgie said...

Oh, Deb, don't you hate doing things like that??!!
Wanda, I started giving my girls the special momentos of their childhood a few years ago. Even FINALLY got their first baby shoes bronzed. Amazing how you get to things when you think your time is running out!
Still need to walk them through the house and point out significant objects and their meanings and origins!!

deb said...

Still waiting, we have a Jane St and a James St in Vermillion, he went to Jane St. Ooops.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, GeeGee was feeling no pain when I left her, yesterday. Anxious to see how she is feeling tomorrow. Ribs on the grill day. Can't tell you how sorry we were that the ribs that Gene cooked for the 4th weren't his usual tender ones. Forgot to prepare them the night before! We'll do it again! Promise!!

hedgie said...

They just showed the winning blue marlin on the news. Broke a 20 yr. record!!! Took him 3 hrs. to reel it in.

hedgie said...

Wanda, you didn't hear any complaints about the ribs outta me or Margy---we thought they were deliciouoso!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Had a family member who put stickers on every object in her house that was valuable to her for one reason or another. Put what it was, where it was purchased and how much it cost! A little excessive, in my opinion!

Mits said...

had a friend whose m-i-l, put stickers on who got what, but not price or any other history....

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn, they were good, but a little chewy. Better next time:) We enjoy your company so much, that the food is just an extra bonus:) We love it when you two visit!!

Costume Lady said...

Yah, Helen, the stickers might be OK, but the price of the items is a little much.

hedgie said...

Mits, looks like you are getting rain, huh?

deb said...

I am unlocked and on my way. BBL

hedgie said...

Deb, is this bike week in Sturgis??? Haven't heard anyone mention it!

hedgie said...

HA! Mom had sis and I go through her place in FL and put our initials on stickers and put on bottom of items we would want. We got most of them when she moved to MO, and now she's got new stuff that we need to start all over again tagging!
Thanks, Wanda.....we so enjoy being with y'all, too!

Costume Lady said...

I believe it is Bike Week in Sturgis, Lynn. Saw something on the news about it. Sounds like a lot of fun. Would like to go there sometime. Don't like motorcycles, but love to watch others enjoying them!

Costume Lady said...

When I was a Freshman in High School, my brother took me to school on his motorcycle a few times. He always dropped me off just before we got to school so that his friends wouldn't see him being un-cool with his little sister on his bike instead of a beautiful girlfriend;)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, so Tom's gallbladder ejection fraction is 0 but they say that his pain is too low for that to be his problem. I am thinking that a nonfunctioning gallbladder could possibly do this! Not sure what will happen next.

Mits said...

yes Lynn, we have had some showers passing thru...seems to have stopped now

ceil said...

Sharon Jim's pain was under his belly button. CT showed the bad gallbladder. Doctor said worst gallbladder he ever saw. Took doctors 2 times in the ER and my finally telling them that he was staying and we were doing a CT.

Mits said...

going out for awile bbl.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - is it a possible gallbladder

It is a wet day in OC - not too many reporting in yet for weights. Hope we get some more big ones. Hope they put more 'jazzy' music on the speaker! lol

ceil said...

Jo they said there is another big white marlin coming in and the music is on now. Love watching it.

Mema Jo said...

I'll have to look up the Sturgis cams we had last year.

Catonsville daughter,hubby,and gs & gd
should be in the air headed out to Chicago for the weekend Lollapalooza concert. Funny thing that happened is even though these reservations have been made well in advance..the Hyatt Regency Chicago called yesterday wanting to know if for $100 would she give up her rooms! NO WAY!

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - I like watching it too..
Up where the US flag is - is there a person up there? My eyes are not too good!!! lol

Mema Jo said...

Those $$$$ prizes on those fish are
something else = Sounds like a new boat price!

Mema Jo said...

Looks like the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is Aug 3 - 9

Link to Sturgis

Here comes a boat......

Mema Jo said...

I love how easy they make it look to park those BIG Boats!

ceil said...

Jo I am lucky to see the fish. LOL
They do make it look easy. I would take out the pier.

Mema Jo said...

A 403 lb catch but that's less then half the size of yesterday's catch.

