Sunday, August 23, 2009


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Just going to tell you I was Out The Door! Thank you Steve I hope you & family are having a relaxing weekend.

Margy got some good pics of this morning's visit!

I'll go get others to enjoy this fresh thread..........

stronghunter said...

Brought this over . . .

Norma, I understand what you're talking about . . . last summer I hired someone to do outdoor work on my house. I knew he was playing games with me . . . brought a friend, wanted more money to pay friend to help, etc., etc.

Also told me he had run out of paint so couldn't paint garage door. Plenty of paint. Will and I did the door.

At one point, the friend was on the roof and started screaming because he encountered a wasp nest. The other guy had to go through my bathtub and out a window to help him. They were sitting on my roof yelling and swearing as a thunderstorm was approaching. At least I got some entertainment. Do not know what the very conservative family next door with 5 children thought, though.

Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:55:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Jo.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' STEVE!---Thanks for the SUNNY thread---still visiting colleges?----Wishing you all the best---Thanks JO!

Mema Jo said...


Meatball is going with me to market!

stronghunter said...

When the house-repair guy offered to wash the outdoors of my house for $600, I said no, absolutely no. He said he would do it by hand. Heck, no! I got the job done for less than $100--not by hand, but golly gee!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am heading outside to cut Mopsy's hair and brush Buphals. Should be a pretty "hairy" job!

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone. I hope you all are doing well.
Sorry to have missed our couple this morning.

T-Bird said...

Shirley, I'll have to look at your pics. Thanks

movin said...

*** Good Morning ***

*** Everybody ***

*** in Eagle LanD ***



NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday Everyone. Hooray---another nest visit!
Last night (Early AM)at Finney nest, one of the siblings came in w/a big chunk of salmon. The other sib was there too, but left & Koo returned but there was no sharing!
Looks like they're doing some shopping somewhere!

NatureNut said...

Lotta stuff to do~~~~~BBL

movin said...

Good screen-captures, Strong.

I guess it is official now. Hidey must have departed the scene, God bless him.

I hope he has a long and happy life in the world of birds.



ceil said...


Mits said...

Thanks for the update, Ceil...:)

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon.

Looks very summery at the nest. And it looks like Belle and Lib have been working on that nest plant.

movin said...

Very good view of the Panda baby at SD.



ceil said...

Jim thanks. Cub is getting big and starting to look like a panda

movin said...

Is that the adult female or the fledgling at BWO??

The fledgling does not have as many light-tipped feathers as they usually do, so it's hard to tell sometimes.



NatureNut said...

WOW! Read back to see Margy's pics (not on her blog.Nuts) & saw a wonderful tip from Techie Red!!!! Thanks!
My 'puter has been adding virtual memory for over a year & making me nuts. I just barely was able to find out what it is----space allotted on the hard drive. I thought I was cramming it w/too many pictures, but I have plenty of memory left! DUH

NatureNut said...

Shirley--just a tip. Saving nest pics is real easy by also opening the Still Cam. Then you can just right click & Save. Won't have to crop out anything extra either.☺

Mits said...

Jim I posted the update from BWO, this a.m......

We may have lost our mother osprey to migration. Not many sightings of the adults, and this shot from yesterday appears to show our father osprey with our youngster.

hedgie said...

Loretta, Margy posted pics on Magpies' Roost, and maybe in momsters' album.
Just had a BIG BUNCH of black birds out back on the corn. Not sure if blackbirds or grackles....don't think big enough for crows. Got some pics but will have to put on puter and see if they are any good....sunny and clicking through glass=????

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Thank you Steve!

Shirley, glad Suzie is back safe and thank you for the pictures.

I was up and was so lucky to see Belle and Lib at the nest.

Also checked on Koo. Early am was with sibling each had a fish. Now alone and getting dark.

Bai Yun is doing more sharing the past day or two. Diego growing and seems to be on the way to some moving around.

Thank you, Norma.

Sharon, you'll enjoy Bedford, I think. Good place to sweep one's cobwebs away and regroup.

Quiet day. Had to go to Ft. Belvoir to pick up new glasses. Glad to have them for a few days before classes begin so I can adapt. Sunny, some breeze, less humid.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I cannot believe how colorful Diego is getting.

hedgie said...

There was an article in the paper this am about a guy building a castle near Berkeley Springs (modern one, not the famous old one!). If interested to look....many pages of many photos and text...a lot of wildlife shots, too:

Dupont Castle

Sure would like to know how much $$$$ is tied up in this 10 yr. project!!!!

PA Nana said...

Judie, Judie, Judie. I saw your reference to Ft. Belvoir and I believe that's where my grandson has his weekend trainings. He's Army Reserves and begins classes at Randolph-Macon next week. Daughter and family live in Chesapeake.

It seems our days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer in Finland. I'm usually able to get a peek at Koo at this time of day, it's almost too dark now.

Love that little Panda!!!

Oops, did it again. Forgot my manners. Hi everyone and blesssings around.

NatureNut said...

Thx, Lynn--I checked out E_M albums & found them. I sure have trouble w/those Yahoo sites.
I had looked at Margy's blog "Feather..." site.
Isn't it wonderful to see them again?! Wonder if we'll ever see Hidey? Guess he's out w/the juvie gang now! He may be in the area, just not in the nest anymore.

hedgie said...

Heading for grocery store. See all y'all later.

floralgirl said...

Well, shoot, Hedgie left for the store before I could give her my grocery list...
PA Nana, my SIL and her family live in Chesapeake, VA.

magpie said...

Good Sunday Afternoon Eagle Pals

Sorry if my Belle-Liberty pictures were hard to find, just thought I would throw a few on a Blog link before putting the rest in the E-M photo album.

I guess I could create another link, but mostly everyone has good pictures on their links and things so I will probably just leave as is, for now.

Thanks for the Live Cam alert, Ceil ☺

Judie said...

Hi Diann, yes army reserves would train at Ft. Belvoir. I don't go there often as the traffic is horrendous but the optical store people are very good and very fast. I grew up in the Va. Beach/Norfolk area and remember when there really was no Chesapeake, Va. I believe it was just Princess Anne County and there was no City of Virginia Beach and the beach was actually a beach and not an expensive tourist resort. Also, Randolf-Macon is a good school and hope your grandson does well this semester.

I think I need a nap -- didn't sleep well last night -- kept thinking about Jo's cane.

magpie said...

You folks will have to tell me all about any sounds you hear on the cam

Ceil - I had to chuckle, you mentioned you like to comment on comments and sometimes make notes to remember what you want to remark about. I do the same! And still I forget sometimes. :)

magpie said...

So for now I will just say it sure is nice to "see" everyone, check out the nice pictures, and hear all about your adventures. ☺

magpie said...

I think mostly everyone knows how to get to the
E-M Momsters albums. If you go to the home page, over on the left are some links, go to "Photos" - then start reading the titles of the albums you want to open up. We are posting pics on the album which includes "2009 7/1/09 to8/31/09 " -
Jo has been seeing to it that these are set up for us ! ☺

Then you can look at all other neat photos, of some our field trips, Open Houses, etc ☺

floralgirl said...

Yesterday morning, a young opossum got caught in our havaheart trap, hubby opened the trap door soon after, as we were not trying to catch him, but a groundhog. The silly thing stayed in there all day sleeping, right at the door, nibbled on some corn, then just napped all day. He left sometime during the night. I put picture of him snoozing on my blog-whatever.

magpie said...

Cute little guy, Megan !

I'm hoping to get to market Next Sunday to stock up for the Fall !


magpie said...

I definitely have a squirrel encroaching upon my living quarters....have to call the landlord to get the Critter Guy lined up....he does have-a-hearts too and the sooner the better !

ceil said...

Margy I do the same thing. Sometimes forget what i just read.
Megan loved your possum.

Mema Jo said...

I am home from market and other running around today and ready to put my feet up for a few!

Helen - I gave Megan your hug

"Meatball" met Floralgirl and was given
a flower for behind her ear. Ate lunch at the Red Byrd then drove to some other sights.


Mits said...

sounds like a fun day, Jo:)

floralgirl said...