Lolly said...

Stopped the cleaning and purging. Went instead to making Camp Hawkwood t-shirts. The kids shirts say Camp Hawkwood, Summer 2009, Great camp***Tough Counselors. LOL Jack's and mine are the same, but say "Counselor". This years shirts are red. Only color I could get in adult and two youth sizes.

Just saw on the news that there were hackers after Twitter and possibly fb today. I had trouble with it, so believe it is true!

Mema Jo said...

When I use the Sturgis link I can't find the CAM that we watched last year.

Mema Jo said...

Hope to see a pic of those t-shirts with the whole Hawkwood group, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Not my ticket! Darn!
I would like to win an Under Armour prize package!

Mema Jo said...

The music at fishing boats should be the music at the Sturgis Motorcycle

Lolly said...

Oh, yeah, Jo! We will definitely take a group picture. Always need a group picture at camp! LOL

hedgie said...

Didn't see a cam link on the Sturgis page, did you, Jo? Maybe I'm blind! But did love the winning design logo, Unleashed Fury.

Sissy, a non-functioning gall bladder could surely cause severe pain. Are they going to remove it?

hedgie said...

Lolly, saw that news report....I haven't gone to FB today....don't think I will---tho' don't know if that would make any difference or not.

Lolly said...

I just tried to do several things on fb and it would not work. Crazy, huh?

Mema Jo said...

Our nest looks like a jungle!

Bai is hiding her cub! At least I did get in on the site.

Eaglet at Lake WA nest

Taking a break...

Mits said...

darn did I miss "Born To be Wild", that is my theme song when we went white water rafting....

ceil said...

Playing Fly like an eagle on White Marlin cam
Oops it is over.

Mits said...

hmmm, maybe he ought to give up the twisting and dancing.....

STURGIS, S.D. – Aerosmith's Steven Tyler suffered head, neck and shoulder injuries in a tumble from the stage at a South Dakota show, a concert spokesman said Thursday, and the audience thought it was part of his hip-shaking act until he didn't get up.

Tyler, 61, fell several feet while entertaining the crowd by dancing around as the sound crew replaced a fuse that blew during the song "Love in an Elevator," said Mike Sanborn, spokesman for the Buffalo Chip Campground, which hosted the Wednesday night concert. An amateur video showed him spinning around before falling off the stage.

sure the bikers were not to happy concert was cut short

Mits said...

postman at P.O. yesterday, we were talking about computers, he watches the eagle to fix dinne bbl

ceil said...

Mits some of the people were upset but some said as long as he was okay.

ceil said...

Mits did you tell him to come to open house?

ceil said...

I have never seen our nest which so much green. Hope Lib and Belle can find it when they start nestorations.

Mits said...

no, I didn't...

Mits said...

read in the Worcester County times, that Blackwater is taking applications for their deer hunt in the fall....remind me not to come back in my next life as a deer and take up residence on government property

Mits said...

dinner is ready...bbl

magpie said...

West Virginia also has some September deer hunting dates....
Berkeley County is included....does and button thin out the population, and to promote a "more healthy" population when the REAL deer season starts.

Good Evening Eagle Friends.

magpie said...

Wendell Wandell, magician from Berk County, North Carolina (originally from New Hampshire and Massachusetts) - put on a great show, he is also an educator, and this program today was part of the Morgan County (WV) Library Summer Reading Program.

Very nice presentation. James loved it! And so did I.

magpie said...

THAT, was definitely a gunshot.
Heard on our nest cam, now where was it from ????

Judie said...

Back for an evening visit before I finally turn my light out.

Remembered that Shirley is, at this moment, seeing The Color Purple at Kennedy Center. I believe she was to have a real special day with daughter before they go to the play. Just in case I forget tomorrow in preparation for N.J., Shirley, I do hope you enjoyed!

Bai Yun gave me a brief, very brief peek at the baby this afternoon but she is very good at playing tease -- now you almost see my baby but now you don't - ha!

Think we may end up driving to N.J. Sat. morning for 10:00am funeral. Frank has a doctor's appt. tomorrow afternoon and he doesn't want to fight rush hour/weekend traffic. We couldn't arrive in time for the viewing anyway.