Hey Nargy, I don't have any Fall plants right now, there are two other vendors who might have something plant wise. Right now I am strictly flowers, have been too busy to start any fall plants.

magpie said...

That's okay, Negan , I mean Megan ☺
I will settle for some of your flowers and maybe check out one of the other vendors....would rather wait for yours if there are going to be any ☺

Ah Jo...sounds great!
Meatballs and flowers - what a great combination !

magpie said...

what an understatement:
"settle for some of your flowers " -
Mean this: Would be most happy with some of your flowers, Megan !

magpie said...

I find myself having to speed read a little when I get home in the mornings...I honestly think I fell asleep at the computer Saturday morning doing just that! And then I clicked on Still Cam when I "came to" and saw that beautiful Eagle just before it bailed.

But I have notepaper and pens here at the make notes ☺

Mits said...

you are an excellent poster, Margy.....can tell you read everything:)

magpie said...

Wow, just did a slideshow of the July-Aug Momster album....sure would be great to see Hidey on the nest again!

Okay, gotta start throwing things together here for another work shift...hope it's only 6 hours, never know for sure until I unplug and leave.

Best Wishes for a Great Sunday Evening to all ☺ ♥

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Oh PS - It was nice to See T-Bird on here today ☺

magpie said...

Thank you Helen ♥

floralgirl said...

Whoops, pardon the typo- who is Nargy...fell down some stairs yesterday and my hand is killing me, and having a hard time typing and navigating the mouse.

magpie said...

Ouch Megan! Sorry to hear this..
typoes can be fun! I like my new name ☺

You should see some of the typoes we have at work.

Someone typed a comment the other day, about some "suspects" -
"One left on a bicycle and the other left on a foot." Well, okay now! (they meant "on foot.")

Okay Bye Now....and in advance:

Hello Everyone...sorry to miss you!

Mits said...

roflmbo....good one Margy....Megan sorry about your fall....take care.

floralgirl said...

I'm fine, just need to slow down. Steps were slippery cause they were wet from the rain.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Loretta. I experimented and figured out how to do pictures from the still cam. Will keep it in mind.

Have to unload groceries and fix supper.

magpie said...

Ooops just remembered.
Watch for the Baby Moon in the West/South west tonight. It was an elegant little sliver last night, should be more visible tonight!

magpie said...

It won't be out very long, maybe around just after sunset for an hour maybe ?

hedgie said...

Megan, so sorry about your fall. Hope your hand/wrist feels better soon.....but if it doesn't, don't ignore it! There's a couple of type of fractures that don't show up on x-rays for a couple of weeks....Remember....RICE: rest, ice, compression (ace wrap) and elevation! Listen to your nurse now.
That possum knew a good place to snooze! So ugly they are cute. That's what everyone said about the ones we handraised, as well as about my SharPei!!

Have a friend who lives in Chesapeake...I love it there!

hedgie said...

Thrills.....for all of us Social Security recipients...NO Cost-of-Living increase for the next 2 years....what kind of BS is that???? But you can bet they will raise the Medicare premium. ARGH!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynn, I was thinking the same thing. I just got on Social Security.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, and you're still working.....losing $1 in SS for every $ you earn, right? That's what my Bill is going through. But he HAD to go ahead and start drawing SS because GM reducews our pensions by the amount of our SS the minute we become eligible.

Mema Jo said...

What are Farm Town Gifts on Facebook?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening eagle buds!! How are ya? Diego is really growing, isn't he?

Mema Jo said...

SISSY I don't know how to answer you.............

Mits said...

don't do FB, Jo, so don't know...Hi ya, Sissy

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just put a couple of pics on my profile of the osprey we saw at the lake!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

You fell off of Facebook again Jo! You will get the hang of it. I really love it, so easy to keep up with family stuff on there!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hey Mits, how are ya?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nice to see our live feed back up! I reckon it is too much to hope to see an eagle in it, huh?

hedgie said...

Sissy, did you read back? Belle and Lib both in nest this morning! Pics on Momsters' album and on Margy and Shirley blogs.

Jo, I din't play the games so can't answer you! Glo and Candy and Red and Vicki are the gamers!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow!! That is great, I been missin' them!!!

Judie said...

Hey, Margy. Bet those reports are the most fun of the job.

Megan, listen to the nurse! Take care of that hand.

Beg Meatball and Megan really hit it off.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has to use a cheat sheet - course don't want my students to know about it.

Yep, social security and health care are making us nervous these days.

Okay, off to visit the t.v. for a few.

Almost forgot, Hi Nargy!


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Great news that Lib and Belle were in the nest this morning!

My live feed was on for a moment, now getting the barber pole :(

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be watching reruns of old 'Criminal Minds' which I haven't seen.

I think I just invited everyone on my email list to be my friends on facebook. I didn't mean to do that!
Oh Well. I also am not going to be playing games. I like my solitaire too well.


paula eagleholic said...

Wow I guess Jim is right. Liberty and Belle at the nest and no Hidey. He must have flown the coop! God Bless our Hidey!

paula eagleholic said...

My cam is OK now :)

floralgirl said...

Little miss Meatball was adorable:)

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - loved the sleeping possum!

Did we get much rain up here? It rained all yesterday afternoon and into the evening at Moms.

paula eagleholic said...

What, no SS increase?

paula eagleholic said...

Aww, Meatball and Floralgirl. What a nice combination.

floralgirl said...

Some places got more than others, we got only about half an inch here.
The possum was so funny, he could hardly keep his eyes open during the day, kept trying to scare us away, then you would see his eyes slowly drooping closed.

floralgirl said...

Millions of older people face shrinking Social Security checks next year, the first time in a generation that payments would not rise. The trustees who oversee Social Security are projecting there won't be a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the next two years. That hasn't happened since automatic increases were adopted in 1975.

paula eagleholic said...

In case you missed any of the "Planet Earth" series from PBS, they are now running on Sunday nights on the Discovery Channel.

paula eagleholic said...

They are running shows from 2007 tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like there was only 1/4" in my rain gauge, but some may have evaporated today. I opened the windows as soon as I got home, so nice to have some of that humidity gone!

stronghunter said...

Finally got back on the blog. Could not for awhile. Do not know why. Jo, I was chatting with you on FB and you went away! I had never chatted on there before when you contacted me. I am just learning how to manage that account too.

On Social Security . . . I am not losing anything. I am over 65. I discussed it with the man at Social Security and I can work and collect.

I am trying to make up for lost time. I took so many years off raising children. I need all the help I can get. I do not know when I will be able to retire.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon is moving to Bedford??

paula eagleholic said...

And the Skins won? Cool.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, that's great that you can go stay with Thelma for awhile.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I am waiting for my one load of laundry to dry, then I am headed to bed. We got a lot done this weekend, but we stayed up to 1am on Saturday night/this morning working. I am beat. Thank goodness my son has been going down to help.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go grab a shower and scrub the paint off...bbl to say goodnight.

stronghunter said...

Welcome back, Paula.

stronghunter said...

I have to say good night. I have some things to do to get ready for tomorrow.

God bless . . .

T-Bird said...

good night all

Lolly said...

Shirley, just sent a request asking you to be my friend on FB.

stronghunter said...

I am happy to be your friend, Lolly!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Paula, after you finish your work at your Mom's, you will not know what to do with yourself on weekends.

Jo, I am glad we are once again friends. LOL

Took it easy today. Did a little house cleaning, but really was lazy. Yard work yesterday, right after keeping the boys...I was wiped out last night. Slept 9 hours and that is unusual for me.

Jack and I are really looking forward to this coming week. Nothing planned!!! Think we are going to Fort Worth tomorrow. Central Market is a huge grocery store we like to go to. It has things that you do not ordinarily find. Time to get back to some good cooking.

Lolly said...

Yea, Shirley, my friend!

hedgie said...

Shirley, thought it was age 70 before you could make any amount w/o SS penalty...Bill is only 65.

Yep, Paula, Shar is going to live at Thelmas' for the winter, and Yes, Ma'am---Skins beat the Steelers!