I'm with you Jo. I want to see the t-shirts, too.

Sharon or Sissy, did I miss something? Is it Tom's gallbladder? Prayers for you all.

Diann, I would take all the mess in a heart beat if I could just get some major maintenance/upgrades at my abode. Wishing excellent results from tomorrow's tests!

Hi Tammy. Don't think we've met on here. Yes, the nest looks very lonely.

Lolly, just what kind of "shot" did you get? Maybe it's what I need to bring on a cleaning rampage at my house!

Deb, happy trails to you ...

I'm going to rest for a bit, maybe read a little. Be back to say goodnight.


magpie said...

Judie Sorry to hear of the loss of Frank's others have mentioned, even though it might be expected, death is always a shock. Prayers for comfort and peace at this time.

Mits said...

misty a.m. at Finney's....glad you had a good time Margy:)

Mema Jo said...

Just got back from CVS..... Are they still waiting for some late boats?

Mits said...

Bai is cleaning the cub

Mits said...

I have not heard of any, Jo, the last bridge opening is right now, for any to get in, but I doubt it....

magpie said...

Okay! WHO is Shooting at WHAT near our nest cam ????

magpie said...

and now voices

magpie said...

Lynn - if you have Jefferson County maybe you can pick some of the information up off the scanner...

Mits said...

I don't have the cam on...

Mits said...

I heard the voices...

magpie said...

Two shots - at the times I posted. Very Loud! And the voices started immediately after the second shot. Could be anything - including poachers...

Mits said...

I still hear the voices...

magpie said...

Well on a different note, the Moon is rising, will be watching to see how close Jupiter is to it...whatever bright object closest to the Moon will be Jupiter.

Mits said...

it was beautiful last night, Margy....don't think it will be out here, cloudy

Mits said...

yep, too cloudy here.

magpie said...

The reverse here, Helen, was pretty cloudy here last night, perfectly clear tonight....Jupiter and Moon will stay paired up through the night so maybe, later for you.

Still here a lot of voices at NCTC, something is going on, hope everyone there is safe. Guess if we hear sirens we might get more worried.

Mits said...

almost sounds like a party at times...

Mits said...

don't think any more boats tonight are coming in, closes in 5 minutes

Mits said...

well don't know how many boats will go out tomorrow, if this weather forcast holds up....


Mits said...

similar forecast was for last Monday, they all got out there and had flat seas

magpie said...

Disabled chick alone at Finneys, is really working here wings, and dragging that injured leg.

NatureNut said...

Hope they figure out Tom. Gallbladder can be tricky on symptoms. Lady I work w/ had awful pain & Dr. said she had scoliosis!!!! & she couldn't lift anything, etc. She finally ended up in ER & they extracted gallbladder ASAP.My daughter was having pain mostly after meals, around to her back.CT showed nothing in GB.Gastro-ent ruled out everything, put her on GB meds before each meal & bedtime.
They worked--but since she doesn't have large stone yet, they won't do anything but keep her on meds!She was hoping for orthroscopic(sp?) surgerry before our trip, but not to be yet.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We are so very, very frustrated! Doctors and hospitals blow my mind! They did a test on Tom today to test his gallbladder, which reproduced his pain exactly, gallbladder not working. The surgeon wants to repeat the test in 7-10 days to be sure it is not a false positive, as he hasn't eaten since Monday. Now really, if they thought the test would give a false positive why did they do it without feeding him first.

And, if it is a false positive, why would it reproduce his pain exactly. So, he will probably be discharged tomorrow in the same shape he was in when he went in, to have the surgery in 2 weeks as an outpatient, if gangrene don't set up first and kill him!!!

Oh Lord, I need understanding and patience RIGHT NOW!!!!!

magpie said...

Yes, Jupiter is out with the Moon. If the Moon is the center of a clock, Jupiter is at about 3:20....those positions will change around through the night but they will stay paired up throughout.

Got to get some dinner. Or Supper, whatever it would be called at this time of night.


Mits said...

2 words, Sissy....second opinion

magpie said...