Mema Jo said...

I am getting the emails from Facebook to approve friends but the link that I click on can't be found.
I guess I can do it in Facebook itself.. under Friends on the menu

I'm too mind boggled right now to look for it!

Lolly said...

You will get the hang of it fast, Jo.

NatureNut said...

Glad Paula is home. You can start a home renovation business LOL!
Just had Finney nest on & it was MT. Then Koo popped in.
Margy, if you have to get up early, plz watch the nest!!! Today's pics everyone got were great! Gonna look for desert, then hit the shower--2 appts tommorrow AM Duh/

Lolly said...

Nite Loweeda!

deb said...

I am home and don't think I will try and catch up tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Really good Market day!I look forward to going over on Sundays.

I am headed in to get ready to retire!
Peace to you & yours
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep

Thinking about all of you and praying for your needs to be fulfilled.

(((hugs))) ♥

Lolly said...

Good nite, Jo! How much fun taking Meatball to meet Megan!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite to all those hitting the hay!

Lolly, believe or not, I am going to start cleaning up around here this winter when all this is said and done. I've got too much stuff!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to catch a few minutes of the news and head to bed. Catch ya'll tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

deb said...

I am off to bed, too. Night everyone!

Judie said...

Hope someone can get a quick look at the nest. Something seems odd going on. A waving feather or light?

Mema Jo said...



An Insect's antennae

Lolly said...

Just was reading about the people that were knocked into the ocean in Maine. Know exactly where they were in Acadia, we were there two years ago.

Lolly said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! A giant spider!!!!!!!

Judie said...

Ah, thank you Jo. I never thought on an insect antennae. Began to wonder if I were seeing the ghosts of eagles past. Sure looked weird.

Have to go to school tomorrow so will visit in the afternoon. Turning my light out now but leaving the night light on for others.

Goodnight everyone.

Lolly said...

Nite Judie! Have a good day tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Love the night insect sounds on the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening to all my eagle budlets. Went to Lynchburg to a meeting this evening and then to the top of a mountain to take somebody home! Wow, what a trip! I hope everyone is having a wonderful night!

hedgie said...

Megan, I bet that possum either had a very rough night or was just playing possum!!

hedgie said...

I liked Lynchburg when I was there a few times as a teen, Shar---used to be a pretty little it still??
Lowreeda, have you seen the coverage of the fires outside Athens? Scary stuff.
I'm am going to say goodnight to you all. Prayers for healing and health. "See" you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Ferry is coming! Think I will go for a ride. Bye!

Lolly said...

Have a friend in Greece. She was also going to Turkey, do not know where she was going first. Hope the fires do not affect her trip.

Going to call it a night.

Sweet dreams! Prayers for all teachers and students for the new year.

Costume Lady said...

I'm following suit and turning in now, with hopes of seeing our Royal Couple in the morning. See all of you then too:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. See you'uns in the morning!

PA Nana said...

Good nite all. Peaceful dreams.
Prayers for all that need and hope your Monday is good to you.
Bless us all

magpie said...

Well, I am sure glad Judie and everyone else leaves the night light on ! Nothing like a welcoming beacon to soothe the spirits...

Oh Yes, Lolly insect sounds at the nest. I remember that from when I had sound! :(

magpie said...

We have an unbiased opinion on how cute Jo's Meatball is !
Our favorite Marketeer has given her a thumbs up :)

but, we have surely learned to trust Jo's opinions on these matters as well ☺

magpie said...

Koo has a fish but I don't know how it got there...
trying to learn how to save using Lorett'a instructions....

magpie said...

Well I tried but failed on the screen I will just tell you that Koo is alone in the nest and eating.
Good Night and I will keep the night light on also ☺

magpie said...

Well, I had to try it again, and managed to get the capture off the live screen! Thanks Loretta!

Also, Wanda I can't promise to be the Early Nest Watcher, it is kind of late here at my roost, but I might be up for one of those "nature breaks."

Did anyone see the beautiful Baby Moon last night?

Also: For those of you starting your day early: Hope It's A Good One...and special best wishes for our School Teachers here..