Oh Sissy, I am sorry to hear of aggressive! How can they discharge him in such discomfort? Prayers for you, and him, and the doctors !

Mits said...

that is a real shame.....go on Mayo are an excellent source for info.

ceil said...

Mits the guy on the Marlin cam said that a boat with a blue marlin would be in about 9:30

hedgie said...

Haven't heard anything on the scanner, gang...but don't always hear all transmissions because of walkovers/crosstalk of several agencies.

floralgirl said...

Sorry to hear that, Sissy.

Mits said...

oh thanks, Ceil, I thought a blue might be coming in, if they are still reeling the blues in when time ends, they are allowed extra time....wonder if i should ride down, guess by the time I found a parking place it would be too late...

hedgie said...

Hey, gang, please renew prayer chain for friends' BF Ken. He was moved back in to ICU with complications from his bypass surgery. Thanks from me and Terry and Ken!

ceil said...

They are still 20 minutes away. 9 miles off the beach

ceil said...

Lynn will do.

Mits said...

just went out to see if I could see them, Ceil,,,too cloudy on the horizon...

Mits said...

sending prayers their way, Lynn...

hedgie said...

Sissy, I agree....second opinion!!! can't understand the wait at all---ridiculous. Don't think you need to worry about gangrene, but I would sure keep him omn a VERY BLAND LOW-FAT DIET.
Loretta, they wouldn't take mine out---NO stones, no vomiting..just severe pain---chronic inflammation...luckily it finally resolved itself, but had pain for years. (It's laparoscopic surgery for abdominal sites, and arthroscopic for joints.)

Mits said...

fireworks somewhere down here, probably Seacrets....

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - really getting upset with your ER drs.. Please get second opinion if possible before they discharge..

Lynn - Prayers will keep being offered
for Ken

deb said...

I am home and will get the Sturgis cam for you all. Then I will report on the very sick eagle.

Mits said...

aww Deb, :(

deb said...

Sturgis Cam

hedgie said...

Too bad we haven't seen Robyn on today to get her birthday greetings.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb - I couldn't find the cam.


magpie said...

Yes, Lynn, continued prayers for your friend's fellow. "Complications" is not a friendly word.

Neither is the term "very sick Eagle" Deb - will be waiting on that one.

ceil said...

I think that fishing boat is the slow boat to China.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, my wonderful friends, thanks for all the well wishes and great advice, as always!! I am going to go watch something stupid on tv for while.

Have a lovely evening you beautiful people!!

deb said...

The Bald Eagle is a 3 year old male that only weighs 5.6 lbs. The injury isn't that bad, but he is suffering from shock, dehydration and malnutrition. Janie started it on IV fluids, baby food and a heat lamp as soon as she got the Eagle. I feel so bad that it may not survive the night. The poor thing, it is still beautiful, but you can just see in its eyes that it is not healthy. We all thought they were bringing down a slightly injured bird.

ceil said...

Our nest seems quiet now. Did not hear the commotion but when I got on I thought I heard Hidey. Just two short peep peeps

deb said...

Sissy, hang in there, I haven't gotten to catch up on everything yet, but did see that you are very frustrated!

ceil said...

Deb so sorry. Hope it makes it.

deb said...

It is very frustrating to me, if we had known how bad the eagle was, someone would could have gone and gotten it!

hedgie said...

Thanks for prayers.
Thanks for Sturgis cam, Deb!
Oh-oh....that doesn't sound good, Deb....????????

Mits said...

aww Deb, poor thing....

Lolly said...

Been out watering pots. Neighbor came over to tell me his dogs had just got sprayed by a skunk. Thought the skunk might be in our yard. Jack and I continued our watering and kept a careful eye out!

Well, Deb, guess you were back in your vehicle and off to see the sick eagle. Sad!

Mits said...

Ceil think it missed the 25 after bridge opening is 55 after the hour.

ceil said...

Bridge open. Amazing Grace a few minutes away.

Mits said...

pretty name for the boat, Olivia Grace:)

Lolly said...

Earlier this year my brother in law became sick on a trip and had to have emergency surgery to remove his gallbladder as well as a gallstone that was blocking the duct it and the pancreas drained in to. (Think I have that right!)Anyway, he did have more problems and still has a drain in. Hopefully it will come out early next week. Had it since early spring.

Mits said...

I want to rock and roll all night and party every day:)KISS:)

Mits said...

they have had some oldies but goodies on the white marlin cam tonight

Mits said...

roflmbo, Ceil, guess I heard wrong...

ceil said...

My sons favorite group when he was young.
Oops I thought they said Amazing Grace.
Good night all. Going to try to watch the boat if I can stay awake.
Peaceful night.

Mits said...

nite, Ceil, ttut.

magpie said...

What happened with the Eagle, Deb?
I am sorry if I missed that part.
He is in the Best Care with Janie....

Bike on my "Fun and Dandy" link that belongs at Sturgis!
And Spicebush butterfly ( I think, Lolly or someone correct me if this is wrong name) on "Feathers, Fur and Misc. "

Mits said...

here it comes Ceil ,the Olivia Grace.

Mema Jo said...

Here comes da boat

I hope it is a Big Fish

magpie said...

Parent and chick at Finland Water.

You can tell I don't have the Boating cam up, never got to it yet.

Mema Jo said...

Hold that deck!

ceil said...

Mits you were right. Olivia Grace Hey I'm doing a Margy. No moon here Margy it is cloudy.

Mits said...

don't think it will beat the blue from yesterday, but if it qualifies, can take some money out of their pockets

Mits said...

looks like 2 fish in the boat.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, looks like two fish to me.

Mits said...

I'm younger than you Ceil, better hearing:)

magpie said...

I do not understand these gunshots, refreshed out cam to hear for Hidey, not gunshots !

Mema Jo said...

Thought I was seeing things, Mits!
Sure does look like 2 fishes in that
boat. Wonder how they handle that?

Mits said...

well they said there were 2 flags flying , one for a boated blue, one for a catch and release, maybe it is a differnt fish, like tuna or white marlin....

deb said...

I don't know if anyone knows exactly what happened, but Janie thinks it is just a slight break in the wing.

Lynn, prayers for you friend!

I need to get cleaned up, rats, quail, fish and bird mites. ICK!!

I have the names of the Ed birds finally, too, was waiting to make sure I was spelling them all correctly..

Scout, the Great Horned Owl
Stryker, the Northern Goshawk
Poppy, the Peregrine Falcon
Briar, the Red-tailed Hawk

Mits said...

they boated both blue marlin....

Mema Jo said...

How about that! Weighing both of them.

floralgirl said...

Two blues and they're weighing them both.

Lolly said...

Where can I find the boat cam? Please!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all. Mattie is staying with me tonight and I love it.

Mattie wanted to know if you all were sick of Pat Monahan or Train. I told her you all haven't told me you are yet! :)

Mits said...

holy cow, five get that one blue

floralgirl said...

Wow, that is wild.

floralgirl said...

Tell Mattie Hi and I never tire of looking at Pat's picture.

Mits said...

poor George, 336 lbs....bummer

hedgie said...

One at a time, Jo!!!
That one only weighed 300+---too small to qualify for $$.

magpie said...

Thanks, Deb...
The names for the educational birds are great !

Mema Jo said...

Marlin Cam at Ocean City, MD

Mits said...

love the name Poppy, deb:)

hedgie said...

Deb, do you know how the eagle sustained injury? Because of its debilitated state? Poor thing... know that Janie will be up all night with it. Sad.

Mits said...

good job, 530 lbs.....

floralgirl said...

Ok, cool! right into 2nd place with that fish.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lynn lol I meant separately..

WHOO HOO now we got one that counts.

floralgirl said...

Not bad $$$$

Mits said...

1st place guy won't be happy....$120,000 bucks for this one, not too shabby

Mema Jo said...

I would hang on to that line for 5 hrs for $110,000 bucks!

ceil said...

They could get 120,000.00 for it.

floralgirl said...

Lol..I'd jump in the water and catch it for that much!

Mits said...

and we would hold you too, for a piece of the money, Jo

Mits said...

that is unbelievable to stand all that time...

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...