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning/middle of the night eagle buds!! I hear something above the nest but don't see anything. I am on patrol, though, will let you know!!

PA Nana said...

Well, I couldn't sleep again.
I turned the A/C off too early and suffered with the humidity. I"m watching Koo eat a fish but not sure how it got to the nest. She seems to use her wings a lot to steady herself while she bites into the fish. She also seems wary and is looking around a lot. Maybe she sees me watching her. ;o)
Hubby will soon be getting up for work so I best try to get some sleep before I miss the whole day.
Good morning to all and God bless,

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I lost the live feed but the still cam is still up.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ok, live feed is back, wasn't holding my mouth right!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sounds like someone is tap dancing on the cam!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Koo just flew off!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The tap dancer is a bug, can't tell if it is Boris or not.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I hear an eagle!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Koo is back!

magpie said...

Two Eagles are in our nest.


magpie said...

By the time I could live feed opened up, one of the adults had left
Still one there

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

omg!! Stepped away from my desk for a minute!!

magpie said...

I'm thinking it is Liberty, just sitting there - if it were Belle I would think she would be busy in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning magpie! Double treat this morning, you and an eagle!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

i think that is Belle!

magpie said...

Which one is it Sissy ?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

But you are probably right! She would be working!

magpie said...

I'm thinking Belle now too...looks like her longness

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


magpie said...

Oh Boy - double treat now !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now THAT is Belle!! She is so much bigger than Lib!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!!! Belle and Lib are in the nest!!! WAKE UP!!

magpie said...

I really was not expecting to be up watching this...glad you are here Sissy !

magpie said...

What does it sound like up there in the nest ?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

i can't hear anything but buzzing now!! Belle flew the coop!

magpie said...

I got a lot of screen grabs to post on the a few minutes
back to one now...

Costume Lady said...

How special is that?

magpie said...

Way Special !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Wanda! Isn't it great!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Do ya'll have any sound? I did earlier but now it is just buzzing.

magpie said...

I haven't had sound for several days Sissy, something's wrong with my audio device :(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Both gone now! :(

magpie said...

Maybe they will come back for the rest of the Momsters to see...
I'm going to post on the E-M album and head back to bed...

See You Later Ladies !
xo !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

At the risk of sounding not very smart, what album??

Costume Lady said...

That last eagle to fly away was Lib, I believe, and he can't take off from his usual launch pad because the "tree" is in the way:)
As much fun as it has been to watch that thing grow, I hope someone removes it before Lib & Belle vacate the premises and find another nesting area!

Costume Lady said...

Over on the Eaglet Momsters Page, Sissy.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ok, where is the Eaglet Momsters page? Can't believe I don't know!!

Judie said...

Good Glorious Morning!

Cant's believe I woke up early and was rewarded with two eagles in the nest. ANTICIPATION...

No sound just humming.

Will be interesting to see the tree removal technique used on the nest.

Shirley, enjoy the first day back with the students. Let us know if the student arrives on his scooter. Did your posters arrive in time?

I think one or two others begin classes to day, also. Kindergarten? If so, have a productive and non-crisis day.

Must get ready to go to my school house for some IT training. Back this afternoon.

Cheers to all,

magpie said...

go to the Eaglet Momsters Yahoo Home page, over to the left are links, go to photos, check out the selections - there are nest photos and Open House etc....the one for this month is "2009 7-31-09 - 8-31-09"

I just put six up and the ones from yesterday are there too.

magpie said...

And there are a few on my Magpie's Roost link, Sissy, and I am going to put another one up now too.

Hi Judie...Have a good day

magpie said...

Okay I put one up on Magpie's Roost link on my's when the second one arrived, nice wing action!

Good Night again everyone, got things to do later on and have to get some more shut-eye!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Found it. You know, I don't think I have ever been on that page. Now how weird is that!??

Costume Lady said...

Have a good rest, Margy.

Sissy, now you have a whole new world about us, to look at now:)
Lots of good times and fun pictured there!

magpie said...

There are all kinds of great pictures on there, that you have found it, have fun! There are some of you on there !

So long......

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

Too Funny Wanda! We said about the same thing to Sissy !

You TOLD me to be up this morning watching, so I guess I was following the Tiger's Orders !

xoxo Pillows Here I come !

Costume Lady said...

For those of you who didn't get to see Lib & Belle yesterday morning, I got a video of them and posted it to my Wild and Wonderful blog.
Working now on one from this morning. It takes several hours to post a 6 minute video:(

Costume Lady said...

Ha, you, Margy:)

Costume Lady said...

SORRY, JUDIE, I DIDN'T HEAR YOU COME IN...Have a good School day and Year. Look forward to all our teachers adventures!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, hope you are back in bed, but had to put this on here while I have it on my mind...The photo of me in the field of Milkweed was taken near the Coast Guard and VA Center. Did it look familiar to you?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mattie wants me to start waking her up early today so it will be easier for the first day of school. Bless her heart, she is so excited about starting middle school and I am probably just as scared as she is excited!!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---WOW!----I think this blog 'ROCKED ALL NITE LONG'!!---No breaks--MARGY---ROCKED from SUN into MON---& didn't miss a word---then the whole crew was up & down---ALL NITE LONG!---REMINDS ONE of XMAS EVE---YOU ALL ARE A COOL CREW!!------but this might be a looooooooooong day for some!---LOVE YA---STAY COOL & KEEP THOSE EYES OPEN!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Norma. Yeah, we were a chatty bunch this morning. Was talking to myself for a while but then Margy joined in!!

Costume Lady said...

Did you get a look at the photos of the visit this morning? What a pleasure it is to see them looking things over:)

floralgirl said...

Dang, I was up then, but forgot to open the cam page. Missed the eagle visit:(
Morning all:)

deb said...

I slept late this morning, got to run. BBL Glad you saw the Eagles!

Mits said...

Good Monday morning everyone....I was up but didn't have the puter on, so missed the visit.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--MARGY---SISSY--PA-NANA--WANDA--& JUDIE!---Looking forward to a beautiful sunny day here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA--- home of LIBERTY & BELLE--parents of HEIDY aka MIRACLE!---who is SOARING HIGH -- EXPLORING HER NEW WORLD---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN -- DEB & MITS!---Oh yeah!--I was up--making myself beautiful & I missed it too!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I checked on your OPPOSSUM!
OH YEAH!!---He has your number--looking all cute & helpless---ho!

floralgirl said...

Think that possumm just decided he had found a good spot to stay out of the rain. We wanted him out so we could reset the trap, but he wouldn't budge.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody!

Mits said...

Morning Miss Sharon:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!---Wishing you a happy day----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - beach or Bethesda?

Mits said...


normabyrd said...

PA SITE---A TURKEY HEN & a 'roly-poly' GROUND HOG eating at the site---

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Friends in Eagleland
Mits, Sharon, Megan, Norma, Deb, Wanda, Sissy, Margy, Judie,
Diann, and Shirley (at school)

I'll have to catch the pictures taken of Liberty and Belle this morning.

NORMA --- 3 black donkeys out with plenty of other donkeys.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoooo NORMA 2nd row a "brown donkey" at Bonair.

wvgal_dana said...

When are they suppose to do maintenance on the cam and clean the screen?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Dana. How is it going?

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning! Here's my Sunday BWO report:

Junior was sitting on top of the cam for awhile. He started calling out and then hopped down onto the nest. Moments later Dad arrived with a fish and promptly took off. He made a circle around me and stared right at me (I've noticed before that when I linger too close to any osprey nest a parent will fly right over me, I think to draw my attention away from the nest). When I turned back to look at the nest, Mom was flying in and landed on top of the cam. She stayed there for quite a while.

In the blog Lisa posted yesterday she mentioned Braveheart calling out at perhaps another bird, maybe an eagle. I actually think it was calling to a parent sitting on top of the cam. If you look at the photo she posted it is looking right up at the cam. I was wondering if the parents are holding back fish trying to encourage the chick to go out and get its own.

It will take me a couple of days to whittle down all the photos and post them. I'll let you know when I do.


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...